3C03TDAY, itTOTEMBER 29, 1926. FLATT5M0UTH. SEMI -70 page Tunxa MEXICO AND CENTAL AMERICA Cbc plattemoutb lournal TOBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, KEBEASXA bUrW at Poatof lc. FlAttsmonth, Nab. m Mooaa-clMa mail mttMr R. A. BATES, Publisher STJESC2XPTI0X PEICE $2.00 Thanksgiving has passed! -:o:- The House of David seems to have lacked a Solomon. :o: Congress will soon meet annual talking contest. :o: for the Famous last lines: "And he didn't drink a drop before the country went dry." :o: The happiest thought now with the Kids is Christmas and Santa Claus. :o: There's many a slip twixt the foot and the walk, unless the pavements are cleaned. :o: Famous last lines: "Why, my dear, I don't think the picture does you justice." :o: To revive an ancient question in a new form, why does a pedestrian cross the road? :o: Motto for the proposed pedestrians' union: United we stand; divided we get nocked for "a row." :o: Tou'd never think this country had only six years supply of oil if you looked at the oil cans about you. :o: Anvwav Queen Marie put Rumania on the map until some other Balkin J state comes along and wipes it off. :o: Science has perfected a synthetic sausage casting cellulose, but all wool still Is meeting with some demand. :o: A New York policeman caught a woodcock. Thia is not the only rare bird ever caught in New York, how ever. :o: Our sympathy goes out today to the boy who played hookey from school only to find out later it was Saturday. :o: They can't find Houdini's will any where. Have they looked in his coat sleeves, or gone over his clothes for false .pockets? - :o: i 1 In order to forecast the weather with a reasonable4 degree of accuracy, all you have to do is predict anything you don't expect. :o: A violinist plays the old, old tunes with success. In this respect, the musician has an advantage over the modern political orator. :o: The rock pile afforded by some southern states has been condemned by the national hobo convention. What's a man going to do for a win ter home? :o: That sudden rise in the French franc is more, serious than most peo ple realize. American tourists are said to be appealing to the Red Cross in large numbers. j New Low Prices Model 400 Reproducer Now $17.50 STEWART-WARNER Matched-Unit Radio There's only one Matched-Unit Radio the Stewart Warner. Radio reception is admittedly most satis factory when each unit of the radio receiver, tubes, reproducer and accessories are matched to co-ordinate perfectly with each other. This perfect co-ordination of units is absolutely impossible when there has been no attempt made to match the various parts or when each is the product of a different manufacturer. You have been waiting for the kind of entertainment that Stewart-Warner Matched-Unit Radio will bring into your home. This you may now have at new attrac tive prices. Popular demand has made this possible. Let us demonstrate Matched-Unit Radio in your home. Raymond Hild, Phone 2805 MYNAED, NEBRASKA PES YEAE US ADVANCE Daugherty is in the limelight once ! more. -:o:- American What next? water ways approved! -:o:- Oh, what countrymen. Fall there was, my -:o:- An angel in plays the devil. politics sometimes Christmas, the joyous time of the season, is next in line. :o: Queen Marie and party are off for home. God speed them! :o: Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and the laugh is on you! :o: Soon a horse and buggy will be as great a curiosity as a Roman chariot. :o: Meredith of Iowa, for president, is a good joke. And McAdoo thrown in! :o:- The trouble with some pronounced convictions is that they are so often pronounced. :o: Even the movies are unable to put any heart interest into channel swimming. :o: A writer says Christmas should be earth's perfect day. After the sweet buy and buy? -:o: Once upon a time a man owned a Ford, and he did not have any signs on the back of it. :o: Keep your eyes on the humble man. Perhaps he is lying low for the pur pose of humbling you. :o: Queen Marie plans to be back In Rumania by Christmas. Out of the high hats by Christmas, boys! :o: Sweden voted wet. Perhaps the news got around that snakes killed 19,308 persons in India last year. :o: For the Lord's sake, do something with the prohibition question, and then get down to genuine business. :o: A tornado plays no favorites. The village schoolhouse is destroyed as ruthlessly hotel. as the palatial seashore :o:- Ma Ferguson, governor of Texas, has issued during her term of office, 2,645 pardons. Pretty fair for a woman. :o: i Musolini says Italy must have hert likely to work in general harmony place in the sun, probably having inwith the majority. Several will seek mind that this would make him a' re-election in 192S, when, if ever, it sun god. -:o:- An invention has perfected a ma chine that hops like a grasshopper. But it probably infringes on the pat- ent of the first man who cracked a flivver sparkplug. Model 300 Now $50.00 MB Same Trice for over 35 years USE LESS THAN OF HIGHER PRICED BRANDS Why Pay O War Prices? CHE GOVERNMENT USED 1 MILLIONS OF POUNDS BEST STRATEGY The presence in Washington of cenators called thirther by the Eng lish inpeachment, gives rise to all manner of conjecture touching the regular session which will convene about one week hence. Thia session of course is of the old congress and not of the one chosen on Nov. 2. The relative party strength is not far different from what it was be fore the summer adjournment. Even in the present congress, how ever, Republican control of the up per branch is scant enough to make it possible for the Insurgent group to play hob with administration plans whenever the spirit of mischief dictates such a policy. The present gossip is that this group of pseudo Republicans, joining with the Demo cratic minority in the short session may force an early convening of the new congress by the familiar device of withholding approval of essentia1 supply bills. This would bring a situatior whereby for twenty months preced ing the next presidential election, congress might remain at work, its upper branch no more than nominal ly Republican, turning out a grist of politics, usable if not useful in the campaign. A president devoted to quiet who is at least a tentative candidate to succeed himself, might well pray for relief from such con stant legislative espionage. The most obvious answer to all this is that it is not likely to happen As little as they like Republican re gulars, the insurgents like Demo crats even less. They may unite with the minority for temporary advan tage now and then, but there is lit tle probability of an agreement for mal or lasting enough to jeopardize administration control. On the contrary, there are severa reasons why the insurgent group is is worth while for them to seem tc be Republicans. Committee prefer ment, to which even an insurgent cannot be indifferent, makes it advis able to kick over the traces too often The inducements to be good during the coming month are too plain to be ignored. With the agricultural situation not improved, with immediate . tax re duction in prospect and with ordin ary politics rampant, congress will face a winter of activity. It would not be strange if conditions, with out any artificial stimulas, required a special session. Any group however, that tries to force such a Bession for partisan ad vantage would almost certainly de feat its own purpose. The public would have no patience with such r program. Mr. Coolidge Insists there is nc politics in tax revision. The same may be said of most of the issue? now in prospect. It would be a re lief if political spokesmen, instead of discussing party strategy in con nection with the next session, would discuss means of non-partisan pub lic service. In the end that might prove the very highest strategy. :o: Mrs. Sarah Jane Taylor, 92-year-old Mormon, boasts that she has the largest family in the United States. It numbers in all 308. How vain! Let her consider the family of any common housefly and be humble. ;o: A Boston judge has ruled that a man is not insane simply because he thinks about women. Naturahy a man may think about women without be ing crazy about them. Federal men uncovered a mail-order liquor house in New Tork. That's one less catalog the farmer will have to bother with. Mr. Kellogg's plain intimation that Mexico is meddling in the politics of Central America has moved the Mex icans to gales of laughter. They re call that the United States had done a great deal of meddling in the poli tics of Central America, and particu larly have not forgotten the little revolution fermented by Mr. Roose velt to gain for us the Panama Canal strip. However it is no more reprehensible in Mexico to project her ideas into Central America than it has been for us to so project our own. The Mex icans make this point, and it is a palpable bit. It is not true, they pro test, that Mexican government is med dling in Central American politics It is true, perhaps, that the principles of the Mexican revolution are at large in that part of the world, and it is quite well known that these are what is unsettling government in such states as Nicaragua and Guatemala The enterprises of Mexican citizens are not easily controlled, even if Mex ico attempted to control them. We have had abundant proof of this dif ficulty in restraining Americans dis posed to filibuter in Central America Mr. Kellogg appears to be living up to his cognomen of "Nervous Nel ly." His fear that Mexico is project ing bolshevism into Central America and that it may become a barrier be tween ourselves and the Panama Canal, is laughable. We have about as much to fear from bolshevism in that quarter as we have to fear from it in Russia. Central America is mov ing to liberalism, which it has never had. It sees the fruits of liberalism in the United States, and it aspiret to be as we are. Is there anything strange about that? :o: THE PUBLIC'S T0EP0B For the second time within two months a former member of President Harding's cabinet stands before the bar of justice on a criminal charge. Harry M. Daugherty, former Attor ney General, was the first. Albert B. Fall, former Secretary of the Inter ior, is the second. Daugherty es caped a possible term in the peniten tiary when the jury disagreed. He will be tried again, according to the present plans of the government. Fall awaits his fate. If the public is shocked, it gives no sign. The newspapers gave much space to the Daugherty trial, and will report fully the trial of Fall. Fraud upon the government, how ever, is not an exciting subject these days. Both Fall and Daugherty cases involve intricate transactions whose details are not easy to master. They cannot be reduced to the simple lingo of sex crimes and kidnaping cases. However, the main fact is clear, namely, that Fall and Daugherty, a few years ago, honored high officials, are now charged with, criminal of fenses. That shows how the tone of our public life has been lowered. In other times, it would cause the keen est public discussion. The Fall and Daugherty cases once would have been celebrated cases. Now they are eclipsed by pig wom en, half-wits and back-alley murders. :o: HISTORY WITH A HEART History should be humanized. Prof. Wilbur Cortez Abbott, of Harvard university recommends to the Ameri can Historical Association. Unless history is read, it is not worth the writing, says Abbott. History, in these days, Dr. Abbott believes, has grown to be rather too specific. Historians have become too much like the man who knows how to screw Nut No. 46 onto a flivver, but understands nothing of the func tions of the other forty-five. To understand our heritage, we must know our ancestors. We want something real, something solid and personal and human' to pin our facts upon. The fact that the World war re sulted from an assassination at Sar aie means but little without the story Too Much "Acid?" Excess Uric Acid Gives Rise to Many Unpleasant Troubles. AUTHORITIES agree that an ex sTjL cess of uric acid is primarily due to faulty kidney action. Reten tion of this toxic material often makes its presence felt by sore, pain ful joints, a tired, languid feeling end, sometimes, toxic backache and headache. That the kidneys are not functioning right is often shown by scanty or burning passage of secre tions. Thousands assist their kidneys at such times by the use of Doan'm Pills a stimulant diuretic Doan'a are recommended by many local peo ple. Ask your neighbor t DOAN'S PSP Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidney Foater-Milbura Co Mis. Chcm.. Buffalo. ZCT. CAN of the slain duke, his hopes and his dreams, the seething turmoil that the political giants of Europe stirred up around him the aims and designs of the men who acted in the drama. Matter, form and substance mean not so much to us as the beating hearts of the men who have made great epochs, the men who have wrough great misery or great hap piness over the face of the world. :o: SPECIAL SESSION In the republican press in the East the alarming legend is being created that the wicked democrats will be more wicked than usual If they com pel Mr. Coolidge to call a special ses sion of congress after March next. That Is easy to understand. Mr. Cool idge shines most brightly when he monopolizes the publicity from Wash ington through the uniterrupted and uncontradicted outpourning of the official spokesman. Mr. Coolidge shines least brightly when he is at tempting to lead the party which is supposed to think so highly of him. This new congress, moreover, is less than ever a Coolidge congress, and the longer it can be kept from assem bling the more placid will be the at mosphere of the White House. :o: .. It's rather strange that Conan Doyle never spared Sherlock Holmes the trouble of all that investigation when he could easily have let a few spirits reveal the mystery. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE Pursuant to an order of the Dis trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, made and entered on this 18th day of November, 1926, in an action pending therein, in which Henry Cline, a widower; Albert Cline and wife and Sadie Cline are plaintiffs, andAnnah May Baird and husband and Thomas J. Baird are defendants, ordering and directing the under signed referee In said cause to sell, as upon execution, Lots 272, 273 and 274, in the Village of Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska, also Lots 284, 285, 286 and 287, in the Village of Greenwood, Cass county, Nebras ka Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of December, 1926, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the south front door of the Court House in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, the undersigned referee will sell the above described real estate at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash. Said sale to be held open for one hour. Dated this 22nd day of November, 1926. J. A. CAPWELL, Referee. J. C. BRYANT. Plaintiff's Attorney. n22-5w ii WrfUiid'IT SSSBSLm. U MmR-im h' ill IIIBMbUEkAirrTrTiii rjsaiimimiiinrriiii mm llfiS XdlllllnS i!ll!l! Clt! ml ' I " I ! I .Y 1 t YOU FIND THE TWINS? Hooray! The big- show has started. The great est puzzle t Mggest rewards, and the most fun. $5,000 in Cash zes to be given away. $2,000 maxi mum First Prize, $1,000 Second Prize, etc Get busy right away. Sharpen up your pencil and FIND THE TWINS. There axe twenty pictures of this lovely lady on this cage To be sure, they all look alike, but examine thorn closer. Two, and only two of them are exact duplicates. Yes, siree. Only two of them are real twins. Can you find them? It Isn't as easy as it looks. Examine them carefully and be sure to read the clues below. THESE CLUES WILL HELP At first glance all of the pictures look alike. But on closer examination you will see that almost everyone differs in some way from all the others. In some, the difference may be in the bow on the hat, or the light or dark band or bands on the hat, or the trimming on the collar. Or, some may wear ear rings or necklaces, or both. Only two are exactly alike. Search carefully make sure that you have the twins, then send in your answer. Just send the numbers of the twins. FIFTY GRAND PRIZES Think of It! $5,000 in Cash Prizes! A real opportunity for you. Fifty prizes in all duplicate prizes will be awarded in the event of ties. Get the whole family to help you. It's loads of fun. FIND THOSE TWINS, and when you have them send in your answer. 1.000 points win First Prize. I will give you 950 points for finding the correct twins. Immediately upon receipt of your answer I will tell you how a little quick effort and skill will earn the remaining 60 points to win First Prize. All prises will t pnld In cash promptly after January 31st. Only one answer from a family permitted. Address PUZZLE MANAGER THE CLOVZRLEAF WEEKLY, St. PauL Minn. A hair dresser curls up and dyes, we have it from Princess Ileana. but a sculptor makes faces and busts Prince Nicolas avers. Can it be that the visiting royalty la becoming Americanized? :o: A Boston 6hoe manufacturer tells us that men are going in for high heels. We shall be on pins and needles till we find out whether they-are of the French variety or the cowboy kind. :o: According to a cable dispatch, Mus solini's enemies will be Interned on four islands. After a while he's go ing to run out of islands and be ob liged to lease a small continent. -:o:- B0AES FOE SALE A number of Duroc boars for sale. OTTO SCHAFER. Nehawka, Neb. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court of the Coun ty of Cass, Nebraska. Ola Minota Spacht, Charles A. Spacht, John B. Kaffenberger, Anna Kaffenberger, Mina E. Cortright, Carl J. Cortright, Gladys E. Kaffen berger and Goldy E. Kaffenberger. Plaintiffs, vs. Norma B. Baumgart, Thyra May Baumgart, Veda Baum gart, minors under the age of four teen years; Ed Baumgart, widower, and George A. Kaffenberger, widow- ePj Defendants Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the decree of the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, entered in the above en titled cause on the 14th day of August, 1926, and an order of sale entered by said Court, on the 10th day of November, 1926, the under signed, sole referee, on the 17th day of December, 1926, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at the south front door of the court hemse in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed property, to-wit: The north half of the north west quarter (N NW4) of Section twenty-four (24), and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter (SW14 SW ) of Section thirteen (13), all in Township twelve (12), Range twelve (12), east of the 6th P. M., In the County of Cass, Ne braska, excepting one acre out of the Bouthwest corner of the southwest quarter of the south west quarter of said Section 13, reserved as schoolhouse site. 10 cash of the amount of the ac cepted bid payable at the time of said sale and balance upon confirma tion. Said sale will be held open one hour. Dated this 10 th day of November, A. D. 1926. ALLEN J. BEESON, Sole Referee. W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney for Plaintiffs. , nl5-5W' 1 SI Man excuses what he cannot pre vent wrinkles in the forehead which generally come from frowning over the petty annoyances of life and are supposed to be the fruit of thought. :o: A Washington (D. C. ) woman has bequeathed 500 to her pet cat, but now that milk has gone up a cent, it is improbable that this small sum will last for more than seven lives. -:o:- F0B SALE Only a few choice Rhode Island Red cockerels left at $1.25 each if taken at once, W. E. Mackey, section foreman at Murray. Box 52?.. n22-2tw J Dr. John A. Griffin J' J Dentist .f. Office Hours: 9-12; 1-6. 8undays and evenings f by appointment only. i. PHONE 229 4 Soennichsen Building LEGAL, NOTICE SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND In the District Court of Cass coun- ' ty, Nebraska. Walter A. Johnson, riaintirr vs. Charles F. Morton et al. Defendants. Notice is hereby given that under authority of an order of sale duly issued in the above entitled cause November 15. 1926, commanding me the undersigned Sheriff of Cass coun ty, Nebraska, to sell the real estate hereinafter described in satisfaction of the liens determined thereon by the decree entered in said cause Feb ruary 6, 1926, as follows: Plaintiff's first lien. $6,328. 44; the second lien of defendant Robert Willis, $2,111.87; the third lien of defendant Bank of Union for $5,222.50. and the fourth lien of the defendant Joe Banning In the sum of $7,0S7. 89, with interest on said sums and the costs herein as in said decree provided, I will, on the 18th day of December, 192C. at 10 o'clock a. m. at the south front door of the court house in Platts mouth, In Cass county, Nebraska, of fer for sale at public verfdue the fol lowing described real estate situated in Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit: The east half of the northeast quarter (E NEVi) of Section nineteen (19), In Township ten (10), Range fourteen (14). and will sell the same to the highest bidder. - Dated November 15, 1926. E. P. STEWART. Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska. PITZER & TYLER, Attorneys.