VJ i 1 X 5 l THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1926. PXATTS210TJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOTFRETAS PAGE (POUTICAI, ADVERTISING) (POUTICAL ADVERTISING) (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) POLITICAL, ADVERTISING) (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) r (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) (POLITICAL ADVi:HTII (i TTT-7 T O VOTE FOR Mnd Take Mq Ch anoes. TT TT (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) REPUBLICAN TICKET Cass County, Nebraska George W. Marsh . . . Congressman, 1st Dist. W. W. Metz State Senator, 2nd Dist. Troy L. Davis. ...... .State Representative George R. Sayles County Clerk Jessie M. Robertson . . Co. Register of Deeds John E. Turner County Treasurer Bert Reed County Sheriff V. G. Kieck County Attorney C. F. Harris Commissioner, 2nd Dist. John McKay Commissioner, 3rd Dist. Golda Noble Beal Clerk Dist. Court Election November 2nd Burlington is Taking Views of This Section Preparing to Give the Garden Spot of Nebraska Some Beal Advertising. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS CELEBRATED BIETHDAY OF AGED HO THEE SUNDAY Mrs. F. A. Secord, accompanied by her nephew;" -HaVl Al Mayfield,. and wife, of Omaha, drove down Sunday to cefebrate the 92nd birthday anni versary of Mrs. Secord's mother, Mrs. G. W. Mayfield at the home of her son, the Courier editor. Mrs. Secord brought the birthday ' cake which was beautifully decorat ed with white frosting and small pink rose buds and the word "MOTHER" in pink frosting across the top. She also brought along many delicacies to help make the dinner a success and the table was gay with festoons of cedar and other green sprays hung from the chandelier, with the soft lights burning. O. M. Mayfield, the youngest son, of Valley, where he publishes the weekly newspaper, the Enterprise, wa among the guests. The children who could not be present on thia happy occasion, sent their greetings and gifts by mail. C. G. Mayfield, the eldest son. was not present at the dinner, but called during the day to offer his congratulations. A number of neighbors, friends and relatives kept coming and going most of the day and well into the evening and Mrs. Mayfield spent a very en joyable birthday. Louisville Courier. Have you anything to bny or sell! I mm 1WO TJEIXfcJ air spact betioerr "WARMTH zoitH LIGHT "WEIGHT Two Thin Layers are Better Than One Thick One WHY? Because the Air Space Between Insulates Against the Cold provides this Health JJnderwear .... construction: This scientific construction is the reason for its warmth out in the cold and its com fort in heated rooms no itch. Let Us Show You One Prices- And Mo Monkey Business Advertising has become one of the J modern sciences; you can buy your "Dear Madam" letters imitation type written at so much per. It relieves the much over-worked advertiser the arduous duty of writing them him self! The Burlington Route is planning au extensive campaign of advertising Nebraska; that is why Val Kuska, Colonization Agent and Mr. Manners his expert photographer, were here yesterday. It will take time to gather this information. Also why Mr. Con dra of the University was here Sun day; and why John Iversson took down the river in his launch; and why Uundy Dovey generously con tributed the use of his car to these men yesterday; and Mr. Richer agreed to drive these men to the places he wished to phoiograph. About 1 p. m., a start was made to get a "movie" of the Burlington sbop3 and yards, and the B. R. X. sliops. Mr. Baird, superitendent of the Burlington shops was caught sev eral times when he did not know it and does not yet. lie will later. A complete movie was taken showing the coaches being painted and turn ed on the table; lumber being un loaded; trucks of car material being hauled here and there; men working in the "rip" track. This is a great advertisemet of labor employed and labor has to spend money, and money makes business, and business makes Plattsmotuth! A certain pay roll shown is splendid advertising for this city. In the afternoon the "still era was taicen to tne country. .Pic tures of farm homes; cattle, sheep, hogs, and goats, to show the agri cultural possibilities of the greatest section of America Plattsmouth and vicinity. If you don't appreciate it, get in your Lizzie or your jolly "Royce" and look over the surround ing states. Some drought stricken; others boll weevil eaten; and others wind swept and you'll return to ocratic ticket. I am a graduate of the Plattsmouth high schools in the class ; of 1922, have served as stenographer f in the office of the county attorney of Cass county, as clerk in the office of register of deeds under the present administration, I am now bookkeeper; and stenographer at the office of the McMaken Transfer Co., and also serv-: ing as the city clerk of Plattsmouth. i If elected to the office I promise to' give a business administration of the! office and strive to serve the very best interests of the taxpayers. MINNIE KLINGER. (POLITICAL E35 ADVERTISING ) political mr.HTisifi For State Senator. As the democratic candidate for state senator in the second senatorial district. I am soliciting the votes of the citizens of the district. The in vestigation of the record made in the legislatures of 1909, 1911. 1922 and ii24 will show that I have espoused ! For County Commissioner all progressive legislation including! A resident of Cass county where Ii the bank guarantee lav.- and other, was born 53 years ago, I am now a measures for the interest of tne whole, candidate for the office of county com-! people and opposed reactionary mens-; missioner from the second district. I, v.:es. Your support will be apprcci-j,have always lived in Cass county and; aicd. I have for the past six years served as W. Ii. BANNING, j road overseer in Center precinct and i believe that I am able to handle this I feature of the good roads problem. If I elected I will strive to see that the' i affairs of the county government are' 1 handled in a strictly business like method that will insure the best in-! For State Representative It being impossible to meet per sonally all of the voters of Cass coun ty in the pre-election campaign I am placing my candidacy for your con- ci .lnrat inn A a f li rcnmcDTltatiro from Cass county in the last legisla-' "ie joters of Cass county will be ap i turn v,nc n ripmhpr nf th farm rrnnn ' t Vi o t Lnntrht V c t n it rr, ti t nf T Tn gressive measures and if re-elected vor to Slve 'ou no caufie for re ' i 1 1 ft 11 -Tl 1 T1 11 11 t r AtAi'0 Tl 1 1'. r-i T Y-1 1 1 t Vi o ' t""t Will Ull LillUt U UiJWC i.ll U. Ui V.13 1 11 11 i might undermine the good laws that have been enacted for the protection of Nebraska people and to strive to; aid in an economy program in the interests of the taxpavers. EARL TOWLE. The Republican Candidates will OL M h ul L Tour Cas " W V jT WJS V & 2? s County U6I t- tin 1 J E3 safe Lis SCHEDULE AS FOLLOWS Li Utrests of the county. The support of preciated for the office of county com- j missioner and if elected I shall en- give you no cause for i ANDREW SCHLIEFERT. For Ctmnty Treasurer Serving my first term as county treasurer, I am now the democratic candidate for re-election. In the dis charge of the office of treasurer I have endeavored to give the taxpayers a 10 0 per cent service and invite an in spection of the office of county treas urer and the business methods used in caring for the $1,000,000 business of Cass county. If re-elected will con tinue the program of business effici- j ency as in the past. Your support cam-; will he appreciated if ycu believe that the office has been properly admin istered and that "one good term de serves another." MIA U. GERING. Very Pretty Home Wedding at Nebr. City Miss Irene Davis Married to lynn Belong of Syracuse at Home of the Bride. For County Sheriff A resident of Cass county since fourteen years of age and for the first j time a candidate for public office. I am asking your support for the office of county sheriff as the republican The wedding of Miss Irene Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Davis, and Clarence Lynn DeLong. of Syracuse, son of Mr. and Airs. Frank DeLong. took place at the home of the bride's parents near this city Sunday afternoon, October 17, at 3 o'clock. Rev. A. A. Cressman. of Crete, Nebr., officiated. The bride wore a gown of white satin and lace and carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses. She was attended by Mrs. Corbon Taylor of Kansas City. Mrs. Taylor was for merly Miss Helen Meyer and is a sorority sister of the bride. Mrs. Plattsmouth prouder than ever that . Tf lo.,t(1 c Khftrif? 4hnii Taylor wore pink taffeta and carried you live here and not "theah." Also : eRdeavor to serve the best interests 0fjColuinDia roses. Eldro Andrews, of found a man picking corn, his wagen th'e taxpavers and to enforce thelaw Miami, Okla., attended Mr. DeLong. loaded with freat "yaller" ears! He wifv mit fpnr nr fnvnr T eh?ll ho ronilv 1 Miss Ruth Ann Coddington, of went into the record of the camera! at a1 times to serve the hpst imprests Views of Plattsmouth also included in !Cf the neoDle of Cass countv and will appreciate any assistance that I may receive from the voters at the No- inter- this Main street and other esting valuable properties. The value of concentrated high grade advertising of this nature can not be over calculated. Later this office will have this "movie" exhibit ed at the Parmele theathe for us all to enjoy. We are going to "holler" loud and long to get the "still" to hang in the office. (No. Mabel, these stills are not what you think they are in Arkansas and Texas.) There is no feature of the Chamber of Commerce work more important than the advertising proposition. It deserves the support and co-opera tion of the entire community. Constant requests are being receiv ed for work wanted by cornhuskers. It costs nothing to let us know your needs. We are glad to assist in every way possible in the distribution o: labor. Keep us informed. A Chamber of Commerce that re presents a large membership, can and will get results. A thing is worth only what we put into it. Nothin? from nothing leaves nothing. It would bring joy to the writer's heart to have about 500 citizens who arc not membert. of the Chamber of Com merce come in and "sign up." W. G. DAVIS. Secretary. 'grAre you a member of the Chamber of Commerce? PEEUMHTAE HEARING NOV. 1 From Tuesday's Daily The preliminary hearing of the parties charged with stealing and conspiracy in the hog case from Cedar Creek will take place Monday, November 1st, at the court of Justice William Weber in this city. The part ies are out on bond and their case will be called for the first of November so that the case may be tried at the November term of the district court if the parties are held for tria.1. The case has attracted a great deal of at tention in the northern part of Cass county where the parties have resid ed and Judge Weber will undoubted ly have a large and interested au dience for the trial. Parties having Designers and Be lineators at the Bates Book and Gift Shop are requested to call for thea at once. vember election. BERT REED. Ann Coddington, Lincoln, played Mendelssohn's wed ding march and Mrs. G. E. Hanks, also of Lincoln, sang "At Dawning," by Cadman. Miss Coddington played the accompaniment. . A reception given by the bride's parents followed the ceremony. Music during the reception was furnished by Kappa Delta Sorority girls, of which organization the bride is a member. Cake and ices in pink and Misses Maxine r, 1 o-Vl t ' For County Clerk. As the democratic candidate for county clerk I am presenting my in terests to the voters of Cass county TrtT t Vl i - fn at A T0 tiATl I7V n! rrV years I have been a farmer in Rock i Spurlock and Helen Schll nger pre Bluffs precinct. In the world war I Slded at serving table They served as a member of the 2Sth in-'were assisted by Misses Maxine fantry of the 1st division and in my' Smith' Ruth DeLong and Florence service in France covered a period of jLaudis. Misses Alice Leslie and Elsie over a year. A graduate of the TJni-J reLonS presided in the gift room, versity of Nebraska. I am a member' A color scheme of pink and Lavender of the American Legion and Disabled was carried out in the decorating Veterans association. The support of of the rooms. The wedding cake was the voters will be very much appre-! presented bj- Otto Jensen, ciated at the election November 2nd. I The bride is a graduate of the HARRISON L. GAYER. j Nebraska City High school, the Uni- versity of Nebraska where she is a Louisville . . . Greenwood . . Murdock Union Plattsmouth P. Brown, of Lincoln, as speaker. Come and hear them. Arrive Leave 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:45 a. in. 10:15a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11 :30 a.m. 12:00 Dinner 1:30 p.m. 1 :45 p. m. 2:15 p. m. 2:40 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5 :45 p. m. 6: 1 5 p. m. 8:00 p. m. with Hon. E. v t. FARM BUREAU EDTES Copy for this Department furnished by County Agant M"I-I"I-I-X-M4-- County Com Husking Contest. This county corn husking contest J. . to the homo of Jack Philpot win ' . -t'v.ill eat our lunch. Mr. Philjio; li J ! 4 miles ast and 1 north of Y't j ing Water. We know thui. cos; r;Cord are the most importar.i su! j. in farming, and they are (ttveu least attention. Use of Whole Graham Flour er.d Eta:.. whfut liour -. nihil;:; will be held on November 4 on th'ji Prvs farm of Luke Wiles who lives one half mile south and one half mile west of Plattsmouth. beginning at 1 o'clock in popularity because valuable in the diet and ;.l.-" variety to the ratals. It ccoi.iir. ral nutrients and vitamins : : i The winner of will represent Cass count y in the Ne braska contest which is to be held near Wahoo on November 11. Apply for entry blanks at the Farm Bureau office at Weeping Water, or to W. G. Davis, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce at Plattsmouth. A Tour of Farms. You probably noticed a small farm exhibited at the county fair. This farm was made as a model farm. th records having been kept bf farmers in Cass county. We are going to tour two of these farms on Oct. 28. We want you to ccme and bring your neighbors. Bring your lunch and cup. we will furnish the coffee. Mr. Brokaw, director of the extension service, will talk at the noon hour. At 10 o'clock we will meet at the home of Walter Little who lices 2 miles south and 1 west of Weeping Water. Then we will go from there this contt-si j not only good for bread b:t c;i ! be used for rolls, muflin.-'. v griddle cakes, cookk:;. -m;;! i Here is a recipe for mufTi::-- u: club girls: 1 cup graham fie. cup white flour, te;i-peL.f ' 4 teaspoon baking poyder. " : spoons su-zur or syrup, 1 -gg, 1 sweet milk. ?, tablespoon? fat. mnCins made by the followirr cipe: 1 cup flour. 1 tea -poo:. 1 teaspoon soria, two cups dear 1 '-i to 32 e;:p sweetening. 1 lea -p shortening (melted), 1 -14 cup- : milk, and cup seeded raisin chopped nuts. . r a : ' 12 YEARS' EXPEDIENCE V-v:'ve years of Expert 3ir ai radiator repairing. Special eiju pi a : f"r -adiators. Pri' es rea ;:ni ')! -Ed. I. Miller, it Podrre S-tv " sta tion y block sourn of Main -i -. t i " i : ft. Phone 23. ol J : til . P For Register of Deeds While a resident of Cass county all my life I am now a candidate - for office for the first time and will be very appreciative of the support of the voters in my candidacy for the office of register of deeds on the dem- Loaiim -Service --Prompt -Trustworthy SEE Searl S. Davis Farm Loans Insurance Investments Real Estate member of Kappa Delta sorority. She taught Normal Training in the Ne braska City High school last year. Mr. DeLong is a graduate of the Syracuse High school and completed his Junior year at the University of Nebraska. He has been engaged as a grain broker in this city for the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. DeLong will be at home in this city after January 1. Out-of-town guests at the wed ding were Mr. and Mrs. Corbon Tay lor, of Kansas City; Eldro Andrews, of Miami, Okla.; Mrs. G. E. Hanks, of Lincoln; Miss Maxine Spurlock. York; Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Westover, Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Wayn? Farmer and Mr. and Mrs. Reyman Douglas, University Place, and the following sorority sisters of the bride: Misses Maxine Churchill, Palliside; Alice Leslie, Omaha; Alice Criss, Stewart; Margaret Anderson. Lin coln and Dorthy Dawson, Dead wood, S. D. Mrs. Anna Marsh, of Lincoln house mother of Kappa Delta sorority was also a guest. Nebraska City News-Press. FOB SALE Two spotted Poland-China boar pigs. L. A. Meisinger, Plattsmouth. Phone 25J3. oll-3tw Bey an Idaho Potato Farm. Idaho ; Farm loan Company, . Idaho Falls, ' Idaho. ! F armers; Uil'Jf n Qut'of-Doors Workers We have a blanket lined rain proof, snag proof work coat. ... It is a light weight coat that is ideal for your business. . . . Plenty of warmth, the right length, and one made especially for the rainy and .sleety cold days to come. . . . No outdoor man can afford not to have one. The price is only $4.85 Ask to see Our Sturdy Saris for Boys t 1 R V I u 61 8 li i j G 12 u