The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 21, 1926, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Nehawka De
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
1 77T7TrTrhTn A TnYTf
X II 11 I I M 1 1 -v
m P V M 37
James Edwards and wife nre
joicing over the arrival of a boy at
their home last week. All are doing
Dr. Kintner reports a number of
very fine citizens having arrived and
are contemplating making this vicin
ity their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swan are re
joicing over the arrival of a very fine
young lady at their homo and are all
doing very nicely.
R. C. Pollard and family were visit
ing in Lincoln on last Wednesday and
found some very bad roads though
they are getting better as the days go
Conant Wolph, was in town on last
Monday and was taking home with
his some materials for the construc
tion of eome gates for use on the
Tommy and Ella Mason were visit
re-rbetween James Pollard's home and
III J giieti i udu, iv ii i-j uuvni.o
much to its stability.
Mrs. Thomas Murtey of Weeping
Water was a visitor at the Lome of
Mrs. R. C. Pollard on last Monday ana
nice visit as they were returning
home. Mrs. I). H. Wilson and the lit
tle one will expect to visit for some
Nels Anderson, who has been at the
Emanuel hospital at Omaha for the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion. Master Donald McCartney, son of
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. McCathey, who has
been having some trouble with his
tonsils, had them removed at Nebras
ka City on last Monday, they taking
him to that place.
Albert Wolfe and Frank M. Lemon
were over to Omaha on last Sunday
where they went to visit and to at
tend the bal game at which the great
pitcher Alexander was one of the
strong drawing cards.
Orville Philpot has purchased a
new Ford sedan which he is finding
ine friends in Omaha on last Sunday, an excellent means of transportating
they driving over to the metropolis in, himself and a friend or so should he
the car of the former, and enjoyed a , have one who was wanting to go the
very fine visit. Jsame way at the same time which he
James Pollard shelled and deliver-j does,
ed corn to the Nehawka elevator, get-j John G. Wunderlich and wife, who
ting ready for the new crop which is. have been visiting out in the state
now beginning to be picked by many, and were for some time guests of
nf the farmers Charles Fpahn of Superior, where
attending the meeting of the past more than a month, receiving
treatment ior nis neaun .was auie iu
return home last Saturday and is feel
ing much improved though he is still
not feeling the best as yet, but is still
improving. He and his many friends
are pleased with his improvement and
are hoping that he may continue un
til his former health has been entire-:
ly restored. ' j
Andrew Schliefert, democratic can-,
didate for the position of county com- j
missioner for the second district, ac
Li f arm s
Idaho Falls, Idaho (where they're getting rich on potatoes and other crops)
H. B. & R. W. SHEPPARD, Realtors. Write Us! Wire Us! See Us!
fine Runoen and at 7:30. nieht session - C
companied by John Gruber of Manley was Btarted and county officers were' tCPCClM 1fHI TO!
was interviewing the voters of Ne- jnstalled and the rest of the work hn-i,'''ry"v" v
hawka and vicinity on last Monday isne(i up. ice cream and cake was
afternoon. Mr. Schliefert who has tnen Eerved by the Nehawka camp
been the road overseer for some time and au left for home with royal
in his vicinity is well qualified to look thanks to Nehawka.
over the road business and is endeav- i '
oring to be elected to the position of
county commissioner. j
Sell Many Good Hogs. i
The Pollard brothers, consisting of(
Hall Merritt ana uren roiiara, wnicn
Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main
Mrs. C. E. Tefft and Mrs. Harry they enjoyed a most pleasant time, re- composes the Pollard Brothers enter- S'l -rnone
Saturday and
.re"! prise, sold to the Rankin Brothers
Woleott of Weening Water were in, turned home last
Nehawka in attendance at the meet-; port a fine trip and pleasant visit, yarm at Tarkio. Mo., sixteen of their
ing of the D. A. R. and enjoyed the. while away. famous Hampshire boars, which they
visit very much. J. W. Murdoch and wife and Mr. ,ad delivered by truck on last Sat-
Messrs Miller and Gruber were and Mrs. W. S. Norris, who have been : urtiay to the Rankin ranch at that
makine some repairs on the bridge; m ine west iur sume nine '-.piace. vv nen people iiKe ine nanjuns
pori Having a line inue ju men int puxenase xnese Doars in mis quaniiiy
and are expecting to return near the ror their own use, it is evident that
end of this week. They are driving: there are no better hogs, for they,
and are seeing the country and en-:sureiy know a hog when they see one.
Cream Station
Try us with your next bill.
Our motto "Best of Service"
Bert Willis
Sntphen's Old Stand
Nehawka, Nebr.
joying the trip very much.
i and that they have purchased these
George Epperson, who is employed sixteen boars is also evidence that the
on the farm of Henry Ross, had the' hogs are of the best,
misfortune during the past week to
get his hand entangled in the spread-j D & Meets in Nehawka.
,er which so badly crushed that mem-, The t, of the daughters of
her that the thumb on the hand had tQe Amorican evolution on last Mon
ro oe ampu auu uwr, day at the home of Mrs. R. C. Pol-
hand is still very sore it is showing. lard where they Wj?re entertained by
some iinyruvemeui. i
We are informed that Mrs. Clar-t
ence Armstrong was sick, and was
taken to the hospital at Lincoln,)
Red Dog, per ton . . 340
Tankage, cwt. . . . $3.75
Shorts, cwt 1.60
Bran, cwt 1.40
Grinding Feed for the
Farmers our Specialty
Manhattan Oils
Auto, Truck and
Tractor Oils
this lady who is one of the best of
caterers, and who had for her guests
some thirty of the members of this
wnicu we nave touna was mis niorm-There were members from Nehawka ;
ation and we are glad as is also this, and w ing Water and a number
exceiiem iauy mat sutu 10 uui. nv.
Dr. 0. C. Hudson, Osteopathic Phy
sician and Surgeon. Phones 31 - 477.
From Monday's Daily
Mrs. Will Richardson, Jr., was a
visitor in Omaha today, going to that
city on the early Burlington train to
spend a few hours with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Todd of Omaha
were here over aunaay as guests ai
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Noble
and family and enjoying a very pleas
ant outing.
j Troy Li. Davis, republican canri
date for state representative was here
today from Weeping Water to look
after some matters of business for a
few hours.
Henry R. Geriug of Omaha was here
today to attend'he ordination serv
ices at the St. Luke's church, accom
panying the party of Omaha clergy
men and laymen to this city.
Miss Louise Valiery and sister, Mrs.
F. R. Cunningham of Nehawka, were
m T tntAln omAncr Ti-hnm i' 1 ra . . i ;A 1 a. i
but it was another lady, and e 7"7" a,, ' "t
- rortoin ch -.,,i.i Qin ho triad V Ior a lew nours. going 10 inai cny
if hP not - ill ' MCMullen. state treasurer, l ne meet-, on the early Burlington train
a t Ti,ftT, nf Piattmni,th wa8!,ns w"s. V"? OI. lIie auuuai iu.H:iiuua ; . M, Eiizabeth Irters and Miss
a victor in Nehawka on last Mon-) an . ..1. AS ?"f "CQDy ? Bernice Albrecht of Plymouth. Mich
day. and was interviewing his many n StTng. 1 mosT deHghtfu'l JfUMr SdV ViU'S
Plattsmouth is wel qualified for the meeng" Shlto of the . Saturday to their home,
position which he seeks, that of conn-1 order residing in Nehawka were also' Mr. and Mrs G. II. Falter and
ty sheriff, and is not leaving anything present Following the meeting which family, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Falter
undone that he may-meet as many ot . ' . . .A)fl Qffaj, tho ctnto and family of Falls City with Captain
! the voters as possible. Lffipon ' HpnrtH fnr Plattsmouth and Mrs. ' FloyT Harding and chil-
Mrs. Claude Rutherford, who has :Where a similar meeting was held in dren and Captain Foster of Lincoln,
been in the hospital at Lincoln for'tne eveninc thus enabliner the state were here yesterday as guests at the
Distinguished D
A. R. Visitors
Beautiful Home cf Mr. and Mrs
Villiam Eaird Scene of Large
Social Affair.
ipoliticaIj AurKinisixc)
C. D. St. John
Nehawka - Nebraska
a numoer or weens past, wnere sn? officers to make two towns and visit R. F. Patterson, and
was receiving treatment for illness, is! two chapters in one day and thus fa-homes for the day.
so far improved that she was able to.ciiitate their work, as they have to! '
return to her home in rsenawKa on t visit all the chapters in the state.
lapt Saturday ana is leeiing nne, dui
J. P. Falter j Eaird.
frrom Tuesiay'3 JDaily
Last evening the attractive home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Baird at Sev-i
enth and Main street was the scene of,
a very largely attended reception ten-
dered by the Fontenelle chapter of thej
Daughters of the American Revolu-
tion in honor of a number of the;
distinguished members of the order
who were here as guests of the chap
ter. The home was arranged in the dec
orations of the fall flowers and the
autumu leaves whose bright colors
lent a very entrancing touch to the
In the receiving line were Mrs. C.
S. Baine of Lincoln, the state regent
of Nebraska, Mrs. Adam McMullen,
state treasurer, Mrs. Kirkpatrick of
Beatrice and Mrs. W. S. Leete of
Evergreen. Colorado, former state
chaplin, Mrs. William Baird, Mrs. E.
H. Wescott and Mrs. J. S. Livingston,
regent of Fontenelle chapter.
There were some seventy-five
guests present at the reception, em
bracing representatives from a large
number of the various ladies organiza
tions of the city and who appreciated
to the utmost the opportunity of meet
ing the guests.
Light refreshments were served in
the dining room by the Misses Sarah
Baird, Mildred and Marion Walker,
Fra'ncis Christ, Cordelia Fields and
Mrs. David Rutherford. v .
While in, the city Mrs. Paine was
a house guest of Mrs. Wescott while!
Mrs. McMullen and Mrs. Kirkpatrick j
were guests at the home of Mrs..
Democratic County
Election Tuesday, November 2, 1926
"One Good Term Deserves Another"
Dr. E. C. Henry
to Speak at Next
Happy Hundred
Eminent Omaha Physician and Sur
geon Here for Tuesday, No
vember 2nd.
From Tuesday's Daily
This afternoon Father and Mrs.
W. S. Leete and Madame Leeto who
have been spending some time her"
and at Omaha with friends and r
newing the ties of friendship wi'h
thr.Jr as&ociatiates of the past years,
departed by auto for their home at
Evergreen, Colorado, where they
have lesided for the past two year
and vttre Father Leete has beci;
in c-hae. of ''the mission and cum
nor coforence camp of tlio.Episcopa'i
thurch theie.
not with her usual strength as yet
returned. Her many friends are much
pleased that she is enjoying better
James S. Roueh and wife were:
visiting in Lincoln on last Sunday,'
. . - .11.. S
uiey driving over xo me capiioi cuy. for the product of their factory from
wnere mey went 10 meci meir uau6u-ja numDer of countries in the southern
ter and little grandson, as they were .hemisphere, and especially from the
coming to visit with the parents and ; countries of gouth America. When
Pleased With -Enlarging Trade
Just at this time the Sheldon Man
ufacturing Company of Nehawka
which enjoys an international trade
in their products, is very much en
couraged by receipts of many orders
grandparents of this place, Mr.
Mrs. J. S. Rough. They had a
.comparison is made with the Nehaw-
,ei' Jjta manufactured goods and those of
other places the ones made by the
From Tuesday's Dally
John McKay, republican candidate
for county commissioner in the third
' district, was here today in company
' with his son, M. E. McKay.
j County Commissioner Fred II. Gor-
aer or weeping water was nere to
day attending to some matters 01
business at the court house.
County Commissioner C. F. Harris
cf Union was in the city today fo
a few hours attaining to some busi
ness at the cour . house for a few
From Tuesday's Dally
The family of Officer Clyde Jack
son had a great deal of excitement
yesterday and which also resulted in
a very painful injury to Danny, :i
three year old son of the family. The
little lad was playing with his older
j brother, Bernard, aged 8, who had
secured several shot gun shells from
the hunting coat of his father. The
older boy had proceeded to pour out
the powder in the shells and to en
joy a little excitement applied n
In an instant the powder
ow is the Time!
Frosty mornings, chilly evenings, whistling
winds bring need of more bedding.
All wool and plenty wide, soft textured cot
ton and wool, fancy cotton blankets.
Right now before you actually need .them,
come in and place your order.
Wearwell Staple Blankets satisfy many bed
ding needs. See our large stock.
mm mm
d y o v
Where Customers Feel at Home
Telephone No. 14 Nehawka, Nebr.
- n n n r n.nnnn hA r t t i : ( mtH-U
-3 . . . t blazed un and while the older bov was
ernes maue oiners. n is pieas- m umana today, going to tnat city . . 7 r . , . ,
in? tho mmnv anrt thi citv L...n-7- able to get into the clear the blaze
jirp nrndnriner cnnd.q whirh ?ft far siir- cr vn v. il-Ito- Df jStruCK tne smaller DOy
- c c - oucuu a .c iiuui 9 llicic luuniuj,
pass otners. lioost for rv.enawka made ter some matters of business
Mrs. T. E. Olson departed this
Revival Meeting With Success. attend the state assembly of the
Under the preaching of the Rev. ; Rebekahs in that city in which Mrs.
Lincoln Lohr. evangelist, and the risn will rPnrpRpni the local lodere.
1 , . : m n i . i
uit-asiiiB ui iiio raiiifi.
the revival,
meeting in progress at the Otterbein
J. II. Schwenniker of Columbus.
church north of Nehawka is meeting . ,
with much encouragement and suc
cess. The meetings have been in prog
ress for some two weeks and much
interest is shown as well as a number
of accessions to the church.
is here to enjoy a visit at
i the home of his brother, G. O.
Schwenniker and family. Mr. Schwen
niker was a resident here some thirty-six
years ago and - enjoys very
much the once familiar scenes.
smaller boy and burned
his eyebrows, scorched his forehead
and singed the hair of his head to
more or less extent. Fortunately the
eyes of the little fellow were not in
jured and aside from the painful
nature of the injuries it is not
thought that they will be dangerous.
Journal Want Ads cost but little,
The committee, 'and they sure do get results.
From Tuesday's Dally
' The committee-In charge "of the ar
rangements for the November Happy
Hundred suDDer will have as the
speaker of the occasion, Dr. E. C. Buy an Idaho Potato Farm. Idaho
Henry, eminent Omaha physician and Farm Loan Company, Idaho Falls.
c?uicuu, dim xl l lie jicgrut lime iucTjQ)1A
i .1 iu. t .1 t - i : . i I lUiLi'J.
The banquet is to be held on Tues
day evening, November 2nd, which is
also election night
however, has not called the surgeon'
here on that account altho half of
the candidates will probably need his,
services when, the smoke or Dattie
rolls away.
This feature of the evening assures
an address that will be well worth
while as Dr. Henry is one of the most
prominent members of his profession
in Omaha and has a very wide ex
perience that will make him a real
entertaining speaker on any subject
that he may select to offer to the
members of the supper party.
Other special features will be ar
ranged for the occasion in keeping
with the spirit of the season.
Island Red
Married at Council Bluffs.
George Kime, who has been telling
From Wednesday's Daiiy
Mont Robb of Union was here to-
From Tuday's Pally
The following is the list of member?
of the Detit Jurors selected for the
November term of the district court i
! which will convene on Monday, No-
i vtmber 14th:
A fine flock of 100
Rose Comb Rhode
chickens, best of stock. Will sell all
of flock or in smaller lots. See Mrs.
M. S. Briggs, southeast corner of 10th
and Liocusf sts., Plattsmouth, phone!
No. 4S4-W.
his folks that he intended to marry, 'day for a few hours visiting with
was not taken seriously, but a few friends and enjoyed the day her?
days since when he went to Nebras
ka City and there went with his lady
love to Council Bluffg, where they
were united in marriage, returned
home with the winsome bride to give
the parents a surprise, when he and
the bride walked in on them. The
Journal with the many friends of this
with the local democrats.
C. E. Noyes of Louisville, chair
man of the republican county cen
tral committee, was here today look
ing after some matters of business.
! Bert Reed, the republican nominee
for coutny sheriff .was in the city last
newly wedded couple are extending. evening for a few hours coming with
cnneratiiiaHrmn nnH Wet uriciica fnr the task ot interviewing a iew oi ine
their happiness and prosperity.
Makes Purchase of Hogs.
W. E. Jenkins
among those goinf
of Murray
to Omaha
James Stone purchased a number morning to spend a few hours n that
of very fine hogs at a sale at Reynolds; city attending to some matters of
a short time since and Chester Stone "business.
and Glen Wells departed on last Mon- Mrs. T. C. McCarty and Mrs. Ruth
day afternoon for that place in a'cooley of Red Oak. Iowa, were
truck and returned home in the eve- among those going to Omaha thi3
.ning with the hogs, which are to be m0mlng' to spend the day visiting
jjiatcu uu liiw Diuiie lanu iur leeaiug with friends
Mrs. W. R. Gladstone of Worth,
Hoonnrl id horo Dnlnvin? ft visit at
Royal Neighbors Meet the home of her lister. Mrs. R. H.
The R. N. A. convention was held vattnn and famiiv in the south Dor-
at the Nehawka auditorium October tion of the city.
15 and a fine attendance was reported,! - .,.
118 having registered from the differ- Hans Christianson of Lnion was
ent camps. Murdock. Manley, Avocahere today looking after some mat
Louisville. Weeping Water, papiiiion. ters , of . business and while here wa
Springfield, Elmwood. Union, report- a caller at the Journal to renewals
ing and taking part in the work. subscription to the semi-weekly edir
Mrs. Clara Trumble deputy from on of the paper. :
Omaha was present and helped carry .Mrs. Earl R. Blish of Buffalo, New
on the work and gave some fine talks. York, who was to attend the funeral
After school the Misses Lumberg, of her mother, the iate Mrs. Emma
Sturm, Switzer, and Palmer,-Pollard
entertained .with singing and whist
ling . by -Porothy Sturm, -wflici vai
6UTly apprciated by ail.
At 6:30 the buy workers Bervea a
Weldman. and has remained here lor
a. brief visit with the relatives here,
has returned home. . 319. JB.liah will
.top at Chicago for. a brief vjsit with
Mr. and Mrs. H.E.-tVetdas.n.
George Oberle. Jr., Eagle; Charles
Jacobson. Eagle; Clyde Gilmore,
Cedar Creek; W. II. Heil. Louisville;
Harry Appleman. Alvo; W. R. Carey,
,Mynard; M. E. Wiles, Weeping Wat
er; August Pautsch, Louisville; W. T.
Hutchison, Plattsmouth ; Howard
Watson, Greenwood; R. M. Coatman.j
Alvo; J. A. Bauer, Union; H. J.j
Thiele. Nehawka; W. L. Thorburn,!
Plattsmouth; Lee Faris, Union;. Louis!
Keil, Plattsmouth; R. G. Irons. Una-'
dilla: Henry Snell, Weeping Water;
V. T. Arn. Plattsmouth; Urban
Rouse. Greenwood; R. H. Tolhurst,
Elmwood; F. M. Bestor, Plattsmouth;
I I). Lemon, Greenwood, and H. F.
Engelkemeier, Nehawka.
Knnttprf rrlnTiHr,hiTin nnw Owner
' can have same by calling, paying for
advertisment and cost of feeding sow.
Ed Tschirren, Plattsmouth, Ne
braska. o21-4tw
Farm Loans
made at lowest obtain
able rates.
We have a few good
Farms near Platts
mouth listed with us
worth the money.
Call us or See us about
the above.
T. H. Pollock
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Sunday school at 9:30.
German services at 10:30.
Sunday evening at 7:30, Luther
Friday evening at 8:00, Orchestra
Large size, complete with grinder,
jMay be seen at-Frank Slavicek's, or
call 408-W, Plattsmouth. Mtw
Mrs. Michael Hild and Mrs. Martha
Peterson were among the visitors in
Omaha todoy where they attended
the sessions of the grand assembly
of the Rebekahs being held in that
city today.
Journal Want Ads bring resalts.
Glendale Womans Club
October 27
This club will have charge of our
store on the above date and will
participate in all sales. .
Your Support will be
The Ladies Tog
Piioenis Hosiery
Fred P. Basck, Manager
Ladies Muaingwear