r PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOTTE2TAL PAGE TWO . , MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1926 v. , Alvo Department Charles Godbey was a visitor in Plattsmouth on last Monday, driving over with hi3 car. Charles Freeman was called to Greenwood on last Wednesday to look after some business matters and drove over in his auto. The Rev. R. 1W Chenoweth was a visitor in Lincoln on last Wednesday a here they were looking after bomj business matters for the garage. Miss Elizabeth Connelly, one of the teachers has been kept from her work a numbe rof days but was able to eturn to the school work on last Wednesday. Dr. Bert Cone of Oxford, who is a cerl 'W cf Mrs. West ley Bird, was a visitor here with bis aunt last week and was doing what he could tor the invalid aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Cowles who have been making their home in Plattsmouth for some time past, were visiting with friends in Alvo and vicinity for the past week. At the Alvo school, the ball dia mond wliich has been near the school "building has been moci to the east side of tbe school grounds, wh.'th is compeJ of some seveJ ecres. During the World series the popu lar place for those who love the national game has been at the John Woods store where the game played to the very ideal of the ball fan. The church chorus did their prac ticing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. McKinnon on last Wednesday evening, and were very pleasantly entertained by this excellent couple. The students have began to prac tice basket ball and will, with the coming winter expect to become pro ficient, to the extent that they hope to win a place in the game ere the winter has flown. Equipment has been secured for the fascinating game of volley ball, which is being enjoyed by two teams of girls one team composed of high school girls and the other one of girls from the grades. The Parent-Teachers association have the matter in hand of equipping the play grounds wth the proper ap pliances for the best entertainment of the students. They also have the matter in hand of organizing the library for the schooj. Mrs. G. R. Eveland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gustin. making her home west of Elmwood, was taken to the hospital at Lincoln last week where ehe underwent an operation for relief from appendicitis and where she i3 reported as doing nicely. The Ladies Aid society -eio meet with Mrs. Elmer Rosenow Wednesday of last week where they sure enjoyed the occasion and were very pleasant ly eniertained and also did some ex cellent work for the church. They ac claimed Mrs. Rosenow a royal enter tainer. J. H. Weychal is having the new house hurried along towards comple tion and during the past week it was being plastered by his sons, Harry and Al Weychal, who were rushing the work along that the new abode may be in readiness before the coming of cold weateh. Alvo has been doin,j some ball play ing wliich is to their credit, and wKich resulted try fortitously for the home team, one game witli a team from Eagle showed the results as being Eagle Alve 22, and when they play ed with a team in Otoe county the score was Alvo 12. snd tha Otoe county team 2.. The hunters who were in the north for some nine days arrived home last Sunday at 1 o'clock and were well pleased with their outing, they find ing good shooting while they were away, their hunting grounds being for the most of the time some 21 miles west of Woodlake. and while thy brought home some evidence of the success, they did not bring tuerc all home. They had in mind the counting of the ducks and chickens which they got, but lost their chalk, and were not able to correctly enum erate tbe bunch. A Fire Feels Good These Days The weather will grow colder soon winter will be here. Insure against those cold wintry days by preparing now for them! We hare a Cabinet Furnace that is used like a stove and heats the entire home. Come in and let us explain its workings. Everything in Hardware Coatman Hardware Co. ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Mrs. Westly Bird Very Sick. Grandmother Bird, as she is famil ilarly known, has been very sick at her home near Alvo, and while every attention has been given the aged lad-v she does not show the improve ment that is so much desired. Her. condition has been so grave that tne children have all be sent for, they coming to cheer and assist in any way possible. The children being Art Bird of Alvo, Warren Bird of Arriba, Col orado, James Bird of Kansas, Mrs. Henry Hughes of Colorado, Mrs. Roy Rhode of near Elmwood. It Is hoped that she may soon be enjoying her health again. Alvo F.-T. A. Meets. The Alvo Parent-Teachers' Asso ciation met at the high school Wed nesday evening. The program com mittee had arranged a program which was presented before the business meeting. Rev. Chenoweth led com munity singing and a humorous dia-j logue was given by Sterling Coatman j and Evaline, Snavely and Arias Gustaf-, son played a piano solo. A double, quartet composed of Rev. and Mrs. . Chenoweth, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bornemeier, Mr. and Mrs. John Fore man and Mrs. Roy Coatman and Mr. Frank Cook, sang. To illustrate the need of playground equipment, a group of men presented a two act comedy showing how a group of chil-' urcii scuu men uiuv nuu auu out swings, slides or tetter-tbtters. At the business meeting the prob lem of how to secure playground equipment was discussed. It was de cided to set October 15 aside as Play ground Day in Alvo. The men who are interested are to come to the school house in the morning prepared to work and at noon the women are to serve a dinner to the workers. Wrigley's Chewing Sweet helps teeth, mouth, thrpat and digestion in a delightful and refreshing way. Removes odors of 6tnoking and eating. People of refinement use it. s. 6130 The school orchestra which was organized this fall is progressing nice ly. New pieces are being added near ly every day as more students pur chase instruments. Epworth League Holds Meeting A joint business and social meet ing of the Epworth League was held in the church basement Friday eve ning. After refreshments were serv ed and the business meeting opened the following officers were elected: President, Leonard Klemnie; First Vice President, George Kitzell; Social chairman. Merle Vickers; Sec retary, Doris Coatman. LOC ALNEV7S Sr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. Dr. Q. C. Hudson, Oesteopathic Phy sician and Surgeon. Phones 31 - $77. From Thursday's Dally J. C. Snavely of Union was here yesterday to enjoy the day looking after some matters of business and yisitng with friends. ' Mrs. W. II. Pitzer of Nebraska City was here yesterday afternoon for a few hours visit at the home of Mr and Mrs. E. H. Wescptt. W. E. Jenkins of Murray was a visitor in Omaha today, going tc that city on the early Burlington train to spend a few hours. Lpujs Plybon and wife of Nehawka were in the fity yesterday for a few hours attending to some matters of business and visiting with friends. J. M. Teegarden of Weeping Water was in the city yesterday for a few hours, attending to some matters of business and visiting with bis friends. Frank Wheeler, C. F. Rtihart. James Terryoerry and D. E. Snith of Louisville and. vicinity vcrc here 'uditj- io attend the hearing of the hfg case in th county court. George Weis. wife and little son, with Mrs. FJoyd West and little son of Imperial, Nebraska, arrived here last evening by auto and will visit with Mr- and Mrs. Chris Beil. grandr parents of the ladies as well as tbe other, relatives for a shoht time. Raymond C. Cook departed tbid morning for Omaha where he will 'spend a few hours with Mrs. Copk at the hospital where she is now showing excellent progress from her operation on her eyes and will have a test made today of the success of the operation. west.. .They will visit here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Rakow. S. F. Metz of the Metz Construc tion Co.. of Springfield, is here with Mrs. Metz to make their home at the Hotel Main for a short time while the construction work on the K. of T. highway north of this city is on, as Mr. Metz has a part of the contract. 4. Howard Hamilton and Howard Davis of Geneva were here today for a few hours attending to some mat ters of business and also ; itiag with Leroy Fager and Frank Cloidt, Mr. Davis was a member of the auto party with Messers Fager and Cloidt that toured the west the past sum mer. . - ' ' - From Saturday's Dai"y J. H. Tarns of Omaha, was here yes terday afternoon and last evening visiting 'with friends and looking after some matters pf business. i Mrs. P. T. Campbell of Omaha was here last evening to enjoy a visit here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Sayles and family j for a few hours. Rev. George P. Clark, who has been here in charge pf the work of tha First Christian church, departed . yesterday afternoon for Bethany - - v. ill 2 . : huciv utt win '1L 141 a uu lur ai time. Rev. Clark has a number of lo cations in view but has not decided just which he will accept. He will leave his househol4 goods here for the present until he secures a location. Alvo School Notes. Two volley ball courts have been laid out on the former baseball dia- mond and the girls of the school are learning to play. i The baseball diamond has been moved . to the plot of ground just north of the former site. Basketball practice has been be gun by both the boys and girls teams. Mr. Brandt is coaching the boys and Miss Mielenz, the girls. Some new ma terial is coming to the foreground and basketball prospects are bright, i Miss Connley who has been ill for the past week is again able to be at school.. . j WILL HOLD MARKET The ladies of the St. Paul's auxil iary will hold a market on Saturday, October 16th at the II. M. Soennich sen grocery store. Your patronage appreciated. o91tw-6td Boar Pips, fer Sale. I have a number of very rhoice spring boar pigs, of the celebrated Hemshipe strain, which I am offer ing for sale, ready for service. Call 3114, Murray.. Perry Nickles. at. o7-4tw From Friday's Daily I Ed E. Leach and A. W. Propst of Union with Robert Troop, jr., ox Mynard were here today for a few hours attending to some matters of business. Mrs. Luke L. Wiles was among those going to Omaha today to spend a few hours in that city looking after some matters of business and visit ing with friends. Mrs. Elmer Rummel and Mrs. Guy Long were among the passengers thi3 morning for Omaha where they will spend a short time looking after some matters of business. E. H. Boyles, one of the well known residents of the' ficinity pf Elmwood was here today for a tew hours looking after some matters of business and visiting with friends. Walter E. Rakow. wife and four children, accompanied by William Rakow, arrived here last evening by auto after a weeks' trip from th HOLD BOOTH FESTIVAL Prom Saturday's Pally Last evening at the First Methodist church in this city was held the Booth festival of the Ejjwprth League society of the church, one. of the most pleasant occasions in the church events and which was participated in by the societies of Plattsmouth, Ne braska City, Union, Springfield .Louis ville and Nehawka. The young people came with the fruits of the harvest the food stuffs, fruits and dainties that were to be sent to the Crowell Home at Blair which ia maintained by thta church. A very enjoyable program was offered and a very able address by Rev. D. C. Wright of Nebraska City, whs one of the features cf the occa sion that all enjpyel to the utmost and which was a real inspiration to the young people. In the contests Nebraska City and Plattsmouth were eaca tied with 61 pcints. The Plattsmouth Produce Market Because of many requests for prices by phone and letter, we are publishing our current cash prices. Hens, per lb 19c Springs, per lb.. . . .17c Cox, per lb.. ...... 12c Eggs, per dozen ... 35c POLITICS IN. UNIVERSITY Seattle, Wash., Oct. 7. Dr. Henry Suzzallo, president of the University of Washington, who was deposed early this week, was asked to resign be cause of disagreements with the fac ulty and because he failed to co-operate with the board of regents, A. H. B. Jordan, president of the regents, declared today. Cream, per lb, Bt F. . 41c Prices Subject to Change Moye Produce Co. PHONE 391 "There is no question but that our institutions of higher learning are suffering from a case of too much politics," Jordan said. "Under the present system of management this will continue." When files of the university field secretary were examined, it was dis covered, Jordan declared, that the alumni association was organized po litically with offices thruout the state centered in the campus where the president was a controlling factor. FOE SALE Two spotted Poland-China boar pigs. L. A. Meisinger, Plattsmouth, Phone 2513. oll-3tw (FftI.UK IL lUVKHTIJIVG) (POIITICAL ADVERTISING) I POLITICAL ' ADVERTISING) POLITICAL . ADVERTISING) APOLITICAL, ADVERTISING) U'OLITIPA, AP VERT'S" NO Journal Want Ads bring results. (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) I' W. B. Banning Candidate for Re-election for State Senator from the Second District lyjR. BANNING comes Ijefore the voters of Otoe, " Cass and Sarpy counties, not as a stranger, but a man of high standing who is well known in his community. He has served as State Senator for four terms, namely 1909, 191 1, 1922 and 1924. His record as Senator is alove reproach, he being on some of the very important committees, such as Finance. Agriculture and Insurance. He has also served Cass county as Commissioner for one term from 1902 to 1905. He is at present a member of the State Board ,of Agriculture on which he has served fifteen years; has been treasurer of same for five years. Mr. Banning is also president of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society. He is. a resi dent of Union, Nebraska, (in which town he in the banking business at the present time. Mr. Ban-: ning, if elected again, will serve the people of the Second District to the best interests of all concerned. You cannot make a nisitake by voting for him. Earl Towle Candidate for Representative from the Sixth District 7ARL TOWLE is our Representative a t the present time and is asking for re-election. He is a native of Cass county and has lived in and near Weeping Water his entire life. He has served the people of Weeping Water and Cass county in var ious offices and is well acquainted in this county. He has been Secretary and Treasurer of the Cass County Fair Association for four years and is a great booster for better livestock and agriculture. He has served on the City Council of Weeping Water and at present holds the office of Police Judge. He is also a member of the Board of Edu cation at Weeping Water, and holds the presidency of this board now. Mr. Towle in the next session, if elected, will be better qualified to. serve the people of Cass county than before, as he will be better acquainted with conditions. You cannot make a mistake by voting for Mr. Towle as Representative from Cass county. Democratic County Ticket! MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE DESERVING OF YOUR SUPPORT AT THE POLLS, TUESDAY, NOV. 2, AND WHO SOLICIT YOUR VOTE! Mia U. Gering Candidate for Re-election for County Treasurer of Cass County IT IS doubtful if there are very many voters in Cass county who are not more or less acquaint ed with our present County Treasurer. She is a lady of great ability, has taken care of the office in a business-like manner, . being accommodating-to each and every one, regardless of who, it might be. In the last few years, the County Treasurer's office has had considerable additional new work, such as the registration of automobiles, of which there are over four thousand in the county, but even at that, she has not asked for additional help, and has run her office without neglecting any of her duties. Miss Gering has lived in Plattsmouth for a number of years and during that time has . filled many im portant positions. . She has served one term and asks the voters of the county for re-election, which she certainly deserves. Andrew Schliefert Candidate for County Commissioner 1 from the Second District lyiR. SCHLIEFERT is not a stranger to the v voters. He was born 53 years ago on a farm between Manley . and Murdock and at the present time resides there. He is a man of high standards, good business judgment and has been Road Over seer for six years in Center precinct, so he is not a stranger to the office to which he is aspiring. The voters of Cass county can conscientiously cast their vote for Mr. Schliefert as he is conservative and at the same time is ready to fulfill the wants of the people of Cass county. He is a good roac enthusiast and if elected he will do what he can to better the conditions of roads in this county. Vote for him. Minnie Klinger Candidate for the Office of Regis ter of Deeds WE ARE presenting to you as a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds, Miss Minnie y '. Klinger, who was born and reared in Cass county, received her education in the public schools of Plattsmouth and graduated from High school in 1922. Since then she has held position of clerk and stenographer in this city; has been employed in the . County Attorney's office, and also as bookkeeper and stenographer for the McMaken Truck and Transfer company for three years. She has had some experience in the Register of Deeds office during the present administration; is now holding the position of City Clerk of Plattsmouth. She has excellent qualities and is capable of holding the , office to which she is aspiring. Give her your vote onr election day and you will never regret it. Fred Gorder Candidate for County Commissioner from the Third District MR. GORDER is before you for re-election, having served in that capacity for five years. He is at present a resident of Weeping Water, where he has lived for a number of years. Fred is practically a native of Cass county, being but twq years old when his parents immigrated from Wis consin to Nebraska, which was sixty years ago. Fred is well known over the entire county, not only - as Commissioner, but in the Implement business, as he has been for so many years, he became ac quainted with most everyone. Ife is of-a conserva tive type and the tax payers can rest assured that 'thfcir money is not squandered and. their interests are fully taken care of. A vote for FrecJ order is a step in the right direction. '- 1 Arnold R. Johnson The Democratic Candidate for Sheriff of Cass County IN THE coming campaign, we want to present to )ou a candidate for the office of Sheriff who might come to some of 3011 as a stranger. Mr. Johnson is well known in Plattsmouth and more so in the eastern part of the county and we hope before this campaign is over that you will get acquainted with him and find his good qualities. He is at present serving as Chief of Police for the city of Plattsmouth. He has also been employed by the Burlington shops here and has been a farmer and held other different positions in town. He is a nlember of the I. O. O. F. and Eagles lodge and a member of the Young Men's Bible class of the Methodist church of this city. Mr. Johnson is the right age (being thirty-two years old) to make a good sheriff. He weighs 199 pounds and is 5 feet, iq inches tall. He asks the people of Cass county to elect him to this office. He is a man of moderate means and we are satisfied he will make a splendid officer. A vote for him will be in the right direction. apt Harrison L. Gayer ' " . Candidate for Office of County Clerk MR. GAYER is a man of high quality and well educated. He has lived in Cass county for eight years and is at present fanning iq Rock Bluffs precinct. He received his education at the Univer sity of Nebraska, being a student in the law school of the university at the outbreak of the World war in 1917. - He went overseas with the. 28th. Infantry, First American Division, as Captain of the Infantrj. He is a member of the Plattsmouth post, American Legion, and also a member of the Disabled Veterans' Association. When he returned he was not physical ly fit to complete his law studies and was advised by his physician to move onto a farm, which he ditb Capt. Gayer is fully qualified to hold the position of County Clerk and. is certainly worthy oi recog nition from) the voters of Cass county for his brav ery during the Yprld-war. Don't forget to vote for Capt. Gayer for County Clerk on the 2nd. day of. November; for he deserves r V ,-1: Y IT 1 I