THURSDAY, SEflXStBEfi 30,.i928. piAtteu6uth Semi - weuktj irofctftt PAGE Flti Murray Department I Prepared In the Interest of the People of Murray and Burrcmndine Vielnrto Efineeiallv for the Journal Readers U WHERE YOU CAN A AR IIS ru A corporate trustee, like ours, never exceeds its authority, never plays favorites and nev er dies. Make us your executor or trustee and leave all the tech nicalities and intricacies of law and execution, together with all worry, in our hands. Your will will be carried out in every detail and your trust will be held sacred. There is No Substitute for Safety Murray State Bank Murray, Nebraska Lee Nickles was visiting: C. S. Stone and wife at Nehawka Tuesday. Come out and see the "Sunshine," Saturday evening, October 2, 1926. Contractor Evans of Ashland is re building a bridge near the home of L. H. Young. A. L. Todd is employed on the farm of Ed Gansemer and is assisting in the work there. Charles Boedeker writes he likes his school which he is attending at Fairbault, Minn. C. H. Boedeker has been rebuilding one of the barns on one of his farms during the past week. George E. Nickles unloaded and distributed a car of coal to his cus tomers on last Saturday and Mon day. Bn Albin was a visitor in Murray on laFt Tuesday, driving up from his home near Union, to lock after somo business. Harrison Wade of Weeping Water ROCK CREEK STOCK FARM Filling Station BEST GOODS BEST SERVICE Supplies and Accessories One Mile East of Murray Stop and get your car filled with the best of Gas and Oil. G. M. MINFORD Owner HURRAY - - NEBRASKA IT HERE When you car next needs repair, treat yourself to a better job at no greater cost Bring it in here. We handle your car just as if it were ours. Murray Garage "We do good work in atitomobils repair."' J was a visitor In Murray for a short time on last Tuesday and was look ing after some business. Ralph and Charles Kennedy and the rood wives Were visiting in Mur ray on last Sunday, and were visit ing with the relatives here. W. H. Wehrbein and Herman Gan semer were in Omaha on last Tues day where they were looking over the cattle market with a view of the purchase of some feeders. The young people who are giving the play, "Sunshine" at the Peterson Hall Saturday night, Oct. 2nd, are working hard and are hoping to have a splendid crowd in attendance. George E. Nickles, W. G. Boedeker and A. D. Bakke were visiting in Omaha on last Monday evening, call ed there to look after some business in the line of autos which they are Belling. Mrs. Whippee of Whippee's cor ners may be seen at the Peterson Hall Oct. 2. On last Monday night there was a movie picture show staged by the Presbyterian church entitled "Lest We Forget." given which was at tended by a large and much interest ed crowd of people. Robert Shrader was a visitor in Plattsmouth on last Tuesday morn ing, and was looking after some business during the morning. In the afternoon his brother, H. H. Shrader brought Robert home. Henry Mockenhaupt of Stirling was a visitor in Murray oh last Tues day looking after the campaign of his friend. Congressman John L Morehead, and was doing some good work for his old time friend. Mrs. J. F. Brendel and Mrs. Will Seybolt and Miss Etta Nickles were visitors in Nehawka Tuesday where they were making arrangements to give the play, "Sunshine" at the Ne hawka auditorium Oct. 6, 1926. The eport is that Mrs. A. D. Rhoden has puchased the building which Mr. Frank Foreman has been using as a store, he having disposed of the building to her. Just what Mr. Foreman will do is not yet de termined. B. H. Nelson and Ben Noell have been very busy getting ready for the winter, that is getting their custom ers ready for they have many stover and furnaces to put in order for using for the summer has put many of them out of commission. C. L. Creamer, of WHO. Des Moines representing the Banker's Life In surance company, of Des Moines, and T. L. Fraser of Syracuse, also with the life insurance company, were looking after business in their line in Murray and vicinity on last Tues day. There was some joy at the Some of Robert Hall last week when the stork brought thtm a very fine young son, and with the wife Mr. Hall is feeling very much elete over the ar rival. The young man and his moth er are doing nicely, and joy reign3 supreme in this household. Buady Boady will give a, baseball demonstration Saturday evening October 2. 1926. Clyde Hindman who has been iu the hospital in Omaha for the past several weeks is reported as getting along nicely at this time and was visited on last Wednesday by his friend Julian MeNatt who went to the hospital in Omaha to see him where he is at the St. Catherine hos pital. The next program of the Murraj Community club will be a fiddler's contest. Oct. 22, 1926. There will be a list of prizes and rules given next week. Contestants send communica tions to Miss Etta M. Nickles. chair man of program. All entries must be in by the 18th of October. Look for announcement later. The Aid society of the Christian church will meet at the home of Mrs. Ernest Milbern for an all day meeting Wednesday, Oct. 6. Each member please bring something for the dinner, also your own dishes and silverware. Hostesses. Mrs. Ernest Milburn, Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. John Stone and Mrs. Ada Farris. All mem bers requested to be present. Are Visiting in the North. Louis Hallas and wife and Grand ma Hallas of Plattsmouth departed on last Monday morning for Minne sota, where they will visit with friends at Owantonna. and which is also near Fairbault, and will make a visit with Charles Boedeker while there, who is attending school there. They will expect to be away tor about ten days or more. Barred Hock Cockrels. I have some excellent Barred Rock cockrels for sale, they all being ex cellent individuals. Call Mrs. Robert Troop, Murray phone No. 2304. Post office, Mynard. s30-tfw Entertains Friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henning Johnson of near Nehawka were host and hostess at their home on last Sunday and had for thir guests a number of re latives and friends, who assisted in making the gathering one of much ! pleasure. An excellent dinner was had and games for the younger por tion of the gathering was indulged in. while the elders enjoyed the so cial conversation and visiting which was one of the pleasing events of the occasion. There were present anf ! to assist in making the afternoon more pleasant, B. H. Nelson and fam ily ot Murray; Conrad Johnson and fauziir of tfetweia Kurriy and Ne hawka; Peter Johnson and wife, Al- bert Johnson, Edward Johnson and wife, Misses Esther and Elberta Johnson, the latter of Chicago, Fred Johnson and Mrs. Clarence Peterson and daughter of Ashland. Entertained for Daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Deitl enter tained at their home north of Murray on last Sunday in honor of their daughter, Mary and husband, now Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shields of Oma ha. There were present for the occa sion besides the host and hostess and family, the guests of honor, Edward Uurich and family, Joseph Beil and family, John Fisher and family, of this vicinity and Herbert Johnson and wife of Omaha. Are Visiting in the West. On Monday ol this week County Commissioner C. t. Spangler and wife and their daughter, Margaret, babe, departed for Brule where they are spending the week at the homes of Vrnor Perry and family and Earl V. Cole and family of that place. Will Hold Debate. The matter of whether the laws can be enforced or not will be thrashed out at the Presbyterian church at Murray on October sixth, when the subject of prohibitionary law will, be discussed by some very able speakers. What ever your atti tude to the question this will be an interesting meeting. We Appreciate the Assistance. We tried a new plan for the Bible school lesson last Sunday, it being review work of the quarter and ask ed a number to write a letter on the lessons of the quarter, and we wish to extend our thanks for the kindness to Chester Sporrer, MisB Rose Reed, Mrs. Wm. Seybolt, Mrs. W. Sporrer, Mrs. J. E. Hatchett, E. H. Wescott, Will T. Adams, Mrs. J. F. Brendel. C. A. Rawls, L. F. Pickett and C. C. Wescott. Ladies Will Serve Meals. The ladies of the Presbyterian church of Murray will serve meal? during the meeting of the Presby terian Synod, at the Christian church which the members of that church so kindly offered for the use during the time the Synod is in convention here. This is a nice thing when the mem bers of one church come to the as sistance of the other by providing a plate for the meeting and whatever they may wish to put the building to. We like this excellent fellowship. Sustains Severe Injury. While working about the house, Grandma Schaeffer had the misfor tune to catch her foot against some of the furniture which tripped this good lady, causing her to fall, bruis iEg her badly, but fortunately not breaking any bones. She is feeling pretty sore, but is doing as well as under the circumstances it could be locked for. Community Picnic Great Success. The Murray Community Picnic which wa3 to have been given several weeks since, and was postponed on account of the rain at that time was held on last Friday evening at the Peterson Hall, and was attended by I some 400 people, who enjoyed the occasion ana me excellent commun ity spirit of the citizens of Murray. A real worthwhile program was put over and one which was thorough ly enjoyed by all present. Mr. W. G. Davis, secretary of the Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce, was present and addressed the meeting and com mended the excellent community spirit which was manifested in the gathering which was an evidence cf the working together of the people of this community for the better- ! mcnt of the towTi and community t surrounding it. A free dance and a ; free movie show and free eats were ' features of the occasion. Murray is to be commended for the way in which this gathering was so suc cessfully put over. Three Young Men Arrive. Three homes were made happy when during the past few days three young men came to stay at the homes of three of the excellent families, living in this vicinity. The first to arrive was one who selected the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Risso, as his place of abode. The second young man came on last Monday and he is making his home with Willis Eaton and wife. The third young man looked about until he found where Rube Eaton and wife were sty ang and made that his home. All are pretty happy over the fortuitious event and all are doing nicely. Could Not Make the Grade. Last Sunday evenrng, while six brunettes, having had their ancestry traced to Africa, were bowling along down the Washington highway a few miles north of Union, and being rath er hilarious, they missed the high way, getting into the ditch on the left or east side of the road, and in an endeavor to regain the roadway struck the concrete side of the bridge just north ot the 'farm residence of County Commissioner C. F. Harris, with some very disasterous results. Three of the Senigambians were bad ly battered up and when Dr. J. F. Brendel was called he patched theci up and had Fred Hcci tak tbc-fn td Omaha where they were placed rh it ftiuuot the reader of the J otrnil tnoT--of nyociAl event or Item of Interest In thla vicinity. nd -will mall iup t-o this office. It will ap pear Under thibeedln.?. We wentell newiltetna Bditob a hospital. The remaining theree of the Malay type, were able to navi gate and they telephoned for some friends to come from Omaha, who were not quite so dizzy and take them and the broken gas wagon home. We only have this advice to offer, be very selective in choosing the materials which you mix with your gas. United Presbyterian Notes. W. F. Graham. Pastor. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and at 8 p m. T. P. C. U. at 7:30. Our Sabbath school attendance was sixty-nine with an offering exceed ing 5 last Sabbath. We hope for a larger attendance. The meeting of Nebraska Synod will command our attention next week. We wish to give public expres sion of our appreciation of the kind thoughtfulness that prompted the people of the Christian church to offer us the use of their building to help entertain the Synod meet ing next week. Thank you. Program, Presbyterian Synod. The following is a complete pro gram of the Presbyterian Synod to be held October 5, 6 and 7 at the Presbyterian church in Murray: TUESDAY AFTERNOON 3:00 Opening Devotional Service By the Retiring Moderator. Rev. N J. Calhoun, D. D., Loveland, Colo rado. Constitution and organization of Synod. Business. 4:00 Opening Bible study. Presi dent R. T. Campbell. D. D., Sterling College, Sterling, Kansas. Address, "The Church and Her Educational Problems," President J. A. Thompson. D. D., Tarkio Col lege, Tarkio. Mo. TUESDAY EVENING 7:30. The Synodical Sermon. Rev N. J. Calhoun, D. D., Retiring Mod erator. Address, "The Crisis in the Foreign Mission Board." Mr. H. B. Gephardt, Nasser. The Sudan. WEDNESDAY MORNING 9:00 Praise and prayer. Bible study. Rev. R. T. Campbell D. D. 9:30, Business. Reports of Synod ical Superintendent of Missions and Permanent Committees. 10:45 Drematic Debate: "Can the Law Be Enforced?" The Anti-Saloon League. Address, "Xenia Theological Sem inary." Rev. John a Henderson, D D., St. Louis. Mo. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 1:30. Praise and prayer. Bible studv. Rev. R. T. Campbell, D. D. 2:00, Conference on "Some Vital and Preplexlng Questions." 1. "What Can We Do to Save the Sabbath?" Rev. D. H Brush. Minden. 2. "What Shall We Preach?" Rev. R. R. Bryan, D. D., Omaha. 3. "What Shall a Christian Do With His Money?" Mr. Rob ert Smith, Omaha. i i - 1 3 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Graham, Pastor 3:30. Conference on "Visitation Evangelism," Leader, Rev. James F. Ross, D. D., Colorado Springs, Colo rado. 1. "Its Distinguishing Features." Rev. N. J. Calhoun, D. D., Loveland, Colo. 2. "Organization Plans." Rev. R. A. Pollock, D. D., Denver, Colorado. 3. "Discoveries of Results." Rev. J. Clyde Mahacey, Omaha. 4. "My Impressions of Visita tion Evangelism." Rev. Clay ton S. Valder, Omaha. WEDNESDAY EVENING 7:30 Praise and prayer. Bible study. Rev. R. T. Campbell, D. D. Address, "Our Church Activities," Rev. R. A. Hutchison, D. D., Cor responding Secretary, Home Mission Board, Pittsburgh, Pa. . THURSDAY MORNING 9:00 Praise and prayer. Bible study. Rev. R. T. Campbell. D. D. 9:30, Business. Reports of stand ing and Bpecial committees. Other business.. Address, . Rev.. E. M.. Milligan, D. D., business manager of the - Board of Publication and Bible School Work Pittsburgh, Pa. . . Addre&s. Rev. John H. Whiti. D. mm fii D., Executive Secretary of the Gen- j ZMatched-Hnit "RADIO INSTRUM ENTTU BESpus REPRODUCERACCESSORIES The Stewart-Warner triumph ol making and MATCHING their Instrument plus their Tubes plus their Reproducer plus their Accessories, all to function in perfect unison, brings you com plete radio satisfaction. That's why we want to dem onstrate a Stewart-Warner Matched-Unit Radio to you. When shall it be? RAYMOND HILD Phone 2805, Platts Exch'ge Mynard, Neb. Model 325 has been reduced to $75. TWELVE MILLION PEOPLE ARE TODAY USING STEWART-WARNER PRODUCTS eral Council. Pittsburgh, Pa. Closing business and final adjourn ment. ENJOY FAMILY REUNION jj ! ImMaichedUniis') Mndd400 A --jE" " Sui day Sept SCth there was a nerds or cattle, goia ana snver, anu . 10 tne general weuare n we aiso ex laree ealhrring at the home of Joe 'the blessings of Almighty God. for his pect to participate in the blessing Dietl of Murrav Neb I obedience, and it was this very land of good government and enjoy peace .it i ' x.r. a ..lr1 which God promised to give him and, and prosperity. We must pay our aii urn;? iu. , vAr'nte descendents. and it was the ful- reunion anu a weaaing ainner, iur their oldest daughter. Mary Dietl, who was married at Sioux Falls, So. Dak.. July 17th and who has Juste(J great faith on their part, wheniwhen he would not do his bit either me from their wedding three million of them went into thejby enlisting in the army or bv doing returned home trip and are now making their home . wilderness, for it was a very spareely ; those things which contributed to the at Omaha. covered country without pastures fori preservation of this country and its They have all reported having a their herds and of any semblance of ideals, and truly he was. for it was wonderful time. Those present were: j anything to eat. jthe duty of everyone to do their part Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and family. However, during this time and un-to preserve the things which are the of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bierl.til they arrived in Canaan, they were ideals of any new country. Now the and fairily of Plattsmouth; Mr. and fed with manna which the Lord pro- , man who does not contribute of his Mrs Ed Ulrich and family of Mynard -1 Tided. During their journeyings of service, and himself for the preser Mr.'and Mrs. Robert Andrews andhe thirty-eight years and three yatior i of the laws is a slacker he . ., - , t-v,,,, months which this was but the begin- that knows of the violations of the family of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. John ng continued to TOUrmer about lawB and doe3 not do the tnlng8 Fisher nnd Mr. Xavier Engl of My-j.tne hiter life wnich was theirs, and which will correct this condition is a nara, iseD. COMPANY BRANCHING OUT Thr O AT Camnbel Co.. of Lincoln one of the wel known auditing firms , for in every thing when they wereome of our appetites and passions, of the state, has in the past year en-'.obedient, had a sore trial for unto .we ask are we indeed good citizens, joyed a great expansion in business him they came with) their complaints, and are we free from being branded a that mnkes their concern one of the and it was he that was to pacify slacker? The children of IrrBcl wer largest in the west and which is ex- them. They were not obedient in slackers to a great degree in that they tending their branch offices into fact, all that were twenty years old did not the thing3 which were corn other states they opening a new office arul upwards at the starting of the manded of them nnd for this reason at Topeka. Kansas. Just a short time journey, which as stated in the bigin- over 600,000 died in the vildernona. a?o. The firm has had the auditing nirg of this article was 603.550. died For this reason their nation perished of the Plattsmouth city books a? well with the single exception of Joshua in later years and the ten tribes were as several times having been engaged and Caled, being the only ones allow- carried away in captivity never to by Cass County in the annual audits ed to enter the Premised Land, while return while two tribes were permit of the county affairs. . those who really did enter were at ted to return to re-establish the na- The compans is headed by O. M. '.the time of the starting the children tion again. Rome fell on account of Campbell, one of the best known and those who were born during the sins and disobedience, and let us hopi auditors of the state and has in ad- thirty-eight years that they dwelt that our own beloved America may dition to the large force of auditors there. It looks like the people who not forget the laws and command ?rc adding several short hand report- came out of Egypt were so set in ments that she may likewise fro down, ers that will add to te efficiency of , their ways, having been so influenced The home, the P.ihle school, and th? the company in their lines of highly in their lives during their residence church with the schools are the same- specialized work. SUGAR RISES TO 6C A POUND !New lork, Sept. -9 . A general increase in the price of refined su - gar at 6 cents a pound the highest level of this year, took place through out the country Tuesday, as refiners. pressed by i .-, j a ueavy xetaii uauu, scrambled for supplies in the raw 6Ugar market. The advance, h tl amounts to nearly a cent low mark ofthe year, coincides ith.: the peak of the canning season. TtlW sugar also commanded tne nign- sugar also commanded the est price of the year 4.65 cents a' pound after the payment of duty with 350,000 bags of the Cuban prod ucts sold in the New York market, an unusually heavy turnover. REPUBLICAN'CAUCUS The republicans of Rock Bluffs pre cinct are called to meet in caucus at the M. W. A. Hall, at Murray at 7:30 p. m., Saturday, Oct. 2nd for the purpose of nominating an asses sor, road overseer, justice of peace and constable. O. A. DAVIS, 630-2tw-std Committeeman. Bess Streeter Aldnclis newest story, "The Cutters" is now on sale at the Bates Book & Gift Shop. Call early and secure your copy of this popular norel. t BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON P Sunday, October 3, 1926. By M. a Brlggv I-H-H-l-I-H-l-l-l-!"!-!- Golden Text: Come with us and we will do thee good. Num. 10:19. Israel Takes Up Her Journey I After leaving Egypt, the Israelites consumed a year and nine months in traveling to Sinai, and their , stay there, and at the end of that time at the command of Jehovah, proceeded on their Journey to the land of Canaan whither they had started in the first place. At this time the Lord com- manded that Moses have the people numbered, which was done and again just before they entered the promise land. At this time their numbers were of men over twenty years of age ; 603,550 which applying the ratio which is generally accepted, multiply- ing this number by five makes the n- iirr uumuc i ui an, cuumiug y um- i and children. 3.017,750. During their etay about Sinai, sundry laws were; given them, ad also at the time of. their startig. It will be remembered '. that they were a mob of slaves when ! they left Egypt, and it was necessary, to have some laws to govern them and that they should have something to keep them close to Jehovah, for they had broken away and worshipped the golden calf, and the laws were given that they might keep to the God who delivered them from slavery. They had given the materials for the construction of the Taberancle, and which had been constructed anj was in the hands of Aaron and hisj sons, and the tribe of Levi, whom were not numbered with the others of the tribes. When they departed : from Sinai, the Tabernacle was given ; into the hands cf the Levitep who were to care for it. and take down the structure when they moved and put it up when they stopped, and also , camp round about it, for no others of. the Israelites were to come near un- der the penalty of death. In the or-, dei of march, the people formed, with children of Israel at the time they the Levites carrying the Tabernacle, J were in the wilderness applies to us and the ark of the covenant where now. We must be true to God who was the tablet of stone on which the 1 gives us life with all its manifold ten commandments were written, and blessings if we are to expect to par other things of the furnishings of ticipate in the blessings and promises the Tabernacle, or as it was called, of Him whose we are. We must be "The Tabernacle of the Testimony,"true to God, to ourselves and as one because it contained the ten com- great writer has said, when we do mandments. Before them went the this we cannot be false to any man. pillar of cloud, which showed the way. In the great plan cf life and it must and which the people followed. As a 1 be spent with our fellow man, w people they did not know where they must get along with the fellow at our were to go. and with the faith of elbow, for there is no way other than Moses they went as the cloud direct-! give the other fellow just such ed. It required great faith for the treatment as we are wanting from patriarch Abraham to leave his native him. land in Ur of the Chaldees years be- The matter of living in this life fore when commanded by the Great and expecting to get the most out or Jehovah, and in its exercise he came it without contributing to the welfare to the west, where he was made rich) of the. other fellow is entirely out with many experiences as wll as with of the question. We must contribute filling. Notwithstanding the children of Tcmol liart Vxkiti fnnp-ht this it rpm:r - i inner for the flesh Dots of EsrvDt. and even perfer the hard service which Just because the laws do not particu had been theirs there. Moses, while larly suit us, and we think that for inspired by God and assured that the the welfare of the majority of th ' children of Israel would be proviaea in Lgypt that they were more or less guards or tne nation. Let us all ob idolaters them?elves, and it was nec- serve the laws and commandment essary for that generation to pass, and that we may survive, the first com another one to come, that would obey nandmrnt with promise is "Honor thy V i-i ftnTnmanrfe rf fha T Crt if le af hoi o n t iVw Vi i 1, A . -t ( now when one makes his home and !s i ti ith , f :hQ dQ nQt respect the commanQS Cf the Lord; who flout at the obeying of law, they are in grave danger of i v " becoming unreliable citizens. The .knowing of the infractions of law and ' not oinS what is necessary to have bokwJ: i.C7 I - p , . th hl . n . nTntT,anH14. whpT1 h - gave tne ten commandments ior tne government 01 man. many men are eu..imnrui. man. men . willing that laws be enforced which they want, but if they do not want iwua-uwr iiv. mtjuu uui t.i It themselves, nor endeavor to have othprs ohpv it Diners ODej 11. Eleven thousand murders were committed in the United StatC3 dur- ing the past year because of the utter ' Lat. in Auf"st Kriakso arrived in disregard for law, for one of tie com- Ne!"' . wi! met by Miss KryI mandments is "Thou shalt not kill." a"d family. Now it would seem All of these murders are traceable to that the engagement has been broken, the disregard for the laws of God and Efforts to see Miss Kryl last night man. Until the people can have re- 'were unavailing, but her mother talft spect for, the laws, and especially ed. those of God. they will .continue to "Are your daughter and Mr. suffer, and when the people obey the Kryiasko still engaged? Are they go- pr0Bper. and the individual who floes observe the law will prosper in store f wl, alf? nave Pf Pr- protect tim. I Te same rule wnicfi apjmrd to the Wtt.l The Plattsmouth 1 Q J JtK 1 , I fOllUCC JllrirKf! n0,a f w,MTr CM .ci. i prices DV phone and letter, we are m m publishing OUT Current Cash pHCes. -JeilS, per ID.. L - 18c 17c C.J.-. 11- ' "Jfii uigs, per iu. . COX. per ID 12c c J C- -S per uucn . . . JV Cream, per ID. B. F . 40c Prices Subject to Change Moye Produce Co PHONE 391 portion of the taxes, and contribute (our portion of our very lives for the j welfare of society. l We called the fellow a slacker slacker of the verv rronounced tvne. .people we cannot afford to sacrifice may be long in the land which th! Tord thv God. clvpth tw GIRL MAY GAIN FORTUNE Ch lpcn Cunt f T nnk....!. T - 1 famous composer, may yet have t i 7.,-. v , j j rj y j . . . r.'T" ' cniiiru iiiiu bu)c ai inai time. The composer, desiring a musical career for his daughter. Partprf . career ior nis daughter, exacted prom53e from her Beverai ypar8 ac, that ehe woulJ npt m unU1 phf wa3 tnirty ,,Jt 8ix week M, t-.-., . o "5." . 1 .Krjl announced her engagement of ' Ci,trn Tlnir. Tfr4o.b.n . ..1.1. man. askoT" Mrs. Kryl replied: "I don't know." kin(is of business stationery printed at the Journal office. r