The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 30, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TStliSIUT. SEPTE2BBEB 30. 1926.
Cbc plattsmouth journal
atere at PoetoClce, Plattamenth. Neb. as ooad-elan mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
If there is some good you can do, do
It now.
What will the republican party do
next? Hard telling.
What this country needs is equality
of pocketbooks before the law.
League of Nation adjourned with
Germany as a member, and the 17. &
The only time a man should say
"can't" is when his inner voice says
Senator Jim Reed, of Missouri, will
speak in Omaha, Monday October 4th.
Let's all go.
Americans can agree on almost
everything except religion and the
size of hailstones.
:o: -
Getting credit for doing good when
you are merely afraid of the pun
ishment doesn't help you.
It is a great misfortune not to
have enough wit to speak well or not
enough Judgment to keep silent.
The many divorces being obtained
by rich Americans in Paris don't look
any better than those made in Ameri
ca. -:o:-
A movie actress sprinted from one
train to another in Chicago. Now,
who cares to imagine such thing down
A feminist orator declares that
working girls should receive men's
wages. Some attain this goal by get
ting married.
St. Louis went wild over the vic
tory of the Cardinals. "Well, they had
a right to be Jubilent. Firet victory
for many years.
:o: .
Nothing works out right. In a town
where you can park as long as you
want to, there is no reason why you
should want to.
A man in New York went 5,000
feet in the air to marry. It is more
usual for merTto go up in the air after
they are married.
In abandoning the League of Na
tions, Spain made it exceedingly plain
that it thought the organization one
of the brush variety.
If some politicians (new in the
business) only knew half as much as
they profess to know, the country
no doubt would be safe.
Spain is said to have been restored.'
to normal condition following the'
revolt. In other words, they are fight
ing the bull and throwing it.
A man who will operate an auto
mobile under the influence of liquor'
ought to be made to operate a rock
hammer under the influence of bread
and water.
Van Doran, who slayed hla wife
at their Carter lake club cottage,
August 20th, will spend the balance
of his life in hard labor in the Iowa'
Cream Station
Main Street Opposite
Journal Office
HJgteit Market Prices Paid
at All Times for Your
Louis Leiner
Local Manager
Plattsmouth - Nebr.
All shades of weather &till predict
ed. Oh, my!
Killing frost Saturday night, did
great damages.
To be thorough is more valuable
than merely being quick.
Mr. Coolidge is back at the White
House. Big Business as usual.
Good boys, Card, good boys! Old
St. Louis never was more proud.
The Coolidge statement virtually
pigeoned-holed the World Court ques
tion. :o:
Tunney won't fight Wills or any
other nigger. How's he going to get
out of it?
If she calls Mathematics "math"
and a diploma a "dip" she is at last
in high school.
You need about 75 years steady.
looking to see as much of your home
town as you should.
Do the movies supply the thrills
for which we long or make us long
for the thrills we cannot supply?
It apears that when Uncle Sam
lent money to the Allies he borrowed
& lot of trouble at the same time.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Remember all the world series "ifs"i
is an excellent training for the mem-
Women formed a club not so many ,
years ago to agitate for shorter skirts.
Now they hardly have skirts enough '
to agitate.
Maybe what's wrong with this gen
eration ia that too many parents'
slippers are being worn out on the
dancing floors.
The two-thirds rule is to stand in
the Democratic National Convention.
Now, what about the old fight of Al
Smith vs. McAdoo?
It is estimated that the advice giv
en the farmers since January 1, now
includes virtually everything except
getting his tonsils out.
Now if the forthcoming world s
series could only he preceded by a 10-j
round bout between Carl Morris and
Jess Wilard, the affair would be com
plete. :o:
All the old strongholds of conser-
Overcoats are very common
vatism are breaking down, and King; 25th day of October, 1926, and the
George has taken to wearing nle 26th day of January. 1927. at 10 : 00
... . , A . . o clock in the forenoon or each day
trousers creased in front instead of t0 receive and examine all claims
on the 6ides. against eaid estate, with a view to
:o: I their adjustment and allowance. The
Some evening when you've nothing' time limited for the presentation of
to do and yearn for a light chore ! claims against said estate is three
. . . . . . . months from the 25th day of October,
that won't end too quickly, try ex-, A D 192fi and the tImJ limlted for
plaining to an Inquisitive 5-year-old payment of debts is one year from
boy who Uncle Sam is. Isaid 25th day of October, 1926.
;o: j Witness my hand and the seal of
The Chicago News points out one said County Court, this 24th day of
comfort in having a losing football
team there are no charges of wild
orgies celebrating the victories. But
that isn't much comfort.
An Eastern writer announces his
opinion that "about" and "abrupt"
are two of the awkward est words in
the English language. What's the
matter with "awkwardest?"
In a free country a man makes ab
surd statements and nobody pays any
attention to them. In the other kind
of country the dictator makes tne
absurd statements, and nobody dares
to pay any attention to them.
. :6:-
One of the sweeteBt . things of life
.,: uear einB love eacuiA D. 1926. and the time limited for
other. One of them was heard to say
of another the other day: "She failed
to get a husband every other way, so
she's taking cooking and sewing les
sons." :o:
Charles W. Bryan made astounding
statements regarding the work of the
present administration thai opened
the eyes of republicans and democrats
alike at Weeping Water last Friday.
He also made the statement that if he
could not prove every statement made
he would step down and off the domo-IT
rrn tin tirfcftt fr nrnrnnr Tii'T
-- - " . AUUVO ,
TeBt Interests of the people every day!
in the week, and every hour in the
Saturday Night
Weeping Water, Nebr.
Good Music Come Have
a Good Time.
W. H. HOMAN, Mgr.
Just twenty-five years ago the New
York Herald made a careful Investiga
tion of the number of rich men in the
country. No government statistics
were available and in the nature of
the case the Herald had to accept
local estimates of fortunes. It found
3,828 men who were regarded in their
communities as millionaires. These
men, according to the estimates gath
ered by the Herald, owned about one
fifth of the nation's wealth.
There has been an enormous in
crease in wealth in the last quarter
century. But the income tax statis
tics now published show about eleven
thousand millionaires. This is onlyj
three times the number estimated in
1901, inspite of the growth of bigj
corporations. If an income of $50,-(
000 a year qualifies a man for the;
millionaire class, the eleven thous-j
and millionaires, according to the in-J
come tax returns for 1924, received
2,275 million dollars in income in that
year. This is almost exactly one
tenth of the total net income reported
for taxation, which is not the na
tion's total income.
Apparently the proportion of the
nation's wealth controlled by very
rich men at the present time is only
about one-half as large as it was at
the opening of the century.
The rich may be getting richer, but
evidently the poor are not getting
Poorer, as used to be said twenty-five
years a- The Por are getting richer,
riesiutm iuuuu&e says iut) iuem
combination is a college education
and an artisan's income. We are
happy to agree. The college educa-
tion enlarges the capacity to enjoy
things, and the artisan's income pro
vides the wherewith to buy them.
Alberta has Just been provided with
the earliest snow blanket in its his
tory. It's more than a little difficult
to Imagine such a thing down here.
Considering all the publicity he is
getting, we wouldn't be surprised if j
the "White House spokesman" 6hould
run for president in 1928.
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun-
In the County Court.
I In the. matter of the estate of Ma-
lhala Hendricks, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
September, 1926.
(Seal) s27-4w
County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Louis
Kroehler, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I
will sit at the County Court Room in
Plattsmouth in said councy. on the
25th day of October, A. D., 1926,
sand on the 26th day of January, A
p., 1927, at ten o'clock a. m., of each
day to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
payment of debts is one year from
eaid 25th day of October, 1926.
witness my nana ana tne seal or
said county court, this 21st day of
September, 1926.
( Seal )s2 7-4 w County Judge.
I'M H-I"I-I-lfr-I "M I'l l
Dr. John A. Griffin
Office Boon: 9-11; 1-5.
Sundays and evenings
by appointment only.
Soensicnsen Biuldmjj
H I 1 I I I 1-1 "I I I 1
, t.
The State of Nebraska, Cast coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Pat
rick J. Flynn, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
Youk are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
11th day of October, A. D. 1926, and
on the 12th day of January, A. D.
1927, at ten o'clock a. m. of each day,
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 11th. day of October,
A. D. 1926, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 11th day of October, 1926.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 7th day of
September, 1926.
(Seal) sl3-4w County Judge.
The State of Nebraska.-Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Anna
F. Finkle, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
11th day of October, A. D. 1926, and
on the 12th day of January, A. D.
1927, at ten o'clock a. m., of each
day, to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is three months from the 11th
day of October, A. D. 1926, and the
time limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 11th day of Oc
tober, 1926.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 7th day of
September, 1926.
(Seal) si 3-4 w County Judge.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons interested that, pursuant to an
order of the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, James T. Begley
presiding, duly entered on the 16th
day of September, 1926, in an action
therein pending wherein Fannie
Nichols and others are plaintiffs and
Fanny Evelue Nichols Sayles and
others are defendants, I will, on the
30th day of October. 1926, in front
of the Farmers State Bank on the
Main street in the "Village of Green
wood, Cass county, Nebraska, sell to
the highest bidder for cash the north
west quarter (NWi ) or Section
thirty-five (35), in Township twelve
(12), North, Range nine (9), in Salt
Creek precinct, Cass county, Nebras
ka. Sale will be opened at ten (10)
o'clock a. m., and kept open for one
hour. The purchaser will be requir
ed to pay ten per cent of the pur
chase price on day of sale, and bal
ance upon confirmation of sale. Pos
session will be given March 1st, A.
D. 1927.
s27-tl 025 Referee.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Ca6 Coun
ty, ss. ,
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Henry
Lambert, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of George L. Farley, praying that
administration of said estate may be
granted to a suitable person as ad
ministrator '
Ordered. That October 23, A. D.
1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons Interested in said matter may
appear at a county court to be held
in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that
notice of the pendency of said peti
tion and the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this order
in The Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks.
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated September 20th, 1926.
( Seal )s2 7-3 w County Judge.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, B3.
To all persons Interested in the es
tate of John Warga, mentally incom
petent. On reading the petition of James
Warga, guardian of John Warga,
praying a final settlement and allow
ance of his account filed in this Court
on the 8th day of September, 1926,
and for final settlement of all ac
counts filed by him as guardian of
John Warga, mentally incompetent,
since his appointment;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the. County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 4 th day of October,
A. D. 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be- granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by pub
lishing a copy of this order In the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court, this 8th day of Septem
ber, A. D. 1926.
(Seal) sl3-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of
Cass, ss.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
fcy Golda Noble Beal, clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct-;
ed, I will on the 9th day of October
A. D., 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south front door of
the Court House in Plattsmouth, Cass
County. Nebraska. In said county.
sell at public auction to the highest'
bidder for cash the following des
cribed real estate, towit
The undivided two-thirds
( ) interest in lot seven ( 7 )
and eight (8) in block seventeen
(17) in the City of Plattsmouth
Cass county, Nebraska, subject
to the life estate of Hulda
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Ellen L.
Sharp, Ewing L. Sharp, Lafayette W.
Sharp, minors over the age of four
teen years; and Vallma A. Sharp,
Maizie A. Sharp, and Alexander C.
Sharp, minors under fourteen years
of age; defendants to satisfy a Judg
ment of said court recovering by
Hulda Sharp, plaintiff against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, August
31st A. D., 1926.
Sheriff of Cass County,
By W. C. Schaus. Deputy.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Glen Morse and Josie Morse, plain
tiffs, vs. T. L. Jackson, real name un
known, et al, defendants.
To the defendants, T. L. Jackson,
real name unknown, Mrs. T. L. Jack
son, real name unknown, and J. E.
Osterhus, real name unknown, non
residets of the State of Nebraska.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 16th day of
September, 1926, plaintiffs filed their
euit in the county court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, the object and purpose
of which is to recover the 6um of
$285.00 and costs of suit as damages
and to have one Buick Fordor Sedan,
Model 27-27 motor car. Motor No.
1699154, attached as the property of
defendants, and to have said car sold
under said writ of attachment for
the purpose of paying the damages
recovered by plaintiffs against the de
fendants. You are hereby required to answer
said petition on or before Monday,
the first day of November, 1926, and
failing so to do, your default will be
entered therein, and plaintiffs will
ask for Judgment against you.
s20-4w Their Attorney.
In the District Court of Case coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Application of
Frank A. Cloidt, Administrator of the
estate of Charles H. Sheldon, de
ceased, for License to Sell Real Es
tate to Pay Debts:
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order and license Issued
by Honorable James T. Begley, Judge
of the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, on the 7th day of Septem
ber. A. D. 1926, to me, Frank A.
Cloidt, Administrator, I will on the
12th day of October, A. D. 1926, at
the hour of ten o'clock in the fore
noon on the premises in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, offer for sale at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash, the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
Lots five (5), six (6), seven
(7) and nineteen (19) in Sec
tion thirty-three (33), Township
twelve, (12) North, Range four
teen (14), east of the Sixth Prin
cipal Meridian, all in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska
subject to all liens and encumbrances
Said offer for sale will remain open
for one (1) hour for bids.
Dated this 17th day of September,
A. D. 1926.
Administrator of the Estate of
Charles H. Sheldon,
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the
estate of Glenn Perry, deceased:
On reading the petition of Adda P.
Perry praying that the instrument
filed In this court on the 15th day of
September, 1926, and purporting to
be the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al
lowed, and recorded as the last will
and testament of Glenn Perry, de
ceased; that Bald instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
Adda P. Perry, as Executrix;
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 11th day of October,
A. D. 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why
the prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted, and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and that
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this Order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county,
for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said
court, this 15th Say of September, A.
D. 1926.
(Seal) s20-3w. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
John Rutherford and Chicago, Bur
lington and Quincy Railroad Com
pany. Plaintiffs, vs. Thomas E. Tootle,
Mrs. Thomas E. Tootle, first real
name unknown; Thomas K. Hanna.
Mrs. Thomas K. Hanna, first real
name unknown; Louden Mullin;
Barbara E. Mullin; the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estates of Thomas E. Tootle,
Mrs. Thomas E. Tootle, first real name
unknown; Thomas K. Hanna, Mrs.
Thomas K. Hanna, first real name un
known; Louden Mullin and Barbara
E. Mullin, each deceased, real names
unknown; and all persons having or
claiming any Interest In and to that
part of Government Lot five (5), in
Section thirty-four (34), Township
thirteen (13), North, Range thirteen
(13), east of the 6th P. M., lying on
the northeasterly side of a line drawn
parallel with and one hundred fifty
(150) feet distant from, measured
northeasterly at right angles to the
center line of the original main track
of the railroad of said railroad com
pany as located and constructed over
said Lot 5; also all that part of Gov
ernment Lot four (4), in Section
thirty-five (35), Township thirteen
(13), North, Range thirteen (13),
east of the 6 th P. M., lying on the
northeasterly side of a line drawn
parallel with and one hundred fifty
(150) feet distant from, measured
northeasterly at right angles to cen
ter line of the original main track
of the railroad of said railroad com
pany across said Lot 4, and lying
on the southerly side of the south
boundary line of the King of Trails
Highway, said south boundary line
being parallel with and thirty feet
distant from, measured southwesterly
at right angles to the center line of
said highway, said center line being
described as follows: Commencing at
a point on the eaBt line of said Lot
4, twelve hundred eighty (1280)
feet north of the southeast corner
thereof; thence northwesterly in a
straight line across said Lot 4 te a
point on the west line of said Lot
4, fifteen hundred fifty-eight and
four-tenths (1558.4) feet north of
the southwest corner thereof, both
tracts of land hereinabove described
containing 38.24 acres, a little more
or less, real names unknown. De
fendants. To the defendants, Thomas E.
Tootle, Mrs. Thomas E. Tootle, first
real name unknown; Thomas K.
Hanna, Mrs. Thomas K. Hanna, first
real name unknown; Louden Mullin;
Barbara E. Mullin; the heirs, devl
Bees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estates of Thomas E. Tootle,
Mrs. Thomas E. Tootle, first real
name unknown; Thomas K. Hanna,
Mrs. Thomas K. Hanna, first real
name unknown; Louden Mullin, and
Barbara E. Mullin, each deceased,
raal names unknown; and all persons
having or claiming any interest in
and to all that part of Government
Lot five (5), in Section thirty-four
(34), Township thirteen (13), North,
Range thirteen (13), east of the 6th
P. M. lying on the northeasterly side
of a line drawn parallel with and
one hundred fifty (150) feet distant
from, measured northeasterly at right
angles to the center line of the origi
nal main track of the railroad or said
railroad company as located and con
structed over Eaid Lot 5; also all that
part of Government Lot four (4), in
Section thirty-five (35), Township
thirteen (13), North, Range thirteen
(13), east of the 6th P. M., lying on
the northeasterly side of a line drawn
parallel with and one hundred fifty
(150) feet distant from, measured
northeasterly at right angles to cen
ter line of the original main track of
the railroad of said railroad company
across said Lot 4 and lying on the
southerly side of the south boundary
line of the King of Trails Highway,
said south boundary line being paral
lel with and thirty feet distant from,
measured southwesterly at right
angles to the center line of Bald high
way, said center line being described
as follows: Commencing at a point on
the east line of said Lot 4, twelve
hundred eighty (1280) feet north of
the southeast corner thereof: thence
northwesterly in a straight line
across said Lot 4 to a point on the
west line of said Lot 4, fifteen hun
dred fifty-eight and four-tenths
(1558.4) feet north of the south
west corner thereof, both tracts of
land hereinabove described contain
ing 38.24 acres, a little more or less,
real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that John Rutherford and
the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
Railroad Company, a Corporation,
plaintiffs, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 20th day of September, 1926,
against you and each of you, the ob
ject, purpose and prayer of which is
to obtain a decree of Court quieting
the title to that part of Government
Lot five (5), in Section thirty-four
(34), Township thirteen (13), North,
Range thirteen (13), east of the 6th
P. M., lying on the northeasterly Bide
of a line drawn parallel with and one
hundred fifty (150) feet distant from,
measured northeasterly at right an
gles to the center line of the original
main track of the railroad of said
railroad company as located and con
structed over said Lot 5; also all
that part of Government Lot four
(4), In' Section thirty-five (35),
Township thirteen (13), North,
Range thirteen (13), east of the
6th P. M., lying on the northeasterly
side of a line drawn parallel with
and one hundred fifty (150)- feet
distant from, measured northeasterly
at right angles to center line of the
original main track of the railroad of
said railroad company across said
Lot 4 and lying on the southerly
side of the south boundary line of
the King of Trails Highway, said
south boundary line being parallel
with and thirty feet distant from,
measured southwesterly at right an
gles to the center line of said high
way, said center line being described
as follows: Commencing at a point
on the east line of said Lot 4, twelve
hundred eighty (1280) feet north of
the southeast corner thereof; thence
northwesterly in a straight line
across said Lot 4 to a point on the
west line of said Lot 4, fifteen hun
dred fifty-eight and four-tenths
(1558.4) feet north of the south
west corner thereof, both tracts of
land hereinabove described contain
ing 38.24 acreB, a little more or less;
as against you and each of you and
for such other relief as may be just
and equitable.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 1st day of November. 1926,
or the allegations therein contained
will be taken as true and a decree
will be rendered in favor of plaintiff
and against you and each of you ac
cording to the prayer of said peti
tion. Dated this 20th day of September,
A. D. 1926.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Notice is hereby given that the
Dlaintlffa. Catherine M. Coleman.
Hettie G. Wright, Ella May Marshall,
Ada F. Gullion, Isa O. McLeese, wat
tle J. Bailey, Lula A. Landon. Myron
E. Coleman and Elmer C. Coleman.
have filed a petition in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 2nd day of April, 1926, against
Robert R. Livingston and Liv
ingston his wife, first true name un
known; Stephen B. Clark and
Clark his wife. fir6t true name un
known: C. A. Woosley and Violet S.
Woosley, his wife; II. H. Alden and
Adelia I. Alden, his wire; Horace
Metcalf: the unknown heirs, devlsets.
leeatees and Dersonal representatives
of each and every one of the above
named defendants and all persons
having or claiming any interest in
the east half (E) of the southwest
quarter (SW4) of the northeast
quarter (NE4 ) of Section thirty-one
(31). Township twelve (1Z), isortn.
Ranee nine (9). East: also Lot No.
twenty-seven (27) in West Green
wood, a sub-division of the nortn nair
of the southeast quarter of Section
thirty-one; and all that part or uoi
No. twenty-six (26) in West Green
wood, a sub-division of the north half
of the southeast quarter of said Sec
tion thirty-one, bounded and de
scribed as follows: Beginning at a
point In the north line of said sub
division 1715 feet east of the center
of said Section thirty-one (31), said
point being the northeast corner of
Lot No. 26. and running thence
south 4" 4 5' west. 317 feet; thence
south 40 30' west, 544 feet to a
corner of Lot No. 24 ' of said ' sub
division; thence north 152 feet to
the center of Salt Creek; thence south
55" 40' west, 120 feet; thence north
64" 30' west, 155 feet; thence north
20" west, 350 feet; thence north
39" west, 265 feet; thence north
76" west, 150 feet; thence north
to north boundary line of said Lot
No. 26; thence east along said north
boundary line of Lot No. 26 to the
place of beginning, all in Township
twelve (12), North. Range nine (9),
East, Cass county, Nebraska, subject
to road rights of Cass county, Ne
braska in and to a strip of land 40
feet in width, the north line of which
is described as follows: Commencing
at a point 60.6 feet north of the
northwest corner of said Lot No. 26;
thence south 79" east, 212 feet;
thence south 60" east. 19 5 feet;
thence south 78" 35' east, 292 feet;
thence north 70" east, 104 feet;
thence 22" 50' east, 190 feet to east
and west line on bridge crossing Salt
Creek, real names unknown, and Casa
county, Nebraska, defendants, the
object, purpose and prayer of which
Is to quiet and confirm the right and
title of the above described real es
tate, In the plaintiffs above named,
as against any interest in, right or
title to or lien upon the above de
scribed real estate or any part there
of, which the defendants of any of
them may have or claim to have in
said real estate, and for such other
and further relief as may be Just and
The defendants and each of them
are required to answer said petition
on or before the 1st day of November,
1926, or the allegations of said peti
tion will be taken as true.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, SB.
In the County Court. f,
' In the matter of the estate of Mary
Jenkins, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth In said county, on the
18th day of October, A. D. 1926. and
on the 19th day of January, A. D.
1927, at ten o'clock a. m., of each
day, to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is three months from the 18th
day of October A. D. 1926. and the
time limited for payment of debts is
one year, from said 18th day of Oc
tober, 1926.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 13th day of
September, 1928.
(Seal) s20-4w County Judge.