THURSDAY, SEPTEXEEE. 23. 1926. PLATTSXOHTH SSIU WEEKLY : JOUIJAL PAGE FIVE Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People MORTGAGE THE FARM? Many a tragedy has been written about the "wayward daughter" and the "mortgaged homestead." But that was in the days be fore the "farm loan" became good business. The farm loan concentrates your indebtedness, gives you a low rate of interest on long or short time, as desired. Yes, the farm loan is good business. Murray State Bank Murray, Nebraska There is No Substitute for Safety Mot EU3Sss TfoisE You can Save Money Here This is a Clean-Up Sale! You can afford to borrow the money to buy these Lawn Mowers when you see how low the prices are. Scooters for the kiddies are also priced just as cheap for clean-up. See Oar line of Monarch Stoves and Ranges B.'H. KELSON The Hardware Man Murray, Nebr. for the Week End Omar or Victor Flour, Saturday only, sack $2.50 Frost King Flour, per sack 2.30 No. 2 Oto3 Pork and Beans, 10 cans for 95 No. 2 Standard Peas, 6 cans for -.69 No. 2 Standard Corn, 6 cans for 69 Corn Flakes or Toasties, per pkg 115 Navy Beans, 3 lbs. for i .23 Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles, per pkg 08 Fairy Soap, per bar 05 P and G Soap, 10 bars for 43 Crystal White Soap, 10 bars for 43 Cider Vinegar, per gallon 38 3 lbs. Santos Peaberry Coffee for 1.19 Pink Salmon, choice, 3 cans for 54 Gallon can White Syrup for 59 Gallon can Dark Syrup for 49 Prince Albert or Velvet Tobacco, 7 cans 98 Advo Pancake Flour, fresh, 4-lb. pkg 24 Assorted Cookies, per lb 20 CONGOLEUM RUGS One 6x9 rug with 1 24x54 to match, both .$5.75 24x54 rugs (if sold separately) each 69 Highest Price Paid for Produce Tuit Mrub&cheir Phone No. 12 Murray, Nebr. 33 of Murray and Surrounding VVolnity Especially for the Journal Reader For sale Black Poland China male hogs. Good ones. Phone Mur ray. 2914. Otto F. Puis. B2-4tw Dr. Taylor was vaccinating hogs at the home of Nick Frederick on last Tuesday. M. G. Churchill and wife were visiting and looking after some busi ness matters in Plattsmouth last Tuesday. J. A. Scorten and Fred Hild com pleted, placing a roof on the house where Aubrey Hopkins lives, west of town. Frank Foreman was a visitor with friends and relatives in Omaha on last Sunday, returning home on Mon day evening. V. E. Jenkins and C. E. Carroll were visiting and looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth last Monday evening. A. R. Dowler of Weeping Water was a visitor in Murray looking after some business matters and visiting his friend, Dr. J. F. Brendel. Henry Heebner has been assisting in the putting of the highway in good condition under the supervision of Geo. Small the highway patrolman. L. H. Puis was looking after some ; business matters in Plattsmouth last i Monday, driving over with his car !and was accompanied by his son, Har- ley. T. M. Patterson was a visitor in Murray looking after some business matters at the Murray State Bank ROCK CREEK STOCK FARM Filling Station BEST GOODS BEST SEBVICE Supplies and Accessories One Mile East of Murray Stop and get your car filled Aith the best of Gas and Oil. G. M. MINFORD Owner HURRAY - - NEBRASKA A L S .! and also at the office of Dr. J. F. Brendel. J. F. Tubbs of Mynard and the wife with friends who were visiting from the east were visiting with friends in Murray on last Tuesday afternoon. Uncle B. A. Root has been visit ing ,for some time with relatives and friends at York, he driving out there in hi auto, where he is visiting for a short time. Arthur Hanson is building a cave at his home which he is lining with hollow tile and which will make an excellent recepticle for keeping fruit and vegetables. George Kaffenberger accompanied by one of his daughters, who were visiting in Peru and Plattsmouth, stopped on their way home in Mur ray for a short visit. Will Lindner had a cow which was very ill on last Monday evening and after she had been treated by Dr. Taylor the animal immediately showed improvement. Miss Elizabeth McCracken, was a guest of her friend Miss Alma Woods of Plattsmouth for over Sunday where the two young ladies certain ly enjoyed the occasion. Thomas Nelson was a visitor in Lincoln on last Wednesday where he was looking after some business mat ters for the day. He drove over to the capital city in his car. Green Piggot and J. E. Hatchett were working the streets of Murray on last Tuesday, putting them in condition again following the wash ings by the recent severe rains. Sherman Cole of over near Mynard was a visitor in Murray on last Tues day and while here purchased a load of steel posts which he will use in constructing a fence on his farm. Ben Noell had a load of hogs on the market at South Omaha on Tues day of this week, and on Wednesday Herman Gansemer also had a truck load of porkers on the same market. Otto Wohlfarth. the salesman for the Plattsmouth Motor Co., of the county seat was looking after some business matters in Murray on last Tuesday, and hustling for business as he always is. Dick Williams, who has been - as sisting Jack Douglas on the oil wa gon goes to Plattsmouth wbere he will have charge of the delivery truck for the tSanlard Oil Co., in the county seat and vicinity. Word comes from Norden to the effect that a very fine son has ar rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs-. Dwyer Todd, and that all concerned are doing nicely. This young man will son be big enough to help his father on the ranch. Oscar Hoffman was a visitor in Murray for a short time on last Tuesday afternoon while returning from Weeping Water where he tells of the managers of the fair getting ready for the annual exhibition. All should attend the Cass Couny Fair. Word from Oklahoma where Mrs. J. W. Berger is visiting is to the effect that Mrs. Berger who has been feeling quite badly is at this time feeling much improved and was able to visit with her friends in the country near where her daughter re sides. The city pharmacist our genial townsman, G. W. McCracken was .t visitor in Omaha on last Monday j where he was called to look after I some business matters for the day. As his friend Uncle B. A. Root was away, he had to close the store dur ing his absence. Orville Todd who has been in the : northern portion of the state for the I . i. : : : z V v.'n li..-v Vism. I JJUl UiUliLii VIMUU Willi xiia ui uluvi Dwyer, and family and also with others there returned home on last i Monday evening and reports the 1 weather was too dry lately, though they are getting some rain lately. Perry Nickles. and father, Alfred Nickles. are painting the house at the farm and are making it look ifine, the paint which they are putting on besides the fact of making the i buildings look better is also an in ; surance for it preserves the building and when you "save the surface, you save all." L. C. Horchar accompanied by his son, Dan, and daughter, departed for Kearney, where they took Mrs. Horchar with them where she will remain for her health and receive treatment, and after having remain ed there for a time will go on to the mountains where it is hoped a cure can be effected. Early this week Herman Gansemer shipped three cars of very fine cattle to the South Omaha market while on the following day G. M. Minford shipped three cars, W. J. Philpot shipped three and Boedeker and Minford shipped two. This makes 11 cars which was a pretty good num ber from Murray for the one occa sion. Word from Gandy in the western portion of Nebraska is to the effect there came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dill of near that place a young lady who announced her in tention of making her home - with them until she should find someone whom she would consider worthy to be her husband. The young lady and her mother are doing nicely. Oscar Nailor departed from Mur ray on last Sunday afternoon for Mediaon, where he has some business and also visited -with . Bert Satchel, returning Monday evening after hav ing gotten the business attended. to. Oscar says that the crops are very good there -and that the farmers, axe plowing! and putting in their . fall wheat. " While Oscar was away the JoamtfJaK'onyraocil vanvcnrlteai ctUaumt -In tfcig Tioiirtty. n"wUi mall ivs to thl offl. V1U i pear tuader thlsieftdls. t wad-til oemltetn Edbtob store was looked after by Miss Lena Lancaster, who well knows how to conduct the business. Marray Wants a Blacksmith. With the coming of 6 o'clock last Tueslay evening, -Tloy -Gerking;, who has faithfully and well served the people of Murray and surrounding community, as the Village Smith, and has done excellent work for them. Mr. Gerking is returning to the farm and says his vacation is over he tells it. Murray will now need a blacksmith, and will sadly miss the genial face and cherry greetings of the one who has served the people for the past few months. Will Gire Play. The young ladies Bible clas3 of the Murray Christian church, under the direction of Miss Etta Nickles, will give a play "Sunshine," which will be rendered at the Peterson Hall, October 2nd, on -Friday eve ning. This is a royalty play for which they have to pay $10 royalty on in order to get to use it. Miss Nickles has heard the play and is well pleased with the excel lence of the production. Make it a point to attend this play, for "If you do not see it you are the loser. This wil be given under the auspices of the Murray Community club, and when you visit the entertainment you are boosting Murray. . A Very JHean Trick. V. A. Kennedy bowed by his four score of year, and having worked all his life, thought to raise some water melons, and did so having a very nice patch of lucious melons, when some miscreants entered the patch stealing the melons and tore up the vines. He was very disgusted with the way the boys did and well he might be for it was a very scurvey trick. He took a spade and cut the vines and melons, so that they would not return again. Community Entertainment Friday On account of the very bad weather when the date was set for the Murray Community picnic, it was not possible to hold it as the rain was coming down in torrents, and the project wa3 abandoned for the time, thinking that the skies would clear and that there would be a time when they could have the picnic. But it has gone along until it has been decided to have an-indoor picnic, so arrangements have been made for the holding of ther-same on Friday night of this week, when the picnic will be held at the Peterson Hall. There will be a free movie picture show, and a free social dance, and free re freshments, which will make the oc casion one of general good feeling and all are especially invited to come and have a good time. Highjacked the Juice. Some of the forbidden juice had its lodgement in the cellar of one of the citizens of Murray, and the fact becoming known to the very young members of the kid line of Murray they went to his cellar dur ing the wee small hours and abstract ed the ruby fluid. This so exasper ated the one in whose possession the wine was, that he was tempted to take the matter of the housebreaking before the county attorney, but fear ing the arm of the law, passed the matter by and kept his counsel to himself. This is case where the law should get after both the possessor j and the thief who stole the wine. There was five gallone and they do say it was rare. Falls Down Stairs. Mrs. W. B. Vingin, at the home of Mrs. C. M. Reed, her daughter and son-in-law, had the misfortune to j fall down the stairway, containing j thirteen steps and sustained a num j ber of bruises which caused much , pain and it was feared that at the S first there might have been internal injuries, but which upon examina tion proved that she had no bones broken or internal injuries which might prove fatal. Another Lady Falls, While about her home west of Murray, last Tuesday Mrs. Levi Rusteholtz fell down a flight of stairs receiving some very painful bruises, and which taking into consideration her advanced years was most pain ful, and fortunate was it that there were no bones broken. United Presbyterian Notes. W. F. Graham, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and S P- m. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Y. P. C. U. at 7 o'clock. Mid week prayer meeting Wednes day at 7:30 p. m. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup per will be observed .next Sabbath, Sept. 26th and a full attendance is desired. Synod Meeting At Murray. Oct. 5-7. The annual meeting of the United Presbyterian Synod of Nebraska will be held at Murray, Nebraska, Oct. 5-7. This Synod is composed of four Presbyteries: Omaha and Pawnee Presbyteries in Nebraska and Colo rado and Uncompahgre: Presbyteries in Colorado. One Kansas congrega tion .is ..ia i Pawnee Presbytery, an J one Wyoming congregation is in Colorado "Presbytery. One '.delegate belonging r to the Omaha Presbytery comes from -Utah. In addition to the forty - or fifty representatives ct congregations from the four "Presbyteries" there wlll also be several members of boards of the church mostly from Pittsburgh, Pa., including 7Dr. R. A. . Hutchison, D. D., secretary of the board of home mission who is also Moderator of the general assembly. Rev.. John A. Hen derson, D. D., financial agent of Xemia Seminary at St. Louis, Ttev. Thomas McMichael. D. D., president of Monmouth College, Rev. J. A. Thompson, D. D., president of Tar kio College, Rev. R. T. Campbell, D. D., - president of Sterling College, Rev. "F. A. High, of the Anti-Saloon League, and Rev. C. S. Valder, of Omaha, will all have places on the program. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gep hardt, an industrial teacher from Sudan, Africa, will speak on Tuesday night following the sermon by the retiring Moderator, Rev. TC. J. Cal houn, D. D., cf Loveland, Colo. 'Other speakers on the program are: Kev. . ti. tsrusn oi lULincieu. Rev. R. R. Bryan, D. D.. of Omaha. Mr. Robert Smith of Omaha, Rev. J. T. Roes, D. D., of Colorado Springs, Colo., Rev. R. A. Pollock, D. D., of tStenver, Colo., Rev. J. Clyde Mahaffey of Omaha and Rev. John H. White, D. D.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Dr. White is the secretary of the Missionary and efficiency committee of the United Presbvterian church of North Amer ica. Rev. W. R. Gray of Summerfield, Kansas is the clerk of Synod. 'The entertainment of Nebraska Synod will be quite an undertaking for the plucky little church of Mur ray. "The Rev. W. F. Graham has been pastor of this church for tne past four years. 1 Entertained Her Friends. Mrs Mvra McDonald at her home northeast of Murray entertained her friends on last Friday, and had a lare-p number of out of town guests as well as the friends residing in this vicinity. Mrs. McDonald gave all a most de lightful afternoon, and they voted this excellent lady a most finished entertainer. Those Dresent were: Mts. McDon ald's aunts, Mirs. Cutler and Mr3. R. R. Tishue, Mrs. B. W. Livingston and daughter, Grace, Mrs. John Val- lery and Mrs. Helen Richardson., Mrs. Susan Cutler of Modale Iowa, and Mrs. R. A. Tishue of Seward. Nebraska, having been visiting at the home of Mrs. Myra McDonald and other relatives. After dinner they all went to the home of Sam Gilmour to congratu late Mr. Wm. Gilmour on nis bMn birthday, and found him feeling fine and there thev met James Gilmour and wife of Ulysses. Neb., who came to celebrate his father's birthday. It was a pleasant reunion. Bellevue Takes Bunting in the Sarpy League Defeat of Plattsmouth 9 to 4 Sunday Eands Them the Bunting in Easeball Contests. From MonflaVs Daily While Bellevue was taking the measure of the Plattsmouth baseball team yesterday at the Sarpy county town, Papillion was splitting with the Gilmore team, the result of the league season closing with the pen nant being clasped in the hands ot Bellevue. The game Sunday between the locals and Bellevue was 9 to 4 in favor of Bellevue and lacked a great deal of being a snappy contest with the wet grounds and general lack of enthusiasm that marked the battle The Platters were represented on the mound by William Harvey Mason who did his stuff in first class shape, while at the receiving end "Chuck" Fulton stopped the heaves of the local slab artist. The game was wit nessed by a very good turnout of the Bellevue fans to witness the winning of the seiason's struggle by Andy Graves and his hard-hitting and fighting aggregation. While the Bellevue team was doing the closing operation of the season on the Plattsmouth team. Gilmcre ad ministered the last blow to the hopes of the Papillion team in winning the pennant. In the opening game of the double header, Papillion with Le Mar at his best, handed, a 11 to 7 defeat to the Gilmoreites, while in the eecond frame the Gilmore team came right back and annexed the contest by a score of 2 to 1, it being a real battle. In the beginning of the season, Plattsmouth had a goodtart on the pennant race and held first place un til July 4th when Papillion dumped them from the position and on the following day Bellevue gave them an other push downward. The loss of a double header a week ago at Papillion by the locals elimi nated them from the second place race and left the league leadership to be fought out by Bellevue and Papil lion. JI0VIE AND. DANCE The Murray Community club will give a free movie and social dance, Friday evening, Sept. 24, at the Peterson . Hall. Light refreshments will be served. All are cordiallyMn vited to join in and have a good time. .Everything free, come, come. d&w CLOVER SEED WANTED -Anyone having clover - or other seed Jta-sell, mail samples, high price raid your track. We furnish, seam-' Sless bags. -.Glare shield . for lights, free to anyone fcringiss. samples, or furnishing. names. ...JohnJBros., Neb. City. , M'-H-H-K"H"I"I"I"I''I' I BIBLE SCHOOL . LESSON Sunday, September 26th. By M S. Brigs it Early Leaders of Israel Subject, Slavery in Egupt. 4 r" T Succoth, Egypt, April 16, 1599, B. C. El Banni Kalma, Abyssinia. Africa. Dear Cousin. I promistd to write to you about the Israelites, well welWh(.n the kine: an(j our armie8 tried sure have lots of them, and they are,to f0OW the tea came back and getting to be more all the time. They ; (irow nei them. They are gone and I are good workers and we sure makejam gad nf it but it HPPniS awful them work. I feel sometimes mat it 4s pretty hard, but then you know they are slaves. And again if we did not make them work hard they might want to run the government. They keep telling about them being entitled to the Land of Canaan. Tney are fanciful but make good workers, but will not adopt our religion. More at another time. Your cousin, MENI ALKOMA. Goshen, Egypt, October 23, 1578, B. C. Bel Na Akum, Memphis Egypt. t, uhnm th kfnir nf TCs-vntiby a certain manna which e gather was trving to kill, along with other of our nation's children. Well we hid him for a time and then wife made a little boat and put the baby in it and put it in the river Nile "where the, iking's daughter went to swim.: she found the boy and fell in love.meui. uui mru n is u,.,s ,"ltl,r'- with him, and sent it to us to care! for and called it her own. After Moses ( was old enough she took him to the: king s palace and will give him an I education. This seems good for while we do not like to have him away it is bet ter than to have them kill him. I will write you more about how he is getting along later Your affectionate uncle, AMRAM. Jan. 4, 1499. B. C Sakora, Midian, Kem Reod Bcnni, Ankalo, Midian. Dear Benni -Our pastures have made one of the jewelry wnicn tney "been very scarce, but do you know brought from Egypt and in the 6hape I have a most excellent herdsman, in of a calf, like your gods, and were that Israelite which escaped from having a great celebration when Egypt several years ago, nearb' forty. Moses came down from the mountain He is a dandy, for he knows where bringing ten commandments from the every spear of grass grows and every ,Eternal God. When Moses saw what pool of water. Well, he married our, was being done he was sore, and daughter, Zappora, and they are get-: threw the stone down, which had the ting along nicely. He is a good shep-; writing on and broke it. He had three herd. Something happened and I thousand of the people who were th fear we are going to lose him. He leaders killed. The Idoletry was tells of seeing a bush afire in the stamped out and the people worship forest and after burning a long time' ped God since. A Tabernacle was it did not burn up, and when he went builded, ir. which Moses met with the close to it he heard a voice coming Great Jehovah, and gave us laws, out of it. and telling him to go to! Moses went back to the mountain Egypt and take all the Israelites out and returned with another table on and bring them over to this country. which the commandments were wit How he will ever find something for ten. We are traveling east now, and them to eat is more th2n I know, fori are going to the land where we first I understand there is more than two; started nearly two years ago. million of them. However he is going We have had many experiences and to try to do what he can. He says the Great Jehovah will help him and I suppose he will. Come down and spend some time with us, we have not had the pleasure of a visit from you for some time. Your friend. JETHRO. Memphis. Egypt, August 7, 1499, B. C. Nak Kabel Adihu, Demascus. Syria. My Dear Friend Strange things organization cf the Ku Klux Klan in are happening in this country, for one a resolution passed. The proposal to Moses, who killed an Egyptian someiopen tce phow houses on Sunday will forty years ago and fled to Midian , be SUbmitted to voters here at the has come back and says by the com-1 N mb r eifction. Sufficient sign- niand of his God, and demanded that1 I 1- ; 1 . . . -11 . 1- . T 1 : . .. A . A I Tv. V ; ; , this the king does not want to do for they are the creation of most all the. wealth of this laud. This Moses has a long rod, and hej holds it up and waves it and awful , things come to pass. Why. you ' t would not believe all the things which he did. He turned all our water into blood, and it made everyone sick, then he made frogs come into the land, and filled the houses, the beds,; .and every part of the house with them then they died and the land stank something awful, then he turr.ei the dust into lice, and do you know when the frogs rotted flies come and cover ed the land, and we surely wanted to die. Then all the animals got a very loathsome disease, and many of them diod but oh how they did stink. Then he caused an awful storm of hail, kill ing men and animals and destroying the crops. I tell you this was some thing fierce. When that was gone he brought locusts which eat up every thing else. This was followed by a darkness and we could not see a thing for many days. These were awful times and the king promised to let Saturday Specials Murray bids for your trade. See our specials for Saturday. Come and save some money! Omar Fiour, per 48-Ib. sack $2.50 Mother's Best Flour, per 48-Ib. sack. . . 2.40 Sugar, best granulated, 14 lb. for ' 1.00 Pound can Red Salmon for 30 Gingham, fancy patterns, yard 25 All Silk Rayon, . per yard 45 Bleached Muslin, per yard 15 Outing Flannel, per yard 20 Eorl km Murray, the people . go, but always took it back. Now this-man Moses told the king that he would bring one more curie and that the first born Of all Egypt wuold die, even the king's sou and all animals. You know, that all the Israelites killed some animal or bird and sprinkled the blood on their door, and stayed in the house during the night, and none of their children died, but one in every home of the Egyptians died. Then when the king's son died, he said to the Israelites, get out of the land. When they were gone he got his armies and followed them, then the Re dSea opened and they went ever to the other ;de. t-trange. Goodbye for this time. From vour friend. MOLUKDEL MU. Nov. 17. 1398, B. C. Land of Midian, The Princess Malinaki, Lund of Egypt. Little did you think I would write you when our people left that night, but we , have had tome experienced t-ince then. I want to thank you for all your kindnesses, and for the car ing for my frother, Moses, when he was a baby. Say that was some sipht when wc were led through the sa, by the piller of cloud. We have been fed every morning and quails come into the camp and are so tame we can catch them. The people have been pretty badly discouraged but God is caring for them all right. It takes some me lo auj l" i-"' Atam I thank you for your kind- ncss Your friend. MIRIAM. Near Mount January 12 Sinai. Kalniani Seldoric, L,and of -Egypt. 1 am writing you to tell how the Israelites are getting along. Many of I the pecple wanted to return to Egypt ! but they could not. For a long time i Moses has been up in the mountain, 'and while he was away, a number cf I the people got together end had Aaron consent to make a god.. They have learned that when we obey the laws of God we prosper and when we do not we have much trouble. Your former friend, CALEB. KLAX 03JECTS TO SHOWS ON SUNDAY IN LINCOLN Lincoln, Sept. 22. Opposition to the proposal to open theaters here on Sunday was voiced by the local ers to petitions have bei-n obtained to permit the question to be voted UDon 1 IT HERE When you car next needs repair, treat yourself to a better job at no greater cost. Bring it in here. We handle your car just as if it were ours. Murray Garage : "We do good work in automobile repair." ssfir -Store Nebraska