MONDAY. AUGUST 16, 1926. g I 1 I. PXATTSMOUTH SEMI - WXERXt JOTJ33TAX PAGE THEX3 THOSE WHO LEAD VACATION DREAMS NOTICE TO CREDITORS LEGAL NOTICE i rhe plattsmouth lournal published seki-weekly at mtr4 at Poatofflc. Flattsmouth. R . A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION FEICE $2.00 PRESERVE ME, 0 LORD Withhold not Thou Thy tender mercies from me, O Lord; let Thyi loving kindness and Thy truth con-, tinually preserve me. Psalms 40:11.! :o: Toleration is the garnish of an ic!al civilization. j 1 and' -:o:- People itch for a vacation scratch afterwards. :o: A bandit who robbed a Pittsburgh hotel didn't leave anything. :o: About nine out of 10 so-called Rocky Fords turn out to be flivvers. :o: "One out of six Americans owns an auto" Headline. And one out of two owes on one. :o: The French have no Santa Claus. And. up till now, they've never especially needed one. :o: Farm relief in the old days con sisted of a tall unshorn individual who was paid $20 p month and board. -:o: After the average small boy gets through there irn't much need in his mother hunting up a recipe for water-. melon rind preserves. :o: An Oregon statistician says mere; Tnis not weather must serve to re are two million men in the United mjnd a good many women that it is States over six feet tall Did he stop counting when he got to the even number of two million or has nature really produced round number? uch a perfectly GHEAF BRIDGE CARS - TRUCKS 10 Cents 10 Discount on Toll Coupon Books T.H. Pollock Bridge F' PI MTT Euery DURING SUailVlER BY Plattsmouth Eagles Band Under Direction E. H.SCHULOFF Come and Enjoy Them! flattsmouth. Nebraska Neb. u ooa.a-ela.u mail natMi PEE YEAS EN ADVAXCS Those who argue the loudest sel dom vote. :o: Many a poor fish bites the hand that's feeding him. :o: Summer's passing. The second crop of straw hats is ripe. -o: When better autos are built ought to have better drivers. :o: A woman'3 smile sometimes is more powerful than an army and has won empires. :o: The government of Portugal might be called a going concern. It goes quite frequently. :o: The fellow who used to put notches on his gun now has a grandson who puts them on the bumper. :o All birds have a temperature of 103 which would kill humans. So don't fiv around too much. ; -:o: Sometimes it looks as though all the good political timber had been cut also, ture. without thought of the fu- -:o:- Inventors are asked to produce a means of inducing rain. The only nmhod aw knQwn ig tQ orgaEize a picnic. -:o: time to be stepping out in that new faj nat -:o: A critic says married men should wear something indicating that they ! are married. What's the matter with ! their clothes. :o: It is unfortunate for Abd-el-Krim that he is broke but i' it's any com- fort to him it's been our observation ' that losers generally are :o: What will be the world's largest lirplanes, designed to carry 100 per- sons and having 10 propellers, is now being constructed in the east. :o: The fact that Russia has had a' bumper grain crop shows that there are some domestic affairs the soviet government hasn't had its finger in. :o: We are told that Europe hates us because she owes us money. It that is so, the way to renew old time af- fection would seem to be repayment. ; :o:- American Bar Association met in ema nftv speeches recommending law observ- ance on the part of everybody ex- cept lawyers. i and Concerts AT Stores Open During Oonccrl! The greatness of a man lies in his1 ability to Interpret his age. j the current book and intermittent Such a man must have that rarest doze, while all about the lazy sum of traits of genius; he must instinc- mer solitude dispense their idle en tively feel his fellowmen. 1 chantment of rest and dream such is He is not a leader. The whole the average prevision of the ideal strong-man theory is a humbug. He vacation. And that Is why the aver is a servant. age vacation is so often disappoint- The greatest man is the man who comes nearest to executing the will of the people. He is "servant of all.", quite the ideal way it was pictured. If he is a poet, he utters the word3 The lazy summer solitudes have a they dumbly feel. If he is an artist way of mixing themselves with many he bodies forth their important fancy, base ingredients of wind and rain If he is a statesman, he materializes and toiling insects and conflicting en their political convictions. If he is vironment. The current book and in an orator or writer, he says what they termittent doze fall short of the con all would say. Always behind him is tract requirements and the rest and the mass from which he draws his dream give way entirely before labors force. j and frets and inconveniences which It is this power of submerging one's self into the current of others' feel-' ing that is the gift of greatness. i The lawyer is great who gives him- spare times and in-between are sub-'wifi tave 0 be patient and wait tin self up to his patients, serving the ject to so many deductions in those jj we can wed the broken parts, poorest of them as loyally as any sub- exploring and investigating 6)ays that Welding Our way will save it if any ject ever served his king. 'it is no wonder the scholars and thine can. Ask US for repair Dlices. The teacher is great who is the ex- ponent of his pupils, the expression of their intellectual curiosity, the will i of their highest ambitions. j J The workman is great who feels the AT? a. m i 1 m V111 01 ms employer, tne care oi nis eoods and the perfecting of his workj as n it were his own. j The merchant is great who senses nis customers, divines their needs, ministers to their wants; and he is greater yet if he feels his responsibil- ity to those he employes, if he is the personal embodiment of the activities of all his working force. A president, a governor, a senator, n enTUTocsnnii a mu-rr ia wat if he knows his people; if their con- science is his conscience; if his voice is their thought; if his desires and ideals move nis nana ana nram. Homer, Goethe, Voltaire, Shakes- peare spoke their time. Th oot or, tu m,m,f,,,r i of the people. David, Caesar. Washington, Na- poleon, each knew how to ride the crest of the multitudinous wave. , , T . ... Even of Jesus no greater thing can be said than that He uttered the heart of all mankind. :o: i-inis J. uarrett. or Tennessee, democratic minority leader in con- gress. won renomination in the ninth ' idistrict of that state after the hard- est fight of his political career. It seems to be the fate of democratic leaders that they must fight hard to; keep their seat in congress. Ambitious youngsters are always striving to shove them to the wall. the British :o: Greece demands that museum return the "Elgin Marbles," carried to England at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Of course they belong to Greece but England thinks it's a poor sport that will cry to get his marbles back so long after the game. :o:- Another reason why the modern TflMhop Vi u o mnro t mo fr-r Virirfo c because she doesn't have to waste any of it letting down the hems in the skirts of her growing daughters. r3 A (23 M J A hammock under a shady tree, ing in its aftermath of realization The shady tree i3 never found in t send the vacationer home at last to recovery before going back to work, Vacation and leisure and all the scientists are beginning to put the whole matter under the microscope. What, after all, is a vacation? What is spare time? What do people do when they do nothing? And what is i T !1 J n 4 rest; now is n uuuc; One thing, they tell us, is sure. these investigating experts wno ao the loking into grindstones for the rest of us, they are saying tnat aoout the worst way to rest is to try to ao true it, and any vacation that is a vacation, the letting of everything re-a tire from the premises but the much- over-advertised reverie and dream, is' no vacation at all. Thorn is mnro nf a rlllp tf the subtle dynasties of fatigue and rest in the old saying about a change of scene than we have been in the habit .or thinking, mere isn t mucn vaca- tion to be had in slowing down the mental machinery to a drowse and! ,0 The crnto o rnnH Honi nf . . i . .ri.i rest by going to sleep; but curiously enough, the mind chiefly rests by waking up. That book and intermit- tent doze are really hostile elements . ., . ,. . i in the true conception of a vacation, The one is physical, the other spir- itual. in the best meaning of that so(in lour montns on sucn transparencies often misused word. j but they will do the best they can. Be- cnange oi scene, tne sniiimg oi""u". mental gears, frsh contacts, outlooks, a living, and there are blondes who and motivations these and many( freckle easily, even if gentlement do other strange actions, not inactions, ' are the real constitutents of a true vacation. THRILL SEEKERS Youth's search for thrills leads to- some strange doings. A young man at ; Steubenville. Ohio, thought he would imitate Martin Durkin, Chicago "shiek bandit" and wrote a letter to- a wealthy retired manufacturer, de- manding $16,000 under penalty of death. The letter was quickly traced to him and he was arrested. "I would have returned the money," he told the police; I only wanted to see if 1 f- 1 4 b the age of 21 is married and has two children full credit for the purpose he has stated, the case illustrates the stability of a certain type of the younger generation. He wanted a "kick." He flirted with crime. He sought adventure. He got it. This young chap evidently had no thought for his family when he took a chance of blackmail. He will prob ably spend a couple of years in prison unless the object of his threat shows mercy on him and refuses to prose cute. Then his wife and children will have the adventure, and the sorriest one that can befall. And the pity of it all is that there are manv such as he who have lost their normal bal- ance and are deliberately questing for experiences. "The Chicago boys who killed a little fellow for a thrill were of this type. They are now In r ,0 a "-e, "-'j the gallows. The news accounts are full of such happenings. Is the law iho n-nixr mrroofiro thnt .ot, k ot plied to check this unwholesome mor - uiu eeuueiicy mai ainicis so many Oi tne rising generation? :o:- Hens lay best when their houses( are lighted by electricity; cows give- more milk when listening to Jazz.' The gtate of Nebra8ka, Cass coun The thing the farm needs is more ty, ss. night clubs. Then the hired men might stay. -:o: At a recent election in Chile three thousand more votes were cast than there were voters in the district. For- tunately the polls were closed in. time t o KeeD the entire DODUlation from HK7i wki, ii,. doubling up with writers cramp. :o: Just now the main interest In Texas ment and allowance. The time limit centers about "Ma" Ferguson's view ed for the presentation of claims on the validity and binding power of,1?111181 Baid estate is three months election bets. -:o:- TOE RATfl The Sophia Schafer farm, four miles west and five miles north ot Murray. See F. G. Egenberger, Plattsmouth. Yes, Lady We Appreciate Your Position yye'll do the best "We can to fix jp your engine so that you can get a 0Dicfc start, but if it's broken V0U Frady's Garage Phone 58 S0CKLESS SAVINGS Gertrude Lawrence, actress, wears no stockings off the stage. She says bare legs are cooler and healthier,; WT 7Z T Vt,rThVR':1926, and the time limited for pay- nd that within four months she has. nt of debtfj Jg one ypar from saved $700 by the airy fashion. Shade of Jerry Simpson! When 1 that voice of Populism was crying in the Kansas WildemeSS, his SOCkleSS savings mignt nave Deen aDout a uime a week at current styles and prices, and compartively few who rallied to uwi mm urnCtru . money as jmuu in an tne worm. But, even with the figure set so hieh it is unlikely that the ladiea hoRiorv mav have seemed utilitarian hosiery may have seemed utilitarian apparel in the days or cotton stocK- ings, but it lists with the luxuries now, and this is the land in which, in -rii ri? hprnmp necessities in a little luxuries become necessities in a ""i while. Not all may spena so mucn preier mem. However, there may be another saving In banning the hosiery. Jerry Simpson didn't have a press agent, but his name became a household word, and a number may notice Ger trude Lawrence, who wouldn't if she merejy fished another pair of 550 stockings in the passing show. :o:- Legal blanks of all kinds for sale at the Journal office. I-I"I"I"I"M-I-I-M"I"I-I"I"I- t Dr. John A. Griffin j" Dentist Office Hours: 9-12; 1-6. Sundays and evening by appointment only. PHONE 229 Soennicnsen Building NOTICE TO CREDITORS i The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Harry S. Barthold, deceased. ! To the creditors of said estate: ! Von nr herebv notified. That 1 slt at tne county Court Room in PlattBmouth in eaid county, on the 2nd day of September, A. D. 1926, antnei3rA da.T,f, December', A' JJ a t receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance, me time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 2nd day of Septem- t,er a. D. 1926, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 2nd dav of September 1926. l m? nh?d tt?? f1 Q icn H rn ntv nnrt. tni9 stn day OI : August, 1926. A. H. UUX15UK.X, (Seal)a9-4w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Mary J. Taylor, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: Vnn iirp herebv notified. That l will Blt at tne county Court room In Plattsmouth in said county, on should not be granted; and i 23rd day of August lSZb ana me v - - - ;a- m- of each of wld to receive and eiamine all ciaim8 against said itk ir r Vnwomhar n T lUlrlrtTi and tnp hpnrlnp- t h crpnr ho estate, with a view to their aajuet - J i we"u " .Z' ijo, ana me Lime uuiiibu im yj ment of debts is one years from said 23rd day of August 1926. Witness my hand and the seal of Bald County Court, this 22nd day of July, 1926. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) County Judge. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-' ty. ss. ty. Nebraska. I In the County Court. Fred Lugsch. Plaintiff, vs. John J. j In the matter of the estate of Worley et al. Defendants. 'Howell R. Knowles, deceased. To the defendants. John J. Worley, I To the creditors of said estate: trustee for Plattsmouth Town Com You are hereby notified, that I will pany; Plattsmouth Ferry Company; ;sit at the County Court room in Mrs. John J. Worley, real name un- Plattsmouth In said county, on the known, wife of John J. Worley: Cal 3rd day of September, A. D. 192C, vin C. Green; Mrs. Calvin C. Green, and 4th day of December, A. D. 1926, his wife, real name unknown; Me at ten o'clock a. m., of each day, to linda Green; Green, her hus- receive and examine all claims band, real name unknown: W. F. i against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The wife, real nameB unknown; the heirs, time limited for the presentation of devisees, legatees, personal represen claims against said estate is three tatives and all other persons inter months from the 3rd day of Septem- ested in the respective estates of John ber, A. D. 1926, and the time limit- J. Worley, Mrs. John J. Worley, Cal ed for payment of debts is one year vin C. Green, Mrs. Calvin C. Green, from said 3rd day of September, Melinda Green, Green, W. F. 1926. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 2nd day of August, 1926 A. H. DUXBURY. County Judge. (Seal) a2-4w NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of John Coleman, deceased. j quieting plaintiffs title to the fore- To the creditors of said estate going described premises and to en--You are hereby notified. That I will join each and all of you from having sit at the County Court Room in or claiming to have any right, title. Plattsmouth in said county, on the estate, lien or Interest, either legal 31st day of August, 1926, and on the or 'equitable in or to said real estate 2nd day of December, 1926, at 10 or any part thereof and to enjoin you o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to and each of you from in any manner receive and examine all claims against interfering with plaintiff's possession cuiri cet9t -with 9 view to their ad- or eniovment of said premises, and lustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months ' v, oii,t a r.r tummt a ii from the 31st day of August A 31st day ofl August, 1926. Witness my hand the seal of said Countv Court, this 28th day of juiy 1926 1 a tt nt.vnTTTiv (geal) a2-4w County Judge. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of two Judgments entered in the District Court of Cass County, J Nebraska, one in favor of August G.i Bach against Michael Preis and Louisa virtue of an Order of Sale issued by .q 216 3() and one in'Golda Noble Bealf Clerk of the Di8. favor of Henry M. Soeimichsen trict Court of the Second Judicial against Michael Preis and Louisa District of Nebraska, within and for Preis in sum of $221.75, and the Cass county, in an action wherein orders of sale of said court in said Lincoln Safe Deposit Company, a cor- actIonB T wil, on the 30th day ot poration of LinColn. Lancaster coun- Augugt 1926, at ten o'clock a. m.jty, Nebraska, is plaintiff and David of said day at the south door of the!F. Tighe: Marguriet Tighe. also writ Court House in Plattsmouth, in said ten Marguerite Tighe; S. MattLews; Cass County, Nebraska, sell the fol- Oliver M. Wise; Elizabeth Wise; Jen lowing described real estate, towit nie Holbert; Frank Matthews; Alice Lots 1 and 2 in Block 171 in the City of Plattsmouth, Ne braska, at public auction to the highest bid der for cash to satisfy said Judgment, the amount due thereon in the ag gregate being the sum of 1438.05, and 197.27 costs and accruing costs. Dated July 22nd 1926. E. P. STEWART Sheriff of Cass County Nebraska, By W. C. SCHAUS. Deputy. ALLEN J. BEESON. Attorney for Plaintiff. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Anna F. Finkle. decease. On reading and filing the petition of Frank A. Finkle, Leo L. Finkle and John N. Finkle. praying that ad ministration of said estate may be granted to Frank A. Finkle as Ad ministrator; Ordered, that September 4th, A. D. 1926, at 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of the petition ers should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said peti tion and the hearing thereof be given to all persona interested in said mat ter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated August 5th. 1926. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) a9-3w County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administratrix. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Pat rick J. Flynn, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Catherine T. Flynn praying that administration of said estate may be granted to Catherine T. Flynn, as Administratrix; Ordered, that September 7th, A. D. 1926 at 10 oc ock a m... la assigned half f the them quarter (N for hearing said petition, when all SE )( Lots 8evn (7) and eight (8). persons interested In said matter may In the gtast quarter of the south appear at a County Court to be held east quarter (SEU SEU). Lot 5 in in and for said county, and show the Bouthwest quarter of the south- cause wny me prajer oi me pennon- that notice oi tne penaency oi saia peu- - given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this .order In the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated August 12th, 1926. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) al6-3w County Judge. Another good way to start a riot in Paris is for the American tourists j to do as the- Parisians do, and not' Advertise your wants in the Want pay for anything. jd column for quick results. In the District Court of Cass coun. Enders and Mrs. W. F. Enders, his Enders and Mrs. W. F. Enders. each deceased, reaf names unknown, and all ether persons having or claiming any interest in Lot 4, in Block 41, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun ty, Nebraska. You and each of you are hereby .notified that on the 4th day of Aug ust, 1926. plaintiff filed a petition and commenced an action in the Dis trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, the obiect. Dumose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of Court for equitable relief. This notice is given in pursuance of an Order of Court. You and each rT vftii ore runner noiinea iiiai yuu are required to answer said petition on or Defore Monday, the 6th day of September, 126, or trie allegations contained in said petition will be taken as true and a decree rendered jgranting the prayer of plaintiff here- !in. FRED LUGSCH. Plaintiff. CHAS. E. MARTIN. Atty. for Plaintiff. a9-4w NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given. Notice is hereby given, that by Nyswaner; Jessie Gayman; William Matthews; Charles Matthews; Ray Booth; Boyd E. Booth; Donald Booth; J. O. Booth, first and real name un known; Ethel Dague; H. F. Watson, first and real name unknown; C. M. Watson, first and real name un known; George E. Watson: Annie Bonnell; Flora Wilson; Zella Dalby; Mary Bradbury; James Luce; Wil liam Luce; Eva Ingraham; George King; Howard King: Grace Lively; Jennie King; Mary I. Eullis; Farm ers State Bank, Wabash, Nebraska, a banking corporation: John Doe. whose real name is Ed Bauers; and Mary Doe, whose real name is Elsie Bauers, are defendants, I will at ten o'clock a. m.t on the third day of September, A. D. 1926, at the South front door of the Cass county court house, in the City of Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, the following de scribed lands and tenements, to-wit: The east half of the northwest quarter (E NWU) ot Section twenty-nine (29). Township eleven (11) North. Range eleven (11) East, in Cass county. Ne braska; also The north half of the south east quarter (N SE4) and Lots seven (7) and eight (8), In the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter (SEU SE4), Lot five (5), in the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (SWU SEU) and Lot three (3) in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (SEi SWri ), all in Section twenty-nine (29), Township eleven (11) North. Range eleven Cll) East, in Cass county, Nebraska; also The east half of the northwest quarter (E NW) of Section twenty-nine (29), Township eleven (11) North, Range eleven (11.) East, in Cass county, Ne braska; also The west half of the west half of the northeast quarter (W W NE'4) of Section twenty nine (29). Township eleven (11) North, Range eleven (11) East, in Cass county, Nebraska. Please take notice that said parcels of land will first be offered separately, and afterward offered for sale as a whole, the sale being either by par cel or whole as shall bring the most return. Said sale is subject to any unpaid taxes or tax sales outstanding and not included in the decree In said cause of action. It is also subject to t10 loQCO f nn tho ,,nrth eagt quarter (SW SEVi ). and Lot three (3) in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter (SEVi r.n,, , . i .. i owyi, ait iu oecuuu inuj-uiut (29), Township eleven (11) North. Range eleven (11) East, in Cass COuntv. Nebraska: Likewise subiect to confirmation by the District Court 0f Cass county. Nebraska. Given under my hand this 31st day of July, A. D. 1926. E. P. STEWART, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. a2-?