The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 22, 1926, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Farm Loans
made at lowest obtain-
able rates. .
Mule Case is
Heard in the
County Court
From Wednesday's Daily . . .
In the last few days there has been
an increase of several new families
to the community, the larger part of
these beine families of men that are
1 employed on the construction work
I of the new Missouri Pacific bridge
We have a few good
Farms near Platts
mouth listed with us
worth toe money.
Call us or See us about
the above.
T. H. Pollock
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Post Dated
Checks Source
of Annoyance
Judge Duxbury learns a lot About the new officials of the Burlington Extraordinary Bargains Draws in a
Special Clear
ance Sale Opens
the Lowly Mule in Case of
Heil vs. Meismger.
of the most active periods for several
Refrigerator Express company have
also come here to make their homes
and be a part of the community life.
Tli npw arrivals in the citv has in-
FrOTTl Wednesday's Daily I ,,... ,,1 th.n frr nmilorn hnmos
The whole history of a mule, his d these are now practiCally all in
good and bad points and the amount ' use and only the hc,mes that are not
of work that this lowly member of Rtri,iv in Wninir with the modern
(the horse family can perform or the day jving are on the market for
many uirrctu hkm mm. ir iau pu.i rental purposes. Tne house uemanu
off, was given yesterday in the coun-jnas been very brisk, real estate deal-
ty court before judge A. rl. uuxDury ers reoort and thev have enioved one
..... ... ,i - -
and tne Hearing was nearu oy a paeK-
ed court room.
The case was one in which Ed
; Heil and V. II. Meisinger, both well
.known and prominent young farmers
i of Eight Mile Grove precinct werej'
I the litigant;;, and the case arising'
out of an action filed in the county J
court by Mr. Heil to recover the!
amount of 1 110 represented by a
j check that had been given by Mr.
Meisinger to Mr. Heil and upon
which payment had been stopped by
the giver of the check before it was
presented for payment.
The check was given for the pay
ment of a team of mules and there
by hangs the tale.
The answer and cross petition set
up by Mr. Meisinger was tnat tne;
Large Number From Iowa and
Eastern Nebraska.
Move to Stop
Air Tangle
National Association Asked Not to
Switch Wavelengths Pending
New York, July H5. The National
Asociation of Broadcasters acted to-
ilav tn pnil th confusion caused when
i mules were not as represented, thatispvprai local stations raised their
1 they were balky and would not work, 1 wave lengths and made hash of other i shown clearly today in a conversa
Such Checks Are Same as Notes and that the check had been given on the ; stations programs. tion we overheard at Fetzers Shoe
Unld Are TiVe Them at. Their i representation that the mules were! pa,ii n Kluirh. executive chairman 1 store. A lady, evidently living be-
From Wednesday's Daily
Enthusiasm was keyed to a high
pitch as the doors of nine of Platts
mouth leading merchants launched,
what is proving to bd an unpresident
ed event, in the annals of Bargain
Will Bring Thousands.
An event of this kind, and a Sale,
of such magnitude, with so conspic-i
nous and outsanding Bargains, should)
cause every man and woman, living
in this di
their en
to come.
Worth Investigation.
A sale of this' kind is certainly
worth investigation, by all, and it
will prove to the people, that right
here in Plattsmouth you can buy the
finest merchandise in the world at
the lowest price. Quality for quality,
dollar for dollar this opportunity to
save so greatly will never be sur
passed. Value of Sale Shown.
The only regrefable feature is that
every merchant in the city did not
enter the sale, as the real value was
I. D. Clarke, 62, vice president of
the A. V. Clarke bank, the oldest
banking institution of Sarpy county,
died Monday afternoon at his home
in Papillion, after a year's illness.
Mr. Clarke is the son of the late
A. W. Clarke who died in March,
founder of the Papillion bank which
bears his name. He has been a resident
of Nebraska for more than GO years,
coming here with his parents in in
fancy. He was born December 31,
1863, at Wattsburgh, Pa.
Funeral services will be held from
the residence Wednesday afternoon
at 4.
Mr. Clarke is survived by his wife;
one son, Robert Clarke of Papillion,
and two daughters, Mrs. Floyd David
son of San Diego, Cal., and Mrs. W.
C. Bercker of Papillion.
Karl Brown, well known in this
city and son-in-law of Mrs. J. A. Don
elan is cashier of the Banking House
istrict to come here, and buy' C'arke- , PP ion of winch Mr.
tire necessities for months c ,arke was the actlve ueacL
Much Wanted
Man Now in the
Co. Jail Here
Own Risk.
(representation that the mules were! Paul B. Klugh,
i first class for working and which Gf the association, said the more
jthe defense contended that therefore than two hundred members of the as-
i Mr Afuieini'or q Vi nil 1 r? not havp to nav e-.s:.i-m ....-r. acl-ol nla1ro tVicm-
...... ...v - " - - - - - - - - - - duvkx null n ci c Uiiniu i jiv uf,i, tuu ...
for them. The defense claims that 'selves not to change their wave
"i 1
argaie w eanesoay
July 21st
and continuing for 10 days,
cr until July 31st, inclusive!
We, with S other Plattsmouth merchants,
are holding a Mammoth Midsummer Sale.
Nothing equal to it ever attempted before
in Plattsmouth. Read our 8-page announce
ment. It means dollars in your pocket!
. w escott s
"See It Before You Buy It!"
Frank Andrews Apprehended at Ne
braska City Is Brought Here
bv Sheriff Stewart.
tween Plattsmouth and Nebraska City
had just purchased footwear, and re
marked that she had traded a good
Frorr. Wednesdays Daily for them. The defense claims that!siva nnt tn chaneo thpir wave 1 deal in that store in years gone by.
The office of the county attorney ,hp mult had heen guaranteed bv ictho nonriino- raiac-a nf nrtermato! but had not ben in Plattsmouth for a
, . " ..w.&v.. ..v. ...a o - i .
nas in me past iew weths ieueivcu u tne previous owner and that there-1 legislation.
number of complaints as to parties fore tne defendant was not liable for The mixup in the broadcasting in
giving post dated checks and which the prjce cf their purchase and that ! dustrv was caused by an opinion of
the holders later sought to collect but the piaintiff should have to pay the jthe attorney general that the depart
which were of course not accepted amonnt of $51 for their care since ment of commerce has no power to
by the banks on which they were the time they were in the hands of regulate wave lengths, station power
drawn. tne defendant. j and hours of operation. Four local
County Attorney W. G. kieck states, The piaintifT. Mr. Heil contended . stations took advantage of the lack
for the benefit of the public, the jn hig cage that the muies nad been j of authority and jumped their wave
law on matters of this kind that may workcd on nis farm and tnat they I lengths, interfering, according to re
be of value to the parties that may;were workanle and the only trouble ports, with other stations,
accept these checks jthat they had with them was that) "From a legal viewpoint," said Mr.
"A post dated check, Mr. Kic-k j,ey ran aVi.ay occasionally. The ' Klugh, "stations which appropriate a
stated to tne representative oi me ,,., nn,i h5s witnesses contended wave lensth assigned to another are
long time.
She was informed that Plattsmouth
people were glad to have her back
She said, "I always did like to buy
my shoes here, and we never traded
in a store we liked better than Mr.
Bestor's hardware, and it was hard
to get in the habit of buying our
groceries anywhere else, because we
liked the quality we got in Platts
mouth, but I just couldn't find the
From Wednesday's raiiy
Sheriff E. P. Stewart was at Ne
braska City yesterday afternoon where
he secured Frank Andrews who was
apprehended early Tuesday morning
near the Cass-Otoe- county line where
he was found asleep in his car which
Big Crowd at
King Ak's 1926
Den Giferim
rewntation being especially, enthus
iastic over the proposition.
It was late when the members of
the party returned home but Jill felt
that they hud a real time in t he en
tertainment afforded them by the Ak-Sar-
lit n.
v as parked in the center of the road, Cass and Otoe County night at Ak-: From WViine.-day- Daily
Sar-Ben's Den Large Crowd
From Plattsmouth.
by Henry, a farmer who re-j
sides near that place. The car was
without lights and Mr. Iluhman col-j
lided with the Andrews car. j
The man is wanted in this county y r0m Tuesday's Daily
and also at Osceola, Nebraska, vhre L,a?t evening was Cass and
Attorney D. O. Dwver. of this
city, who has for a number of years
been a member of the American Bar
V ?rei:i t i( 'ii tins inf ri-eent lv -.(tnrni'il
I from Denver where he attended the
Otoe ; iih etin.r of this organization and re-
he is wanted for the robbery of a county night at the Ak-Sar-Uen den ports that it was the grentest session
house stealing a watch, clothing, a nnd the representation from Cass'f the lawyers that lie has attended
camera and $25 in cash. The camera county, especially from Plattsmouth.! "IU1 ,ie 'ias been at practically all of
was found in his car when he was Avaa o;i0 ()f tbe best in a number of the meetings in recent years,
arrested. 'VK1rs. fliers hinsr four hundred1 The chief feature at the Denver
Andrews was questioned as to the tickets irivin out here bv Guv W imeeing was the deep and ernest effort
dry goods I wanted, and my husband i Osceola robbery and stated that he Morgan and Fred Vincent, and ct this tnat tno ',ar made evvidence of oppos
seemed to be unable to get the kind, had traded the watch in an Omaha manv were comnelled to cure tickets' tn1 trend of centralization in the
urnal. "is merely a promise to pay, that ue muleg had not Deen mis. ' raising a very serious question of jof clothing he wanted here, so we had j bootlegging joint for liquor. It is of admission at the den. The road1 American government that at this
ing regarded in the nature of a , rp ented in the sale and that the! property rights. It will not be sur- to o to another town for those , thought that he used the money taken was fi;lc.,i witn oars from Nebraska ! ''me is tending to rob the people of
uiuiKs, aim we just grauuauy got in irom tne usceoia nouse ior tne purpose citv and intermediate noints as well : 11 lI1, lr naru nougni nuerues
note and under it. no criminal prose
cution can be sustained, the holder r.f
plaintiff had offered to hitch them ; prising to see many lawsuits started
up and demonstrate them for the to protect stations' rights if this con
. . HI' till 11 UllIIUOlll
Fuen cnecK inning as nis or n r re-, defen(lant at the time of the sale but tinues. There is little doubt in my
course the bringing of a civil action, i which h had t de;ired ; mind but that such cases could be won
i he acceptance -of a chec of th ina- Thp ,aintiff had as witnesses In j easily, and the offending station
tlire. IS something Mr. Kirk States,' , . TT., T . ,mi fa-m,ld nn, dnnht ho onlninoil frnm
lUf cuatr tvitiicri ntrii. uuuis ovriucsn., --j
J. It. Mayfield. Lloyd Heil. and J. J broadcasting."
A. Inurim. while the defense sum- L- A- Nixon, secretary of the Na-
V,fh .lilt -Y'moned to represent their side of the! tional Radio Trade association, said
n a i n in C. II. Nave, C. F. Dykes. Allie he thinks the situation will cure
L-nce action as in the,,. . , ' . . r itsptf
that should be guarded against by
persons unless they are willing to ac
cept it on its face aa a promise to pay
and in failure t
have to corame of a note.
Also in cases of checks that are re
turned as worthless Mr. Kiek states
that the acceptance of any amount
large or small as part payment on the
checks by tbe holder, reduces the,
check to the nature of a note and!
takes away the criminal liability for
the issuance of the false check.
On cheeks under $35 the law re
gards as a misdemeanor and as such
the parties making the checks cannot
be extradicted from another state to
Nebrarka. but over this amount the
parties can be brought back on the no
fund checks.
The watchfullness of the parties
who accept chocks is urged by the
county attorney to prevent losses that
Meisinger, Lyle Neben and W,
. After the trial of the case and the
presentation of the two sides to the
court by the attorneys, the decision
"No broadcaster," he said, "wants
to go on a wave length which will
cause interference with other sta
tions. The station which raises its
ine naoit oi coiner to rseDrasKa citv. or nurcnasine: tne car in wnicn he was r.u, r, , .,,.i,. i
and finally began buying everything ' found, it being an old and badly used the evening as the caravan
It's a Wonderful Oportunity to Save
Our prediction is that ever family
in this country will visit Platts
mouth, during these t
this is without an equal for honest
to-goodness bargains.
From Wednesdays Dally
i of . m . . i m. nrz i an(f i,i rf 1 1 1 i- , . 1 1 u r v- la
was made by Judge Duxbury in favor ,' uners as mucn iromsucn ,d KanVfi tv hnv whn h.
nf thP n'aintiff ATr ATeisin-er and 'condition as the stations with which m ansas Ly oy who has
of the piaintifT, Mr .velslner and interferes and COmnlaints from,been here for the Past two weeks is
who was awarded the claim for $51:" nierreres, ana complaints r rom . fu h, , F hl fnr
- , -the audiences will. T helipvp fnroe iwrnisning a real prooiem ior tne
inr run ofipo nr t n r m 1 1 tats cm cu i nni' - - - - -
have been in litigation.
such stations to return to their as-
i : . i a i. t
Notice of appeal was given and ieuBiiiS.
bond for the undertaking of the ap
peal was filed in . the court by the
plaintiff in lite action.
The feeling of intense interest that
has nrevailed between Louisville and
occur cf ten when fradulent checks are ' Crdar Crt.ek Laseball teams in the
race in the Cass County League has
Burlington Has
Crack Train in
Denver Limited
Cass Co. League
Team Standings
city police department as well as the
county attorney and county judge a?
to what to do with the boy.
The lad arrived here on the bum
with two strangers from whom he
had secured an auto ride as far as
this city and has since for the great
er part of the time been a ward of
the police and city. A job was se
cured for him near the city on a
small farm but the boy was not satis
fied and become involved in trouble
'that led to his being brought to the.
:ours or 111 iuiii mil u-.-i hhk-ih
motored ' ar"' personal rights. Many of the
loaders oi the bar, including ( hester
I. Long of Kansas, retiring president,
and James M. Peck, noted New York
attorney, and lone connected with the
attorney general's o"ice at Washing
ton spoke on this subject.
Of the social features of the con-
in Omaha he had drank some, at first i "n-;c ,-.,,. .nai vc-ntion Mr. Dwycr was most en-
denying that he had been intoxicated, j only a small number selected for the j ' husiast ic over thf manner in which
stating that he had driven the car j initatory work and several from this the Colorado bar had planned the en
vithout lights until near the Otoe Cjty served to form part of the invol-' 1 01 'tainrn.-n t of the convention and
county line when he decided to stop'un'tary fun program of the evening.! which included banquets and lunch
and wait for daylight. Aftei consid- one well known county official was!pons v,'"n ''s "' trips out in the
cring the matter Andrews later en- picked out as one of the candidates ' most noted -resorts of the vicinity of
tered a plea of guilty to the charge ' hut was kept in the "bull pen" and ,,tnvc'r anr' drives through the beau
of intoxication and v as given a sen-; ,,nf 1Von -nri-mi miin tiof of tlie p.cckies that are among
macnine. on to the scene of the evening's fun.
This morning Andrews was brought; T1)e show titis vear is a, clever and
up for hearing before Judge A. II. entertaining as tbe Ak shows have
Duxbury in the county court and stat- w.n in the Dast and ,vith the fun and
en days a ed that he ha(1 come to 0maha from horse plav there is a fine arrav of
I for honestl sceola where lle ,,ad becn working tuneful melodies that the Knights
tor some time and that Willie he was'nreuent in a verv nrtistir manner
not even worked on. missim
tence oi nnecn oays in tne county half of tlie phoWf as actor or sptcta
jail. tor
Ine man will be held here to serve j judee James T. Begley gave a real
bis time and will then be turned :talk full of pep and interest on the
over to ne Poik county authorities to matter of the Missouri river bridge ir.
answer to the ohence charged against which all parts of eastern Nebrska
him there. ( and -western Iowa is interested and
It i? claimed that Andrews ws just : -which ,vas warmly received bv the
recently released from the Sidney, large audience, tbe Cass county rcp-
iiowai jaw wnere ne serveu a sen
tence of several months.
the mott
wonderful sights in the
Fancy lamp shade designing is as
popular as ever. Free lessons in this
interesting work st Bates Book and
Gift Shop. Join the classes that are
working now.
ben intensified by the fact that both Train De Luxe Provided for the a"?ntion f the county authorities.; fJU'tTI raHllninCTC
ma h n vr n n enlit ovon In t li A last . ... Tho iip-o nf tha hntr and tha fan Vio A MM. JJf UllUJli, . J
- - - " ITOTTft I fc'Tftm tha Woc-t- fnv hr i a- - - "-" - "-"cii
two games played. Cedar Creek de-' "
feating Lotiisville en July 11th at the! Summer SfcS0n.
Crcekers home grounds and Louisville,
he has not had the proper opportun
ities to become a useful citizen has
been considered by the authorities
P TV L Pet. j
Ciern-vood SSI 889 1
Ced-.r Creek 9 5 4 556 j
Nehnwka 9 5 4 556!
Louisville 8 4 4 500 1
Manlev 10 4 6 400 1 9 1 8" 112 !
The Dovey section. Will sell in one
piece or will divide to suit purchaser.
See or write
Omaha, Nebr.
2220 Howard Street.
j . r.-f.
A Home
means more if you own
it. Make your rent buy
a home.
Searl S. Davis
Farm Louis
winning the game Sunday by the Impressive ceremonies attended anfJ they are trying to reach some
score of 5 to 1 Jt,'the exhibition In Chicago last week solution that will result in the boy
The Louisville team has 'Speed of the Burlington's new train The having better opportunities and to
Ritz of Omahi on the mound for them Denver Limited The entire train secure an education. The only course
and he was given good support consisting of all'new equipment from that the law can offer is that he be
thtougnout tne game by his mates and tvna 1nnnmnt1va tn ttlln . sent to the state industrial school.
aesirea ir any otner
devised and relatives in
until 5:00 p. m., the public e-ihibi- lne east nave Been written to in an
tne enaeavor to see li iney cannot taae
tne boy and give him a chance Ir
56 li't.rvMnnfnT J"tribut,n. tion car was on display in the Chi-' but this is not
boys from the quarry town. r-.ftft m ,K, ti,t J the east have b
Razed by Fire
All Buildings Except of House on
Farm Near Elmwood Destroyed
Small Boy Injured.
Elmwood, Neb., July 20. All the
buildings, with the exception of the
house, on the farm of Gerald Iteber,
three and one-half miles southeast of
here, were destroyed by fire at 5 p.
life. His parents have no desire to " 4
ut , ... ,.,. Otto Fleischman, suffered severe
burns in the blaze.
have him and if the other relatives
or some citizen that desires to do a
real work for society in trying to
put the boy on the right track does
The fire started when Mr. Fleisch
man attempted to put gasoline in the
tank of his tractor which was still
warm. Some of the gasoline spilled
th.v i,Mmr yr.y, o lion having been featured by
drives of Raymond Lohnes, hard hit- fim afPearance of handsome new
ting outfielder of the Creekers came at fasino-lounge cars which are said 1o
times when the bases were unoccupied bo lhe fineit HnIts of railway exp
and proved to be without result. lne"r ever built.
Lohnes secured a triple, a double and Especially because the new casin.i
, .- i j i.:.. . . cars 1 erald s new era in modern mil-
f I- 7 y :Z , . wav traiispoi facilities much not appear on the scene the lad will
Art Klausehie did the hurling for va- "di...poi . iaciaues mucn kki i -i.,i
the Creekers but was unable to hold made or the official dedication of ,ih. f ZrL hi T.!on the exhaust pipe and an explosion
the quarrymen and with the ragged 1 traSn. both in Chicago and in JeVdrerIU eeaucat?on Tut followed- Mr" Fleischman. Mr. Reber
fielding resulted in the win for the Denver where sister ceremonies weie a."a"e."a ec! " Jun i,faUeland a number of other men were
Louisville team. held with luc- mayors of the respect! e f'sof come Jn ,toucl1 f,fitb fementE j threshing oats on the Reber farm.
The tally of Cedar Creek was secur- ci,ics caiciatiug. For the first ,lnai are not always tne pest. The clothing of the Fleischman lad
cd as the result of Ritz walking a on record the iadio flung across the was ignited by the explosion. His
man with the bases full and present- continent the details of the dedica-1 .MONTGOMERY COUNTY, IOWA, (father carried him to a nearby water
ing the run to the Creekers. tion of a new train. By means of j AUTO PLATES ARE CHANGED ing tank and put out the flames. Mr.
(special wires a microphone was set . I Fleischman was burned on his hands
RECET7ES AN HOTIOH. iup in the elass-enclcsed sun parlor i Red Gak Ia f Juiy 21. Montgom- from carrying his son.
v. vwv. ..v, ja; vi o cufciuca Ay COUIlty IlCOllSe Dlal63 Will D6 Hum- T vi. lew tit iuhmc iiiuuio
The voice of the Quality Clothes Shop in
Plattsmouth, broadcasting our regular an
nual July Clearance sale "over the Qual
ity Clothes Line."
This Clearance is on in Full Blast
and will continue all of this month.
From Vednes3aVs Dally (puffed into the station and departed, bered 63 by the new system, instead ; ved by the men, who put them out
Mrs C A Rosencrans nreirint 'whIle Photographers took pictures 0f 74, as they were this year. The 11 :of reach, of the flames. The following
of the local' unit of the American and the ,nterested crowd trooped ! counties of the state with more than 1 buildings were destroyed: Barn,
Legion Auxiliary, has just received a th,u8 the reat train on an ad" 10,000 autos will, on the new plates, double corn crib, two hen houses,
request from Miss Fthel Thomnson mirinS inspection tour, the mayor of be designated with letters, the re- a rage, hog house, and tool house.
f 'vn i- Vt TV?P8?J1.' Chicago, the vice president of the'mainder of the counties are to be Five tons of hay and straw and two
accept the position ' of ' chairman nf BurlinSton route and other notables numbered from one to 89 alphabet!- loads of freshly threshed oats were
pages at the AuxnTary state conven who Were invIted as ue8ts of honor cal order. More than 1,000,000 of. also consumed. The house was saved
tion which mee t" Tt Chadro Hn told the story of tnls beautiful train. ' Iowa's new 1927 auto license plates only -thru the efforts of the men and
August 23 to 25th Cnadron on Tne interior decorative scheme of . with golden orange numerals on a the Elmwood fire department. A crew
oi a blue background, have Deen maae air" iu y.-ic imwun'b -
-red.' the state reformatory at Anamosa.' neighbor's, assisted in subduing the
i itsi About 200,000 more will be made flames which were threatening the
national convention in T Omaha and effect an.d delightful to look upon, j before consignment is completed.' nouse. ine tractor was badly nam-
i'cijr jiiete ui luruiure luruugu--touuiy treasurer uao icsmici -t
out the new car wan esneclallv de- 2K cara so far this vear and 400 The farm was the property of Miss
siened and is aa comfortable and trucks. I Edith Chapman who lives in Illinois
attractive as it is new and novel in
igust 23 to 25th i interior decorative scneme or
Mrs. Rosencrans'servedinthecap-l!,11,3!,110 ca. 18 t.hat of a
ity of page at the convention It ld PmPeiia palace red.
mmbus last year and also at the ' ld a,nd f"6"- . n itS
her services were of such a high
order of efficiency that the state presi
dent has been insistent that she ac
cept the work of directing the pages
m tne coming state convention.
Thta hnnrvr tn it,a5, ,oi,u i' ne new tram win piy iortn ana
much annreeiated hv tho wai back between Chicago and Denver, From Wednesday's Daily-
it being a real recognition of thP and is tne Burlington's answer to Among the members of the excur-
Mr. Reber was renting the land.
Movie fans will be interested in
n ui 11IC . , j . . ... " . . . . .. .. . ..... it:j.j
earnest and effective work that Mrs. uemana ior more ana Detter ac-,sion party leaving this country ior tne tnree reels wiucn tne uimeu
Rosencrans has been giving the Aux- COIDmoaauons ior summer travelers England today, are Mrs. n. uoraer states Lines nave sent tneir agrui,
iliary both locally and in the state who Bpen(i their summer vacation in and daughter, Miss Dorothy, Eugene Miss Marie E. Kaufmann of this city.
' .the Rocky Mountains. jDay. all of Weeping Water, Mrs. J. They depict life as it really is on an
C,T j I W. Brendel of Avoca and Miss Imo ocean liner in crossing the Atlantic.
FOB oALE j Picnic season is here. Bates Book Heebner of Nehawka. They Joined the These reels will be shown at different
insurance The Sophia Schafer farm. four'- V"' 4 . ViUng -
Real Estate miles west and five miles north of enmson s picnic goods, including ward to sail on Saturday from Mont- announcements. The first reel "Happy
Murray. See F. G. Egenberger. napkins, paper plates (all sizes) and real for England where several weeks Hours at Sea." will be shown Friday
Plattsmouth. knife, fork and spoon sets. (will be spent. and Saturday, July 23 and 24.
Men's Dress Shirts75c - $1.C0
Work Shirts, each Goc
Work Fants, pair $1.65
Overalls, per pair 95c
Carkartts. per pair $2
Oak brand Overalls $1.75
Work Socks, 7 pair for $1
Straw Hats Half Price
Athletic Unions at 65c
Tom Sawyer Elouses 35c
Steifel st. It. v,t. 0verall$1.25
1C0 Suits at $10 to $35
Suspenders, pairC0c and 49c
Eov3' Suits $7.50 and $8.50
The Bigrgest Bargain in Platts
mouth This Week.
Ladies' Holeproof Hosiery 35c to 75c
Come to Plattsmouth this evzmng the special band
concert for CUR opening was delayed on account of the
storm c week ago so we've arranged to have it toniie.
It is now exactly 102 in the shade, Plattsmouth
Journal press time and will not be cooler until
you will have purchased some Vassar Athletic
cool underwear. We are signing off sine die.
The Little Quality Shop on the North Side
Philip Mi