The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 12, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, JULY 12, 1926.
I j
i TZhc plattsmouth Journal
Cmtrd t PotoClc, Platiamoutk. Neb. u cosd-clasa ni.ttr
R. A. BATES, Publisher
We need a poet to sing the song of
a passing race the American har-
The tradition of "the silent man in
the White House" is fully disposed of,
Newport, It. I., July 7. A curse . I
was called upon the head of Milton J.
vest hand. Time was when the scorch- so far as the number of presidential Budlong by his wife, he testified to-!
ing summer sun of the great middle words is concerned, by Charles Merz, day in his suit for divorce on grounds
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with
them according to knowledge, giving
honour unto the wife, as unto the
weaker vessel, and as being heirs to
gether of the grace of life; that your
prayers be not hindered. I . Peter
Haven't you got over the 4th yet?
If you kill enough time it will kill
The more you rest the restless you
Gasoline prices seem to be set by the
Some estimate the number of auto
mobiles in Plattsmouth on the 4th, at
It's too hot for any use.
World Court still
a live issue, it
western wheat belt beat down on a in the New Republic. It is shown that or creuuj. it -was nis second ciaj or
, , , , ' . ,t ,. , . cross examination by Mrs. Budlong,
migratory herd of adventurous men, as a matter of fact, Mr. Coohdge is whQ hag dismig8ed her remainiLg
bound on a mission both economic and literally the most talkative president lawyer and is conducting her own
romantic. we have ever had. Each year he de- case. Budlong also said that Mrs.
To quote a staff correspondent of livers "words enough in public ad- Budlong was determined to be "one
the Kansas Citv Star, ihev led a hard ' dresses to fill two fair-sized novels." f the r?al, PPle" in Newport so
. ... , , . I . , . . cietv and declared to him that she
life and "followed the harvest from and addresses by word of mouth or Wmld Jeave witnin a year if she did
Oklahoma on north through Kansas,' special communication some seventy- not become so.
Nebraska and the Dakotas into Can- five kinds of public gatherings an-
ada. Blazing mn and intense heat to1 nually. In addition to all this he ORDER OF HEARING AND
fight all the way dust of many a. "pours 3,69S words a month, on anj TICE OF rROBATE OF
weary mile of country road to a new average, into the microphone." Thej jn tne County Court of Cass eoun
"stand." , total words he utters for public con-jty. Nebraska.
These men spent oppressive nights sumption, through the various phan- State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
- u lUf ui iuihi iui a. miuy Ud.i 10 a. iii iti iu, uut t itru 111 uui iu, Ulirii Iieio, 111 a Jt'Ul 1:5 .1. citf u l
Tn sll nersons interested in the es-
nest egg. were robbed of their earnings while-man? On the contrary, he is "a very tate 0j Harry S. Barthold, deceased:
:o: 'on the road. But the harvest hands noisy man," who. instead of being' On reading the petition of Ralph
It you really must be different from took their bumps without sreat com- economical in vocal expenditure, lit-; A. Barthold praying that the instru
Not protect your profits?
Feed stock to feed flies?
When White Gold plus ANTI-FLY SALINE
means a larger Bank Balance for you:
Professor J. W. McCullock, Department of
mology, Kansas State Agricultural College, said:
others try payin;
plaint. His spirit grew as hard as the erally "squanders words."
Chief will stick! Why,
at an increase in salary.
:o :
ment filed in this court on the 9th
dov nf Tilv 1Q?fi nrt Tiiirnnrtinp
callouses on his hands, and as rough j President Wilson is remembered as to'De tne iagt will and testament of
as his tanned skin. He exchanged a speech-maker, but in the matter of the said deceased, may be proved and
chews of tobacco with his oartner on 'nuantitv President Coolidee beats him allowed and recorded as the last will
Never count the chickens before
they return from the neighbors' garden.
ready far and away.
The comparison draws
and testament of Harry S. Barthold,
deceased; that said instrument be ad-
The hairs of our heads are num
bered but that doesn't interest the
bald-neaded man. i
the road, swapped rough and
dxii, anu s.e p.-iuosopiucai. aitenuon to ine uinerence 01 metnou. mjtted to prol,ate. and the admini-
ijut touay tne species is rare, t arm , llson discussed tne issues ot tne tration of said estate be granted to
machinery has wrought a erreat hour, and did so with remarkable lAlta Halter and Murl heeler, as
change in the farm labor situation on power, partly because he was a master
the wheat plains.
', Executrixes:
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
Many farms require in the choice of words and the selec
no outside assistance at harvest. Those tion of the telling phrase. Coolidge !mav, and do, appear at the County
lint rl it o tq c,i titvI i li- mnt nr f 'i T A i c- n t nft (n r.f ,m- 1 1 nnlitinol I .-i-ni r- 1 1 j-i t n ti r fnr c n 1 rl
. q . i " 1 v. vr . v vi v .wv i w . vi w I 1 i V ' C DILI 11 1 V 1 l 1 V VI lv UCS J VUU1 L 1 I I V 1 1 V 1 VI 111 uuu " :" - v
Work hard and become a prominent ' hands, a new genus that infests the ordinarily confining himself to the county, on the nd day or August,
citizens so everyone will have to laugh grain belt highways in dilapidated safe, sane and universally accepted
Pretty soon women will look oven
dressed when they appear in one
peice bathing suits.
i at the jokes you tell.
"I uttpraneps tn which nnhnriv ran nh-
A. D. 1926. at ten o'clock a. m.. to
show cause, if any there be. why the
prayer or tne petitioner snouia not
The government maintains perman- ject and which therefore few can read be granted, and that notice of the
It used to be ent employment bureaus in many with more than mild interest. That 'pendency of said petition and that
Oregon is cutting two billion feet
of lumber per year. We'll be out of!
the woods before long.
Words are so funny
"drink, drank, drunk." But now it's towns throughout the wheat country, is why though actually a man of many the bearing tnereoi oe given to an
"drink, drink, drink, drunk." j but machinery has displaced about words. Mr, Coolidge has been des-iPpy Jf E?hiSmo7der in
:o: !"i per cent of human help. i cribed as "silent." It is not withoutlthe Plattsmouth Journal, a seml-
Bootlesr customers nrove one thine.! , i w. :. r ... . nr,'ni in cni
i - j ivausas lias a. uaiiuti u up ui wutau. rfaeoil LIIUl me wiiit'r ui llie f w , w f tnij iix: ria.j.i k"u,iu ' "
Even if this isn t the land ot tne Tt fha 5 i,;ctr,rv ! T?0r,,.Ki; .,tii. oe w n a!county. for three successive weeks
There are still enough old-fashioned,
folks who believe in arbitration to
make it Interesting at least.
1 It rrav be the srentest in its histnrv. TJcnnhHp nrtirlt rnnimrpe tiim tn a '
on J' . .... , v. 1'' ...... , ,. I . Iprior to said day of hearing.
irLiiu per i-fiii ui ii win ue iiarvessieu constitutional King in Europe wno Dyi ,OT, nT1j cpai
free, it's the home of the brave.
A. straight line is the shortest dis- """" 1,... .uiwm iavw punuvs ouu an UCUairU said court, tnis sin aay oi juiy, a
i tance between two points. Crooked-
If your only car is a flivver you(
i ness, in any form, means delay.
don't have to go around worrying! Xo matter how carefully the flap
pers sit down, Fonietimes their skirt3
about wrecking your limousine.
About all the bird3 have returned
from the South now, including the
goose who bought Florida land.
People who complain that they
never get what's coming to theinj
wouldn't be so well off if they did.
The day may come when the Fourth
may be made safe, but if it is ever
made sane they can take our ball out.
just will fall below their knees.
and efficient age. It takes fewer of issues to his prime minister. Mr.
i this new species of harvest hands to , Coolidge, according to the writer
handle the grain, because they can quoted, "has become a decorative
get about with greater ease. They, monarch like George V of England."
! can do more work, with less labor, :o:-
j than their more romantic predeces-
t sors
People are gradually finding out ar-cl
v.-hi-h of the old parties is the party
to tie to the dfmocratic party, ot
The modern girl is considered al
but even they wil grow fewer Cambridge, Mass.
fewer throughout the wheat ! of drunkennes.
country. They are the remnant of a'
picturesque race.
The driver of a water wagon in
has been conviceted
All reform move
ments, of course, bring a few attend
ant evils, but we had no idea prohi
bition was as bad as that. Has it
really come to pass that a fellow can't
get on the water wagofc with reason-
good wife if she can put up with her' on,-v Justice nut common senseabie assurance that he will not be
husband's two evils, take m working is on the side of the worafn of Enp" j pinched for intoxication? We can re
ir.stead of loafing. I land in their rrotest against the pres- j member the day distinctly when hus-
Z:ol jent suffrage laws which permit raenban(is fooled" their wives by telling
A Nebraska man. now 100, an- to vote at the age of 21 but with- -them they (the husbands) were on
nounces- that he gave up emoking at hold the ballot from the women until tne water wagon. The statement
the age of 98. He must have felt the they are CO. It there is any one thing' didn't mean much then; apparently,
D. 1926.
(Seal) jl2-3w
County Judge.
In New York someone stole a silver
plate upon which the Ten Command
ments were enfcraira, out periidps !practice might shorten his life. ,
coulun t read. j :o: !a woman at 21 is more mature than
:o: j If street dresses get much shorter,' a man at the same age. She almost
.n aureus sjs sne i maa ai nei pOQr bathing suit's only chance invariably has more common sense.
every one knows to be true it is that jt doesn't mean anything now.
husband. But that doesn't get her
name in our newspaper. Nothing
short of divorce goes.
There are hundreds of persons in
every community who will never be-
i.'-ve a "fresh paint" sign until rhey
htve dabbed a Finger in the paint.
If the former husbands of Peggy
Joyce and Mae Murray will all join stores to see livin
t he Democratic party, defeat of tneWhat women will
predatory Republicans is assured.
to attract attention will be for its She is certainly just as intelligent. It
owner to wear it folded up as a sash, is hard to conceive of the reason be- far as tj,e explosion of the Florida
:o: i hind the discrimination unless it is boom is now throwing grape fruit.
Some people never get tired of a desire to grant the vote to as few
running for omce. look at cnariev , WOmen as possible. The fact that
Pool! Does he want to stay m tne seasoned statesmen like Lord Balfour
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
In Re: Application of Frank A.
Cloidt. Administrator of the estate of
Charles H. Sheldon, deceased, for
license to sell real estate to pay
Now, on this 10th day of July, A.
D. 1926, comes Frank A. Cloidt. ad
ministrator of the estate of Charles
H. Sheldon, deceased, and presents
his petition for a license to sell the
real estate of the deceased to pay
debts; and it appearing from said pe
tition that there is insufficient
amount of money in the hands of the
administrator to pay the claims pre
sented and allowed by the County
Court; and the expense of said ad
ministration, and that it is necessary
to sell the whole of said real estate
It is said that when Mt. Pelee blew of said deceased for the payment of
up lava fell i-n the sea one hundred ciaims uu me vi oumimow-
miles distant, or about one-half as
balance of his days?
It looks
estate of
Brazil has resigned from the league
of nations, but it will be two years
before she gets out. The league differs
that and Lord Cecil are in sympathy with The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
! the wnmpn's demand for enual suf- ty, SS.
. , , . ' In the County Court.
I frasre srives promise of a successful T
t v- a--i- . 1 ,v, KJcr. m me uidiiei ui iuc
j.ijmr. i.i.t u.t cuvu5.i tt'ciiia janng, ueceaseu.
voting to properly rebuke the parlia- To the creditors of said estate:
mentarians who vote for the prolonga-- You are hereby notified, that I
... . .will sit at the County Court room
tion of the discrimination. . T,, . , .... . . . ...
in Plattsmouth in said county, on
An interesting phase of the dis- the 19th day of july. A. D. 1926. and
cussion which has been forced in the on the 20th day of October, A. D.
models showing
wear, and men
crowd private exhibitions to see what
they don't wear.
Flunking a course in French is one
of the most common phenomena of
from most fashionable clubs, in that; modern college life. It is only when
you have to be put on the
list if you want to get out.
Mr Will Hys has been retained as
alleged fear of the Conservative and 1926, at ten o'clock a. m., of each
Liberal leaders of granting the bal- da': to receive and examine all claims
afiTiv5T snin PRtatp ivitn n view tn
lt to fifin flOft -a-nmon Tinw p-rrliid- .. ... . . j, ... .
waiting it affects a president's son that it be- "7 , "7" . " " . . l!leir aJustment ana allowance, ine
cu. ii inrif i any ctiirtr on m nine iiiuiieu iur lue preseniaiion oi
this fear it rests upon the theory that claim against said estate is three;
ninritvnfwnmPT, brtwn thoacp? months from the 19th day of July,
comes noteworthy.
czar of the motion
other ten years at a
, v . . 1 Tl H AAA on1
iw 11T.- Iflft H "iVV,VVU dUU AU vJ , j
000 a year. Immediately after signing
the contract Mr. Haj-s went into aj
private room aud swooned to be a
great American statesman
There are 04 dajs m tne year on - - " A. D. 1926. and the time limited for
M O O ,1 ...... 1 nn?MA- nnri
be sensible as our."1 cuu dIt "u,l" 1,1 B11,L ai,u payment of debts is one year from
j. c v iiii.ii .au
piLiurto iur au-i ...... . . would st rf-Titffhpn thp halinr Partv. If cnirl loth ,lntr f Tulr- ioc
-!'arv renorted capacity and inclination dictates, out - . , , ' , ,
sa.arj reporieu - thrt ip tni. it i rps nnt mMttpr much Witness my hand and the seal of
0,.;we reserve tne inanenaoiernt tone u'. HrtM of tha nrM. said County Court, this 26th day of
. . v x i. June, 1926.
ent time the future of the Labor jj DUXBURY
General von Lundendorfi says his Party is assured. But what becomes (Seal) j2S-4w County Judge.
foolish on the Fourth.
tion ;
It is therefore ordered and adjudg
ed that all persons interested in the
estate of Charles H. Sheldon, deceas
ed, appear before me, James T. Beg
ley, Judge of the District Court, at
the office of the Clerk of the District
Court in the court house in the City
of Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Ne
braska, on the 30th day of August,
1926, at the hour of ten o'clock in
the forenoon, to show cause, if any
there be. why such license should not
be granted to Frank A. Cloidt. Ad
ministrator of said estate, to sell all
of the real estate of said deceased,
so as to pay claims presented and al
lowed with costs of administration.
It is further ordered that notice be
given to all persons interested by
the publication of this Order to Show
Cause for four successive weeks in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a legal
'newspaper published and of general
circulation in said County of Cass,
By the Court.
jl2-4w District Judge.
Here the Hospitality
of tHc old South,
meets the generosity
of tHc neuAVest in
thefcavt of cAnierica
wife's incessant smoking caused all' of the ancient notion that women of
their domestic unhappiness. He's the ages involved are naturally snob-;
lnrfcv at that. The average woman bish and more prone to associate'
would have gassed him.
I Out in Kansas two newspapers are
i warring over the important questic- l
j whether a college graduate's first car
! on leaving the seat of learning is M
buy a pair of garters or a hat.
themselves with the Lords and Ladies
than with the dock hands and the
seamstresses? I
Out in Kansas Mrs. John Hybele's
husband died, leaving a 75-acre field
There are self-styled American? who Df wheat and a 1-acre plot of oats
care no more for the United Stat'
j than they do the dirt under thcir
j feet so long as they have plenty of
! monev and can dupe the poorer cla?.-:.
An American sailor was found
standing. It was the height of the
busy season, with all hands busy in
their own fields.
But they were not too busy to lendi
a hand. The other day 11 binders(
and 27 shockers descended upon the'
J Dr. John A. Griffin
Office Hours: 9-12; 1-5.
Sundays and evenlngt
by appointment only.
Soennichsen Building
asleep on a bench in the grounds of j uncut fields. A 4 o'clock in the after-:
Buckingham palace in England re- j noon the wheat and oats were in the
ordered him released. This proves
that a king still has some power in
What Ails Your
The old spirit of neigh borliness j
seems dead sometimes. In the cities xfcat particular noise under the hood
people live next to one another for that y0U do not understand is no
years and never say as much as "How mystery to US. The engine is out of
do you do?" A next-door neighbor or(jer and we can locate the trouble
might die and be buried without his quickly.
Let us get at it right away and
save a more serious repair job. Our
It is interesting to know that be
tween March 16, 1915, and March 1,
1926, the federal trade commission; fellows knowing anything about it
has made forty-five different inves- it is good to know that the spirit
ligations at the instance of the sen- 0f the old neighbor, who used to rush Euto rgpair shop u ully cqilipped to
ate or nouse, tne presiuem or iue ai- in Wltn a Hiass ui fcrape jeny wiicn- xinih oJincrmPTit -xxmrV nf vwi-u'r -I , .
. , ,t, t on .i cPe t11 adjustment work Of every Said sale will remain open for one
. .1 .3 X. 4 1, VI.K t w VACt 1 ffa 5 1 n , Tn.e.iA ft.ftn, t I. An4k 1 '
In the District Court of Casjg, coun
ty, Nebraska.
Frank Albin. Earl Albin, Alfreda
Albin. Edith Buhrman, Fred Buhr
man, Ada Beckner, Roscoe B. Beck
ner, James B. Nickles and Lillie
Nickles. Plaintiffs, vs. Lee Nickles,
Charles Nickles, Jose Nickles, George
Nickles, Gertrude Nickles, Amanda
Wurdman. John Wurdman. Fannie
Crosser and Etta M. Nickles, Defend
ants. Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, entered in the above entitled
cause on the 29th day of June. 1926,
and an Order of Sale entered by said
court on the 6th day of July, 1926.
the undersigned, sole referee, will
6ell at public auction on the 16th day
of August, 1926, at ten o'clock a. in.
of said day, at the south front door
of the courthouse in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
to the highest bidder for cash, the
following described property, to-wit:
The west half W) of the
southeast quarter (SE4) and
the south half (S) of the
southwest quarter (SWU ) of
the northeast quarter (NE)
of and in Section thirty-six (36)
and the southwest quarter
(SW ) of and in Section thirty
six (36), all in Township eleven
(11), North of Range thirteen
13), east of the 6th P. M., in
said Cass county.
"Flies are unquestionably an important factor to
the live stock industry. Their presence results in
worry and irritation to the animal, which is re
flected in loss of appetite and the general run
down condition of the animal. Where abundant
flies cause a serious loss of blood to animal.s by
their piercing and sucking habits. Dairymen fre
quently report a loss to the milk supply of from
40 to 60 per cent in years when the flies are es
pecially troublesome. The loss of weight is also
an important item to beef cattle and to work an
imals. In some years, losses of frm 10 to 25 per
cent in weight have been noted. One other item
which might be mentioned is that of the loss of
time to the farm operations, since it frequently is
impossible to work horses owing to the presence
of large numbers of flies in the field."
The stable or stock fly is a farm robber that
unless checked, produces great losses
to owners of all kinds of stock.
The J. & R. Stock Salt Co., of Omaha, Nebraska,
manufacturers of Anti-Fly Saline, the modern fly fighting
method, has made it possible for stockmen, dairymen and
horsemen to combat the fly pest by supplying your mer
chant with Anti-Fly Saline which you can purchase in
25, 50 and 100 pound white cotton bags. This product
is a pinkish white and is fed in the usual way at your
salt licks. It is safe and sure, and costs but very little
over other salt prfces. Ask your merchant. Once you
feed Anti-Fly Saline you realize what a haven has bt-en
discovered for your ntock. They can feed contentedly
during the day. No more loss of milk yield and the vi
tality of your stock is not impaired by the blood-suc king
tn: ,
Remember Anti-Fly Saline
Stock likes it. Stockmen praise it. The J. & R.
Stock Salt Co., of Omaha manufactures it. And your
merchant will supply you with Anti-Fly Saline. Start
feeding it today and stop feeding stock to feed flies.
Your merchant can supply your needs in spec ially
packed 25, 50 or 100 pound bags. Anti-Fly Saline will
cost you about 10 to 12 cents per month per head to
immune stock. If your local dealer cannot supply j'ou,
County Distributor
Anti-Fly Saline is Sold by the Follow
ing Cass County Dealers
Tutt & Brubacker, Murray
J. H. Steffens, Nehawka
George M. Pollard, Avoca
A. Jorgenson, Weeping Water
Farmers Union Mercantil Co.,
E. L. MsDonald, Greenwood
G. Bauer, Murdock
tions has been S3.332.593. 74. This :o:
does not include investigations made. Save time and worry at your pic-
at the instance of the commission it- xiic party by securing a suply of the
self. Commissions are expensive lux- Dennison picnic goods. Bates Book
uries. land Gift Shot) has the full line.
Give us a trial
Frady's Garage
Phone 58
Fifteen per cent (15) of bid
cash at time of sale and balance on
confirmation and delivery of deed.
Dated this 10th day of July, A. D.
jl2-4w Referee.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will on the 16th day of
July, 1926, at 11 o'clock a. m., at
the O. K. Garage, Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, sell to the highest bidder for
One 1926 Ford Coupe, Motor
No. 12,864,331 Engine Model
covered by a chattel mortgage signed
by Ed Cotner in favor of the Platts
mouth Motor Company and assigned
Edson & Company for a valuable
consideration, said chattel mortgage
being dated the 18th day of Decem
ber, 1925, and having been filed of
record in the office of the County
Clerk of Cass county, Nebraska; that
no action at law has been commenc
ed to collect either the whole or a
part thereof; said sale will be held
for the purpose of foreclosing said
chattel mortgage and satisfying the
amount due thereon, to-wit: $226.64,
together 'with all costs accruing by
virtue of this foreclosure.
j2 8-3 w Mortgagee.
The Dovey section. Will sell In one
piece or will divide to suit purchaser.
See or write
Omaha, Nebr.
2220 Howard Street.
Fancy lamp shade designing is as
popular as ever. Free lessons in this
interesting work at Bates Book and
Gift Shop. Join the classes that are
working now.
on Petition for Appointment of
" The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
Coleman, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of William D. Coleman praying that
administration of said estate may be
granted to W. E. Hand, as Adminis
trator; Ordered, that July 27th. A. D.
1926, at ten o'clock a. m., is assign
ed for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed In
said county, for three successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing.
Dated June 30th, 1926.
(Seal) j5-3w County Judge.
j Advertising pays! Try it!
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Byron Golding, riaintiff. vs. F. II.
VanDoren. real name unknown, et
al, Defendants.
To the Defendants F. II. VanDoren,
real name unknown; Mrs. F. H. Van
Doren, real name unknown; Charles
M. r.aldwin and Mrs. Charles M.
Baldwin, real name unknown; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the respective
estates of F. II. VanDoren. deceased,
real name unknown; Mrs. F. H. Van
Doren, deceased, real name unknown;
Charles M. Baldwin, dec-eased, and
Mrs. Charles M. Baldwin, deceased,
real name unknown, real names un
known: You and each -of you are hereby
notified that on the 2Cth day of
June. 1926, plaintiff filed his suit in
the District Court of Cass county.
Nebraska, the object and purpose of
which is to foreclose Tax Sale Cer
tificate Number 5279, on Lot 9 in
the NEVi of the SWU of Section 16,
Township 12 North of Range 9, East
of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska, issued by the County Treas
urer of Cass county, Nebraska, on
November 8. 1921, and subsequent
taxes paid thereunder for the years
1921, 1922, 1923. 1924 and 1925
and for equitable relief.
This notice is given pursuant to
an order of the Court.
You are hereby required to answer
said petition on or before Monday,
the 16th day of August. 1926. In
failing so to do, your default will be
entered therein and Judgment taken
upon plaintiff's petition.
By A. L. TIDD.
j5-4w His Attorney.