.PAGE EIGHT PIATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUN7 21, 1926. DR. JOE J. STIBAL Telephone No. 3 Democrats of County Hold a Conference j County Central Committee Members and Others Make Plans for the Coming Campaign. didate for state treasurer, Green wood; Harrison L. Gayer, Rock Bluffs; candidate for the office of county clerk; Mrs. Georgia Creamer, Murray. HAIL IN COLORADO Cass Co. League J Team Standings ! From Wednesday's lailv Yesterday afternoon pursuant to a call of Chairman L. G. Todd of the democratic central committee, there was a number of the members of the ed the measure as the work of the democratic party of Nebraska, as It was enacted by the legislature of 1909 and signed by Governor A C. Shalleuberger, who was one of those chiefly responsible for its enactment and the drafting of the measure. Sen ator Banning stated that the law had protected the people of the state andj Word has been received here from must and would remain on the statute j0hn F. Gorder. of this city, who has books of the commonwealth. (extensive land interests in eastern. Attorney D. O. Dwyer, who was also Colorado, detailing the fact of the present, paid a fine tribute to former very heavy hail storm that visited Governor Charles W. Bryan, who is that section and resulted in the de ta be without daubt the candidate for struction of a great deal of the grain the office of chief executive of the crop in that part of Colorado. Mr. state and under whose leadership, and Gorder had 320 acres of wheat near with Hon. John H. Morehead, as the Arriba that suffered very much from candidate for representative, the the hail and was Dractically wiped . t 1 nartv in Nebraska should sweeD the nn thu roonD f-th etnrm Mr committee and other democrats pres-j state at the forthcoming election. Gorder and son. Frederick, have been The members of the party present there since the close at the convention urged that the are very much members in the various wards and loss . that the hail has brought to ent at the equity court room In the court house to discuss some of the; preliminary plans for the forth com-' of school and disappointed in the Greenwood 5 Nehawka T (Vdar Creek 5 Manley 6 Ix;uisville 4 Knelt' 5 W 5 4 L 0 1 3 4 Pet. 1,000 800 400 333 250 200 i.k ,? ..' " """"I precincts file for the position of dele- them, of the enthusiasm for the forth com-, tj the cQunty coInvent,on and as f The vlcini of Arriba numbers has been from the REGULAR MEETING G. A. R The regular meeting of the G. A. It. post will be Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. It is desired that all members be present. M. A. BATES, Commander. Mr. Todd and J. P. Falter, vice chairman, presided while Harrison L Gayer served as the secretary of thet nice ting. ' The members of the committee andj the assembled democrats were ad- dressed by Senator V I n i n ii t- Vii i a Mia nortu re-election to that office and the dis-i county uchet are nueu. tinguished senator who has po ably Among the democrats from out of " represented this district for the past' the city attending the meeting were: Cool weather calls for coats. Cash two terms naid a flnp trihnt to the'Sfnstnr V. J. Hanninc and L. G. counts! A good time to buy at the bank guarantee law that is one of the Todd, of Union; Ed Carr, Eagle; G.JLadies Toggery. ereatest pieces of legislation ever en-l P. Foreman. Alvo: W. T. Richards.! acted by the state. The senator laud-j South Bend; Col. Phil L. Hall, can- Head Journal Want AdS i that each precinct have a delegate southern part of Cass county, parti J for each twenty or major fraction of cularly from near Union and Nehaw j votes cast for John N. Norton for ka, but details as to their losses have guvernor in 1324. (not been received yet. C. T. Pea- A committee was also appointed cock also has land in that section B Banning, of that will look over the local situation of the state, but whether or not his y candidate for ' an(1 see tnat the vacancies on the crops suffered as heavily as that of Mr. uorcier has not Deen learneu. . Gentlemen, Be Seated in a pair of our Dutchess flannels they're the real right thing in men's leg wear in fact you can't go without them. Prices are soft and cool $3.35 $4.45 $5.95 Have you seen the new Zipper shirt? Barehead caps 25c up! C. E. Wescott's Sons "See It Before You Buy It!" Mi i 111! At mn a iJFWt j H U Us Eb firmed K Q Monday, 3u Forget all your troubles; make Come to Plattsmcuth for a rea fashioned 4th. This celebration cf our Nation's birthday the tennial of American Independ is no ether similar celebration radius of 75 miles. Let's make this an occasion vorthy of the day. Come early stay late bring the whole family thing- doing every minute. - --it. S 0 Plattsmouth Belle vue Thi 15 IS th e regular lar Ca ss- Sarpy league game, and a small admission "will be charged. Gents, 35c, and ladies FREE. Game will be called at 3 C'Clock! - I f tmBBgaBsa IOjI V ' Lx-El J til ' "j Si SftfflilTii ' ii a day of it! Sesqui-Cen- JMm 1 ence. There TJI - - within a W SI - ' jrXj Lw Free Dance at K. S. f ft fj jJetC Park Pavilion. j j je&A&J&&&h3 r-i n : r some- A&&m3wr uompieie rrograra or i I 12 13 7M$iW Jwo0fw Special Ferry. Service J1 WfP fa, for Iowa folks. WmMwWiml 4jtfc- Music by Plattsmouth WfiWL M Eagles and Weep'g IWWWI Water Bands. :v f Wmi Hr.e Shoe Pitching WM Cont88ts- !j"WMjgf,' WATCH FOE THE COM- KfKi Kbsw WlmnSrW A plete peogkam. 1 i My wiiihm .ite'vi nnn 1T arade at 10:30 A. ! -A Ycu probably have seen parades in your life time but none like this will be in other words it's going to be a HUMDINGER. This parade will comprise not only floats from the business houses, but numbers representative of every interest in Plattsmouth also floats from other cities. There will be strange and wonderful creatures from Samson's den there will be a bevy of Bathing Beauties, Black Faces, Mutt and Jeff, Andy Gump, Eppie Hogg, two Bands and possibly three, two Drum Corps, one Drunk and Bungle Corpse, one German Band, 3 Elephants, one Cams! and other features too numerous to record. This parade is sure going to be a knockout. By all means, don't miss it. Bring the children they will enjoy it especially. Equal to three circus parades in one. Remember, at 10:30 o'clock! v axer Fight! Plattsmouth Fire Department vs. Nebraska City Fire Department. o pa $300 Di splay of Fireworks at 8:30 If you were here last year, you remember the gorgeous display of fireworks on the river front. The American Legion committee in charge of this feature is go ing to eclipse all former efforts on this Fourth. We think we can safely say you will see no grander Fireworks Display anywhere in the middle west than you will see right here in Plattsmouth on the evening of MONDAY, JULY 5th. miy Shews and Hiding Bcvicss at the Tourist Park! n i ,3 jri Q L o 1 1 I Kf I -i"i"i-i"i"i"K-i'-:-i-i-i-i- ,T f. FARM BUREAU NOTES i Copy for this Department furnished by County Agent Cass Countv Protective Association. The following men were elected as a board or directors tor protective Poultry Association; Ray Smith, Weeping Water, president; Henry Tohman, Wabash; Ray Mayfield. Cedar Creek; Nick Frederick, Mur ray. The association now has about 60 members and we want everybody to belong. Dues are $1 which you can send Jn to Oscar Domingo, and this money will be used for signs to place at the home of each member for telephone calls, and other ex penses which the board deems nec essary. Then the board can draw on each member, not to exceed $4 each year to pay the rewards for the con viction of chicken thieves. At the present time a $100 reward is offer ed for the conviction of thief or thieves stealing chicken s from a member of this association. The larger number of members, the stronger the association will be and the better protection you will have, so everybody is urged to join. Please do so immediately. Sheriff's Office Busy After the Chicken Thieves Depredations Over the County Are a Source of Much Trouble Hard to Locate Culprits. GEEENW00D WINS AGAIN Late Vegetables for Winter. Seed for the carrots, beets, ruta baga, kohlrabi, turnips and Chinese cabbage that is to be stored next winter be planted now. The old radish and lettuce rows, the first peas, and the beans that are stripped for table use may be cleaned out and the new seed planted in these spaces in the garden. If a few flat head cabbage have been planted, they should be set out now for late fall cabbage that can be buried for win ter use. These ate vegetables will not be as course and woody as those planted in the early spring. They may also make up for some of the garden already lost because of the dry weather. Some Canning Suggestions. Canned vegetables and fruits may spoil simply because they were not washed clear before they were can ned. The soil contains bacteria which causes spoilage. Peas, beans, and asparagus should be washed be fore anything else is done to them. Berries should be washed before they are hulled as well as after. If wash ed in a strainer,' the water may be run over them until it is clear is comes thru the strainer. A vegetable brush is a great help in cleaning some vegetables. Two hours from the garden to can is one of the best slogans in can ning all vegetables. They should be handled while they are fresh and crisp instead of after they have lain over night or for a half day or more. Even tho the dew is wet in the morn ing, it is far better to pick the peas, beans, sweet corn, and other vege-, tables in the early morning and can them right away than to pick them the night before while they are dry, hot, and wilted. Flat sour may start by morning in the vegetables that are picked at night and allowed to lie until the next morning. L. R. SNIPES, Co. Exten. Agent. From Monday's Dally The league leading Greenwood team of the Cass County league add ed another to their list of victories yesterday afternoon when they hand ed the Cedar Creek team a 13 to 0 defeat on the home grounds of the Creekers and before a large number of the fans of that locality. The game had progressed in a nice evenly matched contest until in the From Wednesdays Daily wnen iari jaraine lossenea up The office of Sheriff E. P. Stewart one of Nesson's slants for one of has been busy for some time in trying the longest hits ever polled on the to run down and locate the party or, Cedar Creek grounds and which scor parties that have been committing ed two of the team mates of "Deanie" depredations on the hen roosts as well as himself and started a drive of the county and several nights the that netted eleven runs for Green officers have been out on night ex-jwood before the last out was regis- peditions over dmerent parts oi tneiierea. Kudy Meislnger and Joe Krejcl were , both sent in to try and stem the tide of the battle but without any measure of success and Nesson was later sent back to the mound and hurled a good game as the scor ing of Greenwood was limited to three tallies after this one bad Inning. "Bab" Krejci of this city and Rasper Warren did the backstopping for Cedar Creek. Greenwood has a real ball team and the hurling of Brakhage was one of the features of the battle as the youngster was effective at all stages of the game and with the gilt edged support that was contributed by his teamates was able to shut out the Creekers who have been one of the strongest teams of the league. county in hope that they might find the persons responsible for the out rages that have caused a great deal of loss to the farmers and residents of the country districts. The apprehending of the chicken thieves is a matter of the greatest difficulty as the losses of the chickens are not discovered until several hours after the visit of the robbers and con- seauentlv there is little chance of getting a trace of them unless through the sales that may be made to the dealers in the county and who are re quired by law to keep a register of the number of chickens bought and the parties selling them. However the wise thief can motor with his load of fowls to the larger markets at Omaha and Lincoln with ease and get rid of the stock long before the law can get hold of the fowls. The identification of stolen chick ens is also a matter of difficulty and has proven a great stumbling block to the. enforcement of the chicken stealing law in all parts of the state. DELEGATES TO CONVENTION EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH From Wednesday's Daily The appointment of the delegates to the democratic county convention made by the county lommittee yes terday, and who will form the mem bership of the convention to be held the third Thursday after the primary election, has been announced. The delegates will be elected at the pri mary and the residents or the var ious precincts are urged to see that full representation is made. The ratio of delegates is as follows: Precinct Delegates Tipton 7 Greenwood 4 Salt Creek 6 Stove Creek 8 Elmwood 5 South Bend 4 Weeping Water 2 Center 6 Louisville 7 Avoca 4 Mt. Pleasant 5 Eight Mile Grove 7 Nehawka 5 Liberty 7 First Rock Bluffs 8 Second Rock Bluffs 3 Weeping Water 1st ward 2 Second ward 2 Plattsmouth precinct 7 Plattsmouth First ward 9 Second .ward V. '. H Third ward -12 Fourth ward 5 Fifth ward , 4 Get your Fireworks at Bates Book Store. AH new fresh goods, just unpacked. CLOVER LEAF CLUB On last Thursday, June 17, the ladies of the Clover Leaf Club en Joyed a delightful time at the home of Mrs. E. M. Jumper of near Mur dock and which was largely attend ed by the members of the club and friends. A covered dish luncheon was serv ed at noon. The cub will spend next Thurs day, June 24 with Mrs. Charles Earls of near Weeping Water. A worth-while discount on Spring Coats at the Ladies Toggery. WILL LOCATE HERE From Tuesday's Dally ; Mrs. Earl Teeples and son, John, of Spokane, Washington, arrived here Sunday for a visit with Mr. Teeples, who has charge of the store depart ment of the Fruit Growers Express refrigerator car plant in this city. Odd Pants and the only thing funny about them is the price. A airnfodd trousers adds - f . The family of Mr. Teeples are go-1 . . .t a f vrilir nn to Illinois for a visit with ' muniUS W 7 Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock. English service at 10:30 o'clock. Lectures on our faith to adults Thursday evening at 8:00. Friday Catechetical instruction from 8 to 3 o'clock. In the afternoon Immpnlatplv nftr rtinnpr the mem-1 -, - niinntg tn a visit tiMth hers of the ladies aid are requested j the relatives and friends in that '"good" suit they look Well, iu lume 10 me ciiurcu 111 uiuci " section or tne country ior a snorii e clean It and to finish the constitu- timn and will then return to locate are COOl and COmlorraDie ana tion. At 3 o'clock there will be a 1 Jn thig cjty where they expect toj i j a11 wanted demonstration of aluminum ware at;malce their home in the future andjCan De nau 1 the parsonage to the ladies of the jthey will find a hearty welcome from 'shades for Men and Y OUng aid. the Plattsmouth people to the new,, , Wednesday, June 30, the ladies ; home. John Teeples will be a junior .Alenl aid will meet with Mrs. Jul. Engel kemeier. Sunday we expect visitors from HooDer. And in the afternoon we in the high school the coming year and is one of the most promising re cruits for the high school football team for the next year as he is of will celebrate our congregational spiendid build and with much exper picnic with our company. ilence in the game that will well fit him for a berth on the high school These cool nights demand suitable team. wearing apparel. Special prices on . Spring coats at the Ladies Toggery. you can DUy a new Spring coat at a mighty big reduction now-nt the Ladies Toggery. t Longies for ihe Boy! j Advertising pays I Try it!