i PAGE FOUR PIATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOUBNAL THURSDAY. TUKZ 10, WIG. U. J2I Prepared Exclusively for The Journal Many of the young people of Union were attending a dance at Nebraska City last Friday. Stiae's Grocery Very Best of Service Highest Grade Goods Selling at money-saving priCeS tO OUr CUStOmerS. in Union last Monday afternoon, driv- Edward Dowler, who has moved to Union, will occupy the Clarence Arm strong place as a residence. Henry II. Becker as sawing lum ber during the past week at the home of Chris Madsen, south of town. Robert Walling of Plattsmouth was locking after some business matters in Union one day ' during the past week. Sanford Hcman has accepted a posi tion at the home of Earl Wamick, weft of Murray, and is working on a farm there. Albert Andersen of Nehawka, was looking after some business matters IT PAYS US TO SEEVE YOU THE BEST Stine Union 5 wocery Nebraska Gen. SI lacKsmiuung The Best Work at Most Reasonable Prices Complete Line of Rock Island Farm Machinery SEE US FOR YOUR HAR VESTING KACEIN ERY NEEDS The Time is Soon Here f Union Nebraska Altebery Gas-age the coining Sunday evening, when a pagent will be given by the young! folks. This pageant is enuuea im--Gateways of the Bible." The contracting firm of Miller and Bruber of Nehawka, asisted by Mr. C. I). Keltmer, were doing some con crete work at the Trunkenbloz Oil station during this week seeking to complete the work there soon. Miss Vera Upton, who has been at tending the state university at Lin coln during the past year, completed her school year and returned home on last Friday. Her father L. R. Upton going over for her in their auto. II. M. Chrisweisser and wife and ing over in, his car. Messrs. and Mesuames Jonn ana uoy County Commissioner C. F. Harris ' Chrisweisser were those of a merry wan a visitor In Nehawka last Tues-j party who visited the Henry Felds i day, looking after some business mat-! Seed company s broadcasting siaiion ters for the county. at snenanuoan, Iowa, on iasi umui. Miss Virginia Harris and La Von! Nicholas Opp was a visitor in Union Pmna ivro nv, r t n T.inrnin on last : on last Monday from his home near I.Ionday seeing about attending school ! Nehawka and was a guest at the home there for the summer. (of his son, Ralph, and family as well ! r-,n Pii,v,innn nf nonr utiirmv. has' sopinir .1. M. Clarence about sink ing well for hi in on his farm near Nehawka. Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Upton were in Plattsmouth on Tuesday of this week where they went to attend the fun eral of their friend, the late Abram Rupley. who passed away at the home cf his daughter, Mrs. Robert A. Bates of that city early Sunday morning. Mr?. Conrad Mullis of Ilunbar, mother cf Mrs. II. H. Becker, has been poorly during the past week or raoro and her condition has been fo bad that the daughter, Mrs. Becker, was celled a number of times to her bedside. She is, however some improv ed at thU time. A l Eaton has accepted a position with the county aeain and hfs been placid in clir.rgo of the road work for the county at thi3 place. Mr. Eaton 's an excellent man for the position and will do good service1. He is at present making his heme with his daughter at Nebrnrka City, and drives over and back from there to hi. work (but r.s the. roads are good he does not find it much of a chore. This is Service. the Garage known for its Best work always. accepted a position with the Charles Attcrbery Garage in Union, and is working at the present time. George Trunkenbloz was a visitor in Union most of the present week, superintending the completion of the station which he is installing here. Mrs. E. V. Keedy of Ashland, where they are engaged in the drug bu?ine??, was visiting with the friends and relatives in Union last Wednes day. Tony Sudduth and W. E. Moore were looking after some business mat ters in Weeping Water, making the trip in the new wagon of Mr. Sud duth. A number cf the young people of Union were over to Lincoln where '. they registered for the summer school j which is being CDuducted in the cap ital city. 1 Miss Minnie Reicke was the guest of her friend. Miss Ethel Tayior for ovr last Saturday evening and at tended the nicine at Kamp Kill Kare on Sundry. Verle Harding took the father ever to Bethcny on last Sunday and re turned the same evening, while Mr. Harding remained for over to Tues day morning before he returned. Mrs. Nettie Stanton of Omaha, who Mesrrs. R. D. Stine and C. L. Graves were looking after some busi ness matters in Plattsmouth last Mon day, mailing the trip in the auto cf Mr. S'.ine and on the return the bo"3 were feeling so heavy and down heart- has been so very seriously ill for some ttinr is renorted as bclns: some better ed that one of their tires blew out. Tnll lino nf Arr'sc-cnrip! anA RnnrdiPQ the first of this week, and which is but with the report they were aroused mm-pfl in ctorV I very piea.sant Ask for a demonstration of the new Chevrolet, the most powerful and durable small car on the market. Bargains in Used Cars Service Our Watchword Charles Attebery Union, Nebr. news to tier many riends here. Flossie McCarthey has been having some concrete walks constructed at his home in the eastern portion of Union, which is greatly faciliating the matter of getting about when the weather is wet. Mrs. Mary Davis, who has been so poorly durinp the winter and who was at the hospital at Omaha, is still gain ins; in her health and is feeling much improved, which is excellent news for her many friends. Children's Day exercises will be celebrated at the Methodist church on from their apathy and soon repaired the rent and were on their way again, though a passing car came near hit ting Mr.. Siine while they were working. Badger Cultivate? Sure, I have them. Fasten one on the rear end of your gas wagon, and away you go. Do not Forget that we have plenty of Screen Wire and Poultry Netting LAWN MOWERS SCYTHES GRASS HOOKS e 13 a Bin 5 n The Hardware Man Union, Nebraska Eugene Austin Very Sick. Eugene Austin, who was hurried to the ho.-pital at Omaha a week ago Tuesday, still remains in a very criti cal condition, notwithstanding every thing has been done for him that is possible, and with an operation or two, and the best medical attention and nursing, he has not seemed to have shown any preceptible improve ment. On Monday of this week the children were called to his bedside on ; count of the extreme illness, as well as his other relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Austin went over to see him and to render what aid and comfort possible. Edward Dowler Moves to Union. Edward Dowler, who has for some time been making his home at Weep ing Water, has accepted the position a- manager of the oil station of Geo. Trunkenbloz at Union, which is ex pected to be completed and in opera tion early the coming week. Edward Dowler and family have moved to Union and will make their home here in the future. The citizens of Union are to be congratulated in the mov ing back to the town of this excellent family, who are alive to the best in : tercets of the town and every ready ! to promote the same. Keeps our goods in best condition. We serve Hardings Ice Cream cone, dish or any quantity. Also brick cream and cold drinks. Always cool and refreshing. Our Motto The best service and best goods! At the Drug Store E. R13QBE:, Proprietor UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA t - Are Building Passing Track. The Missouri Pacific railway is building a passing track for their yards at Union which shall extend about a half mile and will allow bet ter handling of their trains lu:re. The traffic is so heavy some times that it is with much difficulty that they are able to properly handle it with the prc-ent facilities. The new track is being placed between the main. line and the elevators and extends to the northward about a half mile. Youx s for Service! We are here to give you the very best service, provide you with the very best goods at the most reas onable prices. We carry staple and fancy groceries, work clothes and can supply all you need. FARM MACHINERY LINE Northwall and Emerson line of Farming Machinery Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and Listers. Newton and Bain wagons. Rumley Tractors, the best made! im Las On the Corner Union, Nebraska Celebrate at X. K. K. l?rl Sunday was th passing of the 75th birthday anniversary of Judge Daniel Lynn of Union, and his friends i gathered at their summer home at !" Kmp Kill Kare" at tho mouth of the historic Weeping Water, in num bers more than a hundred, where they celebrated the occasion in the most approved manner. Uncle Daniel was expfeting that some of his friends would call during the day, but .when they arrived in droves with well , laden b; skets of the choicest of good tilings to eat, and erected long tables under the pleasant shade of the trees of this celebrated place, "Kamp Kill Kare," where scores could eat at a time and where in fact more than a hundred did eat to their fill, he was somewhat j.urpn'sed as they intended he should be. Uncle Dan will long remember the excellent time which his many friends made for him on this balmy June day. There was swimming, boatiiifi and many other o.'imsei k nts h.i well as the quiet visit- ins oi tne elder of the gathering. A in;;' was erected which would allow one to swing out over the rippling waves of (he Weeping Water, and as Undo John lidgett was preparing to take a Journey out over the water and back again, his progress was hastened by one of his friends, and he went sv inging out over the water in the first place-, but as he had not gotten well into the swing he dangled be low it end as he struck the water Check up on your Pub lic Liability Insurance. Liability is the most dan gerous word in the dic tionary. To you it may spell ruin, debt, disaster. See this Agency today about your Liability Insurance. Phone 9 Farm Loans! Real Estate! It is hoped that every scholar will j make a special effort to be there every Sunday this summer. j The morning services will be es- ; pecially for children. Everey child in Sunday school should stay for the j 11:30 services. Parents are given an ! invitation to come and bring the I children. Lets make Sunday a real j "Children's Day" not only in the evening but in the morning services i as well. A pageant will be given at S j o'clock. "The liible Gateway" A j great deal of time has been put on this, and the children nave been j very faithful in coming to practice. ! So let there be a good attendance at ! this service. ' The Home Missionary society will ' meet with Mrs. Iee Fan's next j Thursday afternoon, June 17th. j Aid society meets each 2nd and 4th j Thursdav. i ijyWsIM rO tflL mum Ki Hi 3 I IE. il lUl Itti lllOll 1 'And Others VHiO Took The Medicine Over Year Ago When I Did Tell Sic ' The Same Thins About It," Says Oiler. FUNERAL 03? E20YE2 CHRISTIANSON TUESDAY "More than a year ago i nak put me right ami 1' right ever since," declares Kar- vo been Edward Lincoln, 7 I I From Weilnesilay's T":.ily The funeral services of the l.'te ; uroyc-r t unstiar.son were ikmci yc a-; j terday afternoon at the CbM-dale j j chapel in Omaha, conducted bv Hev il!.iU;:ey of the Kountze Memorial) j church, these services being attend-! ; ed by a large number of the relatives ! land friends in Omaha, j The funeral cortae came by auto; i from Omaha and at the O.ik J i i 1 1 ' cemctrrv was joined bv a large num-: " "" " " her of the old time friends who had ! some two feet, the impulse of the) called to pay (heir last tributes of; swing was stopped, and there he hungMove and respect. At the grave ther ; partly in the water and partly out,! was a short prayer so-viee )uia while his friend, feeling that tnerejthe bodv consigned to t!ie last 1):-. J. Otrcr, 13C3 N. 21st be Keb. "Yes, sir, th's medicine rid ire of chronic indigestion, stomach trouble, and constipation from which I sul7ered five years. "Why, it just stopped nil the Moating, biliousness a.nd she'tness cf Lrcilh, cud Luilt lip lic a new man. "A friend put mo on to Ilarnak v.-hen I could find nothing ol;;e that vould reach my case, ami it fixed me up so fine I haven't spent a cent for medicine i:inee. And ethers who .arnak x-rlizn teok their experience h: as rcir-e." it id til me Edward J. A iarnak is srd 1 iz i'.x:lu.-.i vely by F. O. !' and by the leading every town. rinttsmouth ru ko cc Co., druggist in FILES DIVORCE SUIT was no danger, shouted advice about solving the situation, telling him to kick with this fort or that one, and iliu:; he hung suspended until he was about exhausted before a boat came to bin rescue. Taking it all in ail the merry crowd enjoyed themselves r-reat!y at Kamp Kill Kare. floral tribute silently spoke wheih TEACTOE-CULTIVATOR DEMONSTRATION rest. The ere: us and esteem in been held in this as 5n Omaha. li'-latives frcm out atic-nd the fuuetvl l'ia( c k. f'tu-atro. Savanna. Illinois were- m:i:i oi' the lit :h the deceased bad ; conim;i::ity as ve 11 of tne city to v; ere: Janus Mrs. (;ergo McKay. Frank I'tacek. S-!- Fit. alia, i: Stoner, s.soun. -i; Sedalia. i a i d M rs. mi. m!uv s iut ruing ij of the di.uri .b ! enti .lvd ii:a i K. Lcm-;:i, ne in v.-iih'h the a decree of C i: uvev. ihc plaint iii set.; l ie.j were married at cie; ra. v.;. ing i.i" c.ih. t ce.t'.i-t : ilarold ( ;n. tb- a ail! that n th ol V;;e act h.jli . Lt men tion be it;" seeks tit ion of the p.irt- Fcbruniy, 21, iU2V. aad that they have nMb- tb ir hotne on the latin of the plaintiff near (ireen wood since tliat time. The (bfend a:i'. the plriintiff s tx foiib in his t tit !m ii'jv rc.-ddes in t'ti r.iate ;f California. The charge (if the chhc )l action is cruelty and desertion. :d" help? Y"ou can get it quickly tV;uucii liiuffs, by I'lacir."' yctir ad in the Journal. i PUBLIC There will be a demonstration of - TO TxIoj the new Farwall Tractor-Cultivator . liekl at the Sturm brothers farm.) As tho Purveyor's cfT:ce has one half mile north of Nehawka. j 1?- i a p-d.'ti.-al dib-e I'.'r yrr Monday afternoon. June 1 1th. Ifldan't see wliy it should be now. weather condition: will not permit j friends have Mod fur me rep;;: the demonstration on the above date j ro why :u;t ar.;:i:F.' I wish U nmi! on lnursoay atternoon. June mv manv triemis wno nave )t I 17th. Everybody urged to witness this deme nstrat ion. Leo Switzer Implement Co., Nehawka. Nebraska. ltw :o m lieeti to tb :;ch inter my desi e i ev-i o! to bectu O.Tit'O. lie tha"k t :: t in '.e. It has alv.ay e to p-rform my duties niv abi'itv but I de-cliv.e a politician to get an SI ; 2 n r- IS t k: Vil jL.ll F HAL? CTv Celebrate Birthday. ?Ti--s Noia Fanr.in.tr was thirteen! year. of ape on Jlondaj of this wec-k, June 7th. and very properly celebrat ed the occasion with seme score of her young fiiends at hc-r home c;n Mon dav afternoon. The young folks m- joyed tb.e afternoon :r.cjst splendidly! with songs, music anel pair.es, and' were served by a d di'',htful luncheon w Trc: Tl:i n ti : niid h(r il n u l1. t " MisrNoba was the recipient of manyj'. beautiful and costly presents, attesta-j tiona of the love and friendship o and Dorothy Clark. Dorothy Fell. ! Sj. Louise Foster, Freda Niday. Jane ! P.obb, ilarian Clark, Kutheta Dysart. Velman Dysart, Helen and Ituth Var- dcn. rdildred Iorris, Helen and l?e. Wat kins. Margaret Roddy, Meade, Reba Frans. FF.KD "TV.) 1SON. i rvevor. The Journr.1 crrcciates your in terest in f hcnir.2 ug I7c. G any ti7r.e. news. Call r f i.4 Old SATURDAY, JUNE 12 Admii ;ion, 50c 0 " :rr b i2 E3 I -1 Daisy jf q ithodist Chirch Notes. 11: 10:15 Khnday s hool. 11:. 10 Special sermon for children. 7:15 Kpwortli eLagae. S:00 Children's Day program. A good attendance is expected at Sunday school next Sunday. A number were absent last Sunday. A- J- V fa t;3 v J n m i !rrai A I A ' I at 9 o Vv iii give everybody a chance to get sonic of cur China oireriiv numerous items are limited. :to . This Some of the Coo Underwear for Dad and Sen Tour VfS-etubh O?. Te- 1'C-t. Enslin-h Cg Z'iil:c3 for JL an ft Jlall cIj:::?, e?cii VaiT ?t 7-ric-cc 7 Water Tmnllcvs U1 etched t,Ij?-;wr:-c Liched. 12 lor i. !:-: rxarcl Tea Tu-Mcrs (tf lai (IG-q: .) C i:r..-V-i size, 12 icr s L G-.:..-..i:::d 7a h C' 1 r::6raiccl Cups and Q T::"j (heavy). Each V fauces. 4 fcr V Heavy Didi Diainsr iuuruhtun Tea Ktltle, Wire racl:. 01. G5 value. it sbo, ea:h liquid Veneer S0c (7 Slue Hiking- Eov.-l:. (tf eke, 1V70 for ?2 la:g-e siae. IPl-JL'E fcri 1 c i'ojr Choice FOR 31 Hal (7-1: .). Ik Kale:. Oat- Ui-.lizs, da nee xJisr,e:, riat- . Eov.ls. Ct:p. Saueers. Suj- p -.ri I rfs.i-?r.. Kt.?. 1 ? L C. Your Choice 4--J FOR $1 Cia::i'-? xrccervir.g; Kettles, Cof-i.;c- jccii. Li h ?"ii3, Toot Tubs, Kixit'.?; 3oul. Vares, r.nd other pieces ci ccoKmer and r7 for clcceraltd are. TWO only Underwear but the kind fits, wears and is comfortable. particular, say V assar ri W FW! W one Athletic and Knits $1 to .$2.50 Others at 75c to $1.25 r 7 -j 3T X F 7! 0 1 Si) iriniiy Monday 25 bars for. . . fan- Del Monte Feachc3 3 larsre cans for . . . . Cans of pi Vegetables fcr $1.00 Corn 'ornate Kraut kQYki A Pi Hominy Your dollar will do double duty here many bargains cn display not listed here there .will be to lack a due of good space. r-V: : i -i i V H V' -f.i.-J r h ..s :.- H rv Plattsnicuih, Nsbraska r r i .f his feet and less koin into the water VI: