THURSDAY. JUNE 3. 1026. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE Murray Department J Prepared in the Interest of the People o' Murray cd 'irroundAng' Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If tny of tbe readers of it Jaurna.1 knor- of any social event or item of interest in tbls vicinity, and will mail fame to this office. It will ap pear under this heading. We want all news items Eihtob Protect your pennies dollars will look out for themselves! Deposits -. , a. visitor I Joan high of Greeley, a sis-! coming to deliver a car load of hoes ; visitinc for a few davs in Murrav Mrs. Earl Lanraster, was ajand cattle for shipment to the Southland were guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. and was spending ""Memorial i Omaha market. If. Brendel. the ladies beine sisters Guranteed Means More Than Merely Returning Your Money cay at the home of her sister here. Walter Vallery shipped a car load of cattel to the South Omaha mar ket last Monday evening, and was up on Tuesday to see the cattle sold. A. D. Bakke was looking after some business matters in Omaha on last Tuesday and was accompanied ly Mrs. Bakke and their little daugh ter. Little Donald Nelson, the young- ; est of the Harry Nelson family has J been quite poorly for some time but lis reported as being some better at this time. Drs. J. t. urendei ct ."Murray ana .T W." TtrernTel nf Avor:i worn in nt- ciation convention at Lincoln on last Thursday. C. K. Frans the barber, and Ander- i son Lloyd, were visiting in umana and attending the ball game there last Sunday and enjoyed the game very much. Owen Willis of near Nehawka was a visitor in Murray on last Tuesday U llliam Brandt shipped a car load i of Mrs. Brendel, while one Mr. Jami of hogs from the Murray station and ! son i3 their father. All visited Mrs. a car of cattle from the station at Glen Vallery last Sunday for dinner Harvest Here Soon Are You Ready? Do yen reed a Mower. Hay Fork. and Mower or Harvester Re Nehawka on last Tuesday, they both going to Omaha. W. E. Moore the druggist of Union, had business in Murray on last Tuesday and also in Plattsniouth and made the trip to both places in his auto in the morning. A circus on last Monday evening enlivened the city and every one saw the trick pony and the trained dogs, the clown and the bareback riding and had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Will S. Smith the postmaster of Murray were visiting with friends in Omaha last Sunday, they driving over to the big city in their auto for the afternoon. Oscar Nailor and J. A. Sectten were visiting in Omaha on last Tuesday where they were both looking after business matters, they making the ;trip in the auto of Mr. Scotten. Frank Irasek and Paul Richter were unloading a car load of tile for : the Murray lumber yard, to supply 'the material which Mr. George E. Nickles has been selling of late. C. R. Troop. W. O. Troop and Robert Troop were shippers of three car loads of very fine cattle to th-? South Omaha stock yards, they go- J ing forward on last Monday eve- i ning. J. V. Pitman and G. W. McCracken were visiting in Plattsmouth on last Monday afternoon. Memorial tlay. the more efficiently "a can may : Pitch Fork cr so ? work and the better progress he can make. Murray State Bank Murray, Nebraska There is No Substitute for Safety 4t's Our Easiness lo Fit You Out It means, in addition, that there is nothing to be uneasy over while one is busy earning the funds with which to make . deposits. j .. . .i -j asd. Mower or .Harvester Kepairs. a V f ! I J 1L IS VVUIL1I LUIlSlUCIlIiy a- -if barn U00T -5-raC SlCXie seciicn or where they visited for a short time that the tewer worries he has Windrow Fork, and how about a new and looked after some business, as wll. Jack Douglass took his little son. J. P.. to Omaha on last Mondav and i lof t him. where he will undergo an (operation for the removal of his ton jsils which have been troubling him I for some time. John Tcman shelled and delivered , corn to the Farmers elevator on last i Tuesday, seeing that the corn was (doing fairly well he thought it a iSebraskaiaway to market. Ben Noell has been setting up ma chinery quite a bit during the past two weeks, he went out and got two mowers started cutting last Tuesday one for Allie Leonard and cr.e for Charles D. Cazee. Sure the farmer is busy now. and; J. ll. Brown and wife and George must g-et as much work done, while1 Brinklow and son Georsre. all of Omaha were visiting and spending last Monday, Memorial day in Mur- iJ J ;4 S&.v;!w iH Murray., James Ilorchar. living southeast' of Murray is reported as being quite ill at the home of his parents. Raymond Henry was a visitor in ' Plattsmouth on last Monday and was looking after some business matters. TSoma'S 'Nelson was a visitor Tn ' Omaha last Friday and was looking : after some business matters for a short time. , Clarence Willis was a visitor in j Murray last Tuesday, ccming to as sist Owen in delivering a car load of hogs here. ' Elmer Philpot shipped from the Murray station on last Tuesday a car load of cattle and hogs, to the South Omaha market. : Joe Lindsay of near Union was a visitor in Murray on last Tuesday and was lookine: after some business matters for a short time. Busy Days, These it needs doing, as possible. See us for two-row machines and cultivators, v.e have them to suit. We carry a general line cf farming machinery. How would you like to be cooped up in thct hot hitchen with the cob. ccal cr wood tore these hot days. Hay, There, Let me bid on your Pig Vaccination.. You will get a distinct surprise. aim, and we are I sure that all who have had our service will testify that our ser- 1 4. I vice ia me ucsi. You know the hogs are a high See us for accessories, charg price just now, and you can-'ing your batteries and the best not afford to lose any of them. , Tires and Tubes. How aboct vonr colts and calves? I ray and vicinity, they driving down in their respective autos. Miss Neva I.anc.iFter who went to to hispital some time since and un derwent an operation for appendi fitis. is pftinsr along nicely at this time and was rromise-d that she might CU2 CI tile Xted otar Cr come nome un ii;u..uuv ui iliis rth. ether oil stoves. They will make the J- A. riaughtery of Nehawka. was - - -. 'u . . t. 1 .- t, : , U visitor in i i u i mii'ju i 11 ;n:u vu return stepped in Murray for a short Stime. then going to Weeping Water j to look after some business before rc.tnrtitntr In 1 I j Vinfrit in T o n ' J v . : 1 Nebraska Litlle" Emmitt Shumaker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Khumaker. j who underwent an operation for the removal of a giwrth on tne side ol etting along nicely ind is about healed at this i time. I Frank Boedfker, who has been j visiting for a few days at Nehawka and also at the home of his father. Mr. Addison Boedeker, stopped in i Murray for a short visit while on ! his way horn' to Craig, where he I has charge oT a bank, which is in the hands of a receiver. I Miss Thelma Rhoden. while work- hcusewife happy. Harry Nelson Murray and the afternoon. On last Tuesday while Mrs. J. V. Pitman was working about the house she had the misfortune to get a very large splinter in her wrist which peuentrated entirely through the fleshy portion of the wrist and ex tending out both sides, but not op posite sides of the wrist. Dr. Gil more dressed the wound, which was quite painful, and the patient is do ing nicely at this time. Mrs. James Wassum, who has been visiting for some time at Portland, Oragon, and while rturning to her home at Marion, Virginia stopped for a visit with her friends Mr. and Mrs. John Farris, who formerly liv ed neighbors to her in the southeast. On last Sunday a number of the friends who she had known in the east, were at the Farris home to visit with is estimable lady, who is soon to cintinue her trip home. Mr. and Mrs. David Gerking of Sloan, Iowa., and the mother, also of the place, and Mrs. William Sikes of Bayard, Nebraska, who were in Union attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Alice Shumaker, and aunt of Roy Gerking and a sister of Mrs. Ida GeTking. stopped for a visit of a day with Roy Gerking and family they also making a visit at Nebraska City with Mr. Roy Gerking. and de parted for their home on Tuesday of this week. Charles Mutz and wife were visit ing in Murray for a short time on last Tuesday and yere on their way to Weeping Water, and from there will proceed wtst. visiting in turn. Grand Island. North Platte, Denver nnfl f' tior nl-tr-fic in tho w r Q t thpir objective point being Everett. Idaho. ! hich he had used in cheating Esau and will expect to spend the mostit of his birthright and blessing, of the summer in the west and .Jacob goes to Leban and protests the and was no match for the crafty j scheming woman who was the real; master of his household, his wife, Rebekah. What a Family. What a family for a young man to grow up in, with the cross-grain of the relations really existing therein. each child influenced by different forces whether persuasive or forceful. ! It is no wonder that there was dis-: agreement between the two brothers, but the wonder is that they made as good men as they did. This is the condition which sent Jacob away from home to the home j of his brother. Jacob watchful, re-j sourceful, and ever looking for an ad-' vantageous point. He first fell in love with his lovely cousin, Rachel. He watered her cattle and sheep for her then told her who he was, kissed her homesick, notwithstanding he was seventy years of age. A great big boy, and at the same time one of the shrewdest of men in a trade. He made an agreement with his uncle, Laban. to work for him for seven years for Rachel, as he wanted her for his wife. Laban was a shrewd trader as well as Jacob, and well did he work that young westerner for these seven vears. still thev seemed but a short time considering the great love which Jacob bore for Rachel. The seven years were fulfilled and they brought a tragedy in his life. He had not thought of the practice of the east, that the elder daughter should marry before the younger, and while he knew and respected Leah, the elder, he was not in love with her, she was probably as good a girl, but not the lovable one that Rachel was. She was a different type, both as to disposition and in her personal char acteristics, not so fair to look upon, and with sore eyes, which made her not so attractive. All rrepared for the celebration of the event, and the festivities over, and at night when it was dark. Rachel was taken away by a deceit of Leban, and Leah, the sory eyed girl, was placed in his tent, she being priv3 to the scheme and pretending that she was the beloved Rachel, but the morning revealed that Jacob had a wife whom, he had not thought he had married, and not the one which he had thought he was marrying. This was in return for the craftiness should the country appeal to them very strongly, they may conclude to make their home there. LOST! One bay white faced horse, with one white hind foot. Weight 1200. one two year old horse mule. Notify Joe Baker, owner or Charles Chris wisscr, Murray, Nebr. Celebrated Birthday. The popular hard wareman, Ben jamin Harrison Nelson, had his birthday ccme on last Sunday, in fact it came then and he did not have anything to say about it. but a number ot nis trienos irom enaua i deception, and is told in return that the custom is for the elder daughter to marry first, and also that he might have Rachel, but consummation of the wedding could not occur for a week. Then in the end he had two wives instead of one, and wives a plenty at that. Then he was given by Leban a hand maid for Leah, named Zilpah, and also given for Rachel a maid Billah, this making him four women even if not four wives. He had to serve seven years more for Rachel, which made fourteen years,' (thus paying for the wives. Mhen a new contract was made and during all the time prosperity was coming to Leban and Jacob was his servant. Many contracts were made, fame to assist him in maKlng merry. all. and among them was cne I in which Jacob was to receive for nis him eniov it. There were from Ne- ! , " .VT ' r .V ;r IvlvIvi Tnr tho npcasinn. D Lund- t " v" v" - trnafo and family, Mrs. Peter Johnson, Mrs. ! Nelson's mother. Albert Johns and ' Edward -Johnson and wife and R- H. t Ingwerso and family. jtcn jand brown of the sheep, cattle and Here again we see the craftiness of Jacob, for lie saw to it that in the breeding these kinds predominated, and in the end of the following years Listen Get tlie 1 l hat is our I r O ' his face is est Service: vision he was rich with more herds and cattle than his uncle and father-in- ITotice of School Meeting law, Leban. This with the complain- The annual meeting of the patrons ; ings of the sons of Leban made Leban of school district No...S (Kenosha) .very sore and he was not friendly to will le held at 1 p. in. on Monday, ! Jacob. Now Jacob had been putting June 14th, at the school house in the; his cattle, sheep and goats away - district. All of tho qualified voters ( three days' journey separating them are urgd to be present. MRS. ALMA YARDLEY. j.l-lw Director I Are They Needing Any Care? Dr. G. L. Taylor Vet etermanan The Murray Garage A. D. Bakke, Owner Murray, Nebr. ll M. S. & Co. Broadcasting Q. & S. ANNOUNCERS Broadcasting good merchandise at reason able prices is our hobby. We aim to make Quality and Service speak for our store. If we treat you right, tell others; if not, please tell us. The H. M. Soennichsen Company Telephone No. 12 - . Murray, Nebraska ing, around home, having a fork in her hand fell and the instrument penetraded her hand. pasing the tines entirely through her hand. She after Waving the hand dressed is getting along nicely at present. Miss Thelma is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Rhoden. Mrs. John Bates of Rising City, and Miss Grace Jamison, accompapu- ied bv T. J. Jamison of Lincoln were isi 4 it. mm Pride of Hogles Creek from the flocks of Leban. and when conditions grew unbearable he call ed his wives, their children and hand maids, and the children born unto them, for there were now eleven sons. J- ;the eldest twelve years of age, and one daughter, together with many ser ? ; ants. s ' At this time after the consultation J which was held in the field, the Lord called to Jacob in a vision and said, J;"Return to your old home in the west, back to Hebron and Beersgeba. in Canaan." They prepared and im- Goklen Text: "Be ye kind to one mediately departed, and it was three another, tenderhearted, forgiving each days before Leban and the sons found t BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON Sunday, June 6, 192 ?. Py M S. Brie?" other, even as God, forgave you." Eph. also 4:32 in Christ, out of the going of Jacob and his ; family, with their effects. He im : mediately prepared to follow with force and bring all back. It was also discovered that the idols of Leban were missing, and whoever had stol en them was to be made to suffer for it. No. 1684 Black JackWhite Points Ercthers are Reconciled Esau, the elder of the twins of Isaac and Rebekah, was a very Impulsive man, and a man for the outof doors, frivinsr and takinir as time willed it so. willing to do his portion and a The Jehovah called to Laban say little more but a rough neck, in the ns. "See that you say nothing to true sense of the word, but loval to Jacob, either good or bad, and do a friend and a cause. Impetuous, and him no harm." Still the pursuit was readv to resent an injury and would made and when the company of La 'fi.ght at the drop of a hat" there be- an had overtaken the company of ins no question about that. He loved Jacob, they had a spirited talk over his father and ws willing to do anv- the matter, and finally Laban accus thing to please him. He said, "I will Jacob of stealing his Gods, Idols, wait until after father dies and then Jacob, feeling that they had not been I will settle with that scrapegrace taken, said that with whomsoever of a brother of mine, Jacob." jthey might be found, let him die the In the end he was forgiven and wel- death. Search was dilligently made, corned his brother home after twenty and they were not found, although years of absence. The score of vears Rachel had hid them. Then they held had worn awav his anger to his a conference and swore fealty to each brother and the bitter feelings which other and 'feat a stone up in Gilead, he had entertained. jover which neither should pass to the harm of the other, and Laoan re turned to his place. Now the caravan GUARD AGAINST FRICTION pyramid-building days The Great Pyramid of Cheops at Gizeh consisted of 2,300,000 blocks of stone averaging 40 cubic feet. 6,848,000 tons of stone were transported over many miles of road on vehicles with wooden wheels and wooden axles. With the crude meth ods of lubrication known to the Egyptians, this meant innumerable axles worn out by friction and wear. The steel wheels, shafts and gears of modern motors are similar in only this respect when lubrication fails they are quickly destroyed. Clean oil of high quality is your only protection. Motor oils may look alike, but there is a big difference in the way they behave in a motor in their resistance to heat, in their ability to maintain an unbroken cushion of oil in bearings and over all moving parts and protect against metal to metal contact and friction. Polarine Oils are the highest quality motor oils that over a generation of experience and the most extensive manufacturing facilities have been- able to produce. Use the right grade of Polarine for your motor and it will stay powerful and last a long time. Make the Polarine Chart your lubrication guide. t is the result of innumerable laboratory and road service tests with all kinds of motors and all kinds of oil. Keep plenty of oil in the crankcase. Drain it every 500 miles or as often as the manufacturer of your car recommends and refill with the grade of Polarine recommended for your car by the Polarine Chart. Polarine is made in six grades Polarine Light, Medium, Heavy, Special Heavy, Extra Heavy and Polarine "F" for Fords. Buy Polarine where you buy Red Crown ,the Balanced Gasoline where you see the Red Crown Pump and the Polarine Sign. ( Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Map) STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA Main Office: OMAHA LINCOLN Branch Office. ' HASTINGS NORTH PLATTE I 1 Vfc- mm for protective lubrication Jacob, Jacob supplanter. was a sure moves on west, and another problem 16 hands high, weighs 950 lbs. Will make the season 1926 on the Wil liam Nickle farm, 2 miles south 2 miles cast of Murray. Nebr. Every jgajn uay in ine wccn. iu ounuay service. j-p hpartlesslv . rnt anv rnnariniu hut tn frnin his . . ' ' Terms $10.00 to in sure to stand and suck. Should mare be traded off or removed from locality. Service fee is due and payable at once. All care will be exercised to pre vent accidents, but I wilf not be re sponsible should any occur. any conscious, ends, no matter how they were brought about, just so that he was to took advantage of ing of his brother Esau. It was with great fear he proceeded. The ,grace of God and the twenty years' separation had changed the two men and their meeting was joyful, and lasted for the years which they lived, i Then followed two very important events, both mingled with sorrow, and one with joy as well. Rachel died in giving birth to their youngest son Telephone No. 1S11 Reverse All Calls his brother's hunger to wrest from him the birthright, then again, his mother was a past mistress in deceit, ever scheming to forward the for tunes of her favored son, Jacob, by 1. X .1 " fc' wuaievi-r fflB?u wuemtr ..i., ert Benjamin and the father of Jacob and just and equitable or questionable, j Fsau Isaac died hoth heinp burJpd Isaac. Iat the burying place where Abraham Isaac, the father, was a weakling, had buried his wife Sarah, and where n VrirrQ-tr ICah ' icucu iu '-c l-ul ui a. uc uiuiseii was laier ourieu. 1 Ills uwner, ixuxray, JMeD. natUre which would rather give way likewise proved to be the burying jto the pressure exerted, than to stand plae of Jacob when his bones were ' for what he really knew was riht in later years brought from Egypt. A. D. Crunk, U. P. Church Notes. Sabbath school at 10:00 a. m. Preching at 11:00 a. m. Y. P. C. U. at 7:15 p. m. Evening preaching at 8:00. Mid- week prayer meeting Wednes day, 8:00 p. m. The pastor is expected to return from the General Assembly which met at Sharon, Pa., on Thursday of this week. Dr. Howard Buchanan, the medical missionary who lost his sight while doing clinic work in the Sudan, will be with us on next Friday evening to bring his wonderful message to us at 8 p. in., at the church. He is the brother of Rev. Buchanan who preached here several years ago. The Woman's Missionary society will meet a week eafly as we ex pect Mrs. Buchana, who accompanies Continued on Page Six. Clean-Up Special! Dad and I have been cleaning up the store and find we have an 'over stock of Venus Talcum Powder. He says I may put this on special sale Saturday for 15c. This is good Talcum and sells regular for 25c. Dad says he will have some other clean-up bargains Saturday, too so be sure and come in. You will want a cool drink, or some Ice Cream, so be sure and ask for the bargains while you are in the store. ELIZABETH. P. S. Dad gives me a small commission on the Tal cum Powder, so buy all you will need Saturday and benefit yourself and me too. Let's put this over big and stick Dad plenty. E. urray Drug Go. Murray, Nebraska