The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 27, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, 3IAY 27, 1926.
he plattsmoutb lourrtai
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink,
or whatsoever ye do, do all to thej
-lory of God. Give none olHense.
I Chorinthi-'n-s. 10:31-32. !
The: west i:i'ls 11
Hansen Mil.
a the ru ck on the
The hero e.f many
is the publisher.
a modern novri
If your inounth is full or your head
empty don't attempt to talk.
There may bo
an e;
g trust, but
we've never seen one we would.
To keep your wife away from the
office, hire an uglly stenographer.
The Nebraska delegation in con- It is far more pleasant to preach
rrress will Ft i 1 keep up the fight for than to practice. That's why the min
farm relief. ority practice.
:o: j :o:
Ah. yes; there are sex things in! The days are past when the grocer
the Libit. Eut they aren't these to used to stick a potato carelessly on
promote sales. i the s-poui of a kerosene can.
:o: I :o:
Statistics would seem to indicate
that juries are hung much more fre-'
quently than are murderers.
Chauncey Depew's advice summed
up in half a dozen words is moderation
in everything except longevity.
: :o:
.-v marrieu man says ne oujceis 10,
giving his wife sptndins money be-
cause she will invariablv spend it. I
; - , t.
:o: j
It would : relieve" the farmers ai
lot if they could get all their boysj
to come back and work on the farm. j
:o: !
Not knowing what styles will be'.
2." years hence, it is a i it tie hard to;
say where the child ought ti he vac
cinated. : o :
It's easy enough to dream of the;
:reat things that you are going to do, I
but don't forget to wake up in imcj
to begin wcrk.
Even a woman who says she loves1"
animals will (ompl.iin win n she finds'
the mark of teeth of a steel trap traps;
on her summer fur. Mn
It wasn't so hnd. at that. Suppose
that prer.eral strike had happened in'
Franco, Involving all current and I
former cabinet ministers? i
American men are handsome, says
Jean Babilais, a French beauty ex
pert. Why doesn't lie tell us some
thin ir we don't already know.
Congressmen should realize that ra
dio users are not nearly so interested
in legislation to control radio as they
nr in something that will eliminate
The next Legion convention will
bo held at Shubert, Richardson, coun
ty. Shubert is not a large town but
it manifests the spirit of a live com
munity. :o:
Timely item to paste in your hat
ami show your wife should an occa
sion arise. A Boston woman who
i- an expert housekeeper advises
a-ainst the boating of rug3.
Ft J
here the Hospitality
of the old Soiitk
meets tkc cjevtevcsiiij
of the nciiAVcst in
tliceavt ofcTiiievica
;rII"J,"I,I"rv f "i I 1--
t Dr. John A. Griffin
Office Hours: 9-12; 1-5.
Sundays and evenlnga
by appointment only.
Soennichsen Building
SATES, Publisher
xEah in adyakcs
proposes new arm s par-
Tho miners
still unsettled.
striko in England is
moth alvvavs looks
on the
bright side of the f.arne.
! ' :o:
Close fi'ttion in Oregon,
the. "drys" and the "wots."
j rejects the llaugcn bill.'
and a compromise is sought,
! :o:
Nobody ever has to make the best
of it till hegets the wrst of it.
o ;
Tht rectnt talk in Washington
only made the drys drier and the
wet.-; wetter.
When the average man makes aj
mistake he tries to justify himself by
referring to his good intentions.
FL.rdon mill probe in Illinois taces,
in Len Small, governor, instead of
.... , . .
lar.iii liitii UUL Hit: imjiiii l u
T' V-.t.. . ah in
rn un'iiu e juir. uvuu mj
favor of wir.e and beer, it isn't likely,
that anybody will notice the differ-!
o :
A northern girl summering in Flor
ida is reported to have landed a nine
foot r-hark. The cost per front L-ot
i net stated.
: o :
Now and then one picks up a n;ag-'one
a:.ii;e on the stands these days that
makes one curious to see the stuff the
editor rejected
Why hasn't some congressman (
iven the proper name to these farm J
lief measures and calltd them;
politicians' aid bills "
Sinclair Lewis gets more advert is-
cut of rejecting the Pulita r prize
than cut of accepting it. And b sides.
;ot a thousand dollars.
Scientists are still working on the
problem, but the nearest thing v
have to perpetual motion is a steiiO'
grapher and her wad of chewing
: o :
A theatrical writer says that stag-'
favorites remain favorites only as long 1
as they are supreme in their lines, i
The inference i
that when they are
outshone they're shown out
A Shanghai skipper 'is nutting
howl because confidence men rob
I bed him of $5,000 in Chicago. It's I
'hard to see where he has any kick j
i coming, lie sUU has life and health.
General Dawes'
continued sweet-
r:es3 an-t silence, nciwiuisianuing u.
many chances lies naa to ao ms stau. jn (OUZr3 am, aro mectin? piaudits'a copy of this order in the Platts
may cause a heavy falling off in n?xtjfrcm tne vv(l v.fs( v-ith pf.ace and;lnoutn Journal- .a semi-weekly news-
year's subscription to the Congres
sioiial Record.
An eastern medical college has an
nounced a considerable cut in its
course in anatomy. Might as well. .
r rr. l C . I 1. . .... .5 , J .
i r.ere are iev u.n.,, a muuc.i
learn in ms cicit-tf mai at i.iu i iv.. n-
'on the street.
The east has no use for the we t,
unless they can buy their produce ; t
half price, and this they will "ncv r
be able to do, not as long as life. 11'
erty and persuit of prosperity att'-r. '.s
the farmers of the west.
Cal Coolidge is becoming a rcgulrr
spendthrift. Washington dispatch SitJ
snv he blossomed forth the other d: V;
in a new straw hat, 1926 model. Re :l
.,.-,. -
; a 102i model last fall, after the final
One thousand words may be writ-
ten on a typewriter with the expend-'
.. ... 1 1 1 1 ' " - ' n . 1. 1 11 - , . . , e . . , 1 CllUltllUlc XXI Ul Ofll 1 1 till V lUH-, vr BUJ 10.11, iuiivvi uuv, .ujviu vu J !-" . m. 1 1' , v 1 11 1 1 1 . : 1 1 11
iture of the heat energy contained in ed for hearing said petition, when hearing thereof be given to all per-.any part tDereof and to enjoin you and each of you from in any manner said real property, or any part there
a single peanut, says Prof. Andrew all persons interested in said matter sonlsl. 'nterestea in said matter py an(1 each of from ln an manner interfering with plaintiffs possession of. and for such other and further
of the University of Cali-
fcrnia. This seems to answer
question how poets manage to
on their earnings. A peanut a
One bay white faced horse, with
one white hind foot. Weight 1200.
Y-jOne two year old horse mule. Notify!
Joe Baker, owner or Charles Chris-!
wisser, .Murray, Nebr.
ounces .g -
JZ for Joe
More tban pound and a half
for a quarter
for over
CMMions of pounds used
by the Uovcrnment
Dr. Frank Crane, in one of his in-
... . , i
prise that the grat men he has met
no iiol tuuiiiii iirjK me pari.
In telling of several of these notables
I 11U UUlil lie 1 1 ii LUi ILL LUII dLl.
paints out that they do not have,
tl;c appesrance cf bring much out of
the ordinary, and describe.-, them, in
ai p.aranee, as "common-place" and
"j.:u plain, ordinary men."
Pre-haps there is more in this cb- than a mere refutation of:
theories of
phsiognomy and phreno-
logy. Perhaps more of these men than
misht t!link arc at bottom just
piain ordinary m n
remarkable how mud
It is really
an "ordinary'
... ... .
man can accompiisa it he win devote
. , e , . . , itice of the pendency of said petition
to the full powers cf his mind con-an(, thp hcarins thereof be given to
siitently and eternally to the task.'an persons interested in said matter
One doesn't have to be a genius to be by publishing a copy of this order
a real success and accomoiish great i" riattsmouth Journal, a semi
. .twt weekly newspaper printed in said
tilings. 'county, for three successive weeks
It is remarkable how so many great 'prior to said day of hearing.
things have been accomplished andi
so many high places in liie reached
by just "ordinary nun." Thev seem
to have no spt-eial gifts frequently:
they are not abundently blessed with!
e ! rare
and brilliant ideas they have'
followed their stars, sometimes strain
i their eyes to catch the glimmer
ing light, but plodding on unceasing-
iy and using to tho utmost what "in-
spiral ion" comes their way. And fre
(:u,ruiy they surprise even them -
J Tho "ordinary mnn" has within
i him capacity in abundance to carry
.. .. , . , , , ,
, him to surprising heights. hat does .
, . .
carry men to such heights is more j
often than not merely the desire and'
j w illingness to use what talents they
I have instead of letting them lie half-
The Democrats have the bcst v it
harmony throughout the land the
Democrats certainly stand a better
show than they ever did before, inj
Pfn ii'ncr tn I ha f rnrtt Ti.-iiiinr-'i i-'t- ! O- '
.'..1 1 ..V. 1 1 - V . I'll L . A ' 1 . . 1 ' ' V. i . 1 . I t
people's friend and the voters are be
Kianinff to Itarn very rapidly that
;tIuir on!y salvation is in the elevation
f tho raT,i i.i .irrT. fn tv,1 v,t,.,,,
the government
For any pain, burn, scald or bruise, j
apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the!
household remedy. Two sizes, S0c '
and 60c at all drug stores. ,
on Petition for Appointment cf
The State of Nebr.nsVn Pn
- t gs
Tn the fnrnitv r.nnrt
In the matter of the estate of
Valentine Tomazewski. deceased. :
On reading and filing the petition
- tc tvo -
administration of said estate mar be!iy
granted to John Tomazewski, as Ad-
eranted to John Tomazewski
ZJlJ J9t?' 3
A. t.' J v m.v.ft v.iwv U -III . , 4 3 U3M tl 11
may appear at a county Court to be
Hclrl in flTld for cnirl rniif.rir 0, 1
1 1 - - ' - ' " ' vi uuij , aim
Tinw railSP whv the nravor nf note
",c,tioner should not be granted; and
iu,. 1 , 1 ii.. 1 1 . . . -
,inai nuui-K oi me penuency or saia j
petition and the hearing thereof be '
Irivpn to all persons Intert In Ca,
iven to all persons Interested In said
(matter by publishing a copy of this
'order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in '
said county, for three successive
weeks, prior to said dav of hearire- !
Dated May 5th, 1926.
l(Seal) ml0-3w County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the
estate of
Amelia V. Streight, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in j
Plattsmouth in said county, on June
j?. 1926, and September S, 1926, at
1 1 0 o'clock a. m.. each day, to receive
;and examine all claims against said
'estate, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time lim-
ited for the presentation of claims
'against said estate is three months
from t lie 7th day of June. A. D. 1926,
and the time limited for payment of
debts is one year from sail 7th day
of June, 1026
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 3rd day of
May. 1026.
(Seal) ml0-4w County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
,ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Llida A. Blair, deceased,
i To the creditors of said estate:
j You are hereby notified, that I
'will sit at the County Court room in
i Plattsmouth in said county, on the
1st day of June, 1926, and on the 1st
day of September, 1926, at ten o'clock
a. m.. of each day, to receive and
examine all claims against said es
jtate, with a view to their adjustment
and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims against
;said -state is three months from the
j 1st day of June, A. I). 1926, and the
jtime limited for payment of debts is
one year from said 1st day of June,
j Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 7th day of
I May, 192 S.
J (Seal) ml0-4w County Judge.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
Count v Court
Jn the malt-er of he estate of
Lowell R. Knowles. Deceased.
j On reading and filing the petition
of Robert G. Knowles praying that
administration of said estate may be
granted to P. L. Hall, Jr., as Admin
Ordered, that June 1st, A. D. 1926,
ct 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may
apnear at a County Court to be held
jn ail ror paij county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
i-l.niil .1 -rn-it- ? i-i o-t-'i ti t tirl n n rl tbnt Tin
Dated May 7th. 1926
County Judge.
; (Seal) ml 0-3 w
on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Cecilia D. Jahrig. deceased.
rt t ,1 In rr on I fiTinr" tTi TrtitinTl
r Annu'lInntPr nravin that admin-
iMiciuuu iii raiu tM a it. iiitij- awnr
to William Hunter as administrator
Ordered, tnat June i. A. j).
. . . , i - . r
'at ion o ciock a. m., is assitneu lur
i i 1 -1 vi v i ' v. i ti. six., i.-r a.ijirsiii 1 1 - '
hcarin petition, when all persons in-
forested in said matter may appear at
a county court to be held in and for
said county, and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not be
granted; and that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and the hearing
thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
paper prinien in saiu county, ior
Ume successive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated May loth, 1926.
(Seal) ml7-3w County Judge.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Christina Barr, deceased:
On reading the petition of John
jLong, Administrator, praying a final
settlement and allowance of his ac
count filed in this Court on the 22nd
day of May, 1926, and for final set
tlement of said estate and for his dis-
charg? as said Administrator;
I It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may. and do. appear at the County
iCou" to hf, 11 VI ,r T
county, on the 1st day of June. A. D.
- ' aP 1U o ciock a. m., to snow
A,1-:Cause' lr anY there be, why the
nrn xp r n f tne Tirtitinnor cnniiM tint '
r ' -- --- IV " .. ,
ni. f,iauicui ci ai ii tuai 11U111.C JI
pendency of said petition and
OI UlC ,
1 H '
tVfth 1,,. L V Vi
newspaper pnnieu in saia COUniy,
. 1 . . vj
t . 1 c u U1l
neannsr. I
T T . x.
t.n it, t E
unto set y hand and the seal Of said
X" iT-f oo"V j ,
11113 uty 01 aiY'
. ttt-tv
, V
(Seal) m2 4-1 w County Judge.
Itching, bleeding, protruding or
blind piles have yielded to Doan'3
Ointment. 60c at all stores.
on, Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass eoun-
,tyJLs' ... .
in ine county tuuri.
In the matter of the estate of
Katie Hoenshell, deceased.
. On reading and filing the petition
of Karl J. Hoenshell. praying tha
administration of said estate may be
granted to W. E. Hand, as Adminis
Ordered, that June 7th, A. D. 1926,
at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for
! faring said petition, when all per-
appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that
n.otice "f ne Pudency of said peti
tion and the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested in said mat
county, for three successive weeks,
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated May 13th, 1926.
(Seal) ml7-3w
County Judge.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass. Nebraska
James W. Newell and wife, Hallie
Newell; Ella Newell Stewart and
husband William M. Stewart; Ber
nice Newell Fuller and husband Roy
J. Fuller, and W. A. Robertson, Trus
tee for Helen Roberts Hunter and
Newell Roberts, and Robert Newell,
Plaintiffs, vs. Bertha Shopp and hus
band Frank B. Shopp, Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
entered in the above entitled cause
on the 22nd day of May, 1926, and
an order of sale entered by said
Court on the 22nd day of May, 1926,
the undersigned Sole Referee, will
sell at public auction on the 26th day
of June. 1926. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at
the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, to highest
bidder for cash the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
The east half (E) of the
northwest quarter (NWU) of
Section twenty-nine (29) Town
ship twelve (12), Range twelve
(12), Range twelve (12), east
of the 6th P. M., in the County
of Cass, Nebraska
subject to two certain mortgages
thereon; one of $6,000.00 given to
Annis & Rohling Company and as
signed to John Hancock Mutual Life
Insurance Company and one of $292.
50 given to Annis & Rohling Com
pany upon which there i3 an unpaid
balance of $180.00.
Said sale will be held open for one
hour. Ten per cent of bid cash at
time of sale and balance on confirma
Dated this 22nd day of May, A.
D. 1926.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Glenn Vallery, Tlaintiff, vs. Lillie
M. Anderson et al. Defendants.
To the Defendants Lillie M. Ander
son; Lydia Wright-and Wright,
her husband, real name unknown;
.Tnhn Wright and wife. Marv Wriirht -
! ,t p ZL ? which is to establish and quiet and tate in Cass county. Nebraska, to-
. ifv tnnl? rZl' T i , confirm plaintiff's title in and to the 'wit: Government Lot four (4) and
weekly newspaper printed in said , , QTlr, tn inin i ,hp nnthenst nn.rtrr fSRi: f Sop-
William F. Hatch and wife, Mary vote against said proposition will in-TTotf-i!-
tho io!r lUx-knng iorr,tno dicate the same by marking an "X"
and nersonal renresentatives and all
other persons interested in the ro-
spective estates of Lillie M. Ander
son, Lydia Wright and Wright,
her husband, real name unknown;
John Wright and wife, Mary Wright;
William F. Hatch and wife, Mary
Hatch, each deceased, real names un
known; and all persons having or
claiming any interest in, right or
title to, or lien upon the following I
aescrioea reai estate, io-wii: torn-
mencing at the southwest corner of
the NE'4 of tbe NW'i of Sec. 35.
Twp. 12 North of Rge. 13, east of
the 6th P. AL, in Cass county, ise-
braska, running thence east 94 feet,
thence in a northeasterly direction I
along the right-of-way of the Mis-
soun Facific railway 618. S feet,
thence west 242.8 feet, thence south I
618.8 feet to the place of beginning,
containing 2.4 acres more or less,
and known as Lot 28; also the fol-
lowing tract of land, to-wit: Com-
mencing at the southeast corner of
jthe NWU of the NW4 of Sec. 35,
I Twp. 12 North of Rge. 13, east o!
the Gtta P. M., and running thence
north 627 feet to the south line of I
Mynard, thence west along said south
line 150 feet to the southwest corner
of said lots, thence south 627 feet to
the south line. of said NW1, of the
N'W'i of said Section 35, thence
east 150 feet to the place of begin-any
ning, containing 2 acres, more or
less, all in Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown: I
You and each of j-ou are hereby
notified that on the 15th day of May,
1926. the plaintiff filed hi3 suit in
the District Court cf Cass county,
Nebraska, the object and purpose of
which is to establish and ouiet andlconfirm plaintiff's title in and to the;
confirm plaintiff's title in and to the
nhnrp HeseriheH 1nnd. and to enioin
no ni anil n 11 n t fyr m dqrlniy ii I
. . . t
:claiming to have any right, title, es-
n n 1 ! ni.AMnn. I
IdlC, UrU JL lill. tl CSL, CltUCl lga. W I
1 . 1 AnT If, . A
i Cljutiauic ill Ul LU nil 1 ' J icai C7taic, ji
interfering with plaintiff's possession
ir, 9 o n 4 ! 9
- v,i i; I
1 T 11 1 u T 111 ii j 1 ntx 1 U ui ciuiaco, uuu i
This notice is given pursuant to an
. ... 0 . .
lorder of the Court. You are nereDy
required to answer said petition on
frxm u r a of
or before Monday, the 5th day of
July, A. D. 1926. In failing so to do.
.your default will be entered therein
and judgment taken upon plaintiff's
r.t.-RM vat.t.frv.
Bt A. L. TIDD.
m24 - 4w Hia Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
W. A. C. Johnson, Plaintiff, vs.
I William II. McCord et al. Defendants.
To the Defendants: William H. Mc
Cord, and wife, M. J. McCord, real
name unknown; the heirs, devisees. ; known, wife of John De mpster ; An
legatees. personal representatives and ,selmo E. Smith; Smith, real
all other persons interested in the
respective estates of William H. Mc-
Cord, deceased, and M. J. McCord.
deceased (real name unknown),
real names unknown; and all per
sons having or claiming any interest
in the SEU of the NE'i of Sec. 1.
Twp. 11 North of Range 13 East of
the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the Sth day of May,
1926, the Plaintiff filed his suit in
the District Court of Cass county.
each and all of you from having or
claiming to have any right, title, es
tate, lien or interest, either legal or
equitable in or to said real estate, or
any part thereof, and to enjoin you,
and each of you from in any man
ner interfering with plaintiff's pos
session or enjoyment of said prem
ises and for equitable relief.
This notice is given pursuant to
an order of the Court. You are here
by required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 21st day of
June, 1926. In failing so to do, your
default will be entered therein and
judgment taken upon plaintiff's peti
tion. W. A. C. JOHNSON,
By A. L. TTDD,
ml0-4w. His Attorney.
Notice is hereby given to the quali
fied voters of School District No. 36
of the County of Cass, State of Ne-
braska, that by the consent of two
thirds of the District Board of said
district, an election has been called
and will be held at Calfee's Harness
Shop in the Village of Greenwood in
said school district on Tuesday, the
15th day of June, 1926, the polls be
ing open from 8:00 o'clock a. m. to
8:00 o'clock p. m., at which time
there will be submitted to the quali
fied voters of said district the follow
ing proposition:
"Shall the Disrtict Officers of
School District No. 36 of the
County of Cass, State of Nebras
ka, issue the bonds of said School
District in the amount of Thirty
Five Thousand Dollars ($3 5,
000.00). bearing interest at the
rate of Four and Three-Fourths
Per Centum (4 ) per annum,
payable semi-annually, maturing
in not to exceed thirty (30)
years, to be dated July 1, 1926,
"Shall the District Officers of
said School District cause to be
levied annually a tax sufficient
for the payment of the interest
and principal of said bonds when
the same become due, the pro
ceeds of said bonds to be used
for the purpose of erecting an
addition to the present High
school building."
For said bonds and tax
Against said bonds and tax
Voters desiring to vote in favor of
said proposition will indicate the
by marking an "X" in the
square ionowing me woras rorsaiu
bonds and tax." Voters desiring to
1 1
the square following the words
'Against said bonds and tax."
m20-4w Director.
In the District Court of Cass coun-
ty, Nebraska
William Ballance, Plaintiff, vs
John J. Worley et al. Defendants.
To the Defendants John J. Worley,
Mrs. John J. Worley. his wife, real
name unknown; L. Pierce, real name
unknown; Mrs. L. Pierce, his wife.
real name unknown; W. Pierce, real
name unknown; Mrs. W. Pierce, his
wife, real name unknown; L. & W
Pierce, real names unknown; Alice
shepherd, Shepherd, her hus
band, real name unknown; George
H. Warren and the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
respective estates of John J. Worley,
Mrs. John J. Worley, L. Tierce, Mrs.
L. Pierce, W. Pierce, Mrs. W. Pierce,
Alice Shepherd, Shepherd,
George H. Warren, Wheatley Mickel-
Wait, Illisiania Mickelwait. Fred H
Mickelwait, Mrs. Fred H. Mickelwait,
each deceased, real names unknown,
and all persons having or claiming
interest in Lot 9 in Block 62,
Jin the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun-
Ity, Nebraska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 21st day of May,
1926. plaintiff filed his suit In the
1 A." ..l.t-'ii'lr o ttin .1 T-wl . 1 1 rTii-iiM .f ' 1 Tl thf. f f 1 111 " i T"l tr 1 1 'fit- r 1 f 1 T" ' t 1 f Q -
(District Court of Cass county, Ne-,the
braska, the object and purpose of decreed to have no estate, title, right,
which is to establish and quiet and'claim or interest of any kind in or
above described lands and to enjoin
Ipach and all of vou from havinir or
1 a 5 tt i n rr i r haro qtiv ritrYit tttln 0a. '
... . I.
tate, lien or interest, eitner legal or
fin nin l.ln . i-l v 4 i-i cufil 111 1 ftntn tn
C4UliaUlC 1 11 Vfl VKM OUIU 1 1 "I V .-1UI 1
VOvf Vl a rn f ntlil tfl H Tl 1 1M Tl ,'H11
laiijr ii en 1 iuci wi uuu iu 1 11 jvii 11 vu
or enjoyment of said premises, and
r at Vila a Hof I
1111 iiiuiiuuii. iiiivi. .
T,5o tintia fa o-ivon niiroiianf rk'not5fied that vnn u ro rin tn an-
an order of the Court. You are here-
1. ....... . . . . ....
Dy requirea to answer saia petition
on or before Monday, the 5th day of
July, 1926. In failing so to do, your
default will be entered therein and
judgment taken upon plaintiff's peti-
By A. L. TIDD,
His Attorney.
:m24 - 4w.
In the District Court in and for
the County of Cass, State of Nebras
To the defendants: IOudcn Mullin;
Earbara E. Mullin; John Dempster;
Dempster, real name mi-
'name unKiiown, wne or Ans-nno u.
Smith; Chicago, Eurlington & Quincy
! Kail roan company, a corporation;
the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other persons
interested in the estates of the fol
lowing named deceased persons: Lou
den Mullin, Barbara E. Mullin,
John Dempster. Demp
ster, real name unknown, wile
of John Dempster, Anselmo Ii. Smith,
Smith, real name unknown
wife of Anselmo B. Smith; all per
sons having or claiming any interest
tion thirty-four (34), Township thir
teen (13), North of Range thirteen
(13), East of the Cth P. M.. and
Government Lot five (5) in said Sec
tion thirty-four (34). EXCEPTING,
however from the land above describ
ed the follewinsr described tracts of
land, to-wit: FIRST All that part
of said Government Lot five (5) lying
northerly from a line beginning one
hundred twenty-six feet east of the
quarter section corner between Sec
tions thirty-four (34) and thirty-five
(35), Township thirteen (13), North
of Range thirteen (13), East of tho
Cth P. M., and running north twenty
fou degrees and twenty-three min
utes (24 23") west to the southerly
bank of the Platte river; SECOND
A strip of land one hundred fifty
(150) feet in width, it being seventv
five (75) feet wide on each side of
the center line of a dike as now built
on said land and upon which a rail
road may hereafter be built; THIRD
All that part of the southeast quar
ter (SEU) of said Section thirty
four (34) lying between a line drawn
fifty feet distant and parallel with
and northerly from the center lino
of the present "Y" track of the Chi
cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
Company, and a line drawn seventy
five feet distant and parallel with
and northerly from the center line
of the main track of the said Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy Railroad Com
pany's Oreapolis and Ashland lii.e:
FOURTH All that part of said land
hereinbefore described and conveyed
as lies south of the right-of-way of
the main track of the railroad of the
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail
road Company on its Oreapolis ami
Ashland line, in the State of Nebras
ka; real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 1st day of May.
A. D. 192 6, Lyman Riehey Sand and
Gravel Company, a corporation, filed
its petition in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, as shown in
Appearance Docket , page ,
naming you and each of you as de
fendants, the object and prayer of
which said petition is to quiet the
title in the plaintiff to the following
described real property, to-wit:
Government Lot four (4) and
the southeast quarter (SE'4) of
Section thirty-four (34), Town
ship thirteen (13), North of
Range thirteen (13), east of the
6th P. M., and Government Lot
five (5) in said Section thirty
four (34), EXCEPTING, how
ever, from the land above de
scribed the following described
tracts of land, to-wit FIRST
A 11 that part of said
Government Lot five (5) lying
northerly from a line beginning
one hundred twenty-six (126)
feet east of the quarter section
corner between Sections thirty
four (34) and thirty-live (35),
Township thirteen (13), North
of Range thirteen (13), East of
the 6th I. M., and running north
twenty-four degrees and twenty
three minutes (24 23") west to
the southerly bank of the Platte
river: SECOND A strip of land
one hundred fifty (150) feet in
width, it being seventy-five (75)
feet wide on each side of the
center line of a dike as now
built on said land and upon
which a railroad may hereafter
be built; THIRD All that part
of the southeast quarter (SEU )
of said Section thirty-four (34)
lying between a line drawn fifty
feet distant and parallel with
and northerly from the center
line of the present "Y" track
of the Chicago, Burlington fc
Quincy Railroad Company, and
a line drawn seventy-five feet
distant and parallel with and
northerly from the center line
of the main track of the said
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
Railroad Company's Oreapolis
and Ashland line; FOURTH
All that part of said land here
inbefore described and convey
ed as lies south of the right-of-of
the main track ot the railroad
way of the main track of the rail
road of the Chicago, Burlington
& Quincy Railroad Company on
Said petition further prays that
defendants and each of them be
to any of said real estate, or any
part thereof, and that the defendants
land each of them and all nersein:
ela ITT11T1 (1 V f hrnillfh rr limtor thdm
.. .. . .
De perpetually enjoined rrom claim
'inff riV QGOArtlfKH nnv linn l.rM-m '
x' .li.Jl HUf uuj in U 11 ' 1-1 11 , 1 ' 1
QflV T" 1 (T Vl t U llfl f-l T, Tl lH-IiD f I n
ir n 1. vi 11111- 111, VI 1 1111' I t .11 in
relief as may be just and equitable.
Ynil anrl r.oti rf vmi o r- f. hnv.
... u i.u.i . j u i v. ivii 1 11 1 i
swer said petition on or before the
unit. .. .
oiu uay 01 june, a. u.
A Corporation,
J Attorney.
j Advertise your want in the Jout
I nai for result!.