IIOJTDAY, MAY 24, 191 PAGS 70TTX TXATTSjIOUTZ SE3G-WZEXX7 JOTTSOTAL Greenwood v Department! Prepared in ihe Interest of the People of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity W. C. Allon it still tvwy with the construction of the Hx-fure for the Hudson mar'-cct and grofery. Carl fcl was vi-oring with friends and attending the A.wifin legion district con '."n r ion t Pl-t;s-nwv.it h Thursday. Th hall g.m for rxr Sunday. May rt t n . rcoraf;on day will -' Grenwvd and the boy of M.miey play at fh" lafer plac. ,V. o. Cowman and if" V"1'A iokiri? afrr sririr b'vineus mittr- i- Lincr.ln on let W1r.p-"t.r:. th--y driving ov-r to fn big in thei,- Th r.onifwl f hv.l ffi dr? miM for th day l.i Wednesday in order fh f th teacher with ra.in r,thr of fh r-ifizen miarht visit th county s"at. FrM P'thr? afid Waiter R. fail ing wr loofc'ng after .om- burs?-? mart- in Lincoln on W-.:--dy af ternoon, they driving ov r in fh fr of the b-ffer. f. A. Sanh'.r.i di.po?ed of two Ford rr d ?rin:r th" w-ck. th-'y both jroin to .-'.trpy county and '-rr bouz'nf hy Glenn f'inn and M. Ft. r,drr.n of ner Gretna. Vg-f-a-.n Howard w colled to PUmr-ifa on last Wedreli? wher hn wn vliMne: -.-;;h f.'i"i'!' a-; well . Iv.kine afte- sr.me hui r, r for the da. Mi f a rhf rir.e Golem an and fr.fniK and inp--f tM both r-irl roor.fe? ronr.in '-'if of G.-en-. w.r.d durinz ti found th" condifior.s very o'd. Build a Better City Here at Home Thr prospect? for a IjeUcr' Crrrnvood arc hrifit. Rc rnrrnr yru who build, 1 move hoii do excvntinj; and (Tiral contracting. Frank Rouse Greenwood - - fkbraslca Farm Implements W- rarrj a fnSl lir of John Dere. iTfrnatioTial Jfar vaster Rnt Chase r.arhiri'ry. If votj ar in rtd cf fn7thinj in the l'nc it will be vorth yoor tirriS to see c. Special Attention Given All Repairs San?)orn Service Grenwoid Nebratka The Idea! Hi F'cick, tlit modern tar unsurpassed for power, is most flcxihle, comfortaLlc and endurinj:'. A thing of beauty find rare service. Just ask any BUICfC owner. Sec Us for Demonstration x rr', of Vecpirifi Water, will he pleased to serve you in thit territory or see J. B. Livingston, dealer for the f 'Ifittsmouth territory. Both will demonstrate free. Try a Ride in the Very Best Mod ern Motor Car sr Greenwood, 5 1 Tull-ize Enlloons High rr. Jardme Greenwood, Ncbr. A larg'4 mimhT of the citizena of Crtrrv.'! wr visiting at Plat tu rnout h r.rt last !?!.. railed j-hy iar.U harina: whiVh was hnn liid ir. r!i county c.vjr. I F'.i;r.ij Kfff. 'v:t !. icir. a: aftr : cirnint at F'lat rnwtu h VCcdnosday ar.d wh i l h waa a-.vay "F;ad" Kl w .'-.d '.v,;s l.-.r.kinar aff-r the action. ft. F. F'tr- n k.h:nat afrr tr..- p'.-.tr flvf'"r ca last Wrtns1y wi-ii.'. Afr. and Afr. F:--x ptr w.r a F'I.t ft mo'irh vr th1-,- wcr af fer'i'.r.z a hoari".-? in tft cor.nty r-nn pr. Th1 Ff'idsr.n ?trtrf i,s addins? a lin r.f dry ?-,ods to t It i r stor-k. and as fhy shall zm-zref with th a""Tk r.f rprrr-r. aSn? ar.d addir.a: to tho sv.rk. thy wiil aid miirh mors to t h'- iin. O. P'. F't-.rs had his narrw addM to th radrs of tho .r'jpnal in or It to kp ia touch 'vith things ail ':7'-r th c'ointy, a? all popfiorn of th- county ar peprnt'd in its c o J i rn n s . . pfrrs who has planter; or.- . t .'- h'snd-d acrs of corn, ar.d 10, rirr; r,f r.nt. " a " of H'ldn JT.'Ts ar.d 2' i.t of alfalfa, ar.d has a! ;:orj srfoxir n ic ;y. th.-ir, ' yon. i f firman F.irdalJ ar.d Frnry Vhitoj are -vjfh the FrirMr.crtori af f'haloo; and this time are wopk i n 2: with a wIdir? crew vh'i ar pep'-iirin? d- r-rti7. rail - alonsc the trscic of the; F:-irJir.?ton. vV'ane fndr.n was J.-.oJciaf; affr-r tv.p riiinf-s af. fhe Vsrrnf-rz f'nior, i Hv i''.r on lasf V' dn-'-sday wfti Af.r. Tir.don. th fafhep. was '-illfdj to the rr.un'y se?it looking ut'.fr ror.'.e Ir-2:;ii rn IffepS. j F'.arl .lapdine r,f f(-j. .larrtin Motor, ipar.y was K'l'ines vi: in Om ih -n last Vedr.cjqy wr" h'- j was failed fo look affep rr.f h--sl-1 re.-c. rri'lte cor. r.e" t-d with the .,:p .1 dine A-Fotor firripmy h". f.an V.'Wy af his hom'' nor'h of; f;r"nww is havir.sf some improe-rr.'-nt-; made ftf fj-;. horn" ?: n 'I also havir.se some r'ri'fcen hoitst f-'.r.-sfni''d whir h is m.'i?e riilly u Id in. 7 to th" h' f ffrrr.cr.t ;it th - f.-jrm. (;". Wallinscep h,n? j'ist romp)1'" 1 'he plar.tir.ir of one hundred and fi'ty rr? ff rorn hirn-lf. no hav irz no her. th s'.r -'V is 1 1 ' in one of the fore- ;n th farrriinsr opT:ifior:s h' in si'k at horn Fred W'cT'i'.1- vris a vS-'ifor wifh the 1'pt. M. f:. F a t k who is now lo fr;"I ,if Valparaiso, tinic the xn'-'. af the f.-irk home for Jtst Sunday. 1 wh"r both the host and e;iJ(.Sf ,rj. joyed 'he occasion very much. F:. M. .Irdir.e. ron Marshall and ft. V. Anderson were all at 'latfs- raouth on last Thursday where t vi-rt- ;ittr.fiiriiC the fe?iviti'!t irici i!cr,f to the meftinK f.f the f i.t rift ronv n ion ff th- Ameri'-an K'iflon. n W. f'm':ir:d a visitor in f'l .t'smouf 'n wlM'f he was i:i a f n d-t r; " at the Am'-ri' an I.f cor: r.f ion and ')."' h- er.Jo-.fd the.' vomi-.n very r.," h r.of wirf.'-.frmdir:.: ( Victor Oar? AKDERSOW Nebraska I ore Vb Extra Cost! in addition to all of Mi- ordinary method ti:'d in tir; iniiiiiir h turl.tjr. y(,u f;c Mie Ia n fit of many special jiro- 'y-;i in th" ( r.nst rix'l i'.-ii if Fircvtono lirc'H that lucaii Ibou-and'. of extra J rouble-free milH. rin-Ktorn-M. and n it Iith. are built by 1 lie exclusive H'Mii-f lippiru: na ss whb h innulatca I'wry Blrand of very cord with Mronjr. livy rubier. providinjc extra ft.iiMtli and rliirablllty. Not only ia the carcass built by a special in'tliral. but the b-ad. the Kidewall, the tread and all of th" (oniionent partM if tlirHf nipcr-service lii e-t are court rticted ly special Firestone processes. In your Kcurrli for fir; conomy, look to Firestone Full-Size ILillooiiH and IIIkIi Pressure Cords. C'oinpara tic experience will prove to you that theso are the iiesi tires that 1 an be bought. And tiiey cost you nothing KXTilA. Investigate toilay. i;fau in ;.iini wn ski.i. the famous FiUKHTONH KTiJAM-WEI.DICU TUUES' Pressure Cords m QCZW39EaBEBSCUS3SafXIIS th rain which was pltlful in rh evoninar. .TartZ "a". K. FFand was kpt hnay last Wednesday h.t Ten tryinar to conduct fl'.rt hard war stor. and the Ismiwr yard at thft amc tlni. W-ar they not so far pmov d h would h abi to do so, hut with th& di tanc it makca it very di.T.cuir. Som on trying thft w-rk th post mistress raather hri. d.postil a Itfr at. th povtolR . add rs-cd Af.. and Arrs. Ftohfrt X.f.r w.'rh a. t .vn or indication as whir th ltr was to 2:0. thi postniisrrss did not s.-'nd the tetter, and why should she? Fiohrt Troop. Clio hrs hin in Ca.ss county for th pas;: f. fry odd ye;irs was a visitor in firenw(od ou las'- Wednesday, convinac to v i s i r. the town and tho cotmt-y. ho raak- inar his horr.4 in P';.at:smouth. bav in af lird in the eastern part of th county f.r over a half a on fury. Oeoraf HucknAiJ and fia vid Whi' who is father of Af.-s. Fiuckr.!! ar.d who with ATrs. Whito w-r visit inaf at the Fine lentil horn, mad-- a vi.it or. last Sunday at Fremont wlvr f '- p y w r. f to it-a wrs f r i n da a r. .1 also fo view the town, ar.d wher they fr.ojnd or.e r.f the p--ppir-twr.a in the w--f. Th Aior. lr'-h r.r. ?i rt-t-n n a; cr.m pany of FslU rly. w--re pepiacinaf the fftp.fTt-X" Hoor on fyo l.ri l-T'-0. or.p soufhw-st of town ar.d other nrjr'he'ist, of firen -ood, whi- h putt ir.af them n r.,- ,- iap-- .'or thft he.ivy traffic, which I hey hiv fo s is friin on accnur. f of h-:n a port ion of th-- crowded bi?hwiy. "fjad" F. wood ar.d .-.on Cirl. snl F1 wa rd fon'rorr ery W e ; a : n sr a f e p so ra ! r. ess in the fT a r. d h 1 n t : r. ? b 5 j. i - :t r 'm .Tibep .mor. days or r.shir.ar in .sa rin i.k a ru ws"t rr. ey rour.o the fi h i n f ec-llent. fh'y then rf--trjpned to n'-ar 1'almcr w,V-rf they sper.f a roup! ot days fh-'-y having f;:k-en .ird s F'bil 'Vatiitisr a lor. v, 'h ;h;- v. ';'" d f.n f.'i' ir return to v;--i wi '1 irn for a roup;-- of days. F'bil t.. Ffail frer. wood .-faff b-ir.k, and who is al-o rbair rr.an of the .-'rate FMnkers ss-o.'ia-fion. as well ;.s the demor-ra t ic ran did.jfe for the norr.ir.aMon fop .tatf-(r'-a-vir't, is a pretty busy rr.an fh'-'-days, be has a proi n f men f s fo m--'t with tcroup conventions of the sfate in preparation for th Hfa'e FVcikrs f: -sr.' i ion whirii rrmver.'-s at f.ii.- fi'irir:; t ; e surnm-'T. 1 nd nwt wi:h ti.e jfro'ip rnetfnsc as fol lows. M'"r.ok. Afiy 2"b. I-xins:ton Afay 25th. f'h :prell. Mrfy 27th. Ffay f'prinsca. May 2c,th ar.'I Nebraska f'ity f..j .June . "X. K. N'ewkirk has had th- linker fff Machine which supplier f h ire hot or rcfrivrafor at the market which is now owned by Albert W. Hudson, with the Ilu-'.'-raan coun'er ?:nd ri'iv; bo'h t.!;e r-f rUf-r.-sfor ;r.d 1);" counter will h" H dicf-rt con ner M'.n v"ih the ma' hire fi.us In suririf' th". v.--ry h'-t r-'z'w'-ration for the pror'uft which .Mr. ifudson will carry. The work of m:ik:n- the c ban Ren in rnn'm'-riti thu-! af fording the r-ntire refrigeration wnp done by Fred frn"'n of th :r Iff Machine ff.rapany from f).-r.;jtia and f:jyde N'ewkirk, r.f fir' r. wood. In another column of t h i . - pip'-r will be fiind the a n n ou ncf men t. of F. I.. Hall who is arinotin :ir. his candidacy for tho position of .state tr a surer, and who is .-.pe-c.ialiy well rjualified for this position. h; having had extensive r xp rienro- in the baiik inir bu'sirie.s.n and 1i;.h made a hucc-hp r.f th" biisirif-ss thus prr-parinir him for the duiien of thi:s t.ffi'. V.'A V. V. Hall .served iiia ('"ii.t ry ably ia the war and was n'ir"d in th-.-bftnkinir birsinr-f.;; hf-f'.re rointf ;;r.;l ;iftep iiis r'tiirn. Voiir ; uipport for fhi pf)sllion cannrit " but for the best and a vote; for this man ii for Hafety r,f th: fundw which ialrmir to thr? icopJc, and as lie p.tand.s for the bef;t int. re:-;tH of th? farmer and pro ducer li: i:s i;afc, pound and capable. Green 7ood to ILwe New School. flret-nwoofl, h is making a ni.st cxc'dl' iit Rhwl.'i in ilif h hord.s of this county is now in;.kinff a Htep for Ktill better fijuipm'sit in thi.; 4 05 Phone No. 86 Wi & Pec e vcoossiszjix. MY BLACK Percheron Horse will make the season of 1926 at my home, on the old Os car Ganen farm. 4 miles south of PIatt3 mouth. J. V. SAGE direction. The school building an;! facih.-ien hav hen iaaduate fo sonirf tiiv.ft. and r.hi vntinsr of the V,::,N for rh.i addition and inlarafe rant r.f the school huihlin? with ou.r ftquipmnt st a pace for more the cirv. 7! new .school wiil h h'trpr prjuippeil handle the twelve 2fra.tos wh; h i.s hein tan??it here. The r.f-'v huil.iin.Jf will comprise th rt stories, one of course hin? the ha.oni fr.t in which i.s to h placed ii.i ) to make the addition to the pr-snt huiidiajf. Progressive Greenuccd. The nw school building wirh the ftlce.i r.t reidenees which are under construction and proposed will add ifrearly to the excellence of the city wh'-n completed. The i;.s. of the ho i'.di.ns beinjf the new school the residence of K. T- Arc fx, r. a id, O. Vv. Ii'oit, Oust fiorraar., W. C. T.'me lanl. and the iraprovemnt.s which are bemaf made on rne norr.e ot vv V.. .'e-.vkirk. and the chan?insf of the business house of this gentle man are ad dir. ? much to the im provements of the city. Orr.ize 2ible Sehcol League. fasf. T,rv"e:r.c.s.!ay ftvninsr a delea- r ;or. t he rr.'-rnhr n of the Green wood church wop at K!mw-v,d where thr- w-Te represr. ta'ions from five d r-r.f towns in the county for rhft purpor of orsranizir.sr a county Fjibie s'hooi baseball lasrue who ."; OO i rscneo" . i'am-is of ball for -.aturdey instead of -. i !a;nif c .-: jnd-iys. The;,- .ff.rrM an organiza-fi- r. ?. ir h flv towns represented, they V-:nif fir en wood. F'imwood. Aivo Fl.::':-: ar.d Avor a. They are ridf fo bare fhr--e more teams and will probably f-t them. vlasoTia Elect. recent meeting of the t ; Ab. sonic Order of Greenwood, and f'cr their other hu ir "A had been corieiii'jed the regular election of thf: offlr ern wa.s held which resulted in the following officers being select ed: A. F:. r-.l-y Worshipful nMs'tr. Frank Hoffman Sc-nior Warden ('. t. Fuimer Junior Warden. ('. Y.. UiU;t Hcrcrfctary. A. K. F-andor. Trustee. Walton Howard is the retiring master. H-iekah's Elect OScere. At fhe rfffular meeting of the fjautchters of Rehefcah Thursday f-ve-nir.g the following oHIcera e re el er ted : (,. .rrs. Fanny Saylea. V. C. C. Mrs. K.-tha Jorden. K-f r'-tary Mrn. L r.a Kchrocder. Treasurer ?opha.H I ' t e r .s. n . Appointed officers will be an r.onntcd at the ncft regular intet ing. Plaiismouth Jimior High Has Track Meet First Annual Meet of Grade Schools Dra-A-3 Out a Pleasing Attend ance and Showing. I'r'.ri ! urda y'.s I'ailv Hespite a hiirh wind, and muddy field, the I'lattsmouth junior hif?h h'd thir first, annual track and field meet at the tourist park last evening after school. The object of such meets i.s not only to give the boys an opportun ity to test their own ability but also fo create an interest in track work so that in future years the high school boys will be more interested in track than they have heretofore been. In the yard dash Chester Wiles or 7A took first place. Ilershel Dew of RA second, and Lafe Sharp of 7A tli ird. In the 100 yard dash Chester Wiles also took first, Ilershel Dew second and Charl'K Nowacek of 815 third. In the shot put Ilershel Dew of SA took first place with .".0 feet 4 inches. Charles Nowacek of 811 se cond with 28 feet C inches, and Francis Warren of 7A third with 25 feet fi inches. The pole vault was the best event when Kwlng Sharp of SO cleared beter than '.) feet, his brother Lafe, of 7 A was second with 8 feet C inches and Garland McCleary third with 7 feet inches. In the hlnh jump I-fe Sharp of 7A was first, Kwing Sharp second, and Garland MCleary of 811 ttiird. The broad jump was also won by Lafe Sharp with a jump of 15 feet 1 inches. Kwing Sharp -was second with 14 feet 7 VI inches, and Iler shel dew was third with 14 feet 7 incites. Totaling places and points gives: 1. 7A 16 points. 2. 8 A 8V& points. 3. 8C 'J points. 4. 8L5 5V2 points. FOR SALE One 22x3S International grain sep arator, good condition. FRED BEVERAGE. m24-2tw Murray, Neb. MLEY Will ITEMS James 6' Inry wa a visitor in Omaha on last Thursday whern h wast called to look affr some busi ness matter for tho day. Edward Kelly wa a viMitor at. F'lattsmout.h laat Thursday whore, he waa enjoying thft sight of the American region convention. Edd! Sheehan was a visitor in Platfsmoufh on last Thursday whr he went to enjoy the. gathering of the American Legion convention r.f the flrst. district. Rudolph FVrgman was looking after some business piaffed In Oma ha on last. Thursday and was ac companied hy Arrs. IVrgman, they making the trip in their auto. Joseph Wolpert, who is or.e of th most handy men to hft found about .Uanley was looking after the busi ness at the store and posfofnc dur ing the. absence of Ft. Bergman last Wednesday. William Sheehan. the rustling aRPwzor had completed his work arly last wek o? assessing and has made a most compiere list of the pop'.e and property owners in Cen ter precinct. Will Harms wii a visitor in Weep ing Water last Wednesday wlvre he wa.s visiting with his many friends there as well as enjoying the con cert which did not play on account of the storm. .Mrs. Ftnse Kelly and Misses Katie ?nd ATaggie Wolprt were visiting last ?.iznday at the home of a for mer Aran ley citizen and family. Afr. ind ATcs. Monro Neiheart, who Is conducting a section for the Missouri Pacific, at La Platte, north of Platta rnouth. Last. Wednesday Theo.fare R. Baker received the news of the death of a relative who had been making his home some where in Missouri and had pa -..sed away early last week. Air. Raker and the family immediately rtrvrtff fo rhir home in the south v -. . . ... - to attend the funeral an. ai.-.o render what assistance they ecu hi 1 th time of sorrow. Phillip Fleming had a batch cf chickens stolen from his home en the farm on last Sunday evening and on Monday morning a man with a cra'e of ch Jokes and firivlng a car with an Iowa number, and of fering the chickens for sale with no one to purchase. This looks iike c.-o rr i r'r, r tc- rTC r o C C t-' T lf'jn Ce- tween the cnictcens. and that the who had stolen thorn mi be vir.g some ai'iu) in orre ditf.ru icy m the g-.ds. One of the marked improvements 01 he city of Man ley is the construc tion of ihe new orie ouiioing an 1 store of the Crane. Curyya and Mur- ey Lumber company. The new building which ia at th: time near- ins completion wiii a.i'jn i v -- ant place tor Air. crane, ?euui manager, in which to conduct the business as well as will provide a good place for tr.e caring o. rr." tock which he is carrying, i ne building and with the stocK nen put in and arranged will be a credit to the city. Close School With Picnic. The Chilson school ea t of Man- b--v which has been presided cvar by that excellent teacher. Airs. a. ii. . Humble, closed last wk with a pic-f ... . . . r -, me whien was n-iu .'--i Lomingo's grove, at wnicn tr.ere w. - i most appreciative program as well as games ior me cuiiureu uj elders as well. The bail game w as . enjoyed by the men and older boys. The eats were all tnat com a ne ex- j pected and supplied every want. j House Struck ty Lightning. During the storm la;-.t Sunday eve ning, the farm chrne occupied oy the William Rohrdanz family north-i east of Manley was struck by light-; ning. The family had been in Louis-j ville f-pending the afternoon with; Mrs. Rohrdanz's parents. Air. ar.dj Airs. Wendel Hell and the gathering! storm hastened their departure. They reached home before the rain b-gan ' to fall and were in the kitchen when the bolt struck the kitchen comney. demolishing it. i Airs. Rohrdanz stated that what , appeared to be a ball of fire passed1 through the kitchen, going out thru ( the pantry adjoining. The family, wiis somewhat shocked but are re-1 ceiving the congratulations of their; neighbors and friends upon their' narrow escape from death. The farm is the old Schliefert place anu is Big Public Dance AT PH'LPOT HALL -Weeping Water, Neb. j Saturday Night, May 29 A good time for all at this pre Decoration day dance. The old fashioned kind, under manage ment of W. II. Homan, Weep ing Water, Nebr. All invited! Full Blooded Collie Puppies For Sale One male and four females. Will spay females if desired. DAVID O'BRIEN Wabash, Nebr. The Ladies Aid of Mynard, Neb. Church on Wednesday, lay 26th The ladies of the Mynard Church will have charge of our store. They will participate in all sales made in our store on that day, and your patronage ii re spectfully solicited. Ladies Fred P. Busch, Manager Phoenix Hosiery now owned hy two of th- dau-rhneri. Arrs. Herman laa an i rMs. V'A liam Wegener who are taking p-r.r.:pt seep;! to have the damage repaired. LOCAL NEWS Dr. Eeisania Lentiit, Zctel 2Iair 22i., Fho-a 527. Dr. 7L C. Leopold, Osteopathic to physician a.i szrgtzzu phcze 203. Arrs. Albert Degan of Chicago. formerly Miss Jeanette Patterson .cf tin (.: iS njoping a. vi-:it at the home of Airs, j act Patceraon r V . time friends. Mr. James iane of Dm .a ha. Is nere to enjov a. visit with tae relatives and iends in this city and is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rummeli. Mrs. Slane was formerly Al:ss Guinivre Smith of this city. From Friday's FS-ily Lruee Wclfe and v.-ife cf Union wera h'-ro yesterday enjoying the American Legion convention and. v in g with friends. CirL C-ar.z of Alva wss hr" T-'er.! j r.or ror ! An.eri ? viiiting a few hours, attending the: n Legion convention and with friends. Xels Anderson and Earl Jardine, 1 of Greenwood were here yesterday to attend the Acierif.n Legion conven-; tion and visiting with their friends' in the county seat. I John Jungiui.-:t of Pacific Junction ; was here yesterday for a few hours, j booking after some matters cf busi-i ires-; anu vi.-iting with his acquaint-. ancs m this communitv. Lyio H rton. assessor cf Stove Creek trecinct. came in this riornimr ! i from lilravocJ to visit for a few hours making his returns at the olnce rf n ounty assessor v.. n. I'uls. Ghrisi & Christ PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. Is there anything- in this list you can use? There are many articles we have no space to advertise. Check your wants and come to our store for these and many other values. , Refrigerators $9 to $60 Baby Cabs $9 to $20 Bedroom Suites $75 to $250 Bed Springs $4 o $15 Beds, $4.05 to $45 Buffets $15 to $45 Book Cases $9 to $25 Cedar Chests $11 to $29.50 Chiffonniers $10 to $25 Child's Beds $6 to $12 Carpet Sweepers $5 to $25 Cupboards $7.50 to $10 Congoleum Rugs$9.65 to $15 Dressers $10 to $75 Dining Chairs $2 to $4.50 Window Shades59c to $2.50 Davenports $25 to $125 Dressing Tables $10 to $25 Dining Tables $7.50 to $45 Kitchen Cabinets$15 to $50 Kitchen Tables $2 to $7.50 Library Tables $7.50 to $25 We Deliver Free Up to Sixty Miles Ghrisjt & Christ 118-22 South Sixth St. Telephone No. 645 Plattsmouth, Nebraska 1 ogg ry Zlaasiaz Wear Jack Davis, farmer r-f?lderit her and n.: w chief cieri in the cfL 'n c ' ha d:vi.-:on j;iperintendnt of t!i VIi:?.-o-jri Pacini ar Fails City, vx her- today to enjoy a visit with th '.id time frienis. James Manners, of Alva, was hen for a few tours yesterday atcec-iins to some matters of business and vis iting with friends. Mr. Manners i: a trcther of Q. F. and Cnarles Manner-? of this city. G. A. Pfeiffer of New York City president it the Richard Hudno' Co . of Ycri was here yester day for a few hours visiting at th Gering home. Mr. Pfeiffer feeing a cousin of the Alices Mia an i Ear Lara Gering and Henry R- Gerina e? Omaha. JEW SOS ARRIVES l-jr-Iar 1 Oa!I :me of Mr. ans Mrs. Williaa Dasher in this city was made Trj arrival a; happy this week by the their tome on May 13th. cf a nn little sen and heir and who with th mother is doing very nicely and th occasion has brought a great deai of pleasure to all of the member) of the family. j Ar.-. and Mrs. A. H. Engelkemeiei of west of Murray, were pleasant vis: tors at the Journal oSce last Sa urday and advanced their subscri tion for another year. They were vis: ing with friends in the city and ali doing some shopping with the Piatt: mouth merchants. They are gettin zlonz ni:e!v with their farming an are expecting a fine crop of corn thj year. WA2JTED Stock to pasture, planty of grai nd water. Andrew Uhe. Telephoa 3-W. m24-2t Business forms of air kinds printd it the Journal office. Bugs $3 to $75 Dining Bra. Suites$75 to $200 Kattresses $7.50 to $35 Floor Lamps $9 to $35 Mohair Davenports$100 up Linoleum $9 to $19 Rockers $2.40 to $25 Mirrors 35c to $15 Duofolds $25 to $50 Pedestals $2.75 to $6 Sanitary Couches.$2.50 to $6 Leather Rockers $15 to $30 Smoking Sets 75c to $12 Living Rm. Suites$125 to 275 j Baby Cribs b to Desk $7.50 to $60 Kitchen Chairs $1 to $2 High Chairs $2.50 to $6 Vacuum Cleaners $22.50 up Pianos $100 to $500 Porch Swings $2.50 to $9 Sewing Machines $10 to $50 ; Curtain Rods 10c to 25c ; ''I V V X i