The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 12, 1926, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY, MAY, 13, 1926.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
J carnal knoir of t-i.y social
event or item of imprest In
this vicinity, and will mall
lixe to this ofhee. it will
ptar under this huad r e
want all cewsiteair) Eiitor
in and produced excruciating pain
at the end of a journey
The matter of washing the feet
ilftnr n t m m n thrniKrh tlio hnt hlic.
itriiie; sanus was a very Kina act, ana
Our Saying: So Doesn't
Make Our Service
"G o o d"
But our doing so does make
good service and doing so
creates good will among the
people and good will among
old custo
mers along with them.
Therefore, our service is
consistently the best service
we can make it.
Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
There is No Substitute
for Safety
Business called Louis Rlif-inacklt'
to I'lutismouth on last T.Icndav
ma'::i; the tn'r in his auo.
iVoimaster Will S, Smith, has just
had his house rainted and it is look
ing fine, making the place look like
ne w again.
John Robluns was a visitor in
Weeping Water on last Tuesday
where he went to look after some
business matters.
iliss Etta Nickjes was a visitor
in Pluitsmouth last Tuesday after
noon where she went to attend the
Order of Eastern Star.
Hay, There, Listen
- I t imp
iit 1
are a higr
Let me bid en your Fig
Vaccination. Yoa will get
a distinct surprise.
Ycu know the hoss
price just now, and you can
not afford to lose any of them.
How about your colts and calves?
Are They Needing Any Care?
Dr. G. L Taylor
The Wonder Cars
Hudson and Essex
Ask Bakke, Glen or George for a
demonstration. It will surprise
you Ine ease of riding, power,
speed and pick-up they have.
Economical, Too
The Murray Garage
A. D. Bakke, Owner
Murray, Nebr.
Al Bartlett was looking after some
business mater in Plattsmouth last
Saturday night and visiting with
friends in the county seat.
Will O. Troop is having a roof
placed on one of his cribs at the
farm and that sterling worker, Har
vey Gregg is doing the work.
W. E. Kosencrasn, the real estate
man from Plattsmouth was looking
after some business interests in Mur
ray on last Tuesday afternoon.
James Earhart was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday morning
where he went to deliver some poul
try and also to do some tradinf.
A. J. Ross of near Xehawka was I
a visitor in Murray for a short time
last Tuesday while on his way to
the county seat to look after some
While Alfred Gansemer was look
ing after affairs at the farm last
Tuesday afternoon, Charles Sans
was looking after the business at
the elevator.
Captain Harrison L. Gayer of Rock
Bluffs and the democratic candidate
i f or the position of county clerk, was
ja visitor in Murray looking after
business last Tuesday morning.
Jess Chambers was a visitor in 1
Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon 1
where he went to look after some;
business for himself as well as to'
transact some for Mr. A. D. Bakke. ;
Frank Foreman was a visitor in
Omaha on last Tuesday afternoon,1
he taking a load of poultry to the!
Omaha market, as well as bringing i
some goods for the store home with
Joseph Mrasek and Thomas Woods i
j were looking after some business
matters in and about Murray cn last
Tuesday afternoon, they coming
down to deliver some farming ma
chinery. Mr. Font T. Wilson was a visitor
in Omaha- last Saturday evening,
taking with him Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Levis, where Mrs. Lewis is at this
the proud mother of a very
I fine baby girl.
A letter from Mrs. Mark White
of the Pacific Coast, is to the effect
that she is getting along nicely now
and enjoying much better health.
The leter was written to her friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Ray.
t William Her.nings of west cf My
i nard was a visitor in Murray on last
Tuesday, he coming over to get some
j work done by the very aecomsdating
i blacksmith. Roy Gerking, who is
kept on the hump all the time.
Dr. Gilmore, G. W. McCracken
and W. G. Boedeker were all called
to Plattsmouth last Tuesday morn
ing to look after some business mat
ters and made the trip in the Uni
versal automobile of the genial doc
tor. C. K. Frans, the substitute mail
carrier was on the route last Friday
while the regular carrier E. W. Mil
bern was at Omaha attending the
program which was broadcaster by
the American Legion, he having a
portion on the program.
The good news from Omaha where
Mrs. Wayne Lewis is at the Uni
versity hospital is to the effect that
she and her husband have been
blessed by the arrival of a very line
daughter, and that both the young
lady and mother are doing nicely.
Mrs. J. A. Wilson of Rock Bluffs
who has been having a siege of the
small pox is getting along nicely at
this time, and it is hoped she will
soon be completely over the malady.
Her son, Wayne Wilson who resides
near is wrestling with the dis
ease at this time.
Dan Horchar has accepted a posi
tion with Earl Lancaster and is duly
installed as one of the farmers at
the home in the country. Dan well
knows the art of farming and is will
ing to do his full quota of the work.
We are certain he will make a good
man for Mr. Lancaster.
Lee Nickles was a visitor in Oma
ha on last Monday, driving over to
the metropolis in his car, and visit
ing with friends as well as looking
after some business matters and
found some very bad roads on his
return, they -having been cut up by
the traffic during the rain.
Dr. J. F. Brendel was a visitor in
Omaha on last Tuesday accompany
ing Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swan who
were taking their little three-year-old
daughter, Joan, who has been
very ill, they taking her to Omaha
for a clinic by the celebrated child
physician. Dr. McClannihan.
The Rev. W. E. Goings has ac
cented a nnsitirm with .Tpssro T. V." I
Young and Parr Young and began
working on the farm on Tuesikiy
evening of this week. Mr. Goings
has had many years experience in
farming and will make an excellent
hand for these progerssing farmers
and feeders.
Cameron Cathey and family of
II .. j. . 1 t .....
waienoo, Iowa, were visiting at the
home of the parents of Mrs. Cathey,
ir. ana -urs. w . 1. liicnarason or
Mynard for a number cT days this
week, and on last Tuesday Mr
Cathey was a visitor in Murray re
newing his aquaintances with his
friends here.
Dr. G. L. Taylor the veteraaiLin
was a visitor in Nebraska Citv on
i last Tuesday evening where lie went
i to attend tne concert wiiun was
given by the American Legion drum
corps of Plattsmouth, who were
there to advertise the district con-
Jlany Pay Respects.
The funeral of Henry C. Long was
well attended and many people were
present to pay their last tri:utc of
honor to a niajr' who has assisted ! the Ancels
materially in making Ca'fs count v , A iisr
the good place to live which it is.
Mr. Long cam? to Nebraska and
settled in Cass county about fifty
years a get, and here rai-- d a
ily and while so doing m.ide a com-
H'uc viiaiaiinisui ui mis leuL man.
inam stood oy v.niie tne strangers
air, diiu 111 tilt; i-uuvemaiiuu il ap
peared unto this grat sheik that
they were the representatives of the
most high God, and they promised
Abraham that he should have a son,
janu he doubted, though he was the
j ' Frie nd of God," while his wife,
Sarah, listening in on the conversa
tion from the tent, laughed to her
self, and was reprimanded by one of
for indeed they were
for her non-belief.
j And so it came to pass, even in
i their old ago, this couple was blessed
soon by a son, Isaac, which meant
fjiai. i unugntrr, nut iar rrorr. tnis was tne
jnie of this patriarch, lor, indeed, he
Ptancy, and leaves The wife and rau 1:15 sliarc 0i net
children a horitarr of oi-ele'iit cfti- Alter having finished the meal, the
zenship, and a life cf n risjht i;v. grangers assayed to go and as an
ing and excellent character. lar'!Ut )f courte!?y aml an expression of
Gathering of people as ambled to ' hospitality, Abraham went a distance
celebrate the last rite, when it wasrvit.h lhcni- Aml a.3 they camo to an
consigned to its last res tin"- r'ace i ..m.-uiwi.fa
tne strangers niaeie it
Abraham that the Lord
with the wicked cities
Gomorrah and that
destroyed. Abraham, '
o- nin,, eminence
lVe'and'the Jr(lan'
i t. i-i:o.u unto
U1C liifilUS Ill-It" I , . , ,
. - ,i was di.-pleased
litant points the i r a. , ' ,
following relatives and friends, Mr.!"1 ,J' 111 ,
a t 'c t t-. ..c ,tlu-y would be
tV - Vt a Vt V having Lot in the city, asked that if,
!? n : LV? v ? ? TPfTry ;!t!icr might be found fifty righteous!
Holbrook Nebraska; Fred Long and le inthe to,vn, it miqht not be
son. of Blair. Neb.: Charts Long 4lw,, rr,,5o
.n it'i inn i r tt v. t . i ui. inc 1
one who they had
honor. Besides
there were from
learned :
vention of that order which con
venes at Plattsmouth on May 20th.
Oscar Nailor is enjoying a visit
from his daughter, Miss Elsie Nailor.
who has been making her home at
Hamburg. Iowa, and who came to
Murray on last Saturday and will
make her home here for the present.
Miss Elsie was looking after ; he
store on last Tuesday when O-xar
was called to Omaha to look after
some business matters.
Miss Callie Carlson who suffered
ia stroke of paraliysis some tim,
since, at Weeping Water, and who
is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. Fleminsr is still in a very pre
carious condition from the effects of
the stroke. Her case is really grow
ing more serious instead of better
although all is being done that is
possible in the way of nursing and
medical attention.
Will Horchar, the son ef Mr. and
Mrs. L. C. Horchar, was taken toj
Omaha where he entered the Swedish
Immanuel hospital iind underwent
an operation for relief from appendi
citis, and since the operation, which
occurred on last Friday has been
getting along nicely. Dan. his bro
ther, was over to Omaha cn last
Sunday to see the brother, and
found him doing nicely.
Ray Creamer and the family who
make their home at Overton, where
they are engaged in farming, drove
over to Murray, arriving last Friday
evening, making the di.ance of two
hundred and twenty miles in the
day. and visited with the folks here
until Sunday when Walter Sana and
wife with their son, Harlan, of Oma
ha were tlown for a short visit again,
departing on Wednesday morning
for Overton, where the farm work is
awaiting Ray.
of Sidney, Iowa; Edward C. Cook
of Gleenwood, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Mitchell. Cepay Phipps. Shen
andoah. Iowa: Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Reese. Sterling, Nebr.: Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Ernet. Johnon. Nebr.:
Hiram Ree se ef Tecum-u h. Nebr.. and
Mrs. Cora Earhart of Exira, Iowa.
Harry C. Long died as he lived,
always doing something for someone,
and that a kind art. which has
oharartrrized his life. Mr. Long had
not been well for some three yars
and was confined to hi bed a great
portion of the time. lie has been
some be-tfer for the Tat several
works. On the day which he died
lie- had thought that he won1;! bring
the horse that they had to the yard
to seat some grns.s. and had done ;-o.
and had driven a stake in the yard
to tether the fa:n;iv horse, bavin
srgain Wesdnesday
100 Hats for
100 Hats at
7 rV iK
Gage, Fish and Parision Pattern Hats $5 to $7.50
Values to $14.00
resentatives (or as some hold, God
himself consented to, and then
Abraham ashed if there lacked five of
the fifty, and this was acceded to,
when h asked again if forty were; the people
found, and the Angels agreed, then -saved the
thirty and then twenty and later
ten. The Angels agreed that if ten
were found the city would be saved.
Now. some towns are so badly con
taminated with sin and crime that it
looks like they are hardly worth sav
ing, but' a little leaven leaveneth the
Hm m m
ttrrrt if-Ki bra
thereof. God would have! blood e;f Jesus Christ
city of Sodom had there ivary's ross nearly
been ten righte-ous pe-ople there, but : years ago.
v.nen Lot went to the people of the
city to get them to turn from their
wickedness, they scoffed at him. They
did the same to Noah, when he
preached unto them and tried to get
shed on Cal
two thousand
them to build an ark. but calamity.
whole lump, and God saves a city, airome unon them in the fulness nf
liiuif. xjt- sure our sias v. 111 una us;
out, be it now or in the future. God
saves people because they are worth!
saving, and it is up to us individual
ly, whether we desire to inherit eter
nal life or not
wc-I! as
i r. ; 1", i s
mi'? world f nr the few ns 1
tlie family or the church, and
is a manifestation of the oft-
in mind the c
when the call
Entertained the Bridge Club.
Mrs. G. L. Taylor entertained the
Murray bridge club at her home last
Monday evening, where all enjoyed
the occasion very much, and are a
unit in declaring that Mrs. Taylor
is queen of entertainers and are wait
ing until it comes her time again
to be their hostess. The games were
very spirited and Miss Beulah Sans
was the fortunate winner of the
grand prize which was an ornimen
tal lamp shade, wT)ile tTio consola
tion prize fent to Miss Milton, an
other of the instructors of the Mur
ray schools. Light refreshments
were served which added to the
pleasure of the evening.
Ooaiify end
Two Good Numbers in Dress Straw Hats
$2.25 and $2.75
Work Straw Hats 25c, 50c and 75c
Dress Belts, genuine cowhide, each. . . . 95c
Watch for Our Extra Special Items
Saturday, May 22nd
The H. M. Soennichsea Company
Telephone No. 12 - . Murray, Nebraska
Hears Sister Had Died.
Word came to L. C. Horchar on
last Sunday telling of the dearth of
his sister, Mrs. George Harch of
Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. Horchar had
not seen the sister for some time and
did not know of her illness, which
was contained in a very meagre mes
sage. Mr. Horchar departed on Mon
day afternoon for Norfolk, where
the funeral and burial was had. The
sister, who was fifty years of ago.
left six children, they being four
sons and two daughters. A fuller ac
count of the life of this excellent
woman will be given in another is
sue of this paper.
f the nrimal.
th ? quitting
of life here to enjoy the life in that
great r world beyonel. We do not see
how one could have ;uit his labors
here better than to rerfnrai an act
of kindness, the very last thing he
was able to do on this cr.rth.
Card cf Thanks.
We wish to express our apprecia
tion of the many kind words of sym
pathy and nets of kindness that were
shown us at the time of our bereave
ment in the death of our beloved
husband, father, and grandfather.
We also wish to thank those who
assisted at the funeral and also for
the beautiful floral offerings that
were tendered to our loved one.
Mrs. Henry C. Lond and Family.
Sunday, Hay 16th
By M. S. rrigg
Golden Text:
blessed in him.'
All nations shall
Genesis IS: IS.
Married At Shenandoah, Iowa.
Last Thursday Mr. Otto Wolfarth
of Plattsmouth, and Miss Violet
Keil of Murray were united in mar
riage at Shenandoah. Iowa, and the
event was broadcasted over the radio
from the Henry Pield seation. The
friends when they returned did not
have to be informed of the happy
event, and were ready with their
congratulations. The bride is the
accomplished daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip Keil and is favorably
known to all of the people in this
portion of the county. She is one
of the most agreeable and highly
esteemed young ladies of Murray
and is surely deserving the excel
lent husband which she is getting
in Mr. Wolfarth. They are visiting
at the present at the home of the
bride but will arrange to go to hose
keeping in the near future.
On last Tuesday afternoon Mrs.
John Hobscheibt, gave a miscellane
ous shower for her friend, Mrs. Wol
farth, and which was held at the
home cf the bride's parents as the
home was large and commodious.
A verv large number of the friends
of this very popular young woman for the traveling there is
were present to enjoy the gathering 'sandy and gravely count'rv
and to extend con
well wishes to the
TIi;j Friend cf God
An eld man sat in his tent door
in the heat of the day, and by he
way it was hot, too, for that was a
hot country, and the sun shone on
the blistering sands and then was re
fracted back into ones eyes with such
intensity that people were blinded by
the bright light. We see numerous
instances of people being blind in the
far east desert lands, and this was
partially the cause. This old man
was Abraham, and he was 90 years
old. We, of our day, would call this
being pretty well along in years, and
considering the manner in which
people live in these times, it is, too.
His wife, Sarah, was also in the tent.
Now she was S9 years old, just ten
years younger than her husband.
Thev lived in a tent and could pitch
it anywhere they desired. They were
located at this time under one of the
towering oaks of Mamre. Now Mamre
was a portion of the country in
Palestine, located near the city of
Hebron, where Abraham had gone
after the selection of the rich valley
of the Jordan by Lot. Abraham's
nephew. While Abraham was a rich
chieftain shciek, he lived in a tent,
and why, do you suppose? He was
in the cattle business and had cattle
on a thousand hills. lie was rich,
and had besides all his cattle, herds
of sheep, goats and camels and horses
as well as silver and gold, and he
had to be so situated that he could
go where he could look after his
stock. The hospitality of the Arab
sheik is proverbial, as well as their
Abraham was the friend of God;
and being such wr.s his ambassador.
It was his duty to show kindness to
all God's people. As he sat thus in
the heat of the day, there appeared
unto him three people, and as he
raised his head and saw them ap
proaching, he ran to meet them, not
withstanding his one less than a
hundred years of age. He saluted
them and asked them to stop under
the shade of the historic trees of
Abraham urged them to stop, say
ing he would prepare a meal for his
three visitors. He had his wife,
j Sarah, make some bread, while he
: rushed to a nearby herd antl brought
Ja young calf, tender and juicy, which
,he had one of the servants dress and
I his wife prepare for them to cat. In
their feet,
ever much
and as the
repeated Gclden text of the Bible,
John 3:16, "For God so loved the
world that he gave his only begotten
Son. that whosoever believeth on
him might not perish but have ever
lasting life."
After this conversation the Angels
vanished and Abraham went back to
his own home. That evening Angels
visited the home of Lot, appearing
unto him as he sat at the gate of the
city, and he asked them into hi3
heme, but they'said, "We must abide
in the- streets.." Lot, like his uncle,
Abraham, insisted on them enjoying
his hospitality and they could go on
their way in the morning. When he
had sent them to his home and went
there himself, some of the people of
Sodom, being suspicious, came and
demanded the strangers, but Lot, be
ing loyal to the trust and determined
to proteet his guests, refused and en
deavored to persuade them to leave
and not do anything wicked. T,hey be
came enraged and attacked Lot, when
one of the Angels reached out and
pulled Lot in and shut the door.
The excited mob, for such they had
become, endeavored to break down
the door and the Angel smote the
crowd outside with blindness, so they
cemld not see and they were unable
to do anything to injure Lot or his
Then the Angels told Lot that
God was going to destroy the city and
for him to go and ask his sons-in-law
to tome with their wives and depart
from the city. They laughed Lot to
scorn, and when the morning had
:ome the two Angels tCok Lot, his
wife and the two unmarried daugh
ters who were at home, and hastened
with them out of the city, charging
them not to look back, which behest
Lot's wife did not heed and she was
therefore turned into a pillar of salt.
Lot persisted in being allowed to go
to the city of Zoar, which is near
Hebron, and they were able to ar
rive at the gates of the city by even
tide. The next morning Lot looked
towards Sodom, anu saw the whole
country in flames. Thus was the city
of Sodom destroyed as predicted by
the Angels. There was not the re
quired ten righteous persons to save
the city, as per God's covenant with
Christ said unto the followers who
went to him on the Mount: "Ye are
the salt of the earth," and again, "A
city sat on a hill cannot be hid." If
Christians are the salt of the earth,
then they are to save the earth, and
or not. No one is compelled
to accept the great inheritance that
was purchased for us with the life
Beautiful all modern home for
sale, S-roem house, three large lots,
good location. Worth $8,ui0. Must
be sold. Owner going away. Will
taken $5,000. Can arrange for- terms
if necessary. Phone G4.r or write
US Co. Cth street, Plattsmouth. Ne
braska. mi:i-2.-w
Special reduced prices on all styles
of" Singer sewing machines this week.
Phone 312-J for a demonstration in
your home. mll-2td-ltw
Pride of Hogles Creek
No. 25CS4
Black Jack White
1C hands high, weighs J50 lbs. Will
make the season 1926 on the Wil
liam Nickle farm, 2 miles south 2
miles east of Murray, Nebr. Every
day in the week. No Sunday service.
Terms $10.00 to in sure to stand
'and suck. Should mare be traded off
:or removed from locality. Service fee
is due and payable at once.
All care will be exercised to pre
'yent accidents, but I will not be re
sponsible should any occur.
A. D. Crunk,
the meantime he washed
Owner, Murray, Neb.
ratulations and Icornnion footwear wore rannak. whie h .Telc-f-hone -o. 1S11
happy bride. -allowed the sand and gravel to work Reverse All Calls
Extra Special 40c Galvanized
Pail (Wednesday only)
Special One day only. 30x32
Inner Tube (Fresh stock) 7
Lawn Fertilizers
To make your lawn beautiful, use Sheepo or Vigoro.
They give the proper nourishment to make the growth
healthy. We can supply you needs at following prices:
Sheepo, per 100 lbs $2.25
Vigoro, per 100 lbs 5.00
At this store you can find all kinds of Potted Plants,
Hardy Flowers, Shubbery, also a full line of all kinds of
Garden Seeds in Bulk Only
Our Plants carried in regular stock for this
month include the following listed varieties:
Flowering Vincas
Jacob's Coat
Boston Ferns
Cock's Comb
Trailing Vincas
Sweet Alyssum
Salvia (Scarlet Sage)
Black Eyed Susans
Fire Cracker Plants
Cabbage Plants
Egg Plants
Sweet Potatoes
and Others
Need a Good Lawn Mower?
To properly care for the lawn, it is necessary to have a
good lawn mower. We carry a wonderful line of the
best lawn mowers made, including the different width
cuts and all heights of wheels. It will be a real pleasure
to own one of our easy running ball bearing mowers.
See Them on Bargain Wednesday
$8.00 to $18.50
A mild lyitrm of treatment that ca:ri Files, 1 ist-uU and
other Rectal Diaeaes in a 3ort time without a severe rur-
-TEff'3 gical operation. No chloroform. F.tlier or elher Re.icrnl
Ci" anaesthetic used. EXAMINATION FRL-. A ct re
Bran teed in every case accepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until curi.i. Write fur
REE BOOK on Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials of LhouMinu prominent pco;jl3
Pefcri Trust EI:..
Omaha, Ntbr.
who Lave br.n permanently cured.