The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 12, 1926, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, MAY 13. 192G.
'Ml Mt
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Union H.
present their play
Admission 40c and 25c
No Seats Reserved! Curtain at 8:15
nriffjit Timfithv. h ii v for snip ; was a visitor in inion on ia-.-i v u-..rri,Mi 1'nicin day. coming to Iook alter some
a22-4sv ncss matters for a short time.
Little Marjorie Hoback was spend-! Last Monday J. A. Eater with his
in- tl,o work end with hear erand- truck took the last of the goods of
ir,t; t! !! and Mn W. A. Tav- Dr. Lux ford to Decatur, where
irvr ' ' fan::!
J. V. Woodard was called to Xc
hraska City on Monday a ternoon,
where he had some business matters
to look after.
Alba Dodson of north of Xehawka,
was a visitor in Union on Monday of
this week, coming to look after some
"business in the city.
At the last meeting of the village
board of Union, they elected as chair
man, which makes him the mayor of
the city, C. F. Harris.
Jchn Clarence a passenger to
Nebraska City last Monday afternoon
where he was lookig after some busi
ness matters for a short time.
V. S. Hart of north of Xehawka,
will reside in the future.
E. E. Leach was called to Omaha
on last Monday to look after seme
business, driving over tn the big
city to look after the matters.
John Hoddy was a husin ss visitor
in Tiattsmouth last Saturday and was
visking as well with his numerous
friends in the county scat while there.
Mrs. Hattie Pickens was a visitor
in Plattsmcuth for over the wc:l: end
where she was the gu1?! at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Hathaway.
Charles Atkinson was a mi-iness
visitor in Plattsmouth last Monday
-lorning, driving over to the county
scat In his car to look after some business.
Frank Owings has been) doing some
carpenter work and painting at the
home of Miss Ida Freeman, and other
wise making some needed repairs
about the place.
Moss McCarroll was a visitor in
Nebraska City where he went to look
after some business in connection with
the store here as well as having some
work done on his tec til.
While Kay Frans and wife were in
Lincoln attending the Shriner's con
vention and visit ig with friends W.
(A. Taylor was looking after the busi
ness at the lumber yard.
W. L. Kcnner and Mr. Ilcnnings
of Cedar Creek were in Union last
j Monday afterocn, coming to
'after some business matters
driving over in their auto.
I Charles Attcrberry was a visitor in'
j Nebraska City on last Tuesday, go
ing for one of the celebrated Chevrolet
cars which he is handling and for,
which he is getting a good sale. i
A. L. Decker was called to Ne
braska City last Monday afternoon
where he went for a load of goods
for the store which he h is in Union
and where he says business is fine. !
James Marccll, the superintendent
cf the Union schools for the coming
school year, was a visitor for over
Sunday at the home of his parents
at their home at Highland. Ram:'..
A. L. Dicker, who is building a
house and barn on the farm cast on
"O" street, has the barn completed
and wi'l in a short time begin on the
house which is to grace the new farm.
Mr. and Mrs. V. !!. Danning de
parted one day this week fcr the west
where thoy will visit at IJurlington.
Colo., for some time and also will
other communities, and thus insure
the better health of the people as well
'as the stock, which have to drink from
' them.
j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frans were visit
. ing at Lincoln last Friday evening
and were guests for the occasion with
W. II. Frost and wife, while the men
went to the Shriners convention the
ladies attended a moving pictu
show. All enjoyed the visit very
i During the past week the A. W
Propst distributing plant for the Uni
versal (Ford) cars has delivered to
Leo Dinter of near Murray, a coupe,
and to Harrv Wright of Walthill. a
roadster, to Clark Dalfour, a roadster.
while Clarence Armstrong of Murray
received a coupe.
W. A. Harding and two sons, Niles
and Vearle, were visiting in Bethany
: for over Sunday, they going early
Sunday morning, but not in time to
miss all the rain, but as the road had
look gotten so bad, the boys remained with
and the car and Mr. Harding returned via
the train to take charge of the store.
Joe Banning, who is making a spe
cial of the sale of Protexal, which
subserves many purposes, as a disin
fectant ami a protection against Hies
and insects bothering animals. It is
put in seed corn when planting and
heeps animals from eating it and also
the wireworms or other pests that
eat corn.
Uncle Dean Austin was made happy
en Sunday by a visit at his home by
li is daughter, Mrs. Parmer Applegate,
and hubands and children from Oma
ha. A most enjoyable time was had,
and Uncle Dean reports he is getting
much better and was able to be out
and about and enjoying life better
oiivo he is so improved.
Mrs. Cora Pickett and daughter of
the north portion of the state wire
in P
t we-:
home of
mon lor a number
k, and were
M ;
;Hsts at
brol her.
3 - t&
a dry powdeVed hog d p for spraying your stock.
Also mix it with seed corn to keep away the wire
worms, squirrels, &.c. Standard hog regulator and
stock dip on hand. New air pressure and hand
sprays to have you try.
look after some business matters
while there.
Judge J. T. Degley and Court He-'
porter L. L. Turpi n of Plattsmouth
were brief visitors Union last Mon
day afternoon whilo on their way
home from holding court at Ne
braska City. I
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tollman, V. A.
Taylor and wife and Mrs. Jay Austin '
were visiting and doing some shop-;
ping in Nebraska City last Satur lay. j
they all making the trip in the car of;
Mr. BoHiran. :
John and Ilay Pecker wore in '
Omiha on last Monday, they taking J
a load of hogs in thir true!:, an-1 :
II. J.
on the return trip hrouuM a lo;u'
cf farm machinery for their impli
mer.t store here.
John Dukes has purchased him
self a vacuum cistern and well cleaner
with which he is expecting to go after
the foul and feted wells of this and
i!5t &nm me
Si J K i tZza
Keeps our goods in best condition. W e serve Harding's
Ice Cream cona, dish or any quantity. Also brick
cream and cold drinks. Always cool and refreshing.
Our Motto The best service and best goods!
At the Drug Store
in izv x
We have means cf sharpening
yenr discs rithout the frames.
Just bring the discs them
rclves and you can do this in
your car, and get then, ready
fcr the Spring work for Win
ter is hurrying away.
M. Lynde, while here. They
c.ili-'d here by Hi" death of Mr
Miller, Mrs. Miil-r being a
of Mrs. Piekrt; and Mr. M. Yyade.
Mts. J. H. Smnlley was a visitor
in riattsmouth during a portion of
; iw. t wr i k. wlmrp she was a rttet
at horn.'- of V-r methe'-. Mrj. J. II. I
liet'.Vf-derf. and on Gandav Mr.
r!;a i"!y was n and also visited with
' c !oi!-s. r: turning Jlondav nuirnms
-I'iv.ui i:p after the fimily.
Tii' ;r li: tie baby was taken with the
v. cough ami was left there
a. ;!.: morning was and rainin
w!:i a they returned.
One of Higgins' trucks, which have
t v.-en: y-four heir schedule, and
.!.:'?'! -..aes it rather trying on the
'"r:v( r;. wlio are prtting in many
V. v.nt into t!.e ditch nesr the
!.o ..; of Fred Clark at three o'clock
f "turd:1:- morning when the driver
wer.t to sleep. Another truck h ad to
come froai Nebra-ka City to take the
lo.';l ps. this truck was overt rune-d.
and ar vng the eaigo were some boxes
of printers metal weighing some four
hundred pounds which one man could
not handle.
S What some motorists haVe said J3
Kemember, we carry a
full line of Rock Island!"' M
Farm Machinery. See!
jour two rowers and two'J:
row cultivators. We can
'save you some money.
R. C. Wood, Propr.
Cpen day and night! Short Orders served at all hours!
Ice Cream and Cold Drinks!
Fresh every day, an excellent line of Robb Candies
always in stock. There A none better. Try some.
Where You Feel at Heme
Must Cbey the Law
The people of Union are insisting
that ('rivers of automobiles obey the
law. and that Main street has been
ni:i!"-.' a rate course long enough.
The speeding has got to step and
a reign of safety for the people put
in force. The jail has been gotten
rendy ar.d given a new eoat of white
wash, but the speeding maniac who
tries to put it over on the town will
be looked after by City Marshal Bruce
jV.'olTe. and turned over to the tender
n: reu s ot eitlier Justice Daniel Lynn
iyor C. V. Harris, who are de
termined to make the drivers of cars
t ! 1 't cm:ifi ri-nrf? .ti1 rrcnor-t fr t V a
The way people have sped thru
own has endangered the lives of
people, as was instanced but a short
time siace when little Anna Lux ford
was injured. Signs are being pre
pircd which will be placed at the
top of the hill ca-t of Union and on
the bottom west of town, warning
drivers to observe the law.
Tiii-: should be done and then they
should be eompclled to rosprrt the
lav ai;d m:ike living in Union on
..T; in strict safe. Co to it boys, make
them chey the law. We are for you.
Attebes-y G a r a g
Yours for Service!
We are here to give you the very best service,
provide you vith the very best goods at the most reas
onable prices. We carry staple and fancy groceries,
work clothes and can supply all you need.
Thi is the Garage known for its
Service. Ecst wcrk always.
Full line of Accessories and Supplies
carried in sleek.
Ask fcr a demonstration of the new
Chevrolet, the most powerful and
durable small car on the market.
Bargains in Used Cars
Scrvic; Cur Watchword
Union, Nebr.
Northwall and Emerson line of Farming
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and Listers.
Bain wagons. Rumley Tractors, the
On the Corner
Newton and
best made !
l:See Our Low P
P;Wc are selling groceries
a I and all things to eat at
prices that will save you
money. Let us prove it.
Lj Cane Sujar, the very Lest $7.00;
fj Beet Suirar, extra fine 6.75
Union7 Nebraska
10 n
.1 n.rfrir
ror T.Insic D.uiniiment of the
it Nsfs.
fi v. 4, '.1 a 1 1 k si
I go
jf tmXi Pi
1 .Miiml ssSgbb
f; ' " i. r-'-v t.i ' .'wane
The Red Crorvn Pump is
a Nebraska Institution.
The Red Crown Pump is
everywhere in Nebraska.
Everywhere it gives full
measure of high grade
gasoline that more
Nebraskans regularly use
than any other brand.
Where Red Crown is sold,
buy Polarine Oils that give
protective lubrication.
Main Office.- Cmalia
BrancH Offices.-
Lincoln, Hastings, North Platte'
'rssa ewi?.
Vriic Cf ask for a
Reo Crow? Road Map
Last Saturday whilo dissir1-?? a '.veil;
on the farn of A. L. I'ocker, near the From WeilnoFrj.-iy's l.Tily
s:3t Wcrthj' Enterprise
TlK' I'I;ittsriiouth Woman's club has
;,i r'"i"f 1 to present tbc Men's N-C
C'::rr:il 1 : l T . of Xel raska City, rom
t;o?( '1 f t' forty or PMire male singers,
in r. (cr.tcrt at the Tlih school autli
iotitun Tuesday evc.iincr. IIay 18th.
i t s o'llrnk. TI.ere will be several
f :v Sal feature numbers included on
(:;e rro;"'. rn.
Tin; l'rcx eeds from this concert
will I o ivcn to the High school Mu
sic U partiuent.
Come out and help boost for your
: .chool. Adiiiissiou, 50 cents.
We are taking this
pressing to our dear
means of cx
fiiends and
25 lbs
of Corn Sugar for 1.00
We Will Save Ycu Money
on Ycur Eats
S tine's Grocery
ih :)()i-.s the deep appreciation that
we feel for the many acts of kind
ness in the last illness of our be
loved mother and for the expressions
of sympathy and assistance in our
deep bereavement. Also wo wish to
thank the minister and choir for
their services at the last rites. The
friends who sent the beautiful
floral remembrances will receive lour
deepest thanks. The Family of Mrs.
Frances A. Sayles.
Missouri river, northea.-t of Union. J.
M. C'artnce, when getting down
about eighty feet was surprised to
; e the watt r raise and eonie out of
the top of the well, and when he
i'.rrtened to get the auger out, the
water gushed out and continued run
ning down into a creek, and on to
the river in a largo stream. Milt
V . i; -: nod to town and informed Mr.
Hooker, whu with a number of peo
ple went to the plnce and inspected
tii'- well and its mysterious How of
waUr, which wore impregnated with
:i rtronx s:;ioll of gas, and which was
s-tiil flowing strong. The well con
tinued to run during .The afternoon,
and at the end of the day it stood
full of water. It was thought at first
that a .!s jio- ket had been found and
tiiat there was a probability of find
ing oil. for it is but a short dis
tance from the well which was sunk
some time since, and on the anticline,
which indicates a deposit of oil. The
excitement caused at first by the dis
covery soon subsided as it was finally
thought to be a rcsorvicr of water
which was propelled upward by the
force of the water at a higher level
The Plrtt&mouth Motor Co. has in
stalled us part of their equipment in
the repair department a now hoist
and crane that will be very appreciat
ed in the handling of repair work
and make it a convenience in hauling
in damaged cars or tho.-e that may re
quire being hauled into the garage
for repair-;.
Tin? new device that has been added
to the repair department is the, hoist
mounted on a ton Ford truck and
which has demonstrated that it i3
leap; ble of real work as it has a lifting
j power of three tons.
The hoist mounted on the Ford ton
I truck chassis i- operated by means
of a Ford starting motor and a storage
ibi ttcry and lias in the trial that has
been givtn it shown that it is a real
lime and labor saver for the company
and its employes. " .
i The rev: hoist is manufactured by
i the Bonder Hoist Co., of Omaha and
is getting to bo one of the best of its
line on the market today and one that
! will result in a great saving to the
. g::rages and repair stations.
Phone us the news.
The Dovey section. Will sell in one
piece or will divHo to suit purchaser.
See or write
Nebraska 2 1 Howard Street.
Without a doubt Oiendalo. sev
eral miles west of Plattsmouth, can
boost of the smallest in member
ship and of the most progressive in j
up and doing things, of any Woman's
Club in the state.
They have only eleven members, j
but hold their meeting regular and,
accomplish all their undertakings.)
They hold their meeting in old (Slen-j
dale church, where they have just .
recently added a fine new piano, j
Their achievement day will be held;
Friday of this week. T.Irs. Privettj
is president; Mrs. N. F. lleiining's, j
secretary; and Mrs. Lawrence Moi-j
singer, leader. One of the other j
ladies is also leader, which composes i
their odicers for the present year.
The ladies are always at work i
for the best interests of their or- j
ganization, and this united support i
is the seerst oT the success of the.
) i 1 i ?
if .-i v.. ;
Effective May 15 to
Effective June 1 to
Make the most of your summer
vacation trip by planning it early.
Ticket Agent
'Rates to
Scsciui-centcnnial Exposition Philadelphia.
International Eucharistic Congress Chicago.
MTTT-ITW r,mu - 1