The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 29, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, APETL 29, 1926.
Cbc plattsmoutb journal
tr4 at PoatoClcs. Plattsmouth. Nek. a coad-claaa mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
'A V 4
4a - f
fir -1 .tnfi T r ,..-
The God of all grace, who hath
called us unto His eternal glory by
Christ Jesus, after that ye have suf
fered a while, make you perfect,
establish, strengthen, settle you. To
Kim be glory and dominion for ever
and ever. Amen. I Peter 5:10-11.
Italian pact upheld, senate refuses
Liquor hearing at Washington
nearing it's end.
mid Jtettefoas
People will steal anything. A St.
Louis man stole an ukelele.
No decision as yet, on farm propo-J
Keep them on a while yet even
if they do scratch.
As long as there are optimists there
will be seed catalogs.
Don't pity the man with the hoe.
He's probably after bait.
Straw votes are significant when
the wind is blowing our way.
Another way to exterminate our
wild life is to do more spanking.
Don't believe that a woman be
lieves all that a man believes she believes.
Possibly the farmer's idea of
lief is to have congress adjourn.
Sometimes a man gets so mad he
quits being a hypocrite for a few
.Everything else about an automo
bile may stop, but the payment will!
always run.
The fundamental thing that almost
Rose Comb Rhode Island Red set-
. , , , , x . ting eggs for sale at 50 cents a set-
everybody overlooks in the various !T J,r - . T
J J ting of fifteen eggs. Mrs. J. H.
discussions over opposing theories is Reinke, Shady Spring Farm, South
that truth is not a fixed thing. It Bend, Nebr. a22-4sw
is not a solid like a brickbat. It is.
I Any skin itching is a temper test
er. The more you scratch the worse
.it itches. Doan's Ointment is for
j piles, eczema any skin itching. 60c
at all drug stores.
not a thing that can be handed down
from Heaven in a tangible and real
Truth is fluctuating. Truth pro
gresses. Truth is the hypothesis thatj
most nearly fits the facts. As facts
change the hypothesis must change. Jn the District Coun of Casg cmm
There is nothing fixed in the world ty Nebraska,
but single instances, single data. The; In the matter of the estate of
conclusions from these single in- Mary E. Thompson, deceased.
i i u ii v. e c v.1 1 i v v j, a? v
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun-
To Joseph Harper: Jane A. Har
per: The Plattsmouth Land and Im- ty. ss.
provement Company, a Corporation; In the County Court.
the successors and assigns of The! In the matter of the estate
Plattsmouth Land and Improvement ; George E. Nichols, deceased
Company, a Corporation, real names
unknown; Joseph Weckbach; Eugene
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That
Weckbach; Louis Weckbach; Edward" will sit at the County Court Room in
Weckbach, son of J. V. Weckbach, I Plattsmouth in said county, on the
deceased; Catherine Weckbach; Mrs. ' 10th day of May, 192G. and the 11th
Lydia Heimes; William Weckbach. ' day of August, 1926. at 10 o'clocK
Jr.; Mrs. John D. Tutt, first real a. m.. of eacn day, to receive ana
name unknown, widow of John D. examine all claims against mid
Tutt. dec-eased: Virginia Frady: Mrs. : estate, with a view to their adjust-
Edna Forbes; Clarence W. Forbes;
(Edward S. Tutt; Mrs. Edna Tutt;
Mrs. Mary Gharrett; Shirley Ghar
,rett: Mrs. Georgia Gentry: Claude
Gentry; the unknown heirs, devisees, a rid the time limited for payment of
inent and allowance. The tune limit
ed for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three iwriths
from the 10th day of May A. D. 1926.
of an ornpr of finn. James
1 hat t Eegley, Judge of the District ?avna ,a '"s 'merited
,,.',. . . . , e . . x' , T .1. 1 11 tilt: HjHU" .n uiai i.MUl'.n I '
made on the 24th day
we call the truth about them,
varies with the attitude of
Too many people regard the foun-'l926 fr thf salf, th rPal
. hereinafter described, there a
uawon oi morms as someinins nxeu,'so(1 at the south front door of the
some authoritative Ltatement which courthouse in Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
can be referred back to as the truth, on the 1st day of June, 1926, at ten
debts is one year from l'.'th
day c,f May 1926.
V.'itncw. n;y hand the- seal of said
of April ipPectiveI' to-wit: Estate of Joseph ccunty court, this 9th day i t April,
, ? 'Jllarper. deceased; Estate of Jane A. ' H2i.
1 Lfii ;li Harper, deceased; Estate of Anton A. H. DUXHUHV.
Youthfulness in criminals Is, of
course, no new thing, no phenomenon
If you think we are living too fast
get out and watch a bricklayer on
a government job.
-U .0 A .1 1 . 1 1
It is noted that those Russians Ui ,ettul ueveiopmeui. in cue puo
who would restore the czardom are lic seems Perenially surprised by it.
not residents of Russia. I Criminals have always averaged
young. There arej simple reasons why
We learn later in life, however.
o'clock a. m., at public vendue to the
highest bidder for cash, the follow
H. Weckbach. deceased; Estate of (R al al2-4w
William Weckbach, deceased; Ectutr
of Anna Roth, deceased; Estate of'
John D. Tutt, deceased; Estate of'
County Judge.
Mrs. John D. Tutt, deceased, real
On i'etition for Appointment
of Administrator.
that our morals change. They de
pend upon the facts in the case.
Truth is net a doctrine nor prop
aganda. It is merely a preponderance Park Addition to the City of Platts
. , , . t first name unknown, widow of John
:Si.k .'-fi. 25''. ' Sf.2 An7f"li,.Vri. to .en ,!(.). ' '. f"- un. .
mouth, Nebraska.
of probabilities. We believe two and, Dat;d thig 24th day of Aprilf A
A crusade has been started to bring, this is so. Naturally there are morej
cosmetics under the pure food act.' young persons than old in almost
What cowards men are! every calling, but, while few men are
:o: I able to attract attention at once in
Illinois divides on wet plan, but: Still if the nations were square business and the professions, the
Illinois democrats vote approval by a enough to make the league work, they young holdup man makes as much of
two make four because they always d 1926.
have made four. Our reason tells us
that they do make four, but our im
agination can picture a world where
they make five.
Someone has defined prayer as a
request to God that he make two and
two equal five.
It does no good to stress or be
lieve anything that is not in con
cordance with the facts in the case.
We should distinguish between a
series ot facts and uie conclusions ,-jth i2fi. and on Ane-nst 2.. 192S.
we draw from them. Jat 10 o'clock a. m., each day, to re-
Darwinism is a workable hvDothe- eeivje and examine all claims against
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Elizabeth Katherine Hild, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
(Plattsmouth, in said county, on May
both inclusive, in Block one (1);
Lots five (5) to twenty-one (21),
both inclusive, in Block two (2), ex
cept one and three-fourths (14)
feet off of the west side of said Lot
In tl-.e matter of the estate of
Amelia V. Streight. deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Wil'iani J. Streipht praying that
administration of said estate may be
21; and Lots eight (8), nine (9) and ! granted to William J. Strcight as
big majority.
could get along without it.
: o :
From a divorce report "She claims One of the most remarkable things
that marriage is nothing but a de- about a candidate is the way he (an
lusion and a snore."
Wisconsin bookkeepers held a con
vention. We have been thinking some
of buying a bee.
If the United States sends delegates leaning tower
a. a m t a. i
10 me arms conierence snouia meyi
be heavily armed? j
regard a personal desire as a public!
If Mussolini ever has a spare
. . , . . U4 t. . ' lary is likely to get as much publicity j
- - - ..-c-.v. .. r v. ! .1 1 .
da auv ui ii 1 i u i uerus.
I The natural born criminal goes in-
known facts, and not as a dogma in
We are never going to get rid of
.'dogma and the dogmatic habit until
other people are dishonest
casting announcer who does not have neighbors wonder what that flighty
the idea he Is the entire program. thing is up to now.
The Haugen bin," which is in Ne- .No party of the "people." says Jim
braeka's favor and the only one of Reed .big interests own White
three bills that has been reported. House and only a political upheaval
a stir as doe sa veteran.
The criminal goes through no ap
prenticeship where his activities are
unknown to the public. The lawyer's
maiden case in a lower court at best
does not get more than a few lines
in an obscure corner of a newspaper, j we get over treating conclusions as
w ti.o vmmo- ,rin,in,vc firct h ! f acts. we realize that the prog-
ress oi tne mmu is a continual prog-
' gress, and that truth is always be
fore us.
rP t Vi 7 n r4- wi Ath!nn 4 Vint mi
. tn Krlmo ot Lie nnnnrt..nitv TKnl iiuiu la iiui tumriuuig mat uU1
France lays new debt settlement " . . randfathers believed and which we
offer before the United States. The rIes or organized society, custom.; ' JL l.l ??!,
UIU.1l Ml. liV 1 tU, IUL 13 SVlllllllUb
continually search.
i Thp nh'nrt rf nrliip'itinn ia in nut
a child as nearly as possible in pos
session of all the facts of the past
and to train his mind in drawing conclusions.
! Our fathers believed that bad
spirits caused infectious disease and
that the shape of a leaf indicated the
kind of sickness it could cure. Those
sis. It is not an established fact. We""" " ' l" "'I' ,
hustment and allowance. The time
should teach it as that assumption ; iimited for the presentation of claims
that most nearly accords with the 'against said estate is three months
from the 24th day of May, A. D.
1926. and the time limited for pay
ment of debts if one year from said
24th day of May, 1926.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 24th day of
April, 1926.
(Seal) a26-4w
County Judge.
It is hardly ever wise to trust the proposai is wen received, as a basis .Precedent, do not restrain him. for.' ;
nesty of the man who thinks most. for negotiation. i his activities are in defiance of all,
restraint. The young doctor.
Nowadays, when a girl shows an scientist to his fingertips, must wait
A crying need in radio is a broad- interest in learning how to cook. thejfr patients. But the young crim
inal himself elects when his activi-
Now is a good time to look to
your lawn mower and put it in ship
shape. Your neighbor may want to
borrow It.
The world will still be Imperfect!
as long as people think they can
change human nature by passing a
law about it.
i :o:
Over in London they have started a
campaign to spell by sound. Over
here, most of the stenogs already
spell that way, if at all.
I t rau Einstein says tnat ne nus-
I band never explained his theory of
relaticity to her. Does he think that
a woman cannot keep a secret?
' When a womaii has shopped all day
( without finding anything to buy. she
! saves it from being an utterly futile
Fashion took the 'hatpin away from da b buying another patent scrub
woman and left her with nothing but cloth for cleaning aluminum ware.
to defend herself.
Wets mass forcess back of Edge
bill. Closing rounds of the assembly
very hot and heavy. Many people
call it a draw.
ties shall begin.
The criminal begins early and ends
early, so that the ranks of crime
count few who have reached middle
age, and they ordinarily are men who
have served long terms in prison. The
irregularities of the criminal extend
to his personal habits. He commits
crimes against his health as well as
against the public. Bad liquor, drugs
and other evils take toll of him and
any day his fellow criminals or a
quardian of the peace man end his
life. j
Because crime begins in youth it
is not only the duty but a matter of
beliefs have been found to be not in
accordance with the facts and for
that reason we reject them.
This belief in truth as a continual
progress is the utmost importance. It
is as necessary to the mind as vitam
ines are necessary to the body.
Whoever abandons truth for ex
pendiency places more confidence in
authority than he does in the facts
in the case.
St.... I ,1 i i j i s
intelligent selfinterest on the part of "ur buuum aiaS remain
society sedulously to protect youth open and hospitable. The worst thing;
from the influences that make crim- that can "aPPen to a mind is to shutj
jnajg , ( iist-ii up wiin a enque, lie useii up
i body else, and thus close it to all
: future progress.
Wages had been increased until the It is futile to endeavor to stop the
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Maria Lau, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
3rd day of May, A. D. 1926, and on
the 4th day of August, A. D. 1926,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each
day, to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is three months from the 3rd
day of May, A. D. 1926. and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
3'ear from said 3rd day of May,
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 29th day of
March, 1926.
(Seal) a5-4w County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
Tn the matter of the estate of
I to some statement made by some- Michael J. Rys, deceased.
I Now that the senate has ratified
j the Italian deDt settlement, ousted . jncome Df every toiler was ten cents search for truth by persecution and
"drive. Brookhart and seen the Washington every time his watch ticked. i inquisitions.
:o: -
Americans are hard to
There's too much talk about enforc- baseball team barely break even bo There was one Big Union The
ing the laws and not enough about far what else can u find to Bet mad I World-Wide Amalgamated Watch-
obeying the laws.
about we wpnder.
A homely illustration of progress
ie the modern house dress which, con
taining one-third as much goods as
the old-fashioned Mother Hubbard,
costs three times as much. j
:o: ,
A Kentucky concern has been ac-
cused of transporting bootleg liquor
in its hearse. That is all wrong.
These vehicles should be reserved for
use of the men who drink the liquor. ;
:o: j
Winders. i
People lived upon such indigenous
Plenty of G. O. P. "timber" in the
presidential race. Coolidge far from, tne trees without stooping or reach
alone in yearning lor tne ls presi--ing (either action being a violation
denes'. Dawes, Lowden, Borah, Hoo- Df Trnion RUies).
ver. Longwortn ana watson, listen. Production ceased.
in Washington as asspirers
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, on the
24th day of May, A. D. 1926 and on
the 25th day of August A. D. 1926,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of each day, to
receive and examine all claims
- j...- ' . . est, right or title in, or lien
in. 11 aujuoimcuk auu uiiu ixiat-. a 11 1 I 0 1 1
time limited for the presentation of
ten (10), in Block three (3), all in
Browne's Subdivision of Lot 17 in
northeast quarter of northwest quar
ter (NEU NW'4) of Section thir
teen (13), Township twelve (12),
North. Range thirteen (13), east of
the Sixth Principal Meridan; also
that part of said Subdivision describ
ed as "Park Place" in said Section,
Township and Range; also that part
of said Lot seventeen (17) not plat
ted as a part of said Browne's Sub
division of said Lot seventeen (17),
but designated in connection with
the plat of said Browne's Subdivision
as "Part Lot 17-s'not Platted." the
same being a tract of land, two-hundred
sixty-four (264) feet in length
east and west, and two hundred fifty
four and five-tenths (254.5) feet in
width north and. south, lying along,
and abutting upon, the east side of
Waugh Avenue in the City of Platts
mouth. and being bounded on the
south by the north boundary line of
said Block three (3) of said Browne's
Subdivision; also all real estate
formerly platted as streets or alleys
in said Browne's Subdivision, that
lies between any of the lots or tracts
hereinbefore described, except only
Matilda street: all in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska;
and all persons having or claiming
any interest of any kind in said real
estate or any part thereof, real names
unknown; and all persons having or
claiming any interest of any kind in
said "Park Place," above described,
real names unknown, Defendants:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on February 20th. 1926,
Inez Stenner and Gertrude Stenner,
plaintiffs, filed their petition in the
District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, against you, impleaded with
others, the object and prayer of
which petition and action are that a
decree be enacted in said Court in
said action that plaintiffs are the ab
solute owners in fee simple of all of
the real estate above described, and
in the peaceable, open, adverse, ac
tual possession thereof; that none of
the defendants have any ria-ht, title,
interest or estate in, or lien upon,
said real estate or any part thereof;
that the pretended interest, right
and title of the defendants and each
of them therein be canceled, that 1
Ordered. That May 3rd. A. D.
192C. at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear ct a county court to be held
in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that
notice of til1 pendency of Faid peti
tion and the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this
order in the Plattsmouth Juornal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three successive
weeks, prior to said day of hearing.
Dater April Cth, 1926.
(Seal)al2-3w County Judge.
On Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Alida A. Blair, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Milan L. Blair praying that admin
istration of said estate may be
granted to Milan L. Blair as admin
istrator; Ordered. That May 3rd A. D. 192C.
at 10 o'clock a. m. is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a county court to be held
in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that
notice of the pendency of s:iid peti
tion and the hearing thereof lp given
to all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this order
in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks,
prior to said daj' of hearing.
Dated April 12th, 1926.
(Seal) al2-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
William F. Stock, Plaintiff, vs.
thP title tn all nf said' real estate he,pliebe A- Ramsey et al. Defendants.
forever quieted in plaintiffs, and that 1 To the defendants: Phebe A. Ram
all defendants and each of them, and'j: George U . Ramsey husband of
all persons claiming by. through . Pbe A. Ramsey; the heirs, devisees.
and under them, be enjoined from !,ail, irsonai rtprt-seuuiiiy-s a m
claiming or attempting to claim any
title or interest in or lien upon .said
real estate; and for general relief.
The object and prayer of said peti
tion and action, among other things,
is to obtain foregoing relief as
all other persons interested in the
estates of Phebe A. Ramsey and
George W. Ramsey, each deceased,
real names unknown: Ellis,
husband of Maria Ellis, first and
. jal name unknown; Rara-
It costs $6,167 to rear a girl and
fruits as could be eaten directly from 56.077 to bring a boy to the age of claims against said estate is t hree
is, according to statistics just made l"JiJ-' -j.
... . ,, . ... T ., T JA. D. 1926. and the time limited for
public by the Metropolitan Life In-parment of debts is one year from
surance company. We doubt these said 24th day of May, 1926.
figures, however, as the itemized) Witness my hand and the seal of
budget contains no charge for,said County Court, this 24th day of
"smokes" unless it be under the head
"fuel and light $300," which is said
and disintegration, however, con
tinued. Time, by virtue of whose
Collier's Weekly offers cash prizes elapse the gains of the toiler accrued.
for the best fish stories. Has it coiro aid a destructive hand upon all that to be the same for irl and by- The
men, in the old, crude days, had
to this, that fishermen have to r
paid filthy lucre in order to maur e . created
them to tell whoppers about their
The Congressional Record prints catches? Perish the thought!
many speeches that have never been
delivered. This system costs $48 a
average boy under 18 smokes, and
smokes much more than a girl of the
Things broke, rusted, rotted, wore same ae- Neither is there any charge
out. tore, went out of style.
Furniture and houses fell to pieces
for "gas' unless in conies under the
same head "fuel and light."
In the County Court of Cass coun
-:o: Furniture and houses fell to pieces nea(I Iuei ann "S"" ine, . ";u. .
, . 1 . , , . , , diilt ui icui a&na, vaso iuuuij , do.
ine Desi mai women can uu is - and were used for fuel, books having wU.1 x ut Ba aUu Tq &n ergons interested in the
page but considering the saving In Zain equally under the law, no sper-j preceded them to the ash-iple. (This the milease per boy is probably more estate of Frank Hughson, deceased:
. ,.1 KMHiiAHA n n n M r.n n ..,i. I . . . , . . Tnnn tne mi hqpd nn, pal rT H r cto.
wear ana tear on congressmen it " yinet,e iui nunc a. doic iun,iTO Deiore men iorgot now to make w '""" '
probably is worth the money. and the only rule which will preserve fire )
against any and all of the defend- ,s'; wire r Josepa Kamsey, nrstand
ants named or otherwise designated , rtal narae unknown ; Ram
in said petition claiming any inter- spy: of John A- Pamsey first
noon anu real name unnnown; uavia n.m-
' 1 t . r-ii . At 1 s j 1
ahove described real estate, or anv;"! jato aianiu. me neira, uevi-
part thereof, based upon or relating sfes legatees, personal representa
to any one or more of the following Jives and all other persons interested
designated instruments of record in n the of David Emrick and
the office of the County Clerk (Reg- Jacob Mahm. each deceased, real
ister of Deeds) of Cass county. Ne- names unknown; and all persons
braska. respectively, to-wit: Mort- j having or claiming any interest in
gage of Edward T. Thomas and and ihe west half (W) of the
Clara M. Thomas, his wife, to Anton . northeast quarter (NEU) of Section
II. Weckbach and Henry M. Soen- twenty-one (21), Township eleven
nichsen. for $300.00. dated Febru-M1 North Range ten (10), east
ary 24, 1904, recorded February 25, ,of the 6th p- M- In Cass county.
1904, in Book 30 of Mortgages at ' Nebraska, except that part thereof
page 33: Plat and Dedication byjOWned by The Chicago, Rock Island
Wm. L. Browne of Browne's Subdivi-& Pacific Railway Company, real
sion, dated October 1, 1889, recorded , names unknown:
November 8, 18S9. in Book 19 at I ou and each of you are hereby
page 372; for the reasons respectively notified that William F. Stock, as
set forth in the petition. - -I'lainrin, a pennon ana com-
Vmi and each of vnn are reauired menced an action in the District
to answer said petition on or before Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
tho 17th nf Atn v 1?. nr the the 29th day of March, 1926, against
On reading the petition of Guy!all egations thereof will be taken as 'ou an! each of you, the object, rur-
pose ana prayer or which is to ob-
April, 1926
(Seal) a26-4w
County Judge.
and Notice T5n Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
, tisticians or the big insurance com- fiugnson, Aaminisiraior, pidjiug true and decree rendered accordin
: -l. . - a. i it., . , 1 . .. ... ncrv cot-. K .l-c t : uuii tcuicmcui auu ttiiuaui-c ui uw
i ine most precrous iniug mai Ainei.-j A1J merchandise ceased to be. The l" "c wne, " au account fiied in this Court on the
If we do not hold fast to funda- cans hav
mental principles, to the constitution ernment,
the bill of rights, and local self-;
government the original free repub
lic will soon become an empire with
unlimited powers for oppression. The
republic will be wrecked.
-free constitutional gov- oor workinc man found nothine more tower without cognizance of present 22rd dav of Anril. 1926. and for
to buy. He began to want things. conuiuoIls- ineir ouagei mignt rear closing administration proceeaings in
Thereupon, civilization, having and EIsie Dinsmore girl or a Horatio said estate;
, . t AiP-er hnv hnt it wnnUn- i-r ' It is hereby ordered that you and
passed under the wire, started on' its A1er bo' but " ouldn t keep Dersons interested in said matter
Dr. John A. Griffin
Office Honn: 9-12; 1-6.
Sundays and evenings
by appointment only.
Soennichsen Building
Truck and Transfer
l -1 - n - E
Call Phone 342-W
or see me at the Vallery Sales
Pavilion, Plattsmouth
Wade Porter
second lap.
Sas mav. and Act. nnnear at the Countv
"smokes" and dancing slippers. ' Court to be held in and for said
Should our statisticians find time county, on the 3rd day of May, A.
D. 1926, at ten o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why the
tain a decree of court quieting the
title to the west half (W4) of the
northeast quarter (NEU) of Section
j twenty-one (21), Township eleven
(11), North, Range ten (10), east
of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska, except that rart thereof
owned by The Chicago. Rock Island
Daniel Willard. head of the B. .ndfBaIStdflu Lh? ana
O. railroad, started in as a section for such other relief as may be Just
hand. From the hand car to a pri- and equitable.
It looks now as though the United
States almost had its hands on that hanging heavy on their hands they
money the Frencn owe it. The French """ a5C per auuum prayer of the petitioner should not;vate car ig traveling some, as the You and each of you are further
are going to pay it over if and when Per capita consumption of statistics by be granted, and that notice of the--.. ' .notified that you are required to
they get it from Germany , the typical American citizen. Also the pendency of Baid petition and the Ie y 'answer said petition on or before
'. -o- jamount of midnight oil burned in pre- hearing thereof be given to all per- :o: Monday the 17th day of May, 1926..
' n . " sons interested in said matter by Feg&y Joyce sas sne na3 a nitn or the allegations therein contained
Wets to seek show-down at this Paring this dry rodder lor the -nose- pubIishin& a copy of this order in husband in prospect, but she doesn't will be taken as true and a decree
congressionial session. Plan to force bass of the reading public. It is our the Plattsmouth Jouhnal, a semi- know why the public is interested in rendered in favor of Plaintiff and
fight on the senate floor through beer opinion that there is more midnight weekly newspaper printed in said . Dublic ia aways interested aaiEst yu and each of you, ac-
amendment to enforcement bill.
oii Knent nn statiKti? than nn ail county, for one week prior to said
aay oi nearing. . ; "
In witness whereof, I have here-'
unto set my hand and the "Seal of' For dyspepsia, our
useful pursiut9 put together.
a man'? hard luck.
cording to the prayer of said peti
Dated this 29th day of March. A.
A household remedy in America for :o: unto set my hand and the""Seal of' For dyspepsia, our national ail- D. 1926.
-rTiir v tt t c uv !25 years Dr- Thomas' Eclectic Oil.' Doan's Regulets are recommended said Court, this 23rd day of April, ment, use Burdock Blood Bitters. WILLIAM F. STOCK,
SggflAXt stocK Hauling a specialty. For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds and by many who say they operate eas- A. D. 1926. Recommended for strengthening di- Plaintiff.
, i,M,lDruise9- 30c and 60c At a11 dru Hy. without griping and without bad A. H. DUXBURY, gestion, purifying the blood. At all CARL D. GANZ.
! m i i stores. aftereffects. 30c at all drug stores. (Seal) a26-lw. County Judge, drug stores. $1.25 a bottle. ,a5-4w His Attorney.