The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 15, 1926, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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- i
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
The Senior Class of the Union High School
Presents Their Play
A Ccmedy Drama in 4 Acts
h-j at vt t ft
3 -
8:15 O'Clock Sharp
1 SfSi
25c and 40c
No Reserved Seats
much imDroTement and was nearing
her former health, had quite a set
back a number of days since, but she
is again on the mend and it is ex
pected that she will soon be well
Miss Mildred Clarke, who has been
quite ill for the past week with the
grippe, is so far recovered that she
I was able the first or tne ween, 10 re
' turn to her work at the office of A.
; V. Propst, where she is the book
: keeper.
j Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Frans were
'visiting with friends and also look
ing after some business matters in
' Omaha on last Monday, and while
they were away the Rev. V. A. Taylor
. was lnnkine: aftpr the matters at the
lumber yard.
Installing George Stine, his son, as
: the keeper of the store, Uncle KUDe
j hied himself to the farm where he
i planted the year's crop of potatoes.
and when it conies to keeping store
or to raising potatoes Rube will give
anyone cards end spades, and then
Uncle Vv. L. Hoback had the mis
fortune to receive an injury to one
of his eyes a few days since, and
which required the services of the
physician to due the wound. He is
getting along nicely but it will be
some time before the injury will be
; entirely well.
Two Iowa lads, who surely know
their business have been clearing the
walls and woodwork at the bank, and
which is looking much the better
for the work which is being done.
The bank is to have a new floor andi
Fred Dome and the children ' with Mrs. Dome's mother, Mrs. Ves- a new floor covering which will make
f t Nebraska City have ben visiting
ta Clark for the past few days.
Attebery Garage
This i the Garage known for its
Service. Eest work alvrays.
Full line of Accessories and Supplies
carried in stock.
t jurt like new.
It is currently reported that J. W.
Woodward was here before there was
any town and that he was the one
that "layed the chunck" when the
town was starred, and West will not
deny the allegation. Anyway he is
a good scout and probably was here
of a very fine touring car of the
Chevrolet make which is surely a good
one, and was purchased by this gen
tleman from Charles Atterberry, the
local representative for these excel
lent cars. He is receiving a coupe of
this kind this week which he will
have on his floor for inspection and
also for demonstration.
A truck load of calves passed thru
Union on last Monday for OmaTTa,
and one of the calves was down with
the others tramping over it, and with
one leg sticking out through a
crack in the body of the truck. The
men driving the truck seemingly not
r.nrinf? about the animal or its com
fort aroused Dr. Luxford's anger, as litf
it would anyone with a spark or.
humanity, but the men with the truck
made their getaway with the calf still
in the uncomfortable position. j
Hearn of Neice's Death. !
Hans Christenseu received the sad
news on last Monday of the passing
of his niece, Mrs. Robert Dathe, of
Nebraska City, who was stricken with
pneumonia, having been critically ill
for the past nearly two weeks. She
leaves the husband and one child,
a daughter of four years. We did
not hear of the arrangements for the
funeral. The many friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Christensen are extending
their sympathy in this hour of grief. Kthel Docker was assisting in
the bank with the work during the
jtime that Mr. Smith has been sick,
; and makes an excellent assistant in
this clearing house.
The little lad of Mr. and Mrs.
Simon Gruber has been having a
fight with an attack cf the grippe and , when the creek was dug.
while some better now is still notj On last Monday there was a man
back to his normal health. m Union looking for a place in which
Mrs. W. J. Luxford and daughter, to live he desiring to move to Union,
Miss Anna, have been having a tuscle but after an exhaustive search was
with "La Grippe." but while they not able to fine one that was not oc-
w ' ' ... inntnH TTwi1 o h mica ics inncf niriorl
s 111 A 1. fnn nr Ulllll CI UWUOC lO VUUIll UVIW
Ac'., tr. o ,Wctrfti'n of tliA nw were very in luey are uu u, .
quite a uu ufiier ai mis inner.
1 Vearle Harding was a visitor over
to Lincoln and Bethany on last Mon
! day evening and night, returning to
Union on Tuesday, and is busy as
sisting the father in the store.
Laying Plans For the Summer !
Judge Daniel Lynn, with Mrs.
Lynn, Mrs. Lidgett. and Mrs. Taylor
drove over to the fishing camp last
Monday afternoon where he and the
ladies cast their hooks into the "Big
Muddy" to await a bite, they went
and started a garden for they will
want one this summer. Judge and
Mrs. Lynn are expecting to have a
good garden down at the camp as
well as catch many fish during the
rumrrer, and will be prepared to en
tertain their friends when they call
on them.
Chevrolet, the most powerful and
durable small car on the market.
Bargains in Used Cars
Service Our Watchword
Charles Attebery
Union, Nebr.
Mr. Edminson and family are making
their home in the Becker hall.
Ray Becker was a visitor in Nebras
ka City on last Monday afternoon
l where he was looking after some
j business matters for a few hours, and
was accompanied bv John N. Leach.
resides being one of the best of . wno ai30 was looking after some mat
barber?. Mr. Snialley is a gardner, par ter3 0f business as well as visiting
; excellence, and has just started lhe'w;th fr;ends and relatives there,
potato patch which he promices will Clifton B. Smith and the entire
be one cf the best before the summer ; fa7niy hav been having a time with
i is over. Watch them grow. j the flu, all being down with tne
I Mrs. Mary E. Davis, who had made single exception of Mrs. John Van
illic, x:ho is there nursing Her motner,
Mrs. Brown. The report on Monday
I of this week was to the effect that
I the patients were all slightly better.
J George Copenhaver. who is the
: salesman for the A. W. Propst dis
tributing branch of the Universal
jcar. sold a four door sedan the first
of the week to N. J. Lutz, who re
! sides south of Union. Mr. Lutz is
j liking his new purchase very well and
; is finding it just the thing for him
?elf and family.
j J. D. Cross, the manager of the
! Union Mutual Telephone company, is
, kept rustling with the many duties'
which this position imposes, and
among which are looking after the
! installation of the p-ionrs, the col
' lection of rentals and the working
the lines as well as the switchboard.
but Uncle Jeff is able for the work.
J George Shuniaker is the possessor
Particular Attention!
Particular attention is called to the new improved Red
Star wickless oil stove. The new improved feature is
a "vaporizer," which does away with any chance of
smoke or flame. Also two rings of fire instead of one,
making a fast, quicker heat with less fuel consumption.
Other stoves also on display.
New features in implements and furniture.
Bermuda Onion Plants, Frost Proof Cab
bage Plants, Onion Sets. Leave your orders!
$7.50 per bushel
While It Lasts
Still a Few Bargains in Radio
Everything Else in Hardware
See Cur Low Prices
We are selling groceries
and all things to eat at
prices that will save you
money. Let us prove it.
Cane Sngar, the very best -$7.00
Eeet Sugar, extra fine 6.75
25 lbs. of Corn Sugar for 1.00
We Will Save You Money
on Your Eats
siness is aoo
There is a reason. We are here to serve the public
with the best goods at the lowest possible prices, when
good service and the very best" goods are required.
Also the highest prices for your produce. Groceries,
work clothes and in fact anything the farm demands.
Come see the savings which our store will afford you.
Northwall and Emercon line of Farming Machinery
Rows, Harrows, Cultivators and Listers: Newton and
Bain Wagons. Rumley Tractors, the best made!
Una El !
On the Corner
Union, Nebraska
S tine's Gr
Just Bring the Discs
We have means of sharpening
your discs without the frames.
Just bring the discs them
selves and yoi can do tlm in
your car, and get them ready
for the Spring work for Win
ter is hurrying away.
Remember, we carry a
full line of Rock Island
Farm Machinery. See
our two rowers and two
row cultivators. We can
save you some money.
To SIiovv- Somr Tine Pictures.
The N'ehiv.-ka Auditorium wishes
to announce thru this column a fine
lot of pictures to be shown this
tiling: April 10, T;Fast Workers."
April 17, "Lefer Duck;" April 24.
"The Reckless Aage" and on April
19th! and 20th, an extra sood picture,
"The Hunchback of Notre Dame."
Watch for the advertisements on this
picture. All of the above are Uni
versal production. We have also
bought seven pictures of the Metro-Coldwyn-Mayer
people which are the
be?t. Starting May 1 "Midshipman."
"The Harrier," "Go West." "Old
Blackbird" and "The Merry Widow."
This last one is an extra good one.
Come upand see some of them.
April Birthday!?.
From theOld Settlers register we
find that the birthdays of people of
Union and vicinity are as follows:
Mrs. Harvey Miller, born April
3. 195G, in Wisconsin, and came to
Nebraska in 18 37.
Mrs. B. F. Hoback. born April 2,
ISfiO. in Wert Virginia, and came to
Mrs. Elizabeth Easter, born April
Xobraka in 1879.
S, 1S52. in Ohio, and came to Ne
br.'; ska in 3 8 OS.
I.,. F. (Bud) Fitch, born April 4,
18 Go. in Nebraska.
Mrs. Joseph Bmier, born April 13.
1SI53, in West Virginia,' and came to
Nebraska in 188S.
R. E. Frans, born April 14, 1S93.
in Ncbra&Ka.
Miss Vesthardleutaoicmfwyptaoinm
Mrs. C. H. Dysnrt, born April
1S95, in Nebraska, within a
mile of where she now resides.
Mi?? Vera 15. Upton, born April
15. 1909, in Union.
George Clark, born April 6, 191S,
in Union.
iinm rt
22. y
half g.
Married Last Friday.
Last Friday at the homo of Mr. and
Mr?. Fdv.ard Leach occurred the wed
ding of their daughter. Miss Marie, ! Hi
to Earl W. Troop, of Nehawka. The ti
ceremony was celebrated by the Rev. 1 pJ
W. A. Taylor. The young people are jjljj
well and very favorably known to wjft
all the young people of both Union '
and Nehawka. The groom is a son
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop of f
north of Nehawka. and has been with i
the A. W. Propst Ford service garage y
as a salesman, hut who ha3 relinquish
ed his position and will engaged in ji$
farming near Murray. The young J.y
people will immediately go to house
keeping on the farm where they will
farm and engnge in the feeding of
cattle and hogs. The Journal with
their many friends unite in extending
the best wishes to thi3 popular young
couple and are hoping that their lives
may be filled with happiness, good
health, prorperity and good deeds.
JJJ cm &n K
VVVv -
5 '4
ft VI
7:00 &. 9:00 Each Night!
l he Picture Sensation or the kges
me iiiypii
BIN JsmhJmsMprm
nomm umm'
Directed by RWPCilT &lim
Fzyrn tteirdernztxzalkj
famous storij iy
Sum 5!v-i-T ir-
i I ;y fsyiM t.
Kr S It? I test IZfl m 7 m- m m
? J
9 3 7 c ?T5i s : g
tne o
the most gorgeous of Parisian revels on
rand Staircase of the Paris Opera House.
The mad revelry at its height, aughter, merri
ment, hilarity held the floor. When crash!
the gay chatter hushed, the laughter froze on
the horror-stricken lips the Phantom had
appeared !
Sec this marvelous, thrilling, breath-taking pro
duction whose grandeur and tense drama will
amaze and startle you. The mask ball scene
is shown in full, natural color, the most strik
ing beautiful scene ever thrown upon the
screen. You cannct afford to miss this fan
tastic masterpiece, wild wierd and wonderful,
a spectacle you will remember for years.
A Picture for the Whole Family
' ' f
iwenty urea?
A Supporting Cast
of over 5,000
Two Years in
the Making
most magnificent scsnss
in piclares in full eeler
natural phoicgraphy.
Made by the producer
of "The Hunchback of
Notre Dame."
TonmhS: and Thursday "Tlie Friday-Saturday
d Chanter
From Wednesday's D-iily
Mrs. L. E. Vroraan of this city
who is at the Iinraanuel hospital in
Omaha, was operated upon yester
day nt that institution and the con
dition of the patient has not proven ,
as well as was hoped for. Mrs. Vro-; . ' , ,,,
man came through the operation in ; very pleasing shape but the condi
Cat's Whiskers"
of Grea.t Circus Mystery
Any recipe
calling for
Macaroni and
Spaghetti is made
better by using
Gooch's Best. ,f
j tion of the patient was raucn more
severe than had been anticipated
and complications were found at the
time of the operation that makes)
the recovery of the patient the mat
ter of very grave doubt. All that
is possible in the way of medical
skill and rare is beine eiven the
j patient in the hope that it may be
j possible to give her some relief, but
: the case Is very discouraging to the
' members of the family. The many
j friends here are regretting very
much to learn of the condition of
Mrs. Vroman and trust that she may
be able to overcome the serious
condition that she is now in and
be able to show some gain in
strength and help.
Baby chicks Quality
teed. Let me order them
Order early. Mrs. Guy
Plattsmouth. Murray phone
Plattsmouth phone, 4030.
tor you.
Rev. T. 15. Young and wife and
Mrs. Harry B. Hall of Beaver City,
Nebraska, arrived here yesterday to
enjoy a short visit in this city. litv.
and Mrs. Young motored on to Mis
souri for a short visit and will re
turn Sunday to hold services at the1
First Christian churhh in this city.
Mrs. Hall will visit here for some
time at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Kummell.
Dyspepsia i America's curee. To
restore digestion, normal weight,
good health and purify the blood, use
Burdock Blood Bitters. Sold at all
druu stores. Price, $ 1.25.
j Advertising pays: Try it!
ef?8fen Morse
will maka the season cf 1926
at my home, on the old Os
car Gapen farm, 4 miles
south of Plattsmouth.
15 "
H-5 3 S
.1 BL I
.v r
i v
A miW aj-trin of rretmcnt that cu:es Fi!e. I ijtula ani
gical operation. No rhlor.-forro Ether or oilier Tenaral
cnaeEthtic used. IlXAMINATION PRPK X
ora'sn1"10 ' every cae nccepreaior ireatmsnt, ana no money to te paid until currd. Writ for
FlvH E BOOK on Kectal Ditcaata. with r.iicea autl lestunonialsof tuou.ianda cf promincct poopjo
VDO I'RVC bern pcrmsncniiy Eurcu,
Jcter Xrut tii'.t.,
O-naha, Wrbr.
inx'n. R. TAnrsi' pa?7atoriusi. 3 10
I ;