- I .. 1 . - - -- ... . . , . . .- - . : . . . .... :.. - - PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1920. PAGE FOUR Greenwood PepartmeinitS . Prepared in the Interest of the People of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity MY BLACK Porchoron Horse LOCAL NEWS Dr. Heinemajx, Dentist, Main Bldg., Phone 527. Hote De. Stibal, Chiropractor, Schmidt Albert W. Hudson was a business visitor in Narka, Kansas, one day last week driving, over to see about some business matters. George Bucknell and the family have gotten moved into their new home in Greenfood and settled and are liking the new home very much. Flora McDonald of Ashland, was! a visitor in Greenwood for the Kaster and was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Armstrong. Jonn M. Armstrong who is mak ing his home at Lincoln was in Greenwood last week and was do ing some work at his trade as mason and plasterer. A. W. "Weibke. the restaurant man was looking after some business matters in Lincoln last Wednesday where he went to replenish his stock of goods. Paul Renwanz and wife were visiting and looking after some busi ness matters in Omaha on last Mon day, tehy driving over to the big city in their auto. Nelson Umeland was a visitor in will make the season of 1926 at my home, on the old Os- mann building. Telephone No. 3 car Gapen farm, 4 miles south of Plattsmouth. J. V. SAGE has added much to its appearance, making it a most attractive place and it is looking as neat as a pin. O. P. Anderson 'was quite 111 as Lincoln on last Wednesday wehere well as was Mrs. Anderson a week he was called to look after some or so but both are reported as be-1 is also another, business matters as well as to visit ing on the mend at this time. Mr. with friends for the day. I Anderson Is now able to get out and lis making her home at a point in the C. D. Fulmar was hustling in his was able to attend the convention westren portion of the state and oats during the early portion of of the Buick dealers in Lincoln last J both being present at the funeral, the week, believing that spring had ; week. I The husband and father died some actually arrived and that it wasi Judge W. E. Hand was a visitor ten years ago. time to get the seed in the grouid. in Lincoln one day last week Lelia Rune is showing some re- where he went to attend the won- covery at this time from the spell derful picture which is being put of tonsillitis, which has been giv-ion tne screen "Tne Ten command ine her so much trouble, and it is ments, which the judge thinks one hoeud that she will soon be entire-! of the most wonderful pictures he was ever privileged to witness. Miss Uvon West who has been kept at home with the grippe for a Dr. H. C. Leopold, Osteopathic physician and surgeon, phone 208 J7-tfa From Monday's Daily From Thursday's Daily Hon. W. B. Banning and L. G of Platts and Buick ly over the attack. John B. Livingston mnii t Vi iho Phrpvnlpt 111 - U , - w - v v dealer of that place was a visitor . number of days was again able to in Greenwood for a short time , be down town and at the store while on his way to Lincoln to a 'again during the latter portion of dealers convention. I the week. While she was not able Good Team for Sale! in Greenwood and aiso arove over. ing. to Plattsmouth to look after some Mr. R. L. Ensmaker, who Is one business matters fo ra portion of. of the large feeders of cattle and the day last Wednesday. hogs in this vicinity, shipped four W. A. Armstrong the mason be-, carloads of cattle to the South Oma- ,Ko 'fc lit ah whjTodd of Union were here today fo ters of business at the court house Mrs. E. Rhodes of Auburn depart ed this morning for her home after spending a few days here visitin with friends and attending the Pres byterial meeting. Monsignor Michael A. Shine of St John's church was in Omaha today where he celebrated the requiem mass at the funeral of the late Dr P. J. Flynn which was held at the St. John's church in Omaha. Mrs. Wilbur Taylor, Mrs. E. R Black, Mrs. J. E. Murray, and Mrs P. K. Slaymaker of Lincoln, who were here to attend the meeting of the Presbyterial in this city depart on the early morn train for their Holds Up State Aid Bridge Funds Auditor Marsh Will Not Draw for Purchase of the K. of T. Bridge Until Court Decides. Edward Weidman of Shickley, near, to be in the store her place was Auuuor juarsn nas receiv- this morning where he is farming, W;as a visitor filled by her friend Miss Anna Pail- d notice from Attorney A. L. Tidd I Burlington nf Pin t tsmnn t h tbat Yio ovnepia r appeal from the district court 0f homes Lancaster county in the matter of the suit of Thomas H. Pollock vs Roy Cochran, secretary of the de- I have an excellent team, well broke, that can be worked any- gan the construction of the founda-.ha market last Tuesday and one Partment of public works the gov- ' attending to oroKe, uwiuti uMr ftion for the new home of Mr. and load of hogs which made some five e"r and state auditor, involving bginess From Friday's Dally W. G. Boedeker. the Murray bank er, was in the city today for a few some matters of wnere, DUt Wlin piemy 01 M c w Holt, the station agent! loads in all from his feedine yards SDint. A. most excellent team of the Burlington, and which he, for the one day r - ,..nvl, A rnA 7 is having constructed at this time. John Mefford, who is the assessor lur juui joiiii vw,iv. ' Mrs. O. M. Honeshell of Omaha, for Salt Creek precinct is after the years old, and the horses Will accompanied by the children were i work in the most approved style and weigh about 1,750 pounds visiting in Greenwbod for a number O I nf Hove Hnrin cr f n o Tt-.ict a'Do lr TnV each, making a most satlStaC-, were guests during their stay here tory team. P. A. Sanborn Greenwood, Neb. Buiid a Better City Here at Home The orosDects for Greenwood are bright. Re member you who build, I move houses, Frank Rouse Greenwood - - Nebraska 100-Seed Gom-100 by Stsle Tesi! Varieties; large extra early"Butch er Learning;" Minnesota "Thir teen;" "Golden Glow;" "White Caps;" Saint Charles." All early varieties. $3.00 Per Bushel Graded! W. E. PA5LING Greenwood, Nebraska at the home of Joe Hoenshell, and other friends. George Trunkenbolz the city marshall and superintendent of the electric light and water systems wa3 a business visitor in Omaha on last Wednesday where he was called to look after some matters for the city of Greenwood. President Umeland of the Farm er's State bank was called to Platts mouth last Tuesday to look after some business matters, he making the trip in his auto, driving over t t ti iAiintv uo'i t i n il finding thf a better, y"- " , J - I Paul White was shelling and de livering corn to the Farmers ele- . r.Ji.nD,1n.. rT loot iirml.- O excavating: with the low value of this cereal. and the necessity of hte farmers be ing in their fields there is but little grain kzing delivered. Mrs. Ella Marshall of Ashland was a visitor in Greenwood last Saturday, coming over to visit with her relatives here as well as to at tend "They Eyes of Love," the play which was given for the benfit of the cemetery association. Don Marshall, salesman for the Jardine Motor Co., and who by the way, has an excelelnt car to sell, as well as to use, accompanied by Earl Jardine were looking after some business matters over near Murdock no last Wednesday. The order of Eastern Star have been very active in their work in Greenwood and on the last meet ing had two applications for mem bership, which they are considering for the coming week and will have some wnrk in the near future. With the installation of the new fixtures in the Farmers State bank, the management of the bank have had the place redecorated and which is getting over tne territory, in order that he may have the work done by the time it should be Uncle John is also taking care that he gets all the listings right Walter E. Failing who is selling a fine quality of seed corn of which he has a large amount, is finding customers all over the country, and shipping it into other states where tne seed is very desiraole and so the proposed purchase by the state of the bridge over the Platte river known as the King of Trails bridge. The district court refused to en join the state highway department! from paying out funds for the pur chase of the toll bridge for the Jess Lnndholm, well known auto dealer of Murdock, was here today for a few hours looking after some mat ters of business. Charles A. Chappel, past grand master of the A. F. & A. M. of Ne braska. was here today for a few purpose of making it a free bridge hours, bringing two aged people from and obtaining federal aid for the highway upon which it is situated. Mr. Tidd, .tells the auditor he be lieves the appropriation of $200, 000 for state aid bridges, made by the legislature in 1925, is unconsti tutional. It is proposed to have the Minden to make their home at the Masonic Home here. O. J. Pothast of the Farmers & Merchants bank, Mrs. Charles Schroeder and son, Albert, and Mr and Mrs. Charles Kupke of Murdock were here today attending to some they are coming to Mr. Pailing forstate pay its snare f the purchase I matters in the county court. Jbr Economical Transportation Aulhorizsd Sales and Service! Ask us'to show the'performance of this modern won der car. Repair shop, supplies, accessaries, gasoline and oil. -Jardine EViotor Company- E. M. JARDINE, Proprietor Greenwood, Nebraska dependable seed for their corn planting. W. E. Newkirk and R. M. Mc Donald, the barber, were having water installed in their places of business during the past week, the plumbing being done by the pro gressive firm of Armstrong and Hor den. Mr. uorden or tne company actually doing the work which is an excellent piece of work. I ne Eyes or Liove, wnicn was presented by the local players of Grenwood last week for the benfit or the metery association was well attended and also well receiv ed, and many who did not get to see the play are d-srrous that the play may be presented again. The price of the bridge out of this ap propriation. Mr. Tidd raises the fine point that the appropriation purports to be for the state govern ment but in fact is not for a real governmental function but rather to cover a private enterprise where the state is to exercise its proprie tary right of purchase and control of property. He asks the auditor not to draw warrants upon this $200,000 state aid bridge appropria tion. State Journal. EGGS FOE HATCHING From high scoring accredited Bar red Rocks. Average egg production 157.3. Strong fertility Mrs. C. L. play will be presented at Waverly Wiles, Plattsmouth Nebr. and will be under the auspices of the cemetery association of that place and the one of Greenwood, they going fifty-fifty on the receipt? thus benefiting the associations of both places. m26-3wks-d&w School supply head quarters Bates Book and Stationery Store. Married for 35 Years. -Easter Sunday, April 4, was the 35th wedding anniversary of P. A. Sanborn and wife, and for the occa sion Mr. Sanborn went to Omaha where Mrs. Sanborn is staying keep ing house for a granddaughter who is attending school there, where they celebrated the occasion to gether. YES! WE HAD A FIRE Cut we are still taking orders for Baby Chicks and Custom Hatching. b rom "aturoav's Daily- Clark Baldwin came over from Pacific Junction this morning to en joy a visit here with his family. Attorney Irene C. Buoll of Ash land, was among the visitors in the city today to spend a few hours at tending (o some matters of business and visiting with friends. H. A. Tool of the Bank of Mur dock, Jess Landliolm and George Utt t-f Murdock, were here today for a few hours attending to some matters of business and visiting with their friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Long of Aurora Illinois, arrived this morn ing to enjoy an over Sunday visit in this city with their son, Harry Long and family and a number of friends. , Mrs. Arthur Wetenkamp and daughter, Jacqueline and the Misses Kermit and Ethelyn Wiles were among those going to Omaha this morning to spend a few hours in that city looking after some mat ters of business. Greenwood Holds Election. At the spring election which was I ju held on last Tuesday, the voters 1. got out and did their duty and aslJ. the result elected very good ofli-? cers for both the city and the board 1. of education, while also the ones wlio were not elected to the posts I were as excellent citizens. The con-14. jtest was friendly and all who took I ?. TI"T?-?-IIg : jiari in me annual ceieorauon were satisfied with the results. Those who were elected were: Bothd of education. E. F. Smith and L. C. Marvin, while those who were elect ed to the town board were E. A. Landon and L. C. Marvin. Visitors Invited Red Bird Poultry Yards Phone 399 1018 No. 11th Plattsmouth, Nebr. 4 'Mud Tax' is Played Up Equivalent to from 10 to 25 Cent on a (gallon of Gasoline that is Used. gallons when he could use the pave-' Jfr JJ..$. meni. ine dirt road required three gallons more than the pavement. With 21 ents a gallon, his mud! J, tax for casoline. onlv. was fi3 rent a trip. On a basis of four gallons ! 41-1-1-1" over the pavement, his mud tax was equivalent to a gasoline tax of 15 cents a gallon. MANLEY HEWS ITEMS i""i"i"i" 'i E. S. Tutt, formerly of Murray, but who has been in Florida for the This farmer also says that his winter was visiting with friends In truck would not last half as long Manley on last Thursday. over the dirt road as over the pave ment. Troy Wiles was shelling and de livering corn to the Kelly elevator last Wednesday, and is getting some of It out of the way of the farm ing work. Do not forget the annual baseball dance and at the same time always keep boosting for the Manley base ball team which always has been a good one. The people who are putting up Have you anything to buy or sell ? : the uard posts and cable on the Red Ball highway received a car load of cable at the Manley station last Tuesday. Teddy Baker has entered Into the business of accommodating the farmers purchasing their eggs at jthe home and supplying them with ( what they are needing in the line EGGS FOE HATCHING Pure Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. $4 per 100. Phone 3615, Plattsmouth exchange. MRS. FORREST LEONARD, m29-4sw Mynard, .Nebr. ORDER CF HEARING On Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The state of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty. ss. In the County Court. In the matter -of the estate of or Household supplies. Amelia V. Streight, -deceased. I Andrew Stander and the family On reading and filing the petition on the farm out east of town have of William J. Streight praying that been quarantined fro scarlet fever administration of said estate may be but it is understood that they are granted to William J. Streight as getting along nicely at this time administrator; . which is good news to their many Ordered, That May 3rd. A. D. frieends. 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned . A. Cline of Lincoln who has for hearing said petition, when all been with the Carpentre Paper Co.. persons interested in said matter may of Omaha for many years, was at appear at a county court to be held Manley last Thursday and there we in and for said county, and show we met this very affable gentleman cause why the prayer of petitioner as he was doing his daily stunt for should not be granted: and that the house which he represents. notice of the pendency of said peti- A. H. Humble and wife were en tion and the hearing thereof; be given joying the Masonic services of to all persons interested in said mat- Easter at Weeping Water last Sun- ter by publishing a copy of this day morning and in the evenine order in the Plattsmouth Juornal, a were over to Plattsmouth where semi-weekly newspaper printed in they attended the services at the said county, for three successive Methodist church of that place. weekst prior to said day of hearing.! The month of March showed a Dater April 6th, 1926. good substantial increase in freight A. H. DUXBURY, I going out and coming in. which was (Seal)al2-3w County Judge. ' very comnlimentarv to the Manlev ' .station. It is more railroad business NOTICE TO CREDITORS which is desired as the truck is i only a momentary element of the The State of Nebraska, Cans Coun- traffic of the . country, while the y ss- ' railroads are here to stav. inere seems to ue quite a com petition between some of the indus trious gar.dners of Manley. C. E. Mockenhaupt has been a man who In the County Court. In the matter of the estate George E. Nichols," deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, That of awlays had an extra early garden. ill ' A. At f A. V A V S Plattsmouth in. said county on tire bannei.( but just now he ifJ being run a close second by Mrs. Rau, who may be'the winner this year. Herman Rauth and wife were visiting on Eeaster Sunday at York where they were guests at the home of A. F. Rauth, and family and Miss Anna Rauth who is attending school there. They had a very nice visit with the folks and on their return J. C. York who had been visiting there also returned home with them. 10th day of May, 1926, and the 11th day of August, 1926, at 10 o'clock . rn., of each day, to receive and xamine all claims against " said state, with a view to their adjust- ntnt and allowance. The time lmnt- d for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months rom the 10th day of May A. D. 1926, ."nd the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 10th day of May 1926. Witness my )iand the seal of said county court, this 9th day of April, 1S26. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal)al2-4w County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING And Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account. In the County Court of Cass Coun- y. A'ebrasKa. State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss. To all persons interested in the state of Eli Manspeaker, deceased: On reading the petition of Mar- aret Elizabeth Manspeaker, execu REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MANLEY STATE BANK of Manley, Nebraska Charter No. 906 In the State of Ne braska at the close of bnslness March 29. 1926. KESOURCES Ioans and discounts ovtrdrafts Bonds, securities, judgments and claims (exclusive of cash reserve) furniture and .$i::.66r,.n2 47.14 8,933.83 JI I I "l" REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMERS STATE BANK of Wabash, Nebr. With gasoline at 21 cents a gal lon, dirt roads are levying a mud tax equivalent to a gasoline tax of 10 cents a gallon when compar ed to gravel roads, and a mud tax equivalent to a gasoline tax of 25.2 cents a gallon when compared to paved roads, according to a new,a f ODv. of this order in the Platts- piiDiication or tne eorasKa uooa rix, praying for a final settlement i Efi"tkuve; h"ff: nd allowance or her account nied, bankers' conservation fund. n this court on the 5th day of April, Due from National 926, and for final settlement of said nV' "WJL1 V. state and for her discharge as said Qf exchange 69.60 executrix: 'Cash In bank , z.sQ.i.il It is hereby ordered that you and ( u- - "?"as ,n ca?n . an persons lnieresiea in saiu maiier may, and do, appear at the county court to be held in and for said coun- on the 19th day of April A. D. 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show , Capital stock cause, if any there be, why the prayer,-,,;,,.,, rro'flVs"('Net of thq petitioner should not be grant-. individual deposits prt nnri that nnHr nf th nondenCV subject to rliecK..f 16,000.00 3,000.00 381.87 12.806.84 TOTAL $154,901.37 LIABILITIES t) , .$ 10.000.00 5,000.00 641.04 iTime certificates of of said petition and the hearing: nf f1nnsit thereof be given to all persons Inter- cashier's checks 3 ested in said matter by publishing) outstanding ..... l- .i.:. TitJrue to National RESOURCES Loans and discounts J meeting and banquet,! overdrafts uaiiKins- iiouse, furniture and nviures Bankers' conservation fund.. The Ideal EUiotor Oar! The Buick, the modern car unsurpassed for power, is most flexible, comfortable and enduring. A thing of beauty and rare service. Just ask any BUICK owner. See Us for Demonstration Bert Reed, of Weeping Waterpwill be pleased to serve you in that territory or see J. B. Livingston, dealer for the Plattsmouth territory. Both will demonstrate free. Try a Ride in the Very Best Modern Motor Car O. F. ANDE&SON Greenwood, Nebraska Arranging Bankers Convention. Phil L. Hall who is the chairman of the executive comxaittee of the State Bankers association was a visitor in Lincoln last Tuesday where at a which was given by the Lincoln bankers, a consideration of the com ing bankers convention which is to be held November 11th and 12th this fall. At that time a most com prehensive program will be present ed and with talent from the State University, the convention being arranged to be held at the State Farm. This will during the course of the summer require much of the time of Mr. "Hall in looking after the program and other matters con nected with it, like the groop con ventions which must be held over the state in preparation for the event of the fall. Charter Xo. 1132 In the Plate of Xe- brasKa at the close of business March 2'J. li26. Iloads association. Cosi of gasoline, it says, is one- fourth the cost of operating a car, figuring gasoline 23 per cent, de preciation 22 per cent, repairs 17 .1 l. .. ' -1 I eillll iiaic uanniii 1 A i. , - - ..1.J-. n...r. I . . . . niouin juurnai, a seiiuvyeeiny newo-i j ce-oiscounts 51,829.67 74,491.99 679.50 1,183.63 128,186.79 none paper printed in said county, fori?nis payable ........... ".jwo one successive week prior to said i iPQ.tor guaranty fund . . 1,073.54 TOTAL $154,901.37 day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and the seal of per cent, tires 15 per cent, garage; said court, this 5th day of April taxes 7 Alida Blair Buried Wednesday Mrs. Aldia Blair, who has made her home in Greenwood for the past eighteen years died at her home in Greenwood early last week, the (funeral services being held at her late home on Wednesday, lats week Jand being conducted by the Rev. i Jeffrys, pastor . of the Methodist church, with wheih she was affli . ated. The interment was made at Jthe- beautiful ' Greenwood cemetery, i where it will await the trumpet sound of the Angel of the resurrec jtion. Mrs. Blair was born in Penn sylvania some 77 years since, and jwas the mother of thirteen children all of which preceeded her to the other world with the single excep- tion of a son. Milan Blair who makes his home in Lincoln. There Due from National and State hanks.. $ Checks and- items of exchange .... Cash in bank .... U. Bonds in cash reserve 5.S06.SS 622.10 1,571.69 2.000.00 10,000.67 TOTAL 61,314.92 LIABILITIES Capital stock $ 10,000.00 .-Mirpius iiina Vndivided profits (Net) Individual dfpositH - subject to check.. $ 22,427.27 Demand certificates of deposit 3,000.00 Time certificates of deposit 19,433.10 Cashiers' checks cutstandinK 100.00 Due to National and State banks He-discounts Bills payable Depositors' guaranty fund.. 14 per cent, interest and 48,29.j.2.. I per cent, oil 2 per cent. The road association will ask the 2,ss3.oo I next legislature for an additional i 133.50 1 per cent to the present 2-cent gaso line tax, the increase to be used for county roads. Outlines Program. Its pamphlet says: 'The 1-cent added gasoline tax will produce $1,250,000. The com bined 1-cent added gasoline tax and 70 per cent of the registration fees will give to the county boards of the state about $3,250,000 for the A. D. 1926. (Seal) II. DUXBURY, County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING Of Petition to Sell Assets. 000.00 1,118.88 1 development of the county highway system The present 2-cent gasoline tax and 30 per cent of the registration fees will be left for construction and maintainance of the state high- 4 t.9G0.?7 1 way system The assnelatinn nlr nrnnnsPS to none I restore auto license fees to the for- nonelmer neure nf I? n rnr -mnro than 235.67 1 now charged. Nebraska ranks thir- total 61,314.92 ty-Seventh in average license fees per motor vehicle State of Nebraska 1 Lancaster County J -I, Theo. Miller fnslilr of th ahnva "aroed- bank, do solemnly swear that .iiauuve statement is a .true ana cor rect copy Df the report made to the rii.umeni or Trade and commerce. . A THEO. MILLER. Attest: Cashier. . O. THOMAS. Director. D. at. THOMAS, Director. One Man's Experiencei. The association gives the experi ence of one farmer who hauls his produce to tne Omaha market Dy truck, as follows: 'A farmer living near Waterloo, Neb., who hauls his produce to Omaha by truck, found it necessary to detour over a dirt road while the , suh.scrii.ed and sworn to before me payment was being laid in 1925. this 8th day of April, 1926. I He reports that it required sev en gallons of gasoline to take his truck load to Omaha and return (Seal) H. A. MATHIESEN. Notary Public. (My commission expires May 14, 1928.) lover the dirt road and only four In the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, ex rel. Clar ence A. Davis, Attorney Gerenal, plaintiff vs. Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, defendant Notice is hereby given to all parties interested, creditors, debtors and stockholders of the above named bank, and all oihers to whom it may concern, that on the 8th day of April, 1926, the Guarantee Fund Commission of the State of Nebraska and the receiver of the above named bank filed a petition herein praying for an order directing said receiver to sell at public sale all the remain ing assets of every kind and descrip tion, 'belonging to said bank, or in the possession of, or under the con trol of said receiver, except stock holders liability. There will be a hearing on said petition on the 24th day of April, 1926, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the court house in Plattsmoutn, Nebraska, or as soon thereafter as same can be heard by the court. GUARANTEE FUND COM State of Nebraska ") ss. County of Cass J I, Wm. J. Rau, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statfment is a true and cor rect copy of the report made to the Department of Trade and Commerce. WM. J. RAU. Attest: Cashier. F. H. STANDER. Director. AUG. C. FAUTSCH. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me tliis 6th day of April, 1926. CECELIA RAU, (Seal) Notarx Public. (My commission expires Feb. 5, 1932.) Advertise your want In the Jour nal for results. Used Tractors All Kinds and Makes All ready for work and at prices that are right. Come and See Us for a Demonstration By C. sKlKlHEa0dSTATEiWe sure can satisfy you. E. J. DEMPSTER, Receiver of Bank of Cass Co. Plattsmouth Neb. I M. Skiles, Their Attorney.. . T . - ... ai2-2w Wehawka, Nebr. Leo Switzer