J PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1926. PAGE FOUR Greenwood Ns. Pe.partmeotS Prepared in the Interest of the People of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity Irvin Hier shelled corn last Wed-1 for a mastoid which has come be srtav whih delivered to the hind one of his ears and is giving Rehmeyer elevator at Alvo P. V. McCoy and V. l vwins are both having a suscle with the grippe, but are both able to be out again. . TVfra .T W Davidson of Lincoln this gentleman much trouble Mrs. W. C Baucher has been at New London, Iowa for the past CCtt T ALJ 1 QUI. J illness of her sister, and where she is caring for the sister during her : 1 1 was visiting with her motner ami nmtoo. sister the latter Mrs. A. F. WeibkeJ Guy Franks has been reconstruct during the week. S the chicken houses on the farm M R Nitz of Wann, was visit-; where he lives, and getting them. in ing at the home of Walter Lenhart shape for the little chicks of which and George Tonak. he being a bro- he has a large number and more to ther of Mesdames Tonak and Len- follow soon. hajt I Gale Baily and wife of Big Springs Irvin Conn was delivering some who have been making their home oianinn in Oreen- mere ior some nine ie "sume wheat at the wood during the past week, which he has stored in bins since the har vest time. Walter McLaughlin and wife in here at this time and are the guests at the home of Mr. Baily's parents, W.- P. Baily and wife. E. M. Jardine was looking after Lincoln ..:..:s nroonnnm f mm ' some Dusiness inaiiers in their home near Ashland on last; during last Wednesday, called there Friday and were looking after some business matters. P. A. Sanborn was spending last Sunday in Omaha where he was vsiting with the wife who is car ing for a granddaughter who is at tending school there. L. D. Mullen, living near the rustling little city of Alvo, was called to Greenwood on last Wed nesday to look after some business, driving over in his auto. J. V. Stradley had a sale of very fine Poland China hogs in Green wood last week, at which there were a large number of out of town buyers, and all satisfied. Mesdames A. E. Landon, Sherly Burks and Miss Catherine Coleman were visiting and doing some shop ping at Ashland on last Saturday they driving over in their car. Goodhart Vant went to Omaha last week where he seeks treatment to attend to some business in con nection with the purchase of a num ber of new Chevrolet cars. II. A. Rolland, post office inspect or of Kansas City was at Green wood on last Tuesday and went over ness at the Searle Chapin lumber yard on last Wednesday called here on account of the moving of the man ager, George Bucknell who is hav ing his goods moved from Beatrice to Greenwood and getting them in the house ready for housekeeping James Sanborn who was also among those who inherited the grippe during, the past few weeks and was kept away from his garage on that account was able to return to his work again with the first of last week just in time to allow Fokey to have a lay off. Tihs has kept Mr. Sanborn rather busy with two of his men not able to look after their, work. Marvin Hoenshell who is an em ployee of the Burlington, having his home and headquarters at Oma ha was in Greenwood during the past week and was having; a crew or worKers cleaning out the ditches along the tracks between Green wood and Waverly getting them in readiness for drainage, for portec- tion of the tracks from the coming spring rains. James Greer was a passenger to Build a Better City Here at Home the bopks and records of the Green- Omaha on last Wednesday where he wood post office, and round every- went to look over the offerings at thing in first class condition. the stock yards in regard to feeders Emniitt Landon who was kept and with the intentio nof purchas from his work last week was able ing a carload if what he was de to return and take charge of the siring could be obtained at a satis Farmers Elevator early during the factory, price. Mr. Greer has an ex week and is getting along nicely, cellent place in which to feed cat- about baving gotten over his ill- tie and well knowing the art of ness. ' feeding cattle and making them the John Mefford and son Grant were best, visiting' in Plattsmouth last Tues-J E. A. Leesley who has, been con day, they driving over in their auto fined with the small pox for some to look after some business matters time was released from quarentine as well as to attend the meeting of on Sunday (yesterday) and all are the County Assessors which was in now at - liberty. There were seven session there at that time. children in the ' family and by t the Earnest and CarL Brockmueller, effective vaccination . which, was were hauling wheat at the Peters given by Dr. Talbot, and all of which Elevator company in Greenwood last took effectively, none of the peo Wednesday which belonged to Carl ( pie who were at the home and re- and his father, and which they were.mained there took the small desiring to get out of the bin. a, the home and on the market. snows me emciency or tne vaccination. The prospects for a Greenwood are bright. Re member you who build, I move houses, do excavating and general contracting. Frank Rouse Greenwood - - Nebraska 100-Seed Corn-100 by State Test! Varieties; large extra ear!y"Butch er Learning:;" Minnesota "Thir teen;" "Golden Glow;" "White Caps;" Saint Charles.' varieties. $3.00 Per Bushel Graded! V. E. FAILING Greenwood, Nebraska Mrs. Dora Anderson now of Lin- coin, and Charles and Richard btttr Schulke. and also II. M. Hanson who cuci , . , , . , . I were an at usmjsu, w.tacuu&iu lasi week called there by the death of Julius Schulke and where they at tenedd the funeral, returned home on last Monday evening. Raymond Howard who was taken to the hospital weher he underwent an operation for the curing of a mastoid which had grown on his neck near one of his ears returned home following the operation and is reported as doing nicely since go ing through The trying ordeal. Mrs. W. E. Hand was a visitor in Lincoln during a number of days of last week, and while there was a guest at the home of her son, War ren Hand, and on her return brought two of the little grand children home with her for the week, dur ing which there was no school at Lincoln. Fokey Gustafson the geniel me chanic at the Sanborn Service Sta tion, has been unable to be at his work and was for a time confined to his bed by an attack of grippe, hut at this time is feeling much better and is out and at his work again, for it takes a lot to keep a good man down. John Stolzenberger was in Green wood and looking after the busi- AU early Jbr Economical Transportation Authorized. Sales and Service! Ask us to show the performance of this moderi won der car. Repair shop, supplies, accessaries, gasoline and oil. -Jardine Footer Ccmpany- E. M. JARDINE, Proprietor Greenwood, Nebraska Sustains Severe Injury. Last Saturday while attempting to descend the qellar stairs, Mrs. Martin Doud accidently caught her foot which tripped this excellent lady precipitating her at the bottom of the stairs headlong, with the result that both arms were fractured, the right one at the wrist while the left one was brok en . at the elbow. Dr. W. H. McFad-en- hurried the unfortunate lady to the Esther hospital at Lincoln where the fractures were reduced and the patient is resting as well as could well be expected under the circumstances with the injuries a? severe as they were besides the fractures. Mrs. Doud was bruied in many plaees over her head and body which added to her suffering and soreness. Her many friends are hoping that she may have a speedy recovery and that she soon may be able to return to her home well and sound, again. - TURATI TAKES UP REINS The Ideal factor Car! The Buick, the modern car unsurpassed for power, is most flexible, comfortable and enduring. A thing of beauty and rare service. Just ask any BUICK owner. See Us for Demonstration Bert Reed, of Weeping Water, will be pleased to. serve you in that territory or see J. B. Livingston, dealer for the Plattsmouth territory. Both will demonstrate free. Try. a Ride, in the Very Best Modern Motor- Car O. F. ARID.SRS.6.B3. Greemvood, Nebraska Rome, .March 31. Intransigeance remains the watch word of the secre tariat of the fascist party, but whereas the slogan of Roberto Farinacci, the retiring secretary-general, "was mer ciless intransigeance towards our en eniies.' August Turati, the new chieftain of the black shirted mass is "unflinching intransigeance towards ourselves." The new secretary appointed with four vice secretaries after a night long session of the supreme fascist organization, began his tenure of office with a practical illustration of his determination to work hard and avoid unnecessary oratory. In one of his brief statements, Turati said that his advent to power did not indicate a change of policy. Intransigeance towards the few re maining organized opposition groups, he asserted, would continue but would occupy a secondary role, "because of the enormous consensus of opinion in favor of the regime." "A more important factor would bo self criticism and self perfection of the fascists." " uive impressive Musical Program for Good Friday Methodist Church Has Very Beauti ful and Impressive Service Last Evening. From Saturday's Daily The observance of Good Friday, a day hallowed in the christian world as an anniversary of the pas sion and death of tne Savior, was most fittingly carried out, last eve ning at the First Methodist church, a musical worship in keeping with the impressiveness of the event given by the choir of the church. The services were opened by the prayer by the pastor, itev. ranK Emory Pfoutz, fittingly dedicating the services of the evening. The choir selected for the impres sive musical observance of the eve ning selections from the "Seven Last Words of Christ" by DuBois and also the "Pardon" from "Penitence, Par don and Peace," by Mauder, each of these being very beautifully given and in the true reverence that the occasion merited. It was one of the most inspira tional Good Friday services that has been held in this city and one that worshipers of all the christian faith could join in true spirit of peni tence and worship. The solo parts of the selections were taken by Clifford Cecil, Mrs. E. H. Wescott, Mrs. Ed Roman and Leroy Fager with the wonderfully trained and beautiful voices of the choir chorus assisting in giving the numbers a real reverence and impressiveness. R.ev. Pfoutz. pastor of the church. gave a snort sermon, unrisi s iasi Night," giving the story of the hour n the garden when the vision of the world redeemed from sin and m- spried by the Savior to lay aside the weakness of the earthly man and as cend the cross -to give redemption to the world. The pastor urged his audience to heed the sacrifice on:the cross by their lives leading to the realization bf the vision of the Christ of the" world loosened from the bonds of sin. EDWARD CHASE IMPROVING From Saturday's Dally The condition of Edward Chase, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brantner of this city, continues very favorable at the Methodist hospital in Omaha. The little lad has been suffering from a very severe attack of sleeping sickness and for several days his recovery was practically given up but the young lad is now coming through the ordeal in. fine shape and it is hoped that in a few weeks he can return to his home here. Plattsmouth Debaters Win from Auburn Plattsmouth Team Checks the Vic torious Career of Nemaha County Debators. Davis Swears Knew Nothing of Cash Bribe Former Governor of Kansas Takes Witness Stand in Own De fense in Bribery Trial. .T..H..I..I,H..I..T..II I jMj.fr.H. j. H"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"H"H"H"f MANLEY NEWS ITEMS Teddy Harms was called to Omaha , to look after some business on Tues 1 day of this week. George L. Meisinger shelled and delivered his corn at Manley dur ing the past week. Louis Kreklow shelled and deliv ered corn to the elevator in Manley during the past week. Glen Meisinger shelled and deliv ered corn to the elevator at Man- pardon to Fred W. Pollman, convict ed banker. The son, who is being tried jointly, had asserted on the stand previously that his father knew nothing of the acceptance of the $1,250. Young Davis said it was a case of taking advantage of an opportunity to make "some easv money" that he learned From Saturdays Daily hv aPpi,ipnt that his father was issu- Yesterday afternoon at the high inr a Dardon to Pollman. and that school the Plattsmouth high school hie nierely got his father's consent and the Auburn high school de-tn ileliver tho document and on his bating teams met for the argument own account took the money that of the question that is this year pollman had offered. chosen for the southeastern Ne- The former governor dec:ared that braska district, "Resolved, That the to had issued the pardon in good Topeka, Kan., April 1. Testify ing in his trial on a charge of brib ery, former Governor Jonathan M Davis of Kansas Wednesday declared iey on Tuesday of last week. that his son, Russel Davis, had acted j John Stander was a visitor in without his knowledge and consent , plattsmouth where he was called by in accepting $1,250 in delivering a;a very important business, he hav- members of the president's cabinet faith and asserted that his suspicions were not aroused when Russel asked that he be allowed to take the pardon to Pollman. He admitted that one sentence con tained in a statement which he ad- should have the right to the floor in congress. The debate was judged by J. P. Showalter of the Omaha Tech high school and the decision was given to the Platsmouth team who mad? dressed to the public after the expose WHO STARTED THE FIRE? MRS. SHELBY LOSES SUIT Los Angeles," April 1. Mrs. Char lotte Shelby, mother of Mary Miles Minter was informed Wednesday of the fioss of her battle Tuesday, in the stiouisiana courts to secure her mother's entire estate, said to con sist of gas lands valued at $1,400, 000. The court, the report stated,' award ed half of the land which Mrs. Julia B. Niles left and which lies in the Monroe (La.) oil belt, to Mrs. Hazel Jordan of Mobile, Ala., granddaugh ter of the deceased woman and niece of Mrs. Shelby. Mrs. Jordan attacked the right of Mrs. Miles to leave the entire estate to Mrs. Shelby, whom she charged hypnotized and influenced the aged woman, while she was visiting her In Los ' Angeles. Mrs. Jordan intro duced a will giving her half the es tate. The court held this w;ill to be void. From Saturday's Dally The Plattsmouth golf course has boasted a very interesting hazard on the 7th faraway that has proven a tumbling block to the aspirations of many a budding golfer, but which was the pride and joy of the grounds com mittee as making the course much more difficult ; for the golfers and making them exert their skill in mak ing through this hazard. At the place of the hazard there is a small ditch and in addition four mall sized trees have grown up round an old stump and which made t necessary for the golfer to drive Mover both the ditch and the trees. Now. a few days ago the grounds committee was startled to find that omeone had burned the trees and hereby made the going on the sev enth faraway much easier. Who started the fire is a deen dark mystery hat would require the services of Sherlock Holmes or Dr. Watson to unravel although it is plain to the grounds committee why the, offending rees were removed. The committee has been working on clues that have been uncovered at the scene ofi the fire and as the chair man of the grounds committee is also the ex-president of the fire depart ment and an expert in handling fire causes he has been able to gather up several finger and foot prints as well as cigarette. butts and other clues that have led to suspicions as to the fire's origin. While the committee and other of the golfers are not making public any of the clues it is intimated that sus picion has rested upon a well known tonsorial artist, a very enthusiastic golfer, and one of the jovial and genial financiers of the city. How ever the committee i3 not planning any prosecution and the course will remain as it is with the ditch the only obstacle of the seventh faraway. an exceptionally strnog showing. The Auburn team has won five of their debates so far and the first defeat of the season was that the hands of Plattsmouth. The Auburn debating team was composed of John Pierson, Miles Lambert, and Cleo Lechlietr. while the Plattsmouth victorious team was composed of Evelyn Robb, George Thacker and Violette Begley. Plattsmouth will debate Tech high here on Wednesday afternoon at the high school auditorium at 4 o'clock and which will be free to the public. of his son's actions were "not exactly the truth," but explained that the statement was hastily dictated and that he was so busy at the time that he go r got In the statement the elder Davis had denied any knowledge of a visi by Pollman to his son at the Davis farm a few days before the pardon was granted Today the former executive admit ted that his son had mentioned th Pollman visit. He testified, however that his curositv had not been arous id and that he did not question Rus sel in regard to the object of the par don applicant's call."1 ing to attend the show on April 1st. Fred Falischman and wife were visiting and looking after some business matters in Nehawka on last Friday driving over In their automobile. Miss Alice Harms was a visitor with friends for the week end at Lincoln where she spent the time most pleasantly from Friday eve ning until Sunday evening. Mrs. Charles Murphey was a visit or in Omaha for a number of days last week and on her return her (Laughter, Miss Anna Murphey re turned with her to spend Easter at Drys Assured Malt a Medicine, Not a Beverage R FUTURES TRADE CONTROL Drinker Who Gets "Edee" on 3.75 Product Will Pep with Sugar, Says Federal Chemist. Washington, April 1 face of the flurry caused by the word that 3.75 per cent malt tonic would be on sale shortly, prohibition offi cials Wednesday assured drys, dis turbed by the announcement, that they nerd fear no breakdown in en forcement and cautioned the drinkin population not to regard the extract Washington. Marcli 31. The sen ate agriculture committee which has been endeavoring to work out legis ion of benefit to the farmer, to reported n bill to prohibit trans actions in grain or cotton futures ex cept by persons under oath to make ctual deliveries. The measure, sponsored by Sen a tor Caraway, democrat, Arkansas who said farmers generally favored Calm in the Mts passage altho traders had indicat ed their opposition, would penalize telegraph companies and others in voiveu in transmission or orders as well as dealers in futures who violate its provisions. In addition to taking favorable action on the bill, the committee con tinuing its hearings on farm relief proposals, heard Charles L. Stewart, as a beverage. By no stretch of the imagination asociate professor of economics at the can the product be regarded as t niversity or Illinois, wlio today ap- "beer," said Assistant Secretary An- proved the McKinley farm export drews. in charge of prohibition, add-1 bill. ing that its sale was "practicable When the house agriculture com and reasonable." mittee temporarily sidetracked the If the public attempts to use the corn belt bill to stabilize the prices tonic as "beer," General Andrews of crop surpluses by collection of said it would be withdrawn instantly fee on farm products and listened to OLD TIME RESIDENT HERE Herman Nave, of Crete, Nebraska, is here visiting his son, C. H. Nave and family, who reside five miles west of this city on the old Callahan farm, where they have made their home for the past, two years. Mr. Nave, Sr., is not a stranger to this community as he resided here in 1SG6 when he first settled in the west and he enjoyed very much the sights in the old time home. Mr. Nave is an old friend of John L. Tidball, Sr., and C. A. Caldwell, one of the residents at the Nebraska Masonic Home, hav ing known these gentlemen in the years of their residence in Crete. arguments of Representative Lit tle, democrat, Kansas, in favor of his proposal for fixing of prices and storing of surplus wheat in bonded elevators. PILGRIMS TO JERUSALEM HOUGHTON TO RETURN BURSANK GAINING Washington, April 1. Ambassador Houghton, whose recent report of President Coolidge regarding Eu ropean conditions started a furore in diplomatic circles, will leave New York next Saturday on his way back to his post in London. MY BLACK Perch or on Horse from the market. He explained that the manufacturers of the extract, which will contain 25 per cent solids, had accepted responsibility for legi timate distribution. Similar Products Sold Solicitor Britt of the internal rev enue department took a hand in the discussion by expressing tne opinion Jerusalem. April 1. Jerusalem, ex that states could prohibit sale or tne alted- in the memory and iinagina tonic if they so desired, although it tion of Jews, Christians and Moham was pointed out that grocery stores medans. again is filling with thous generally nave on lianas products ands of Dilerims and tourists aa the containing more aiconoi wnicn, like annual Easter celebrations draw near the tonic, are unfit for beverage pur- The faithful, traveling by train and Pses- I automobile, on animals and afoot. Stressing the point that the tonic thru the oranee and banana sroves of won't be fit to drink, J. H. Doran, Jaffa and the Jordan vallev. across the proniuiuon oureau cnemist, saiu mat plain of Sharon, past Ano cactus and u man uy luiisunmig one yuan 01 rucalyptus treets. all are alike in it "probably Will get the equivalent thir Kinrrif v The irnslpmanrpcnm reaction one stiff drink of liquor hng to pray where Mohammed prayed: gives. I the Jews to wppn hpside the walls of their vanished temple, while the If a fellow gets an edge from this Christians are gathering around the malt," he predicted, "he will be so place of the crucifixion. full of malt sugar he will pop. Try I Members of American missionary and trim down this syrup with water and relief eocieties are vieing with and you will dilute it to the point the hopice3 and convents in extend where it is no good." ing ho?pitality to tourists from the If alcohol were mixed with it, he homeland. The American Near East added it might be drinkable, point- relief, which already has welcomed ing out that this could be done with 7,000 American tourists to the holy near beer. land this season has arraneer to have At the capitol there was another I groups of American pilgrims escorted lull Wednesday so far as prohibition to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is concerned. It didn't figure inland the Mount of Olives by children house or senate debate, although Sen-1 from its orphanages at Bethlehem and ator Kdge, republican, New Jersey, Nazareth. offered an amendment to his beer-bill home. Edward Flaischman of Nebraska City accompanied by Mrs. Flaisch men were in Manley last week a number of days where Edward was doing some repairing and other work at the home of his mother. John C. Rauth departed one day last week for York where he went to visit at the home of his son, A. F. Kauth and family and with the daughter, Miss Anna Rauth who is attending school there, remaining over Easter. William Sheehan was looking after some business matters and as well was in attendance at the assess ors meeting in the county seat as well as getting in readiness to go to the work of assessing with the beginning of the month. Balse Meisinger who has been living on the August Kerklow place, since last winter on last Thursday moved into the home of Joseph Macena and will have Uncle Joseph as a member of the family, he mak ing his home with Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bergman en tertained for dinner on last Sun day at their beautiful country home Mr. William Rauth and daughter. Teresa, and James Tighe. All en joyed the day most pleasantly and how could it be otherwise with friends in such a hospitable home. Miss Lida Flaischman will give a box social at her school which is Grand Prairie on Tuesday evening and. the proceeds are to go to the school for the improving of the in terior of the school and the put chasing of those things needed in the school which the law does not make provision for. Uncle Peter Vogler who has been confined to his home for. some tjine is still very poorly, and while he will not give up and go to bed he is not able to go out and has tolie down on a couch most of the time. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Rhoden hava had a baby which was quite ill for some time, but is reported as be ing some Better now. Frank Reister and wife with the two little girls, were over to Platts mouth last Saturday and were ac companied by Harold Kerklow, they looking after some business matters as well as visiting wiin inenus. While there Mr. Reister made the purchase of a new Dodge Brothers sedan which they drove home with and found a most excellent car. This will serve Mr. Reister and the family most excellently and will be car which will give them much pleasure and is very pleasing to Misses Irene and Dorothy, which think it fine. CLOSE OUT I have 2 48-A Beatrice cream sep arators to close out at $71.25. A. Tool, Murdock, Neb. School supplies at low est prices at the Bates Book Store. making states having enforcement laws exempt from its provisions, and slightly modified his bill removing the restriction on prescription whiskey. VANDERBILT YACHT ENDS TWO-SCIENTIFIC CRUISE' NATE HOUSE WINS Miami, Fla., April 1. Commodore William K. Vanderbilt sailed his yacht Ara into Miami harbor Wed- dttvact' nw Tiftwn nesday after a two months' scientific xw.LJj.LAb.bi UJM iuu cruige off the Atlantic and Pacific Broken Bow, Neb., April 1. wonas or $12,000, signed by an Omaha business man, six Broken Bow business men and his mother, won the release of Nate J. House, pend- coasts of Central and South Ameri ca. Abroad the vessel are about 25 or 30 specimens of ocean life which the scientist abroad the yacht has been unable to identify and which he be ing his appearance in county court on lieves may be eniirely new to science. April 5 to. answer charges of being a defaulter in the amount of $25, 000. Except for the statement that it is untrue that he attempted to escape wnen approached by, detectives at INJUNCTION HOLDS UP FLORIDA CITY PAYMENTS tram 18 Hollywood, Fla., April 1. The Coro Dxeo Pol ' A 1 T..1, Til 1 . 1 S- I lUC 11 1 ThKorTv.V P i.-iiuiuer wm lUUKe me season or lOR. C. several weeks ago, House re Bnrbanks condition was reported as -,- , 1 u r., oaticflnn., TJJ ! Ail lltJlIie. UI1 Lilt; (J1.U. v wiumnu Ull IUC LUOt, noon, by Dr. John H. Shaw. The Car. Gapen, farm, 4 miles noted.scientist continued to rest eas- south of ' Plattsmouth.' lly and was. slowly gaining strength. according, to-a statement issued by . the nhvsician. I the time of his mntiirA in Vancouver, city government here ceased to Everything: in school- W. OUUC'at Bates Book Store. function on a 'paying basis Wednes day afternoon, according to- official announcement by City Manager Windham. Taxpayers have obtained injunctions against further dis bursements of city funds pending court hearing, which is not expect ed to be held for 60 days. Searl S. Davis Farm Loans Investments Insurance Real Estat I! I V i. V I