The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 05, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY. APRIL 5, 1926.
Cbe piattsmouth lournal
Xmtr4 at Postofflc. Flattmoutn. Nb ma coad-otua mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Who is he that overcometh the
world, but he that believeth that
Jesus is the Son of God? I John 5:5.
Charley Chaplin has a new son,
second child.
Senate invokes subpoena
tariff secret.
to get
More snow predicted and here it
is the first of April.
The longer the names of some of
those Italian singers the worse they
After dusting off the old phono
graph records hit them with a heavy
You can't tell if a man with spring
fever is stretching himself or telling
a fieh tale.
Some folks conceal scandal, while
others turn it into literature and cash
in on the proceeds.
Borah's move on resolutions brings
surprise and apprehension, he has
the "wets" guessing.
Crying at movies is foolish. The
same tears used at home will get a
woman a spring hat.
Some men are so brave. A Chicago
doctor had three wives and Obregon
wants to run for president of Mexico
again. i
Big bows for women's slippers are
coming back in style. But they'll
never detract attention from salmon
colored hose.
The Prince of Wales is not doing! A town nas reached the metropoli
an the faling over in Europe. The tan c,ass when tne speed cases in its
franc seems to be somewhat of a
tumbler itself.
Static: Trying to get China in the
dining room with a two-tube set j
while wife rattles the china in the
kitchen nearby.
When the Charleston has made its
run a new dance will have to be or- (
iginated for the benefit of the news-,
paper paragraphers.
An Englishman has written a song.
entitled "Give a Man a Horse He Can
Ride." Wonder if the Prince of Wales;
inspired this number?
A famous psychologist claims every j
man has a double. Then every man
can rest assured there is someone
who is as unattractive as he. I
The back to the farm movement
is all right, but the moonshine still
back of the farm causes more loss in
the long run than it does gain.
More trouble on Wall street. Stocks
are to the lowest level for a year."
Rails bare blunt' of continuous slump,
half a year's gain lost in one month.
An Atlantic City bathing beauty
is being sued by her husband for a
divorce. He claims he gets no "show" .
for publicity or honors when she's
around i
f Dr. John A. GriflFin t
Office Hours: 9-12; 1-5.
Sundays and evenings
by appointment only.
Soennichsen Building
4 T-T--T-I--I -I I
!-M M-I.
Hudson and Essen
United States Tires!
Phone 58. Piattsmouth, Neb.
If the dollar bill is discontinued,
what will a poor man do for a "roll?"
What makes this modern poetry
so interesting is guessing at what it
Ants and poison ivy are eager to
meet the picnickers and summer
When driving over rough roads a
soft top is just as important as a
soft seat.
When planting your garden re
member that jelly beans will not grow
in this climate.
Did you get April fooled by kick
ing that old hat with a brick under
it on the sidewalk?
The Catholic Daughters of America
propose building a $2,000,000 hotel
for working women in New York
A cheap bluffer is a fellow who
wraps a twenty dollar bill around a
few ones and flashes his roll on every
That recent cool snap was termed
a belated one by the weather man.
Belated or not, it certainly made up
for lost time.
Wouldn't it be nice if some of
those agitators could be persuaded to
make a record altitude airplane fight
and stay up?
The trouble with most farmers' sons
is that they think the "back to the,
soil" movement means turning their
backs to the farm.
c"y court overstep the plain drunk
and disorderly class.
A subscriber thinks life is like a
ball game. A great many people get
Put out at first; some few reach third
base and only a few score.
Postal rate cut advised by Post-
master General New. Would carry
private cards for one cent and initiate
'C. O. D." business reply card.
Twenty-four lawyers disbarred by
Meilon for collusion. Allegations
.,-- QfOTV1Tt v,r,K0 inQ qt nit
employes and obtain extra lists.
This is the season of the year when
the following conversation may be
heard over any back yard fence: "Say,
neighbor, can I borrow your hoe and
' .nl-n "Vattr. w.rr
Luuaj "
'em mvself- "
The British, we sometimes suspect,
are not as keen traders as they are
' . -k t x,
never occurred to them that Uncle
Sam might knock off a big chunk of
that war debt if they would only ex
tradite the Countess Cathcart.
1 1 np f
I ruck and I ransfrer
L - I - N - E
Call Phone 342-W
or see me at the Vajlery Sales
Pavilion, Piattsmouth
Wade Porter
t&Tlj Stock Hauling a Specialty
it on the x'"'" y
dealer's vFf
COUmCr y J
jfOy J , for yur
Lfo uXo TmT
the best Peppermint
Chewing Sweet for
any money C13 K
Quoting Bishop Manning, well
in cuumry as me neaa oi;against gaid estate, with a view to
a large body of churchmen in the their adjustment and allowance. The
great state of New York, the Cincin-itime limited for the presentation of
nati Enquirer voices a strong plea'clail arains sai,d0 St?te is Athrf,e
, , , , , . . .months from the 12th day of April,
for a gladsome Sabbath. "Bishop A D 1926 and the time limlted for
Manning urges that the Sabbath be payment of debts is one year from
made a day of gladness," says theUaid 12th day of April. 1926.
i 1 T a 1 X 3 M
He declares that blue laws!
are harmful to the church. He rec
ognizes the greatness of the Puritan
people and thus acknowledges the in
debtedness of the world to them for
a considerable dowery of virtue and J
for their unbending adherence to the
basic principles of liberty, although
they strangely warped these principles
into grotesque perversions of alleged
Replying to the quesflon as to ob
servance of the Sabbath day, Bishop
Manning has declared that observance , day Qf Apri, A jj. 1926 and on
should not ba compelled by law. "We tne 27th day of July, A. D. 1926, at
cannot make the people go to church ten o'clock a. m., of each day, to re
bv law and we do not want to. The!ceivre and examine all claims against
, ' . - . , . , 4. said estate, with a view to their ad
laws function is to get for all the ' , . .
justment and allowance. The time
opportunity to observe the Lord's day limited for the presentation of claims
if they wish to do so." The Enquirer against said estate is three months
adds: "There is nothing sacrosanct from the 2Gth day of April, A. D.
about any dav of the week. The sun 1926- and he .time limited for pay
J ment of debts is one year from said
shines, the birds sing, the waters 2cth day of April. 1926.
murmur, the fllowers blossom on Sun-, Witness my hand and the seal of
day as on any other day. If the hu- said County Court, this 15th day of
man heart is right, every day is a Marcn. 1S
Sabbath a Sabbath of happiness, ! (geal) m22-4w
with the soul attuned to all the divine.
harmonies of nature and life."
Thprp is nn ripnvine the arciiment
It is well to have a day of rest, but'
there can never be in America, a
compulsory church attendance or die-
tation as to the way in which the
Sabbath shall be observed. The Cin-
... .
cinnati newspaper goes on to say.
"Worship is good. Men differ as to
forms and methods of worship. That
J a! - m - . I . i 1 3
" "ie oi men. aui 11 ""-
the urge is in one's soul and is
gratified in some manner. One may
see God in the stars, hear Him in the
, , . -
winas anu ater,, hee mm .ii ie
color-tones of the flowers, the hues of
the rainbow arch, or in the eyes of
womea and children; feel Him in the
clasp of friendship ?.nd in the touch
. . . . . . ,
of baby fingers. And so may truly
worship Him."
Blue laws create discontent, annoy-
J ance, cause unbelief as to the love
and kindness of Providence and turn
from, rather than toward, the church j " NOTICE OF HEARING
those who are asking questions and Estate No. of Adam Hild. de
perhaps inclined to doubt the mercy ceased, in the County Court of Cass
and goodness of the Maker of All county, Nebraska.
Things. Blue laws were originated in The State,' Nebraska. Jo all per-
Rons intprpstpfl In Mid pstatp irodi.
i hate and for the purpose of depressing
certain individuals; they are extend- ael Hild his filed his petition alleg
ed and carried on through prejudice that Adam Hild died intestate in
and a misconception of Divine com-
manu. i ue ueeu lut iuu, il ii ever
existed, has passed.
Women in Chicago cleaned up a
, , ... : .
restaurant, throwing dishes against
the wall and breaking up furniture.'
They chased every man out of the
shop, were arrested, taken to the
police station, and fainted. Just like
'Situation in Tacna-Arica Dispute
Somewhat Muddled," says the ever
reliable associated press. Nothing
Darticularly new about that. The Tac-
na-Arica situation has always been so
AA,A ,h ti, Hil!nt!lMll
muddled that even the disputants
don't know what it is about. .
:o: '
Yellow Dent, 1924 crop, best qual- decreed to be the owners in fee sim- cording to the prayer of said petl
ity, in the ear. Shows a germination pie of the above described real estate, tion.
test of 95 to 100 per cent. Single which has been set for hearing on Dated this 29th day of March, A.
picked, $1.50; double picked, $2.50 the 1st day of May, A. D 1926. D. 1926.
bushel. At farm one quarter mile Dated . at Piattsmouth, Nebraska, WILLIAM F. STOCK,
south of Murray on Walker place, this 29th day of March. A. D. 1926. j Plaintiff.
ml8-tf bw (Seal) m29-3w County Judge. a5-4w His Attorney.
Thirty-three per cent of drunken
automobile drivers go unpunished by
the authorities, is the statement made
by Marcus A. Dow, director of the
Stewart-Warner Safety Council. The
statpmpnt is hased on rpnnrts frnm
... . ,. ,1cr , .
chiefs of police of 185 cities and towns
which show that 14,595 persons were
arrested for driving automobiles
while intoxicated in 1925 and I46, -
766 arrests were made for speeding'
" b
or reckless driving where no intoxi-
cation was charged. These cities rep-
rsent 34 state and the District of
Columbia. , I
.., . t , I
et every automobile with an in-
toxicated driver at the wheel becomes
a potential death car and every car
in the hands of a reckless driver a
urau tpuU.
A compromise bill designed to
handle the export surplus problem of
Amprirnn a jxrlfMil t lire han loaf hwn
presented to the house committee,'
but it is doubtful about its passage.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Lu
cinda Brittain, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Piattsmouth in said county, on the
12th day of April, A. D. 1926, and
on the 13th day of July, A. D. 1926,
at ten o'clock a. m., of each day, to
receive and examine all claims
" my iwnu anu me seai oi
saia county court, tnis Bin aay or
March, 1926
(Seal) ml 1-4 w County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
H. Sibert, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I
will sit at the County Court room in
A. H.
County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
ty ss
'In Jhe County Court
in the matter of the estate of
Maria Lau, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
w. git &t the County Cf)Urt' room ,n
piattsmouth in said county, on the
3rd day of May, A. D. 1926, and on
thp d i Yl HflV rt All IT"! 1 C t A Tl 1 QOfi
I" " " V ' "" V
dav. to receive and examine all
0iaimg against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow-
ance. The time limited for the pre-
sentaiion or Claims aeainst said es-
tate ig tnIee months from the 3rd
day of May, a. D. 1926, and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 3rd day of May,
19Jj: t , . . .
Witness my hand and the seal of
saW County Courtf this 2)tn day Qf
March, 1926.
(Seal) a5-4w County Judge,
tors and heirs take notice, that Mich-
rTlattsrmut, 'eT? ska' on r abou '
May 5th- 1920, being a resident and!
inhabitant of Piattsmouth, Nebraska,
and the owner of the following de-
scribed real estate, to-wit:
4 Lot eight (8). ir Block nine-
ty-seven (97), in the City of
piattsmouth, Cass county, Ne-
leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law .tne following named persons,
Elizabeth Katherine Hild,
widow; and Michael Hild, Fer
dinand Jacob Hild, George Mich
ael Hild, Philip Adam Hild,
Fredrick Leonard Hild, Anna
Katherine Puis and Emma Eliz
abeth Friedrich, children-
and praying for a decree barring i
claims; that said decedent died
testate; that no application for ad-
ministr'ation nas ben made and the
estate of said decedent has not been
'administered in the State of Nebras-
.1 ii... il. i. : l tA
00 iAAn rot tstiall ka
On Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
The State of Nebraska, Cass count
ty. 68.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Elizabeth Katherine Hild, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of George M Hnd praing tJat ad
ministration of said estate may be
granted to Michael Hild as adminis-
, rde'G?n f h
1926, at 10 o clock a. m., is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter
may appear at a county court to be
neld ,n a"d fr 8aid county- and f ho
cause why the prayer of petitioner
snould not be granted; and that
notice of the pendency of said peti-
tion and the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested in said matter
iDy puDiisning a copy 01 mis oraer in
jthe piattsmouth Journal, a semi
(weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks,
prior to said day of hearing.
i Dated March 29th, 1926.
County Judge.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
In re Application of Betty Bar
rows, Guardian of Charles Barrows,
a Minor, for License to Sell Real
Now, on this 1st day of April, A.
D. 1926, there was presented to the
Court, the petition of Betty Barrows,
guardian of Charles Barrows, a
m?nor, for license to sell the undiv
ided one-third interest of Charles
Barrcws in Lots 3 and 4 in Block 12,
Latta's First Addition to the Village
of Murray, Cass county, Nebraska,
and the undivided one-third interest
of the said Charles Barrows in Lot
12. Block 18, Latta's Second Addition
to the Village of Murray, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, subject to the home
stead right of Betty Barrows in and
to Lots 3 and 4, in Block 12 in
Latta's First Addition to the Village
of Murray, Cass county, Nebraska.
And it appearing from such peti
tion that it is necessary and will be
beneficial to the said minor that said
real estate be sold; and it appearing
that a time and place should be
fixed and notice thereof given re
quiring the next of kin and all per
sons interested in the estate of the
said Charles Barrows, a minor, to
show cause why a license should not
be granted for the sale of such es
tate. It is therefore ordered, that the
next of kin and all persons interest
ed in the estate of Charles Barrows,
a minor, appear Derore tne uistrict
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 30th day of April, 1926, at 10
o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any,
why a license should not be granted
to the said Betty Barrows, guardian
of Charles Barrows, a minor, for the
sale of such estate.
It is further ordered that this
order be served upon the next of kin
and all persons interested in said es
tate by publication thereof for three
successive weeks in the Piattsmouth
Journal, a legal newspaper publish
ed and of general circulation in the
County of Cass, Nebraska.
By the Court.
a5-3w District Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
William F. Stock, Plaintiff, vs.
Phebe A. Ramsey et al. Defendants.
To the defendants: Phebe A. Ram
sey; George W. Ramsey, husband of
Phebe A. Ramsey; the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estates of Phebe A. Ramsey and
George W. Ramsey, each deceased,
real names unknown; Ellis,
husband of Maria Ellis, first and
real name unknown,; Ram
sey, wife of Joseph Ramsey, first and
real name unknown; Ram
sey, wife of John A. Ramsey, first
and real name unknown; David Em
rick; Jacob Mahin; the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estates of David Emrick and
Jacob Mahin, each deceased, real
names unknown; and all persons
having or claiming any interest in
and to the west half (W) of the
northeast quarter (NE) of Section
twenty-one (21), Township eleven
(11), North. Range ten (10), east
of the 6th P. M., in Cass county,
Nebraska, except that part thereof
owned by The Chicago, Rock Island
& Pacific Railway Company, real
names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that William F. Stock, as
Plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska on
the 29th day of March, 1926, against
you and each of you, the object, pur
pose and prayer of which is to ob
tain a decree of court quieting the
title to the west half (WH) of the
northeast quarter (NE) of Section
twenty-one (21), Township eleven
(11), North, Range ten (10), east
of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska, except that part thereof
owned by The Chicago, Rock Island
& Pacific Railway, Company, as
against you and each of you and
for such other relief as may be just
and equitable.
You and each of you are further
in-snotified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 17th day of May, 1926.
or the allegations therein contained
will be taken as true and a decree
T.oraf in tavnr nf Plaintiff anrl
acolnct Vflll O Tl fl fApl nf VOM P-
A Duroc Jersey boar weighing
about 225 pounds came to my farm
41 miles northeast of Nehawka.
The owner can have same by prov
ing property, paying for keep and
advertising costs. Otherwise, the
hog will be sold according to law.
m29-5w. Nehawka. Nebr.
To Joseph Harper: Jane A. Har
per; The Piattsmouth Land and Im
provement Company, a Corporation;
the successors and assigns of The
Piattsmouth Land and Improvement
Company, a Corporation, real names
unknown; Joseph Weckbach; Eugene
Weckbach; Louis Weckbach; Edward
Weckbach, son of J. V. Weckbach,
deceased; Catherine Weckbach; Mrs.
Lydia Heimes; William Weckbach.
Jr.; Mrs. John D. Tutt, first real
name unknown, widow of John D.
Tutt, deceased; Virginia Frady; Mrs.
Edna Forbes; Clarence W. Forbes;
Edward S. Tutt; Mrs. Edna Tutt;
Mrs. Mary Gharrett; Shirley Ghar
rett; Mrs. Georgia Gentry; Claude
Gentry; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees and personal representatives
of, and all other persons interested
in the following several estates re
spectively, to-wit: Estate of Joseph
Harper, deceased; Estate of Jane A.
Harper, deceased; Estate of Anton
H. Weckbach. deceased; Estate of
William Weckbach, deceased; Estate
of Anna Roth, deceased; Estate of
John D. Tutt, deceased; Estate of
Mrs. John D. Tutt, deceased, real
first name unknown, widow of John
D. Tutt, deceased; Estate of William
L. Browne, deceased;
All of Lots one (1) to ten (10),
both inclusive, in Block one (1);
Lots five (5) to twenty-one (21),
both inclusive, in Block two (2), ex
cept one and three-fourths (1)
feet off of the west side of said Lot
21; and Lots eight (8), nine (9) and
ten (10), in Block three (3), all in
Browne's Subdivision of Lot 17 in
northeast quarter of northwest quar
ter (NEU NWJ-4) of Section thir
teen (13), Township twelve (12),
North. Range thirteen (13), east of
the Sixth Principal Meridan; also
that part of said Subdivision describ
ed as "Park Place" in said Section.
Township and Range; also that part
of said Lot seventeen (17) not plat
ted as a part of said Browne's Sub
division of said Lot seventeen (17),
but designated in connection with
the plat of said Browne's Subdivision
as "Part Lot 17 not Platted." the
same being a tract of land, two hun
dred sixty-four (264) feet in length
east and west, and two hundred fifty
four and five-tenths (254.5) feet in
width north and south, lying along,
and abutting upon, the east side of
Waugh Avenue in the City of Piatts
mouth, and being bounded on the
south by the north boundary line of
said Block three (3) of said Browne's
Subdivision; also all real estate
formerly platted as streets or alleys
in said Browne's Subdivision, that
lies between any of the lots or tracts
hereinbefore described, except only
Matilda street: all in the City of
Piattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska;
and all persons having or claiming
any interest of any kind in said real
estate or any part thereof, real names
unknown; and all persons having or
claiming any interest of any kind in
said "Park Place," above described,
real names unknown. Defendants:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on February 20th, 1926,
Inez Stenner and Gertrude Stenner,
plaintiffs, filed their petition in the
District Court of Cass county, Ne-
orasKa. agamsi uu. ;"u
Oiners, lue uujcli 1"J" u"hrV nn tho 13th rtnv of Jnnunrv
which petition and action are that a
decree be enacted in said Court in
sa d action that plaintiffs are the ab -
solute owners in fee simple of all of
he real estate above described, and
in the peaceable, open, adverse, ac
tual possession thereof; that none of
the defendants have any right, title,
interest or estate in, or lien upon,
said real estate or any part thereof;
that the pretended interest, right
and title of the defendants and each
of them therein be canceled, that
the title to all of said real estate be
forever quieted in plaintiffs, and that
all defendants and each of them, and
all persons claiming by, through
and under them, be enjoined from
claiming or attempting to claim any
title or interest in or lien upon said
real estate; and for general relief.
The object and prayer of said peti
tion and action, among other things,
is to obtain foregoing relief, as
against any1" and all of the defend
ants named or otherwise designated
in said petition claiming any inter
est, right or title in, or lien upon,
above described real estate, or any
part thereof, based upon or relating
to any one or more of the following
designated instruments of record in
the office of the County Clerk (Reg-
later of Deeds) of Cass county. Ne-'Jn
braska. respectively to-wit: Mort-
gage oi isawara i. i nomas ana
Clara M Thomas, his wife to Anton , for a HcenfJe tQ sell f
H Weckbach and Henry M Soen- flye and B, ,n BIock twenty.five of
nichsen for $300.00 dated Febru- South Park Additlon t0 tne CIty ot
ary 24. 1904, recorded February 25. plattBmouthf Nebraska, or a suffici
1904, in Book 30 of Mortgages at ent amount of the same to brIng tn8
page 33: Plat and Dedication by sum of S500 n0 foP thp navmpnt nf
rwr y T CtK1(f
allegations thereof will be taken as
true and decree rendered according
The prohibition question seems to
be making the proverbial cat with
nine lives look like a plugged dime
when it comes to bobbing up after.
it is supposed to be dead.
wm. i. oruwiie i ouuu,..- debt3 aliowed affainst said estate and
sion, dated October 1, 1889, recorded the costfJ of admlni3tering the Bame,
November 8, 1889. in Book 19 at there not bel sufficIent personal
page 372; for the reasons respectively property to pay saId debts and ex
set forth in the petition. penses
You and each of you are required It ,s therefore ordered that all
to answer said petition on or before persons interested in said estate ap
the 17th day of May, 1926, or the npg. hefnre me In th nutria rm.rt
The First National Bank, located
at Greenwood, in the State of Ne
braska, is closing its affairs. All note
holders and other creditors of the as
sociation are hereby notified to pre
sent the notes and other claims for
payment to the Greenwood State
Bank of Greenwood, Nebraska, which
has assumed all the debts and lia
bilities of the First National Bank
under an agreement of merger be
tween them.
Dated December 31, 1925.
f4-9w. President.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Michael J. Rys, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Ann L. Rys praying that adminis
tration of said estate may be granted
to Ann L. Rys, as Administratrix;
Ordered, that April 19th, A. D.
1926, at ten o'clock a. m., is assign
ed for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the Piattsmouth Jour
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print
ed in said county, for three success
ive weeks prior to said day of hear
ing. Dated March 23rd. 1926.
(Seal) m29-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To A. D. Welton, Defendant:
You are hereby notified, that on
the 29th day of January, 1926, the
Cass County Investment Company, a
corporation, filed a petition in the
District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, against you, the object and
prayer of which is to quiet title in
itself and cancel a certain mortgage
alleged to be a cloud upon the title
to the following described real es
tate to-wit:
Lots 362 and 363, in the Vil
lage of Greenwood, Cass county,
and enjoin you and all persons claim
ing by, through or under you from
asserting any right title or interest
in or to the above described real es
tate. That unless you answer said peti
tion on or before the 10th day of
May, 1926, the contents of said peti
tion will be taken as true.
COMPANY, a Corporation,
J. C.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Henry M. Soennichsen, Plaintiff,
vs. Michael Preis ana Louisa rreis.
To the defendants Michael Preis
and Louisa Preis:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Henry M. Soennichsen,
r.lnfntm filol Vita rn IMnn In call)
District Court of Cass county. Ne-
u 92 6 agalnst you and each of yoUf
6 fa plaintiff sold
.and8df,ivered tQ defendants
wi &nd mercnandisef all of
necessaries of life, for
the support and maintenance of said
defendants and there is due plaintiff
from defendants the sum of $174.70,
with 7 interest thereon from June
26th, 1922, and in order to collect
the same, plaintiff has commenced a
suit in attachment and levied upon
your real estate in the City of Piatts
mouth, Nebraska. You are hereby
notified to appear and answer said
petition on or before the 3rd day of
iq,fi nnnnrifnr , iaw tha
ru, Qf gaJ(J courtt Qr judgment wlll
-e entered against you by default and
your real estate sold to satisfy the
m22-4w His Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Tn thn Ifattat nf ffia T"ot ito r f
M E Thompson, deceased,
Tne abQve came Qn fQr hear
the petltion of Frank A
cloidt administrator of the estate of
XTq, 0BDo n..
room ,n the courthoU9e in the city
of Piattsmouth. Nebraska, on the
j 24th day of April. 1926, at ten o'clock
a. m., to show cause why a license
should not be granted to said ad
ministrator to sell the above describ
jed real estate of said deceased to pay
debts and expenses of said estate and
that this order be published in the
Piattsmouth Journal for four success-
jTe weeiS preceding said time.
Dated this 11th day of March, A.
D 1926.
Judge of the District
ml 5-4 w