The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 01, 1926, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Thursday, ajrel i, me
Local Family
Suffers from
Severe Sickness
Plan Open Air
Easter Sunrise
Services Here
'ILXxk . &3
7bo good to be true!
But it is true that right here
and now we can give you a
suit like this
With 2 Pair of Pants
Made of finest wool yarns, tailored in the
latest style by well paid and high grade
tailors, & perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
E. Wesco
"See It Before You Buy It! "
ff N L8Sfe ippilft If - ' i
Bert McKinney Family Suffering Epworth league and Christian En-
From Afflictions and in Serious
Shape. at Their Home.
deavor to Sponson Early Morn
ing Easter Service.
! folks art- able to resume
Johnson Draws
10 Year Sentence
for His Crime
From Tuesday! Daily
The many friends in this city of!
;Mrs. Albert J. Godwin will be pleas-1
ed to learn that she is now doing,
very nicely at the sanitarium at Lin-j
coin and it is hoped that in the next
few weeks she may be strong enough
to return to her home here and well I , .
on the highway to complete recovery! Plead Guilty to the Shooting of Her
from her very severe nervous break-! bert Cochran, Columbus Youth
down. Mrs. Godwin has been at the) &t 0sCeola March 2Q.
caiuiariuni lor uie pabi lew wet-jis mu :
her treatment there has proven very
beneficial. usceoia, reo., larcn zv. r reu u.
Johnson, Osceola man held on a
EXECUTED MAN'S THYROID charge of shooting to death Herbert
Lille, France, March 30. A thy- guilty this afternoon and was
roid gland taken from a murderer sentenced to ten years in the state
who died by the guillotine was graft- penitentiary. He will probably be
ed into the body of an idiot girl one brought to the penitentiary some
year ngo, and has caused the child time Tuesday morning, according to
to become absolutely normal, accord- authorities.
ing to Doctors Lefort and Piquet. The Johnson was taken before thel
report of the doctors was made Mon- court at 2:30 p. m. He has been
Craig of Omaha. Galen Greenlee, Lil
lian and Edith Speicher, Freda Scholz
and Bernice Martys, all of Columbus. I
After spending some time at thel
; skating rink the party, with twelve-
cents among them, stopped under an I
electric light to decide with dice j
which boy should be given the
money to buy candy for his girl com
panion. Johnson appeared on the scene
and started to arrest what he took
to be members of a gambling party,
he said later, seizing the girl and
shouting to the boys that they were
Omaha Parties
Buy Additional
Real Estate
Bekin Van & Storage Interests
Omaha Secure Building Owned
By William O'Brien.
From Wednesday's Daily from anesaayn Many
The family of Ilert McKinney re-' The Epworth League society of the
siding in the extreme southern por- Methodist church and the Christian
tion of the city have in the past sev- Endeavor societies of the Presbyterian
ernl days been suffering very much ""'1 Christian churches are planning
from an affliction of sickness and sponsoring an open air sunrise serv
which has been very trying on the ice for Easter morning, providing
family and has also been a very heavy he weather conditions will permit
financial burden to them as the bus- these services being held,
band and father bar. been kept to his' The services are expected to be
home and caring for his family and held on the north portion of the higli
checking his earning powers so that school grounds and also on the Mann
the situation is one that should le- property wnere tiie view or tlie east
mand some attention until the sick 's unobscured and the sunrise
their usual enjoyed with all of its glory as the
first break of day comes to herald in
Mrs.- McKinney was taken sick the glad message of the Easter sea
witli smallpox and shortly after lfer sn.
illness the sixteen year old son was There is planned a song service in
stricken down with the same malady which all of the congregation will
and both have been confined to the fje asked to join in the hymns of re
home for some time. In the last few joicing at the message of the risen
lavs the eleven year old daughter or '-ord and paying honor and glory to
the family has been stricken with a t'ie triumph of the Christian faith
form of what seems to he sleepiug jover death.
sickness and her condition has been; A short devotional service is also
very grave. The severeness and the to be held and which it is expected
contagious nature of the sickness l'as wiIl be participated in by the pastors
compelled Mr. McKinney to remain of the Methodist, Presbyterian,
home to assist in caring for the sick , Christian and Evangelical churches,
people and as the result the family ! The purpose of the meeting will be
has been compelled to exhaust the in the nature of a community gather
greater part of thir financial sources inS and the public is cordially invited
in this time of quarantine. I to 3in in the services, no matter to
The friends over the city are plan- what church they may affiliate with,
ning to do what is possible in the In. case of the weather conditions
c:?e as well as the local chapter of the "eing unfavorable it is planned to
American Red Cross as the case is one j llo,(1 tne services elsewhere but an
that needs attention particularly ' nouncment of which will be made
owing to the serious condition of the!Iater aml in ample time for the pub-
young girl whose malady is of a llc lo arrange to be present.
nature that requires constant atten
They Used to Drop
into the cellar
When a Windstorm Game!
Now they drop into Davis'
office before it comes.
Searl S. Davis
Farm Loans
Real Estate
tion and care.
We are
as he is large
A reporter
for this
his nose. Another just missed Glenn
1 Yeltman of Osceola, and lodged in n
.1 i i i i
I garage uour, wniie a imru pas.seu
! Y i m rftn t riA a! Viat cirla orintL
day when they examined the girl on held at the state penitentiary until ; the ground in front of him. Cochran
the anniversary of the operation. recently when he was taken to Yorkiwa- rarried into a ,lr,, store -whom
and from York to Osceola for the in-1 ha A,oA .hrnortor. f n v,,,
tuesuay. : ater -witliout having gained con
1 seioiisness.
at lorK couiiiy jau uuu was urougni! Tlprhert Coehran was sixteen
under arrest. Thev ran. Cochran ami I From Velne.-.t3ay"s Daily
another going south on the west side i Some time ago the owners of the
of the street. Johnson drew his re- Bekin Van & Storage Co. of Omaha
volver and shot, intending to frighten , made the purchase of the three story
, v... .i i, . u nA tmiiiiinc at thr corner of 6th and , a mine luciii Muy. ji " . , , nm.thm likn tl,!c- "Tl,m- ci,r
firorl throo Athcr shnto no bo rn Maill Streets. Known US Hie Luair; .... ....... ...v.. j
south, dragging the
One bullet struck
nap If rf tho roan a
owned by William O lirien or umana
snots as he ran -nam nunu no mv.
he girl with him 'block, and they have Just closed the are a gogetter, just what does that
c Cochran in the deal for thq purchase of the addition- mean? ' asked the reporter,
and came out thru al property adjoining their building A gogetter does what others in-
very appreciative of
i many acts of kindness and sympathy
town v. J "rr,ve" ,n at the loss of our loving wife, mother,
town. oure wrong, it's not a ,ia .. .
bouncing baby but a great big chap ;return to our fr,en'd our
who stands over six feet high. Peo-jand most heartfelt thanks. PEs.
pie are going out of their way to ; n tn tUnnVr iU
see him because lies just as clever , Ir,infter anrt ,hnir f ti,. t in-,,
.v .uw A- IUI Jl, II Villi O
church, the pall bearers and all those
l.UJJti muri- r, o - j o o r? in tha cor-Snca or,
viewed this interesting fellow on hi3'frInM fr,r tno atifi
rrival and their conversation ran , t ,-o xn.. i
tik and Family.
From Wednesday's Daily
The fire department was called
this morning at 11:30 to the residence
of J. W. Sage at the corner of Sixth
and Pearl street where sparks on the
roof caused a small blaze. The fire
department made a very prompt re
sponse to the call and in a few mom
ents had the blaze well under con
trol, shortly after-their arrival. The
loss will be very slight and the own
er of the property feels very appre
ciative of the work of the firemen.
i i i V
The child was given up by physi
cians who pronounced her a congeni
tal idiot. She is now 2V2 years old.
and walks, talks and plays normally.
quest which began last
Since the inquest he has been held!,
Sheriff Peterson cf i
old and th eson of the janitress of
Cut we are still taking
orders for Baby Chicks
and Custom Hatching.
Visitors Invited
Red Bird Poultry
Phone 399 10 IS No. 11th
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
to Osceola by
- i
ioib. couuiy. the Columbus school building. Johc-
The court in passing sentence onisnn h.i Wt, pmninVoH w cwifr
Johnson said that he believed the:Van TTnn5PT1 nseenla tn nhtain vi-
4. crime was so near that of second ; dence aud information in liquor cases
degree murder that he felt compelled j and was known to carrv a pun mnch
to give the prisoner the maximum , of the time IIe i3 thirtv-five years
. sentence under the law-, of ten years, j old and ew up in the Qsceola com
The court also refused to grant the ; milTlitv lpgcinr th f9rm a fwr
request of Attorney W. A Prince j ago to take up auto pairing in
town. He has been twice married
and has two children.
of Grand Island who defended the
?. prisoner, when he asked for an in-
determinate sentence.
?. . The courtroom was jammed with
spectators. The prisoner's wife and
.? family were present. Johnson was
in tears as the sentence was paessd
as was his family. pure Rhode Island Red eggs for
Young Cochran had driven from ! hatching. $4 per 100. Phone 3C15,
J. Columbus to . Osceola Friday night, j Plattsmouth exchange.
March 20, when the shooting occured. MRS. FORREST LEONARD,
J. with Manley Farley and Clarence m29-4sw Mynard, Nebr.
Fashion Presents Varied Modes in Her Easter
Wraps and Marks them Very Low in Our
Pre-Easter Of ferine of
New Coats
$29.75 $39.75 $49.75 $59.75
Sizes for Misses and Women!
Whether you prefer a dashing cape coat - a slim
silhouette one enriched with embroidery or fur
you will find just the coat of your particular
selection in this group of smart spring wraps.
Each one has been selected with utmost care and
taste from fashion creators of acknowledged
Adding to the style and beauty of these coats are
the lovely materials among them are the rich
Marchan Twins.
The Ladies Toggery
Phoenix Hosiery
F. P. Busch, Manager
The latest addition to the
holdings is the building that is oc
cupied by the Lewis cafe while the
second floor of the building is devoted
to living apartments, and is well sit
uated in the main portion of the city
and a most desirable site for busi
ness purposes.
The building was purchased at a
tended to do
"What do you think of the rising
"The rising generation is hard to
'get up'."
Continuing his comments on the
present generation he added:
"There's always enough moisture
to sprout wild oats."
"Modern girls save mother steps
verv conservative figure by the Ut kin I dance steps
interests and will add very much t "Modern chickens give old hens
the value of their holdings lu re in I something to c ackle about."
this city. "Robbed heads are going out
It is a great plism-0 to learn that j every night."
as strong and reliable a financial com- "We still have model wives 192G
pany as the r.ew purchasers have gain- mortals."
ed control of the building as it!) When asked about the present day
Dc cdiie!! to tneir joinings 111 me iasnion me noy sain:
"Balloon pants require two steps
before the pants move."
"Oxford bags are getting the sack."
"Girls will not wear short skirts
any longer."
"Girls get marcelled to look good
over the week end."
adjoining building and be placed in
first clas shapo in every way.
The Bekin company is now having
the interior and second floor of the
Coates block cleaned up preparatory
to a general renovation and repaint
ing and repapcring of the interior and
also to make several changes in the
building that will improve it very
much and add to the value of the
tne purcnase or ttie bunding byj,nys name is En-ar-co and he's go
fuitside interests speaks well of the Unfr to help the PLATTSMOUTH
view of the city 'and its future andiMOTOR COMPANY sell En-ar-co
in control of the Omaha interests thej Motor Gil. He's going to stand in
structure will be placed in the very front of their rdace of business and
Parties residing in Plattsmouth) i
pricinct are hereby requested to
burn all trash and weeds along the' J
roadways in the precinct. These weeds T
interfere with the grading of the TT
highways and the proper drainage of
the same. See that your weed are jf
destroyed at once.
m22-4tw3td Read Overseer. If
Moving Storage
Furniture Packing
All live Stock haul-
ed by us is insured.
71 - 72 - 73
Blank nooks at trie Journal office
'j Although he has met some mighty j
fibig people in his time, our reporter i !
says this is the brightest, funniest 1
fellow lies ever interviewed. The ;
oest or siiane tor use and add very
much to the improvement of the busi
ness section of the city.
From Wednesday's r.iily
This noon more or less excitement
was created in the business section of
the city by the antics of a driver of
an auto that clashed down the main
street narrowly mising several colli
sions with the curbing at different
places and seemed bound to end in
wrecking the car. Ofllcer Joe Liber
sbal. who was on the street, terminat
ed the career of the wriver of the car
by forcing him to drive the car in
to the curb near the Donat building
and placing the man under arrest.
The car was a new Studebaker coupe
and it is claimed is the property of
hold a huge slate, on which he will ( '
nave a new message ior me public
every day. Don't fail to get acquaint
ed with the lad to known him is
to Ikie him.
r m 1
a lady named Roberts of Omaha who, "W'weu
From Wednesday's Daily
Last evening the members of the
Y. M. B. C. of the Methodist church
enjoyed a very fine pre-Easter de
votional service at their rooms in the
basement of the church and which
was one of the most impressive and , !
inlerestintr meetincs that the clas3 1 8
has participated in for some time.
The first portion of the evening
was occupied by the regular song
service and at its close the meet
ing was taken in charge by J. A.
k X
Vi XL 9 5 . 4 . .4
"S?v v -
Ti BTll tl
. president or tlie class.
was in the car. at the time of the! -Pweu. wno is a very ,
arrest. The ladv stated that the man ' l"u,uun siuaent 01 tne oioie gave
was a friend whom she was taking to the sory of the Tassion week, one j
Kansas Citv to he nlnced in an insti- of the Rreat periods of the religious
tution for the cure of the liciuor habit world' and also at the close made .
and that she had tried to get him to a ver' aDIe an earnest plea for
place the car here in a garage until the firmer better living that man ,
up enough to re- mane nis goal in his life- - l
he had sobered
sume the journey.
There was no Ifauor found in the ev. i rank Kmory Pfoutz, pastor of i
car. fortunatelv for the owner, and: the church then addressed the clas 1
the man seemed to have a full cargo briefly on "The Wonder of the Pres- !
on board but which saved the car.en(,e of God," taking up the calling t
from being taken by the authoriies. iot Isaiah to personal service in the z
cause or the Lord, comparing the -J
: calling to the present clay men are be-
ing called to personal service in the i
a advancement of the christian faith. I
Tt has piven wonderful r- Tne Pastor touched on the advantage
e treatment of Catarrh and iof the men communii
n all's cat ar nil iir:niciN-r:.
Cnmblnod Treatment, both loonl and
-nlts in the
Clood Dlseacor: for over 4 0 j-ears
Asli your Cr "ir-I -t .
r. J. C". " C'.Ao
White Wyandotte hatching eggs
ing together in
the work of the church and closed
the service by the administering
the sacrament of the communion to
the members of the class.
ed I
Going to Church Sunday? I
Are you going masquerading like you were
attending a hard time ball?
While you are counting the new Easter bon
nets, don't loose sight of the fact some one
is checking up the cut and fit of your coat
do you care? then insist on a
Kuppenheimer Suit
Here - ready for you now!
$3.50 per hundred.
Phone 2102.
Maps of Cass county, showing every
man's farm can be had at the Journal
office. Price 50 cents each.
j The Dovey section. Will sell in one f
piece or will divide to suit purchaser, i
See or write 1 I
Omaha, Nebr.
2220 Howard Street.