The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 18, 1926, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THUItSDAY, MAECII 13, 1926.
Murray Department
Preparer! in the Interest the People of Murray and urroundinp Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of it readers of the
Journal kcor" of Dy social
event or item of Interest In
this vicinity, and will mail
name to this office. It will ai
pear under this headlner. We
want all news Items Editor
Behind the Kitchen Clock
That is the place many people put their valuable
papers. Some put them in the bureau drawer, while
others plr.ce them in the family album.
Now, none cf these places
are very safe.
We have just received and installed a number of
lock boxes, which are located in our burglar-proof bank
vault. There your valuables will be secure. We have
installed these for the convenience cf our patrons and
the rental price on them is very low only $1 per year,
or eight cents a month.
Your papers could not be safer anywhere, nor can
you find a less expenshe place to keep them.
Murray State Bank
There is No Substitute or Safety
some needed improvements to the
place where he is living he build
ing a chicken house on the place in
, order to better care for the chickens
which they are so successful in
! raising.
The Ladies Aid society of the
bault, Minn., have accepted one of
the students of the Murray school
after having given the matter a
most scrutinizing and searching in
vestigation, as to the character and
ability of the applicant Charles Boe-
deker, who is a student of the Mur
and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker that he
was elected to a scholarship in the
Play at Murray Hall
The Murray Presbyterian Mission
ary society will present the play, "An
Old Fashioned Mother" on Saturday
evening. March 20th. at S o'clock at
the Murray hall. Admission 25 and
33 cents. Don't miss it. Nickles was looking after pome some business matters for the day.
busiuess matters ia Tlattsmouih last Mmsek and Rkhter have just
Tuoday. 'competed the delivery of some
Clii'sur Src:-cr went back :,- 'ali? ; eighty head of fine hegs to the South
M-hool after spending the week end Omaha stock yards for Oust Rollen
at home. . berg.
Kred ilild is in Plattsmouth t li i r? ; Oscar Nailor has been assisting
week serving en the jury for the ; on the farm of F. V. Meisinger with
present term. ' the farm work and getting ready
Mr. fmiih and J. VV Ediaun le ! for the spring work of putting in
riitnt Tuesday afternoon and eve-, the crops.
nin?; at C":va.ia. I Kail Troop and Orval Todd were
J. A. Sc-otten has been making sonic j in Omaha on last Tuesday they both
changes and repairs on the house at taking a truck load of hogs to the
the farm of A. Gansemer. market for Orville Todd and finding
Mrs. Sporer's Sunday school class very fine market,
will give a playlet next Sunday.) Phillip F. lihin was a visitor in
March Ulst immediately after class-; Omaha last Tuesday driving up in
es. i his car to look after some business
O. A. Davis was a visitor in Platts-i matters for the day and to make some
mouth last Tuesday where he had ' purchases of goods.
at the
some matters to look after
court house.
Mr Mrs. Martin Sporar. oT
Murray :-p nt last Sunday with Mrs.
Spoiei's i. oilier, Mrs. Burke -.t
Albert Willis of Nehawka was a
visitor in Murray having some busi-' and was a guest of John YV. Ed
ness matters to look after at the Mur-j runnels for a short time driving over
Parr Young and wife were visit
ing in Omaha on last Tuesday they
making the trip to the metropolis in
their car where they went to look
after some shopping.
Isaac Wiles of Weeping Water was
a visitor in Murray last Tuesday
ray State bank.
Julius Englekemeier and wife
were visiting in Nebraska City last
Tuesday where they look a load
hogs to market.
in his auto for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Puis and wife
were in Plattsmouth last Tuesday
of j going to see -Mrs. Aciam mm wr.o is
I the mother of Mrs. Puis and who is
Searl S. Davis wus a visitor in ;
Murrav on last Sundav afternoon tnd '
was looking after sr me business mat
ters while here.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wilts oZ Weep
ing Water, spent the day last Tik -day
with Mr. and Mrs. Spoivi- aiid
J. W. Edmunds.
Torest R. Cunningham of Nehaw
ka was a visitor in Murray last Tues
day and was looking after some mat
ters of business.
Mrs. Frank Mrasek and daughter.
Miss Clara were visiting doing sime
shopping at Nebraska City on last
Tuesday afternoon.
W. G. Poedcker was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon
where he was called to look after
for yen to have yoar car overhaul
ed, before the Spring rush comas.
We use genuine Ford parts for
all Fold work.
Distributors of Kuckon and
Essex cars.
See Us for All Your
Car Needs
The Mur ray Garage
A. D. 3akke, Owner
Murray, Nebr.
in very delicate health.
William Highfield was a visiter in
Murray both last Sunday and on
Tuesday of this week looking after
the getting of the light lines in the
best of condition for service.
Harry G. Todd had a car load of
cattle on the Omaha market on last
Tuerday shipping them on Moad-ty
evening and wa., at Omaha to see
the critters sold on Tuesday.
Frank Vallery of Plattsmouth and
O. P. Olson of Ornahawere looking
after some business matters in Mur
ray for a short time last ''iiesday
and also mere business-west of town.
George Nickles the lumberman has
made some good and substantial
repairs to the sand hanks which he
has at the railway yards for th? re
ception of sand which he has un
loaded there.
W. O. Troop purchased a car load
of cattle from George W. Shields
last Monday which he shipped to
Omaha on Mondaj- evening and was
on the market to see them disposed
on Tuesday of this week.
Fred II. Gorder of Weeping Water
was a visitor for a very limited time
in Murray on last Tuesday afternoon
while he was on his way to Platts
mouth where he went to meet with
the Board of County commissioners.
Mrs. Joseph Dietl like a good
neighbor she is was over to the home
of Mrs. John Fisher, who ha:? re
cently moved from Omaha and assist
ed this good lady in the making of
a kettle of soap for the summers
John A. Davis has been making
ust Arrived
Duality Service Sfon
A New Assortment of Ties
Oil Cloth Squares, red or blue, 55 inches
square, cash
Leather Work Gloves 50c to $2.25
ioe ri. m. Soenniclisen Lompaa5
Telephone No. 12 - . Murray, Nebraska
United Presbyterian Notes.
W. F. Graham. Pastor.
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p
Y. P. C. U. at 7 p. m.
Mid-week prayer meeting, Wed
nesday at 7:30 p. m.
There will be a meeting of Omaha
Presbytery in the United Presbyter
ian church of Murray on April '
and S. All are cordially invited to
attend these meetings.
Christian church were in session at 1 ray schools. This Sbattoek Military
the church parlors on the church school is verv selective and it is both
on Wednesday of last week when a complement to the schools and to
j tney bad a most enjoyable time, and I Mr. Charles Boedeker, son of Mr
1 aisii uiu uuru goou wotk wnicn iney
had on hand.
Little Catherine McCulloch enjoy
ed a party of her little friends on
last Tusday evening, it being her
j birthday, and she being just recover
' ing from an operation for appendi
citis, and sure enjoyed the visit of
; her little friends.
I The people in the cars who have
j been making Murray their lodging
(place for the past few days were all
! congregated at the store of the
jScotten girls last Saturday and made
1 an orchestra themselves, furnishing
string music to suit all comers.
The Ladies Missionary society of
the Presbyterian church enjoyed one
of their splendid meetings last week
on Friday afternoon when they look
ed after the work which had called
them together and also enjoyed a
social hour, as well as the fine lunch
eon which was served.
Many of the young people of Mur
ray were in Plattsmouth last week
one evening where they had their
fortunes told. Of course it cost
money but to have the privilege of
pulling the veil aside which has
screened the future and look what
is to be is well worth the price even
if it never comes to pass.
Sure there is some joy at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Earl when
there arried at their home on Mon
day morning a fine baby boy who
is to make his home with them and
be a comfort for their declining
years. The young American and his
mother are doing nicely and the
father is getting along tolerably
Harry Nelson who has been liv
ing on the farm since he engaged
in business in Murray was able to
get moved into town during the past
week and is occupying the house
which was recently vacated by Font
Wil-on and family, and is now so he
can get to the store without traveling
a number of miles both day and
George E. Nickles and wife were
at Shennendoah. Iowa, on last Mon
day and Tuesday, called there by
the death of Mrs. Clara Wilson, who
was an aunt of Mrs. Nickles andj
sister of Mr. Henry C. Long she dy
ing at the home of her daughter in
Kansas City on last Friday. The
remains were brought to Shennedoa
Topsy Turvy Land.
There is a country, not far away,
Called Topsy Turvy Land:
You may see this land if you so tie
(And a deal of labor 'twill not re
For it lies quite near at hand.
'Tis a good rich land, we must all
With many a landscape fair.
With beautiful flowers and beauti
ful trees.
Anr the hum of birds and the buzz
of bees.
And other attractions there.
Rut as we travel within this land
We meet with a great snrprise.
For in every city, village and town
Conditions appear to be upside diwn
'Til we scarcely believe our eyes.
If you go to church in this beauti
ful land
You gaze upon empty pews;
The yeople have duties that keep
them away.
(Though the movies, are croweded
night and day
With scarcely a place to stand.)
many respectable
Thi3 land has
where the interment was made on But they're guarded day and night;
Monday. No depredations must THEY commit.
At the heme of Mr. and Mrs. For the law must keep her CR1M
Charles Tilson Sunday was held a INALS fit,
most pleasant gathering. Mr. and And only THEY may fight.
Mrs. John Durman and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Til-on and lami'y. Mr. Thi3 land has heroes who set the
and Mrs. James Tilson and family.' pace .
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Tilson and For those who aspire to shine;
family and Mr. Ora Sanders were Bootleggers and thieves and two-gun
present. All had a pleasant, ;n:ie. men
Cne tL'ag to mar the pleasure ."f iho With a bob haired crime-queen nov
day rjie sickness 01 tnc fthcr,i and then
Mr. Tilson. 'Furnish many a bright headline.
The Rev. William Forester Graham i
and the good wife were visiting and , You would think as you gaze on this
looking after some business matters land so fair,
in Plattsmouth last Tuesday after- That its people were good and true;
noon making the trip in their auto, ' But the belle and the beau are the
and found the trip very pleasant, j flapper and Bhiek,
John Durman and family of near And the steady young person is
Weeping Water were visiting in Mur-j nought but a freak,
ray and guests at the home of Mrs. (Or so it appears to you.,
Durman's parents. J. C. Tilson andj
wife called here on account of the ; Sometimes you will notice great
illness of Mr. Tilson.
The safe which is considered al
most burglar proof as it is construct
ed of maganese steel, which has
crowds of men.
And wamen and girls and bo;, s,
As they wave their arms ana o'nout
with delight.
a wonderful
They surely present
And von wonder at all their noise.
adorned the space nera the front win
dow in the Murray State bank for
so long has been placed in the vault
not that it is safer there, for the safe
is entirely safe as far as getting into Are they greeting some notable states
it is concerned, but is placed in the man with cheers,
vault because the sun shining thru j Or a college president?
Sunday, March 21, 1928
By iL. 8. Brtggw
ml, .VW!
Golden Text: Therefore doth the
Father love me, because I lay down
my life that I may take It again.
John 10:17.
Gethsemano to Galotha.
In the last lesson were contained
the last words of the Savior to the
disciples, while he was on earth, and
in that he gave them many instruc
tions which they should have known
before, for the Master had all along
told that He had come fourth from
God and must return to God. and
His mission here was for the redemp
tion of the world. Leaving the upper
room. He went with the baud of the
disciples to the garden of Gethsem
ane, where they often went and where
Judas Iscariot, well knew they would
be, and having arrived at the garden
the three closest to the Master went
with Him into the garden, and after
they had gone a distance. He left
them, they being Peter, the sturdy
Bring inflie Listers!
Sore, -we are busy at the Blacksmith shop, but we are here for
business, so bring your work along and we wiil get if 0!:t for
you promptly. We are prepared to care for your plow work,
discs and listers. Remember, we guarantee all our work to
be the best and entirely satisfactory in every way.
oy (aerkirsg
The Blacksmith,
Murray, Nebraska
to Pilate for him to pass death sen-1 meetings in the upper chamber, one
tence against the Master. j when Thoma . was not present and
Pilate beijig a weakling thev knew ! the other when he was there, ami
they could coerce him into this act.jte disciples were admonished to do
He, however, endeavored in his weak ; 'ell thoir work as a missionary
way to save" the Master, but finally , "and. Many times did the Master ap
passed the sentence and He was led P,2ar unto the disciples and the last.
lorty aays alter :i:e res:-ure iio-n. ou
the mount when lie wa-. taken Iroin
nwnv tn he rrnrifiol nnit with twn
grizzled old fisherman who was afraid 1 fh.vB nri n pith(,r Thev had
of nothing on earth, he was not afraid .compelled Him to carry His own cross' their presence into herv. 11. It w.-i j
to die, and feeling the confidence of j and when he had fallen under it, Ke a t his time that He said "Go ye into
the course of the Master and his own
ability to defend the Fame, had said
in the upper room, "Although all the
world shall forsake and deny thee,
yet will I not deny thee." He felt
that he was able to do this but he
did not know himself, but Jesus knew
bin f.nd said, "Before the cock shall
crow (and it was near the time of the
crowing of the cock then) thou shalt
deny me thrice." When Jeus left
the three disciples, Peter, James and
John, the writer of this Gospel. He
was assisted by Simon of Cyrene.,?" tno Wfri. cn-i preaci- i;i uo-n 1
The cross was laid down and Christ ! very crer-tnre. he that .-iietli
placed thereon and the feet and hunds! and is baptised shali Ik Kived and
nailed to the wood, then it was 1 hp that beiievtth not shall be con
erected with Him thereon, and the!,,"1"l." Tims He has virtually ma-le
fnt rf if Hrrwi intr. fho hni. of every follower n missionary and a
which had been prepared for its re-)yrf of the message of tb
01 s:uvat;on as icng as ir.
i shall stand.
The harrowing torture often ex-i
tended into three days, but the next! ' .TT.
i-assover, - -
ROSp 1
v orid
day being the feast of the
and the Sabbeth, they mad sure that
r-hnreed them. "Watch, least vou ent- . ... . ... . ..
er into temptation." The Master well
knew that thev were tired and that
the spirit was willing, but the flesh
was weak, especially said "watch."
Then going farther into the garden
Jesus fell on his face and prayed to
the Father, for Tie knew that He must
come to this hour.
dead before the setting of the sun. Vr m Wednsfiay s n.-iiiy
Joseph of Aramathea, 2nd Nieodemus This morning the home of Mr. and
begged the bodv of the Master and Mrs. Elmer H. Meisinger v. a-; pla i-
V-r Tin nroi-nH XT'liVm" if it hp
r.iKT 1 V.ics nnr. Tjcc frnm Mn I
that I may not drink it. but not my I - Ti.
the grave, and as John was a younj
placed it in the new tomb of Joseph,
and counting that one day and the
Sabath one day and the morning as
it was breaking day the third day,
the women went to enbalm the body
of the Masier and found the stone
away and the grave empty.
the plate glass has a tendency to
injure the paint on the safe by check
ing and also that the safe while it
is burglar proof it is not fire proof
for a continued hot fire might in
jure it and it has been placed in the
vault for the purpose of preventing
damage by fire should one occur.
Mrs. Wilcox Buried Monday.
Mrs. Clara Wilcox, formerly Misf
Clara Long was born at Walworth
county, Michigan, March 1, 1832, and
was united in marriage in 1870 with
Mr. Eber Wilcox, at Shennandoah,
Iowa, where they made their homo
for many years. Mr. Wilcox pass
ing away some three years ago. Mrs.
Wilcox has of late been making, her
home with a daughter, Mrs. Helen
Wolfe at Kansas City, where she
passed away on last Friday, the re
mains being brought to Shennendoah
where the funeral occured on last
Monday at the home where they had
j lived so long. Mrs. Wilcox was the
! youngest sister of Henry C. Long of
i Murray, but on account of the poor
health of Mr. Long he was unable
to be in attendance at the funeral
However, his two daughters and
their husbands were in attendance.
Messrs G. E. Nickles and R. M.
Shrader. the latter of South Omaha
were present.
Murray Schools Do Good Work
As an evidence of the excellent
work which the Murray schools are
doing and which is proving a credit
to this town, is the fact that the
Shattock Military School of Fair-
Has a gifted speaker addressed them?
Somo sludger has planted a knock
out blow.
And their hearts are full of convent.
O, the things of earth seem upside
And jazz fills the midnight air.
And the people play through the
night and day,
And the wrinkles conn, and the hair
turns gray..
But the happy home L rare.
Yes, a wonderful place, we must
In this Topsy Turvy Land..
But why they should alway3 call
black white.
And why they should substitute
wrong for right.
We never can understand.
Yellow Dent, 192 4 crop, best qual
ity, in the ear. Shows a germination (
test of 95 to 100 per cent. Single
picked, $1.50; double picked, $2.50 j
bushel. At farm one quarter mile ;
south of Murray on Walker place, j
mlS-tf sw
William Ballancc, who has been ,
spending the winter at Sioux City
with his daughter, Mrs. H. H.
Tartsch, returned home yesterday af-;
ternoon and is planning to remain
here in the old home and among the
old time friends.
will but thine be done. So great was'
the weight of the sins of the world,
those that had died, those who lived
at that time, and those who were
crucifying him then and the Fins of
all who should come after, even un
til now. and to the last person who
should inhabit the world, even the
whole human race, that as he wrest
led in prayer he sweat great drops
of blood.
After a season in prayer He re
turned to the disciples and found
them all asleep. Waking them He
raid, particularly to Peter, "Could
not you watch with me one hour."
Then after charging them to watch
again He went and once more to pray
and returned only to find them
fast asleep. The third time He went
and prayed and returned to find them
asleeep whereupon He said, "Sleep on
it is finished." The struggle was
over. He was resigned to the Father's
will. Then He said arise, thpy are at
hand which would betray Me. Then
came a crowd of people from Jeru
salem, with swords, spears and other
arms, and with Judas kcariot, who
kissed Jesus, saying "Hail, Master."
Jesus rebuked him with the query,
"Dost thou betray the Son of God
with a kiss." Peter having been
arouted and realizing that the Jews
aoucht to take the Master to crusify
Him, drew his sword and the fight
in nis race was at us neignts, ne
struck out and the ore closest was a
servant of Malchus. and the first
stroke scverad an ear. The Master
said. "held, that is enough." He that
fisrhtest with the sword stall perish
by the sword, and reaching out touch
ed the ear of the wounded man and
healed it instantly. Then was Christ
lead away to the city and all the
disciples scattered, but Peter and an
other disciple followed and entered
into the court of the house of Annas,
warmed themselves by the fire which
was builded in the court of the house.
Then a damsel with a tapering finger,
and with scorn in her voice said un
to Peter, "Thoa wert with them," and
Peter denied, this happened three
times and on the third tirr with an
oath. Turning by a power which he
could not resist Peter looked on the
Master, who also looked reproach
fully on Peter, and Peter knew that
the Lord had known more abont him
than he had himself, and went out
into cuter darkness and wept bit
terly. When a baby cries, it does not
add much to our comfort, and when
women weep, it sometimes greatly
disarranges things, and many is the
time which she uses ,th i weapon to
gain her purpose. But when strong
rugged hardened men weep, it is
like breaking up the very foundations
of one's nature, so great is the
While this was intense suffering
and it must needs be that Peter must
suffer for the sake of the Christ which
had come for the salvation of the
world, his sufferings were nothing
as compared with the" suffering of
the Master for the sake of the world.
There was a niacK picture mai,
night, one without hope, either here
or in the world to come.
Judaa Iscariot had sold the MastJ
ter for thirty pieces of silver, so great j
was his desire for money, and when
he saw that he had sold the Lord of
Life and Death, the Saviour of the,
Work, the Very Christ the Son of God.'
he took the blood stained money and
going back to the Sanhedrian threw ;
it on the floor and departed and go-'
ing out into the darkness, and this
as intensified by the fact that there
was not hope of forgiveness, and that
he was leaving this life to enter into
that great) beyond where he must pay
the penalty for the sins which had
caused him to betray the Lord of
Heaven and the earth.
The Jews, not able to pass the
death sentence, found Jesus guilty ac
cording to the mock trial which they
gave Him and certified their findings
d ned bv the arrival of a fit little
dauht' r that came to their home
f"t 4 o'clock i: 11 fl aiiiioumed her in
tention of making h r home with th
family in the inline. Thi b'ing the
frst child ill the family sh" is ine
object of the greatest admiral ion t icm
the relatives and the event has made
Klmer one of the happies nun in the-city.
man and Peter well advanced in life,
John did out run Peter and beat him! Fancv jjennison crepe paper nap
to the grave, but he stooped down 1 . . . - . , , 3
end looked in and saw the clothes aiiS in staPIe and Pal designs can
lying but did not go in until Peter1 be purchased at the Bates Bock ar.d
came, when after Peter had entered Gift Shop. When entertaining lock
he also went in. Then came the two I these line3 over for decorations.
I am taking this manner of expressing my apprecia
tion of the many favors shown me by my numerous
friends in Murray and vicinity, who have so very ma
terially contributed to the success which I have
achieved in business in Murray, and also to say that
I have purchased the W. J. Donehue store, known as
The Murray Mercantile Co., which I am combining
with the store which I have been conducting in the
past. We are expecting to get into the new room,
where The Murray Mercantile Store was in a few
days. We would be pleased to have all the old cus
tomers call and as many new ones as desire to be ben
efited by our plan of service and the best goods at the
lost prices to all.
Earl Lancaster Store
Murray, Nebraska
Murray Community
Saturday, frlarch 20fh,
This first Community Sale will be held at
Murray on Saturday, March 20th, begin
ning at 11:00 o'clock sharp in the morning,
with recess of one hour at noon, and con
tinuing: at 1:00 o'clock sharp. Ladies Aid
to serve dinner at noon at Christian church.
One roan team, horse and mare, 7 and 8 years old, wt.
2800; one set 1 J2 -inch harness; one low wagon; one
new Newton wagon; one P and O riding cultivator;
two bob sleds; one Deering: binder; one International
binder; one John Deere riding cultivator; one check
row planter with wire; one riding lister; one 2 h. p. Rock
Island gas engine; one Ui-h. p. gas engine; one 1 Yi
h. p. gas engine; two kitchen cabinets; two cupboards;
one settee; dining room table; one center table; cne
Monarch range; dining room chairs; cne 2J7-h. p. gas
engine; one No. 12 De Laval cream separator; one
saddle; one 3-barrel water tank; one wheel barrow.
We will also have horses, wagons, machinery, hogs,
poultry, incubators and many other things to offer you.
3 h. p. Gas Engine Saddle Grapple Hay Fork
One Good Hot Air Furnace
Regular Terms They will be
stated day of sale.
Col Rex Young . Ge Boedeker
Auctioneer Clerk