The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 11, 1926, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    nrniisnAt, march urisse-
An 8 ounce package
contains 14 more
than a 7-ounce.
Insist on
Gooch's Best
1 ! E
. Ten thousand ga'lons of ice cream
have recently been sent in a single i
shipment from Seattle to China. This
ought to bring about the supreme
feat of the efficiency of chopsticks.
- -f Z-9tCl
a. S is IU? .
Cass County
Entertainers are
Gaining Fame
Ray and Walt, the "Barnyard Twins"
I m r a. ., i ri4Ai
Are ureat mvunica ui auiw
taining Radio Programs.
From Wednesday's Dally
Two Cass county young men, Ray
Denham of Cedar Creek and Walter
i Stohlman of Louisville, are in fact
'gaining fame as real entertainers all
lover the eastern portion of the state
d 1 1 v l j intra .'o-' " -
the radio are becoming household
"Walt and Ray, the Barnyard
Twins" are among the most popular
artists that have been heard from
station KOIL, the Mono-Motor oil
station at Council Bluffs and their
offereings have been featured very
strongly from this station in the last
few months. The boys are generally
hoard in a harmonica-banjo skit and
their programs have taken a great
hold on the radio fan3 as one of the
most pleasant that the Council Bluffs
station has offered.
The boys appeared Saturday eve
ning at the Burlington party at Oma
:a and their success before the large
audience was fully as great as their
reception bv the unseen radio audi-
Moving Storage
Furniture Packing
All live Stock haul
ed by us is insured.
71 - 72 - 73
'rrv r
Baby chicks Let me order them
for you. Quality guaranteed. Nine
breeds to select from. Mrs. Guy
White, Plattsmouth, R. F. D. N. 1.
phone 1511.
phone 4030.
A healthy man is a king in his
own right: an unhealthy man an un-
Imnn v alfivt Fnr ininiire blond and
ence that they have delighted in thefsl ish n use Burdock Blood
From Wednesday's Dally
Last evening a very charming
shower was given at the attractive
home of Rev. Walter R. Robb in
honor of Mrs. Vernie Younker, for
merly Miss Mildred Alwin of this
city. The event was arranged by
Miss Evelyn Robb and who was as
sisted in the entertaining and serv
ing by Mrs. W. R. Robb and Mr3.
W. A. Wells.
There was a very large number
of the young lady friends and asso
ciates of Mrs Younker present to
enjoy the occasion and in a series of
games the time passed most delight
fully. Prizes were awarded to Alice
Crabill, Anna Peoples, Evelyn Furry
and Mary Alwin.
The guest of honor received many
attractive gifts in honor of the oc
casion and dainty refreshments were
served to add to the enjoyment of
the members of the party. Those
attending were: Wilma Pickard,
Ona Graves, Margaret Alwin, Mary
Alwin, Alice Waster, Florence Furry,
Evelyn Furry, Alice Crabill. Elsie
Allen. Anna Peoples, Evelyn Robb
and the guest of honor, Mrs. Vernie
Sheffield Sends
a Note to Mexico
on Church Policy
Takes the Stand that American
Priests Should Be Treated
as Citizens.
HVi Ft
1 15 1
ycu teach your
wife to drive in
sure your car
(and your life!)
Searl S. Davis
past and the applause that they re
ceived from the audience was proof
that their efforts were fully appreciat
ed by all of the large party.
I When appearing in the various en
tertaining stunts the "Barnyard
Twins" appear in overalls, workshirts
with red bandanas and straw hats
that gives them a striking personel.
' The next program from KOIL in
.which the team appears will be given
on March lGth from 9 to 10 p. m.
and on March 29th from 10 to
p. n.
! Rev. Mrs. Moye, of Plattsmouth,
: will preach at the U. B. church of
; Mynard. Sunday at 11 a. m. Also
there will be special music following
the sermon, communion. Our com
munity is invited,
J Pastor.
Bitters. On the
$1.25 a bottle.
market 35 years.
Read the Journal for all the news.
The Earljr Bird
Order Chicks and
Eggs Now
25 Chicks S
50 Chicks
Farm Loans
Real Estate
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young will
celebrate their golden wedding an-jJ.
niversary and also Mr. Young's 75th
birthday. Monday, March 22, 1926.;.
Reception at their home from 1:30 j.2.
until S:30. All friends cordially In- j t.
100 Chicks 14.00
50 Eggs 3.50
100 Eggs 6.00
500 Eggs 25.00
Visitors Welcome
Red Bird Poultry
Phone 399 1018 No. 11th
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
From Wednesday's Daiiy
Charles L. Kelly, former secretary
of the Nebraska City chamber of
commerce, is in the city attending to
checking tip work for the state aud
itor at the ofllce of County Treasurer
Miss Mia IT. C.ering. Mr. Kelly hav
ing been engaged in the auditor's
office since his retirement from the
civic work at Nebraska City. Mr.
Kelly states that he is o candidate for
the nomination for county treasurer
of Otoe county having filed a short
time ago and while looking after his
work for the auditor is planning later
to make a very active campaign for
the office to which he lms aspired.
Mr. Kelly was a real live wire for Ne
braska City as the secretary of the
chamber of commerce and a great
deal of the success and progress of
that city in the last few years can
he ascribed to his activity and the
splendid support and co-operation
that the work of the chamber of com
merce received.
' Horse weighing from 1,300 to
1.400 pounds. Call G2S-W. Platts
mouth. mS-2ts
Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, will lead to chronic consti
pation. Doan's Rcgulets operate eas
ily. 30e a box at all stores.
School supplies at lowest prices al
Bates Book and Stationery Store.
Washington, March 9. Mexico's
new policy governing religious teach
ing has brought forth a note from
Ambassador Sheffield to the Mexican
foreign office insisting that American
churchmen ehould not be made to
suffer unduly from its operations.
The note was prepared by the am
bassador after he had received in
structions from the state department
to the American attitude, and advices
that it had been delivered came
coincident with efforts in the senate
to force government departments to
give information to that body on
questions affecting American rela
tions with the southern republic.
Threatened arrest in Very Cruz
state of Rev. P. J. Krill, an Ameri
can Catholic priest, was the imme
diate case taken up by Ambassador
She HI eld. and he reported that it had
been "satisfactorily settled," although
the nature of the settlement was not
disclosed. It was indicated that au
thorities of Jalapa are inclined to
permit the priest to remain in Mex
ico. The ambassador's purpose in pre
senting a note to the Mexican gov
ernment was largely to put the
Washington government on record.
The document is believed to con
cede Mexico's rint to expel church
men, but at the same time to make
clear the belief that American citi
zns in Mexico, whether churchmen
or not, have the right to expect full
consideration and to be given ample
time to prepare to leave.
The move in the senate to have
Mexican affairs thrown open to:
greater public inspection was made
by Senator King (d?m., Utah), de-l
spite an admonition by Chairman;
Borah of the foreign relations eoni-j
mittee that Mexico should be spared
criticism while trying to adjust her
domestic affairs.
Come in
and meet
$20 'Bill'
Known as the Best The Best Known
You who have worn them, know that
is true. The patterns, the colors, the
tailoring, the fit, the style, the wear
are different. Other shirts look like
them, but they don't hold up. Time
is the best test.
For over 35 years we have featured these famous
shirts Beautiful new patterns, $3
C. E. Wescott's Sons
"See It Before You Buy It!"
The Dovey section. Will sell in one
piece or will divide to suit purchaser.
See or write
Omaha, Nebr.
2220 Howard Street.
Iteh, Itch. Itch! Scratch, Scratch,
Scratch! The more you scratch, the
worse the-itch. Try Doan's Oint-;
ment. For eczema, any skin itching, j
!0c a box.
Moderate Prices!
Yardage Goods!
Now is the time to get busy with your spring
sewing. Our line of yardage goods is most
complete and offers you opportunity to supply
your needs at
a Dig savmg.
32-inch' Ginghams
Very good quality and pretty patterns and colors. Regu
lar 25c quality. Bargain Wednesday
15c yard
Prints for Summer Frocks
Prints are the big thing for washable summer frocks.
Tub fast, sun fast and exclusive designs in this show
ing, priced at
45c yard
"King-wood" fast color prints, yard wide. Exceptionally
pretty patterns. Now very special at
29c yard
"The Store of Big Values"
Plattsmouth - Nebraska
Bargain Wednesday is your invitation to step into this store and inspect and compare
prices of the market's newest and best Spring' Merchandise conscientiously selected
direct from factory lines through our affiliation with co-operative merchants' buying
organization, of which this store is a member.
Special on Percales
Dark bines, light end medium dark grounds. Very
good quality. Never sells for less than 23c per
yard. Our special Bargain Wednesday price
15c yard
Unbleached Crash Toweling
Part linen, very gcod quality at this low price.
14c yard
That Something Different
Here it is in these pretty Eayons Striped, checked or
plaided, and fast color, too. Price
95c yard
Printed Eayons and Printed Silk and Cotton Crepes are
being offered you here at
85c to $1.25
Japanese Pongee
All pure silk imported Japanese Pongee. Free from
filling. This quality regularly sells at 85c yard.
65c yard
Little Men's Caps and Hats
New spring styles and materials for boys 4 to 12 years.
Sizes to 7 head measure, at
59c each
Smart Spring Coats!
"Printzess" and "Sterling" Make
in Tweeds, Twillsheens, Cheviots and other new Coat fabrics
at the following prices
S 14.85 $10 50 $24.75 $34.75
You'll like these dresses because they combine quality and
style at such moderate prices.
"Korrect" Dresses will solve your dress problem; made of
Georgette crepe, flat crepe or printed crepes. For whatever occasion you need
a new frock, the style and size is here.
$10.75 $16.50 $19.75 $20.75
New Spring Millinery!
Nearly everyone buys several hats during the season. That is why we scan the
market so thoroughly for the best looking hats to sell at a moderate price.
For Bargain Wednesday, we are of
fering you regular $6.00 values at
the low price of
Including silk and straw combina
tions and hand embroidered models.
mm $h
v mm 0
Hats for the kiddies of all ages, from
the wee tot to Miss 1 4. You will be
pleased with the large selection we
have of good looking, well made
hats and bonnets.
1.35 to $2.95
Women's service weight "Holeproof" silk hose, all the new colors and all sizes, pair . $1
Women's black cotton hose, rib top, full length and correctly sized feet. Pair 23c
School hose for the children. All sizes. Per pair . . . . 19c
A very fine quality of combed yarn in fast black and camel.
The biggest hosiery value in the country is this Wayne Knit full fashioned 1 1
strand pure 'thread silk. We sell a surprising quantity of this number, because"
everywhere else it is sold for $1.65. A special service on new colors and latest
developments in color trends keeps our stock filled with all that's new. $1.39 pair.
Work Clothing!
Our buying connections' in this line place this
store in position to give to the customer qual
ity merchandise at tremendous savings in
dollars every day in the year.
Men's "Uncle Sam" Work Sox
Made of finest cotton yarn, long elastic rib top, seam
less toe. ,
6 pair, 74c
White Heel and Toe Sox
Very fine knit cotton yarn. Color brown. A very pop
ular number that gives long wear. You save at
2 pair, 25c
Overalls and Jackets
Ken's 2:20 weight blue denim overalls. Bar tacked
seams. Continuous high back. Sizes 32 to 42. A won
derful bargain "at
$1 pair
Men's 2:20 weight jackets to match the above overall.
Sizes S6 to 46.
$1 each
"Big Moore" Work Shirts
These are the most dependable work shirts sold. Cut
over roomy patterns of fast color chambra and madras
cloth. Every shirt guaranteed. All sizes
89c each
Men's Kiki Pants
Heavy twill, dark shades, well made. Flapped hip pock
ets and culf bottoms. A splendid bargain.
$1.39 pair
Men's Union Suits
Fine cotton ribbed, spring weight, lock stitch seams, silk
trim, short sleeves, ankle length. Sizes 36 to 46.
$1 each
Men's Coat Sweaters
Wool and cotton jersey, button front. Two and four
pocket style. End of season price
2.25 -each
Children's Blouses
Excellent school garments, made of fine count percale
and plain color chambra. Ages 6 to 14.
59c and 48c
Little Men's 4-Piece Suits
Just the kind to please the little chap. New spring
shades, finely tailored models. Coat, vest, one long atd
one short pant. Ages 3 to 10, at
$8.50 and $7.85