The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 25, 1926, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Nehawka Department!
Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
Mr. Chas. Hemphill was in Ne
braska City last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hanson were at
tending the program at the Field's
seed house early this week.
G rover Hoback and family and
Mrs. Charles Hemphill were calling
at the B. P. Hoback home Sunday
Miller Christensen, living north of
Nehawka, has been sufferring from
Cream Station
Try us with your next bill.
Our motto "Best of Service"
Bert Willis
Sutphen's Old Stand
Nehawka, Nebr.
For me, I will be back
next week.
C. D. St John
Nehawka - Nebraska
an attack of lumbago, which has kept
him laid up for some time.
J. M. Stone was attending a fine
Spotted Poland China hog sale at
Whatcheer Iowa, last Monday; and
also assingted the conducting of the
Richard, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. G. Cisney, has been quite ill
for some time with an attack of
grippe. The little fellow is reported
as being much improved.
Miss Mable Kltch has been assist
ing at the home of J. M. Stone dur
ing the illness of their little daugh
ter, Maryland. Miss Julia Troop was
also assisting for a time.
Mrs. John O. Yeiser and children,
of Omaha, who have been visiting
with ,Mrs. Yeiser's father for some
time, are departing for their home
in the metropolis this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hoback and
the boys were helping with the work
at the P. M. Masie home Saturday,
Mrs. Massie being quite ill with the
grippe. She much better now.
IX W. Clark of Plattsmouth, was
a visitor in Nehawka for a short time
last Monday morning, visiting with
friends and looking after some busi
ness matters for a few hours.
Mr. A. H. Pyle o Nebraska City,
district manager of the equitable in
surance society, and Grover Hoback
were attending a meeting for the
agents at Lincoln last Monday.
Thomas E. Fulton, the Nehawka
blacksmith, has been kept to his bed
for the past few days with an attack
of the flu and. has not been able to
look after the business at the shop. .
Fred Ntuzman, who has been so
ill at his home south o' Nehawka,
is reported at this time as being much
improved and it is hoped he will be
able to be about again in a short time.
Charles R. Troop of Plattsmouth
was a visitor at the home of his
brother, Mr. W. O. Troop, noth of
Nehawka, for the day last Monday,
where he was looking after some busi
ness matters.
There was joy at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Huber, who live
south of Nehawka, when, on last Sun-
50.00 Harness
full concord, long check bridle, W check red
band steel, hames ball top. The best harness any
where at anywhere near the price. V4 hip straps;
1V& through back straps; V4 side straps; V4 lines.
Money will not buy a better bridle than in this har
ness. A. J. TOOL
ftiunsing Rayon Undies!
Well groomed women no longer consider
Silk Underwear a luxury. They have come
to realize that they are practical as well.
They wear splendidly, launder
easily and fit most delightfully.
Rayon Chemise Lustrous heavy rayon silk, in dainty
pastel shades. $1.95.
Rayon Bloomers An excellent quality bloomer, in all
the wanted shades. Cut with plenty of room and
well reinforced. $1.95.
Rayon Vests Bodice top, perfect fitting, in shades of
pink, maize and orchid. $1.30.
Fo P. GdEL
Where Customers Feel at Home
Telephone, No. 14 Nehawka,-Nebr.
day, the stork brought a very fine
little bule-eyed daughter to this hap
py couple. All concerned are going
Mrs. A. F. Strum, who has been
quite ill at her home in Nehawka
for some time, is reported as being
much better at this time and it is
hoped she will be entirely recovered
and be enjoying her accustomed good
health in a short time.
Silas Munn and wife and daughter
spent Sunday at Weeping Water at
the home of George McFadden where
some of the McFadden family have
been sick. Mrs. Munn remained to
assist in the care of her little grand
daughter, Dorothy Ann.
V. O. Troop and C. R. Troop, of
Plattsmouth, shipped to the South
Omaha market, two loads of cattle
which they have been feeding at the
home of W. O. Troop for the past few
months. They will soon ship some
more which ai-e now nearing the
finishing stage.
Mrs. William Gorder, who is at
tending business college in Lincoln,
was a visitor in Plattsmouth and at
th8 home of her parents, north of
Nehawka, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop,
for over the week end, returning to
her studies at Lincoln on Monday,
where she will soon complete her
course in business training.
Parr Young, living north of town,
shelled and binned a large crib of
his corn to use for the feeding of the
fine lot of cattle which he has in
his feed lots. Parr and his father,
L. H. Young, shipped two cars of
very fine cattle to the South Omaha
market last week and for which they
received a very fair price.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wunderlich,
of Omaha, were spending last Sunday
with relatives and friends in Ne
hawka. they driving down from their
home in the metropolis to visit the
folks.' Mr. Wunderlich kind of slip
ped it over the friends here by being
married a month or more before any
lot the friends became acquainted
with the fact. Mr. and Mrs. Wun
derlich, who have the best wishes of
a host of friends, will make their
home in Omaha for the present.
p! JtMPi "14
I for'aver
I Years I
I war prices
1 P 1
11 m
Escaped Youth
from Missouri is
Captured Here
Flynn Tyler Arrestep Near Louis
ville by Sheriff Stewart on
Word From Missouri.
daughter, Gladys Juanita. Robert
Phrader and wife of Omaha and Troy
Shrader from north of town were. all
present, and everything was done
which could be for Uncle Zack. He
lias Leon on the mend now for a few
days, which has greatly pleased his
many friends. A message was sent
to Hoy, who is at Lester, Saskatche
wan, Canada, but it is feared that he
did not receive the wire, as no answer
has come from him.
Guernsey Calf For Sale.
I have an excellent Guernsey bull
calf for sale with the best breeding,
about a month old, who is needing
one of good milking strain. R. B.
Stone, Nehawka, Neb. fll-3nc
Gave Excellent Program.
Mrs. Violet Oberlander, one of the
teachers of the Nehawka schools,- gave
a very entertaining and worth while
program on Washington's birthrtay on
last Monday afternoon, which was
most highly appreciated by all who
were privileged to hear the splendid
numbers which were on the list. The
program was patriotic in all its lines
and was well enacted by the students
who had numbers thereon.
Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel
Main Bldg., Phone 527.
De. Etifcal, Chiropractor, Schmidt
mann building. Telephone No. 3.
Dr. H. C. Leopold, Osteopathic
physician and surgeon, phone 208.
Bert Willis Very Sick.
Bert Willis, who conducts the
grocery store in the room where J.
Sutphan formerly was located, has
been quite ill at the home of his
father, southwest of Union for some
time and while he was very sick
for a time he is at this time report
ed as being somewhat better. While
he has been away from the store, the
business has been conducted by Lu-
cean Carper and Quinton Palmer, who
have been looking after the business
in the best manner.
Gave Prize for Anniversary.
We, with Mr. Darius W. Clark,
visited the Sheldon Manufacturing
company one day during the present
week, and were shown over the plant
by Mr. Sheldon, who explained some
new machines which are being built
at the factory. They are at this time
just beginning to change from the
wooden frame machine, to steel con
struction, which makes a more rigid
piece of machinery and also lightens
the weight and still makes it stronger.
They just now are making a combin
ation machine, with cement mixer on
one end while on the other is a pow
er saw, thus making a machine which
will answer all the needs of a con
tractor and builder. There are also
adding a number of new machines
and a smaller one which will be
offered in competition with some of
the mail order houses, and will prob
ably sell for a trifle less than thiry
dollars. Mr. Sheldon presented one
to the drawing contest at KFNF.
valued at forty-five dollars, which will
be drawn by some one, and it is the
hope by one who needs it.
On Anniversary Program
Last Monday Gust Shumaker and
wife and daughter, Mrs. George. Pol
lard and William Obernalte went to
Shenandoah where the two gentle
men appeared on the program of fid
dlers and both of whom furnished
excellent music to the host of listen
ers over the country. The music of
these two gentlemen was heard and
appreciated by many of their friends
in Nehawka and other places in the
During the past week or more,
Uncle Z. W. Shrader, of near Nehaw
ka, who Is honored and respected by
lall alike, has been stricken with
pneumonia, which has kept .this gen
ial gentleman at his home and con
fined to his bed for a number of days.
So serious is his illness that the child
ren were called to his bedside, among
them his daughter Grace, who lives
in Dallas, "Texas, where" she is en
gaged in conducting a cafe, as well
as "her da.ughter. Mrs. J. "O. Slavton,
3 and the latter's little five .year old
From Monday's DfiXy
O. A. Davis of Murray was a visi-
itor in the city today. for a few hours
to attend to some matters of business.
Mrs. Reese Halstain of Louisville
was in the city today for a few hours
visiting with friends and also look
ing after some matters of business.
A. B. Smith, wife and children
were in Omaha yesterday where they
enjoyed the day visiting at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. James Hanna
and family.
Pollock Parmele of Alliance and
Charles C. Parmele of Omaha were
here Sunday for a short visit with
relatives and friends, returning this
morning to Omaha.
Mrs. Mary M. Davis of Lincoln, who
has been here visiting at the home of
her son, Searl S. Davis, departed this
morning for her home in the capital
city, going on the early Burlington
Sheriff. K. P. Stewart departed yes
terday for St. Joseph, Misouri, taking
with him Everett Price, wanted in
Cedar county, Missouri, on a statu
tory offense. He will be met at St.
Joseph by the sheriff of Cedar coun
ty. Mike Vitersnick, George and Frank
Sedlacek, and Fritz and Louis Sed
lak were in Omaha yesterday af
ternoon where they spent a few
hours, Mr. Vitersnick and George
Sedlacek being initiated in the
Knight of Columbus.
Flynn Tyler, aged 19, escaped in
mate of the Missouri state reform
atory at Booneville, is in jail here
awaiting the arrival of the officers
from the state reformatory to take
him hack home.
The downfall of Mr. Tyler, who is
not an unattractive youth, was at
the hands of some of the young ladies
of the vicinity of Louisville cr Cedar
Creek and who had evidently been
slighted by Tyler and secured her
revenge by having him turnel in to
the authorities. The officers at tho
Missouri state reformatory a few
days ago received a letter from Louis
ville in which it was stated that
Tyler was in that locality. The mis
sive was unsigned and as the oflieers
had been searching for the boy for
some time they at once notified
Sheriff E. P. Stewart and he drove
out to the locality where the young
man was staying and brought nini
on into this city.
Tyler was sent up from Kansas
City latt year on a five year jolt
for alleged highway robbery and
last fall made his escape from the
reformatory and arrived in Louis
ville shortly afterwards -alth.o no one
suspected him of being anything
else but a wandering "auto hobo"
a3 he came into Louisville via the
auto route and apparently liking
that locality decided to iocate there.
Sjnce his arrival here Tyler has
been working for his board on a
farm and a great many of the resi
dents of that portion of the county
have met him and he formed a num
ber of very warm friendships. Some
of his associates had evidently been
taken into his confidence as to his
past and the result is that he is now
waiting to journey back to old Mis
souri to finish out his hitch in the
H. M. Soei in fchsan Co.
'The Store of Bis Values"
Plattsmouth - - . Nebraska
Alfalfa hay under cover, also
seasoned oak posts. Sam Gilmour,
Pretty Spring patterns in fast color Ginghams, 32 inches -wide.
Regular 25c quality. Per yard , igc
36-inch fine quality Percales, light or dark grounds. Very de
sirable patterns. Per yard : joc
Pillow Cases 42x36 size. Excellent quality at this price, Each . 29c
Crash Toweling, unbleached. A firm yet soft weave. Is very
durable. Per yard J4C
New Dress Prints Guaranteed fact colors. Yard wide. Very
attractive patterns. Per yard 23c
Rayon Hose Guaranteed to wear. All new spring colors. Pair49c
Cuff top Hose lor boys and girls. Much in demand and popularly
priced. Per pair 29c
Silk plated cuff top Hose, all silk cuff tops. Very special value
at, per pair 49c
Hen's 2:20 weight blue denim Overalls High back, bar tack
ed seams. 32 to 42 waist. Per pair $1.00
Boys' Overalls 2:20 weight denim. Two-pocket bib and
plyer pocket. Full cut. Priced at
Ages 3 to 7, 89c Ages 8 to 11, 98c Ages 12 to 17, $1.19
Men's Khaki Pants Full cut, cuff bottom, belt loop waist $1.39
lien's large size White Handkerchiefs Quarter inch
hem, very soft finish. 3 for 25c.
Fletcher Son
To be held ai the farm of Emmer Bailou, located four
miles north of Ashland, Neb., on
From Tuesday's Daily
A. L. Becker, prominent Union
resident, was here today for a few
hours attending to some matters of
Mrs. Gertrude Brown and little
daughter, Jean who have been visit
ing here for some time, departed
Sunday for Hastings where they
have been making their home.
Miss Clara Wichman was at Ne
braska City yesterday where she was
the guest for the day of Mrs. Dean
Gillespie and family and enjoying-
the holiday in viewinn the sights
of the Otoe county city.
Commencing at 12 O'Clock Right After Lunch
This is a continuation sale of Earl Fletcher & Son, held at Wahoo,
Nebr., on February 18, when 130 head were held over, owing to
bad weather and many buyers being unable to attend this sale.
Prom Wednesday's Daily
Frank II. Johnson of Weeping
Water was here yesterday looking
after some matters cf business and
visiting with friends here in the
old home.
B. B. Everett of near Nebraska
City and J. A. Everett of near Union
were here today attending the sale
of the Hughson farm land at the
court house.
County Assessor W. II. Puis de
parted this morning for Lincoln
where he was called to attend the
meeting of the county assessors that
will meet in the capital city this
John S. Hall, old time resident
of this city, was here yesterday af
ternoon for a short time visiting
with the old friends. Mr. Hall is
now residing at Davenport, Iowa,
and in his work on tho road he has
the' whole state of Iowa as his ter
ritory and while he- was working In
the west portion of the state he de
cided to drop over to nee the old
Head of Pure Blood
Poland China Eredl
ows and Gilts!
The best of entire sale has been reserved and will be
offered for sale on the above date.
TERMS A credit of six months will be given on bankable note
drawing 8 per cent interest from date of sale.
Rex Young, Auctioneer