JtfOSDAY. JA2TUARY 18, 1926. FLATTSMCUTH SEML-JTEZSLY JOURNAL THE EIGHT TO EAT AND DPJNH VJgJUV!" iiir 1 ' a TaTny v?j. ji.ui w. plattsrnoutb lournal PUBLISHED SESn-WEEELT AT PLATT 51101773. JfSBSASKA Catered ftt PoacoSlce. P;ttmoutC. Nb- u vcoad-claaa mail matter R. A BATES, Publisher SUBSCEIPTI023 FIC U.CO PES THAU IS ADVASC1 J TO DIRECT MAN'S STEFS O Lord, I know that the way of j man i not in himself; it is not in i ;..an that walk' th to direct his steps. Jeremiah 10:l'u. ! I Cold v.ave wanes and warmer ! weather coming. c : A man may be pound foolish and We ju.-i can't figure out why sonic rich men are -kinny. :o: There is no congestion along thei straight and narrow path. :o: I You just can't keep Florida down, the 'Tampa now is enjoying a smallpox 1 boom. hasn't Spending makes you poorer, but i is gives you a delightful sensation of r ! :o: yet not penny vic. :o: Gi raid Nye pits his seat in s nab' from North Dakota. :o: :o:- This I.ocarno jua-e pack t-.oppd the lighting in Chicago. :o: b.ing rich. One of the latest additions to the United States navy is the floating- Millions for rubber war. huge sumi foundry-. .authorized to assure U. 3. reason- :o: i able prices. problems: :o- Ex-Goveinor Bryan, according to reports becomes a Florida banker. I We can't believe it. What the United States need is, :o: a decrease in unemployment among Great prosperity is predicted for those who have jobs. ,1926. but times promise to be fairly ft 3 ' But can a person hold such jjj :n,d remain a sincere Lrci- 1 mans i NEW HANDY PACK Fits hand pocket and purse More for your money and the best Peppermint Chewing Sweet for any money Among other finaneial Does France pay her premiers by the j ib or by the day? :o: Look for Wrizlay's P. K. Handy Pack I A LIONUMENT TO EVE Coal parley breaks up in bitter row. Peace in mine strike seems farther away than ever. :o: Robert Quillen, whose paragraphs are familiar to American newspaper reader?, would do what he regards as tardy honor to Eve. so he has erect- Don't follow the leader, even when'ed a monument to her in the front he is on the right track, pass him it" i yard of his home, at Fountain Inn. 'good in spite of this. -:o:- Every time we get a bill marked "Please Remit" we gee almost mad enough to go and pay it. :o: you can. :o: man a bad Some substitutes may be as good as the real article. Hut money ii a j poor substitute for happiness. j Giving a serious matter, but i can stand anything. South Carolina. The monument, the work of a local marble cutter, was name is a i,iaCed on thel Quillen lawn some time a Pullman car -:o:- Supposing in 1917 we had said to Europe, "Sure, we'll come across in about sixty-two years." If young people were only blessed i :o:- r.go. bearing the inscription, "In j Memory of Eve the First Woman." but ! the neighbors do not take kindiy ,to Mr. Qui.len's plan for paying his j respects to the "first mother." He Isavs they "stared at the monument 'with incredulous horror." Just why the neighbors were hor I rifled is not explaine d in the dispatch j quoting Mr. Quillen's comment in his paper, the Fountain Inn Tribune. there isn't another u cou,d not be 1n-v Personal objec tion to Eve herself. As Mr. Quillen says, and according to the most re- charming An S5-year-old man has just learned to drive a motor car. We had no idea pedestrians lived so long. :o: Mussolini's one regret these days must be that Musosiini he can slap in the face with second sight there would be few er cases of love atf first sight. :o: Harvard's president is disgusted with footb-ill. No wonder. Consider the team Harvard had last full. :o: Coilege boys are considerate. The loose clothes they wear makes it t easier for their friends to undress tator by unamimous consent. And lady." Perhaps the was a little too them. lit js ten vears in prison not to con- credulous, and if she had had less i sent. -:o:- Count Yoipi tays Mussolini is die-; liable accounts. Eve was a :o:- Vice-President Dawes seems as. meek and docile as a little lamb. Pc-r- -:o:- Sonator Brookhart is down feminine eouriosity things might have ! turned out better for the human race, ;ntl but taking her by and large, as the After a sojourn in Europe William E. i Pussyfoot) Johnson returns to 'New York apparently converted to a i more sensible view of the principle involved in the eighteenth amendment ! tlint 11 hlr.il 1. ll r . .1 r. . At liliili i nai 17 ah. "... a itrv rai ' ago. w hen he raided w ithout w arrant f 'such places as were supposed to be l.wj violating the prohibition laws. He is now quoted as saying that some good men drink and some do not, that "drinking is a mutter of personal taste. A man has a right to drink if he pleases. " Al ;o that "Prohibition certainly has no; work.. d out the way vp wanted it to." "A man has a right to drink if he phases. la view iiuitionist . The right to eat. and choose one's food ,1ms never been questioned. But a few years ago the vegetarians were condi'ciir.g a crutaue agaiusi ineai eating. Vegetarian restaurants sprang up in all large cities. The books. tracts anu leaiiets on vegetarian:sm persuaded many people, as the fact is, that meat-eating caused the slay- t:.-, Ai' '.ii. -iiiii.7 . u i. , c , though the neeessity eating meat in-j voivts wholesale slaughter of ani-j mais. me vegeianaris never emereii . , politics to bring about legislation in favor of their beliefs. Had they done so, and by more persistent propaganda induced a sufficient number of follow- l E . Irru tn iron with tVem we tniirV.t liav'5i J i it- hud antimeat laws on the statute ; books and a vegetarian amendment in the constitution. Jr Pussyfoot Johnson. vho now has r charge of the European oface of the js- World League Against Alcoholism. If tells us to rer.eal the eighteenth ! amendment, if prohibition has as bad an efl'ect as its e nemies charge, j I And. as time goes on. we may expect I to seen many more erstwhile nroni bition fanatics look with more or less favor on a return to the time when a man had the right to drink, as weil as eat, what he chose, so long as he does not injure anyone else. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. : o: The Ku Klux Klan in Salt Lake City demanded that local Santa Clause obey the law and appear on the ftreet without ma-ks or disguises. Well, a Santa Claus can be pretty effectually disguised by appearing without a mask. wsdnssdsw f3 r- i You will find many specials listed here that you can use and buy at big savings. Come here for the new things in Dry Gods, such as Ginghams,, Nainsooks and all kinds of material for Spring sewing. In Groceries you will find many substitutes for potatoes and the higher priced foods at big savings. Compare prices before buying. n hap? he has bittvn off more than he ' out as senator. It is a shame for a c-aying is. Eve was well worthy of can chew. man of his ability to have to step the eulogy of poets and artists and :o:- "We also want to add that modern girl knows as much about a r.erdie a- th a sav.buck. :o: I down off his perch, thei :o: France may proceed with her lot- modern boy knows about tt r" revenue scneme. dui sne mus n i j expect I'ncle Sam to take any of his i claim out in tickets. "No children, no alimony," is a de-j -: ... ... . ' The town where the people all pull cree that may r'-sult ir an increase m , . ... . , , toother is ihe one where prosperitv the birth raU- and decrease in the di- 1 ' . . ah-iupd. Remember a house uiviced vorce raie in mis n'uiarj. the loving care of the sculptor s chisel. Of course, she lived ,0j' her have pictured her a a close r:v-il f)f Helen of Troy fcr comeliness. The Fountain Inn neighbors of Mr. mq it ..rrij ail thr' arti.-t: . ; v. f'T:c-; sv! vnbs'.-'ni;np w!io iiave ever painted COCKEEALS FOS SALE R. C. Rhode Island Red and White Wyandotte coekerals. ?1.50 each. Ashland phone 1715. J FLIT'S REIXKE. jll-12sw South Bend, Xeb. :c:- aair.n its t-:lf can not stand. .it anns-mic-; J') .:o puoiq ?iV tS rtlOl OAI'T. .UIO ('II . ;iid 'ojir.nnjq j.i-nq-w s.oui A woman naturalist in Benton Harbor. Mich., has written a bock Mitl- l "Dumb Animals I Have Met." a.r.d ot i; aud it to her huband. She rhou'.d know best. Ci:ilien obj"ct mos- to his monumeiu V-'Oause F-'ve is not sufTic iently cloth (!. altlW'Ugh cio'h'-s would be an anachronism. er Sse the local marble Truck and Transfer r.VtT For a mild after-dinner smoke, gojj to Dates Eook and Stationery Store. 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS i S3c- . i- The State of Nebraska, Cass ooun-j& ty, ss. ! In the County Court. : s In the matter of the estate of , b& Christina Barr. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will it at the County Court room in Corset Bargain One lot of fonr dozen corsets, all back lace, for medium and stout figures. Sizes 19 to 34. Sold regiilarly at S3. 50 to $7.50. All go at one price on Eargain Wednesday $1 each New Renfrew Ginghams The advance styles and patterns in this popular 32-inch cloth are here ready lor your inspection. All fast colors. Specially priced at 30c yard Silk and Wool Hose This popular hose on sale here in colors, black and tan. A very fine quality and well worth more than we are asking. Price $1 pair Ladies' Silk Hose It will sure pay you big to see our numbers in Silk Hose at Special Prices Fibre and silk hose, all colors, pair $ .50 Pure thread silk hose, all colors, pair 1.00 Full fashioned silk hose, black and colors. 1.75 Nainsook Cloth Now here for your spring sewing. Special values. See the cloths we orfer at, per yard 45, 35, 30 and 25c Work Shirts A full cut, fast color work shirt, made of genu ine Amoskeag Cieviot. Two pockets. Colors are gray and blue. Specially priced at 75c each Remnants After invoicing we find lots of short length pieces on our hands, such as Percales, Ging hams, Muslins. Outings and many other cloths that we will mark very low for quick sale on Bargain Wednesday. Sliced Peaches In heavy syrup. Best quality. Our leader fcr Bargain Wednesday. Euy a supply at 3 cans for 65c Libby's Apricots Eest quality, large cans, packed in heavy syrup. Specially priced lor Eargain clay only 25c can Canned Vegetables Note the Savings Peas and tomatoes, stand, quality, new pack. 10c Tomatoes, large No. 22 cans. EW only 15c Homiry. estra large Ctoe brand, per can 10c Kidney Beans, finest quality, Otce brand 15c Navy Beans Navy beans are going higher cn account of be ing used as substitutes for potatoes. Get some at these prices on Eargain Wednesday: 3 lbs. for 25c 13 lbs. for $1 Pinto Beans are becoming a staple i:i our neighborhood. If you have not tried them you are missing a nourishing food at a low price. 3 lbs. for 25c 13 lbs. for $1 Salmon Tall cans, new stock, each 15c Seedless Raisins In bulk cr Del Monte brand in packages, nre a good buy at this low Eargain day price 2 lis. for 25c Toilet Soap Such well known brands as Jap Bose, Palm Olive. Creme Oil, Hard Water Castile, medium size Ivory or Peroxide soap on sale Eargain Wednesday at an unusually low price 3 bars for 25c t".i r 1 14 3 9r- h 9 IS" f" ST3J C "THE CORNER STORE!" Dry Goods and Groceries 3 of an artist, and j piattsinouth in said county, on the ure of the mot her j 1 r.t4i day of February, 192G. and on A It I Dr. John A. Griffin T Dentist Office Hours: 9-12; 1-5. Sundays end evenlLgs by appointment only. PHONE 229 Soennichsen Building A ; L - I - N - E Call Phone 342-W or see me at the Vallery Sales Pavilion, Plattsmouth Wade Porter ?Live Stock Hauling a Specialty. of us all. It cannot h" that modern ism and fundamentalism have com 1 to prips again, and this time on the J paracraphfr's lawn! If so. it is a , hum place for a dispute. The para i g-rpphrr has no sp.'cer for weari some details. Boh Quillen wanted to honor Evo, he has done so to the best of his ability, so let it po at that. -:o:- THE SPIRIT THAT LIVES A bank failed in Sprinirfield, III.. the 17th day of May. 1926, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said es tate is three months from the luth day of February, A. D. 1926, and the time limited for payment of debts is tine year from said 15th day of February. 192 6. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 4th day of January, 1926. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE, and each of you. according to ; prayer of said petition. Tn the District Court of Cass coun-i Dated this 13th day of January, ty. Nebraska. jA. D. 1926. th- Try Journal Want Ads It pays. Then tell the world about it thrcirh the Journal Want Ad co'tuhh. I Am Now Ready to Repair and Oil Harness! Harness Oiled a! SI. CO Per Set If any one needs an Electric Wanher I am making a special price on same. -SPECIAL THIS WEEK- 12 Gauge Shells $1 CO per bcx Heavy 12 Quart Galvanized Pails 49c Good Hammers at 80c each And many other items at reduced prices. If you need a stove come in and see the New Quick Meal! w Dealer in Hardware, Harness and Repairs of All Kind A. II. DUXEURY. after the panic of 1S73. Severn 1 j ( Seal ) j7-4w County Judge. hundreds of thousands of dollars were! lost bv depositors. It seemed hope-!ORDER OF "EARING AND NO 10.1 o? hi . v. I TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL lessly lost. Iiow many times is resti-j tution made for losses in such a, In the County Court of Cass coun failure? ! N( braska. Jacob Punn. the presid-nt of that Jat of Nebraska- County of hrnk, passed through the bankruptcy j 11 persons interested in the court. He might have charged those estate of Alice II. Davis, deceased: losses off and forgotten about it. But, On reading the petition of Mabel Jacob Bunn did not. lie said he would Crok Paying that the instrument . . , ., j filed m this court on the 6th day of pay every cent. So he started out ail Januarv 1926. and purporting to be over again. the last will and testament of the The other day the heirs of Jacob 'said deceased, may be proved and al- Dunn announced that debt-could now, 5owed' an1 recorded as the last will . , . , , . land testament of Alice H. Davis, de- be paid. Tne accounts had been car-j(.paso( that paid instrument be ad riod all thosp years in the ledger of .rnitted to probate, and the adminis the family's honor. tration of said estate be granted to Pnmilv honor! Tf them wse mnro lcnei look as Administratrix; like the Bunn family in America! :o: Dodge Agency on South 5th Now From Lower Main street to one half block south of Main on South oth street, to the Frank E. Vallery Auto and Sales Pavilion. Let us take care of your auto troubles Ask us about the Dodge for three successiye weeks prior to price rtuuuiuu auu al&o me payment Bai(1 day of hearing. "Witness my hand, and seal of said It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons jntercsted in said matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on the 1st day of February, A. D. 1926, at ten o'clock a. in., to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grant ed, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, Joseph V. Brandt and Paul Apple- crate. Plaintiffs, vs. ilugli tampoeii et al. Defendants. To the defendants Hugh Campbell; Mrs. Hugh Campbell, wife of Hugh Campbell, first and real name un known; Mary Campbell. Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Hugh Campbell, deceased; Robert Campbell; the heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives, and all persons interested in the estates of Hugh Campbell, deceased; Mrs. Hugh Campbell, wife of Hugh Camp bell, deceased, first and real name un known; Mary Campbell, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Hugh Campbell, deceased, and Rob ert Campbell, each deceased, and their heirs and legatees, whose names and whereabouts are to plaintiffs unknown; and all persons interested in either the east half (E) of the southwest quarter (SWU ) of Section twenty-seven (27), or the west half (V!j) of the southwest quarter PW U ) of Section twenty-seven (27), all of Township ten (10). Range thirteen (13), East of the 6th P. M., Cass county, Nebraska, real names unknown. Defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that the above named plain tiffs filed a petition and commenced an action in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 13th day of January, 1926, against you snd each of you, the object and pray-1 er of which is to obtain a decree of eourt quieting the title, first to the east half (EVS) of the southwest quarter (SWi) of Section twenty- j 14-5 w JOSEPH V. BRANDT and PAUL APPLEGATE. Plaintiffs. J. A. CAPWELL. Plaintiffs' Attorney. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. NOTICE In the District Court of ( county. Nebraska. Ida F. Applegate; Jessie A. Pt ; Julian E. Applegate; Palmer Ar-Dlegate and Delia A. Ander plaintiffs, vs. Herman M. Nye; Klia I'.arnur.i; Thomas G. Barnuia; J. 1'. Hartman. real nonie unknown; John r; ('. n. TT..11. nr.,.:.. Tn-ii. -( r . . a In the Matter of the Application lll'u- 1J -' '-'"'.' , of A. O. Ault. Administrator of the J nmngs; G:oe County Nat:.,:.;il Estate of Edward P. McBride. de- N bra.-ka ( ity. Nebn.-l.a. ceased, for License to Sell Real Es- Bayley ; Ldward (.. .. ;- 1:. w. llf 1 ry f I , : n D. 1926. plan. Several used cars and trucks. FRANK E. VALLERY Residence phone, SOS Office phone 23 jlo-ld lw!(Sean j Blank books at the Journal office. Jjll-3w seven (27), Township ten (10), Range thirteen (13), East of the 6th P. M., Cass county. Nebraska; second, to the west half (W) of the southwest quarter (SW14) of Section twenty-seven (27). Township ten (10), Range thirteen (13), East of the 6th P. M., Cass county, Ne braska, as against you and each of you. and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. You and each of you are required court, this 6th day of January, A. j to answer said petition on or before A. H. DUXBURY, County Judge. C. E. TEFFT, Attorney. Monday, the 1st day of March. 1926, or the allegation of plaintiffs' peti tion will be taken as true and a de cree will be entered in favor of plain tiffs, respectively, and against you tntp in Pfir T ,- Itt c Now on this 31st day of December, ; Bayley; William Horrisan: a n ic.or mc a n Ann A d-' Barn 11 111. real na me un k no w 11 ministra'tor of the estate" of Ed ward ;W Moore; Milton Tootle: Stoc!e!l P McBride, deceased, and presents ' Stokes ; George . Hunt and Lee Ap his Trtitinn for licpnsp to sell real es- plegate, and all persons haviiu-' T t'nto nf thp deceased to tiav debts out- claiming any interest in the west half standing against said estate: and it of lhe norlhwost quarter N '4 appearing from said petition that wet ion twenty-seven (L'.t. towr.. there is insufficient personal property HO) north of Range That. -en il in the hands of said administrator to fast of the Sixth Principe; 1 Mend pay the claims presented and allowed in (""-s county. Nebraska, real na: ,es by the Countv Court and the expenses ununow n. ueu nuanis. of said administration and that it is To the above named defendant: necessary to sell the whole of said You and each of you are h.rthy real estate of said deceased for the notified that on the 21st day of pavment of claims and costs of ad-j Member, 1925 Ida R Appb -ate; ministration; Jessie A. Potter; Julian E. At pb - It is therefore Ordered and Ad-'pate; Palmer C. Applegate and 1. !ia judged that all parties interested in A. Anderson, plain! ifTs herein filed the estate of Edward P. McBride. de- j their petition in thin action in the ceased, appear before me, James T. District Court of Cans county. N Begley, Judge of the District Court. ! hraska against the above defend in the office of the Clerk of the Dis- 'auts. the object and prayer of v hirh trict Court in the court house, in the petition is to iuict title- to th" f'd Citv of Plattsmouth. in Cass county. : lowing desc ribed real estr-te. towit : Nebraska, on the 20th day of Febru ary. 1926, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any there be. why license should not be granted to A. O. Ault, Ad ministrator of said estate, to sell all of the real estate of said deceased so as to pay claims presented and al lowed with costs of administration. It is further Ordered that notice be given to all persons interested by publication of this Order to Show Cause for four (4) successive weeks in the Plattsmputh Journal, a legal newspaper published and of general circulation in said County of Cass. Nebraska. By the Court. JAMES T. BEGLEY, j4-4w District Judffe. 1 The West Half of the North west Quarter I.WV'i I of Sec tion Twenty-Seven (27. Town ship Ten (10). North Range Thirteen (13), East of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Cast, county, Nebraska. You are required to answer slid petition on or before the 8th ri;.y of February, 1926. Dated this 21st day of December, 1925, at Lincoln, Nebraska. IDA F. APPLEGATE, JESSIE A. POTTER. JULIAN E. APPLEGATE. PALMER C. APPLEGATE. DELIA A. ANDERSON. Plaintiffs. By Frederick J. Patz, Their Attorney.