THURSDAY. JANUARY 14, 1926. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FTTE 11 II II . Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readen If ny of tbe readers of the Journal krjov of any social event or Item of interest In this vicinity, and will mail me to tbls office. It will ap pear under this ueadlnji. We want all news items Editoh v u 0 unday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lippold of Omaha, all enjoying the day most pleasantly. J. V. Rerger had the misfortune to lose a very fine hog weighing about two hundred pounds which he was expecting to have dressed m a short time. William Lindner and wife were in Omaha on ednesday ot tins week, where they were called to I look after some business matters for th Murray Garage. The Missouri Pacific spilled a car I of cinders at the station which they ! distributed about the place that the platform and drives might be kept in the best condition. Henry Starkjohn of Plattsmouth was a visitor in Murray last Mon- jday and was distributing sale bills I telling of the sale which he is to have on January 29th. ! Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Shrader of South Omaha were visiting last Sun- . day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Our bid for your patronage is Henr-V c- Long, where all enjoyed bj i-w i i the occasion very much, ased on our ability to render, Ralph Kennedy has been having you a better banking service'3 ver" severe attack of the jaundice U J hut is at this time reported as g -l- man jx iiatc ciijuycu ill Lll REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MURRAY STATE BANK of Hurray, Nebr. Save Sow end yon won't have to Slave later. past. Your banking affairs will be held in strictest confidence, and your account is assured helpful, personal attention by every officer of our bank. May ,ting along nicely and is hoping that ;he will soon be alright again. It is reported that Maynard Tritsch who was so badly burned i some time since was take n to the , hospital where he was to have some skin graft on the burned portions. Mr. Charles M. Hoback and wife ; of San we serve you; Murray State Bank Murray, Nebraska There is No Substitute for Safety Mrs. G. II. Gilmore was a visitor last Tuesday at the home of her sister Mrs. Ray Frans of Union. Searl S. Davis of Plattsmouth was a visitor in Murray last Monday and was visiting a number of his friends here. J -:fcepli Deitl was shelling and de livering coin to the Farmer's eleva tor on Tuesday afternoon of thi3 we-ek. B. II. business clay and friends Miss Charter No. 57S liruska at th' J 'fi-t m li in tlie State of Ne close of business ;:i, i;j.". IIESOUHCES! uiscounts furniture and !.,ans and vt-rilr:ifts . Hon. Is Hanking lieu fixtures Ot!u r real estate !!iiT4lers conservation fund .. lne from National and State tanks ..$ 49,'T4.0:j Cl:ei'l;s ami items if -M-lianir .... 4. !"',. Cash in Lank .... :;. 4 rl :.-!:. $.!l,i7s.o:: 4.iv..;i TOTAL LI A P. I LI Til ' stock fi-r.i 1 profits i.Vtti. ... at .:' -its to eheck. .$110.7."!". tificates "f L'on.Tr.i. e h e c k s Capital S"i !! us Cn.livi.l. ltnlivi.U: SU t.jeet Time e. deposit . C.-'.s! ier's 'iiitsianilu'ir : to National ami State l-a:ik. 1 :e-i iseeut. ts H;':ls I'avatiie I -osit' r'.- iui rant y TOTAI .$ i: 1 s . O l Ti .1 JUKI "111 j.Oti :M4t-,.f,n 1 fumi' . . :".n:;?.s:: non-' ; O. Hull. Ill 1. l."7.4: .tr. ,H4 rt.;v!i this I t ii i Sea! IMv e. McCarroll of Union was a visitor in Murray last Mon was also meeting his many here. Ina DeLes Dernier left on New Year's clay for Hartington. Ne braska where she has a position in th- city schools of that place Roy Conners who returned from St. Louis some time since, lias again gone to work and is looking after the work on the section as usual. V. II. Puis and son Harry of Plattsmouth were visiting and look ing after some business matters in Murray on last Tuesday afternoon. Joe Campbell was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Saturday where he went to consult his family physic ian a io the state of his health. Hurley Morton of Union was a visitor in -Murray last Tuesday af ternoon driving over in his car to look after some matters cf business. Charles Doardman and wife of southeast of Union were visiting and loolne after some business mat ters in Murray last Tuesday morn ing;. Dr. an ! Mrs. G. L. Taylor and the children were spending last Tues day with relatives and friends in Omaha they making the trip in their auto. Frank Foreman was a visitor in Omaha with relatives on last Sun- back for the business come to his store on day. getting which micht Monday. Miss Etta --";' kies had Nickles and Mr. Lee for their guests on last Direct Property Then you protect your car. Our Anti-Freeze will do it. A radio works tcf perfection and "comes in fine" these cold nights. Don't delay installa tion ring us up The Murray Garage : Jose. California, visited their niece, Mrs. E. DeL-s Dernier on Thursday of last week and was very much appreciated, as it had been 2" years since they last met. Patrick Wilson and Gust Johnson workmen for the Yant Construction-Company drove over from Oma has on a truck last Monday and re turned each driving a truck, they taking one which had been left there. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Topliff have been visit ine with the prents of Mr. Topliff in Jewell county, Kan sas, where they had a most enjoy able visit since Christmas, return ed home a few days since having driven and enjoyed every minute of the time. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson and wife and Wayne Y.'ilson and family, were visiting last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson and the family at Syracuse making the trip in their auto, finding some rather rough roads and some that were pretty good. Uncle J. C. Tilson hd the misfor tune to lose one of his horses which have served him so faithfully for these many years. The animal was on pasture at the home of Thomas Tilson, his son. and was apparently getting along nicely, until the sou found the animal dead. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Crosser, of Bloomfield, were visiting in Murray last unday and were guests at. tbe home of Miss Etta and Mr. Lee Nickles. they being guests of Mr. Crosser's mother, Mrs. Fraud; Crosser who is makinc her home with her sister Miss Etta Nickles. A. D. Rakke the proprieter of the Murray Garage who has been sick at his home, is still confined to his bed the most of the time, being at.-I to be un a Dortion of the time. 7 makes the work for Charles Land, good, and he has been kept hustling with the work that comes to the shop. Philip Keil and Otto Wholfarth wtn-o nrtr tn Onnwn. Iowa nn last! Sundav where they went to see a farm which belonged to G. K. Pet-j ring, which Mr. Keil went to look j at with a view ot larming it snouid) everything appeal to him. After the t visit he was non-committal as to 'what he would do in the matter, i Kemper Frans the barber has been having a very tasty front made for the mirrors and which makes ,a very nice appearance, the work having been done by Harvey Gregg the carpenter. Mr. Frans will have . that artist of the brush Wayne j Lewis finish the piece of furniture tin white enamel which will add to 'the beauty of the piece and when I the entire room is finished it wil1 'make a very beautiful place, j Wallace Nelson who had his arm j fractured some time since, and which on account of an accident 'when he was playing had to have the arm set the second time is now getting along nicely, and has just jwon a box of candy with the heroic effort of getting his arm down to one hundred and forty degrees. He is to win another one wnen ne snan j arrjV0(j have gotten it clown to i-u degrees. Wallace is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson. Ellis Schlictemier who is the sou of Mr. and Mrs. Omar Schlictemeier and who with his mother has been State of Nebraska J '"'"uirity of Cass J T. W. ;. i: ieker. President of th- al'ov.- tiiinui! Kink. "1" solemnly sve:ir tl-.Ht the iili" sliiteno r:t is a trn- ;irei icrrt'i't eopv of ti.e report rr.;n:- to tl.t Department .f Tra'le ! 'ommer' e. w. ct. i: i:i kki:!:. Attest: President. l.KuN'A P." K ! i:K KP. I i"ert"r. ";. M. MlNPtiPI", liret.: d ami sworn to before !; v of .hiniiii rv. lf!i'"V EDNA M. WA 1 1 f 1 EN Notary Public. me mmissjon expire: let. if, at Omaha for nearly the past two weeks where lie has been under going a clinic, for the ascertaining if he had a Mastoid tumor, but without a real decision, returned home last Saturday, but may have to go for another examination in land dear to us in our hour of grief and sorrow. We express our thanks for the beatutiful floral offerings. and to those who took part in the singing and the pianist. Mrs. Rob ert Burr and mother Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Burr and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kasteur. Mr. and Mrs. Ozro Virgin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Head and family and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Keil and family. BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON Sunday, January 17th Ey M S. Brlsgs Golden Text: "For God the world that he gave his gotten Son that whosoever on hiui might not perish eternal lire. Jonn so loved only be bclieveth but have :ne: arc unw wii urn irrPM n v health shall a short time. His man; hoping that the little not be compelled to operation and that his be speedily restored. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Rhin were call ed to the home of Mr and Mrs. Grant Hackenberg lai't Sunday by the report that their house was on fire. Mr. and Mrs. Rhin hurried with all speed, but when they ar rived at the home it was entirely consumed. Tl ey were ablo a little of the it dsling but the furniture' a: utensils were not able Mr. and Mr.. Hackenberg with Mr. and went to Plat now hou- -mouth where to save ;;nd clot bine d household to be saved. came home nd later the-y art- living in Mr. and Mrs. Rhin's The Story of Kicodemus The Sanhedrin of the Jews was the hi chest court at the time of the coming of Christ. Th court, for such it was, was composed of it persons and was instituted during the rule of the Ma-cab'. -es. and last ed until after the timr- of Christ, and later was functioning at Baby lon. As time advanced the powers of the body became stronsrer and during the time- when the Israelites governed themselves it had the power of imposing the sentence of death. It was this body that was so strongly opposed to the reception and aceeptare' of th" Christ at his com ing. Xicodemus was a member of the body, and a very influential one at that. He was a teacher of the Jews, and as such was well versed in Jewish history. He had taken no tice of John the Baptist, and had lis tened and thought much on the things which he had spoken. As John ihe Baptist propheded that the Christ was soon to come . Nicodemus compared the script tires and the prophecies with what John the Bap tist vas saying to th people. N ii-i.dc-mi:s alo he ard the Christ sptck. and knew of the miracles he performed, believing him to Messiah. He wus still a mem the Sanhedrin. and fearing the lit went by night to see the Arriving there . although he Shotted Pclsnd China Boar lest. hrol a stioted poiand china boar nwav from the stock varus, any recdved M. Mill I get r-,' ; . i information will ! cladly as to his, whereabouts, ford. Murray, Neb. -G. Attendire Territorial Settlers Keet. Unde D. A. Young who has been in this country tor many a long ! year, and who was born just across the river in Iowa was a passenger to Lincoln last Tuesday where he went to attend the Territorial pio neer's meeting, which was conven-ji ing at the capital city early this f week. Mr. Young has lived many. i years in Cass county anu nas neineci j te make this one of the best places to live In the best state of the best countrv in the World. whh ii be Ihe be r of Jews. Mas. ( r was a Pharisee and a very prominent member or the Sanhedrin. he said. "Master, we know thou art a teach er cc-ne from God, fer no mar. can do the miracp's whidi thou rioest ex cept God be with hirn." We- will now !-'t Nico-'.emus tell the interview himsdf. Ye Must be Born Aain" '(".ri-t answered me saying. 'Ver ily, erily. I say unto liiee, except a man tie Porn again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.' Well do you know, thui st emed a pretty strong pr'j i dt Ion. for it se-e::ed to ine that a man couM not wii-. n he was grown he born again and I sai 1. "How can a man win n he is old. enter into his motht-'s womb and te. born again?' The Master w: s ready with a reply, ar.d --aid in that com ir.c.'rg "manner. 'Verily, verily, I say unto thee, ex eent a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the Flesh is Flesh, and that winch is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Marvel iif't that I say unto thee. Ye must tie born again. The wind bloweth where it lisreth; thou nearest the sound thereof. but cannot tell whith er it cometh or whence it goeth; so eve rv cue that is oorn of tne spirit.' I could not understand and said. 'How can these things be?' As !Ui(k as a flash, the Master answer ed saying in the form of an inquiry. 'Art thou a Master or teacher in Is- Secure New Minister. Following the meeting of the Bible school at the Christian church last Lord's clay, the matter of secur ing a new minister for the church was taken up. and tbe Rev Frank Gardner was extended a call for half time wotk. lie ac-i-fjiiiiis cut cu me j C(.i1(;etl over tne xeiepiione cue same uay him might be Baved. He that believ eth on Him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the con demnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness more than light because their deeda were evil. For every man that doeth evil hateth the light, neither com eth to the light lest his deeds be re proved. But he that docth truth, tom cth to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought of God.' This is the substance of the in terview which this greatest of all men, for he more than man, for he was the son of man and also the Son of God. "I then made up my mind that this was indeed the very Christ which should come into the world. I knew if 1 openly espoused his cause, that I would be- thrown over the tranom at the Sanherin and while I made up my mind that I wcuid be his disciple I said nothing to his enemies in the Sanherin, for to do ho would pro voke strife and I thought I had e -rough then. In the light of later de velopments I found that I did not do as i should for ir begptted of coward ice, when I should deny my Lord, when he has come from high heaven 'or the solvation of even me. This disciple could fully realize the tesitien of the writer of that popular song, which should be rung by his foilowers for years Jo come, how eep'y the writer felt of his littleness and of the great magnamity of the Master when he came and gave his life that all men might be saved: '"I gave. I gave my life for the-e. My precious biood I shed. That thou might ransomed be And rmickened from the eiead. I bring, I bring my life to thee, What hast thou brought to tne? I gave. I gave my lif. for th:c What har thou given me? Another Old Fashioned m m bm tk C2 This one of tba fun producirjc events arise vw!! be at the 1 I r n f" n i 3 si tsUlitldi 'j; Music will be furnished by the GraJoville CIa?iques and the ICohrsU Old Time Orchestra. Bolls Kcusd end Szzrz 0sG2s! William Hintir will Call for the Darter s! - Come out and join the bevy of joy steppers at th'jse piesar.t dance. DOK'f FOneGET THE DATE! 'DOAUE COLLEGE TAKES STOCK OF 1558 PLOSPZCTS Fhrkf a ger Tax Cut Insists. Eotvever, That Action en the Bill by Irlarch 1st Will Not Be Frevented. Washington. Jan. Ii .:c;ion by ihe senate revenue bill, to assure Kre Xoni;artisan on the house its enact men t firt income' diie. is. in the (.'cjolidge. high- March la. when i..x ir.Ttaliiiu nis are oDiniini if President ly dtsircaok. The president believes tiie pro rani of senate finance Coiinnittee iltti-ocrais for an in; reuse of 170 :ixOL,tunil dollars ov-.r lite total of lux reduction provided "ey the house measure is unwise from an econom ic standpoint, and would involve a party fight that might delay prompt iCli n. Senator Simmons. (X. C'.t. rank ing demcrra: on the committee, an .'. .unceu today that, although the r:;uuit:ee had rejected the plan for incre d reduction, he expected to gain eiiough support in the senate for its adopt ion. AT the same time, he insisted that a fight f'-r adoption of the amend ments proposed by the minority .lit n hers wili not be permitted to rreve-nt final action en the bill be roie March 10. V.'ith most of the rate schedules bv the nonnartisar. house- provid"d oiea'-uie alre ady approved, tlie com-1 initite today for changes picvisior.s of tee ha yet to act on th1 inheritance, stamp and alcohol taxes, and the r-!opeisnl of th" house bill for repeal of the provision permitting publi cation of income tax returns. Meanwhile, Chairman Green of th? house ways and means committee, which drafted the measure, announc ed strong opposition today to the ' hante in the bill made 'yesterday by the renate committee to repeal the 'apiial stock tax and increase the levy en corporations. representative Green argued that the proposed increase in the flat cor poration tax from per cent to per cent will increase the bur- j ! n on small corporations without) 'ienefit:ng them greatly through re-1 th pi- o; t i ;:: lo- The prosjie-; pionship romir year are brigl ceivc-d by the C'ont ir.uirg. 1 n" chair is practicaliy nho vf!'o po: ii.-e-t are n-)t lm ai 1 "i yard s for the tra. 1c cham g to fgain this t, sas a bulletin re- Journal today, the bulletin say.:: ii..:isl;ir 'am f it.;act. 0:ily f.vo J v.'iun:rs ii; ihe i u :-; hoo! a; l;e v. winner oi dashes, gradual e- till, p if e . i si : i?; : whip- Kraag. winner of the discus throw, may next sc-n; ester. '1'tta! meets wiii- thi ,;f. d ; in l'-f::. in- n 1 ft -2 r, o:-'-s- the d: lace- i-i s( hool !.- i:i th b'tt v. it in n. t!i tte r in . r. w - ( !) II !: lit- tf t C'ii v A. .e .t I, it e f'at-t. will h.,T thn. il uld -lav. v ;m- , r.i . t: Itl"!itl.. :eni;zssee astings and me-e-t includ- d lias 1. The t'-am Kansas and I ru and a triangular ; ing Wcsleyan. Cotncr an been tentatively arrange will also b s'-nt to the Drake Relay::. "Captain II. J. Graves, of I'lji view. N bra.-lta. is the outstanding middle distance man on ihe squad. He is practically certain of a cc n-id-etai)ie- number of points in any m-e t in which the squad takes part. 0;h"r middle distar.. e met: v ho are left from last year's squad in'-lod" I.aase PLANS NEW HIGHWAYS of Vv'isner. I'rov.n of Cre Simon of Cambridge, this section who have ise i:i full w..,rk are Fh lumbti'-, Zinnn'-rnu n of no:iii'-r of Clay Center. Stanton and Vv'a'kT of a ' -n in 1 E New r.i'-i d ewn p: nK .ld;T.. of Co- Cr-t.-. and H-jt-er (f Clay Center islanding men in the two are ti.e oe mile event. 'Ray Alf of Petersburg. ITarold Simon of Cambridge, and Parker of Crete aie the letter men back for the sprint events. These m-u with Kii.r.ey made up the relay team which broke the state record in the lf'25 meet. New candidates include Fa'k, , f Crete , in the l"o and France of Wolfe of Clay Center and F.ovey of Crete in the qrartor. "The weight events will be taken care of by Park of Crete, Pooth of Sutton. Kubicek of Wil her and Over turf of Pird C.'ty. Kansas. "In Ablott of Clay Center and Mc Kenzie and Phil Taylor of Crete. I-,ane has three of the pest hurdlers in the conference. It i; doubtful if any new mtn will have much chance of breaking in on these events. 'Ablott. C.eer of Columbus. I'ubi- considered suggestions j ot-k and Pooth form a group of cap in the administrative t able high jumpers. Ablott and deer the- law. 2The commit-J tied for first place last year at Lin- Kn'":vi:!e. two htchwa.i Sm-ky l.iev.iii They will cxt the North C; other from t!, re ugh an tr nal park rar; im-nt 1' funds provi CoUTitl'-. r:vu:ntai she-ft'-tl to th- s T r.n fa ising P'li-i h.-o-for p re us a lii . 1 1 i , 1 1 1) o i ! li rid r-d ai : -;- t h s will s.a: t i'o:n e in a lit: i n h the ut! s .- e lvville-. The ai'.i f The- Stte Uiga s agreed i"i s-; ' d i;y Se-vi-r an r i i-n.-1 no t t' -n gbways. Th' re (.i-'aiict from t ; rvilh :.d w ill r a :i 1 -1. . t tlie y '' II." - 1 - I" n, - ; 11 !'' : i:. hi nd N,,rt':i . S 2. ' . 11 1 ' " with w : land in the (tr-at Siu'iki c r t;it i- -n to t he Hi v. r:,i;i" :. tioiial paik. I I i v i uii t ! ., has ben ;ub";lln d. K'CLCJTOCE CASE UP KCKDAY Chicago. . P gr 1 o lions not C it wi" be car for fin: 1 c'i'. hv Jud--e i-i it day. n. f I . the- M ! f:nal r li ll' tO ti.' : lrilll hi.atii Sc;:n; : i a t ho-- St. ir. a i. real of the capital .stock levy. rael and knoweth not these things?' He also said. 'Verily, verily. I say unto thee, we speak that which we do know and we testify of the things which we have seen and ye receive not our witness.' lie also said, li l have told yov. ot cart lily tilings anu ye believe not. CHASING now snan you :eiiev n 1 ien you of Ileavenlv thinge? No man has as- un into heaven, but he that came down from heaven: even the' i"an rancisco. i ne weatner pro ontmumg A 1 1 a rgtii. i). She "Pt'ly ';ei !.ooil re .: th liiKo r ;n: IP til c vt n t u a 1 1 r I-ej-it Lt : ( ph- rd. d Ih let i r. tig th : :' ioste r fat intock ;iia i at i f a 1 1 1 s an 1 I.-...1 tic e. J'j'j- lie wo::'-'. o.'-nt. delarei the c lor r of t..! i f. the a .'.I m- 1 th"' " !;,: r t ;. . Mr it ;!- a-' ctirr v ou !; tie- Mi me (ourt. ce-ln while Pooth and gone as high on other occasions. "Sanderson of Clay Center Paul Taylor and Sack snort en to iai:e care- Kuhii-ek have and There is every snaat cf many beautiful special dei rer.i:iscn cor:rariy to be of Cret are pates Book and Gift Chop.,ltli lu ...i.e eun- ml uir i-nutu 4l,,r. 1 , . . . rr. t .1 r Ll. il. V I J 11.: '.1.1 1.41-. 11 At jiuno. i ue layior r.roiaers (i c reie-. . , Scheer of Harvard. Clarke of Albion 'T1.' "---r-J ie '-Je l- 'i-.-er and '-us of the nnd at the ow is s if vou tn 1 Klasek cf Wilber are the pole r37FT or crep? paper napkins. I BUTTERFLIES UP IN BALMY ALBERTA ' li will preacn icr cue him nme on K(,n ,.- l1lan ,vhieh is In henvei ' . the coming Lord's day. "Continuinc he said. 'Moses lifted i west and the Cal., Jan. 11. , ram in the frr; northwest has become' 'up the serpent in the wilderness. I "any scrauiniea. in canornm.; Home From Hospital. jeven so must the son of man be lifi-j where milri winters are, as a rule,' Mr. W. G. Poedeker who has been ! ed up that whosoever believeth on ' Part of the allurements to tourists at Rochester for the past two weeks, him should not perish but have eter-and the stock boast of the natives.! where he has been at the Mayo; nal life. This language seemed j one or the coldest spells in years; Rmthors hosrdtal for consultation ' strange unto me and was more than prevails. Fogs cover large sections ' The Wife's Right! The wife has a right to the benefit of the improved machinery. The Power VAshr and a Gas Engine for power for toe washer. Come in and fee them and we will talk it over. "Make the Wife Glad." U U 15 V8 MpCJQ Jt' a m Ra V It sfa a i a Murray, Nebraska home last Monday evenii and is feeling pretty well, and at work in the hank as usual. I is!v Central Store Gets New Car. The Central Store, which is own ed by Frank Foreman, has purchas- i GenlraU No. (2 Fleas s! -Tlie Quality and Seruica Store - i 116 H. M. Snennirfispn fnmn3nv Telephone No. 12 - - Murray, Nebraska a new ana nircy t ora roacster 01 'the latest pattern and which will make an excellent car for this place' of business. pkeported Dead in Omaha. The man who had his feet frozen bo badly, during the late severe ; cold snap, when he was sleeping in : a. barn belonging to Joe Hathaway nd who was taken to the state hos-, pital. where he was being treated,! has been reported as dead. could comprehend. Then he came ith the most wonderful declaration which I had ever heard, and have ever heard since, for at the time he was speaking, I could see in his kind- eye that there was a world of truth as well as love eminating from his countenance and his whole be ing. For he must have realized that he was telling of the most wonderful evening on all the universe of God. his father, for he said, 'For God so loved the world that he gave his of the interior and have cause of several serious been the accident at night. 1 On the other hand. Alaska re ports this mildest weather in its his tory. Dispatches from Nome toduy said there is not enough suow for dog races. Up in Alberta, where cold weather is the rule for six months in the year, the people are confronted with an ice famine. Dis patches from Lethbririge, Alberta said the weather is mild and rivers only begotten son that whosoever I are running. One citizen chased CARD OF THANKS For the many expressions of kind ness and in honor of our beloved husband and brother, Robert Burr. believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life." While things had been a little hard for me to understand, the truth of this state ment seemed to entirely envelope me and I realized that the son of God spoke of himself when he said God gave his only begotten son, and I was then convinced as Peter has declared later, that this Jesus was indeed the very Christ, the son of the most high God, the maker of the universe and all that is contained therein. "Continuing Jesus said: 'For God butterflies yesterday for exercise. Several robins were seen and golf is going on as usual. Stock is run ning 011 the ranges. Records for twenty-four years fail to reveal as long a warm spell as now prevails in Alberta. A water shortage is threatened in central California becanse of the lack of rain, although this is the rainy season. i lood isnure Ssresder! Also a number oi other farming implements iood a new and at a crcat sacrifice if taken at once. Sec f iank fvlrasek or Richter Bros, for prices. Rlrasek & Hiehfer Eros. East Murray Murray, Neb. - 73. k. . - f 7T K-''i i-y lm3L "TVl. 'l ... - ,1V - I we wish to express our thanks to sent not His son into the world to the many people who were so kind condemn it, but that the world thru Have you anything to sell or buy Then tell the world about it through the Journal Want Ad column. anaesthetic 4 EX .HON f-R .' punrinteed in every cose accepted b- trei tment. ar.a no :n ; , liair-',,i KKE-b. BOCii en Ket-tal 13ijtac name and tctimcR-ali. of liitie r.a- ri.-c... who .vt been rsrrrj.rnLy c-rid, -r PK. K. K. TAIiRY PANATOnilT!1.:. o iC) ci'-".: t .'(Tf J it Id . I V. r -e a I rr