The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1925, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1925.
plAttsiiotjth son-weekly journal
Bridge Tolls
10 Cents
Use our new tempor
ary private road
leading to
Christmas Tree
Thursday Eve
Woman s
Enjoys a Social
Time Last Nite
Santa Clans to Make a Personal ' Home of Mrs. H. A. Schneider Scene
Shop in Our
Visit to Assist in Distribution
of Candy to Kiddies
Of Most Delightful Christmas
Party pf the Ladies.
From. Saturday' Daily
.The members of , the Plattsmouth
From Friday's l'aily
Yefttrdav afternoon the Parent
Teachers association of the Central
building of the c-lty school, held their f",,'
regular meeting at the school build- f the Jig ting of
,nB after the c ose of the school uork) to n &
From Saturdays Dally
Old Santa's vteit to
on Thursday evening at 7 o clock, -Woman's club, last evening -enjoyed
which is. Incidently. his only public;b'nepf their ' most -delightful meet
appearance here this year, is being.-inga . of . the, year at the pleasant
looked forward to . by. many a boy home1 of Mrs. "LH. A. Schneider and
and girl. - a large number of the members
The jolly old boy has sent a radio were in attendance to participate in
message advising that if the snow is the fine program that had been ar-
' melted he will drive his car, but if ranged and the features and made
not, then he will come in the old the occasion a real Christmas treat
familiar manner, driving his trusty to the membership.
! steeds hitched to a sled. I The home was gala in the bright
But he will he here in any event, nued decorations of the holiday
and will drive up and alight at the 8eason - and as the center of the
court house lawn just as the lightsseason'8 decorations a -large Christ
in the' Christmas tree there are turn- ma8 tree with Its glittering decora
ed on promptly at 7 o'clock. After tions. .
listening to a couple of numbers by The first portion of the evening
the band.: Santa Claus himself willwag jevoted to the short program
officiate in starting off the distribu- that had b6en prepared by the com
tlon of candy, fruits, nuts. etc. ' mittee in charge, the little folks of
Every boy and girl present will be tne puDiiC 8Cn0ol under the super
given one of the bags of goodies and Tlslon of thejr teacher. Miss Cor
there will be no lack of candy for at delIa FIeld gave a most deiightful
least one night in the year. Mr that reflected the eroatMt
credit on the young people and was
heartily received by the members of
his band boys. ever. .V,i,or. oi ,Q
P-nnrl cmisp will .. e"'"-
gOOO cause, w u , mimW in hr rtiMc mflTi.
turn out en masse to serenade old.- . . K
Santa on his arrival. ' wa8 Ter muh iojed by
Legion members are contributing 1 '
'"J the money for the purchase of the . ,B- " .-"".
.,. ,m K loi,iK., nj known of the vocalists of the city
a gave aseiecuon inai was as pieasing
, as the offerings of this talented lady
promptly at .alway9 Prove to be. i
o-rinrk and will he over within an' A variation of the program w-as
hour, so that all who wish may go toithe whistling duet given by Roy and'
their own homes for . further Yule-' Matilda Uison mat renectea tne
is co-operating by provid-.
the tree, while
ennri cause will
J . . ;..- ..-oc on " "o t- .
..nil it very imeivsiing nmr- v
jced bv those who were in attend
ance. The hook, "The Child. His
Nature and His Needs," was the sub
ject of the lesson of the day a
-Mrs Herman Thomas had prepared w1, fee dlsappointed if les8 than
me lesson tor me uuy wuu . B..t thousand kiddies are present
hy Miss Amelia Martens ana airs.. The ffair start pro,
I. Arn. Alter ine lesson a very in
teresting discussion was enjoyed by
the members on the subject of the
study of the child. In the awarding j tide fSf ivit ies or attend one of the'usual cleverness of these two young
cf the picture for the room that wasjchurch and Sunday scn0ol programs People in the rendition of their
represented by the largest number of ' Deing. heid that njght. jmusical offerings. .
parents in attendance, it was found; It will be a worth-while sight for' Mrs. Joseph A. Capwell wa9 heard
that there was a tie between the lhe aduits as well as the children J in. one of her weir chosen readings
looms or Miss .Martens anu .miss- trT,-,nt i eTneeted
Florence Frahn and this picture will
be awarded by the agreement of the
teachers. It was decided that thej
r-tudy class will to held once a montn
in the future and that the social
meetings of the association wil be
held as usual.
Mr. Editor:
Union Store
Robber Goes
to the Pen
that .f as most cleverly " given and
afforded the Plattsmouth , ladies an
opportunity of enjoying the offering
of this lady "who has Ju9t recently
come to this city to make her home.
Miss Catherine Schneider wa
heard in one of her most-charming
vocal selections on the program and
which added "greatly to the interest
of the delightful gathering. 'i
After the program a short . busi-
tness session ; was held and - the ven-
ihad charge' of the Christmas features
of the evening and proceeded' to the
9 J distribution of the gifts to the mem-
Your are a live man. I enjoy your David Bratt, Pleading Guilty to ing then turned over to Mrs. John
paper very much. Every day you arej Chan nt RroViTicF o-nA Fnfprp. iF. Wolff aad'Mrs: Glen. Vallery who
breakine the bread of life to the, . " . .
ptcpie. There is no copy without the uig Receives His Sentence.
tible verse on the second page at!
the top of the first column. You; From Friday's Dally ' '
also give a good sentence to take from ; This morning David Pratt,-' aged brought some presents that was ex-
literature at the hop of the sec 30 years who was yesterday after-1 changed and; vry much enjoyed by
ond column. I wonder wnetner tpe noon charged with tne crime r au of fthe. party.
people read it. I like it. breaking and entering into the store j . r . ' . "
Now kind'y do this for my good of A. L. Becker and taking thfe-
friends they will sing for you, if from wearing apparel of the value,
yon insert this poem Into your paper, of $150, was brought before the dia-
It seems to be a motto of Platts- trict court for a hearing. . .. j
mouth, we take tare of our birds in The young man on ' being brought!
simmer, give them feeding places. before Judge James T. Begley en--
. 1. - 11: V.t.,1 , i i , . . m ' '
uy me way w:iu is m-uuik unu'iereu tne piea or guilty 10 me oi
Feds in this town. He ought to fence as charged in the complaint
make a thriving business.
made by County Attorney .W. G Kieck
and was accordingly under the law
"Why not make a Christmas present sentenced under the
Masons Install
New Officers
To the birds that with z stay
When snowflakes fast are falling.
And the skies are dull and gray?
indeterminate ;Tfewly Elected and Appointed Offioers
to , 10- years ; ';; installed at; Convocation v
; . '.Last' Evening.' -. -r
Keytainers for His Keys
Vest Pocket Coat Hangers
New Scotch Cashmere Mufflers
Open Evenings till
Westcott Woolies for low shoes
New Swiss Beryaline Ties
Hickok Initial Belts
in Special Xraas Boxes
Make "His" Pipe Dream Come True!
Warm Lined Kid Gloves-
Silk Lined Kid Gloves
for the larger boys
Ages 9 to 18
Special Values offered you at
Every man likes to wear a nice fine Broad
cloth Shirt. For late Christmas shoppers, we
have provided a beautiful lina of plain white
and new club checks Broadcloth at '
$2.25 and S2.95
Brighton Pajamas in Silvered Box, priced at
Men's Silk Brocaded House Robes Silk cord
and tassel. Super-fine quality, at only
Men's Blanket Robes New patterns, at
that will meet his
Silk and Silk and Wool, at
50c 75c $1
$6.75 to $12
Men's Silk Crepe Pocket Handkerchiefs at-
P r Wfionntt'o S
for Little Jack or
Big Jack
$3.35 $3.95 $4.45 $4.95
sentence law from 3
in the state penitentiary at Lincoln.
j Mr. Bratt will be taken to Lin
. coin as Boon, as possible to enter on
his 6gJourn fn the state prison and
'U'hirh mav Rtroth for a lntir Terfnd
win give the woo.ipecker pleasure; of rs ag th younK mm is apnar- offlcers of Nebraska Chapter No. 3,
v. rule the merry chickadee pntlv without friends in this locality TRoyal .Arch' Masons were duly in
m. o.i,. ,r,- ithat might assist him in getting the '.stalled at the convocation of the
Just a little bag of suet
Tliat can dangle from a
From Saturday's 'Daily '
' ' The newly ; elected v and appointed
l;y cruiiibs scattered round our door;
.And as soon as these are eaten
; will quickly chirp for more.
sentence lowered after the first
year of its service
At Chri?tm-s. the time of giving.
Heed thtn these advising words,
.nd do not neglect to furnish
f'oine such presents for the birds."
First grade alfalfa hay. Two good
milk cows. One three-year-old regis
tered Shorthorn bull.
dl7-2sw, 4d Murray, Nebr.
on school sunplies at the ' Co?p1 cl?iBSm,i
'Bock and Stationery Store.
Wedding .of
h Well Known
Avoca Folks
sonic Temple,
- There w"as a very large attendance; MiS8 Ciara jonr Mr. John Rugha
of the members Of-the order and the i , . m t-t
..irapressiye ceremonies were conduct- . WCT. I
ed. by James ;M.- KoDertBon, pasti - xnanuu. vuun-u.
iiliu uiii (idem vi ncuiuui u iu-
Btaillng officer and William A. Robert-;
son as grand marshal ot the evening
ou can save
Bates Store.
End tite zconyoi Christmas
Nothing you could discover in a
monthof Christmas shopping would
be quite as acceptable to the whole
family as a Better Buick.
Division of General Motor Corpora dan
Buick Dea ler
Corcer 4th and Main Street
Plittsiiutht Nebraska
'The officers Installed were as fol
lows: -. .
High Pries l-Jamea T. Begley.
King Frank A. Cloldt.
Scribe- A.' H: Dnxbury.
Treasurer H. A. Sehnelder.
Secretary W.- F. - Elvers.
Chaplain ReT. Frank Emory
PfouU. . ' .
Captain of the Host Emil J. Hild.
Principal . Sojourner E. P. Stew
art. . .
Royal Arch Captain -Henry Nolt-
Ing. ' .
Master 3rd Vail
Master 2nd Vail L. I Niel.
Master 1st Vail R. C. Cook.
Sentinel Andrew G. Johnson
The meeting-was one of the great
Last Thursday afternoon at the
North Branch church, near Avoca,
Clara Mohr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Mohr, and John Rugha, young
est son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rugha,
were united in marriage, Rev. Berg
etresser,. pastor of. the North Branch
church,.: officiating. Only the near
relatives and closest friends were
present at the ceremony. The double j
State to Main
tain Own High
way System
(his home. Max served as life guard curate passing and his defensive
r.t the Murray bathing beach two: work has drawn favorable comment
yran ago and is well known to many from many of the big league coaches
of the young people here. He is ! who have seen him in action. Max
.iln :. rionlipw nf Oscar McDonald of . will be a great leader and a star
M unlock.
In speaking of the matter the col
lego paper has the following:
"Max Mellinger center on the col
lere varsity football squad for three
seasons was elected to captain the
Plan to Assuce the Burden Of the 102 G ttvm. at an ele.tion held yes
terday. The football men were unan
imous in tr.cir choice 01 iueiiinger
Maintaining the State and Fed
eral Highways in County.
The board of county commission-
next year.
"Mellinger is one of the most ver
satile students in the college. Be
sides starring on the gridiron, he is
an accomplished musician, playing
the trombone and the piano. He has
taken an active part in dramatics,
playing the lead in many of the
productions , he was editor of the
who has developed from a green man Wildcat, the college weekly paper
to one of the most powerful centers jann in one sememe, au .u,.c uv
in the slnt Ho is linouest ionablv eu 'tauu
to the state taking over and main-
ring ceremony was used. The bride; tainine the state and federal high-
was very lovely in an orchid georg-,ways in the county after the first
ette dress over pink satin, and worej0f January.
a targe goia-coioreu iace nai anu sil
ver brocaded slippers. The brides-
ers composed of Fred II. Gorder of j the best center in the California con
Weeping Water, C. F. Harris of fere nee.
Union and C. D. Spangler of Murray.! "Melinger is one of (he few boys
were here today in conference with who made the team in the first year
Division Engineer Green of the state at college. Last year he played a
department of public works relative ?reat game, but this year his ac-
"Next year Meiknger will be about
the only man on the line, but with
a good center and plenty of new
men, tried out this season, Mellinger
should have a successful year as
skipper of his team."
maid, Miss - Wilhelmina Rugha, was
Herman charming in a white georgette dress.
and also wore silver brocaded slip
pers. The groom and best man, Harry
Mohr, wore dark blue suits. The two
little flower girls, Edna and Ruth
Mohr, looked very sweet dressed in
eat Interest and .the newly elected Pink. After the wedding a reception
and appointed officers who will guide
the destinies of the chapter started
fn their term of service in splendid
manner. -
was held at the home of the bride.
and a sumptuous wedding supper wag
served. The home was beautifully
decorated in. lavender and white. At
8 o'clock a reception was held at the
The state department of public J
works will have available a consid-i
erable sum from the gasoline tax
and other sources that will be ap-,
plied on the state road fund and willj
be used in creating and maintaining;
the highways of the state and
through the centralization plans ofi
the state department will take off
the counties of the state a great deal
of the burden of the road work.
In Cass county the highways that
will be affected by the change will
be the King of Trails and D. L. I)
Avoca town hall and a large number i graveled highways, the Red Ball
of relatives and friends were pres-! highway from Murray west to the
ent. The evening was spent in danc-! Loncaster county line and the "O"
used ucrafauy la ta treatment of ,jnr music being furnished by. the (street road from Union west to Lin-
C A TOP . i 1
ilm aC ild Oinfgiwnt wbicfe Quickly
EiUva. by focal application, and the
hif 1 VtmmUim, Toirte, wMck acta
to tfea mm4 om die Ifuvtras Sur
ren, dras nSvetmtt . th firftaamatleK. .
Seta try gjl Arargtots.
T. S. Oivtiey Co TMed. OWo.
Ruby orchestra of Weeping Water, .coin.
one of the members of which is Mrs. The taking over of the highway
Joe Bulin of this city Light re-, maintaining: will crive the county
fresh ments were served at a late'
more time to devote to important
many beautiful ; gifts. These young
people' need no introduction to our
readers, as they were both born and
SLIGHT EARTHQUAKE SHOCK raised near Avoca, and have the re-
tq rirTT TV n ATTTWDnrra spect ana esteem 01 an. iney win
XluL.i: vAiJx UaXiIA make their home for the present with
hour. The bride and groom received j amj largely used roads that connect
Sacramento . Cal Dec. 19. A
slight earthquake .shock of 1:05 a.
m. rattled diBhes and chandeliers at
,the parents of the groom.
Mrs. Mary M. Peck, who is past
Redding, north of here, according to 90 years of age, lies in a helpless
a dispatch -.received ' by the Sacra-: condition at her home in South
mento r Bee., The' reports says the Weeping Water, the result of a re
shock also was felt In Kennett and 'cent fall. She has been living alone.
Red -Bluft and , resembled a distant and until recently was able to get
explosion. Lassen Peek is hidden in around surprisingly well for one so
tloud banks, according to the re-id. We are informed that the local
with and supplement the main high
ways of the county.
The commissioners and the en
gineer have a great deal to look after
in checking up the various items of
the state aid and county work be-
1 fore the roads are formally taken
over by the state and will mark the
culmination of the road program of
several years past in the county.
Max Mellinger, well known in the
vicinity of Murray where he has of
ten visited at the home of his grand-
pdrV and-it cannot be ascertained .Masonic -Order s .making arrange- mother, Mrs. Myra McDonald, is now
hether or not tha-VOlcano 1b: in ments for her early removal to the'enjoying the honor of being elected
motion. It has been showing con- Masonic Home at Plattsmouth. captain of the football team at the
;ajfer&l aettrflr lately. Weeping Water Republican. Christian college at Chico, California,
The Osfls
rjj ni'ii r f-'-' j
that filen Like
Charles Denbys, White Owls, El
Paxos, La Friedrichs and Canadian
Clubs in special wrappings. Spec
ial Christmas wrappings. Give him
a box of his favorite brand and see
him smile.
50c and up
Tobacco and
Frince Albert and Velvet tobacco in
1-lb. cans with special holiday wrap
pings at $1.25 per can.
All the leading brands of Cigarettes
at special carton prices. Christmas
wrappings at no extra charge.
426 Main Street
Telephone 426