The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1925, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1925.
hH.M.Soennlcksen Co.
"The Store of Big Values"
. i
l?v0i$giMf s '3Ut a sma card, but it comes from
hf a big heart to wish you One and All ''B
fes AND
H. W. Tool AgOF
Tt- Murdock, Nebraska wStttfffi
Marcelling and
Call Phone 40 for
(Opposite Barber Shop)
Nebraska pi
r. 3
and Dresses
i Jess Landholru. who is having
treatment for an affection on one of
his hips, was a visitor in Omaha to
see the specialist last Thursday end
'was accompanied by Mr;:. Langholm.
Mr. and "Irs. II. V. McDonald ;vcro
in Lincoln en last Friday
with their auto looking
af: i-rnoon
alter the
Beginning Tuesday, December 22
Women's fine winter fur trimmed coats,
including Princess and Sterling makes!
9 women's fine fur trimmed coats.
sizes I8l to 42
crmer values
purchase of goods and Miss Irene
j returned home with them for the,
' wwk end and the holidays.
j C. F. Kupke had a wood sawing'
' at his home during: the past week, in
(which the neighbors joined and the
I winter and summer's supply of wood
both are now in the shed ami will be :
in readiness whenever n'vdrd. '
Messrs and Mes lames Leo and "Will
liikli were in Lincoln l:.--t Saturday,
where they went for a visit as well
as to look aft"-r some business and
to hold an interview with old Santa
Clans, who had a date.v it'i them. ;
L. Xeitzr 1. Ly reci'-test, taught the
J large Rib! class last Sunday morn-,
ling in plate of Mrs. O. W. Sh we ,:
jtlie regular teacher. A ucp intt-r-'
est was mannest as u-;:;ct'(l tue
life of Paul the aged to his corona
J. Jonanson has been
of having a e-od busir. -s with his
! V,.
to $9S.50, now
I 2 coats, including strruht lines or
flare, with or without fur trimming.
Sizes 18 to 472.. Former values
to $29.75, new
Miss Eva Sorick of Lincoln arriv-j coal for the Murdock school, wheih
ed last week and visited for over the ; kept these gentlemen out of mischief
week end with her sister, Mrs. H. H. j for the day.
Lawton. J Both the Murdock Mercantile corn-
Miss Thelma Winkleplex. who is pany and the cream station have
doing marcelling and permanent ! been receiving a liberal supply of
waving, is getting a nice patronage I chickens and other poultry during
established. 'the last few weeks.
Emil Kuehn was a business visitor Miss Elsa Bornemeier wa3 a visitor
in the neighborhood of Eagle last at Lincoln last Thursday exening.
Thursday where he had some business where she went to spend the evenin
matters to look after.
W. O. Gillespie and John W. Kru
ger werf busy unloading a-car of
with her friends and also to look af
ter some shopping as well.
For Sale: A Scotch Short Horn bull
ready for service and an excellent
animal, being pure bred and exhibit
ing many excellent traits. V. O.
Schewe, Murdock, Nebraska.
The sixteenth Colonial Banquet
range for this year was purchased by
Emil Heiers. This makes it a re
peater; for three years in succession
Mr. Neitzel has repeated this.
Henry A. Tool was looking after
some business matters in Lincoln on
last Wednesday, being a passenger
with Emil Kuehn, who drove over to
look after some business matters.
his corona- V
complaining 3
true!; and this coupled cvith the haul- K of the children' fA scho 1 has
been keeping him busy of lrite rnd
he has had the assistance of Fred
Tonal:. Jr.. in his work.
Mrs. A. R. Hornbecl:, who is at the
hospital in Lincoln, where she has
iK-en for some time her opera-: f
tion, has been convalescing, arid is
r.ov.- getting along nicely and it is Y
hope that the time may be short p'
Is the wish of the Murdock Mercantile Company to all, and with
it good health, happiness and wealth throughout the coming year.
An almost endless variety of Nuts, Candies, Fruits and every
thing to eat that will make that Christmas dinner a happy occa
sion. We are here to serve you, and appreciate your patronage.
ho el. and '
into the;s
il church, i
For Her
Fine Kid Gloves, Silk Stockings, a fine
Sweater, Jewelry (very nice), a Ring for
a special gift. Ribbons in any width,
shade cr color. Silk Dresses, Handker
c'aiefs. Kow about a Wrist Watch?
For Him
Scarfs, Ties, Cuff Buttons, Silk Handker
chiefs or Sox. A hat or a cap or a nobby
pair of Gloves. A fine Cigarette Case.
Belts, Sleeve Holders.
For Mother
Glassware, Fancy Dishes, Fancy Napkin
Sets. A few beautiful Curtains to enliven
the home. Some new Knives and Forks
or Silverware for the table. Aluminum
Cooking Utensils or something mother
may suggest.
For Father
A warm Leather Coat for the cold days.
Overshoes, warm Woolen Sox. Would he
like a good warm pair of Mittens? How
about a Woolen Shirt real flannel? What
has he been needing for a long time?
For the Children
Candies, Nuts, Toys. Sweaters just to fit
them. Caps, Hcods, Mittens, Fruits, in
cluding Oranges, Apples, Grapes, Figs,
Grape Fruit. School help& Pencil Boxes,
Basket Balls, other sport goods.
For the Whole Family
A Radio, Blankets, Bed Spreads, fancy
Pillow Cases, Reading Lamps, a beautiful
Table Cover, a Rug for the floor, a bit of
Fancy Work to enliven the home, or what
you want.
Store Open Every Evening
lyrdook ier
now until she is able to return tc
her home again.
H. A. Williams of Elmwood was a
visitor in Murdock last Friday and
in company with E. W. Thimsran;
they were in Ornahau where both had
going and returning via' .T lattsmoutu jjjj
where they also transacted some ;
matters of business. J
Tlmrn -irn "!.:; t T vrri T r t On S IT! 1 i
progress by the Sunday schoi
the rehearsals last late
the right at the Evangelical church, j
A program for th- Christmas enter-
laiamem is in ire .illj- 'l'"'-;-
tion and expectations are running ; t-r
high realization will follow.
L. Ncitzel has installed a mon
strcus heater for the benefit of fcisjjj:y
customers. They find a "warm wei- g-
come now. It is a reminder of tbejt
old time country store, where the - jt
neighbors gathered, shucked their sJ
corn and saved th3 country by giving
the president advice on how to run
Louis Hornbeck. of Lincoln, was a
visitor in Murdock last Sunday and
was accompanied by his daughter.
Miss Caroline, who came as far as
II. C. r.ackemeyer's, where i she
stopped for a visit with her cousin
until the father returned. V.lnie nere
Louis was a visitor with his broth.-
18 coats, styled especially for figures
requiring straight lines. Dest ail
wool materials, fully lined, with or
without fur trim. Sizes from 36 to
46. Former values to $19.75.
January Clearance Prices on Women's Fine
Silk, Velvet and Cloth Dresses Grouped in
three groups at the following prices
$8.95 - $14.85 - $19.75
. T T . 1
ers. 1. (5. and A. K. iivrm-t'ch
At the homo a few nights since.
a set ot harness oeiougum u v uu.
Buell was stolen, while two halters
were also stolen from FranK Duel!.
and alo at the same place two
bridles which belonged to Wayne
Swartz were also stolen. Thus far no
clue to the whereabouts of the pur
loined goods has been discovered.
Pvron McDonald wont over to
Greenwood to meet A. E. Kroh. who
had been at Lincoln to visit the son
who is in the hospital. While going
west where the roads are quite rough.
the car slewed in a rut filed with
snow, sending the vehicle with much
force into the ditch by the road side,
crimping the fender, but otherwise
doing no harm.
Miss Irene Lau was taken last week
with scarlet fever and has been quar
antined in order that it might not
be communicated and the school she
was attending has been thoroughly
fumigated and disinfected that the
disease might be exterminated. Miss
Irene was quite ill for a time, but is
reported as being better, though still
having some fever.
The Ladies Aid society of the
Evangelical church met last Thurs
day at the home cf Mrs. W. A.
S blitz and her daughter. The ladies
did much good work at their meet
ing as well as enjoying the occasion
very much as well. The closing fea
ture of the pleasant afternoon was
the delightful luncheon which was
served by Mrs. Sthults and her
Oscar McDonald and family were
over to Murray last Sunday for a
visit with the mother of Mr. McDon
ald. Mrs. Myra McDonald, before she
Coats for Children
coats for children,
o to ll years.
Former values to
24 Juniors Coats for
ages 12 to 18 yers.
Former values to
1 1 coats for children,
ages 2 to 6 years.
. I
i'i:ir,inr to ivhat the interior holds in i inz corn at the elevators in ilur- This morning feiunfi htewart r
the way ct Christmas eats, Christ- j dock, each getting a large amount of j turned with IJrott aiid he w. s ;.t ci
mas gift.-, and Christmas comfort in j this cereal. Among those who have araigned cn a complaint fib !
all lines and the best of all, is the j recently shelled and delivered corn i County Attorn, y V. G. Kic-tk. i.a:
real Christmas cheer which pervades ! to the Murdock elevators are Joseph ing him with breaking and ri t : :
the establishment and all connected , F. Gustin, John J. Gustin. Simon jand which carries with it l im i. i t
with it. The Mercantile company ! Brackhogge. A. A. Lindell, the Earl : tiary sentence.
hi-s a large ad in this issue of the Brothers, Ed Taylor, Edward Guehls
Journal calling the attention of our'storff. Among this was some excel
renders to their many Christmas of-1 lent corn, three of the deliveries go
ft rings and we bespeak for them the ing number three, which is the com-
f vilest share cf Christmas trade, to mercial grade.
which they are entitled, carrying as
they do. a stock of goods that would
do c redit to a store in towns of much
greater size than Murdock.
For Sale
Three male pi? full blooded Ches
ter Whites, ready for service. 1
miles west of Murdock.
d7-10sw. Murdock, Neb.
Averill Eroh Undergoes Operation
Master Averill Kroh, son ' of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Kroh, the owner of
the market in Murdock. who has
been suffering for some time from
repeated attacks of appendicitis was
on last Sunday taken to the hospital
at Lincoln, where he underwent an
operation for relief from the ill
ness, and following which he has
been getting along nicely. His moth
er is with him and the father was
there for a number of days. While
they were away. Mr. antd Mrs. John
Kruger and Harry Gillespie were
iooking after the market and the res
taurant which is run in connection
with the market. The many friends
of Master Averill are honinsr that he
should depart for the west, she hav-' ay be a,.K-, to return to his home
Evangelical Church Services
Services at Louisville church at
0:20 a. m.
Bible soiiool at both Louisville and , way
Murdook at 10 a. m. i
The young man was brouul.t b f
County Judge A. II. D.ixl rry w1.
he entered a plea cf g.iilty to '
charge and was recording iy 1;..;
over to the di.- net court and vl
he will be a rrn ign rl in !!: m xt 1
days and receive his sent i:c .
The prisoner wlu n brou-ht up
trial stated that he lad iiia.'e-
into the store from the ur
r tiy creaking out a s-n.all
Serviees in Ene4isii. 11 to 11:30. door and reaching in to turn i
and services in Grma, 110 to 12,1 lock that allowed him entrance
at Murdook church. Young Peonies the store.
meeting at 7 p. m. and evening
preaching services at 7:30. tf
Becker Store
Looter Found
in Omaha
ing departed on Monday evening for . an(1 stuies at the school here in a
the west where rhe win visit lor a short time.
number of months with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Grace Mellinger, who makes Flct f Sate
her home at Ch ico. J Cforni a Mr, inceonaUy fine specl
McDonald will first go to Los Angeles, I f IIol3tei bull for sale. Can
where she will visit for a time ocfore hQme OQ the west
going to the home of her daughter, j. road any QT addres3
The Murdock Mercantile company 3 at Sontil Bend postoffice.
store window presents a very attract-,
l jilve appearance wun ins cnristmas ,
i'i trees and other attractive Christmas'
The Corn SoUinar In
f ll Mm t
1 " W
features. While this is true and to c-e many oiuer places, nitre aie
a pronounced degree, it is not a be- many who ar shelling and deliver-
David Erott, Young Man T-ikirg
Large Amount cf Stock from
Union Store Apprehended.
From Thursday's Iai!y
The robbery of the Becker store
at Union last Sunday morning has
resulted in the young man that com
mitted the offence being caplured in
Omaha and this morning bound over
to the district court.
The young man who gave the name
of David Brott, was apprehended in
Omaha last evening where he had
disposed of a number of articles that
had been reported by Sheriff E. P.
Stewart as having been stolen from
the Becker store and in a very short
time the man was rounded up by the
Omaha city detectives and lodged in
the city jail there where he remain
ed until this morning when SheriiT
Stewart r:otored to that place and
secured him.
The bond of Brott was s-t at ;
and in failure to furnish tliis 1
rcmr n.b-d to the of SI:
E. P. Stewart.
Chicago. Dec. 17. .1 d.n Fi i.
general passenger agent if i !. ! :
lington railroad with h- ad -im. l ".
in Chicago will rcti".- January
after 44 service wiih the :
pany. In ISM Mr. Frar.n's be..!
chitf clerk in the office cf the !'
sion superintend' rt at Lincoln
next lie was chief calk in the i
senger department am! later a
ant pencral pa.ssengcr and tl,
ager.t in Omaha, then f d!oue!
ctnpolr.tment to the jior-iti' n he i
Londcn. Dec. IS. Premier B... -win
will receive five pipes of pe .
for Christmas. I'lsterm- n here :.-.
arranging for the gift in r'e-or- -tion
of the premier's tlfors in tti
cau-e of Irish pcaee.
The i:;pes will be at ccmpanie l !.-.
a large packs ga of tobacco r. ! !
from the choice product-" rf
South African, Indian IImp.-!i:r
and Irish growers.