r MONDAY, DECEMBEE 21. 1925. pxarrssrouTH sej-h-weekly journal f AaS TERE3 THE BOASTING PHABISEE STATISTICS 7 The plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEKI-ESKLY AT FLATTSXOUTH. NEBRASKA Eatr1 at PoatoSlca. Plattamouth. Neb. a ecod-clat mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher -.CBSCITPTIOK PEJCE $2.00 PEE YEAB IN ADVANCE Once there was a gentleman who A Danish scientist informs us that was extremely wealthy. j to count all the atoms in a cubic " Like so many gentlemen who pos- centimeter of air would require the J sess large slices of unearned incre- unremitting work of the entire hu- .i. ment, he had a bay window, a disin-nian race for 1.000 years. We are clination for heavy thinking, and a' certainly glad to think that it will 5 dandy opinion of himself. ' probably not be thought necessary W. REX YOUNG t PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA General Auctioneering Also Pure Bred Sales L00E TO THY TrTATTFR. At that day shall a man look to Lis Maker, and his eyes shall have rpoct to the Holy One of Israel. -Isaiah 17:7. -:o:- f..nsrreSi kills tax publicity. -:o:- little red sied is now in evi- Argentine scandal sends wheat upwards. :o: j Only a fool would go out hunting with an enemy of his. :o: ! tlu -ro:- t'o:i?nng order. en the hillsides is now e had art the a kick. giin battle. dies in Omaha. :o: Tin smallest place in the world is a boy's stomach on a holiday. : o : Isn't it strange how the older you tt the faster the years slip by? :o: Six more shopping days before Christmas. Get a move cn you. j Wandering absently into church to make this cefnt. There are so one day, he saw sundry of his neigh- many little things that really ought i bors busy at worship. Mentally he to be done, and it would be annoying contrasted tfiem with himself. De- to have to put them off for so Ion?. " lightedly he found that he had left And what assurance have we that .1, undone the things they ought not to after we had finished tlie task, there have done, and he had dene the would not be a substantial error m v thines thev ought not to have left the result ? There are several members V undone. of the humsn race who have not head So he addressed his Deity in a he- for figures. man manner, saying: Nevertheless and notwithstanding j "Oh Lord, I thank thee that I am statistics are interesting and roman- " The only safe bet on coal prices is not as other men are." ; tic. even though they are terribly J5. t they will be too high. i And the prayer of this pomnous ass unpractical. We've been reading the Jt. :o: has come down through the ages as statement of a medical investigator The open doer to opportunity brilliant PTamnlp of wh.it shrmltl tn ihf efTert that rfelinnuent women i ! Journal want ads. Read them every not be said. 'have a chest expansion that averages j ay- j Now there's nothing particularly 1 , inches less than that of normal ?. ! new in this story. You've all heard women. The beauty of figures like it before. that is that you can do almost any-, j Eut once in a" w hile it's possible thing with them. For instance, you V j to draw a parallel between an old begin with a delightfully vague idea story and its modern counterpart. jas to what women are normal and J Over across the Atlantic ocean is what women are delinquent. The V I a continent named Europe. TMa definitions have shadowy edges; there J 1 2 I rnntinpnt isj ilivifloil info mnn-v- Tr- nrp neutral borderlands And after It is said that old Santa Is some- tions. and never in history with each that is all settled or compromised what snappy this year. Not with the other. Only recently, as some of you you haven't even started to argue . kids, however. may remember, their mutual animos-. about what the figures mean. :o:- j When a man steals Christmas trees. :o: he i:- certainly very small or terrible days when mince n :o: :o: uattung kjki tounu muraereu John A. Armstrong, hero of Iowa 0n the streets of New York. One I fighter less. ities flared up into a monstrous war. A man tries :o:-to live up to his Weeks says he is. nrav idtals. a woman to her photographs. tne Secretary of War? :o: ' The possibilities of their applica- If bootleggers were just made to and enough young men to populate a tion are interesting, too. When these 4. sample their own stuff there wouldn't ' city larger than New York were ab-' statistics come to be accepted -as a"r be so many of 'em. j ruptly and painfully sent to eternity, j law, we shall have Mr. A. calling up jj :o: j in this war we got involved. You the patrol wagon to his house atjJ, "If Mitchell is Unfit," as John , l, jmQ -,,-Wt, ,lr,-t t rnna "T V.nvo tuet moasiirpd Mrs !L nnwn , I m 1 1 . i 1 n iicii 1 II i u u L 1(11 v . v v . . . . j . -. ....... . . . . u ... i . . . , ' . 1 . 1 1 . IT.. W Iiat auOUl ' T,,c.,-io- li .1 .-rn A X r-r, A'c ticct otwI clio line nrn rt irnt 1 V i V i . ' V. , U . U Q l Mil .tlUll- .1 - V 1 1 V . ' I , .. M ...... ...... " . - .' . t days, and there were four minute no expansion at all. I don't suppose! .o:- At present I have the follow ing sales listed and more yet to come but not ready to be advertised. Those that do not have the exact date set, will be dated later and appear in ad when dated. Several of these sales are Pure Bred. JANUARY 5 Mr. Greennade, Dunbar C Chas. Mutz, Murray 27 Claude Overton, Mead. FEBRUARY 17 M. Berkey, Grant, Neb. 20 E. T. Sherlock, Wray, Colorado. Shafer Bros. Pure Bred Sow sale. Nehawka; W. R. Su pernaw, Otoe: John Peter son, Davey; Delbert Mumni, Weeping Water; Pete Olson, Mead; M. B. Chamberlain, Cedar Creek: Cliff Greer, Madrid; W. R. Smith. Nebr. City; Mrs. Mary Shriner, Nebr. City; Luther Mead. Union; E. II. Miller, Mur dock; Frank Blotzer, My nard; Clyde Fair, Grant; El mer Kent, Imperial; Chas. McCartney, Nehawka; Har ry Abker, Syracuse; M. B. Thompsen, Imperial; Philip Born. Plattsmouth; Harry Nelson, Murray; Lee Nick les, Murray. Am selling for some of the best breeders. Call at my ex pense. Satisfaction guaran teed. Telephone No. 314. Qjjidi "KindcstThouAts arid all GoodTDishcs tor Christmas and the NovAfear mm mm 7 s 25 Ghrisintss Osrds for $1.00 Another Christmas story: "Who in Volstead act under fire. First real Kf.natP battle raees over Prohibition.' . . .. . , ' , since then we haven't felt very kind , lne ulCKeng lell lnal aern train ngm ,, :o: , . in the middle of the floor?" 11 au men are creaieu equai, uu did this awful job of short division? :o: No more tax publicity, congress The answer -:o:-to "Who won the i speakers in the theatres. And ever I can have her sent to the electric ; ,J....r chair, in this sentimental era, but ly toward Europe. ' she ought to have a life sentence. Now a few weeks ago representa-J Anyhow, I can't have her around the tives of the leading European coun- house another minute." Christmas one week from today. iOf course you won't forget the date. kills amendment to permit its continuance. war?" has been discovered at last. tries ot together at a place called ( Then 4nd thi mswer is "What wir"" Locarno and drew up a treaty which , picture. take the other side of the The Queen of the Bobbed :0-- actually brings an enduring peace Hair Bandits gets into the clutches LEGAL NOTICE -:o:- My, but Santa Claus is happy. And maby you think that the children nin't, also! In the District Court of Cass coun- One type of modern wife is the close to war-weary Europe. It was of the law and is haled into court. iy, ..ttifr v one who runs her husband off the a splendid achievement. It's what . The police produce her very unsavory J Michel"" preig and Louisa Preis, De place and sues him for desertion. i all Europe has hoped and prayed record. She heads a gang of male , fendants. 'and female criminals, she is wanted To the defendants Michael Preis -:o:- might come out of the war. I Marriage isn t a failure. The shoe Meanwhile, what have we njs business isn't a failure just because doing since the war? c-n .lir-w1 t I'nlc chnoa that rlnn't fit I 1Tn ... i r ... .... - r...: .. ; , -, i, , . v ... w - " v.... " ' nrii, t.: it- it 111 muiifv infiruo ; not torgettmg the interest rate. 01 oaDy-iarmmg. :o: If he has that haunied look. hnnn ' in fire ctntoa fnr lnVamv STiil in thrpp and LOUlSa iTeis. i . , V , . ". in I You and each of you are hereby Murder, arson, mayhem, conversion, roll or a pint. :o:- notified that August G. Bach, the 'plaintiff, filed his petition in the :o: One thing about the gruff and un- countcrfeiting and, District Court of Cass county, Ne- course and we've sent food and peonage are among her minor offens-i nrasna, on me iaw uajr m I ennn r 1 a rrt o n vnn rtovtjr cue rrnt T n n T Onlv a few more davs until Christ- ' clothing and such over to keep a utr lauumfe rru l,i .vxw. of peopie from starving; but othor-j bootlegging, immoral ideas and non-jants setting forth therein, that the :o: lot es. and she is strongly suspected of;"' -. T aa. mas. Do your shopping now and give others a chance. :o: The advent of Christmas make3 many a little heart leap with joy, so d--n't forget them. of people from starving; but other-j bootlegging, immoral ideas and ion-,ants getting f0 'wise we've left them to find their attendance at Sunday school. Con- plaintiff sold a nd delivered to said way to Locarno alone. If we could all have our conscience r.n.ftlolii1 o 1 1 1 hnonital tnctnlfl nf iriuuucitu at tile uvruoi iujvvuu . . -,11 . , . . . . ,. 1 -ol inai 11 wasn I proper IOr US lUIUMantr ft. mic iauE.ua uranuj tiun . m..im ltf. . h o the morgue, things might be differ- . , o- dlse were necessaries of life lor tne j to do Just that, if you have that, calls for a tape measure. Six inches jpUpport anu maintenance of said de- fronted bv all these suspicious cir-i defendants certain goods, wares and 1 .,.hD ..,. ti r,' merchandise, all of which merchan- -:o:- If your nose is too pointed a sure remedy is poking it into other peo ples' businesses. :o: o: view of our world duty. expansion! She is freed with an If it were not for taxes there would But through it all we have been apology, and the police get a repri- politics there would not b ! taxes. fendants and their family, and there is now due plaintiff from defendants for said merchandise the sum of j $184.10. and Interest thereon at 7 bo nn politics and if it were not for glancing at Europe in a very super- mand. so many lor manner and oiu- attitude has been j 1 ea. verily, statistics are wonaeriui ppr cent per annum from November painfully like that of the gentleman things especially in the hands of, 7th, 1923. and in order to collect the Even if your're on the right track j it's probable you'll get run over if: you just sit there. I :o: A hen doesn't cackle because she l as sehieved an egg. but because she is through work for the day. :o: A reader writes he went to Chicago withot seeing anybody get shot. I'c should demand Lis money back. :o: Ile-Ip the clerks out by buying your Christmas goods this week. Don't wait until the grand rush comes. :o: -:o: who was thankful that he was not as a wonderful liar. If you cannot find anything else (other people, to worry about, there is always the Now the point of this whole edi fact that the Indians are increasing ; torial is this: in numbers again. j Let's not make it worse bv claim- :o: :o:- WEJLTHEB PREDICTIONS same, plaintiff has commenced a suit in attachment and levied upon your real estate in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. You are hereby notified to appear and answer said petition on or be- We are assured by a multitude ofi- ,Ct, j Tnrmnrv I92f.. ling credit for the Locarno treaty.- ....i, n,ptc that thp'.. , mUo nf What is the matter with Mr. Nje We had nothing to do with it: let's ,nr v o,ii:M rt nr inriment will be en- v 1 ii i tI n jrt Ltr uiiuouau.- - - - cold. The most of us have forgotten.! tered aga inst you by clerauit ana j your real e&iaie auiu iu canoij iue same. of North uaKota.' ir ne were an au- admit it and irive Enrnnp thP we,Mt ministration man there would be Even the Pharisee didn't go that nothing the matter with him. ! far vou iinow :o: 1 :o:- JTST BEF0R CHRISTMAS Is Governor Small as small as his name would indicate? The people. or taxpavers want him to restore the "Now comes an $2,000,000 he has failed to account breeder and announces a new fowl, decades back, he would very probably .of course, that we had the same as : surance a year ago with regard to Ithe winter of 1924-1925, and if one had the time and patience to search Iowa poultry through the newspapers for a few d7-4w AUGUST G. BACH. By Plaintiff. ALLEN J. BEESON, His Attorney. for. -:o: I .,n,.i . v, ......i . ...i.s. v. .. find that there have been very few tanru mr iuiht.1, is a com- bination of rhirkpn nn.i n,rtev fi years in which that same prophecy NOTICE OF SALE In the District Court of Cass coun- The pedestrian may be in the right.' If Commissioner Roy Haynes re- wnich . it is preiicted .will shortly b has not been confidently made. In ty. Nebraska. :o:- greatest ians. extemporaneous statistic- but his being right won't make a si.n3 to run for Governor of Ohio.'a repillar ,tem on pmart nicnu3.. the meanwhile, winters and summers tne matter S" 1 -oken right leg get well any quick- Washington will have lost one of its eav; the 'p- Ynrt vrt,i have gone along in about their usual :t t Thus t'e troubles of the diner-out wa"- never sufficiently accommodat-j Notice is hereby given that In pur multiply without end. Alreadv he X to give each a single complete, suance of an order Jaes ' f must eat Maryland chicken which vindication to the would not know Maryland if it saw occasionally giving them a chance 8th day nf December, A. D. 1925, for it. and Vermont turkev which thinks UP a fairly plausible claim or the sale of the real estate hereinafter the Green Mountains are green, and prophetic accuracy. now he must eat an Iowan turken B-v sticking resolutely to the pre An absent-minded business man ;o; j kis ed his wife the other night and There is no doubt Santa Claus be- then remarked. "Now dear, I will ing tne biggest man in the world, dictate a couple of letters." He has xo other man could vie with him in; been busy ever since trying to ex- a iman parade and take so long to plain. TT V , pass tt given point. :o:- which doesn't know whether to diction of a fearfully cold winter. J Dr. John A. Griffin f Dentist Office Hours: 9-12; 1-5. Sundays and evenings by appointment only. PHONE 229 Soennicbsen Buildinc: described, there will be sold at the south front door of the court house, in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebras ka, on the 4th day of January. A The new civii government in Spa'n jeluck, gobble or clucgle. And to vear after vear tnf,pe prophets will,D. 1926, at ten o'clock in the fore make matters worse. Vhe prnnrt in- of course come to a winter after while noon, at public vendue to the high- may sound civil, but the same mi:i-, vento announPP, that thA tlirtcn which is demarkedly colder than the est bidder for cash, the following ue- tary dictator seems to be at the heed wm comhine al, leading features of average. This will not prove, how- it wbo superseded tne civil go.-.hrifh hl-UtlT1 arw, t,,-. ever, that they knew anything about ? prnmpr.t two years ago. .. 1 in mirincp The nronhecv that - - I liMIM. Ilf -vI I I I IT 1 lltUOl'O VACT orfi n V A - w m- - - . KT - - blindly predicting wnai A! of i A writer in the Christian Scien-e were selling at 47 cents a pound and soes on .chickens at 33 rents. whprQ thp doesn't happen, until it finally nits Monitor complains that the Ameri-j turken ig to sel, at g0 centg whk.h something that does, is not scientific 47 plus 33. and Proves all noints prediction at all. but mere guess- past a shadow of doubt. ! work. Some are quoting Engineer .0. , Bronson. of the New York Central, sr it cannot oe saiu iiiai uity uave n j 5 i?oola ahn.it cnirit pcnpriflllv thp fi tilled variety. Hudson and Essex MOTOR CARS! United States Tires! DEPENDABLE REPAIRING! Phone 58. Plattsmouth, Neb. CHRISTMAS SEALS as advising that line to prepare for ! an unusually hard winter in its ef- The annual sale of Christmas seals fects on transportation; but Mr. for the benefit of the tuberculosis Bronson has not suggested any un fund Is in progress. ! suai outlav of money in advance. I If you are imbued with the true Anyone who wil ltake the pains to . Christmas spirit you will see to it rt.ad his "own words will find that that all of your letters and packages jie does not belong to the long-range during the holiday season are adorn- weather prophet class, but is only (ed with these seals. (suggesting that his railroad should I Each seal is a bullet fired in the heep its eyes open for a possible even j war against the great white plague. ing up, after the somewhat unusual I You will have the warm satisfac- accumulation of high temperatures tion, when using these seals, of know- j during the first eight months of 1925. ling that you are helping a worthy And incidentally, it is Interesting to I i scribed real estate, to-wit: Commencing at a point thirty rods north of the center of Sec tion thirteen (13). in Township twelve (12) North, Range thir teen (13), east of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Cass coun ty, Nebraska, running thence west along the south line of Lot thirteen (13) five chains and fif teen links, thence south three chains and eighty-seven links, or to the north line of Pearl street, thence east along the line of said street five chains and fif teen links to the west line of Maiden Lane, thence north three chains and ninety links to the place of beginning, except the right-of-way of the Missouri Pa cific Railway Company across the northwest corner thereof; also known as Lot one (1), in the southeast quarter (SEi) of the northwest quarter (NWU) of Section thirteen (13), Town ship twelve (12), North, Range thirteen (13), east of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Cass county, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open ONE , HOUR I cause. recall that the long-range prophets ; Here in Cass county much is need-j had 1925 picked out for a repetition: Dad thig 14th day of DeCember, eu 10 mate me ngnt successxui. ine Qf the so-called summerless year" or a. D. 1925. work has been carried on systematic-' 1816. ally, despite the meagre funds avail- :o:- ahlp With a mnrn HVior-ti 1 oalu -f: One thine- about nowrtpr nn a insil'd c. seais a greater worK can De carried coat tapei is 11 snows ne nasu i nau on next year. (experience enough to brush it off. JAMES WARGA, Guardian of John Wara, Mentally Incompetent. BAWLS. Attorney. dl4-Sw !i Boxsd and Ready m Mailing or Saie! tl ..! r i i i i incse caras are idKen irom our regular nsgn-graae vi line and prepared for the mailing to out-of-town cus tomers and the early buyers Send in your order now, enclosing your Check or money order, or call at the Bates Book and Stationery Store The Big Gift Shop, where you will find the big Christmas Line of Gift Goods! ORDER OF HEARING and Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account. In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State cf Nebraska. Cass county, ss. To all persons interested in the es tate of Kenny Goodman, deceased: On reading the petition of George V. Goodman, Administrator, praying a final settlement and allowance of his account filed in this Court on the 14th day of December, 1925. and for his discharge as such administrator; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 29th day of Decem ber. A. D. 1925, at 9 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all per sons interested in said matter by pub lishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and the seal of said Court, this 14th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1925. A. IL DUX BURY, (Seal) dl4-lw County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OP SUIT In the District Court of Cas County. Nebraska A pp. Doc k. Page" 303 The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Walling, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth in said county, on Janu ary 11, 1926, and April 12, 1926. at 10 o'clock a. m.. each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 11th day of January, A. D. 1926. and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 11th day of January. 1926. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this Tth day of December, 1925. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) dl4-4w County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of! Christina Barr, deceased. On reading and filing the petition I of Earl V. Barr, Mary Etta Long! and George M. Barr praying that ad ministration of said estate may be granted to John Long as Adminis trator; Ordered, that Monday, January 4th, A. D. 1926. at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county. and show cause why the prayer of petitioners should not be granted; j and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing there of be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated December 10, 1925. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) d!4-3w County Judge. Fred H. Vincent, Plaintiff vs. Alfred Thompson et al Defendants To the Defendants: Alfred Thomp son; Joseph McCreary; Dris Amyx; Fred Amyx; Raleigh Amyx; Cora Barnett; Cecil Barnett; Myrtle Car ter; John Carter; Blanche Steven son; Bert Stevenson: Mary Ann Wat son; John A. Horninir; Anna Britt; the Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Lega tees, Personal Representatives and all other Persons interested in the several estates of Jonathan Adams, deceased; Mary Ann S. Britten, form erly Mary Ann S. Adams, deceased; Eveline Swindell, deceased; Susan E. Brookhart. deceased; Susan E. Shcpp, deceased; Robert R. Livingston, de ceased; Alfred Thompson, deceased, and Joseph McCreary. dceas'd. real names unknown; and all e ther per sons having or claiming any inter est in or to Lots 1, 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 11, 12, 13 and 14. in Block 2 in Thompson's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Nebras ka, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 23rd day of No vember, 1925, the plaintiff in the foregoing entitled cause filed his petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, wherein you and others are made parties defendant, for the purpose of obtaining a decree from said Court, quieting the rei i-rd title in plaintiff to the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 11. 12. 13 and 14. in Block two (2), in Thompson's Addition t Plattsmouth, in Cus-a county, Nebraska as against you and each of you end others and by such decree to wholly exclude you and each of you from all estate, right, title, claim or interest therein or to any part thereof, and to have a certain mortgage covering said premises given by one Oran S. Thompson and wife to the defendant, Joseph McCreary, decreed to have been pa-id and satisfied and the rec ord title to said premises forever freed from the claims of said defend ants and forever quieted in Plain tiff. You are required to answer siid petition on or before the ISth day of January. 1926, or your default will be entered in said cause and a Iem-e granted as prayed for in Plaintiff's petition. Dated: December 2nd. 1925. FRED H. VINCENT. By Plaintiff. JOHN M. LETT) A, d3-4w His Attorney. Who was it said there is nothing new under the sun? A convent inn of the former husbands of IVcgy Hopkins Joyce is soon to be held in Florida. Among the great Juggling acts now being performed are those by the nations, trying to balance their budgets. Truck and Transfer l -1 - n - E Call Phone 342-W or 6ee me at the Vallery Sales Pavilion, Plattsmouth Wade Porter vgLive Stock Hauling a Specialty