The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 10, 1925, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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ay uay spsciais!
Advo pancake flour, 4-Ib. bag for $ .25
Upper Crust pancake flour, 4-lb. bag for 25
White syiup, per gallon 60
Oranges, Navels, very fancy, per dozen 30
pples, Ben Davis, per bushel
Dates, r-?h stock, per lb
Prunes, Santa Clara, medium, per lb 15
Perch er. dried, fancy, per lb 20
Aprk cts, c-ricd, fancy, per lb
Peaches, gallon cans, solid pack, each. . . .
Peat lies, galicn, ioiid pack, sliced, each. . .
Apr'co:?. rjailon canr, solid pack, each. . . .
Pitted rt d cherries, pallon cans, solid pack.
"'-v. r;s, Michigan navv, 10
Woman's Club
Real Boosters
for Home City
Meeting Last Evening Give Some Real
Boosting Ideas on the Value
of the City.
ror .
Irn,, northern crown, Idaho, 10 lbs. for.
.i taii cans, each ,
.75 a
From Tuesday's Daily
The Plattsmouth Woman's club last
evening held a "Boost Plattsniouth"
session and those who attended the
meeting found that the ladies were
leal boosters for the city and its in
terest and in the large number of
papers given by the ladies there were
some very fine ideas given and some
very vital facts ay to the city and in
charm as a place of home dwellers
and its advantage from a business
Eagles' Carnival
Plaltsmouth, Nebraska
F! mf 13 3 1 TS
rats iueiQ&y Boys
of Omaha
. SJ. i, 01
iv 3 a r o r o a c 5-i 3 c
Mrs. Emma McMaken, Past ComV
mander Serves as the Installing
Officer of the Lodjre. !
Come to the Carnival Dance Saturday
night and hear the same Pat's Llelouv
(Boys whom you have heard over!
Fnan Yr ...l . . V I ai'v i
Bac.f evening the Woman s Bene-1
fit Ao,iiUi'i:i il" the ?.!.ieea hi ( s '
held their in -r.a Ha t jr .n of officers a t
the ledge rooms in the Modern
ii Lull ding :iv which uas
itrcs:-ed !.- a vi v hara-o iiural'i
of the l: :..)!,ri s ( i' ( r. order. Tie
following offh'-rs wore duly induct-
(1 i:if ')f;'i:" Mis. Kmirm ..M Makejj.
T'Si' oman i "d- v M i viii:; a.-: (he ia-'
r mpv f.. : ! r:
Our Suggestion No. G
Jala tho Roman's Gh?b Booster Program
We are glad to furnish apace here for these two pieces
of original vcme written for the Woman's Club by
two of 'Jattsmonth'.s mrjat versatile poets. We are
only norry vc cannot reproduce the other 12 production'?.
tfseo4t's Sons
Plattsmouth I Love You
i no Dusiness session or the ciuo wUAw numerous
-ti:e orchei
that furnished music
Ilariava Tark Tavilion fcr the 1024 m
The fol' fruit is packed in syiup and guar
anteed hy us to be the hcrA on the market for the
H !i ITS MT Vii.W
was p refilled over by Mrs. Allen J-jtra
uceson and aiier iiif lew mniters 1
liuillilinir the :it1f ltion of tin rli:h
had been handled there was a moment (and 1C25 seasons. This invitation is
or two of music. Mrs. K. II. Wes- j extended to all.
eott liavins arranged three verv de-
Ki- in.
i I'ir!:. ;i.
- Mr. Anna
:iia;i ji '!'! M r
i t ( V inrn i iif?'
-Mrs. KH vilx tii
!i's 'ii:- I't-Ur-
Everybcdy Invited
Admission, $1.10
Spectators, 35c
Peaches, Halves Pears. Bartlett
Lcs?-Ji'"cr.ic', Oregon Piums, Italian Blue
Cherries, Royal Ann
Wiicie Gooseberries
Apricctj, Halves
but as
!..!lows to
!; ; i r. ir i iir
When you get your coffee roasted fresh daily j-ou know
it is tSe best nossibie av to buv it. Note these nrtres!
i things I would have !:;'n;'
you kiwv:, ir t ;i k- . t'
make tl;e sun s?vm 1 r
clouds to Mi.jl.e i' iorifiis un:
I feel I can tv :!y s; v mv 1 m -s
Ankcla B'cr.d, per lb., GOc; 3 lbs. for
Mizr Blend, per lb.. SOc; 3 lbs. for
Peaberry coffee, per lb., 45c; 3 lbs. for
Rio per ib., 25c; 3 lbs. for
Relishes and Pickles
iMonirch musLard chov chow, per dipper. . .
Monarch piclcied onions, per dipper
Monarch preserved sweet p-'cklee, per dozen.
We' cany a lare stock and will be glad to
quote you prices on quantity lots. See us.
Reed Butter Scotch natties. ner lb $ 9fl
A C w mm
Chocolate drops, per lb.
Ribbon mixed candy, per Ib
Cut rock candy, per lb
Clr.iimas mixed candy, per lb 20c and
Cocoar.ut candy, per lb 40c and
jiOiicn cciiy, per io
PtvT.nv.t brit'.Ie. per lb
Walnuts, No. 1 sort shell, per lb
Walnut?;, iManchurians, per lb
Brazil, per lb
We have warehouse room and will be glad to lay away
ycur tree until war.ted. Make your selection early.
Hinoki Wreath .vilh Pine Ccne 10-in. size
Zoc eacn
Telephone 54 and 53
li;;htful selections, "";!itz Caprife"
a piano number by Tdiss Laurino
Alilt on.l cnlrtnc. ;,,
H tor Lullaby" and "Celeste." bv .Mis:
Helen Sharp, the accompaniment be
ins played by Mi-ss Kuth Janda in a
very finished manner.
The Plattsmouth Ad club had been
invited to the meeting and a very
pleasing number of the membership
were in attendance iind enjoyed to
the utmost the boosting spirit that
the ladies were offering and which
made the members of the club proud
that the were residents of this city.
Mrs. Wiliam Baird presided over; fallen in p!.;;s:nT pl.M.s and i
the Boosting session and called tiponjglad to be to hoo-t at any
the following ladies to respond, a times f r PiattsuuMitli
number competing in the essay con
. test while others weru merely off
jhand offerings for the benefit of the
.advantages of the city: Mesdames
31. A. Streight. Robert Troop. L. Y.
Ef.neberper. Ralph Anderson, John F.
Ciorder. A. J. Heeson. Y. II. Ihdnies,
J. E. Wiles, E. H. Wcott. Robert
; Hayes, Glen Vallery, Miss Mae Mur
iphy and Marie Kaufmann.
j To judge the papers offered in the
'contest J. YV. Povnter. principal of
the high, school. Mrs. A. S. Christ and
Rev. Frank Emory Pfoutz were si lect
ed as judges and after some little
'deliberation made necessary by the
fact of tluj many high class offerings,
they decided that the essay of Mrs.
John F. Gorder should have the first
prue ana she was accordingly pre
sented with a verv handome conv of
i"The Rim of the Prairie." the new
! novel of Bets Ptreeter Aldrich. the
: Elmwood authoress.
' The reception committee of the club
that welcomed the visitors of the Ad
'club wore Mrs. W. L. Heinrich and
'Mrs. Glen Vallery.
The expression of the Ad club was
expressed by Mr. C. C. Weseott. their
president, who stated that he. as well
as the other members, had no idea of
i just how many advantages Plaits
mouth had until the ladies had so
ji ably presented them.
fell The essay of Mrs. Gord-r that won I
..ill .v.:i ri-;.- ( ryu .. '.rar t;t.i.i.r.
. 1 l .. . n i r .
f 1
f (
. !
a Mir. g.
c T.v hn-
Margar-.t Sitz-
;i! !
.$ .20 I
. .20
. .15
Former Piattsmouvh Girl Fijrures in
St. heel D.iv -cua.c? :-.t South
Omaha K'-h ScodI.
From Tii.'S.'.ay's I'.iMy
T!;e r vi!atiou of a school day i':
ni.ance at tie Smth 0:n:iha hs,-.:'.i
school com.- to w!;cn th
a n nounci nieut of t'l.' mairiag" i i
l('(io-(':i'i) Cunninuli..;.! .Mi-
I'.lauch Braun,- lot!i spide'it-; at in
institution was made y -rday.
The marri;-::e '-f tin e young pe:ie
occurred at (u'liv.-i.ii.!. 1".;i. on No
vember 2nd. and ir..! been ki-pt a
ciose secret from the fri. n'. and rel
atives of the young i: mil il.:'
groom had 'Oiapbled his Sfason : t
center for the h Ilih foot bad
I tea m.
The bride is v.-ell known in Plcits
nouth wht-re Eh" was a s'u "un: at
the local schools during t'ne tin:'
that her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I.. R.
i.i'.v ,-r;ns m
i r.
S'rgear.t M
m-.i n .
Pir kt t Mrs. Gbvir.a M -M:ik' n.
St nti'ial --Mrs. lUth Hi.'.'.hi" Id.
The V. B. A. of tl;e Maccihe-s
is (.ne i,f the live and active frat
trnines i.t" the city ;rd hid a very
lar"i" inern'it n bin among th re--.i-(!
nts of the i-ity ;tad the surrou'id
j':ur cor,! i.ut n i : y and Ind under lhe
vvise and c:ireful uehirce of tie
officers had a line and steady
gimv 1. til at makf s i? ope oi' the live
wire organi.a' i'.'a.-i of tii'
' th
-l T .
:n?a !c
(. :t y. -
di.v-ri th
s:'i'M c
. u 1 ;'i
lol-.n V. IP'tr.
rri'iuiii" up
'i'.. : P.Vets
"i 1';
.i did
it d.
t !
-ut t.:
e in
Ir: v.'
.a ih
I .: i '
c a r 1 1
v. crK-
' li
d t-) .
v. on id i
Tit i
.:.' V
d v
1 1
' v
1 r- . ...... ... 1
e first nrive nf thn i.r,.ni.. -oj . ..... "... '' '' '
On M! "In studvinc the nisestinn 'Wh v a.';1o:! !: ' v' r t,' 1:i 1 ! :-
M r . " . : city. A.r.t. t tin:
of (he y lntii O
th" roiii;ii '.
have found)
would boost
ri : (1 V. i.
to Ciili'
oost Plattsmouth'
eight reasons whv
H t Icin-it Ii
"ITV ic-. T.'D l..,t:
: a ; . -. ... ., . Ul
c.i. i...i ili'-r 1.1113, Willi lilt U ( V'Orl"'
beautiful natural timber and foliate.! ' ,f.n' ..
with the part of town low and T T ,
level, having the river close bv on V, ;
one side and with our broad, fertile ' t . ' ' ! "
fields on the other side, makes an "... , p" '
ideal setting for any town. Being on 11
the main line of the Burlington and'
::!;! '
i r; a 4- ra.I u.. i
U-h school and
e t oun -c o-
. 1 1 e
yoi;n-', ! ..!v cam"
i'. r t '!ut;iti:.iia
'on of Mr. and ?.Irj.
."tin J So. ::S;"
of thr most promin
yo.'i.g men in the
f. w t th
ori ' ! v to 1
l:e '
up;.' to na'.i
t of th- tr "i along
1 ;i ' ty apt .ranee
!:ti!:;: . . ' I - '
ri tl:-. Chrisa
dd n cve.if .I ta
of t !; let -dne? - s -
n a'. I l.o! id. y :e.--'r,
t r ( i : t ! . gr. n
in th.- !o;!" lire' ro
ily i v.r.. Tii i" t y and
ii U 1 he 1,: m ra ! hoi i
. p . . 1 ' thar Tirevnilicff
until th'- X- v.- Y v. The
1; rca- u'ii;'. r:n n.i j.a.ii)!
-. d in tii" '!.:g pole bo!d
l. oi: vi rv attractive iiith.o
reo mviiTfi ; 'Mow their
r. liior;- or !e-a out of
1 '
1-1 T
on.' o' -r
()., Plaf tsmout ii ! I love you;
Vour nil!-', and your valleys,
Xo arlisl. ran paint them
And !iia!;e them look true.
Vi.ur paved s.ireets and alleys
Ale all 1 IH' could a:-k f(jr
Vonr liouhv.iriis lovely;
.'o'l ; :: v.-r. ues, too !
"i'.-eir s'hools on tlie hill tops
Arc pri.i d very highly,
'.Vitii tin ir st -iff oi instructors
H."l' ie!t and tine.
.'.. d your ( hurt-lies!
Tiie; 'r truly the heart of you,
J 'hi 1 1 :-rnout h ! Through them
Vtiu join with the Divine.
And v.i', who own homes
Xesthd close jo your bosom
Ri s).e i you and love you.
And mud keep you clean
F..r the v . .. little lassies and
'.i.ils whom you shelter
Who v.iil some day bring honor
I'pon your fair lonae.
Oh! Th'-ie are so many things
That make us love you!
The water we drink that tests
c:t so j. nre
The park where the weary may
lind y.-:n c .and beauty
The muddy old river that flows
at your door .
Tie in n hants whom mostly
Io 1 e i.rig been your people.
An:! are faithful and true to
the trurt you repose
And your hand! If there is one
that plays any better.
It mu-.t be in hiding: For
l.obody knows.
Oh. yes! We all love you!
Mat if there are any
V. ho do not agree
With all that we say
We iin t want to hold you;
(I'ir drurs are wide open.
There are bridges a pi-nty
To take you 1. way.
But should you continue
To ri "-el here among us;
And i or.t for our Plattsniouth
"T il y.itir journey is run
You m.av rest in our
Beautiful 'Oak Hill" forever.
V."'- can tnke you there safely.
Since the graveling is done.
There is a little old town at
the mouth of the Platte
Wh- re my heart turns ever;
but many do that.
We will all agree, its loca
tion is rigiit
And the scenery lure a won
derful siht.
Here we find those friends so
good and so true;
Be it pleasure or tears, they
know just what to do;
And they join us in either in
a::-. di whole-hearted way
That we firmly resolve, here
is wh. ae we will stay.
Now the devil comes roaming
a Ion g
And he makes some believe that
everything's wrong;
And he has some one say, "A
hell of a hole, this"
But take it from me they are
the folk's we don't miss.
For this little old town is right
on the square;
And it tries its level best to
treat everyone fair;
With me you'll agree that in
numerous ways
It helps to gladden and bright
en our days.
When we are broke, it gives
us graces
And helps us out with smiling
It knows our real worth and
rrives all a try
I boost for Plattsmouth. You
surely know why.
Mrs. Monte A. Ftreijrlit.
-Mrs. Willis Holme.s.
Missouri Pacific railroads, on one of llJlIl S HZ2TTn PiCC.lCin?
the national highways anil with good! Tims v.h .arc .-. '-.-tip--:-.--:n" o 1
graveled roads approaching our citv, 'n vrs ji notice t'.c r. t.-u a-;, t .ether-: t ,.
makes it a very convenient place in i iw, rno -J ;" ' "
Xl'lif.!. l 1... .. - - ....
Y. n'a
1 ;tt ::. ?.'"
s;'.t i :k 1 t ri
court "in f
'in vit(..-':
Ba nc
sault a
was b.r
wii'it- file
oi-curi I in
and .,.as 01
v, " c 'n
ri f ;.-i m'-. n Jude Her-;
"lid" of ?.urdr. -k had his
n.-e wiili a live and srn
. i i 'i liis un- ' y pea (. hie
- ! -I--1"1. t little itv of
campaign for this year and which
will be most important to the soc
iety and its branches in the state.
I :-.e
:V '-
I a
tl." fo'-l
av-o .) i
h.arged with as
ui .Ja'-Vi S-'crncr
for trial.
1:1 T:;esany". ? n ' : v
This morning special services were
held at the St. John's ad Holy Uosary JJew stock cf Christinas cards at
itouian tt'iiniitc c'.urte's an t also
at t'n Sr. i uk'-'s Koiseoptil church on
Bates Ecck and Stationery Store.
t rial
, uivii hj intr. ji ,'tnrrh i:; a
1 "Secontl I like the church life of . . n. o 1 v c
Plattsmouth. We have many kinds ! " :'?.?.? 1
ZLLlZ.YZST'S'SSlxyiTiiZ'iSSj aP(j c!av:5s. having eveiwthing fromj.-i
ine iioiy Hollers' to the Inch - n s
SPP.EE results dj fine
"f-n T .
1.; :
From Weilt e'-0.:y s I
This morning J.
has been tngaged
Iouisville was Ik re
to an
charge of being intoxicated
:rnri:i! the I s li rHu ... rt .1 1 . -
lhad bought the liquor in Omaha and'So that
iiienien that he had secured any can easily find a church home
'across the Platte river in Sarnv 1 "Third i iilk u..i,:, 1
'need, ho'amnly aTtorney,,UeS,ine'1 the! f'lattsniouth. During the past few j Frm yll,!:,yV , !Iy-.:
working at; After He statement. r.t 10 ,l&ma ?jvance-l U.ports from the F,
ver fr t 1 fn -i .. t...i . . "- i sv.imioi system, we nave ! i
After the statementc: r.t "T "'. ... .au.i-, ueports irom ti,e J-'ord
Plant 111 Pm.ah.i where ri
1 preferr-ifine of s--t !ltl,, MBt ' , ., VI 7 i u . 11 . 'V n'"'i",eu a nnp moiurn Piattsm-.itl h m-.i are no
ci ,y (ounty W. G. Kieck'ant he was rommitteH trl th I, . Ilave a,l,1l manual, in workiag. Kt-.e that the
of Sherrif Stewart until the ' "-J 7' " 1 I0"L' ,K,S to Qt-ite an ex-
...j.u. v.w,lUi, ,.i v,i ;, ii.iia)tent in the past week. One entire
corps of teachers we are now recog- -sliift has been laid o.T bv the com-
. i. .. . e .i . . i. , , . " - "'""..i.'u
.ne .ji.i'-in:,ua Having ueen oroup, 11 1 tody
ox et,..., ev niaim i.. i'. Mctv-.amount was settled for.
art to face the conneaiuence of his:
T.rolongerl spree fiat covered pract-
f.umher of
w engaged
for i'e t '.ere
ieally the las:
Mr. Reed
two weeks.
:e' knowl- rjged
was guilty of the effenci
en.t ttiat ne ii;ui been more or bss
tiral'T th.e influence of liquor for the
past two weeks. He stated that he
l JKirsli physics react, weaken the
that he' i)ov'el3, wil1 ,,'a(1 to chronic consti-
as charged!1 "' neguiets operate eas-
".' miA ul an stores.
nized as having one of the best'
pany. which cuts down the number
:d .Tu.
sidtng jutic
ei up'Ol to
I ' was id':
Kin !
,t rue
lie '
f'Tt U
lirinated at I'lniwood
ida'incd to hav?
pa; t of X'V iril.e!'
' ; f 1 1 ia 1 t ;. re
i io more ni'iitr.i 1
for hearing and
to S- i'.nii.i as the ;: r
i.f th.e rv. ace Was iaili
t a r ihe mat ti r.
a. a, d in the complaint
itity Aitorniy V.'. C
'clr.. t ion
of the feast of tlie,
the Bl'-sed Virgin
.Mary. Mi.'-.Tii were lu id at all of
these eanreho-. and tommunion ad
mii.isTi red io the me-.chers of the var
ious pari .d.t--. w!o ware pre nt to
pr: in tl;e soiviies.
that the rir fen
Stei't'.i-r ai'd it;
knit Cli-.os had
rl thus violated
a w
;'h! oprai this isue i'ie ca
Job Frinting at Journal Office.
At Christmas
no other remembrance
approaches a Photograph
they are the most
economical of gifts!
Afake Your Appointment
Tka Vferner Studio
Brkhe Tolls
10 Cents.
Use out new tempor
ary private road
leading to
i"1"111 lor a hjv n oi our size in mo ) f mployed to a large extent, between
ui .Neuiaska. 1 1 o 0 and ISO men being affected bv
"Fourth I like the merchants ofithe layoff. As far as can be learne 1
Piattsmouth. I have always found .there were but few from this citv
them kind and courteous and have (who were cam-lit in the curtailing
allowed ne to run just as high bills of the forces at the Ford plant.
- -- 1 v' i j i v i i w iuj jnvuo u i u
and my husbands discomforture.
"Fifth I like the men of Platts- ! K?W.W'fV -1'
t ii.i.i. t . ,. - TTiin 1 lirii.'.-. '33.
'iiiwuiii. i iiiuiK i can see a smile on m
1 1 1 1 fnnA . . r . . , . . . -. r . ... : . . . - i
I say I like the men, but in this I
feel that I can be a little bit chesty
.as I realize that I have gotten more
for mv mnnev In wniHit nf loot-t
i , - vift.n . . .... i ,
jthan any of my other sisters.
, "Sixth I like the women of
j Plattsmouth. I have found them
loyal, brave and courageous and prac
jtically devoid of that "catty" char
acteristic which is so often attribut
ed to our sex.
"Seventh I like the club life of
Plattsmouth. We have many kinds of
clubs and organizations and anyone
coming here can easily find one to
his cr her liking. Personally I like
our own Woman Club, and think we
jhave reason to be really proud of it.,
ve nave passed our infancy period,
have escaped the "sleeping sickness"
and are now ready to do somthing
really worth while for our town and
"But last and best I like Platts
mouth because it ia my home. It
is here among these conditions and
j surroundings that I have raised my
iamiiy, ana tnese same conditions
and surroundings will form the back
ground of their character. It is not
all as I would like it. There are some
was hattl-d out.
The court ro.'i.i which war
in the old school huihlin
cd to th.e doors -. ith th
spi t; i'i s ! ; an Khnwood with a few
non-int rctt d parties from .lurdo. k 't
pro-, at and l was r' M;ii"d the firm 't s
fund of Judge Schmidt to ijnfet the;'
ouih (;.!,? that o.i '.iri 1 frequently ;
during the course of ;.; trial. !i
After the taking of ihe evidence '
the matter was taken tinder advise-1 j
merit ly Judge' Schmidt and the. de-;j
cisicn will l.e given later. 'j
Both parties figured in the dis'j
triet court here r.t the opening of . j
the district court here as Sirniir j
sued Cli.'os in the sum of Slo,in0:j
for the alienation of the affections i
of his wife and was driven a iu.lg-:!
ia. n i ..i. . u : u -iin ,, . lui: Jul.' 'i
Fmrn Tuosdr. v's I a jl
At th.e meeting of the state ex
ecutive committee of the V. M. C. A.
which was in session in Omaha, At- -torney
C. A. Bawls of this city, long J
an active leaIer in the work of the .j.
association was named as vice-presi-
dent of tile com m it t ee Th,- 'V" ia
ii!g. vas lili- planning ;, very large and extensive .
he l etc rested
. i . i . i i i t V
Dr. Joe J. Stibal
SchmiJimasn Building "t
Telcphtme 17o. 3 v
, i
Our January
-:.ts oy the jury.
I'l-.-an 'A'e. Ir.- s. hiy's lolly
The fire department w;;:: rallied out
last evening at i, idnia hi. to ans'.ver
the call from the riiideiice of A. S.
Christ ; n Xerih J tii sir-'et near the
high school. Th.e department on their
tj.ii arrival in; re lounu ui:u ine nre was
c;-;.l j located in the ceitar (;f the home
ijTj when an oi l trunk was blaz'ng and
lA ; st nding lorth a great den! of smoke
fh're won't b.-: any d
put orf buyiiivf.your overcoat
another day, hpinv; they will
be cheaper -
vl:ing tht
t,:';th;it fi'ied the rooms of the home and
it very disagreeable for the
as well as annoying in fight-
11 re. Tho trunk was extin
guished and the 'o-s will he slight,
oniy tha smoke damage amour. ting
'to anything. It is supposed that, there
'was some matches in the trunk and
these were ignited by fnice as there
was not other manner that the trunk
could have been fired.
will buy you a good, all wool
cot: hera right now. And
we'il J4iv you 5 off for cash
to boot.
Duroc boars. Philip Ilirz. Platts
mouth. Nebraska. D7-3td-2tw
'J Accidents will happen, but the best
regulated families keen Dr. Thomas'
Two sizes, 30c and 60c, at all stores.
Copyright 1924 Tht Houtr of Kuppcnhcimn
Gaze into our west window!
Philip S