6 PACT TOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL f-' t i r-v i w i i r.i , r. 1,1 n ( . il. in. .j.(vwv Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. and sion. was recently retired on a pen- Union Case in a a v i : Joe Ledgett was born IVc. CrdjTruo an.l Rulie EaUn completed 1S64. 'corniihuckinj? last week. All had good R. R. Everett and wife visited ' c vei s. llivriflp ATrmil.-iv on 'in-Inf-as. i Mav':i li.'ko.' of Nebraska City, Mrs. Bessie Fran 3 and little dausli ter spent a very pleasant dr.y with Grandma Kindle last Puin'ny. V. L. Uocker has a rvn.ii :- of men rutting timber, clearing the hind for t-pring fanning near the river. V. L.. Hobr.ck and Mr. and Mrr. Rav Rullinan woro visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrr. W. A. Taylor. Herman and George Comer, Dewy - ir. T'nicn last Monday. cou.iiig to look after ?o:i!? legal niiu tcrs in the little city. A.'crney A. -. Tbbl of i'lattsmouth v,n .i vhia r in I'nion h'f-t Wednes day, coining to look after some legal ruthless for a Khort limo. A. f.-:cks. ti e n.annitr ot trie Play Ball and Eat The two basketball teams of the; Union schools, the boys and girls, I .M ; i ' i- i l .'iv . i. v y I 1 1 V 11 I -1 I 1 V 1 V 1 1 J W 1 .. . V. 1 , , , . At , ., . ; hawka last Friday evening and en- had a very pleasant time while here, ; t.v v.rv fln. nf hnkpt nun. i ney must nave an piayeu i pretty hard for all were able to make a generous amount of scores. the games between the two young teams resulted in Union get ting 37 and Xehawka 27, while the C r:iK returning to Ashland on Sunday C. M. Reid of near Murray, was a .bitor in Union one day rhe past ee k and purchased a truck of Mr. A W. Pi oust, which hot ii the pui -; .l(jPS cnaser an.l me Fciier were snusneu wth the uaui. Mrs. It. K. Hawley is getting along nicely after her operation at the Methodist hopsital in Omaha. It is honed she will be sufficiently recover ounty Court Here ioday Second Chapter of Hie Di inking- Es capade of Several Weeks Ago Staged in Court Today. Fni.n Y.'eiliu-si1. a y's 1'riilv This morning in the county Rock Island IE 17 rarmmg i';lacmatry All kinds of Wagons for corn husking. We arc strong on Service. General Blacksmithing Korsa Shosirg a Specialty inice Union, Nebraska ioiv in Union. was looking ed to return home to Nebraska City ; ;;'; r !.o :.e l u-inc -i matu-rs in N'e- eariy this week. ilcisk:- City la-: Monday. "Doob" MeXutt, who has been in I ;(- iVnnin.T and the family were Union for some time, working for the (rVviiv the ?"iV:s TTemorial. which .Missouri Pacific while Roy Yonker i vvhr'.d Irst i-un-Iay aficrnoon at was assisting in gathering the crop jtl eir i-nil -t :-br.v-k:. City. of corn belonging to Joe Ranning, ! L. ". Crawford wa- businef-s was called to Iowa last Monday to ,vi.-it .r in I'latfsmoutli list Monday see his mother, who was reported as i r.ft.Tno-.v.i. driving over to the conn- being quite sick. ty f i .- t during the late afternoon. i itoss .M:iay vas snelting and te iV wy True, Kuiie Katon and Jean livering corn last Monday, taking it K.:- "ip" ; r- skr.ckintr corn for Will to the McCarthy and Sturm elevator. c:-.:rt:i- and will io:nplete the job Joe Lidpttt sol.! a fine Pure Bred in day or two. Will has been very Chof tor White board to T. (. Klimm it-K. .of Platts:r.outh, Nebraska, last week. Joii'i C. Tlausil v;n a visitor in II 1 i:s two ni(re fine show boars left !"!? rs::v:-v.th vn Wi'duesday of this vi:ic!i he will sell. v , lv vh.T;' he was called to look Harry Royal and w ife an.l Harry ri';-. ;- t-omo nattUrs at the court 3 raves, all of Uinca!n. were visitors they being were ' gi: 118 Oil" XT' M i:o".--. R..-V. and Mr?. V". A. Tavlor in Wt'crinii Wa tor h.st Tuesday, v.-!kt ii.'v. Tayl.ir was calb'd to con duct the funvral of Herbert Russell McDonald. Cliorge Jourgeon of Plattsmouth. ti e disirit I i : ri -"' r rf th. tan.lar(! C ' ii'n;p;i!!;,-. jvirch -is: 0 a new Ford Look! We. sell Otoe hominy j at 1 0 cents per can straight, i Rargiin day at Pl.tttsmouth i' i.;p -l .! ; A. I'ropst g the :sL i u !.. Rob'-ri- Tn.'-p of :u rr ?1 i ' i--: of so;;t!i oi i i i U'j re w . ;yle .'. Fr:.'t and are t!':-ir purchase- t(! V 1 1 a . ir;i!.r', dur- j v yn;.:d. and ! -''.ira. 1 ot!i j r )i I i -nine ! v .ve:! sati-j ' l 5 cents. it sold 2 cans for Sugar, 100-lb. sk..$G.25 Sec Siir.e before Going Oat cf Tcu:n Union 9 r Dime s izronery Mrs. A. II. Hevlr-r of Weeping Wat'-r ".'i!s a visitor in Union last !n-f: la y an! a gu- :-i cf Mrs. W. A. h'r fori.v" n-'-ighbor when .vicr resided in Union. !i.!:e!ien. .-l:o was injured ri?(i v. hile ' ":p!oy 'I on.M'r Pacific railway was able, his a-. torney C. A. Rav. Is to ;.--e!f and the railroad. Union last Sunday is ;;l the horn-? c f At tome v C. L. C raves, Mrs. Rayal heir." a daugh ter and Harry C.r.ive a yon if the !). rr'yter. A :e.ot pleasant time .v :s h.c.d by all during the visit. Mrssts K' ;i..-r Jorm. Sallv Mile Fox. C v.ev.i Scott and Ixa'.Ne Ijurchfu'Id. ail instructor;; i:i th.e Union -ei.o:)!s. ere visiting in On-alui li-f Satv.r iy. v. here t!t y attended a very ex i !'.-r.t ?'". .ti.-s. s Jorm and Fex . m i in:; n-:r." di!'.:n." the evtning hi!" Miss.c .-e-cit an ! le'.rc'iford re sit with irie.ids for id return Mrs. a' r. avlor 'is. I)'-. "i:e t i;. :i: f " -ri ..:-..u:rh e!'l hi- Clarke o: is we!i ai'v ove" SO year . W. Clarke n porti d as beinrr not in if l:i.i'tli l.-u l.i-n avs on ;ic- Vv'eeping meed in of age. and Pied Nebraska Agr.ess Res-, and little son visit-, d ie-r r ;ot!ier over t!:e wn k end. f he is teaching school in Ashhmd and Gei a iT.ail-lno liie en'.ke family csn enjoy. Have any thing in Crcsley line Ircm the Pup at $9.70 to Super Trirclyn Specla-.. Also ihe Alvater Kent line from $GD to $l00 and last, fciri rot least, Super Five Gershon at 50, less equipment. Tubes, Butteries, Accessories. ! . EM u 'IzJ u -L 9 Everything Else in Hardware UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA i i: p'r t,.ri ' x 'It -4 li i 3 &ti -J S a Founded upon the principle of lower prices and everything cash or exchanged for pro duce. This way you are not called on to pay for the goods which some other person buys on credit. Try our plan; you'll like it! Check Over This List of IMoney Savers FLOUR! FLOUR! Schminke's Best, per sack Bell's Best, per sack Omar Wonder Flour, per sack Puritan flcur, per sack Pancake flour, per 4-lb. pk Buckwheat flcur, per 5-ib. pkg STAPLE GOODS Del Monte pineapple, per can Best husking mitts, per dozen Best rubber shoes. U. S. Rubber Co Red soles; cne to four-buckle. .2.35 . 2.40 . 2.60 . 2.60 . .30 . .40 :ined I r ci ?u:i .--ay !1 .11 :r. K. who yt a :;. ! in ,' ::-'th.-r of ( Ciarke i t: i.ti o to !:cr b. ;1 for several d ;( ;::u of her iHns. The many friends o:" this xoellcnt v.oi:ian will lie-pe h:;t she may so.:i recover and he in h.-r rcc.istomed health aK'iin. A letter from Ikrwocd I.ynJc. who b. loratetl at Sno'inii.-h, Wash., where i e and Mr. Hal! are entvaed in bnsi i --s. teils of the ir -liking tlie country rh'Te very '..mcli and that with the .: oi" health and with work all the ir. e- they are weel satisfied. They are -'ii . si:i: live hundred lious ami T.ve ."v . d c attle daily which they are e. llirr at w!i.d." ale ;ind v-.l.ich make:? i uite piotit for the company with which they are conected. Word was received in I'nion Sat-r-da" tf the cff'Ct that Burnadine r-ii. of Lenepie, Kansa-. was veiy sick, and hi son. Albert K-iton, and Xehawka boys beat the I'nion lads ,. .,.,..1 i. i,ithe second chapter of the Xehawka teams to the visiting quin tittes and all enjoyed the excellent feed which was provided. court , For sale Good piano, excellent condition, cash or terms. Eay Frans. tfsw To Talk Politics and Eat The members of the Modern Wood men of America are to hold at their next regular meeting their annual election of officers and they are ex neetin; to make it a jolly time as well as one filled with work. The mem bers, who are a jolly bun: h. will have an oyster supper following the regu lar business of the evening, and an excellent time will bo had. When the members of the Modern Wood men of .merica at I'nion .cct togeth er, they sure have a iime and we are assured this will be no exception. Their next moetintr, at which this rood time will be had, will fall on next Tuesday, December lath. TOIL SALE II dairy and chicken ranch your horses and thre cows, two chicken houses, scratch pin, barn holds 3 ft ton.-i of bay. If in' '-r: r.ed, come and see. Will se ll cheap. m. T.vxni:. tt'w I'nion. Xeb. starting Sundav drove down morning, a acre. distance of two hundred miles, and ai rived the re in the evening. They 'tnyed during the niirht and returned on Monday. They found the aaed gentleman feelinsr ciuite badly, for he i- awry beyond eiphty-four years and had ben .sick some tinv With their c-oa inr he showed some improvement. The !)-ys made very sod tim. they a rived home on Monday evening at about five o'clock. They report much snow there but that it did not last far this way. They Had a Fine Tine. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reynolds, southwest of Union on Wednesday of this week occurred a gntherins? in honor of Mr. Arden Itheuman, wlien the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Iiepnolds, extended a re ception in honor of this young man who is to shortly be united in mar riage to Miss Virginia Copenhaver. A lr.re crowd of young people were present and a mot enjoyable time v.ps had. They all extended to Mr. Rheuman wishes for a life filled with happy prosperous and useful years. Getting Along Nicely X'nclf (i. S. Upton, who i? one of the substantial farmers of Liberty precinct, and who has been the same for many years past, is just now re covering from an a-ciecnt which o - e. :rred some weeks ago v-'hen he wis endeavoring to put a heavy beg trough over the fence. In doing so, he fractured one of the bones in hn f. rcarm, which has been this time in recovering. Mr. Upton, who is al ways philosophical, says that the ac cident so long as it had to happen, came in just the right time, as this has been the nrt vacation whic'i he 1 as had in the past forty years. Best Australian all vool union suit3. . . Bran and Shorts, per cwt and jumpers Plenty of room in them. $4 to oest overalls $1. to ; -30 11 2.10 I 3.45 h i 4.50 J!1, 2.25 Vv 2.00 li : County Officers Visit Here Sheriff E. 1'. Stewart and County Attorney. W. C. Kieck, of Plattsmouth were in the quiet little city of Union last Monday and extended an invi tation to Miss Hazel Wiekham to ac company them to the county seat, i i where she was to be quizzed regard ing the lale episode in which she with Wyniore Fletcher and a Mr. MeXutt were accused of disturbing the peace and which happened some time since when a residence was broken into to enabl them to par ti( Spate in an extended orgy. The young la'ly accompanied the officers. RaisLns, per lb All other fruits in same proportion Vh price P .10 r"5" -i rck n .31 'u? k, y L U ZS UsJ L.-3M it k ka, U ti. jy Cash and Carry Store On the Corner - - Union, Nebraska n Fletcher who was missing just at the time, but it i3 understood that he learned of the invitation and went to Plattsmouth of his own volition later. roielarnrp; p. Community Spirit The old rrt'jihytfri-in htireh which il is stood unoccupied for a number of vears i:: Union, ha:? been nelr.iir.ed by the progressive element of the i.itizei.ry ii this rustling little city, a;. 1 bee;-. ttc-n in shap for us". Ti:e firs- tiling which will grace the eev-'y constructed cdifi ' will be tlo :ro' ilr? of the W. C T. U., who are holding their m."eting.; here. The real purros-? of the rcclaimi'ig of the rjuilding is for use as a city library, and whieh will make a good place '.e.r this use. U.lertric lights Have hcen installed and many other ouches ad b d to beaut if v and m;ke drinking escapad;.' that stirred; Union to its fc. nidations was staged j in the county court, the first chapter; having been some wiel.-; ago when! "noob" MeXutt was ."m'-d for btingi drunk, and toih.y the chief actor in! the drama was Wymore Flet ch.-r . a 1 voting ;nan of the vicinity of Union; i thI who was charged with k;-ving: contributed to the deiinuenry ot , Hazel Wicki ian, a minor cf v-ime (If- j tac- n years cd' ape and whose homo las been at Wyoming. j The case was cne that va.s regret-: r ble for the unfortun;--te ciil that 4 (lift VIpItk ! 9 Or'- : A Cl:rist:n?.3 h only two weeks away. Here are v.-elecsrs sug-gestions for gift givers. For um For HER -Sr.. Quality Watches S'one Set Kings Emllem. Rirgs 10: U. I! Cuff Links Wfildemar Chains Knives - Combs Sets h" d coi'.e into such v.dt He yet in b r a r!y should have leer, rec; te ! atmosphere ' lis v.Iien she in; watchful zO&t Tourist Cases Junta i y ;e cart to ! and frank, i i ;a ne ' 1:1-that k.iv uni :etter p -;ths t i an the ti!!-. affair will open to her. The yoi i'g girl, v.-ho lias !.-"n work ing at Unloti for some ti:-"-, i-' tar:u' to her home after the :-h'air but h.t' l ret niie.l to Union and from wlicr: he was brought here to appear as ; .itnss a.giin Fletcher before Judg i u 1 urv. Mis- Wichman r i hat Fletcbc r h.r-d t') ;! S ine liom.- '-en she a srived that :-irs. S::n.- v a Eeit E-ckle Sets Uelt Chain Sets Alarm Clocks Tie Clasps, etc. :ted on the .stand I i : ' .1 CIS-' in- a as ! ih: ; -. . i I- let v r loit ; lie vrri her it; i'.-ii'i! lie r to coa-ie at .Union and that there she found :s ahs tit from the and M Xutt t hare, tlie fit. iii room of failed were there. 1 tab. t ,et to rede ia-h drinking Tlie V. it ile n t'.vo drin' hi ' t pot;: . - i ;'":! tic: ire I - -. v '- -. :-..? .' ;: ; New Wrist Watches Amber Toilet Ware Pearl Eeads Diamond Rings Novelty Bracelets Stone Set Kings Silverware Kantcl Clocks Plated Holloware liesh Eags Cut Glarcware Art Pictures Framed Mottoes CPE2T EVENINGS M. D. BROWN Leading Jeweler . .a -. I" m! and comfertable for to rro there to read r t a so nd to ;;meliki a ;i.- ; a-: hold metiiig-. The Hoy Scouts will .bo m." t here and the building will V? used for a II. good purposes by the itizens of this coTiimunitv. In r. .Vet' - d-- v i : i". , . e. r and t ' I ' , y h.f W i w; !. i '; v a : en'? en an ? ?b-r of "' MCK. "! fro: t ) s ;ta- a t t 1 : s i to tie f .-'he ad not ore !r t'er i-.o! ; :r.al ; tie .- ; Lit a. a. : ie-r li v. . til- , . m.- Mid "e a fa a; ry. M aV,: :i'f- ia. :- l:ad :,. rted in'o ad h.; rd mi hioi : r. t v. o n ! toa the ov, ner e.e' th" bou;-,' aiaa.o.-. come to blows, a. I taken girl to the n 1 lr.-er McXuit had a:.-r t:i a- s?hod house, aft r s'-citring a car X ii n ti e'.v he!- ( the !y p.a.eee'. King in the ; ::. bet a, vc rv muel' He fi lie; nor but . Tlie girl had to be : the King ho:n. AVit- , la t o.'.ie- were com ::.! -0"!d go up if bat ;-r witness had in t ' e eour t ry near i n ha-': gone over to the v I rl . . tie iu Xuti. A k. w h. t her f;f bis lie r-fate r-s M.Xutt i Wim. ..li - - 'i. na s vitc d u at the room of IIc- 1 b Jedae Duxbury as to won)!', reveal the so-ifc r the witness declined to said he did not know, a::g bought the liquor. iat'd that he had known ..an for to years. Wlt- ieknowledgrd that he had in t!c girl to tin; Stine home. At the coTiciu -ion of the evidence the 'court ga" Fletcher a sentence of . :;ty days in the county jail. rn t e, Shoot It 0at, at iviiirray w. . F. Connor. Aged 35. Section Foreman Is Shot in Head by Fellow Worker Last Night. From Wednesday's T'aiiy Yesterday was the busy day for Sheriff K. P. Stewart and Deputy Sheriff W. C. Schaus. they being called to sveral sections of the county during the day and the last call being late last night when they were called to Murray to un ravel a shooting affair that excited that usual calm and peaceful com munity. The chief actors in the gun play episode were W. F. Connors, aged 35, foreman of the Missouri Pacific section at Mtirrav and "Shorty" V - W I . for se veral duv. 'at a had on the :1 s-t'.;:V. 1S.S proof i- i; 1 i-.'.v; the- hot - ' Limited stock of new desijms in Christmas cards just in at the Bates Eook ar.d Stationery Store. Make your selections early to araid dis r. v j; o i i t r.: e r. t later. ! -7 -t 9 t1. JH)r,ar-rr$nr2 3 r t if p. . ti A L BE ABLE TO O AVE BIG MONEY ON 11 i '-.i hi fci .1 .-3s n vi ev ' .s-. . ..j.J- -L v v . jo- . y6 - y s 1 ' 1 3 r 1 tri i'i t 1 : Rogers, aged .'10, who for two years has been a member of the section gang operating out of Murray. Last night according to the story tliMt ItiiL'tir? fT'wa ii fid riffieiTs; when they brought him to this city, j he had been 'engaged in work as a tx 1 5 11 t. um. u n iliivi'i , nic'jii. tills 1 j , tracks in the vicinity of Murray toji see tnat tney were safe and sound and that in the evening he had re turned to town and met Mr. Connors at the passenger station and harsh words passed between the two men. Rogers states that Connors had threatened to give him a licking and that he shot in self defence, claim ing that this was his only recourse except taking the beating that be claims was promised him by the section boss. Rogers in the heat of the argu ment drew a small 22-calibre revolv er and fired at Connors, the bullet striking him just at the side of theit;i left eye, the bulle t glancing upward into tre loreheacl wliere it louseu. p- 1 uv 11.111x1 i ine uo. iu. :u v ci.-. .-ii-- fering greatly from the effects of1 the shooting but was fortunate injfc that the bullet was not of larger If calibre as it would have almost certain death. This morning Mr. Connors wasjjf taken to Omaha to be placed in the j li r TA it'll thrii'n i n fl rflnnir4 i rf il t Y1 OT) 1m, ior nis injury and tne removal 01 me bullet. Connors is a married man, having a wife and two children who reside! i at Murray. Rogers was brought to this city by Sheriff Stewart and lodged in the county jail until the disposition of . 1. v4 w4 V.A. ! I - kA I is m mis ye tills entire iins of our stock at just one-half price, which means fully 20 per cent below the firct cosi cf the goods. Our line is prin cipally the famous Madam Herndern mam mr, doll, iZie very best en the market, but we are oin5j to quit handling the doll line this year, and want to clean them all up. You will iind in cur line dolls from 25c to $7. 50 1 all marked in plain figures, and will go at just ONE HALF cf this price. You will find them on display nor- at tlie Bales Eook Store Annex, a new gift de wc have iust cnened r:c.?tnicnt room thet Wiiere cur ArL ceparlrnent is r.ow located. You will clso find our other toy lines in this room. Shop Eavly, Save Money and Avoid the Rush re store room is now filled with a cf gift goods thr.n ever before. r. rrrcater line "is i-; , .f S3 t- i -3 Remember we carry the only line of Christmas Cards, Dennison Seals and Slickers, Crepe Taper and Candy Boxes. TREE DRESSINGS and ARTIFICIAL XMAS TREES Those who are contemplating &;yj .7 : . . j "it. ,nAr, sciiuiiig engraveu iiiisiuiaa wiua I TT.XB T TT I SUUlUti Clil-il. J. TVIr nn.l T.Irs r.eor-e Hoffman, who ivl xxi a " ,vj have been staying for some -time at "The Bates Book and Gift shop can the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph handle your orders. T.i.'ett at Pfiver View, returned to - f !if.ir linrio nf T.inrnln Ipst Satiir.-lav TIio ror..i.Hmn n-i rf v icz in rmn- after enjoying a most delightful va- pIcte control of congress. Now they cation at the home of their friends.! ., , - . ; Mr. Ho-lman has been a fireman for are responsible for their acts, GS years with the Missouri Pacific or unwisely. So go to it. , a- 5 rrr-x rs Ci? ibiwit?.7 5th and Priam Streets ?! r.s V v Li kC i i m fZi t Plattsmouth, Nebraska Store i-j! U'-'iiM.'ui. 3 3 4 ? 1