Jii PACE T5T0 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLI JOURNAL MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1025. Alvo Department Katie Nickel went to Lincoln Sun day afternoon. A. II. Weichel and family went to Lincoln Thursday. Karl Dreamer and family went to Lincoln Thursday. Will Bornemeler finished husking corn Monday of this week. r.ni.ii Klwer of Lincoln spent the week end visiting relatives near Alvo. Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Mullen and daughter were in Lincoln Thursday. There are several farmers north end west of Alvo shelling corn this week. Herman and Philip Nickel were callers at the A. H. Weichel home Monday nighy Mrs. Elmer Dennett ami son. Ver non, spent Friday night with her mother. Mrs. John elites. The Rev. and Mrs. Chenoweth were lookintr after some business matters in Lincoln last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Nickel and! when family took Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller. Mr. and Mrs. George Drown spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. George Brown's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will Yager. I Mrs. Charles Anderson was shill ing and delivering corn to the Alvo elevator during the early portion ofi the week. Floyd Dickerson was a visitor in Omaha where he went to look after the purchase of some goods last Wednesday. Ed Fisher was shelling and de livering corn to the elevator at Alvo while Ly!e Miller was hauling some in. in the ear. for the outside crib. Karnest Hollenbeck. Mrs. John Mable Winn and children. Evelyn and Italoh and Elsie Stout to a Thanks giving supper. R. M. Coalman and family were visiting at Weeping Water on Thanksgiving day, they driving over and visiting at the home of the grandmother of Mrs. Coatman,. Mrs. Den Ruby, where thej all had a most splendid time. Uncle Henry S. Ough. who has been mnductine a small grocery east of the Restaurant for sometime has out the place, trading the stock and a lot in Alvo for an automobile, to Lincoln parties, they taking the goods to Lincoln. The ladies of the Methodist church of Alvo are at work preparing a pro gram which will be of a musical dis croption. which will be presented on the Sunday before Christmas, which falls on December 20th . there is promised a most worth while time the date arrives. W. W. Coatman. who has been' at Plattsmouth for the past two weeks where he has been serving on a jury in the district court. 'was excused on last Thursday morning and was glad to get home again and at the work which has needed his attention dur ing the time he has been away. Cncle Henry S. Ough and daugh ters. Mrs. H. L. Parmenter and fam ily, and Mrs. A. J. Schaefer. were visiting in Lincoln last Sunday, all returning home in the evening ex cept Mr. H. S. Ough, who remained until on Tuesday when Mr. and Par meter went over to the big city for him. John Woods and family, who have been ' visiting in the west for some elites. John Elliott. Elmer Klyver.l time, returned home last Sunday af L n Mullen and Herman Dornemeier I tcr having enjoyed a very fine time have completed, their corn shucking, while they were away. John Skinner was a visitor atFair-i reports a very fine crop r:ont last Sunday where he went to g.-t his r.'otht-r. Mi's. Mary Skinner.; v hn was visiting there with relatives for some time. I The truck of It. M. Coatman on j last Saturday moved the goods of( ?.Ir. Roy Ackley to Omaha where she went on Sunday and where the Ack-i l.y family will live. I Robert Johnson and family of Coin. Iowa, were here last week to attend the funeral of Mr?. Mary Johnson, mother of Robert, which oc curred on last Sunday. Frank E. Cool: was building a new chimney for his furnace during the1 prtsi week, the old one having been found inadequate for the service which is required of it. Thf Me'hodi-t ladies are putting on a Bazaar at the church in the near future, which will be a most inter-' sting social event as well as doing fine work fnr the ehurfli Warn- Knfe-rnve ml' wifo nrt' -Un.de Henry J Gr:indroi!.;r Iptcgrove-were visit ing in Lincoln last Wednesday and on their return Frank I'ptegrove re turned with them for a visit of a few d;:ys. Mr. :nd Mrs. F. E. Dickerman were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moodey at West Point last Sun day. tby driving over to that city in their cir and enjoying the trip most splendidly. Joy c:;r.e to the ho:n of Mr. and Mrs-. Alfred T!an;on last Saturday v hen the venevolent gentleman. Mr. Stork, bft at their home a verv win- Mr. Woods in the west where many have said that the crops were short. John is a very close ob server and would knew just about what the crops were. Dr. and Mrs. Verne McPherson of ( Neligh. who 'drove down from their hon to attend the football game J which was staged between the I Huskers and Notre Dame also drove over to Alvo for a visit with the friends there. Rev. and Mrs. R. II. Chenoweth. and where all enjoyed a most pleasant visit. I Sure, there was some rejoicing at j the home of Sam Hardnock, when the stork made a visit at their home, bringing a ion to the home, and a present for Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Mickle ' the latter being a daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Hardnock. Now you may , guess there was much joy in that neighborhood for Grandpa William f Mickle also lives near. Miller, has been as- aiming at the Rehmeyer elevator and t?nre" he makes a most'excellent'SanA i when it comes to handling grain. He I has been loading corn into the cars lor shipment and met with a slight accident when a- pully which he was using to handle the conductor which conveys the grain into the car. slipped and gave Cncle Henry a rap over the head, cutting a few places which made them very sore but which are doing very nicely at this time. away from Alvo in attendance and all enjoyed the occasion most pleas antly. The business and social meet ings were greatly enjoyed by all who were there. One of the features or the meeting was the conferring of the-third degree on three candidates. thev being Messrs. Verne and Sher- rell Flfer and F. L. Edwards, who were made full fledged members of the order. One of the other inter esting features of the day was the excellent banquet" which was spread by the Pythian Sisiters of Alvo. And when it comes ;to serving something which satisfies there are none, no matter from what country or clime that can exceed these women! in mak ing somthiiig which satisfies the ap petities of the Knights as can the home cooks. Card of Thanks, f We desire to express our most sin cere thanks to all who so kindly as sisted during the illness, death and burlal'of Grandma Johnson". Her Children. Poultry Wanted! t Wednesday, Dec. 9th Plattsmouth, Nebraska A car load of live poultry wanted to be delivered at poultry car near llniM(V Uft,MAlft 1 I L- I . . ... 1uiiigioiuuuu i mouth WEDNESDAY, Dec. nth. one The Roy Scouts have been selling' ,jav onv for Which we will pay the flags to the business men, with a staff I following attached the the colors so that they; can be used by the business houses Cash JPriceS and residents of Alvo when ever a. national celebration shall occur, such '. Hens, rer lb 20c is the Fourth of July or Memorial! . on day. This will enable the city to be .ungs, pci iu properly decorated on occasions hkc rrf,i.-. these and is a very laudable move on the part of the Boy Scouts. per lb 16c i Geese, per lb. 13c Knights of Pythias Elect Officers. ou Boosters, per lb 9c At the meeting of the Knights of n,,inpfls;. npr dozen S4.00 Leghorn Poultry, 5c1 lb. less carload market ning littl lady who is to make her home with them in the future. A quartette, that surely knew the art of entertaining by song, was do ing its best and that was good, at the di-trict meeting of the Knights -f Pythias was composed of Frank C. Cook. John D. Foreman and Elbert Taylor. Running a race with the weather 11. L. Dornemeier was neck and neck with the rain when lm completed the picking of his corn last Thursday, j; t'ing the la-t load in when the rain commenced pelting down its liveliest that day. Mrs. Elmer Klyver entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stout, al.-o Mr. and Mrs. Art Klyver and daughtrs, Golda and Doris. Mrs. Many Are Selling Their Corn. The matter of marketing of corn about Alvo with the higher prices which have been prevailing during the past week, and the fact that in many cases there is insufficient room to store it. is cauisng quite a move ment of this cereal wheii the weather and roads are so that it can be haul ed. During last week there were shelled and delivered to the Rehmeyer elevator, corn by the following farm ers. W. J. Aulthouse, Arthur Klvver and Carl Johnson, Mr. Johnson had to stop shelling because of the wet weather. Pythias which was held last week. there was elected for the coming year. the following officers: i Bert Kitzel. Chancellor comman- der; F. E. Dickerson, vice command er; Lyln Miller. Perlate. Kills mickpi. Keeper of the Records and Seal; Arthur Skinner. Master of Arms; O. K. Rosenow. Master of Work; Ed Ed wards. Master of Finance; A. Dinges, i . . . vn ,,.. Master of Exchequer. George I her, r,niI,nHnn for fnir de.ilin- nno- I ' li Trl S.iti.r.r If oh niuvcr I HIT. 1 ?ide guard. A. B. Stromer, Trustee for three years, and A. B. Stromer wan selected as delegate to the grand lodge and C. D. Ganz was chosen as alternate. I Farmers, Notice The fact that we ship in lots direct to the New York enables us to pay for your poultry. We have been the very top price coming to Platts- oi:r reputation lor tair ueannf W. E. ICEENEY The Old Reliable Buyer Death of Wei! Loved Lady at Home in Alvoj Mrs. Paul Johnson Answers the Final! Summons Was an Old Time j Resident of Nebraska. ! LOCAL NEWS ' Dr. H. C. Leopold, Osteopathic physician and surgeon, phone 208. J7-tfQ Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. Mary Sunisin was born in the island of Nysted. of Lololand, Den mark, on Nov. 20th, 1844. where she lived during herr earl yy girl hood and was united in lnarriagetlierxt Mr. Paul Johnson. March $,-lS6?T'whn r he w(w twenty-three years of age. The following year she came to Amer ica, first locating in Wisconsin and Michigan where she and her husband lived for about two years and in 1969 came to Nebraska and settled but a short distance from Alvo where they have since lived ami raised a family, most all of whom are here at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson farmed during most of their lives, they being early settlers. Some years since they moved to town to live and in 1916 Mr. Johnson died. Mrs. Johnson has made her home here for the time since, though at intervals she has j Prom Thursday's Daily J Harvey Gamer was in Omaha to jday for a short time looking after some matters of business for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heil. Jr. and daughter. Miss Edna, motored in from their home ..west of Louisville Wednesday and spnt a few hours in the city visiting with friends. Cyrus Livingston and wife Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jenkins and Harold llarmen and wife of near Weeping Water were here this week to en joy the Christian church services. E. J. Wheeler and wife of Lincoln were here yesterday for a few hours. Mr. Wheeler to look after some mat ters for the Burlington at the local shops and Mrs. Wheeler to visit with friends. Mrs. Mary E. Ragoss. of Louisville, was here today for a few hours and while in the city was a caller at the Journal to renew her subscription to the semi-weekly- edition of the visited with the children. She passed away at the advanced age of eighty- papt r. one years, on last Thrusday morning George Sedlaeek and Mike Veter at close to the noon hour. The funer-isnik who have been enjoying a visit al will held at the Methodist church? in the Black Hills with relatives and on Sunday and the services will he! friends for the past ten days, re delivered by Rev. Ross H. Chenoweth ' turned home yesterday alter a very District Meeting- a Success. The district' meeting-of the Knights of Pythias which was held at Alvo was a decided success in very respect There were nearly a hundred from All dot. the YV ortl The Last Word The Day-Fan Series there is in Radio. You always find them on the Speaker De Luxe. More than a year ahead of schedule. Priced a little hieher but more than i it On demonstration at The Alvo Garass Art Dinges ALVO NEBRASKA PainHS UGO AH colors for interior of the house decoration, as well as automobiles. This paint dries in 30 minutes and will not crack, check or peel off. Always looks nice. See us for corn picking supplies of all kinds. Do you need a corn elevator? Coatman Hardware Co. ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA pastor of the Methodist church of Alvo. Mrs. Johnson united with the Danish Lutheran church earlv in her life and has remained a consistent member and a very devoted follower of the Master whom she alwavs en deavored to serve. Siie leaven to mourn her departure. five children, four huving proceeded her to the other world during child hood. Those remaining are Mrs. Ole Peterson; C. S. Johnson. S. K. John son; and August- Johnson, all of Alvo and another son, Robert Johnson of ( oin, Iown, There are twenty-four grandchildren and one great grand child. She has three sisters and two brothers in Denmark, and one brother living in Oklahoma. The interment will be made at the cemetery north of Alvo. Where she, will sleen until uie trumpet or the Angel or the res urrection shall sound. ASS AIT WAR AS MEANS OF SETTLING DISPUTES usningion, nee. 3. with a declaration against war "as a meth od oi seining disputes between na tions and groupes." the National Study conference on churches and world peace, with 30 denominations participating, tonight terminated its three-day discussion of the subject rr i m me conierence went on record as believing that the church "should declare that it will not as a church sanction war." Business forms of all kinds printed at the Journal office. 4" 4 4- Dr. Joe J. Stibal Chiropractor Schmidtmann Building Telephone No. 3 THE PATHO-NEUROMETEIt USED IN MY OFFICE AVOIDS ANY POS SIBLE MISTAKES- v pleasant stay in the mountain eo" n try. William Atchison, of Elm wood, who has served for the past several jury terms of the district court as bailiff, departed this afternoon for bis home. Before leaving the city. Mr. Atchison was a caller at the Journal office and renewed his sub scription to the weekly edition of this paper. t SOUTH BEND f Ci-ra ham's . and Mrs.( f G ravel Co. : sand, but, their men ' fixing up From Friday's Dnily .- Mrs. W. R. Holmes was among the passengers for Omaha this morning, going up to spend a few hours in that city visit ins with friends and enjoying the day s outing. Mrs. George Luschinsky and her daughter, Ruth, departed this morn ing for "Wymore, where they will spend the week end at the home of Mrs. Ed Ackerman, sister of Mrs. Luschinsky. Nebraskka for a few matters of From Saturday's Daily Attorney V. E. Tyler of City was here yesterday hours attending to some business. Misses Ethleyn and Florence Wiles wore among those going to Omaha on the early Burlington train to spen da few hours in that city. Mrs. Walter Dyers and Mrs. Joe Beil were among the visitors In Omaha today to spend a few hours looking after some matters of bus iness. Mrs. Andy Snyder and son were among those going to Omaha this morning where they will visit for the day looking after some matters of importance. W. L. Crawford, painter and car penter, of Union, was a visitor here day where he spent the time looking after some matters of Importance in the county seat. George W. Snyder and son, George, Jr., were at Omaha today, where they were called to spend a few hours looking after some matters of busi-1 nesH on- the markets- there. R. G Keiser, wife and children. wltlr Mrs. S. E. Barker were among thoi aoiiiff to' Omaha this morning wheve1 they wllh spend tile-day there Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are in .1 "run-down" condi tion will notice tlint Catarrh bothers therr. m;?o'i mor than when they nre in coort hoalth. This fnrt prnvc-s that whi Cntarrh Is a local disr-n.se. it is greatly lnfl'Joneed hv constitutional eorditions. U.M.l.'H CAT A II HIT HIHiriXR is r Combined Trffltuint. both Ioi.il and in ternal, and has leen pu'-rosFf 1.1 in th" treatment of Ontnrrh for over forty years. Sold hv nil drmrt-sts. V. .T. C'bf'n.-y Co.. Tleo. Ohio. Newspaper advertising1 pays! 5 Money to loan on Farms Several Good: Cass Coun ty Farms for Sale off Very Reasonable' Terms-. See T. H. Pollock Mrs. Viola Long returned home Sunday after spending several days with friends in Ashland and Omaha. Miss Uernice Uushnell spent sev eral days last week with Mrs. Wil liam Kline. Mrs. Vyrlo Livers and Mrs. Frank Graham spent Friday afternoon call ing on Mrs. B. O. Mooney j.nd Mrs. Martin Zarr. Mrs. Zarr has been poorly for some time with rheuma tism. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham. Har ry Long and mother, Mrs. Viola Long, motored to Weeping Water Tuesday evening. Carl Ifoffmasler. of Flagler. Colo, came Tuesday to visit his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Copsey and daughter, Ed lino spent Thanksgiv ing with relatives in Omaha. Mrs. William Kline was an Omaha visitor Saturday. Harold Towle arrivtd last Thurs day from Norton. Kansas, where he holds a position as pumper on the Rock Island. Ho departed, for his work again Sunday. Harry Long aud Judd Weaver were Omaha passengers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham went to Omaha Thanksgiving and ate din ner. At supper they wore, entertain ed at the home of Mrs. niece and husband, Mr. Vyrle Livers. The Western Sand and has closed down loading will .still employ most of repairing machinery and for spring work. Jess Kleiser took in the football game at Lincoln Thursday. Miss Carrie Kleiser spent Satur day in Linco'n. Mr. A. J. King, of Omaha, return ed to his home Tuesday after spend ing several days at the home of his wife's sister, Mrs. Wm. rtiehard-s. Mrs. Willis Richards returned Fri day to her home at Waterbury, X. b.. after spending several days al the home of her parents. Mr. and .Mrs. WT. P. Sawyer and Wm. Richards. Miss Vietta Ehlers of Gretna, spent the week end with Miss Eun ice Towle. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Squire and little son Jack, drove to Plattsmoutu Wednesday evening and stayed until Saturday. Mr. Arbe Carruth. of North Mem nhis. was a Sunday supper guest of 1). H. Robinson and family Mrs. Carson Schrum is on the sick list with a very bad cold. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brothers an.! familv Mr. Everett Huddlcston and lady friend, of La Platte, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, of O'Xeil were Thanksgiving guests at the Urn Brothers home. Ernest Ilendrix and family. Mrs. Hugo Crfmmm. Miss Beatrice Ilen drix. and Bur ward were Sunday din ner guests at the Gill Keller home Miss Julia Snuire, of St. Eliza beth's home in Omaha Sunday even ing. Her Sunday with her folks. Mrs. F. N. Prouty. of Falls City returned home Wednesday after a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. G. II. Wolfe and Mr. Wolfe. Mrs. Huso Grimm returned to her sister. Miss Beatrice Ilendrix. a comnanied her home for a lew day s visit. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Squire and Mr and Mrs. C. P. Squire were in Lin coln Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Dean, of Uni versity Place, and Mrs. Flora Phil lipps. of Ohio, called at the Wm Beetison home last Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Al Smith were sup per jitiests at the John Smith home Thanksgiving day. Beatrice and Harold Craig spent the week end with Mrs. Carl Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Siemsen and Leon spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. La Shelle. Mrs. C. J. Turcks is able to be out again after her week's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beetison gave a Thanksgiving dinner to their rela tives. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Young. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Worrell. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weston and Harry Beetison. Fast Side friends reeply sympa thize with Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. Carl Stednitz in the serious illness of their father, Mr. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Uetts and sons Foster and Richard Clair, spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in Yutan. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Betts enter tained relatives at a Thanksgiving dinner. Those present were Mr. S. M. Ewing. of Wwo., Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith and family, Mrs. J. B. Ewing and sons, Vernon and Darold. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Sanders passed away early this morning. Ashland Gazette. 1 7Jmre&iPe lubrication is 'Power Only an unbroken film of oil can prevent the escape of vaporized gasoline past the piston rings or make the expanded gases generate power. Locking the vapor and the propelling force of burning gasoline behind the piston head is one of motor oil's most important functions. To flood all bearings and cushion the sur faces of moving parts with a clean film of oil that prevents friction between metal surfaces is equally important. Oil that does these things insures the max imum development and use of all the power the motor develops. It is power in surance and protection against motor wear in the best sense, protective lubri cation. It is neither hard nor expensive. Simply consult the Polarine Chart and buy the grade of oil recommended for use in your motor, whether car or truck. Drain out the dirty, contaminated oil and replace with clean oil every 500 miles. Tests without number prove that after 500 miles of operation, motor oil is thinned and spoiled by gasoline and polluted with fine grit and carbon. Polarine is made in Six Grades Light, Medium, Heavy, Special Heavy, Extra Heavy and a special grade for Ford trucks and cars Polarine "F". Buy Polarine where you buy Red Crown, the balanced gasoline or wherever you see the Polarine sign. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA ' Main Office: OMAHA Branch Offices: LINCOLN HASTINGS NORTH PLATTE I USE J VORBECT fbr protective lubrication S. W. Bell and Raymond Berger of the Plattsmouth Motor Co.. were in Omaha today where they were called to look after some matters of business and securing some new cars for the company here. Gars! Bmr 2,000,000 in Use! We have just unloaded two car loads of Coupes and Sedans on our floor fur inspection. Come see them. We will be pleased to give you a demonstra tion any old time. Also a number of used cars - some good bargains in 1S24 and 1925 Fords. PHONE 255 1. LIWS1 Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb. attending to some : matters . of- bus i I"H"!"I"I-I"I"I mess.