PACE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1925. PLATTSHOUTH SEMI-WEEKXT JOTJRI7AI Alvo Department Miss Bessie Obers was a visitor in Alvo and a guest at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. R. M. Coatman and family. John Woods was a visitor in Oma ha last week, he driving over with a load of stock for a farmer near Alvo. Tiu. ir! in Finirlish have been t-tudying reporting as a portion of jtells of an excellent corn crop in his home. Mr. Hallas Banning remained for over Sunday. John Kear and wife and their two eons. Glen and Lloyd, of Plalnview arrived in Elmwood last week for a visit with the mother of Mr. Kear, who makes her home thre, and with other relatives and friends. John L 0 C A L N E W S GFFIOIAL PROCEED INGS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Dr. H. C. Leopold, Osteopathic physician and surgeon, phone. 208. j7-tfa Dr. - Heineman, Dentist, Main Bldg., Phone 527. Hotel From Thursday's Daily j Attorney Carl D. Ganz was a visi tor in the . city today, having some i business matters . of importance to look after at ihe; district court. L. L. McCarty, gas, RD 1 D. R. Topliff, dragging, RD 10 i Coatman Hardware Co., for I mdse., RD No. 6 'John A. Box, dragging, RD : No. 15 Philip Albert, same, RD 2 O. W. Fischer, same, RD 16 R. M. Coatman, same, RD's 6,' I 15 and 16 V. T. Richardson, mdse., RD I No. 1 -- ;Ed Fitzgerald, dragging, RD their work and have been good headway in this line. Emmit D. Friend completed the making country, where the corn is maing fully as much as here. W. W. Coatman was in Plattsmouth during the last week, but was not ricV-nf rif this: venrs Corn CTOD One day last week and is now ready for 'serving as a juryman very much, as anything that comes his way. he was not drawn on the cases and Frank Daugherty has been hustling ; found time quite heavy on his hands, and has completd the picking of his j as he is ued to hustling when he is corn on last Wednesday and is now' at home. However the corn picking agisting some of his neighbors. I went along all right as he had a Edwart Uptegrove and family of j number of teams in the field all the were visiting in Alvo lastjtime. week for a short time, being the quests of Mr. Uptegrove's mother. Henrv Clapp. always a very Jolly fellow, but now more so. for his T? I. Parmr-nter and Earl Bennett j smile will not even permit his whistle have been piaying pussy wants a cor-, to work for he cannot get his mouth puckered up anu ai Decause oi me birth of a little son which came to bless the home of Henry and wife. nor for they changed homes, each moving to where the other had lived. ViHir,'rf Mickle shelled and de livered corn last Thursday at the jThe mother and boy are doing nicely Rhernni'-icr Elevator, a portion of the ! at Lincoln where the lad arrived rarre old corn and a portion of thijlast week. jears crowing. ' Mrs. C. C. Bucknell and son. Clif- John R. Skinner had a load of hogs jford, of Burlington. Colo., arrived in ::t the South Omaha market on last 'Alvo last week and have been pack Wednesday for L. 15. Apploman. they j ins their goods for shipment west, bringing a nice price as they were ex- j.Mr. and Mrs. Bucknell came to Alvo rorne thirty-hve years ago and engag ed in business here for some ten, years after which they moved to the west for a number of years and then cell, nt porkers. Arthur Dinges and wife were vi-iting and looking after some busi ness matters in Lincoln lasc i nurs- d:y evening, they driving over to ; returned Having resided nere ior the capitol city after supper. twenty years or more now. They have Or. Friday of lat week Roy Coat-! purchased a large farm there and are man took a loa'l 01 coos 10 iincoui i cngageu in growing wueai. for Ixe Hill, who will use them for starting fres and for burning when there is need of only slight fire. Both the boys and girls basketball Jea:i.s of the Alvo schools have been putting in much time practicing preparatory to the games which they expect to play the coming winter. Mr. M. Y. Young of Laremie, Wyo.. was a visitor in Alvo last Sun i'.ay an! a guest of his friend. Miss F rn S.i vis. who is one of the very capable teachers of the Alvo schools. Furniture for Sale Here you are, for a quick sale: One gas stove, a gasoline light plant, one kitchen cabinet, two gasoline irons and one bed. FRANK E. COOK. Entertain the Woman's Club. Mrs. John Murtey at her pleasant home in Alvo entertained the Alvo Woman's club on last Thursday at their regular meeting and at. which Loui Mercian has completed the there was a troodlv number of picking cf his corn and is ready nowjthe members present and who Avere for any other work that shows up H : wa picking corn for some of the neighbors for a portion of last week. Messrs. C. D. Ganz and Uncle Hen ry Oueh wre in Plattsmouth last Tus.l?y. driving over in the car of the former, where they were look ing after some business matters for a short time. The Queen Esthers, the younger Ho11.!? Mi&sionarj society of the active on the interesting programs that enlivens these occasions. Follow ing the rendering1 of the program, the social hour was greatly enjoyed and was made the more pleasurable by the delightful luncheon which the hostess served. Fathers and Sons Eat Together. a There was at X church in Alvo " - , , , ' - ; jitm Jionflav most or the eiuaens ot Jlethod chJUTClu.met.last Saturc??Ttt t we lui-for 117 evening at the home of R. M. Coat m .in. wh?re they were doing some church work. and all filled when the fathers and sons met. The principal address was delivered by the Rev. Albert Ruth of Chris Huffman has purchased the, 0maha. Addresses were also given by v.m.iy acif jubi uwm oims piace;T,r u Muipr and C. D. Ganz. repre whieh has been ownei tor Albert anting the fathers .and Authur Roel Kunz. and which Mr. Huffman will ofgz aml 1Ierold McKInnon. repre- f;tr::i in connection with his other senting the sons, all of which were holdings m the future. I greatly enjoved. The chair of the I.. B. App'eman was shipping a car toafetmaer was most ably filled by load of bal d straw to Omaha during' the Rev. Chenoweth. pastor of the ti.e l-t few days, having the straw , Methodist church of Alvo. The ban :.nd there being a market for it he ' uet whicn was Perved by the ladies thought it would be better to market lof the M E church of Alvo, was an il than to allow it to waste. ithat a banquet should be. It. W. Stewart, last week, installed ! a new Areola at the Farmers and Merchants bank, which is claimed to i 1 '(:.' of th best of heating proposi- ' tions in the maket at this time, even surpassing steam or furnase heating. Kec Stewart has been having some time with the lumbago which gave this ii- ntleman a great many quirks ;.nd pain... j;ince he was stricken with the ailment during the middle of the Entertain the Teachers. Last Wednesday evening at their pleasant home noth of Alvo, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fairfield entertained the ladies of the faculty of the Alvo schools at a six o'clock dinner at which there was a very enjoyable time had. The teachers greatly appre ciated this gathering at the very past week. He. however, is showing Fairnei(i some improvement. , ' There was a box social and supper tit-it it , ... :t the Belmont school which is two Wl11 Have i-htia All. miles north and one mile east of Mr- and Mrs- Joseph Armstron Alvo. hist Fridav night at which entertain the children at their fme a good crowd was in attendance . ,lome this wofk for lianksgiving when and a roval good time had as well a11 the family will be together and as some coin accumulated for use in!pn0' not a,one t,H family reunion. Kautifving the school liono. ibut the Thanksgiving as well, he John Skinner was a visitor in Lin-!fan",y has alwas made at a point coin last Sundav where he was visit- !to R,t together for Thanksgiving, and ing with a verv dear friend and wasJwo thin if ),1P of tho nicest of Prac" so sobered in "seeing the sights of !,ices- and u wo"l(1 for more Lincoln that he drove so much that i reop,p to ,!o po- There will be here the full tank of gas was used and he T the occasion from South Bend. had to carry pras to get the car start- i d home when he was ready to come. Edward Casey and wife of Lincoln, were visiting in Alvo on last Thurs .y, guests of old time friends, as they formerly lived in this city. Mrs. Casey was also in attendance at the meeting of the Alvo Woman's club. 2V!r. Casey was looking after some business in town as well as at the farm. John Banning was a visitor in Lincoln on last Friday where he was looking after some business and on his return was accompanied by Hal l:is Banning, a nephew of our towns man, who is attending the state uni versity and is a guest at his uncle's ?dr. and Mrs. Roy Armstrong and family and Glen Armstrong and family, while Barrett and Ivan Arm strong and their families will be present from Havelock here they are making their home. If you want something new and cut of the ordinary in Christmas cards, see the new stock just in at the Eates Book and Stationery Store. Limited supplies of each. Come early fcr choice selections. School supplies at the Bates Book Store. Ail colors for interior of the house decoration, as well as automobiles. This paint dries in 30 minutes and will not crack, check or peel off. Always looks nice. See us for corn picking supplies of all kinds. Do you need a corn elevator? Coatman Hardware Co. ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Xo. R. B. G. L. G. L. C. C. Wm. C. M. II. J. 10 LeOer. same, RD 13 Keneger, same, RD 13 Ileneger, same, RD 14 Barnard, same, RD 1 Kitzel, same, RD 6 Jordan,, RD 6 Thiele, same, RD V Poliarrt. same, RD 13 culverts, ( I (Tire of f'OlXTV (OMMISSKtM'BS of i nnn County Plattsmouth, Nebr., November 3, 1925. Board met as per , adjournment. Present. Fred il. Gorder, C. F. Har- Henry Engelkemeier and wife vs ailj c. D. Spangler, County Cora were here yesterday from their home niissioners; Geo. R. Sayles, County near Nehawka to attend the funeral clerk. services of the late Mrs. John L,utz. Minutes of last session read and Mrs. lone Dovev Betts. well known approved when the following busi- Oren Omnha artist., -wast here eniovinir a ne:;s was transacted in regular form: i Wheeling Cor. Co visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. j Mothers' Pension orders by the; RD'r, 1 and 10 H. N. Dovey, returning to the metro- County Judge for Mrs. Lola Rung, E. 1j. Schuelke, drags tiolis this morning.- I Mrs. Catherine Ash. Mrs. Flora Jones, i RD No. 6 ' vh Mann of Oravbull. Wvom-iMrs. Marc ia Ilise. Mrs. Viola Auxier, : Wheeling Ccr. Co., ing, came in . yesterday to spend j Mrs. Martha Iladdon and Mrs. Adah RD some, time here looking after some Newton approved. ' matters of business and visiting with Ferrv License !C' ( his mother and sister for a short , Qn ajpiioation of John Richard time. I i i i i Ulf J.Uillll K1 .1 in rune I Henry A. Egenberger, wife andjtj1P plattsmouth Ferry company to! two children of Omaha are here cn-, f,.u.rate a irry across the Missouri j joying a visit tor a tew uays at ine;,jVfr ;;t a location just soutn of tne Kgenberger s parents 11.25 12.80 9.75) 30.80 10.00 11.20 3S.40 1.10 21. CO 10.40 14.40 9. CO 7.20 12.80 10.40 1G.S0 7. SO $ 51.00 Tank Co., 5 roads. 153.03 in? in 9.60 ; Nebr. home of Mr. ivgenDerger s parents. Burlington railway bridge, for a per- ami iirs. i. jj. t.geiiue i ei ctuu ,0(i Dr tnree vears irom &eptemer others of the relatives and eld time, in i2.r). to September 19, 1!)2S, the- F. friends. From Friday's Pa;;? Henry A . Guthman of the Bank of Murdock was here today looking after some matters of business in the district court. E. W. Keedy of Union was here today for a few hours being called here to look after some matters of) business and visiting with his many) friends. V. M. Hoenshell, roadmaster of the Omaha division of the Burling ton was here today looking after some matters in connection with his work and also visiting with his son, Karl Hoenshell, baggageman at the local Burlington station. round" round trip, buggy, 50c; 50c; routd c; round ton, $1.00; loC. to From Saturday's rfily J. E. Wiles and wife. Mrs. E. H. Wesrott and Mrs. C. C. Wescott were at Lincoln today where the yattend ed the funeral services of the late Mrs. George A. Kaffenberger. " Judge James T. Begley and Court Reporter Leslie Turpin departed this morning for Papillion where they will spend a short time there hold ing a session of the district court, i Mrs. Julius M. Hall and daughter, Mrs. Gladys Groff, departed this morn ing for Lincoln, where they will visit for the day and attend the funeral services of Mrs. George A.. Kaffen berger. . A. R. Noble, one of the veteran conductors on the Burlington is en joying a .short wition from his duties and this morniftg tvas a visit 6r In Omaha trj 'loofcifter.'ionie mat ter of business. SUPEEP0WER HELPS FARMER Governor Pinchot's case against superpower is punctured by O .C. Merrill, secretary of the Federal Power Commission, in an article in the Country Gentleman. After stating the vast volume of waterpower remaining undeveloped in spite of the rapid progress of development under the federal law, he tells how the use of electricity an the farm combines with its use in the factory. He cites California as an example where "development has proceeded to a point where it may soon be neces sary to bring in power from outside j u(.nrv the state. More than CO percent of in California lire now trie power.and in its use ing more than 2,000,000 acres are irrigated by electrically driven pumps. Agriculture in the South owes much to hydroelectric development as industrial expansion has made possible diversified farming, and has also aided materially in the main tenance of stable rural populations. Opponents of superpower trade on an ignorant prejudice aroused by a name that implies bigness and mono poly, when its sole purpose is to transfer the surplus power of one district to another which has a deficiency, through interconnection of power lines. license fee to be J 45.00 and the fol lowing tolls to be charged Team and wagon, 75 trip. 11.00. Automobile, 75c $1.00. One horse and round trip. 75c. One motorcycle, trip, 75c. One-ton truck, trip. $1.00. Truck of over 1 round trip, $1.50. Loose stock, 2 head, each Rates made for herds. Foot passengers. 10c each. Ferrv to operate from 6 a. m. S p. in. Late trips. 25c eaxtra. Claims Allowed Claims as listed on the various funds were allowed by the Board: MOTHERS' PENSION FUND Mrs. Ellen Davis. Mother's Pension for November $ 10.00 Flora May Jones, same 30.00 Lillian Adair, same 20.00 Martha Haddon. same 10.00 Will Ilindman. same lo.uu Dcta F. Burke. Fame 10.00 Mary Piper, fame 10.00 Fay Kirkpatrick, same 15.00 Margaret Lahoda, same 10.00 Viola Auxier, same 25.00 Minnie MaFon, same 10.00 Anna Zitka. same 25.00 Jo.eph.ine Janda. same 10.00 Nellie Garcia, same 20.00 Birdie Hicks, same 10.00 Adah Newton.. same 10.00 Anna Bezdek. came 20.00 Catherine Ash', same 30.00 M.'rl B. Kivett. same 20.00 Esther Converse, same 10.00 Mr.rcia Hise. same 10.00 Rhoda Baumgardner, same 20.00 T.rla Ruuar. same 15.00 GENERAL FUND Dr. J. W. Brendel, services $ 30.00 Louisville Courier, printing- 25.50 .Trr F. Kvanil. provisions 5.00 Geo. K. Sayles. salary and expense 1S2.9 8 Fred 11. Gorder, salary and mileage 109.50 Fred II. Gorder, telephone calls ' 4 II. Seivers. salary 115 Farmers State Bank, provis ion order 8.00 W. Earle Towle. Coroner's jury service M. Mogensen, same culverts. No. 6 BRIDGE FUND Barnard, bridge work.$ COMMISSIONER'S FUND First District McCarty. gasoline $ COMMISSIONER'S FUND Second District Culv. Mfg. Co. grader irs A. Burch, gasoline COMMISSIONER'S FUND Third District Jeff Smith, spark plugs $ L. K. Eider.miilor, graderman Wm. Broihwell, sharpening grader blade Parkhurst Auto Co.. supplies LOUISVILLE PRECINCT BOND FUND Fred II. Osscnkop, inspecting gravel $18 Marion Osscnkop, load in spector 68.00 The Board adjourned to meet on '4.31 3.7i 19.54 10.14 2S.13 2.3 5 2S.O0 in RD No. NeLr.-Iowa Steel culvert. RD No. 5. Fred Ruby, dragging RD No. 1 Wheeling Cor. Co., culverts, RD's 15 and 16 C. K. Soibert, repairs, RD 1 John A. Box, dragging roads in RD No. 14 G. II. Meisinger, same, RD 10 Wm. West fall, same, RD 7 Walter Stroy, same, RD 7 Raymond Hemke, same, RD 7 Henry Obernolte, same, RD 7 Plattsmouth Implement Co., rjidvi., RD No. 1 , ClirT SchaeiTcr, for dragg.: ; reads, RD No. 1 La wry awn, same, RD 1 Mart Sheldon, s:imc, RD 1 V"?. Kief, same, RD 1 Earl llardison, same, RD 1 I v p ii Alt house, same, RD (! V. P. Wright, same, RD S Gerald Reber. same, RD 15 Louis Schmidt, rame. RD 7 1 1. II. Gelling, siuvjo, RD 7 Carl M ierjurgan, same. RD 7 Frank Hc.nkc, same. RD 7 Jess Sto;k. aame, RD 7 John Gust in., RD 7 Albert T!:i(I. sani", RD 7 ;Jler;nan Rose, !::ine, RD 14 'Henry EikHrman, same. IID 5 Wonders. sa:i:e. RD 1 r ! i1!0 i Kir'-hoff, same, RD 14 . (Hill i I No 4.1 15 0 c. w. lirvry -Vc A. Ptoehr, Mohr, i i. Itichard. rc n Lnug' ame. RD 1 me, RD 14 seme, RD 4 in. same, RD 4 Wednesdav, November 1, 1925. GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk COIATV of Mli'ie of !ISSI)" I n" ( onrty Plattsmouth, Nchr., November 4, 1925. met as per adjourn Fred II. Gorder, C. F. D. Spangler, County R. Sayles, Coun- ,40 ,50 S.50 4C.45 24.72 10C. 00 372.60 3.45 15.00 HEAD IS CHAIRMAN OF BOY SCOUT BODY Kansas City. Mo., Nov. 18. St. Louis was chosen as the 1926 meet ing place at the concluding session of a three-day conference of Boy Scout executives, region No. S, here today. The following were elected members of the regional committee: Wyoming. Robert D. Carey, Cas per; Colorado. Charles O. Gates, Denver, and F. J. Burch, Peublo; Kansas. G. IL 1'olndexter, Kansas City, W. G. Price, Wichita and Thomas W. Williamson, Topeka: Iowa, C. R. Patton. Mason City and Ivan Hasbrouch, Des Moines; Ne braska, S. R. McKelvie, "Lincoln; Missouri, G. P. Truitt, Kansas City; Clarence H. Howard. St. Louis and Hugh Stephens, Jefferson City. The committee members will serve under the chairmanship ' of Walter W. Head, Omaha. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.50 I Bert Reed, same the farms i A. d. Kagley. same iving elec-J j M Teegarden. same for pump-, t T ATnifr srimf Dr. M. U. Thomas, witness William Baker, witness Ray Smith, witness Chris Rasnmssen. provisions Plattsmouth Steam Laundry, laundry W. G. Kieck, salary Clara Wickman, salary Dr. J. II. Hall, salary., Fred Patterson, office work Cloidt Lumber Co., coal W. C. Schaus, salary S. S. Chase, provisions Golda Noble Real, fees, Pat rick vs. Cass County Geo. R. Sayles, same E. P. Stewart, balance fees, Stevens case E. Sturzenegger, provisions E. L. McDonald, provisions Farmers Mutual Insurance Co., premium E. P. Stewart, salary, mileage A. H. Duxbury, salary E. P. Stewart, jailor fees and meals Will T. Adams, salary Johnson Bros., provisions Alpha C. Peterson, salary and expense 1S8.20 9 3.61") 61.20 16. SO 12.50 17.64 26.00 57.50 3.13 125.00 32.50 50.00 96.00 11.00 S3.9S 4.00 13.60 2.75 18.90 12.00 5.00 24 1S4 183 35 53 33 165.25 104.16 7.50 FRENCH STENOGRAPHERS 1TVE ON $26 A MONTH Paris, Stenographers and typists In Paris, "to. live freely and in a manner worthy of their profession, are eligible to a union that claims $26 a month as minimum, wage for its members. Typists who are. not also stenog raphers, the union insists, should receive at least $24. During the time when stenographer-typist is an apprentice she should earn $17 to $22 a month. ... - New stock of Christmas cards Bates Eook and Stationery Store. Nebr. Gas & Elec. Co., service Anna E. ' Leach, salary J. W. Holmes, stamps Adolph Kuehn, care of Gast ROAD FUND A. A. Srhoeman, road work in RD No. 3 $ Eli Keckler, same, RD 12 Ernest Mann, same, RD 13 J. C. Niday, same, RD 11 Will Carey, same, RD 1 E. B. Chapman, same, RD 11 Geo. Comer, same, RD 11 A. J. Schafer. same. RD 9 R. Ketelhut, same, RD 12 James Heeney, same, RD 9 R. & D. Murphy, same. RD 9 G. L. Heneger, same, RD 13 Dinger Lumber Co., poles, RD No. 13 Binger Lumber Co., lumber, RD 14 Andy Snj-dcr, road work, RD No. 1 Arthur Wiles, same, RD 14 John N. Becle. game, RD 1 DRAG FUND John A. Box, dragging in RD Ko. 15 $ Henrv Ohernalfe. same. RD 15 C. C. Barnard, same, "KD 1 at; Ralph Meisinger,1 saiKe, RD 2 IW. T. Laughlinveame, RD 5 43.29 50.00 12.00 30.00 50.05 69.99 69.00 66.25 9.00 33.25 7.65 9.80 133.20 3.15 18.00 56.00 12.00 3.00 4.50 6.75 3.75 30. SO 6.17 56.65 4.00 11.60 The Board ment. Present Harris and C Commissioners; Geo ty Clerk. The following business was trans acted in regular lorm: Mothers' Pension orders by County Judge for Mrs. Let a Burke and Mrs. Lillian Adair approved by the Eorrd. Resignation of A. W. Neihart, Jus tire of Peace for Stove Creek prc civct. filed and accepted by the Board. Sheriff's Jail Report Sluiiff E. P. Stewart tiled his Re port of Jnilor. as provided in Section 3535. Revised 'Statutes 'of Nebraska, 1913, for year end ing:. November 1, 1925. Claims Allowed Claims as listed on the various funds were allowed by the Board GENERAL FUND Cass Co. Treasury, expense $ Klopp Prtg. Co.. supplies F. G. Fricke & Co., mdse W. T. Richardson, groceries- Klopp Prtg. Co., supplies C. F. Harris, salary, mileage. L. R. Snipes, Farm Bureau expense Nehawka Enterprise, printing J. A. Wilson, damage from change of creek C. D. Spangler, salary, mile age A. II. Duxbury, Co. court fees E. P. Stewart, same J. C. Brittain. same Cockle Prtg. Co., supplies H. M. Soennichsen, provisions Klopp Prtg. Co., supplies Tidball Lumber Co., lumber and coal Plattsmouth Imp. Co., imple ments Kroehler Bros., hardware L. L. McCarty, gasoline A. Hawrick, 2 mattresses Lincoln Tel. & Teleg. Co., for tolls, rent C. VI. Hartford, coal Ladies Toggery, stockings S. S. Chase, merchandise H. Waintraub, merchandise G. W. Goodman, salary- L. B. Egenberger, mdse Philip Thierolf, mdse E. A. Wurl, provisions Henry Heebner, for grubbing t rces Immanuel Deac. Inst., care of Helms Klopp Prtg. Co., supplies L. R. Stanley, provisions Plattsmouth Water Co., for water rent John Bauer Co., labor Tidball Lumber Co., coal K. B. Prtg. Co., supplies John Bauer Co., boiler 4a4.i ( ROAD FUND R. H. Meisinger, road work. RD No. 2 $15S.95 Alex Campbell, same, RD 27 40.50 Standard Oil Co., oil, RD 15 40.10 J. C. Mick, road work, RD 16 112.25 George Frisbe, same. RD 15 15.75 S. S. Petersoin, mdse., RD 5 1.25 Will Harley. road work in . RD No. 15 Green Tiggott, same, RD 10 Ray Eikerman, same, RD 6 Ashland Oil Co.. eas. RD 5- Cleo Printz, road work, RD 9 M. J. Rys. repairs, RD 10 Jacob Witt, road work, RD 5 Jacob Witt, same, RD 6 Louis Schmidt, same, RD 7 Mead Lumber Co., lumber for RD No. 4 Wm. Richards, road work in RD No. 4 Crane, Curyea & Murtey, sup plies, RD No. 8 Arthur Skinner, road work in RD No. 6 Geo. R. Rice, same, RD 1: Claud Gochenour, same. RD 1 Tom McDaniel, same, RD 1 Trunkenbolz Oil Co., supplies for RD 16 66.26 Andrew Schliefert, road work in RD No. 8 63.10 DRAG FUND Jacob Witt, dragging roads 11 O.ip. same, RD 12 V.'ayr.f Ackley. same. RD 12 A. J. Ross, same. RD 12 W. "I. .Toi'gf nsen, same, RD No. 12 Ernest Ahrens. same. RD 12 R. Ketelhut. same, RD 12 E'lv. Murphy, snme. RD 9 George Lopp. same. RD 12 John Ilcil, same, RD 3 A. A. Schocni5n. same. RD 3 O. A. Hansen, same. RD 12 'Frank Cox. same. RD 12 Green Piggott, same. RD 1 0 R. B. Lf filer, same. RD 14 J. A. Lenard. repairs, RD S Omaha Road Equipment Co., repairs. RD 16 J. V.'. Banning, math. RD C Christie Stohlman, dragging , reads. RD No. S ; Andrew Schliefert, same, RD : No. 8 jO. E. Domingo, same, RD 8 !Gco. H. Sell. sam RD S 'J. W. Rauth. same. RD S Fred II. Gorder, freight. RD j No. 14 llJriley Mfg. Co., culverts, I RD's 14 and 16 'Herman Dall. dragging ma terial. RD No. S BRIDGE FUND Jacob Witt, bridge work $ J. A. Scotten. spikes Louis Schmidt, bridge work Mead Lumber Co., lumber Wm. Richards, bridge work Crane, Curyea & Murtey, lum ber Arthur Skinner, bridtre work s I Fred Ruby, bridge work J. W. Banning, material Avoca Lumber Co., lumber 22 57 Henry Eikerman, dig ditch--lH"41 i Pax ton & Vierliug, steel for six onciges 1 Fred Bauers, bridge work Frans Bros., lumber 'Tidball Lumber Co.. lumber. jM. L. Evans, building four bridges II. A. Funke. lumber I Banning & Nicklrs. lumber. 'Andrew Schliefert, bridge i work 25 Monarrh Engineering Co., for i building bridges 2120 j COMMISSIONER'S FUND i First District 'G. E. Small, work. HO No. 1$ COMMISSIONER'S FUND 37.05 8.70 SO. IS 8.36 13.60 7.15 16.00 - oV 17.65 4.75 1 ':, ') ) 6.00 6.00 4.50 3.00 10.40 8.0 5 31.20 25.60 1.60 4.55 12.80 7.20 4.80 6.4i 2 4.35 1.9 5 9.00 10.40 13. "0 11.70 15.80 4.90 5.20 15.92 15.60 Parts, repairn Parts, new nio- 1S.03 4 3 6.SS 5.00 Omaha Motor Omaha Motor tor Charles Joyce, Jr., haul truck Crane, Curyea & Murtey, for supplies 1.53 Omaha Motor Parts, truck re pairs 13.18 Trunkenbolz Oil Co., gasoline 120 01 STATE HIGHWAY FUN D Patrol No. 1 Gold Rice, salary $ G. E. Small, salarv John Iverson, labor, matl Fndy Oarage, lab)r Pla: ts. Motor Co., storage Standard Oil Co., supplies " Idball Lumber Co., rnd.'e IlIii.-c rep-nrs 22.72 mdse 1.65 gasoline S5.01 05.00 S 1.47 5 1.S5 3.3 5 2.IM 20.4 7 16.05 4. (HI FUND io M6 14. 02 5.0 0 43.20 21.15 20.80 12.35 19.90 8.77 8.02 IS. SO 1.40 4.50 27.10 2.40 9.60 13.60 2S.S0 26.40 31.20 3.S4 Jess F. Warga Nash-Vi iesems) , John Bauer Co L. L. McCarty STATE HIGHWAY Patrol Nil. 2 A. W. Eaton, salary, vx ? !0. Fritz TignT, salary, less tax S2. Cass Co. Trei'sury, personal tax Tigncr 12.50 Curley Kean. light lanterns. 2.00 Omaha Motor Parts, repairs. 82.42 Nash-Vriesenia, repairs 7.15 C. F. Harris, cypress 1.02 N. C. DelesDernier, mowing weeds Standard Oil Co.. supplies W. O. Purine, driving truck. D. P. Porter, driving truck Finns Bros., coal STATE HIGHWAY FUND Paf ol No. 4 C. A. Trumble, salary, exp $ W. O. Wall, salary, less tax. Civs Co. Treasury, personal La x. Wall Will Harb-y, team work W'is. Brothwtll. bibor, matl.. W. L. Trumble, haul wheels J. B. Petersen, mdse.. labor, storage Trumble t Qirjr.n, mdse State N'hr. DPW. tnuk tir.-s Red Wagon Mfg. Co.. blades Trunker.l.elz Oil Co.. supplies .50 .02 .0 5 . 0 5 .90 95.40 79.50 16.50 10.45 4 0.20 6.00 12.33 4.15 29.40 24.00 09.72 STATE HIGH.WAY FUND Pftrol No. 5 O. E. Sayles. salary, storage.? 99.00 John E. Strarthy, salary 95.00 Matthews & Peterson, labor and repairs 30.75 P. A. Sanborn, la 'tor. repairs 14.50 Standard Oil Co.. sijip!i(s 69.40 State Nebr. DPW. truck re pairs 20.50 Tho Board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, December 1st, 1!)25. GEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk. A FINE 10-POUND SON li ; s 84 1 .42 .90 .00 .50 .65 .22 .00 170.83 32.00 1.50 232.04 315.80 17.50 727.00 4.80 135.03 202.85 355.00 36.00 70. SO 25.50 86 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Daily are grandparents again. A fine ten pound baby bov having arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gonzales on Wednesday, Nov. IStli, 1925. We noticed that Charley was strpping pretty high, and he said that the young grandson was a husky young man, and had already lifted up his voice apd said that he will net Tielp shuck corn until after Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrj. Gonzales have the hearty congratulations because of the happy event in the birth of a son. Elmwocd Leader Echo. 01 pa -w T) SKI 66.10 4.50 13.00 10.88 14.00 6 5.05 221.40 4.50 ! Second District J. E. Johnson, sharpening ' blades $ l Trunkenbolz Oil Co., supplies !T. E. Fulton, matl., labor COMMISSIONER'S FUND Third District Frank Plymale, engineman$ iWilliard Timblin, engineman 'A. A. Wallinger. graderman I LOUISVILLE PRECINCT I tV1 mm BOND FUND r, c.5 P. C. Cole, surveying $ ii 2' Bursar I'ni. of Nebr., lime- 10.00 - 15.00 j 23.60 . . f 76.60 i 17.75 ! 76.75 26.59 to Io3n on Farms Several Good Cass Coun ty Farms for Sab on Very Reasonable Terras. See T. H. Pollock 1- Dr. Joe J. Stibal Chiropractor Schmidtmann Building .t. 110.00' stone tests 29.4 5 31.55 17.50 10.00 35.17 32.00 10.40 4.15 6.15 245.00 Yant 16.73 Const. Co., payment. Est. No. 1 11400.97 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND August Krecklow, salary and expense $ )".S5 H. L. Burbee. salary !r,.00 Richard Pickard, salary 4 7.50 Telephone No. 3 THE PATHO-NEUROMETER USED IN MY OFFICE AVOIDS ANY POS SIBLE MISTAKES 54.45 100.00 14.40 32.81 4.50 9.20 49.90 17.40 58.05 13.18 122.75 5.30 141.12 24.30 24.30 8.10 t4 n w P 0 4 ifrpStif 11 ulbl 1 mm mM a 2,000,000 in Use! We have just unloaded two car loads of Coupe and Sedans on our floor fur inspection. Come tee them. Ve will be pleased to give you a demonstra tion any old time. Also a number of used cars - some good bargains in 1924 and 1925 Fords. -PHONE 255 E? LlflllSTIil Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb. 1 f