r ?AGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEM&WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, NOVEMBER. 16, 19J f: Greenwood apartments Prepared in the Interest of the People of Greenwood And Surrounding Vicinity Robert Stock, of south of Green- honor:, was one where the tall corn wood, was a visitor at the corn pick- prows and w here it yields well in ThiirKrtav afternoon, large ears, being on the farm of L.. O. Mrs H. G. W right was a visitor iu lui uum, iui m ouwc mvo v v mutbuay uunng me aiiernoon, in short time lasi dhui-.ucouj a j uuouoo ...... .ujijri. it'ii rouni ouserve Armistice Close Business for Short Tinje The business men of Greenwood closed their places of business on last T lnnln for n day making the trip over to the cap- up in the seventies. The pickers sure- , i: W hul n-nml rnrn in whieh to work. ital city on me ous nuc. i -j ... - Fred Buckleman. of Shickley, was and made good use of the opportun- . f . .1 . 1 ntcn nt. i t V a visitnr in ureeunuim au co . . tho rnrn nickine: contest at I. 11 vt the Yot-hum farm nortn ot town v.i(in I'mland was a visitor at! Mrs. . Hose Axniaker, who makes her home in Lincoln at this time, was a visitor in Greenwood on last Mon oid ... i . i : .) . .. n'Uk Kr.mo in I'n VM-sitV 1'iace on lasi.uay, ruuiius uuwu iu uu Wednesday it being Armistice day, friends and also to complete the and he was enjoying the stay at! transfer of her former residence nome I property which she has had in Green lee Walradt marketed a car of new j wood to W. E. Xewkirk, the grocer corn lat week which was immediate-' and market man. Mr. Xewkirk now ly shipped to market by the Farmers! has a home of his own here in which Union Grain company, of which Mr. ito live. He formerly resided in Alvo, Enimitt LanJon is manager. j where he also has a residence, which Samuel It. McKelvie was in Green-, is now occupied by Arthur Dinges of wood tor a short time last Thursday that place. . while on his way to the corn husk-) The Ladies Aid society . of the Contest north Ot tOWn, UnTlUgHllll.mil luiuuii a ijuni, inv drug store wnun tney are selling chances on at 10 cents a number ine over trom his home in Lincoln. G. W. Holt, the genial and. effici ent agent of the Burlington and the, and win use me money ueriveu local representative of the Greenwood j derived therefrom for the benefit of Gazette was a visitor in Lincoln athe church. They have surely dem onstrated mat . mey couju no some excellent work quilting. One of the classes at the same Bible school also have another cuilt at the Birdsall cafe which they are disposing of in the same way for the beneiit of the Bible school. lav which was appropriately observ ed Uy a very inspiring program at the public. r.ucolb. Have Head on Collision Near Town lliley Puckmeicter and Kohcr Ma son, both of Ashland, were in a hur ry last Wednesday when one was en deavoring to leave town and the other was coming to Greenwood. Both gentlemen felt the shock to a con siderable extent, it being reported that it wag like the shock of doom, and the two gas wagons were put out of commission, but the gentlemen were. successful in getting by very cleaverly with no material damage. Rupture Shield Expert Coming to Omaha on Friday, Saturday and Sunday DECEMBER 4, 5, 6, 195 ROME VlOTEL from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by Appointment THREE DAYS ONLY Return Visits Made Regularly No Charge for Consultation Mr. C. P. Redlich, the successful expert, says: The "Perfect Retention Shields" hold the rupture perfectly no matter what position the body assumes or how heavy a weight you lift. They give instant relier, contract tne number of times during tne past week. Harold Nickles and the family were enjoying a visit with the moth er and uncle of Mrs. Nickles at Un ion for over last Sunday, driving over in their auto and all enjoyed an ex cellent time while there. Enimitt Landon. manager of the Farmers Union Grain company, has been putting his coal sheds In the best of condition for the handling of coal for the community 01 ureen-,in; jat at this til!ie to st01 to mar. wood, and is ready for the coming of jket t!,f.jr crop until tliey shall hive the cold weather in that respect. gotten the most of it out. as they Jo Mrs. Rex Peters, one of the teach- not riiisn the gathering of the corn Was Official Weighmaster. O. P. Peters was selected as the official weighmaster for the , corn picking contest that was staged north , . v-i .. 1 j ... . im. u.m.uuu jum acro me county ioua naturai retaining power needing line in Saunders. There could not ' further outside support, have been selected a more capable AVnile providinff safety and com or efficient, man for the place than fort to all old am, aSgraVated cases. Mr. Teters. There were a large num- roa,fa aro H fnhio when is just discovered and still small; it will save you no end Capitol Stone for Historical Farm Planned Beatrice D. A. E. to Erect Monument With Bronze Tablet on the First Government Homestead ! Members of the Daughters of the American Revolution from Beatrice have selected one of the largest stones from the capitol building re cently torn down for the purpose of erecting a modest monument upon the Daniel Freeman farm, four miles northwest of Beatrice, which was the first homestead in the United States taken under the homestead law. Mr. Freeman filed upon this land in the 60's being the first to apply for land under the act passed by congress. His widow still lives upon the land. The members of the Beatrice chapter of the D. A. R. who came to Lincoln and selected the stone are Mrs. D. W. Cook, Sr., Mrs. S. D. Kilpatrick Mrs. E. G. Drake, Mrs. Walter W. Scott and Mrs. Dwight S. Dalbev. A bronze tablet bearing opening of the average case in ten ; a suitable inscription will be attach days and strengthen the weak tissues e(j to tne stone when it is placed in (the real cause of rupture) so mat position. The stone was selected at they frequently recover their prev- the penitentiary where some of the larger pieces from the old capitol were hauled after the building was SEH'S H. Fl SOEHHIOH Last Minute Specials for Bargain Wednes day. Values that you should not overlook. Picking Corn, Not Selling. On account of the very poor weathr er, some time since, for the harvesting of th? corn crop, not many are car ers in been feeling quite poorly for some time past with an attack of the la grippe, but has been keeping up her school work just the same and is hoping to wear out the malady, which it is hoped she will. The Bankers Association .of Ne braska Review, their official paper of the current issue, has the phiz of Phil L. Hall on the front, look ing good natured but still firm and indicating one of the most conserva tive and successful banking heads oft the state of Nebraska. i George Bowen. who has been quite- poorly for the past several months, reiorts that he is feeling much bet ter. Mr. Bowen has not been able to work since away last spring, .but is now feeling much better and his many friends are hoping that he may continue to improve and soon be weH again. O. S. Hatfield, of Waterloo, was in the city of Greenwood last Thursday, looking after the purchase of seed corn and was desirious of getting when the enow is covering the ground. So there has been but little new corn delivered this season as yet. The two elevators thus far shipping but four cars of this year's crop. Will Get Ten Cent Bonus. The county of Cass is enjoying a fine thing in the matter of having its hogs free from disease and when mak ing shipmenUwill receive 10 cents per hundred pounds increase on their hogs when they get a certificate froi.i thr- heme banks toiling the fact . and .vil! receive a slight advantage on ac count of their porkers being Jree fro.n di;eas-e. Both th3 Greenwood banks ar supplied wi ll the certificates a? well as all banks in the county. The Red Cross Drive on. Iio Red Croas -oil call began on la-t Wednesday, .Armistice day, with Mr N". R. Talcot as the superintend ent and will be worked in conjunc tion with the schools and churchos of -he city, and wo are sure will ne o T T, 41 " the rupture also from the vicinity of Greenwood ' st, . present at the' contest and enjoyed seen just how it was done. wrecked. Blank books at the Journal office And PURCHASES AUBURN STORE ORDER OF HEARING Notice on Petition for tlement of Account. Set- of trouble, pain and expense in the j future if you now take advantage ' of this opportunity. No leg straps j nor elastic bandages are used. Can In the County Court of Cass Coun- The Cass county friends of the Oral Letters from highly satisfied cli-; ty. Nebraska. E. Copes family are regretting very cn(s available. . Stare oi; Nebraska, Cass County, ss. to learn that this estimable family, WARNING: Never wear old-fash-! To all persons interested in the who have been residents of Avoca for jone(j trusses or elastic bandages , estate of Peter M. Nerd, deceased: the last twenty-four years are soon!.it!, ntnfinp- fiitiiv len- utrans wide-' On reading the petition of W. A. Special Prices on Fruit APPLES BY BUSHEL J onathans, per bushel $2.25 Rome Beauties, per bushel 2.25 Ben Davis, pel bushel 2.00 FANCY GRAPES California, very fancy, basket . . . .50 WHOLE FEFPER Very fancy, whole berry. Price per lb., 30c. KIDDY TOY FURNITURE Hand made wicker. A real bargain, 3-piece set, 99c. to leave the old home and locate in Auburn. Mr. Copes, who has been conduct ing the drug store at Avoca during all of these years, has grown to be one of the familiar figures in that, com munity where he and his wife have been active, in the social life of that locality as well. . Mr. Copes has pur chased the Wakeman Drug Co., in terests at Auburn and will start in at once in the conduct of this new business and in their new home the family will take the best wishes of their host of Cass county friends. BOX SOCIALS , Saturday, November 21st The pupils of the Pleasant Hill school will hold a box supper at the Peterson hall. Murray, on Saturday, November 21st. There will be plenty of entertainment and lunch. The some of the excellent quality of this! a d;c;ied success, 'there is, we araj public is cordially invited to be pres- cereal which is grown in the neigh borhoo of Greenwood. He 13 repre senting the seed firm of J. C. Robin son of Waterloo, Nebraska. An Omaha firm having advertis hoping, no necessity for anything of this kind from a war need, but there are ro many other things for which the need of this kind of work is re quired, that all should be in the work ing without regard to how it defaces ing harness for this life saving and a town, were in iireenwooci on last Thursday, and were having erected on the main street, next to the thea tre building a large signboard that will fill up a portion of the vacant space between there and the Sanborn garage, and afford a change of scen ery occasionally. Walter E. Railing is keeping hump ing at the work of picking corn these days and with a number of wagons in the field is keeping the ears bang ing against the throw boards with a regularity that is very noticeable, life serving agency. Get behind it rnd make ii a successful roll call. Arthur Keith Very. Sick. Arthur Keith, grandson of Mrs. Ruth Dyer, and where he has been making his home for some time, is at thit time very ill with intestinal flu, ar.d whle he has been ''red for in the best manner and has had the very best medical care he rtill re mains very serious. His father, Mr. B. A. Keith, who is a traveling man running out of Kansas City, was sum- oui wnn some ouu acres l corn i"nicned home on aeeonnt ot the ex gather, he has to keep things moving j treIne illness of the little son, he ar- in order to get the corn in the crib while the nice weather lasts. John Stolzenburg, of Beatrice, was a visitor in Greenwood last Thursday, checking up the books of the Searle Chapin Lumber company of which Albert Hudson is the efficient man ager in Greenwood and found the riing Thursday morning last. Warts the Law Enforced, last week Phil L. Hall. Jr., who is chairman of the executive board of the State Bankers association, was in Lincoln and with the secretary of the association, Mr. William Hughe?. ousiness in a prosperous con.iuion. : wpnl hoGrc the ardoning board of with everything just as it should be,the cta(0 peniteuM:Tv. w'th the r-p-and he complimented Mr. Hudson j rew?ntatIon which -il'leged good citi highly as an excellent manager. !zons T(.cosnizc as being the proper The place where the contest was j,, that is. of ailow r.g all bank staged for championship corn picking rcUrs to serve out iheir full time, jfor to give pardo.i ai'tn a short stay . 'at t,,e pf'naI institution would only " """"""'.''i"i""" ? j en mirage the committing of crirv-s , af.jim. it iooks HKe ti;e oanK wreou e: should also be included in the same line of treatment. There have been, during the last ecr offences agriir.st banking institutions, three burglaries, 37 forgeries, thirty worth less check artists, 25 swindlers, 7 bn.iur check artists and two thieves, of these there has been 28 convic tions and 26 person convicted. It is surely time that law breakers be made to serve full time. DR. W. H. McFADDEN Physician and Surgeon Res. 64 - Phones - Office, 37 Exchange Rates Deduct ed from Calls ent. nl6-2sw, 4d MABEL HOWARD, Teacher. Monday, ' November 23rd On Monday evening, November 23, there will be a box social held at the Horning school in District No. 2. Everyone is invited to attend, as this will be a real event of pleasure and enjoyment. KEITHA DOUD, n!6-2sw, 3d Teacher. Tuesday, November 24th There will be a box social and a program at School District No. 37, on Tuesday evening, November 24th, 1925. nl6-2sw FREDA KLINGER. Teacher. Monday, November 23rd There will be a box social and program at Factoryville school, Mon day, November 23, at 8 o'clock. Everybody welcome. Miss Sarah McQuinn, teacher school district, No. IS, Union, Neb. -H-H-H-i-H- t AVOCA NEWS -H-H-K-H ly advertised as new methods or in- "oueraon. executor, prujmg a una. ventions, with worthless guarantees . settlement and allowance of Ins ac and medicines, sold by mail. They count fi'.ed in this court on the 14th never hold the rupture at the right of November. 1925, and for set- place, but by pressing on the lump tlement of estate and disharge of ex and the pubiic bone, generally cause j editor; intense, pain, make the rupture I It is hereoy ordered that you and worse and expose the wearer to often; all persons interested in said matter fatal strangulation necessitating im-: 1aM1 l' f -uui. mArli'firo nnarg tiAti T .ct TTI d dYnlaitl v."UJ I MAMMA DOLL 22-inch size. Non-breakable. Good voice. Only a few left. While they last, special, 99c each. SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR We give you a cake pan FREE with each two packages of Swans Down cake flour. 2 pkgs. for 75c. operation. this personally; it costs you nothing. Business engagements prevent vis iting any other city in this section. C. F. Redlich. Rupture Appliance Ex pert. Home Office. 535 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minnesota. No children under two years fitted. MRS EUGENE AUSTIN BETTER Mrs. Eugene Austin, who has been to very seriously ill with double pneumonia, for some time, is at this time showing some improvement. Mrs. Austin was so seriously ill that a number of physicians were called and after a consultation and a study of the diagnosis of her case, it was determined that an operation, tap ping her lungs was required as the only hope. So, on last Friday, the operation was performed with the re sult that a large quantity of pus was drawn from the lungs, thus re lieving her and it is hoped it will put her on the road to recovery. She has a strong constitution and the hope is entertained that she may successfully fight off the illness. Mr. Austin has also been in bed, due from much care and watching and an attack of the grippe. to be held in ana for said County, on the 23rd day of Novem ber A. I). 1925, at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all per sons interested in said matter by pub- ! lishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmoulh Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for . one week prior to eaid day of hear- : ing. i In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of said Court on this 14th day of November, A. D. 1925. I A. H. DUX BURY. (Seal) nl G-lw County Judge Have you anything to sell or buy! Then tell the world about it through the Journal Want Ad column. NOTICE TO CREDITORS GREENWOOD - NEBRASKA No uessing FJow! When one knuws the superior merits of Buick and Chevrolet cars, the buyer does not have to guess, he knows they are the best. Call us any where in the county for a dem onstration. Be assured our mechanics will give you service on any car, whatever make. Garage and Distributor GREENWOOD -:- -:- NEBRASKA Avoca School Notes. The primary scholars enjoyed their vacation very much last week. The primary room is working in subtraction in their arithmetic. Jesse Briggs, who moved here from Bland. Missouri, is a new scholar in the primary room. The primary scholars have begun their sixth book in reading. The punils of the Intermediate room have finished their quarterly examb inations. The average grade of most of them was very good. Kathryn Summer and Marjorie jJargenson are in school again. I The sixth grade wrote some very good compositions on Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts for their English work , this week. Lloyd Wulf was excused Monday on account of sickness. Stanley Schroeder and Ira Kress are absent this week, helping with corn husking. The seventh and eight grades have been having very interesting discus sions in Civics. We will be very sorry to lose one of our seventh grade pupils, Frances Copes. He father has purchased a drug store in Auburn, bo Frances will attend school there. We wish her well in her school work. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Buff Orpington cock erels. Call phone 676-W, Platts mouth, Nebr. nl6-lsw Have you anything to tuy or sellt Then tell the world about it through the Journal Want Ad column. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Harriet Jane Davis, deceased. To the creditors of said estate. You are hereby notified, that. I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth in said county on December 14, 1925, and March 15, 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 14th day of De cember, A. D. 1925, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 14th, day of Decem ber, 1925. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 12th day of November, 1925. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) -nlfi-4w County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass -County. Nebraska. In the matter of the Application of Margaret Lahoda, guardian of Mar garet Lahoda, Jr., a minor, for license to sell real etate. Now on this 14th clay of November, 1925. this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Margaret Lahoda, guardian of Margaret Lahoda, Jr., a minor, for license to sell the fol lowing described real estate, towit: An undivided one eighteenth part of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Block 151. in the City of Platts- LINIT STARCH A real buy on this quality. Special, per package, 5c. Potatoes are Going Up We will have some potatoes on track Wednesday. Idaho Brown Beauties, at $2,65 per bushel n Father Tells of Alleged Treat ment of His Son Plaintiffs Testify in $20,000 Damage Suit for Alleged Malpractice Against Omaha Doctor mouth. Nebraska i From Thursday's Daily for the purpose of raising funds for Leroy Stohlman, plaintiff, his the education and maintenance of brother, Edward, and his father, said minor, and it appearing from 'Andrew Stohlman, formerly of Louis said petition that the income from.ville, corroborating eaVh other in said real estate is not sufficient to: varying degrees as to the incidents maintain and educate said minor. 0f Leioy's treatment at the hospital, It is therefore ordered that the testified in Judge Shepherd's court next of kin of' said minor and all per-Jat Lincoln Wednesday morning in sons interested in said estate appear j Lei oy's $20,000 damage suit for al before me at chambers in the Court ; jeped malprac tice against Drs. B. B. House in the City of riattsmouth, j Davis and Herbert Davis of Omaha. Cass County, Nebraska, on the 14th Leroy, nineteen, in his own testi day of December, 1925, at 9 o'clock , raony told of the operation on his a. m. to show cause, if any there be. 'right leg above the knee in Novem why license should not be granted to w 1923. for infection of the bone said Margaret Lahoda, guardian, to ;ni(I o1 the subsequent operations in sel said real esate for the purposes which a piec e of bone was removed above set forth. 'and when eieht incisions were made, that the leg was never placed in cast from November until the fo lowing March when Dr. J. P. Lo was called in on the case. lie sa that the infection in the boy's became so bad that the foot before it was operated upon of one alleged conversation betwej himself and Dr. Herbert Davis to ttti effect that Dr. B. B. Davis was awa; in Arizona having a good time pla ing gold. The plaintiff claimed his petition that the doctor had c serted the case. oy's fo ot burl and toy Your ad in the Journal is read 75 per cent of the bnying public. H-M-;-I-I I 4 on ORDER OF HEARING Petition for Appointment of Administrator The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Walling, deceased. On reading and filing the petitiion oif Katherine M. Walling, praying that administraiton of said estate may be granted to W. A. Robertson, as Administrator; Ordered, that December 7th, A. D. 1925, at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that no tice of the pendency of sam petition and the hearing thereof be given to all. persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order m the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly, newspaper, printed In said county, . for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated November 3rd," 1925. . A. H. DUXBURY. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published for three successive weeks in the riatts mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news paper published in said county. JAMES T. BEG LEY Judge of the District Court. Allen J. Beeson, Attorney. nl6-3w Tliomn II. Murray, Attorney, Cmalin, rlirnxka. LEGAL NOTICE in his foot after the infection 'spread there. had j The father in his testimony stated Dr. Joe J. Stibal Chiropractor Schmidtmann Building Telephone No. 3 THE PATIIO-NEUROMETER USED IN MY OFFICE AVOIDS ANY POS SIBLE MISTAKES Joseph Roberts. Sylvia Weeks. Lena Cockerill and the unknown heirs, representatives and assigns of Jay Roberts, deceased, will take notice that on October 31, 1925., Avington A. Edgington filed his petition in the District Court of Cass County, Ne-1 braska. the purpose of which is to : set aside and cancel a warranty deed, J now recorded in Deed Record 65, Page j 122. in office of the Register of Deeds j in said county, from Wm. B. Roberts, deceased, to the above named as Grantees, purporting to convey the Northwest Quarter ( M ) of Section Twentv-One (21) Township Twelve (12) Range Ten (10) East of the; 6th P. M. ; on the ground that said j conveyance is void and made with , fraudulent intent on the part ot Grantor and Grantees therein to hinder and defraud said Plaintiff, as a'creditor of said Grantor, and to ob tain general equitable relief. Yon must answer said petition on or before aionaay, uecemDer iia. 1925. or said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly. AVINGTON A. EDGINGTON. Plaintiff. By THOMAS B. MURRAY. (Seal) nl6-3w County Judge. !nl6-4w His Attorney. POULTRY WANTED! at UNION, NEBRASKA Wednesday, Nov. 18th We want a carload of live poultry to be de livered to us at Union, and will pay for it Hens, per lb 20c Sorirms, per lb 18c Ducks, per lb , . . .18c Geese, per lb 17c No. 1 Turkeys, per 1& 35c Old Cox, per lb , 10c Bring your poultry to Union where you get f top price for it and save a long haul besides. TOP3 Y SUDDUTH, Buyer I