I WGZ TWO PUTTSMOHXH SEMT-WEEKLT JOtTBJUI MONDAY, NOVEStSER 16', 1925. jl Alvo Department Last Sunday Miss Belle Meyers was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stromer for the day. Henry Peterson and Elmer Ben nett were in attendance at the husking, contest near Greenwood on last Thursday. There has been a new crossing with a culvert placed at the corner where Mr. Armstrong's filling sta tion is located. Ray Potteroff of Mount Ayr, Iowa, i3 assisting J. M. Manners in the picking of his corin as well as that of his brother. Misses Belle Mayer and Bessie Ober were snenriine- last Sunday in Alvo. they both having been former teach- crs of the Alvo schools. Dr. Muier and John Elliott and'eeeding well in her chosen profes-,to Ed Weidman were all enjoying the contest at Ashland where the corn gathering bout was being staged. Uncle George Scheesley and the man who he has picking corn for him were present at the corn picking con test west of Ashland last Thursday. Earl Keller and wife, with one of the little ones were visiting in Lin coln last Thursday afternoon, they driving over in their auto for a few hours. Henry J. Miller and wife were vis iting last Thursday at Plattsmouth, where they were guests at the homes of Mrs. F. S. Brinkman and Frank A. Cloidt. Mrs. Roy Ackley. who has been so ill at her home in Alvo, continues rather poorly and while she has ev ery care, is showing very little im provement. Floyd Dickerson, the merchant, was a visitor at the corn picking con test at Ashland last Thursday and was accompanied by John Woods, the market man. Lyle Miller has been hauling corn to the Simon Rehmeyer elevator as he picks it. thus avoiding the trou ble of shelling and finding crib room for the grain. Misses Blanche Meyer and Bessie Obers were cuests at the home of Mrs. C. H. Kirkpatrick for over the week end. where they enjoyed the visit very much. Art Skinner shelled corn for W. L. Copple on last Thursday and kept things rolling along nicely and with no more bael weather to hold up the work, did an excellent job. A. B. Stromer and Arthur Dinges were visiting in Lincoln for a short time on last Wednesday, where they were called to attend to 'some busi ness, they driving over in their car. Mesdames Arthur Dinges and A. B. Stromer were visiting at Syracuse with the folk3 of Mrs. Dinges for a few hours last Thursday, they driv ing over with the car of Mr. Dinges. George Brown and wife of South Bend, were in Alvo for a short time last Thursday afternoon and were visiting at the home of Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yeager. John Banning, while he is not in terested in corn picking as a gather er of the cereal. wa3 attending the picking contest last Thursday after noon, as he likes to see people who can do things. Martin Nickel has been busy for the past fe-w days making the chick-c-nhouse at his farm nice and warm, for he believes in giving the chicken a chance, as it pays as well as any thing on the farm. I'ncle Joseph Parsell has been having a time with one of his hands which was gathered in the palm thereof, and which he had to have lanced. It is showing some improve ment at this time. Lee Hill, owner of the east elevator in Alvo. was a visitor in town last Wednesday and was looking after some business, calling on his com petitor Simon Rehmeyer for a short time, as well as others. William Stewart, the well man, that is the man who makes wells, for he also has good health, and his assistant James Applegate, went over to Greenwood last Thursday to get some supplies for their well work. William Coatman and wife of Weeping Water were visiting on last Thursday at the home of W. W. Coatman south of Alvo and also at the home of R. M. Coatman and fam ily in town, they enjoying the visit here very much. Miss Jennie Gustafson. teacher of Home Economics in the Alvo schoois, with the Freshmen class of the schools enjoyed a weiner roast at the Sara Hardnook pasture on last Tuesday, when they all had a most delightful evening. Banker S. C. Boyles 'was a visitor at the corn picking contest on last Thursday, driving over in his car. While he is a banker he is also a very active farmer and is interested in the things which are going on among the farmers. At the Knights of Pythias meeting last Tuesday, there was a large num ber of the members present and work was done in the second branch All colors for interior of the house decoration, as well as automobiles. This paint dries in 30 minutes and will not crack, check or peel off. Always looks nice. See us for corn picking supplier of all kinds. Do you need a corn elevator? Coatman Hardware Go. ALVO -:- . -:- NEBRASKA of their secret work, with three candidates to receive the work and enjoy it. Tho lodge in Alvo is in ' e'xcellent condition. Roy Ackley, who is working in; Omaha at this time, where re is' barbering, was a visitor at home . over Sunday, and was arranging to have the wife go to Omaha, where, she could have the benefits of a hos- pital, hoping she might thereby nave her health improved. Mr. and Airs. K. sl. uoaiman en-i tertained for the day and at dinner Miss Bessie Ober and Mr. John Skin ner. Miss Ober was a former teach er in the scnoois nereanu was veiy popular and often visits nere. sne is an excellent teacher and is sue- sion. W. L. Copple, living west of town was shelling a car of new corn Thursday, which he delivered to the Simon Rehmeyer elevator and which was shipped, making nearly a half dozen cars thus far to go. but a few of them were partly old corn, though the majority of the amount was oi this year's raising. Roy Coat man has been busier than ging the roads, hauling corn for W. a hen with one dock, between drag L. Copple with his truck to the ele vator, and in spare moments looking after affairs at the store. He was as sisted a portion of the time by Mrs. Coatman. John B. Skinner was also away with the truck at work. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parmenter and the baby and Uncle Henry S. Ough were visiting in Lincoln from last Wednesday to Friday, although Rob ert was home on Wednesday evening, coming to do the chores at the farm and also to attend a smoker in the evening at the home of C. D. Ganz and returned to Lincoln on Thursday morning The electric lights at the Alvo school have been on the blink for some time and this raises the ire of the members of the team, as they cannot practice after supper on ac count of the darkness, but are doing the best they can at other times, and will expect to play with the Palmyra team on Friday of this week, rsovem ber 20th. Last Friday. November 6th was the passing of the 16th anniversary of the birth of Sterling Coatman and while he did not ostensiously cele brate the occasion a number of his friends callenl on him in the evening extending congratulations for a life filled with good works and good health to enjoy the fight for success and prosperity. Miss Elizabeth Conley, one of the teachers in the Alvo schools, received werd of the very severe illness of a brother, a young man, who was tak en with appendicitis In acute form and underwent an operation at a Lin coln hospitfJ. The case being urgent it. was not deemed best to wait until the parents could arrive. He is do ing fairly well now at the institu tion. Will Hold District Meeting Here Arrangements have been completed for the holding in Alvo of a district meeting . of the Knights of Pythias for this district, which comprises some fifteen, lodges which are located at Nehawka. Lincoln, Alvo, Crete, Hickman, Rokoby, Dorchester, Friend and a number of other places. The Alvo lodge will entertain the visitors and we are certain will show the vis iting brotners and sisters a merry time for the bunch here can do it and they are willing and "rearin' to go." Furniture for Sale Here you are, for a quick sale: One gas stove, a gasoline light plant, one kitchen cabinet, two gasoline irons and one bed. FRANK E. COOK. Had a Patriotic Program Last Wednesday afternoon at the Alvo schools there was presenteel a very patriotic program under the di rection of the Rev. Chenoweth, pastor of the Methodist church, and in which he made a very worthwhile address which was well received by all present, following which there were talks by the Legion men pres ent, of whom there were a large number, telling where Armistice day found then and what doing when the fighting ceased in 1918. In the first place they were rather reticent and did not care to talk until some one hael told of his experience, when the whole seene came back with viv idness and they all remembered those exciting days. Six of the Boy Scouts, under the direction of Rev. Cheno weth, gave the Flag Salute in a beau tiful manner. The Boys Enjoy Smoker The service boys, of whom there are fifteen in and about Alvo, all en- Faiiinst2 Poultry Wanted! 1 'ir-.i Mtr i i 101L Wednesday, lOV. loin i kt l i PlattsmOUth, Nebraska A car load of live poultry wanted be delivered at poultry car near the Burlington freight house, Platts- rr,.,th WKHN-FSDAY. Nov. IS. one 3 i r lastlday only, for which we will pay the the 1 fn,.-Tw, Cash Prices Hens, per lb 19c Springs, per lb. 17c Ducks, per lb 16c Geese, per lb 16c Old Cox, per lb 7c Fat Turkeys, per lb 25c fiO- bUo Pigeons, per dozen Leghorn Toultry, -5 lb. less Beef Hides, per lb 10c Horse Hides, each $4.00 Farmers, Notice The fact that we ship in carload iuia .iiieu i. uif x ul .v enables us to pay the very top price for your poultry We have been coming to Platts- mouth a long time, and you know our reputation for fair dealing. V. E. KEENEY The Old Reliable Buyer joyed a smoker at the home of C. D. Ganz Armistice day, with the excep tion of two who could not arrange to be present. Mrs. Oanz and Mrs. Arthur Dinges entertained the boys and provided eats, better they were getting seven when the call came to lay ira the remi tion and play serv got nones to tneir neari s content, wnicn b rough back vivid recollections of the army and pay day even more rea - plements of war and return to; hnlfwn, rinsed w th the ' :fc ..a J3. lo.. eJl ,a, ' f, f ?.?.. i joying a visit at Nebraska City last persuits of peace. Besides the b Creishtoa territory from the ! " J "V e," ! Saturday, they driving oowi. in their j inlsances wnicn maue up a por-, . k j - - -auto notwithstanding there was a of the evening's entertainment, I K1'k,?"L, t.,i.n n, rrni,.,.nn ' treatment until the follow nig March. fnnWittnrm thpV pnioved tho; with the best of smokes thev1 v Uc claims that they allowed tlie in- r. . t: " " . , ' "., ' ' 1 wun me oese or smoKes. in t third nuarter when the , -tn ji Mfit very much. , i ed cattisjutf like they did in the vIsitor3 by CJ1(l ruas and ,ine plunge8 lson liV it wn j to "i. foo Richard Pie karel who has accepted ice, and that was not all they kwo1), K' 'Vf! h-Wnttcmnnth :th.e. Wson un.til-U .wfn j.u.us toV I a - olf f on at Palls -Citv some time' down on the floor and rolled the A "7v vard-li ne where" botliteams !wlnCtl tina''.y. DU!"..I..,.is.'a!r0,iI since with the Missouri Pacific, where j . . li- v - . iionniwa in imp :ii'i'iimiii:iH.i ii'i i i listic than portrayeel by l.us lienz in:lointr ,e naii hoij the Plattsmouth his "Pay Day" Ak-Sar-Ben float. All told where they were at the closing of the great struggle. Thoxe present to enjoy the occasion were Soren Peterson. Arthur Dinge3. R. L. Parmenter, George Eidenmiller, Sam Jordan. James Applegate. Frank A. Davis, Lee Stewart, Walter Collins, C. D. Oanz, John B. Skinner, Henry Peterson and Will E. Heier. Are Making the Corn Fly Harvey Manners, of Plattsmouth, a brother of James M.. Manners, has1 been here for some time past assist ing his brother in getting the corn harvested and these two boys are surely humping in getting the corn out of the field and into the crib. On last Thursday they filled two large cribs and moved the elevator to an other one, they being about half done at this time. It is said that some times they have eight and ten ears of corn in the air at a time. This is when they are throwing it in with a scoop. However, they are making good use of the time in getting the corn out of the field. Enjoy Wiener Roast. A gathering of school girls, ac companied by three teachers, Miss Gustavason, Mrs. Smith and Mrss Russinogel, and also Miss Marguerite Muir, assembled a mile north anel a quarter west of Alvo, ofr a wiener roast, Friday evening, November 13. Twenty-four were present anel after the eats and fun of the evening, all departed, reporting a delightful time. U. S. SENDS ARMAMENTS FIGURES TO THE LEAGUE Geneva. Nov. 13. Co-operation with tlie League of Nations as an act of courtesy, the American government has helpcel materially towards the preparatory study for the projected internation conference on the reduc tion of armaments by forwarding to Geneva complete information on t'.'e military, naval and air forces of the United States. These statistics will appear in the League of Nations armaments year book which, will be a compilation of figures embrac ing the armaments of 52 countr.'es. Including the United States and Rus sia. V to loan on Farms Several Good Cass Coun- M ty Farms for Sale on Very Reasonable Terms. See T. H. Pollock f i3 Jt, ft 17 KMftnirUf I 1 Creighton Prep Wins from the Blue and White Score of 20 to 0 Rolled Up by Omaha Team in Fake Plays and Smash . ing End Runs for Victory. From Saturday's Dally- After the Creighton Prep high school had been held scoreless for the .opening quarter of the battle staged I here yesterday afternoon, the in i vaders from up the river were able to put over a 20 to 0 victory on the 1'iaiisi Plattsmouth team, fakes and a bad di?play of misjudgment on the part r tne locals contributing to the vic- ;tory of the boys from up the creek. j In the opening quarter the Platts- mouth team displayed a much better brand of football than that of the visitors as tney were anie repeatedly to miiici a loss on almost every piay that Creighton attempted. Wescott, .Sullivan and Hatt featuring in tack- Hit? I LIT 1 11 11 1 in inr: i-r;ak through for effective gains. On the offensive the locals su tiered from fumbles that made it impossible for tlirir trainine the noints that they rliould have forced from Creighton as thev were showing much better form. The ball was on the Creighton twen ty yard line when Hie whistle was blown fcr the end of the quarter. At the close of the first quarter there was substitutions made on the Creighton lineup including the end- F'uxi 311,1 McGargell. stars of the team into the game and who later were to contribute to the downfall of the locals. In the opening of the second quar- r.f TTuvt clHrtol li f lfft end tllp favorite point of attack for Creighton, jpri:l gained fifteen yards. Creighton then punted out and Platts returned !the ball ten yards. Buttery' gained but the ball was lost when , Vterceptei a pass. oS a well played fake the Creignton team :;r-ecured a gain of twenty yards around right enel and carried the ball I into the Plattsmouth territory where jthr Plattsmouth Jine did good work I in noi.ung ine visitors anu compeiinis yiew ,Q answer a hypothetical ques Ithe m to try for a field goal that fail- tion Jed to b3 good. Gorder for Plattsmouth , Tj10 attornev basing his hypothe , punted out to his own forty yard.g on f2(.t5 inci(ipnt to the treat jline and the ball was returned by , of diseased femur for the Creighton ten yards, a short pass served to gam grouna lor uie visitors and brought the ball to the ten yare Lilt? Ill J 1 Q I . v l li uvubvm'v.-.AV than whathcM for V u1owns when F uxi. by a u oI tlie defandant -Was i years ago :,!rvtr fak? Pla'- wa ah to, sk,,rtand improper, ir down the triat,smo,lths "gfct for the touch-, stohlman retained , har,i niafine to hold. Platts Ml stopping the further advance ;cf th? visitors and who in turn, on offensive. With the last clown a play to punt was calieel anel the nan hurled bacK to uoreier w no was nacK "hortpr than the other indicates that of the goal ime to kick, the ball going 'ho bon had hn separiltetl or brok. hicn and wide and Gorder being by j anJ that the de,a , drainin:? tho this time near the grandstam . As the; is on from tho fomur cau(l thc e reisi ion piayers aawi.ie.eu iu uc i- ttie 1'iairsmouill capiaiu uuck ui ms;(. roftin nf tl, hnr.n r.r.,1 the final line he threw the ball, it was caught by 1 John Hart who touched it down for the seconel score, a kick gave them the added point and left the score 14 to? -Or1 In the last quarter both of the teams used many punts anel tlie locals held the advantage on the yardage of their punts, Gorder bringing the ball within a few inches of the Creighton goal line and from where they punted out to their thirty-five vanl lino With tho bnll in their own territory Creighton scored their third and last touchdown, when Mc- Gargell broke away from the Plaits l.iouth tackles ami tore down the Jieid from the Creighton thirty yard line or the final touchdown. The Creighton team drew ivauy penalties for off side, but were able to get away with many very unnes cssarily rough tackles that were largely featured in the final quarter of the game. The next game at home by Platt? mouth will be on Wedneselay, Novem ber 25th, when Nebraska City is to be here for the finish of the season. EXPRESSION APPRECIATION We wish to thank those who fur nished ears, the individual artists on the program, the King of Trails Coiiipany for remission of tolls, the Plattsmouth Ad Club. for providing programs, the Daily Journal for pub lication of the program in its news columns, and all others who helped to make last night's radio program a success. Another broadcasting date has been accepted for the near future. of which due announcement will be made soon. RAYMOND COOK. FRANK A. CLOIDT, ELMER A. WEBB, Radio Committee. FARM FOR SALE Louise Lehnhoff McPherson, 1955, C. st., Lincoln, Neb., has for sale the east 80 acres of the Henry Lehnhoff estate. t Dr. John A. Griffin Dentist Office Hours: 9-12; 1-5. Sundays and evenings by appointment only. PHONE 229 Soennichsen Building J ? pa EXCURSION TO m OMAHA V- . : - " To accommodate patrons de siring to attend the Crei-jhicn Univcrsity Haskeil Indians Fcctball Game s.i fM bXl k?l W-$ fiK the Burlington will sell round-trip tickets at one and one-half fare fare for the pjl inimum fare tJ er 21 (only), Crf fc round trip (mi $0.50) Novembe final return limit Nov. 23 R;'3 Ticuei Agent r vr" '2 'x.i 'j'i-y-. Medical Exp a Called to Slam! by the Plaintiff : Frank Stancler, son of J. P. Stan College View Physician Basing Ans- dor. aired seven years, has been very wers on Hypothese Declares the 111 at the J ome of his parents of leak- Twctn-.dt nf Tnnvnnor J 1 1 After recalling Edward and An drew Stohlman, brother arel ftuher of Lcroy Stohlman to the stand -for a brief re-direct examination. At torney W. Ii. Comstock seeking to bert Davis Qj 0mal:'a CUilty of mal preve Doctors u. is. Uavi3 anu rier- practice in a damage SUit for $"0 - ,000 Drought by L , cauej jjr." B. E. Ni eroy Stohlman icola of Colle: j,la)ntifft as reiated on the witness s.r,(1 hv h, fatw. hrotbcr and the'""V " l" l" "a "l piaintirf hiRlseIf. drew from the ex- the 1 incorrect Dr. Nicola eleclared that the drain ing of the pus should have been done much earlier in the treatment of the case. He stand thit the fact that the (i -?cr1it . ltttr i c rrti.ir nn inrh iextenslon of the infection to the foot. bursting of the foot. He stateel that from his examina tion he had found the plaintiff's an kle permanently stiffened rnd that if drainage had been proper the per manency of the disability weiuld have been avoided. State Journal. FORMES EIMW00D MAN PASSES AWAY IN THE WEST I Word came to relatives of John I Hollenbeck, who has been living in California that he had passed away at that place on Sunday. He is a former Elmwood man, a brother of Mrs. A. W. Neihart and a cousin of L. A. Tyson. He is known by many of the older residents of Elmwood. His death occurred at 10:30 Sun day morning at his home in San Diego, California. John Wesley Hollenbeck was born in Dekalb county, Illinois, February 1st, 185S. He came to Lincoln, Ne braska. with his parents, Mr. an Mrs. Henry Hollenbeck in 1859. H moved with his parents in 1SC3 t the old homestead two miles nort of Elmwood, where he grew to mar. hood, and became a successful farm er. In IS SO he was uniteel in mar riage to Emma Jane Shafford. From this union there were six children born, Aurial. who dieel in infancy- Leslie and Mrs. Ruby Lindholm, now of San Diego. California; Max, a Ocean Side, California; John, Jr. who died in Washington at the age of 21 years, anel Francis Sheeder, of Portland, Oregon. In 1904 he and his family moved to Colorado. From there they went to Seattle, Washington, and later to California. While he was a young man, Mr. Hollenbeck uniteel with the Reorganized phurch of Latter Day Saints and kept his faith until the end. He has left to mourn his lis3 besides his wife, four children, nine grandchildren, one brother, C. M Hollenbeck, of Omaha; one sister, Clara Neihart of Elmwood anel a sis ter, Cora Maddox, of Kansas City, as well as a number of other relatives Elmwood Leader-Echo. TAKEN U? Red and black spotted hog. taken up fiive weeks ago. Owner can have same by calling and paying for ex pence of keep and advertising. Albert Timmas, Plattsmouth. nl2-5tw FOR SALE Six-room house, all 'modern, one lot, outbuildings, close to school, good neighborhood, bee Ray Larson 4 MSNLEY SEWS ITEMS . 1 i i 2 i i i i -i-i-H' ..... - .... ..: i'.ira. james u ieary was a visitor in Omaha last Sunday and Monday. Miss . Elizabeth Sheehan departed for Omaha where she is makincr her home for the present. Mes.lan es It. Bergman and T- i Ileehner were visitin:; in Onv:.a last Monday, they making the trip on the train. Teddy Harms was a '-dtor in riatts;rxmh last Thursday . 'ierr !ic was called to look after some bu;ii".-3j mat trs. Mrs. Joseph Rauth was a visitor in I in -oln for a short time last week roiv.z on Saturday and remaining until Sunday. Omar Coon and son, Rollins were i vi iiT,.- inn'.fnr, nftor cnmn i,llci.! nef.i mr.tters rt Xel.raska ("ity, I.Tnion and PlrUtsmouth last Tuesday. Mark V.'iles of Weeping Water ac- 3?y compnnied by li is wife and daughter, rl ....... : t . , ,i . A f j .o in .udiiirj (Ui'i v. lilt: Te.-i ui : .Mr. srw .irs. A. ll. Humble for the Si ,!:?v r,r,( dinner i ..... ........ . . Mr. r.nd Mrs. Emory Gibbons' of 5i? n?nr WeerJntr Water, en loved the fellowship of Mr. and Mrs. John Murrhev as their sruest art Sundav liir th.e day end dinner. I.rEt Wednesday W. J. Rau, on Ar:r:irtic c'.aj". went to Omaha, where lie visited with friends and had for hi.1- .i:'.-t for the trip Mesdames Her man Rn"th i1 n il William Ileehner. R. A. UowK-r and wife, with their little daughter, Ileen, of Weeping Water, were guests at the home of Herman Rauth last Sunday where ail enjoyed a most splendid visit. i,t' ,Jl l"1' "en. ami an IS ueiHK lcne for him possible, but ?till he remaines very ill. W. J. Ran i:as tho matter in hand of the Red Cross roil call, and all who are members are thus enabled to come and secure their button for 1926. and all who are not members come and become one. I 'I'll , T l ' ,.- I tli ii v.li nf W r . r. . . '. . r ' -- Jic:ii."i.uc iuurii iicriniiH Ilrl "CO utrii mjhuui Uij d irriui itjetfiiiin viiuie.ii 111 .-la u iev , which has been in session for a num- ber of elays and which has attracted j :m'ich faerable attention. i ! Freel Kree klow, who was down a week ago Saturday, found the roads ? , so b;:r! Ill-it be wns not. able fo tret with the car and left it 1' VL''T ? J nd on 'tho t-nr Imn'o n a lit wiiiiti-.ri rn n if Fred Fleischman and two daugh g at his occupa machinist, bed the household goods , moved to his new homo during the i past week and will now be at home iu that place in the future. Walter Mockenhmipt and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ci H. Mockcnhauph, the e'e-1 tcr5, Misses I-e-da and Rachel, anil Ths stlantay Dream Station is Under New Management. Sring Your Gream Here! 0 PEARSON, Manager lU'i MANLEY -:- -:- LOCAL NEWS!! Dr. H. C Leopold, Osteopathic physician and surgeon, phone 208 Dr. Heineman. Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. From Thursday's Pally A. L. Becker, one of the well known resident cf Union, was in the city Masons lx ing held in that city, mot today for a few hours looking after oring to the capital city. some matters of business at the court house. Mrs. R. F. Burton departed this morning for Neligh, Nebraska, where she goes to visit at the home of he- mother in that place and will be joined at Omaha by her sister, Mrs. Jackson, who will go on to Neligh. Mrs. Carl Kunsmann was a visitor in Omaha today, where she spent a few hours at the side of her daugh- ter, .Mrs. jonn carmacK. ac ine Lister hospital, where she has been . . . . i . T . .1 since her severe accident oi several days ago. Henry Miller, former county com missioner, motoreel over tms morning from his home near Alvo, accompan- ed by Mrs. Miller and they were the juests for the day at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cloidt and also of Mrs. Frank Brinkman, sister or Mrs.- Miller. Paul Lempke departed this morn- nsr tor omana. wnere ne goes iu have his injured arm treated at the St. Catherine's hospital, the arm howing very nice progress over its injury caused by being lacerates in he accidental discharge or a snot gun several weens ago. L. J. Mayfield and W. F. Diers motored over from Louisville tnis morning and spent a few hours at tending to some matters or Dusineea nd while here the two genial gentie- en were callers at the Journal where Mr. Diers renewed his sub scription to the weekly. were in Omaha ar-t St;n;l;-, where they all went to pay their respects to the little son of Walter. They found the young man and his mother do ing nicely. Al of them returned hoiue on Sunday and are feeling fine now. Mrrt. Hubert Make, at their home east of Manley, gave a shower in honor of her sister, Mi.-:s Pauline Christian, who is, in a short time, to wed a young man, Arthur Jenson. living near Murray. The shower h -'-..j given last Saturday evening and Wi attended by a la rue circle of the frimds of the bride elect. The departing of Mrs. Picky rd for Fall City, who h.ifi had t!u Fair-r-ont cream station -in Mauley, left '! e matter for someone else to handle. Mr. Elmer Pearson was finally pre vailed upon to take t lie matter, not that he wanted it but that he did not want Mauley to lnose it. He has an ad in this paper rerardinir it. UUZ ' " 1 ,'m 1 & "! 111 ,,ur cream, Theodore Harms was a visitor in t j Omaha last Wednesday where he went to bring Mr3. Kate Hostetter here she being a sister of Mr. J. L. Hreck enridffe, and was called liere on ac count of the extrecm illness of her brother. Mr. Hedges and wife, a nephew of Mr. Hrecken ridge of Cen tral City were here, as well as was Mrs. Gust Drown, another sister of Mr. I'reckenridjre. J. L. Ureckenridgs, who has been in poor health for a number of weeks, underwent an operation last week for relief from bladder trouble, and which ieft him in a very precarious; condi tion notwithstanding the fa'-t that c very tiling was dene that wits possi ble to relieve him of his suffering, and the best surgical talent was se cured for the operation. Dr. Dwyer of Omaha performing th" operation at the Preckenridu' heme, his con dition was so grave that relatives were called to be present, fearing the en 1 would come anv time. Sustianed Broken Leg. While Henry Christensen wa.s lifting Everett Wiles in trying to get ! a mule up. which was down, the . animal, in its struggling, struck Mr. i ci ristensen on ltls ! s? bre aking it, j which has put kir.i e.ut of eoniuu-siei.i i for .seme time. Ilenrv is ire ttin al.-iiir . I.... l . - ! .1. . . ; llll- iy UUI 1I.MC1S 111' lrucilire Vl'l J jidllilUl illHI ii IIUK'IJ ceJMipaiiy Ol Uiai kjjici as lie ei'-sires. j Journal Want-Ads get results! j . ' iiZJXa-U'ja:aKLa.:'AFBTO 63 TT . Oi ! I V mVlVam I'M TO is oen under new management. Bring your cream to us at Elmer Pearson Manager . -:- NEBRASKA he old time resieients from south of this city, with their scm. Fred Beil. 'nd daughter, Mrs. Mary Rorer- i beck drove up this morning to leok after some tniding with the mer- cuauis aim wniic iifie- .w i . unu .n. Beil were pleasant callers at the Journal and renewed their sub scription to the weekly edition. j From Patnrtl!ti Dally ! Searl S Davis was at Lincoln last evenin where he was c-;illeel to at- tenda meeting of the Scottish Rite I Mrs. John Brady and daughter. Miss Leone, departeel this morning for Gasper, Wyoming, after a visit here for several elays with the rela tives and friends, Mrs. Brady is going to spend the winter with her daughter in the west. D. C. Morgan and wife motored out to Lincoln yesterelay where they spent the elay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hallem and also with :Miss Carrie Oliver. Thev visited for I . rf limo .!fH v.,,i win,i- " ' m CI Oil W 1 l I in V All A 1 ' ' W T i ham who has been poorly and is re cuperating at the sanitarium. Truck and Transfer L - I - N - E Call Phone 342-W cr see ne at the Vallery Sales Pavillion, Plattsmouth Wade Porter svgLive Stock Hauling a Specialty. v. i Jt- m& mm TaTiai I-I-M-M' fr or Phone 3S2. n7-2tv Mr. and Mrs. Chris Beil, two of