The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 29, 1925, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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cr m-s 4te3?Jiej?5r'
iciih "Coaches
These finer closed cars are
built on the famous Buick
chassis with the 21-year-proved,
60 and 75 horse
power Buick Valve-in-Head
engines. Extra power!
And they have the famous
"Sealed Chassis" and the new
"Triple Sealed Engine." No
other car, regardless of price,
furnishes this completeness
of protection for driving
And these Buicks have the
characteristic Buick charm
of body profile. They are
finished inDuco. They seat
five full-grown people in
roomy comfort. They have
the Fisher VV one-piece,
ventilating windshield, auto
matic windshield wiper,
and a host of light necessities.
Buick's exacting closed car
standards prevail in their
Fisher-built bodies.
Come in and see how much
superior these Better Buick
Sedans are to "Coaches" be
fore you spend your money.
Division of General Motors Corporation
Baick Dealer
Corner 4th and Main Streets
Paris, Oct. S. Eight French re
giments, including two cavalry re
giments from Morocco, have been or
dered to leave for Syria for the relief
of Damascus from which a majority
of the population has already fled.
Paris official circles confirm that
the Syrian situation is extremely ser
ious and that a general revoltwhich
might turn Pyria into another Moroc
co is possible.
There will be a Hallowe'en party
and box social held at the Oxford .
school in district No. 01. on Friday
evening. Oct. 30. Everyone is cordial- j
ly invited to come ana enjoy a nne
o20-6td Teacher.
Alliance .Neb.. 2S. Tom Crow was
instantlv killed here Tuesday morn
ing when he slipped and fell beneath
the wheels of a P.urling:on freight
train on which he was riding,
home is at Seneca.
When preparing for your Hallow
e'en party call at the Bates Book and
Stationery store and look over the
wonderful assortment of decorative
features and favors for the occasion. '
Farm Loans at
interest. Let me figure out
the best loan for you.
Searl S. Davis
Farm Loans! Investments!
7 r3 V-iS&lf
Will Begin Next January to Male
Footwear for Various Govern
ment Institutions.
Fort Leavenworth, Kan. A million
dollar factory within the prison walls
of the Fort Leavenworth federal peni
tentiary will begin making shoes for
the men of the army and navy and
federal institutions next January.
Warden F. Goldthwaite will be Its
One of the serious problems with
which Warden W. I. ttiddle has had to
contend is that of finding employment
for his prisoners. The shoe factory
will put to work 700 convicts whose
time now is idle.
The men will be taught a trade; a
small remuneration will go partly
toward the supj.Krt of their families
and partly into a fund at Interest, to
be paid them on their release. The
government will take a profit from
The plant is expected to turn out
from 2,f0 to 3,000 pairs of shoes daily
when operating at its capacity, but
this will not be possible until skilled
labor has been developed anions the
prison laborers. When the peak of
quality and quantity has been attained,
the penitentiury will begin manufac
turing footwear for the army and
navy, and later a work shoe In addi
tion, for other institutions maintained
by the government.
The factory was built by man power
at a great saving In cost. Wherever
some expensive bit of machinery could
be replaced by manual labor, It was
When it was necessary to hoist tons
of brick and steel, cement and crushed
stone to the workers on the skeleton
fourth story, a series of runways was
rigged np from lumber sawed at the
prison mill, and up these runways the
convicts trundled their wheelbarrows
of construction material. Six hundred
wards of the government helped build
the plant.
The factory will be fireproof through
out, with large windows and white
enamel walls. The floor surface will
be impervious to grease and shoe
blacking. Modern sanitary and safety
devices and the latest shoe-building
equipment will be used.
Superintendent Goldthwaite came to
Fort Leavenworth from Haverhill,
Mass., where he had completed a
quarter of a century with a shoe raaa
ufactory. lie will be assisted by fiva
civilian foremen.
Gob Loses 173 Pounds;
"Diet Did It," He Says
Philadelphia. After a year and a
half passed in watching himself dis
appear in large chunks. Chief Teoman
Clarence H. Hemerly, V. S. N., at the
League island navy yard, has at last
had something authentic In effective
dieting to give a waiting world.
"It was not a miracle," began Clar
ence. "It was merely application. I
determined to become thin and I did
It wa just 18 months ago and
Clarence ha6 photographs which prove
It that the chief yeoman battled the
scales at 373 pounds, dinner table side.
Today he weighs just 202 pounds, a
decrease of exactly 173 pounds.
"I dieted," said Clarence, running
his finger around the inside of his now
roomy collar.
"I made up this list and day after
day despite the temptations of cream
enibellished coffee and juicy steaks 1
stuck to it. For one year and a half
I have eaten nothing else. This is my
regular daily allowance : Thirty ounces
of vegetal lies, six ounces of lean meat,
six ounces of lean fish, one whole egg,
the whites of four eggs, four apples,
two oranees, wheat bread and
skimmed milk." ,
Louisiana Plans Huge ;
Memorial to Longfellow
New Orleans. The Longfellow
Evangeline memorial when erected will
be made up of three figures cut Into
a monument that will stand on the
banks of the Bayou Teche, near St.
The monument will arise In a fifty
acre park, almost on the spot where
the forlorn Arcadian girl kept her un
fulfilled tryst with the banished
For year!, tourists hnve visited th
beautiful Evangeline country of Louisi
ana and have marveled at the beauty
nf the moss-hung oaks beneath which
Evangeline awaited her lover. In the
center of the park will be a wading
pool surronnded by figures symbolic of
the poem. Youth, Gladness, Love and
Despair, over which will stand the
monument consisting of a figure of
Longfellow and his two characters,
Evangeline and Gabriel.
Funds for the project are being fur
nished by subscriptions from pchool
children of the South and Longfellow
Evanegllne associations everywhere.
"Arid" Farms Produce
$56,000,000 in Wealth
Podge City, Kan. A waste of sand
hills and rain-washed gulleys. covered
with tumble weeds, scrub brush and
buffalo grass such is the picture oft
drawn of western Kansas, that section
of the Sunflower state that lies west
of the 100th meridian. However, lam
year the 24 counties comprising thS
domain produced field crops and live
stock products worth more than ?"0.
0O0.000. or $."ifiO per capita. The inr.i!
yielded 26.000.000 bushels of wheat
worth nex-xly SiS.000.POO.
Missouri and -Iowa
State Tied
in Football
Both Teams Will Clash at Columbia
On Saturday and Decide the
Leadership ; Neither Have Lost
Lincoln, Neb., "Oct. 28. Missouri
and Iowa State this week are tied for
the leadership In the Missouri Valley
conference, neither yet having met
defeat. However, by the end of this
week one of these two teams will top
ple from the throne, for next Satur
day at Columbia they clash.
On a percentage basis the stand
ings of the teams in the Missouri
Valley thiB week are:
Missouri, 1.000; Iowa State, 1.000;
Drake, .750 Kansas Aggies, .500: Ne
braska. .500; Oklahoma, .500; Kans
as, :250; Washington, :000; Okla
homa, :000; Grinnell, :000.
Changes in the percentage table
are Inevitable Xhis week, for all the
schools swing Into action against
Valley opponents except the Kansas
Aggies which enjoy a holiday and
Washington U of St. Louis, which
will net meet a Valley foe.
Decides the Missouri-Iowa Ktate
contest at Columbia, other classics
en the Saturday program include the
Drake-Kansas clash at Lawrence, a
r.' me which will Interest the Huskers
of Nebraska for they must meet
Drake on November 7 at Des Moines;
the Nebraska-Oklahoma game at
Lincoln, when the Iluskers will seek
revenge for the 1924 defeat handed
them by the Sooners, and the Grin-nell-Oklahoma
Aggies contest at Still
W. .... " .
the Date!
If IV l:' (TS e -a $ !
m. - Ik pf&v 1 gM J
rlir-rirtHl Vf & i-i 'L VL k-l
water, Oklahoma., which will boost
one of the two teams out of the
cellar position.
There is, however, another method
of determining the Valley leaders
besides the percentage table. Frank
G. Dickinson, a graduate of the
University of Illinois, has devised the
Dickinson football rating system
which gives points for victories and
defeats as follows:
First division teams are those
which have a percentage rating
above :500. Missoirri, Iowa State
and Drake therefore are the only
Missouri Valley teams in the first
division, the other elevens being in
the econd division. Mr. Dickinson
proceeds to give points as follo'.vs:
If a first division team defeats a
first division team, winner gets :'0
points and loser 15 points.
If a first division team ties 3 firtt
division team, each team gets 22:5
If a first division team loss to a
second division team, winner gets
30 points and loser 10 points.
If a first division team defeats a
second division team, winner sets
0 points, loeer 10 points. If a first
division team ties a second .'ifnion
team, first division team gets IP.
points, second tiivision team '0
If a second division team Jefor.i
n second division team, winner gets
20 points, loser 10 points.
If a second division team ties a
second division team each team gets
15 points.
The total points are then divided
bythe number of games played to de
termine the ranking of the teams.
I'ndcr this system the Valley
standings would be:
Missouri. 20; Iowa State. 20; Okia
home, 20; Drake, 17.5; Kansas Ag
gies, 15; Nebraska, 15; Oklahoma A.
You are inv'ted to allend and ee the most re
markable demonstration ever h:id in our city. An
expert from the Copper Clad Malleable Range Fac
tory will show you how the'Asbestos liningof the range
Sweats every time a fire is made. Ccme - fee for
yourself. See the sweat roll up in btacs the ircn
body. See the Sweat that causes Sweat Rust, a dis
ease that eats up and rusts out range bodie? frcrn the
'F3 IIP jPL Ss!
J U A 1- 3 B
.Vt v '
This All Pure Irish Linen Damask Set, consisting this Substantial Set of Aluminum Cooking Waie. ccn
of one large pattern Table Cloth and six large pattern sisting of one 7-in-l convertible cooker, cne 8 qt. con
Napkins to match, or this vex kettle, one 6-qt. preserving kettle and one 3-qt.
lipped sauce pan.
"Free" means that this Linen Damask or Aluminum Ware does not cost Copper-Clad
one cent. It is a reward for buying while the Copper-Clad Crank is here and is offered by
addition inducement to attend this Special Sale.
& M., 12:5; Washington, 11:7; Grin
nell, 10.
These results are based on the
results to the end of last week,
using the percentage table as it now
Missouri has defeated Nebraska
Kansas Aggies; Iowa has defeated
Kansas and Washington; Oklahoma
has defeated Drake and lost to Kans
as Aggies; Drake has defeated Wash
ington, Kansas Aggies, and Grinnell,
and lost to Oklahoma; Kansas Ag
gies have lost to Drake and Missouri
and defeated Oklahoma and Kans
as; Nebraska has defeated Kansas
and lost to Missouri; Oklahoma A.
& M. has lost to Kansas and tied
with Washington; Kansas has won
from Oklahoma A. & M., and lost
to Kansas Aggies, Nebraska and
Town fitntp! Washington has lost to
! Iowa State and tied Oklahoma A. &
jM., and Grinnell has lost to Drake.
do what we claim for it rid your system
of Catarrh or Deafness caused by
sists of an Oirtmont which 'Quickly
Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, find
the Internal Mdi-i-f a. Tonic, vhir-h
nets throuqli thf VAviti. on the ITutus
Surfaces, thus restoring normal condi
tions. SolJ bv drujrfritp fT rrver 4 Yeirs.
P. J Cherev v Co.. T'V'V Oiw.
There will be a program and pie
social given at school district number
28, Friday evening, October 30th.
All ladies are asked to bring a pie
and everyone is cordially invited to
come and enjoy a good time.
o26-lsw 4 td Teacher.
All the news in the Journal.
: Week of November 2nd to 7tn
EUHIch Qqwi SaieE
From two of the best Dairy Herds in Lancaster county.
AH of them T. B. tested and selling unde a 60 day retest
I, Rex Young, looked over this load of cattle
before consenting to sell for them and they
are good enough for anyone to own.
This sale consists cf 21 Head of Milch Com and
Springer Heifers some fresh now. Also some
Heifer Calves and one 2-year-cld pure bred Ball
and three choice yearling registered Bells.
All these cows are heavy producers their pound
records will be given Sale Day-
This sale to be held at Union, Nebraska, in Leach Sale
Pavillion, rain or shine, Saturday, Oct. 31st, at 1 P. M.
Terms Six months on bankable note, f Interest
Branson & Stewart, Owners
W. Rex Young, Auctioneer Bank of Union, Clerk
The Hallowe'en season is not com- Lies that will please. When prepar
(plete without the decorations cf the irg for Hallowe'en call at this store:
i heme f cr this event end the Eates
jBook and Stationery store has a very, Business forms ot all kinds printei
i large and well assorted line of novel- it the Journal olSce.
Then ftee how and why Ccpper-Clad Rcnges ate
lined with Pure Copper where other ranges rust out.
See the domes on the sheet of copper. See the air
spaces formed by the domes. See the termos bottle
principle actually applied to rang?- See what it
means in fuel saving.
Come and bring your friends, too.
r. Xt . .pttjgiij v J
him as
Week of
Nov. 2r.d to 7th