PAG TT70 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUENAI MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1925. Alvo Department C. I). Ganz. the banker, was look ing after some business matters in Lincoln last Thursday afternoon. Dan Muemhau has just completed the painting' of the new cob house which .Mr. Coat man has just had completed. Arthur Roelofsz is hustling up the building of the new house on the farm ;;nd getting it into the clear be fore winter sets in. Henry Miller and wife and Jesse llardnoek and wife were enjoying tin county fair last Thursday, they driving over in the car of the latter. Me-sdames C. H. Kirkpatrick and Charles Foreman were visiting with fri.-r.ds in Lincoln last Thursday, they making the trip in the auto of Mrs. Foreman. Milo Ough. who makes his home in California, arrived in Alvo and Lincoln during the latter part of last w k. called here bv the death of his brother. Chester Ough. John Yeager, who is employed at his trade at Lincoln, was a visitor in AIvo for over Sunday and a guest of liis parents, returning to his work on the late train Sunday evening. H. M. Peterson. of P.artlesville. who was hero to attend the funeral of his father, Olo P. Peterson, last week, departed on Monday of last week for his home in the south. Last Friday Joseph Vickers and the family harnessed up the Universal auto and were away to the Cass coun lv fair, which was a great success, and where they enjoyed the day immensely. Miss Asnes and Mary Peterson, both of Wichita. Kansas, who have b- n here for some time, being call . ! here on account of the death of their father, departed for their home at Wie hita. Kansas. C. V. Peterson, of Bartesville, Oklahoma, who has been here since h. death of his father. Mr. Ole P. i'. t'T.-on. will remain for a time and a.-.-it his m'ther in getting her business matters arranged. YV. A. Cook, with the assistance of the boys, was busy last Thursday getting in their hay. which we say is hay this year, and are caring for it so that when the feeding time comes the cattle will smile. On last Wednesday Orris Cook and family. H. L. Bornemeier and family and Frank K. Cook and family were enjoying the county fair at Weeping Water and found the exhibits, es pecially in the line of corn to be very line. Miss Carrie Peterson, a teacher in the public schools at Ouymon. Okla homa, who was called here on ac count of the death of her father, Mr. Ole P. Peterson, is returning to h r home the latter portion of this week. On Thursday of last week, Mrs. It. M. Coatman and the children were enj. ying a visit at the home of rela tives in Weeping Water as well as attending the fair which was draw ing lareo crowds and had a fine lot of exhibit?. The Woman's Reading club held a v ry interesting and enjoyable pic n i'- at the P.oyles grove last Thurs day at which time they welcomed the teachers who are to direct the desti nies of the Alvo schools for the present school year. John D. Foreman was out with his corn harvester cutting the fodder which he grew in the orchard that he planted last spring, and making rough feed from it for use during the winter as well as clearing the ground where the trees are growing. Cerirge Neumeistcr. the traveling salesman for Grainger Pros., of Lin coln, who has been troubled with a wart on his wrist for some time, has had the same removed and while it has left a scar, the wrist is about normal at this time and in good eon il'tion. His many friends will re joice. William Pornemeier and son were visiting at the Cass county fair on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Borne- i. r bast received an injury to one of his thumbs which has kept him from working, and he and the son were taking in the display of agri cultural products, stock and fruits, which were good. Art Hinges, the auto mechanic, and one of the best and most accommo dating in the country, and the very popular rural carrier out of Alvo were l.-oking after things in Lincoln last Thursday afternoon and found that things were running about as well as thy e xpec ted in the capital city. Oh, yes. they bought some goods, also. Wm. Sutton and the family, form- riy of Alvo. but for some time mak ing their home at Chappell, were vis iting for some time in Alvo and vicin ity last week, where they visited with my of their friends, beincr euests Miss Delia Sutton. Ob n Lewis unci H. Kirkpatrick. Thev- deivirtt.,1 last Mondav. makintr and while here Poultry Wanted! Celebrate Teachers' Birthday Last Monday at the home of Mr, ami Mrs. Elmer Rosenow was cele brated the birthday of Miss Jessie Brandt, at which all of the faculty I of the Alvo schools were present and I a most pleasant evening was spent. I The Alvo schools are opening with much interest and many new pupils: have been enrolled for the scnoot year. Meeting at Mrs. Murtey's The Mothers' and Daughters' club, w hich meets on Friday, and which ; Mrs. John Murtey calls the "Friday club," met with this estimable lady last Friday, and with an excellent J program, and a determination to 1 have a good time, the ladies surely enjoyed the occasion. Following the program, which was one well worth while, the ladies enjoyed a very de lightful social hour, and which was made the more pleasurable by a very , dainty luncheon which was served by , the hostess. : Wednesday, Sept. 30th Plattsmouth, Nebraska A car load of live poultry wanted to be delivered at poultry car near the Burlington freight house, Platts mouth WEDNESDAY, Sept. 30th, one day only, for which we will pay the following Cash Prices Hens, per lb Springs, per lb Win Over Cedar Creek Last Sunday the baseball team from Cedar Creek, and which by the Ducks, per lb way is one that can play ball, and not only that, but do play, came to Geese, per 10 Alvo for the purpose of playing ball with the Alvo team and winning as well, but the kind of a game which the local team put up did not give the Cedar Creek boys any encourage ment and at the end, after having played an excellent game and had a good time, they had to return home with no laurels for the Alvo team won over the visitors by a score of 12 to 9. Come again boys, and have another good game. .23c .20c .16c .13c Old Roosters. Der lb 9c j x All leghorns. 5c lb. less Horse Hides $4.00 each Beef Hides 10c lb. Alvo, 12; Elmwood. 2 Last Saturday the game of ball which was played between the two teams of Alvo and Elmwood. which was played at the city of Elmwood, j and which was enjoyed by a large j number of the Elmwood people, was : them by a score of 12 for I 2 for Elmwood. j Farmers, Notice The fact that we ship in carload lots direct to the New York market enables us to pay the very top price for your poultry. We have been coming to Platts mouth a long time, and you know our reputation for fair dealing. W. E. KEENEY The Old Reliable Buyer lost by Alvo to Card of Thanks . j We desire to express our apprecia-, tion for the every kindness which was shown during the recent illness and at the time of the death of our beloved son and brother, Chester Ough. and for the floral tributes and to those who sang, and especially to the members of the American Legion, in all of their ministrations. S. II. Ough, Mrs. Clo Schafer, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parmenter, Milo Ough, Mes dames Dyer and Powell. LOCAL NEW Al YOUNG ALVO MAN IS DEAD; WAS SICK ONLYSHORT TIME Chester Ough, Former Service Man, is Called to His Last Reward Very Suddenly. From Friday's Daily The community of Alvo was pro foundly shocked this week by the death of Chester Ough, one of the nomilar and well known young men jof that community, who passed away i after a very brief illness Monday and j whose funeral services will be held Sunday at Lincoln. ! Mr. Ousrh was taken sick Sunday jwith what seemed to be an attack of jflu. He felt so badly that he was compelled to take to his bed Sunday j afternoon, although nothing serious was thought of the matter until Mon iday when his condition grew more I grave and medical aid was summoned (and it was found that he was in most I serious condition, gradually sinking j until Monday afternoon when he j passed away. I The deceased was 29 years of age (i!nd had made his home in AIvo for a number of years, his father, S. II. (Ough. being engaged in the retail i mercantile business and in which (Chester was engaged in assisting at it he time of his last illness. I Burin ir the World war Mr. Ough heeded the call of his country and served for fourteen months in the ranks of the defenders of the nation, giving his services freely and without stint to the cause of the nation. Of a particularly genial disposi tion, always pleasant under the most trying situations and his thoughtful ness for his fellow man making him well loved and esteemed by a very large circle of warm friends. Mr. Ough is survived by the father, the mother preceding him in death, four sisters and one brother, Mrs. Chloe Schnffer. Mrs. II. L. PalnWer, iboth of Alvo. Mrs. Dyer and Mrs. Powell, both of Lincoln and Milo who mikes his home in California. The body of the deceased man was .-.ken to Lincoln Monday evening where it will lie in state at the un dertaking chapel until after the fu neral services. EVERY 1 GERMANY AGREES TO PEACE PACT PARLEY; COMMISSION NAMED Teutons Want Way Left Open For Treaty Revisions; Date and Place Are Open. mm KB7S ITEMS ProhaMv one reason for the i popuianiy ui WlilG LEY'S if that it lasts 1 .a . i a cue 1. so long iuiu icm- great dividends for so small an outlay. It keeps teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen, digestion good. Fresh and full-flavored always In its wax -wrapped r " Did Much Business And we say they always do a good business. On last Thursday John B. Skinner and Phillip Coatman depart ed for Omaha each with a load of stock for the South Omaha stock market and after they had gotten the stock delivered they moved the Rev. E. A. Knight, and family to Brown ville, where he will preach the com ing year. It will be remembered that the Rev. Knight and family lived in Alvo a few years since, when he was minister to the church here. From there Phillip Coatman returned to Alvo, and Mr. Skinner went to Peru, where he secured a load of apples, returning home with them on Friday for the people here who have not raised apples. i: of c fe-r their home t ro t rip in t heir auto enjoyed their visit very much. Will Minister at Utica The Rev. C. A. Norlin. pastor of the Methodist church at Alvo for the past two years, and a gentleman whom all were well pleased to have as a citizen of Alvo. and a great church worker, at the conference last week was selected to fill the pulpit at Utica the coming year, and on Saturday of last week departed for his new field of labor. The church here, while they are very loath to have him depart, are expressing the wish that he may find pleasant places in which to labor, and also they know he will succeed. The charge here will bo cared for by the Rev. D. H. Chawowith. Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. Dr. H. C. Leopold, Osteopathic physician and surgeon, phone 208. j7-tfd If you want a farm pay you to see John M. building, Plattsmouth, 42 or 91. loan. It will Leyda. Gund Neb., phones lmw-lewd From Thursday's Daily Thomas Dunbar, one of ?the well known Nebraska City attorney, was here today for a few hours looking after seme matters at the court house. Leslie Kveret from south of Union, was in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours loking after some matters of business and visiting with friends. J. T. Reynolds, one of the promi nent residents of near Union, with his son. William Reynolds, was here today for a few hours attending to some matters at the court house. Mrs. H. J. Streight departed this morning for Lincoln where she goes to spend a few days there visiting with relatives and friends and en joying the many points of interest in the capital city. Major Allen departed this morn ing tor Roger, Nebraska, where he was called by a message announcing the death, yesterday, of his brother. S. C. Allen. Mr. Allen will remain 'at Rogers until after the funeral services. George Albert, wife and family of Sidney, Montana, are here enjoying a visit at the home of Mr. Albert's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Albert. Geo. Albert brought a load of stock to St. Paul and decided while there to run down and visit the old home. Mrs. John Iliber was a passenger his morning for Omaha where she was called to look after some matters of business for a few hours. For a mild after-dinner smoke, go to Bates Book and Stationery Store. Mrs. Thomas Gradoville and daughter. Mary Ann, were among the visitors in Omaha today where they spent the day visiting with friends and also looking after some matters of business. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Ida Grace Tritsch. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth in said county on Oc tober 26, 192.. and January 27, 1 9 2 . at 10 o'clock a. in., each clay, to receive and examine- all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 26th clay of Octo ber A. D. 1925, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 26th day of October, 1925. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 16th day of September, 1925. A. II. DUX BURY, (Seal) s28-4w County Judge. Berlin, Sept. 25. Germany will meet the allies to negotiate a secur ity pact, the cabinet Tlii..:-;day de cided. Dr. Luther, the chancellor, and Gustav Streseman, foreign minister, will represent Germany at the con ference, with Dr. Friedrich Gauss, chief legal expert of the foreign of fice, as secretary-general and prob ably Dr. B. W. Von Buelow, chief of the league of nations division of the foreign office. Germany Wants Revision The German delegates wili enter the discussion with a firm determi nation to attain a security pact along the lines of the government's vari ous recent pronouncements, especial ly the German note to July 20, main taining the right to strive for revi sion of the peace treaties to meet changed conditions. This amplification of Thursday's official comunique announcing Ger many's acceptance, was emphasized in official quarters as obviously rep resenting the government's attitude. Date and Place Undetermined While October 5 is persistently named as the date of the conference, neither date nor location has been definitely agreed upon. Now that the nationalists have ac quiesced in the government's formal participation in the conference on condition that it adheres to the prin ciples of it f July note, no serious par liamentary opposition awaits the German foreign minister if he suc ceeds in obtaining a pact negotiated along those lines. Germany's entrance into the league cf mi t ions is viewed as a logi cal sequel to the conclusion of a se curity pact and it is assumed in po litical circles that its application will automatically follow, so long a no conditions such as renewed confes sion of war guilt be enacted. Wm. Sheehan and the- fain;!-.- were among those who were attending the fair at Weeping Water l;(,t Friday Herman Dall was :i l.iisjtws-: visitor in Pkittsrnouth l,.st Sn ud tv ii. miiij; cue nip via t lie t i i Louisville. Business called John Cia We. ping Water hist Friday, m ing over to attend to buslnes, urs in tne afternoon. L. J. Mayfield and wife of Louis ville and editors of the Courier, passed through M inl. y i-ii Friil iv anernoon on their w:v to VY Water. Henry St;n.ler of m-ar Cr-tm,,-,,!, was a visiter at August St: -in. i-0 i sk.ivt li;:;e- .il :i via le to lil i -Inn I - I'la: a ft. -lii Ills .1 ih... of the we re i, tiers iters last Friday eve ning for a sh he was returning from the Weeping Water. Edward KHIy was a visitor Weeping Water last Friday noon w here he w a vh-it i e tr v, i many friends and also att'iid. ball game, which was a peri ion fair. Onnr Coon ;:nd son. llaiv-, looking after mi ie bu-in ss a ! looking after some business ;i at Elmwood last Wedinsday and ar ranging for an excursion to the south within the next few weeks. The C;ss county fair claimed the atfeiielance of J. ('. Rauth and daugh ter, Anna, anel a No of Hermnn Raui'n anel wife they enjoying the sociabil ity of th crowds who were tend ing as well fis seeing; th real fair. ! Crane, Curyea and Murtey, the? j lumber deale-rs. were represented in I Plattsmouth last Saturday where thny were loking after th" sale of ; some h)ts for the satisfying of a judgment of this firm against Ilei ! man Dall and wife. I Pure bred Duroc Jtscv hog sale, i Friday, Oct. 9th. at Richfieid. Neb. (On the above elite W. D. Stanibaugh. : of Richfield. Sarpy county. Nebraska, I will sell twenty !ie;!d of spring boars land twenty he-ael of M.ring gilts, wi'a I 5i fpu miitiirrt ervc '.nrl thirtv lieil of August and St ptemrcr pigs. S:i? begins at 1 o'clock, preceded by a free dinner at eleven. s24-2i .v CAPPER IS OPTDIISTIC Washington, Sept. 25. An opti mistic report on the general outlook was given to President Coolidge by Senator Capper, republican, Kansas, a member of the agricultural committee. FOE SALE Good Newton Wagon, almost new. Extra good double set work harness. JOS. TUBUS, s21-4tw Mynary. Neb. Have a party ? Phone us the news. lanwmmffiiMrnpri i rnm rn Minn tiii ! mi aim i airim mm Hfirri ii i-iru if f niin i -ir - -r - For Sale One 4-roll . shredder. Fred C Beverage, Murray. s24-4tw Call No. 6 with news items! 4 4 Dr. John A. Griffin Dentist OfTlce Hours: 9-12; 1-5. Sundays and evenings by appointment only. PHONE 229 !- Soennichsen Building v Hot Vyoather Sure! Harvest is here. Our service will be just as efficient as ever. See us for whatever you need. How about a New Perfection Oil Stove, Ice Cream Freezer or an Electric Fan for hot nights. All kinds of Hardware and Farming Implements. Feed grinding. TRUCKING! Coatman Hardware Co. ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA From Friday's Daily Sheriff E. P. Stewart was in Un ion today for a few hours attending to some matters of business for the county. Mrs. Fred Osborn of Perry, Iowa, is in the city enjoying a visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Leosis and family, arriving yester day from her home. Henry McMaken was in Omaha to day to look after some, business mat ters and also visit with his father, J. H. McMaken, who is there taking treatment at the hospital. Mrs. A. 11. Noble and daughter. Miss Sylvia, anel Mrs. Golda Beal anel little son, Robert and Master Joseph Noble departed this afternoon for Broken Bow where they will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ruby of Mc Cook, Nebraska, who has been visit ing at the home of their son, Thomas Ruby, and family for the past two weeks, departed for their home at McCook this morning after having had a very pleasant stay here. ill p:i;igip!i!;i I mmm'fi GREAT MAJESTIC Mitel? IK ir I i C " f ,, ' r. .':"!..3 11 i'!iL-SJe From Saturday's Daily Miss Ella Margaret Wiles, who is; attendine Wes evan iinivprsitv at Lincoln this year, arrived home last evening to enjoy a vieit with home ioiKs over bundav. Paul Roberts, formerly in the lum- i ber busines at Cedar Creek and j Plattsmouth, was here for a short' time last night and departed thisi morning for Malmo, Nebraska, to i which nlace he is mnvinc from TTh-' j ling, Nebraska, where he has been : -vc icu Dliltc ica V1U luie uuy. School supply head quarters Bates Book and Stationery Store. Here is the new model Great Majestic, the finest Range ever built. Uses less fuel yet bakes perfectly. All copper reservoir gives abundant hot water all the time without extra fuel. Burnished blue polished top requires little work. Beautiful turnout with heavy Nickeled Trimmings doors and splash er back paneled in White, Cray or Blue Enamel if desired. Has rustless floor rest: large warming closets; open end ash pan, and oven door that will support any weight placed on it. i ' fill iLi This Week ONLY 1 The Range with a Reputation You must buy this week to get FREE Kitchen Ware Set This week only, while our factory demonstration is going on, we are giving away without cost to every purchaser of a MAJESTIC Range a beautiful kitchen ware set of solid polished copper, or if you prefer, a set of special MAJESTIC ware. Make up your mind to save money by buying before this remarkable offer ex pires Saturday night, October 3rd. But whether you buy or not, you are welcome. Don't miss this interesting demonstration all this week. See this Demonstration No Obligation Come in yourself and bring your friends. The MAJESTIC expert will explain in detail for you why the MAJESTIC costs less per year than any other range in the world; how it saves fuel and repairs and assures better cooking. THE MAJESTIC and You The MAJESTIC in your kitchen will be a life time friend. It will lighten your work and save worry, because it is so depend able. Day in and day out three times a day you can depend on the MAJESTIC to bring health and happiness to your household through better cooking and baking. Huge dinners for harvest hands or small meals for two are cared for equally well. It will provide an abundant supply of hot water constantly in its twelve gallon copper reservoir and because of its special labor saving design, it will stay clean and new with hardly any effort. The' Eange With A Reputation is the range of no regrets. FREE OFFER This Week Only Time Plies! If you have not visited this demonstration, plan to do so at once. You will be delighted to examine this beautiful solid copper ware and to inspect closely our fine display of new MAJESTIC ranges. And remember if you need a range, now is the time to buy. Your choice of a set of solid copper or special MAJESTIC Kitchen Ware Free with each MAJESTIC Range purchased this week only. TELEPHONE 400 fci'-. ff.'A -1 J. We will give this beautiful set of Polished Solid Copper Ware absolutely without cost if you decide to buy your GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE during this Exhibit week; or. if you pre fer, we will give you a wonderfully serviceable set of Majestic Enamel and Copper Cooking Ware. Jj IPl Heating HARDWARE Plumbing Wiring 3 Tin Work Ti mix iii 'i "mh'iS