The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1925, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Ao Department
John "Wood was a visitor over near
Kagle last Thursday where he was
purchasing some cattle.
James Filkington has completed
tlie foundation for the new house
which is being erected by Arthur
Win. Coafeley and wife are rejoic
ing over the arrival of a very fine
young son v. bo arrived on August 19.
All are doing: very well.
Crover of southeast or t-im-
were having a good time and hoped
it was raining in Alvo. He did not
know we had been blessed with a
number of good rains while he has
been away.
II. M. Wiehell is building a new
coach body for a new truck which
Earl Uenni-tt ia having placed on a
truck which he has recently pur
chased from R. M. Coatman and
which Earl will use for carrying
scholars from and to school this win-
wood will move to the neighborhood ter. Tthe other carries and all using
f Alvo and farm the Mrs. Hasan trucks this winter are Elmer Ben-
tut t rp- v if j t rr- 1 Parlors of the Hostelry Beautifully
Mrs. Jane Tighe Kennedy, Long Time, , MaZ , PWft
Real Homelike Comfort.
Resident of County, Passes
Away at Elm Creek.
jiiat'', 'ilrl ll :nu i
Mrs. E. Cooley of Lincoln was a
visitor with her friends. Mr. and
Mrs. (. H. Kirkpati ick for a num
ber of days dining the past week.
George Hardnock says he is gt-
ting to be a professional chore man
nett. Edgar Klcnimc Joseph Vickers.
W. W. Coatman and Charles Koelofsz.
Parts With Her Friends.
Yes. friends are some times tire
some to a person, notwiinsianumg
ami is competing with W. H. Var-;tMf. acquaintance may be of long
n-r for the honor of being the most standing. Such has been the axperi
popular. ience of Mrs. Schaeffer. the postmis-
Kuby Woods has had a time j t ress, her teeth, which surely have
with a number of boils whicli persist j befriended her many times in the
in coining on his chin and cheek, but D;.st also have caused her much
it looks like she has them licked at ; trouble, consequently the parting, the
this time. exDerience was very trying and
Charles Ayc rs rnd the family ?- caused her so much pain that she has
parted last week for the west where na(i t)t allow her brother. Chester,
thev will visit for some two weeks ; ourh .who is deputy postmaster, con
with brother and sister and also seetiuct the affairs of the office while
the country.
E. W. Thimgan of Murdock was a
vi.-itor in Alvo last week distribut
ing bills for a sale which he is hold
ing of farming implements in order
to make room for storage in his ga
rage. Simon Rehmeyer entertained with
she is recovering from the shock of
losing so many of her teeth.
Are Home From hte West.
Paul and Glen Coatman and Sher
rill Fifer, who have been in the west
for the past six weeks where they
have been harvesting and assisting
the wife from Weeping Water last; , roIll-n th nnrtion
Sunday, thtre being present lns,of tne s, arrived heme last week,
brother. Fred, and ,. Rehmeyer and; n having had a good time
wife and son. Paul, r rank Taylor, fts w as workjng all the time 'they
and wife as well i were awav. The say the wheat was
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Godbey en-; ,utter than ,n this portion of
joyed the opening nigat at tne Elm-I sate Tnev were at and near
wod Chautauqua which was in the.Cha most Jf the Ume they were
lorm )i a mime V t g Followjn?
attended by many people from the
surrounding country.
Arthur J. Koelofsz has been get
ling the material out to the build
ing site where he is having the struc
ture erected and getting the lumber
and building material at the John W.
Panning lumber yard.
Mrs. John elites, better known as
Grandmother elites, and her son
gone, f ollowing tne completion oi
their work they visited at Denver
and other places in the wes.t
Is Sure a Batchelor.
R. M. Coatman. who is kept pretty
busy with the store and trucking
business, as well as being deputy
rural carrier, and having to work
while A. B. Stromer is away, and is
1 1 1 1 L ! n 1-
Lance, and a daughter, were visit- Pi very ous. nas uuiuiug i
ing last week at Rod Oak and Shea- him from working, for the good wife
andoah. Iowa. While thev were away and children departed with their car
W. If. Warner was looking after the for Huron. South Dakota, where they
thing on the farm are spending some ten days at the
The Woman's club met at the home ome of two sisters of Mrs. Coatman,
of Mrs. W. L. Copple last week and they being Mesdames Frank and Sim
had a most pleasant time. Thev had Scott. Roy and John Skiner di
a real live topic for discussion and vide the work between then during
all wer much interested in the mat- he time tne folks are away.
ter of good reading, the meeting was
a most worth while one.
Do not forget the chaptauqua
New Superintendent Arrives,
R. E. Dale, the newly elected su-
which is to be held the first of Sep- perintendent of the Alvo schools has
tember for it will be a god one and arrived in time to get acquainted
nil wil 9want to be in attendance, j with the situation before the begin
Poost for Alvo and its interest and ning of the school, which commences
do not neplert anything which will jOn the 31st day of the present month,
make hor a better town. 'lie has been at University Place and
George Parsell of Peoria, who has was moved over to Alvo by John B.
been visiting in Alvo with friends Skinner, the accommodating helper of
rnd relatives for the post week, re- li. M. Coatman.
turned to his bono and to his work
last Thursday, taking the Rock Is
land for bis home ;fter having en
joyed his vacation in a viit'here
Enjoys Sunday School Picnic.
The Bible school of the Methodist
church enioved a nicnic one dav last
jonn ( o!man of nenninzton, son'weck wnicn was iieid at the home of
of Mrs. Coleman, who has purchased s c Hardnock. and was in the grove
the building which is being trans- near the home. The young mens and
formed into a moving picture show. VOung ladies classes being the lead
is here and assisting in the work of snirit in lhe movement:
1,,; . i . . l , : i i : ' '
nio'iei i ii me structure, i ne mind
ing i expected to be completed in a
phort tii.e.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Kirkpatrick
Many Knights Enjoy Picnic. .
Among those from Alvo and vicin-
and Glen Iwis and the familv were'ity who enjoyed the Knights of Pyth-
enjoving a visit last Wednesdav at ' ias picnic which was held at Crete
Shenandoah, Iowa, where thev pic-' last Tuesday and whicli was one of
nicked and alo vbited the seed the largest and best attended as well
house and broadcasting station of as being one that had a tendency to
Henrv Field. Thev enjoved the trip ; ward being the good projects of the
very mii'li and think Shenandoah a 'der to the front were John Woods,
very nice town. j Jesse Hardnock, Charles Appleman,
C. D. Ganz and wife are now on 'Edward Edwards, Bert Kitzel, Art
their vacation and departed for the Skinner, P. J. Linch and Art Dinges.
Black Hills one day last week where
they will visit for some time and
take an cuting and see what the i
country is producing as well as get- From Thursday's Daily
tine a few freckles and sunburn j Early this morning, Mr. and Mrs.
which adds much to their general j August Keil and Don Seivers came
enjoyment of life. (in from the vicinity of Cullom, Mrs.
S. C. Hardknock has just Diir-;Keil being called here by the serious
chased a new Overland sedan which ' illness of her mother, Mrs. Adam
he will sue for the family and what ; Stoehr, whose; condition has been
traveling he will have to do. He quite poorly. The party started from
has exercised good judgment in the; home about 3 o'clock and found the
purchase of a closed car and will
find it much to his liking as well as
beins very comfortable when the
weather is cold and storniv.
greatest difficulty in bucking the
mud for the distance on into this
city. The rain last night following
that of Sunday made the roads very
Mrs. L. Ij. Palmer of Gainesville, soft and the trip was one that was
Florida, was a visitor in Alvo for a!far from pleasant.
short time last Thursday- whi'e wait
ing for Cue writer who makes Alvo
every Thursday, and was to ride
Home wnii mm, wnere sne was for a
From Saturday's Dally
The friends here of R. W. Knorr
viMt. .Mrs. t'aimer is a sister-in-law I will be pleased to learn that Mr.
cf Mr. P.rigsjs and comes to visit for Knorr is now doing very nicely at
a time at his home in Plattsmouth. the hospital at Kirksville, Missouri,
Harry Appleman received a card and while it will be several weeks
from his friend, II. I,. Bornemeier, before he returns home he is'feeling
who is spending his vacation in the much improved and will take a
northeast and is now at Madison. thorough course of treatment before
Wis., where he wrote and said they leaving the hospital.
Hot Weather Sure!
Harvest is here. Our service will be just as
efficient as ever. See us for whatever you
need. How about a New Perfection Oil
Stove, Ice Cream Freezer or an Electric Fan
for hot nights. All kinds of Hardware and
Farming Implements. Feed grinding.
Coatman Hardware Co.
From Saturday's Daily
In the past week the community
of Manley has been called upon to
mourn the loss of one of the pioneer
members of that locality who has
gone to her last long rest at the ripe
old age of 87 years. This lady was
Mrs. Michael Tighe, who was for al
most half a century a resident of the
vicinity cf Manley.
The deceased Jady has for the past
twenty years been making her home
at Elm Creek, Nebraska, with her
son. William Kennedy and family
and where she was called to her last
reward ' on .Saturday, August 15th.
The body was brought to Manley
last Tuesday and the last rites per
formed at the St. Patrick's Roman
Catholic church, where the departed
lady had been an attendant the re
quiem mass being celebrated by
Father W. L. D. Higgins. rector of
the church. The old friends and
neighbors were present in a large
number to attend the services and
the burial service where the body
was laidf to rest in the Catholic ceme
tery beside that of the husband.
Jane Tighe was born in Canada S7
years ago and when but a girl came
with her family to Cass county, they
settling in the central portion of the
county and were for many years
prominent residents of that portion
of the county. Some sixty years ago
she was married to Michael Kennedy,
one of the prominent residents of
that section of the county. The fam
ily settled on the farm east of Man
ley . now occcuped by the Herman
Rauth family and resided there for
a great many years. The husband
and father was called from the fam
ily circle in 1893 and since that time
the mother has had the rearing of
the family and made her home with
different members of the family. For
the past twenty years she has been a
resident of Elm Creek with her fam
ily that resided at that place.
There are surviving the losa of this
good woman four sons and five
daughters, William and Arthur of
Elm Creek; Joseph, residing in west
ern Nebraska, and Ed, living in Chi
cago; . Mr3. Kate Gilmore of Cozad;
Mrs. Lestie Chandler of Central City;
Mrs. Lizzie Davis of Omaha; Mrs.
Carrie Van Cleave of Lexington, and
Mrs.' Maggie Hayes of Elm Creek.
One daughter, Mrs. Anna Katon of
Alliance, preceded the . mother in
death. : ,
There are also a number of broth
ers and sisters to mourn the death. of
this good woman: Ed Tighe of Coun
cil Bluffs; John Tighe of Omaha; Jo
seph Tighe, of Ray nier , Colo. ; Jo-
siah Tighe of Pukwana; South Da
kota; Charles Tighe. of West Point,
and Mrs. J. M. Carper of Lincoln. ;
To the family of the deceased the
sympathy of the old friends in Cass
county is extended and the members
of the family circle can find in the
memory of the faithful life of the de
parted a leal inspiration. ; .
From the paper at Taylor, Loupe
county, we notice the name of Rev.
Horton Colbert, whose parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Colbert, live at Weep
ing ater and Long Beach. Below
are several notices that tell of some
of his doings:
"Rev. and Mrs. Horton Colbert en
tertained a party of, young folks at
the parsonage Tuesday night. A most
delightful evening was spent."
"Remember to bring your own
basket dinner Sunday, and after the
morning services we shall all eat to
gether in the park. Instead , of the
evening service at 8 o'clock, there
will be vesper service at 4 o'clock
p. m. There wil be special music by
Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Colbert of Ger-ing."
"The reception held in honor of
Rev. Horton Colbert and wife, by the
Congregational church folk, was at
tended by a goodly number. The af
fair w avsery much enjoyed by all
and the welcome was sincere, as well
as cordial. Taylor and Loupe coun
ties now have two churches with
regularly installed, pastors. The gos
pel of Jesus Christ ought through
these organizations be brought to
every soul in the country. As I see
it,, the situation was never more fa
vorable for evangelization, and God
grant I see truly." Weeping Water
used successfully in the treatment of
sists of an Ointment which Quickly
Relieves by local application, and the
Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts
through the Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces, thus reducing tha inflammation.
Sold by all druggists.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Tnlflo. OMn.
From Friday's Dally
This morning Mrs. Earl Redd and
Mrs. Bert Donaldson departed for
Fairbury, Nebraska, where they were
called by a message announcing the
very serious illness of their brother,
Harry Parker, at that place, and
whose condition was so serious as to
give grave doubts of his recovery.
Mr. Parker some years ago suffered
a partial stroke of paralysis that has
affected him to some extent, and the
second stroke coming in the last few
days has caused him a great deal of
suffering and confined him to his
bed. Mr. Parker was here recently
to attend the Parker family reunion
and sines then the family has suf
fered the loss of & little child of one
From Paturila v's T)ailv
"We wish all of our boarders and
patrons to feel that their home is at
the Hotel Perkins while they are
there," said Ed Brantner, one of the
new hotel managers of the city, this
morning in conversation with a Jour
nal representative, "and to show-
that we mean business we have just
fitted up the parlors in the best of
An inspection of the parlors and
the rooms furnishes abundant proof
that the statement is not an empty
boast but the real facts in the case,
the Hotel Perkins has grown so that
it is a real homelike hotel and sup
plied with very handsome and pleas
ant settings for the accommodation
and entertainment of its guests.
The parlors on the second floor of
the hotel have just been refurnished
by Mr. and Mrs. Brantner and are as
fine and attractive as any home in
the city and with every possible de
vice that might entertain the board
ers and patrons. The floor has new
rugs that are of the quiet and rest
ful tones of soft green and set nicely
with the brown tones of the furni
ture. Large roomy leather uphols
tered rockers) and chairs are provided
for a considerable number of guests.
There Is also a piano, a large and
latest type Victrola and also a high
class radio Fet that will provide fun
and entertainment in the long win
ter evenings for the guests.
All the rooms of the hotel were
given a thorough redecorating and
painting last spring and are in the
very best of shape and every conven
ience that could add to the comfort
of the guests is being provided by the
management of the hotel.
During the winter Mr. Brantner
states he he will have special heat
ing facilities made for the hotel that
will make it very comfortable in all
parts of the building and a place of
real enjoyment to the residents of
the city and the traveling public who
are guests there.
From Friday's Daily
On Monday Mrs. Anna Lenz, who
had been attending the convention of
the Evangelical church at Milford.
Neb., accompanied her son, Ed and
family to Elmwood and drove on out
to the George Lenz home where a
large crowd of her children had as
sembled to help her enjoy her 67th
birthday anniversary. The surprise
was indeed great to her as she had
not the least idea of the gathering for
this event. A sumptuous dinner was
enjoyed with all the good home-made
ice-cream and ' cake that all could
eat. In the evening when she return
ed to her home she was to have an
other surprise when she found that
the children had Bud Clements in
stall a line three-tube radio and horn
for her as a present. There are eight
children and all were present. They
are as follows:. .Mrs. Wm. Pahl and
family, Geo. Lenz and family, Walter
Lenz and family, and Mr. and Mrs.
John Hopkins and family, all of Elm
wood; Ed Lenz and family, Mrs. Andy
Cook and Mrs. Herman Koelling and
family, all of Ord Neb.; and Rev.
Frank Lenz and family of Lincoln.
A most pleasant day was spent with
their mother and they departed know
ing that all were much happier hav
ing spent the day together in honor
of their mother. Elmweed Leader
From Friday's Daily
Last night. Officers Libershal and
Jackson made the capture of a
"snowbird" near the corner of Sixth
and Pearl streets where the man was
enjoying his "sleighride" to the ut
most. The man claimed to be a resident
of Omaha and was "coked" up to the
limit as he gave the police a won
derful story of his success and wealth
and by the time that the party had
reached the city jail the stranger
had imparted the fact to the police
that he was rich beyond the dreams
pt Monte Cristo, had gold mines and
owned stocks in all ot tne large cor
porations that were in existence.
The wandering "snowbird" was
placed safely behind the bars of the
city jail to recover from his hop
dream and the last the police officers
heard of the man he was regailing
two other unfortunates who were in
the jail with stories of his wealth
and his wonderful position in the
: This morning' he was somewhat
over his excursion into the land of
the "snow" he was released and
warned to bend his footsteps north
ward toward Omaha so that he would
not again he snared by the law and
be a charge on the city.
From Friday's Daily
This noon the vicinity of Third
and Main streets was the scene of a
small auto accident that occurred
when the roadster driven by Riley
Jones collided with a Ford touring
car driven by one of the Burling
ton shop employes. The Jones car
was coming down Main street going
east and the Ford coming down Third
street north. The cars met at the
intersection and as the result the
front axel ofUhe Jones car was badly
damaged while the Ford was driven
into the curb and had one rear wheel
torn off and one very badly damaged.
The car of Mr. Jones was driven t
away under its own power, but the
Ford will have to wait until it is
doctored up before it can be used.
Lot No. 9 1 Special Flew Lee Denim!
A Lee Overall has always compared favorably
with the best standard makes of overalls. But
LEE was not satisfied to be up even with the
best he determined to me one step ahead, and
so he has developed a new denim, heavier, strong
er, tougher than any denim yet made. It is triple
indigo dyed. It is made into a triple stitch full
cut bib overall with 14 points of excellence. We
have contracted for this new Lee special denim overall
and intend to handle it exclusively. To make room for
it we will close out every regular standard make $2.25
overall now in our stock at
We have a fairly good assortment of sizes on hand but they will go
fast at this price. Come and get yours early and be assured of your size.
Receive Heavy Fine for Possession of
Liquor and for Being Drunk,
This Morning in Court.
From Friday's Daily
Last evening Oflicer Joe Libershal
and Constable Jack Brittain made the
arrest of two men on South Sixth
street, one of whom was decidedly
under the influence of liquor and the
other, while not so seriously affected
by the liquor had evidently been
drinking to some extent.
A search of the men revealed the
fact that one of them possessed a bot
tle containing a quantity of the dis
tilled intoxicants that makes men do
manv strange and unusual things
and accordingly the men were taken
to the city jail to repose until the
mills of justice could be placed in
To the police the men gave the
names of Fred Straw and Joe Navy,
both claiming to be residents of Ne
maha county and stated they were en-
route home from Omaha. After a
search a car bearing a Nemaha county
number was unearthed and which the
men stated belonged to them and
which was also hauled to the jail to
await the time when the owners
might claim it.
This morjiing when the bell sound
ed for the opening round in Judge
William Weber's court Straw was
given a fine of $100 and costs for
the possession of intoxicating liquor
while Navy was fined $10 and costs
for being drunk. The men made ar
rangements to pay their fine and were
later allowed to leave on their way
homeward feeling much sadder for
their experience in the talons of the
From Friday's Daily
The families of C. L. Wiles and
Sherman Cole have just returned
from a touring trip in the west.
In Keith county they visited at
the homes of Earl V. and Carl Cole,
Picture Framing
and Furniture
John P. Sattler
Funeral Director
Office. 400 Res., 29
The undersigned, administrator of
the estate of Henry Perry, deceased,
will offer for sale at Public Auction
at my'home in South Park, City of
Plattsmouth, on
Saturday, Aug. 29
the following described property:
Three head of horses, one. set of
harness and collars, one stirring
plow, one cultivator, one wagon, one
two-section harrow, one lister, one
stalk cutter, one Decring mower, one
McCormick hay rake.
Sale starts promptly at 1:00
o'clock p. m.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $10 and under, cash.
On sums over $10 a credit of six
months will be given, purchaser giv
ing bankable note bearing eight per
cent from date. No property to be
removed from the premises until set
tled for.
W. K. YOUNG. Auctioneer.
GEO. O. DOVEY, Clerk.
the Cole brothers being brothers of
Sherman Cole and also Mrs. C. L.
Wiles. Here they found that har
vesting was not yet completed, due to
recent rains. The crops there are
good, the wheat averaging 20 to 30
bushels per acre and oats equally as
well. The corn is looking splendid,
but is shorter than the crop here.
Sherman' Cole and family remain
ed at Brule, Nebr.. for a longer visit,
while the C. L. Wiles family motor
ed westward into Colorado, stopping
at several points of interest. They
especially enjoyed to the utmost their
trip up the Big Thompson Canyon
i Drive to Estes park. While at Estes
park, they experienced a rain storm
in the clouds, when the lightning
and thunder was below them instead
of above them.
j After spending a few days in Colo
Irado, they returned to Brule, Nebr.,
jto join the Sherman Cole family for
a week end visit with the families
of the Cole brothers.
On their homeward trip, they stop
ped at Lexington, Nebr., for a few
days visit at the home of an uncle.
I They found the roads in excellent
shape throughout the state, travel
ling the Lincoln highway via Omaha,
'going out, and on their return trip
; coming on the Lincoln highway as
far as Grand Island, where they fol
lowed the S. Y. A. to Lincoln and
thence came on home.
Read the Journal tor all the news.
i ?.p.. T.?..J....T..T..T....J..J..T.J..J.
Dr. Joe J. Stibal
Schmidtmann Building
Telephone No. 3
Disease is an effect. It Is
simply the absence of normal
nerve function. Chiroprac
tic locates the cause of the
effect, adjusts It and the ef
fect 'vanishes.
lit -Uia.iii
August 27th, at 8:30
One Mile West of PJattsmouth, on the Louisville Road.
You Are Welcome! It's Free! Gome, Hear the Fads!
Mmm m Field m 1mm Osily!
If you hold ticket for August 13th date, it will admit
you. If you do not have a ticket address P. O. Box
755, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Fireworks Display at 8:25
of the sisters and now the serious
illness of the brother. - -
Try Journal Want Ads. It pays.