The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1925, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1925.
ml f- 5tesagg,t - . VggV
I -sry coach I
9 SO J
Touring 875
m m 4 mm te mm I II m I
Visited With Children at Liberty.
Carl Rissman and son, Walter,
were enjoying a visit last week with
the other children at Liberty, where
some three of them are working at
present. Those at Liberty are Carl.
Agness and Cora. Mr. Rissman and
some who drove up last Thursday
afternoon found the roads not so
overly good, they have generally
made the trip in about three iiours
but it took most of the afternoon last
week, to return from their visit.
Becoming Beautiful Place,
With the completing of the changes
and additions which have been made
at the church Structure at Cal'.ihan,
and the cleaning up ol the grounds
surrounding the place and the? build
ing fo fences across the road about
the cemetery mid the large entrance
gate with the large Lrick columns
for post, is making the place much
n.ore attractive.
No Band Concert Last Week.
On account of the rain and very
threatening weather which prevailed!
on last Wednesday evening for the
hand concert at Murdock. it was
deemed best not to hold the concert,
and the people who had come to hear
the music hurried to their homes. The
band will play ond Ford Days. Au
gust 27th and 2Sth and the music
the Murdock Meat Market will give free
with each 50c or larger purchase, one-half
pound of minced ham. Remember, its free.
Oar line of Meats contains the very best the
market affords, and our prices are always
right. Prompt end Courteous Service.
We Also Serve Lunches
urdock Wleot Market
OsQf one --But All Three
Almost over night, the latest Oldsmobile Six has become one ol
the most widely discussed cars in America. The reasons are clear-cut:
Laager, lower, handsomer bodies built by Fisher and finished in two-tone Duco. Finer
performance expressed in swifter, smoother acceleration, in greater economy, in easier
steering, and in a broader power range, Greaih? reduced prices thai gtpe Oldsmobile a
neto dominance in its price field
Confirm this nation-wide swing to the newest CXdsmobile! Drive
it yourself.
CSach s950
. . bf Lamina, pita imx.
Jess H. Landholm
Murdock, Nebraska.
Xp Vroduct of General Motors fy
C "Product of Gekeral Motors
will be excellent. Do not forget to
come and enjoy these two days as
they will be well worth your while.
Come and win a prize for there ase
many to be given.
Many Attend the Sale
Many people from the surrounding
territory contigious to Mudock and
many from other places Attended -the
sale of farming implements which
was put on by Mr. Edward Thimgan
last Saturday. Harry S. Williams of
Elmwood, acted u& the salesman,
while Kenneth Tool, of the Bank of
Murdock was the clerk. There were
many good purchases at this sale.
The kind friends and neighbors
who were so generous with their
sympathy in the hour of our bereave
ment have our deepest and most
heartfelt appreciation for their many
acts of tenderness. Also we wish to
thank the I. O. O. F., the Eagles and
the Ku Klux Klan for their services
and remembrances at the time of our
sorrow. Mrs. James L. Edwards and
Children; Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Edwards; William Edwards; Earl
Edwards; Fred Edwards; Mrs. Ella
Blank books at the Journal office.
From Saturday's Daily
Yesterday afternoon while Mrs.
Herman Gartleman, one of the
well known residents of the south
part of the city, was engaged in
looking after the canning of some
fruit at her home, she suffered severe
injury a the result of the explosion
of one of the glass jars.
The exploding jar hurled the glass t
over the unfortunate woman and her
rirhi Lonti -,-t, v, i
handling the jar. was terriblv lacer-j
ated and cut by the fragments of the
As soon as possible medical assist
ance was summoned and the hand
dressed, it requiring some ten stitch
es to clo.e the wounds and check the
loss of blood that had greatly weak
ened the rictina of the accident.
Mrs. L. Kinnamon. mother of Mrs.
Gartleman, who has been visiting at
Council Bluffs with another daugh -
ter, Mrs. Herman Field, was siim -
moned by telegram and with Mrs.
Field and Lester Kinnainon arrixodf
late in the afternoon to assist in the
care of Mrs. Gartleman and to try
and make her as comfortable as pos
sible despite the very disagreeable
wounds sustained.
From Saturday's Daily
This morning Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Clabaugb of St. Louis arrived from
their home to enjoy a visit here of
a few weeks at the home of Mrs. Cla
baugh's parents. Col. and Mrs. M. A.
Bates, while Mr. Clabaugh is en
joying his vacation from his duties as
one of the executives of the large
electric and gas utility companies
that operates in St. Louis and Illin
ois. While iu the city they will also
enjoy a visit with the T. B. and R. A
Bates families and in meeting the
many old time friends in this com
munity. Effie -Cherry, one of the "Cherry
Sisters," famous on the vaudeville
stage a generation ago, announces
that she will run jtor the second tiroN
for ttwe oSLce of mayor of Cedar Rapr
ids. By this time the Cherries, ought
to be ood and ripe.
From Saturday's I'aily
The last band concert of the sea
son will be given Thursday evening,
August 27, and wili be presnted on
Main street for the benefit of the
public. Director Schulhof and the
members of the Eagles band will be
lad to plav numbers tnat may oe re
quested although the program is not
jto be made an exclusive request pro-
ram. The members of the band feel
Hhat their eftorts this season nave
bten veI7 mh. appreciated and are J
glad to give their friends a real treat
in the closing musical program of the
From Saturday's Daily
This morning, Harry Soeck depart
ed for Omaha where he will enter
the University hospital in that city
to undergo an operation in tho jicxt
few days. Harry wa3 taken sick in
California about a year ago with a
severe attack of appendicitis r.nd
j brought to Sioux City. Iowa, where
he was operated on at the hospital
there and for a time seemed to foe do
ing well, but in the last few months
he has been feeling very poorly, and
to give him any measure of relief it
was decided to have a second opera
tion performed.
From Saturday's Daily
The reports on the condition of
little Eleanor Minor at the hospital
in Omaha today are very much more
encouraging to the members of the
family and give the brightest- of
hopes that the condition of the pa
tient has taken a change for the bet
ter. The little one has showed a
lowering of iver fever and generally
seems to he rallying slowly and it is
hoped that the next few days Mill
show a iore definite progress toward t
Fred Kissling departed this morn -
ins for lincoln wnere lie eroe tot
meet Mrs. Ki&sling and little son.i
Ronald, who are returning borne
from Yakima, Washington, where
they fcat een spending .their sua-
mer xit-ng; Avtc tee tr.otner ana rel-
atives of Mrs. Killing.
Eev. Prank Emory Pfoutz and Fam
ily Enjoy Auto Trip Covering
Over 4,500 Kiles.
From Saturday's Dally
Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock
the auto caravan of Rev. Frank Em
ory Pfoutz and family returned to
this city after a journey through the
east and south that covered 4,5t0
miles and gave them a wonderful
first hand appreciation of the great
ness of the country that lies from the
broad reaches of the Missouri river
eastward to the Atlantic ocean.
The trip was one that the family
all enjoyed to the utmost and not a
day of illness on the part of any mem
ber of the family marred the trip
through the various states and
They took the northern route that
led them through Detroit and Chi
cago into Buffalo and Niagara Falls
and thence through the great cities
and fine fruit country of northeyn
New York to the New England
states. While in Boston they had
the pleasure of visiting with Rev.
and Mrs. Clarence Dunham, Mrs.
Dunham being formerly Miss Dor
othea Pond, one of the teachers in
the local schools, and here they found
much pleasure under the guidance
of Rev. and Mrs. Dunham in view
ing the city and the surrounding
country including Concord and Lex
ington, rich in historic incident as
the -birthplace of the struggle for
American liberty.
From Boston the party drove to
J Now York .City and enjoyed a sight
seeing trip through many of the
places of the greatest interest and
then headed for the national capi-
tal, "Washington. This city was found
to be one of the most beautiful that
they had the pleasure of visiting and
the great government buildings and
the wonderful settings that add
beauty and dignity to the capital
city were enjoyed to the limit.
They then drove to Roanoke, Vir
ginia, which was the birthplace of
Mrs. Pfoutz and where she spent sev
eral days very pleasantly in looking
over the old home where the family
resi led for many years. Enroute home
they stopped in Iowa at the old home
of Rev. Pfoutz.
Charles N, Sullivan, Long With the
Conant Hotel Co., Receives a
Deserved Promotion.
From Saturday's Dally
The many Plattsmouth friends of
Chf-.rles N. Sullivan, old time Platts
nicuth boy, v ill be interested to learn
that this past week Mr. Sullivan has
beou promoted to the position of
-r.anager of the Hotel Henshaw at
Omaha, succeeding Joseph Keenan,
al."o well known here and a relative
of Mr. and Mr. J. W. Holmes.
Mr. Sullivan is a son of the late
Judge A. X. Sullivan, for many years
a prominent member of the Cass
county bar. He was born and reared
in this community, attending the
Plattsmouth schools.
After the death of the father and
removal of the family to Omaha,
Charles Sullivan entered the hotel
business, finally becoming employed
!y the Conant hotel company and
since the completion of the fine new
Conant hotel has been one of the day
clerks at that institution. The com
pany controls the Conant. Henshaw
and Sanford hotels and with the res
ignation of Mr. Keenan, one of their
old .employes the company called Mr.
Sullivan to the responsible position
of rr-anagcr of the hotel.
With his long experience rnd un
doubted ability, Mr. Sullivan should
v.iake a very valuable man for the
Conant company and maintain the
Hwishaw at its present high stand-
We may not be able to thank per
sonally the kind neighbors and many
friends, who so generously gave their
help and sympathy during the long
illness and subsequent death of our
beloved mother, so we wish to public
ly thank and express our sincere ap
preeintion to these neighbors and
friends for their numerous acs of
kindness and for their floral offerings,
also Dr. T. P. Livingston for Lis un
tiring attenton. May God abundantly
reward you. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hemple, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Hemple, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Hewit.
Mrs. Louise Kline, Miss Teresa Hem
From Friday's Daily
The reports from the bedside of
Mrs. Gorge Luschinsky, who return
ed heme the first of the week from
Rochester, Minnesota, indicate that
the patient is now doing very nicely
and it is thought has secured some
permanent relief frcm the course of
treatment at the Mayo hospital. Mrs.
Luschinsky is feeling better than she
has felt for some time and her fam
ily and friends are well pleased with
the apparent change for the better
in Jaer condition. .Sue will remain
thprp Ti I rnntinne t Vi t t m u tnipnf c J h f
are 4expted to iye .her permanent
!leiief - "
- -- r -
WU. W jt AMA iAMJhlhS
Fishfl strain; Jjaich.ed March 2$
Hlf pric -until ,ejt. j.. IJ (Guy.-
"viniA.e, Flat-temoutb -pikouc .4WS0, ,r
Murray plione 4-511. tf-sw ,
Miss Edith Mayfield of near Louis
ville was a visitor at file home of her ;
friend, Mrs. R. .Bergman for the day'
last Thursday. '
Venie Rockwell was attending the i
ball game which was staged between i
Greenwood and ueeping vater at'
the latter place on Friday of last
Fred Krecklow and wife were vis
iting and spending the day last Fri- 1
day at Lake Manewa and also were!
guewts at the home of their daugh
ter, Mrs. Harley Herman and hus
band. Sheriff E. P. Stewart who is kept
pretty busy these days lokoing after
law breakers of this and other coun
tries found time last Thursday to
look in on some of his friends in !
Manley. j
George Rau of Wheat on. Ill-, j
where h Las been spending the sum- j
mer arrived in Manley and is visit-J
ing here at the home of his brother,
R. J. Rau of the Manley State bank
for a time.
Wni. Heebner and wife are taking '
a vacation, they getting ready and J
harnessed to boat and ayay and tell-;
ing where they were going but ex-,
pecting to have an excellent time and
they will at that.
Wm. Zwieliing of Oakland. Cali- j
fornia, and Miss 3Selie Christen.; n i
of Omaha were vii;in.r for a few ;
uara at the home of J. C. Rautli lust .
week being guestf of Mis.' Rc-na
Christensen, a sister of Miss Nellie, j
A large number of the p cpk of j
Manley and especially tke ball fanfa. j
which includes SS and S-8 of the in- !
habitants, were over to Greenwood !
last Sunday to see the Manley team i
walk awav with the game at a ratio;
of 12 to 6.
Hai-ley Herman of Council Bluffs j
and wife were here last Thursday
for the day were guests at the home
of the parents of Mrs. Hermrn. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Krecklow, enjoying a
yery pleasant visit and returning
home in the evening.
Mis&es Margaret Clifford and
Gladys Hayden of Lincoln were
! pending a few days last week at the
home of their friends, Mrs. R. IScrg
fpan, they driving over from the car
it a! city and enjoying a visit and re
turning home the day following.
Sure there was some happiness ut
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reu
ter last Tuesday when it was an
nounced that the stork had left a
present for this agreeable couple in
the shape of a very fin.e young man
who is pleased to call this happy
couple his parents.
The Missouri Pacific has been en
joying a good business for the past
few months at the Manley station in
the shipment of grain, stock and
merchandise and will expect to be
operating every day in the year in
the future for the benefit of -the
traveling and shipping public.
Last Monday Mr. H. O. Burbce
who received the injury in one of
his eyes while working with his
truck and who was taken to the hos
pital at Omaha had to undergo an
operation for the removal of the
member. He is getting along nicely
at this time but is short one of his
The Royal Neighbors lodge and
they are Royal Neighbors at that for
when they meet they always have
some eats that are good and the
meeting which was held Inst week
was not an exception. The ladies
first looked after the business call
ing them together, then the social
part had its inning and all enjoyed
.Herman Rauth who recently pur
chased a fine Willys Knight sedan
and which is a good one and no rub
bing it out, harnessed the wagon up
and on last Tuesday departed for the
west where he and his wife will see
it all. While away they will visit
at York with A. F. Rauth and family
York, also with relatives in Chappell.
Manley Buys
Every Thursday at
Highest Prices
Hens 18c 20c
Roosters 7c 9c
Eggs 24c
Springs and Others in
Cash or Trade
R. Bergman
Manley - - Nebraska
Village Blacksmith
is always ready to
do your work
Plow and Wagon Work
a Specialty
the Blacksmith ,
then on 4o the mountain and Den
ver. They were at Colorado Sprii.g..
They will expect to be away for
two weeks.
Home From the Dakotas
Joseph Miller and wife. M'.. .'.Ill
ltr'8 mother, Mte. Catherine Ear
hardt. and daughter, Anna, and son.
John, have just returned from an t x
tended trip and visit in lal.u
where they surely enjoyed the vi.-,;t
very much. Mrs. Earliardt has
there and a number of close frui-iu;
end relatives and the- visit was cue
of much plea.-uie us we-11 i.s -iun
combined with business. They
ed at Witten. V."inu r and l.iir
iiivtr while they were away. Miir
gau. McCui dt-y and family ijre iivui ,
ne:;r Wilten. Mr. McCi.reley b in u
daughter of Mrs. E.rhurcit.
Pulling Together
The people of Manny are pulling
together for a bet'.er town and they
are going to have it to. Last Thurs
day evening they had a supoer Mr! j:
get together meetiiu; at which many
things for a the bettering ot tin
town and the surrounding country
was dk.cusj-'ed. It va empht-sized
that tiny must stand topttlur lor
the l.etpjng of the tov.ii. the' coun
tty an l the railroad, a M f vhich
aie necessary for the uiuking aid
l:etp:i:g of good
iiere en Business
Floyd Kuckv ell aud ':.n:ily of
Wayne auJ 'aj Rockwell and fiiiniJy
of Omaha v t.iv visiting with friend;;
in and about Manley and v.ere look-
; E
ins alte r so'ue lu. iruss ;i:ut rt in
Weeping V. aUr and here . They were-
eiown to make arrau-.u: r.ts for the
transfer of their farm west of Man
ley to Wm. Rauth and on which it
is reported that Mr. and Mrs. James
Ti.he will farm the coming year.
Rev. H. G. McCIusky and Family
Have Interesting; Time Scaling
Mountains in Their Car.
From Saturday's Daily
After an enjoyable trip of serine'
thirty days in the Colorado moun
tain region. Rev. H. G. Mclut-ky.
wife, and daughter. Miss Cailierin-.
and Miss Jean Caldwell, returneel
home last evening in their liuiel:
coach with which they made the triv
to the west and up the steep moun
tain fides of tlie Colorado roekies.
W The members of the party made
a most thorough trip through the
mountains and were privileged to
enjoy some of the scenes of the rar
e?I beauty in the great ranges, some
of which lay capped in the eternal
snow. They made the trip up the
greater part of Mt. Evans in their
car and at the height of 12.00 feet
enjoyed the experience of item?
above the tlouds and having re;al
snow in the middle of summer. to
play with. They also drove up
Pike's peak, one of the loftiest and
probably the best known of the Colo
rado Rockies as it lies in hight ef
the city of Colorado Springs and a
few hours out of Denver.
While in the west they visited at
Denver ard Longmont with old time
friend" and also at Fort Collins stop
ped for a visit with W. R. Bryan and
family for a few hours.
The party enjoyed camping tripr.
at Moulder. Loveland, Estes park
Green Lake and Idaho Sprints, all of
which proved a pleasant experience
for the members of the party.
The trip was one tiiat gave all of
the party a real chance to see the
greatness of the natural wonderland
that has been created in the Rockies
where the mountain peaks and val
leys, one clad in ; now, ti.e other
smiling and green, otters a vh'o dif
ference of climatic conditions.
Frem Friday' Ijaily
Court Reporter Leslie L. Turpin
and wife, who have been attending
the national convention of :Lorthanl
reporters at Omaha the past wee-i..
returned home last evening le.r the
f:rst time since the openinc of the
convention with the re-port that the
natiemal gathering was "great."
The Nebraska members of t he
short hand reporters had arranged
the details of the entertainment ol'
the convention and the general ex-
yr ' pression was iiiai me meeting wa
AOCjone of the best that had ever been
held by the followers of Gregg and
Pitman. The commitu-e t-p&rc-rf no
details in making the time spent in
Omaha luo.-t pleasant with all kiini:-
of becial entertainments te aid them
in passing the time and the entire
day and tlie greater part of the nigLt
was filled with attractions to enter
tain the visitors.
The convention yenerdry clecie
William S. Holler of Omaha, dean of
te Omaha court reporters, u the na
tional president after a very spirited
contest that showed the makers of
1 hocks
and dashes were refil pediti-
'ciaiis in iheir own convent ion.
Thi-; was the first national gn'her-
ling of the reporters that Leslie has
! attended, but he stat'-s he is
not go
ly.yU' ,u ,utu
re a j
I h?.ve i n extra good 4 f Chevro
let bedy with fenders, also Chevroie t
parts for salo. very reasonable. (Ml
and see them or write nie. Tin
body can be used on a Ford. Two
miles west and 2 eouth of Mynar.J.
Mrs. Verdon Vroman of Chicago,
who ha been here visiting at th
home of hr parents. Mr. and Mr.
Henry Mauzy aud with Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Vroaian. departed this morn
ing icr Xr-aruev where fhe ".ill tpnd
a tkort time at the hroe ot ber tis
ter, Mrt. T. J. Todd and family.