'II ri ,mm TAGE TQZn PIATT S MOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1925. Greenwood N- Department! Prepared in the Interest of the People cf Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity For Sale or Trade One Ituraley 12-20 Tractor; one John Deere 4-hole corn sheller, both used, 1 bat in excellent condition. Reason able terms, or will trade. rrroxE us tto. so SANBORN SERVICE GARAGE Greenwood Nebraska Phil IFF, of the First National r,.,i.K w.-i.s looking. Piter sn-.e business mitteis in I ii last Friday. i Judge W. K. Ha.il was called to Li-V'-ln last Friday to l'u after :v'i2i" business matters fur a slvri time. '.Kii.y of the i "ople of Gn-enwoofl ai d icinity va rc vis' ting t ho !v-iF-Fi't- circus and other shov s at Fin n In hot Monday. W. H. IV-King an 1 wife were isit-. ii.g in Ashland Inst Thursday eve- 1 f,r m-:v. time an1 also vrc i ,iinc the nmp. M..-. P. F. Hall of Finn, In has Fen i-iting in Cinr.wi'od with kr-r n n . P. F. Hail and family for a few day dating the past week. The laying of the p'.pe for the water sys'fm las In '-n delayed on n- j tounl of tho failure f the digg' '' arrive v.!i. h is to h- used. ' Mrs. KHa Marshall of Ashland has been visiting i:i Greenwood with her si-frs. M.-sdr:ines II. G. Wright and . Catherine Cok-man, f.r a few days. i Cl .til- -s K. Ilurlhut was a visitor in I AU'i last Thursday when ho was the ! guest at the hom- of Mr. a ad Mrs. j Joseph Arm ;irng. and had a very j i, ice tine whihi there. f N. W. Kmlund of the Farm'-sr hark! win a visitor at Valparaiso, where he has a farm which he was looking after h;st Friday, driving nv r in his car f..r tho afternoon. Louis "Wright's children, lane la en f--Iir.g ',uiie poorly for . i v ral flays hut are at this time showirg se.r-- I iu-cm-nt ana it is nop.-. ;:, win. s.M-n I v all right again, i "ft. rt" Bir.-all w . a visitor in FF on last. Fiday, where wa-; look- in: afWr s. me business matters and, al-o dcir.g soiiii.' hopping for the; eati;;g house in (!ro iivoc!. Mrs D. F. Tah-ort is visiting frl. i ds in Greoav.jfH.d for a sli-irt time and will expect to make h r visit l."ic ..xt ;. to about tv o w,- ks. Mrs T.il at's home is in Lincoln. Many p-.-opli- of (,'renwoeid haw he :i visiting in Ashland during the time that the camp hat! been .stab- la-ii' ti u.en ;:nu go lo sec now e ucoj Sam tloes hi the training of his ficht in; hoys. Mrs. II. G. Wright, who has been f,r,i:. ill for a number of days, ban so far reei,vcred that she has been ah!.; to r. turn to Lor weak at th-; p.ostotTiOi iluring the; latter portion, of last week. Mis. Wat -on Howard has been at tending the Fpworth Assembly f- r the past week as dehgaie from tho Method;, t thuivh of Greenwood, and was pre.-, nt at the Fpworth park on last Weduesday. (). 1). Fe awatz ef Aim i, in the southwestern portion of the J-tate lias b- ii fper.ding noir.e tim.' in G;en w.a.d. visiting with his mother. Mrs. Mathilda Slater, and with, other nht t ives aiol friends. Henry Weidtinan of Flneoln, was locking after some business matters in Greenwood h.-ct Friday afternoon and also had bu-inoss both at Ash land and Omaha, to which places he went from here. Mrs. Su wn Jacobs and Mrs. Judge Holland, both of Lineolu. lo ve been making a short , vi-ii at the home of their friends. Mrs. W. F. Niwkirh. of Greenwood and all have had a very pleasant time. Paul IJucklnghaiii has been paint ing the, out Luiidintrs at the farm, the garage, smoke- hous- and eth- r biuld ings. This is a farm whe.ra th" paint is not ;pard and the firm th.ows t!;e gooti car-' w hich is tak. n of th- ph". William IJ. (' h man. who has b-on so ill for so long a Fra.- st'.ll , on fined to his home and bed. though it is thought that he is slightly improv ed. His many friends are hoiirg that he may soon be able to be out again. . Mrs. Myra Howard of Greenwood, mother of Watson Howard, and Mrs. Jenny Howard, of Benedict, departed few- days since for Syracuse, where ta y will visit for some time at the n--: of Mrs. A. J. Davis, where they ; . i peet to viiit for several days. I '. A. McCrf Ty and Wife, with :r. son of ria.tt mouth were in Gieenwood last Friday morning, v V V a.' rv-rc?t Cf . I 6l : e lav t-3:t -:-v r;..ry .z.' . k ' '.. .i- looking after iome business, they hav ing some matters In hand regarding the advertising of the Liberty Oil burner for heating purposes in stoves and furnaces. v A . M. Newham. who some time since suffered a stroke cf paralysis, is at this time reported as being some hotter, lie is still confined to his bod but can ue his aims and to some extent, and it is hoped that he will be able to br about in the ea.ur.o of a few weeks. Dr. W. IF Tin k, vei ernairnr. of Weeping Water, was a visitor in (lit en wood list week and examined j the cattle which have b en in quar antine and released them. There will he a re-examination soon of those which did not piss and the work for tho year is expected soon to lie com puted. Fester Vant. formerly of this por tion of the state, livii'; both hero and Ashland, but who is now located j at Sti rling. Colo., where ho is a dis I pan lo r for the Burlington railroad. has l:en viriti-xr; with frieads and: relativts at A;h' and and also was aj fUest lu re with his frier. d Kvan? i Armstrong. ' ' O. 1". And'r-oTi, who received a; car load of new Boicks during tlo-: past week has them all working with the exception cf one which is soon 1 to be delivered. Mr. Anderson vas 1 looking after some business matters I at Avoea and oping Writer last Friday in onnection with the de livering of one of his cars. Two traveling painters, represent ing the United States Vire company were in flreerweiod list Friday tr. painted a v-'-ry neat and telling si-.-r. on the east side ef the Sanborn Serv ice Station. Take a glance at the i'rn as y ,u are pacing. he v ' tract - (d nu?!o a crowd as the;.' were apply ing the paint v. Fh a blower. Frank WeFon, who has been liv ing in town fo sonv.: time past, las' week moved to the Charles Martin farm, and will, latr move to the (Vder'c Fulmer plaeo. nfior that gen tleman and his family have moved to Greenwood, which will be about the beginning of September, as the Fo.lmer pin i which has b; n l ir.bling in Cree-nwo oei for some' tin:" past. Grcer,wccd Defeats Weeping Water Fast Wednesday the (Jreenwoori l asob iU team vent to Weeping Water where they played a game with tho cxteMeut e-am of that town, it beinu" or.,; of the- attractions ri th" Chau tauqua which was being hehl in Weeping Wafer during the pa 'i week. This was sure a gam" and was wit posses by a crowd of very enthus iastic hall fans of the vicinity oi the central city of Cass. The team of Greenwood seemed to be born under a lucky star, for they were abb' to wrest a score of 7 to e. Tho3-1 to go from Greenwood for the game v.-ero Walter Fourhe, Wayne Fandan. Mar ion Stradley, Henry Armstrong Gerald Griffin .Femard .Tardine, Earl .Tardine and the expert ball tos ser, George Gustavscn. Catching Many Pish. Clyde Xewkirk and wife, and Mr. and Mr. John Porman. who are spending som- time at Pellican Fake, which is north of Minneapolis in Minnesota, write they are having an excellent time and are catching nsi. galore. They will remain for a. F w "ays yet. Hold Greenwood Youth Flkins Hart, la, Greenw-oc l. Neb., was arrested yestrday by polio" who found him asleep in tho garage ef Dr. A. I). Dunn. 1 0 1 ti South Thorty cight avenue. For three days. Dr. Dunn said, ho had loitered about the place. Hart said a knopsaek and rifile found in a field near the doc tors hous were his and p.'dic" think he may have fired the bullet that shattered the windshield of a county hospital truck in the neighborhood a few days ago, narrowly missing the iriven. IFrmrn Hybky. Hart will be tti'T.e.l over to the Juvenile au t ! ; o r i t ' e s. - .M'o r 1 d H e '-a b ! Burlington Making Improvements. Tlie Darlington company are mak ing s. ,mc lmpro'-' ment a rout iro-.r station, they have hern improving the e-reissing ove-r the main street of the ti.uvu with, crushed rock and stone dust for the crossing v.hi.-h they arc extending to the siathv; bet wen the crossing and tho station thus mik ing it so the walking conditions will be excellent even in the worst wea ther. Looks Like Olden Times. TLast Friday Rex Filers, who is a rustler and no mistake, for he re ceived 10,000 bushels of corn dur'ng the day and cared for it at that. Dur ing the forenoon he dumped, weighed and elevated at the elevator, 'aO wagon Fad:l of corn, which amounted to over 5,000 bushels and during the afternoon he was nearly as busy. The recent 'rains have given assurance that thore will be a good crop and those of the farmers who were hold ing their corn fearing a shortage are now disposing of the cereal. Among those vp.o were shelling and selling on -the' last Friday were A. L. Jar dine, iienry Greer, William Kelly. John (traratn. . W. E. Failing. Joe Armstrimg a.nd Joha Lambert.. 1 Little Girl Verv Sick. I DordChy, the infant daughter of r. ; n Mrsi. G. . ant, whicn has 1 n fry sick with an attack of 1 : v'. iiTfitttm. for tho past week : j so serious that it was t '. t j tike her to the hosnlt- . t ?it;;,:a.nd cn last Thursday she .' i to the he"!spital where she 4f for. The parents were j. 3;. , . i tt the child in exerting i every precaution that she might have the best of attention ami nursing. Visit Folks at Old Home. W. J. Kat, the barber on the north side of Main street in Greenwood, ha-? been visiting for the part week at his old time home at Gibbon, and has been having Mr. K. F. Hart, of Mil ford here working in his place. Mr. Fast, is having a nice visit and has an excellent man in his stead while he is away. Will Go to Utah. The well machine which is owned by the A. F. Archibald well drilling company was unloaded last Friday for shipment, it goini to Council P, luffs, where it will be entirely over hauled and put in the lies; condition, and will then be shipped to some point in Ft ah, where th-y are to clriF a well eisrht hundred feet in depth. The well which has recently tiee-r. put dowft When tectcrl proved af filiate to the rc'ouiremon's. the pump ing wa- started at to n. m.. and with pump:-, aide of thrc.w-;ri, t h r b un ci red gallons per minute, w s kepi going until six o'clot k in the ever. inl and while there was some iiy-f.v feet U" wa'ei to heir in with at the end it fiifi been Iowa red hut hve- f-tt. which, proves that there is an abun dance of water for the needs of Greenwood. Are Br.ilding Goo'l. House. Frank Rouse, with hF fco'co of men have just completed the eve;, v !on for the cellar of a huiHirr whbl: heint: constructed on the ft'rm of Mrs. Anna W. Scli'tr-sfer of I.::. coin, a.nd which is to he 1' O by rnd will b modt-rn in till respect'-. The house is being built on tho farm as there is no improvement rhoroon, the piaee F east ef A. I.. Hnrdir.e and ":iv.tli cm" t?u- soction in which is Footed the Greenwood eometory. Whn the house is cimipleted Mr. Mot: Ginley wf II oe citpy it and will farm the place. LIST Or CLAIMS FILED IN THE ELEVATOR 7?A?7KF.TJPTCY Tlie bearing on the maffe- of th" petition of bark nip toy of tho Farm ers Grain and Stock company fled bv I!. M. Almy. vie. -president and. C. . Mathis. secretary was bob! in tho federal building in Fineoln Thurs day morning of last wool:. A large number of irfo-ested parties from C reer, worVi wto present. C. F. Clark was appointed trustee and placed tin-'cr bond by Deforce, Daniel McGlena.han. The foil iv. in g are the claims as listed by the petitioners: A. J. " Woodman --.:''. which ha; priority claim. The taxes arc listed in the- same m-inrer. Priority claims A. J. Woodman ? 22.' Unsecured claims Hartford Fire Insur. Co 20.00 Citi.re-s St. bank. Wahoo :?,00..0i F. St. bank. Greenwool :,fMii.0; I-', .-a. bank, overdraft ,"i 2. 2 Updike Grain 12",.F.) 'V. K. Failing, for grain sold between Nov. 2', Fl IT and July t. 1!2.', Credits 1 i.aSs.os. 2::, 262.0 s .?::-;. F2 ? 1 l,-6s..-,8 AV. F. Failing. Greenw ood $ 2 s .2 4 This amount is for cash loaned to company by Palling between-May 1, 1017 anl July 22. if2". Joe Armstrong ? VJ.'ii Rankin Vine-int 151.6 7 Charies Armstrong "l'i.50 J. McXeely r,:F",.?0 Martin Mane lS!!.(oj IF M. Almv 7S2.'o) Horace Almy :F12.05 Fd. Schnlke tF'T.aO Tom Vtltmi ri'..67 Joe Stanlav aOIFol Carl Hammer l"l."i C. C. Conn l.fiOfbf.O F. A. Kinney 1 4o.fi.) Vearl Hodgin- CSO.to) Harrv Seliroeder 677.50 Thomas Ryan 22 1.2Z X. O. Coleman T"i.!0 White Cassfdy r.0r. 20 Joe Hoenshell Apperson 1.2:1.60 V. E. Michaelson 606.15 W. K. Failing, salary at $aOu p'-r year. Dee. SI, 1917 to July 1, 1925 y.SaO.OO V. K. Michaelson 17i.70 Tom Welton 63 20 Jardinc A: Curry 74. 52 August Smith 57. rd J. K. Almv 1,162.70 c. A. Shuil-:e l.i'Ft.2" P. A. White 1,1 76. So 1 1. M. Almy :M!.15 Horace I'uckinghani f1.3u Mrs. Amelia nuckingham.. PS1.P.0 Orville Kettle 1.435.75 15. G. Almy rr,:',.s2 Travis Cameron C62.O0 Cassidy 695.30 George Nichols 91.60 Marold Nichols 7'F60 Joe Sullivan 97.2 J. i:. Almv 654.50 li. G. Almy 242.00 P. A. Mockevhaupt 5S7.70 Mrs. F. (i. Hasen 86.50 Wm. Mci'ill 150.00 ASKS F0II INVESTIGATION OF MINISTER'S CAPTURE Greenville. S. C. Aim. 1". Re pons of tho capture ,f the Rev. Wil liam 11. Turner, American missionary, hy Chinese bandits were forwarded to Secretary Kellogg today by Represen tative M-rSw-ain. who asked that tlie state department make3 an investiga tion. Mr. McSwaia relayed a nicssugo from the Rev. J. H. King of Okla homa, superintendent of tho Pente costal KoFr.es church, saying that the missionary v-as ring hli for ransom.- Mr. Turner is a former resi dent of Greenville. LOCALNEWS Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. Dr. H. C. Leopold, Osteopathic physician and surgeon, phone 208. J7-tfd From Thursday's Faily Wilinm Atchison, of Elmwood. was n visitor here today where lie spent a few hours with old time friends, driving over from his home this af ternoon. J. Riley Jones, who has been spending a short time in Denver and Colorado Springs looking after some matters of importance and visiting wilh friends, returned home this morning after a very pleasant stay in the west. Mrs. Wilinm Carroll find daughter. Miss Kftie, of Oregon. Missouri, and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cook departed this morning for Omaha where they will spend the day visiting with friends and looking after some mat ters of business for a short time. From Friday's Frioy Mrs. A. J. Snyder and son. Keith, were in Omrtha today where they will spend a few hours consulting a spe cialist in regard to the condition of the foot of the young lad. John Ganer. one of the well known rcside-its of ni'iir Cedar Creek, was in tro city this afternoon for a few hours attending to some matters of business nnel visiiirit: with friends. Fred Ahivris. who is now.- engaged in funning west e-f Mynnrd. was in the ';:- tod'! and ,;ad his name en rolled res one of the readers of the Torr":il for the ensuing year which he wid receive in his new home. Miss Marie Pnyd. of Fineoln, who has just returned home from a trip to tho west coast, is to arrive here this (veninu and will be the guest of M's Janet Itajeck for a few days. fas well as a number of the old time friends. Joseph T'i'ier. Sr.. and wife, who h: vo been speeding the past two weehs at Fineoln and Havelock with, relatives :nid friends, have returned home. While there they we're- the jrnesfs of the Fdward mid Krn Foreran y and Fouls Jarda families and. enjoyed the sights of the capital c i t v . From Pa ttinhi y's f;i'Iv C-irl H. Panzer of Ashland, who b:is beeTi hero ;i ss;s ! i ti tr nt tht- Popu lar Variety sore, roturned this nf-a-rnonti to his home. Hon W. F. 1'auToair and Carter Al hin at Union were here today for a few hours attending to some mat ters of bu-inos-s and visiting with their friends. Miss F"na Hirz. one of tho hiri?-"st Louis, as one of th' the hospital. F here who is now al hospitals at St. active heads of eiiioviug a visit at the home of bet Mrs. John Hir?.. Mrs. Fvn Hath has been here as -a Mrs. H. N. Dovey, parents, Mr. and of Fineoln. gupst of Mr. for th" pist who and few days, departeei this morning for Oma ha and from where she will return homo to the state capital. Mrs. Flir.i Young of Murray was here today for a few hours looking after some business matters and vis- iin: with her cod friends in the county se.it. Mrs. Young has hen vi'iiinr. in Murray during the sum mt months and experts to leave soon for Milford to spend the winter at th- Soldier.--' home there. Mrs. F. c. Weber ami children, of Chicago, who ha-e boon visiting here at the homo of Mrs. W. T. Scotten, mother r.f Mrs. Weber, departed this morning for their home. Miss Fran ces Weber, who has been here for the past year visiting with her grand mother, also returned home to Chi cago after a most pleasant stay her? in the west. A TOOTHSOME DEMONSTRATION From Sn tiir'la y's Th, H. M. store just west been having a Tnily Soonnichsen grocery of the Journal, has verv attractive and toothsome demonstration of the El Food Co. products that are one of the real notes that add to a salad or the specially prepared relish that makes the luncheon all that one could wish or dsiro. Mrs. Anna Ray and Mrs. Helen Duxbury were the ladies here for the El Food Products Co.. of Newark. N. J.. and the ladies certainly perpared a most delicious an'Vattractivo showing of the food stub's and th" artistic manner in which they can he served at the home;. The ladies are returning this after noon to Omaha, altbo later Mrs. Ray is to return and again hold a demon stratioa that the ladies should eer tainly take recognition of in learning of the artistic way of preparing salads as well ns in the use of the new line of food products. Read the Journal for all the news. Moye Produce Co. PAYS CASH FOR Pcii!!ry, Eggs, Crsam and Hides! Sells Chic Feeds and Oyster Shell. "Prompt and Courteous Ser vice Our Motto!" Opposite Tidball Lumber Co PHONE 391 Plaitsmouth, Neb. G-101 1,018,322 Busy Americans crowded Buick Shoiv r ooms at the first showing of the Better Buick O03 have You seen ettet J. B. LIVINGSTON Hoick Dealer Corner 4th and Main Streets PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. HERBERT MEETS WITH 'Si VERE AGCIDEMT While Rersirinr Truck Used in Koad Work K?3 Small Pice cf File Lodare in His Eye. Herbert Burhee. a former resident of Plaitsmouth and now ens-aged in working on the road patrol out of Man?e, was the victim of a very se vere accident this post week that has laid him up at the hospital ami may result in the permanent iujury of his right eye. He was engaged in working on one of the trucks that are used in the maintenance of the highways and was underneath the truck attempt ing to drive a small file in a key slot, to replace a key that had fallen out and lost, when a small part of tht; end of the file chipped off and lodged in his right eye. The injury was very painful and caused a. great deal of suffering to the gentleman, who was hurried as soon as possible to the Methodist hospital in Omaha to have the in jured eye elrosspt! and where he- has since boon taking treatment. It is ltoped that the injury can be eared for so as to save the siaht of the eye for Mr. Durbee. but the in jury has caused him" a great deal of suffering and pain and will keep him out of commission for some time nt least. DEATH CLAIMS LITTLE BOY From Snturfin y s Tni!y Mr. and Mis. I N Nelson received a telegram Monday evening from Plattsmouth. Neb., announcing the death of Iheir little grandson, Ben jamin Nelson Parker, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Parker, who died late that afternoon, after a four-days' illness with cholera in fantum! Mr. and Mrs. Parker and their little son lfr Delha Fourche about two wpfks ago in their auto for a visit with the former's father at Plattsmouth. The child was born in Belle Fourche two years aeo last January, ami the parents had made their home in Marmarth. N. D.. un til recently, when they disposed of thir interests in that city and re turned to Beile Fourche. The grief stricken parents and grandparents have the sincere sympathy cf many frienels. The child's remains, accompanied by its parents, arrived in Belle Fourche on Wednesday afternoon, boing met in Deadwood by members of the Nelson family and Undertaker Frost. At the time of going to press the funeral arrangements were not known, but interment will be made in Pine Slope remete.ry probably this (Thursdayafternoon. Belle Fourche ( S. D.) Post. For a mild after-dinner smoke, go to Bates Book and Stationery StoTe. TllC H. B. KOQP SELECT ED AS CASHIER OF LOUISVILLE BANK Young Man Who Has Been Assist ant Cashier of the Bank for Six Years is Advanced. At the meeting of the stockhold ers of tho Homo State Dank held at Ixiuisville this work, the selection of H. H. Koop was made as the cashier of tho hank to succeed George H. Wood, who resigned some time ago. The selection of Mr. Koop is very ploasing to the .Louisville people as the young man is one of the best known men in that community and one held in the highest esteem by the residents who have known him since his childhood days. For the past six years Mr. Koop has served as assistant cashier of the bank and his services have been the very br-st that could be asked for and given splendid and earne-st efforts to the improvomc-nt of the conditions of the bank. W. H. Hcil, one of the director? of the batik was selected as the as sistant of-shier of the Home State Dank and will assist in the conduct of the affairs of this veil known hanking house-.. During the period from the resig nation of Mr. Wood until the naming of Mr. Koop the Home Stm? Dank has had the se rvices of C. G. Frit he, formerly of this city to assist in look ing after the affairs of the biaik. and who is now returning to Lis home at Nelson to look after his business interests t he-re. While in Fouisville. Mr. Fricke made many friends who are regretting to purt with him. W;LL GIVE BENE FIT PLAY SOON Krs. 0. Sandin Volunteers Services as Director All Proceeds to the Auditorium Fund. Front SfMir.'.ay's T;iil Dike the snowball that gains both size and momentum as it rolls, once it is sol. in motion, the Legion drive for funds for the new commtmity auditorium, is gaining rapidly in in- iteresi with the public. Civic and fra ternal organizations, business men and citizens generally are lending it. tlo-ir enthusiastic support. Numerous benefits art' p.romised, perhaps tlie most important of which will be the I home talent play to he given Monday land Tuesday evenings, August "1st ami September 1st. by talented young People of th" city, under the direc tion of Mrs. (J. Sandin. The play will bo present ed at tho Parmele theatre. j which the management, has given (free for one of the two nights, and (all of the proofed s except for tho :on - niaht's rental will go to the Auditorium fund. Mrs. Sandin and individual members of the cast con tributing their time and energies to hf-Ip the cause along. Rehearsals are being started now, land arrangements for the sab- of I tickets, etc. are in the hands of thej I Fes-ion committer composed of C. L. Pittman and Samt'ord Snort. The fund is now one-half subscrib er!: the ball is gaining momentum and will nver stop rolling until tho "mercury" in tlo thermometer at the Dates Dook Store corner "boils" iout over the top. Then Plattsmouth will have the auditorium we have long needed. &1 B, A. COriTRIDUTES $100 TO LEGION FUND Organization Composed of Burlington Shopmen Votes This Sun for the New Auditorium. From Saturday's Imlly At the meeting last night of the Mechanical Department Association, Ian organization composed of Burling !ton shoo employes the request tor a lcortrihution to the Auditorium fund (was taken up and after consideration it he sum of $100 voted to the rapiaiy growing list. Requests for contributions are be ing mailed to each lodsre and civic body in tho city and will be consid ered at early meetings. The returns so far from organiza tions has been most gratifying, the list including: Plattsmouth Fire De partment, $500: Plattsmouth Ad club. $100: M. D. A., $100; Modern Woodmen. $2."; W.. R. C $25; Cath olic Daughters. ?2a. C0UHT TJFH0LD3 BEATRICE LEVY Beatrice, Aug. 13. Following ar guments by attorneys on the re straining order granted last week to P. C. Drew, who objected to the city commissioners levying nearly 5 mills to raise $40.0fto for improvement of municipal electric lines. Judge Moss ruled Wednesday that the commis sioners had acted wilhin bounds of law and dissolved the temporary in junction. REWAHD OFFERED I will give a libera! reward for in formation leading up to the parties placing the wood cross on the grave of the late J. K. Vallery, buried in Eight Mile Grove, cemetery. I will also give ?10 toward a suitable mark er for his grave. T. W. VALLERY. al7-lsw, Id The Nebraska attorney general ad vires Lancaster county farmers not to pay not--? attained fraudulently. There are 150 of them up to date. i MAKLtY NEWS ITEMS J :"!-H"I-I-HIi..i..:..i..i..m.4. Mrs. Lottie Koup of Louisville, was a visitor with her sister Mrs. Rudolph Bergman last Thursday. Walter Mochenhaupt completed his fall plowing and will not sow tjuinj the usual amount of wheat this fall, but will have some. Edward Kelley was a visitor in Weeping Water last Wednesday where he attended the ball game which was played by the V.VtpinK Water and Greenwood tams. Martin Johnson and wife and their little son. Sterling, of Kiebc-rt. Colo., wto have been visiting at Weeping Water, were spending last Wednesday at the home of Herrtan Rauth and wife. J. C. Rauth and son Herman Rauth and family. Miss I-na Cbriti&Ln and Miss Anna Rzsutn were all visit ing at Artor ioagt last hut day. tak ing their dinner arid enjoying a ji. nic dinner there. August Ptander ha completed his fall plowjrg. which in ronnd num bers amounts to acre- and about sixty-five a.e rt:s of this Le will put to wheat, believir, g that it will be a good chance the conn Eg year. Tred PtoLlnian. vbo last year l.ad f,f; acres of whe-at and which did not yield very good has concluded he wail not saw quite so much this year and has limited Lis a-creage to '.' tier which will not be ijuite ho much. Mrs. C. E. Mocker.haupt and daughter. Miss Sue. who it home for a visit with the folks were guests a.t the borne- of Waller Aieediei,haupt last Thursday, tliey enjoying a visit Miss Sue has graduated from the in stitution where she LaE been, but will take another short course- in nursing when Khe return es to the east. Enf alo Hunters. Four of the sportsmen of Man ley, nantedy Fred Kre-jklow, Joseph Wolpert, C. E. Mochenhaupt and Fred Reiner, all wenit ovt to tlie sand pits near Louisvilie- and with the paraphaik! which is required went into the Jishing game. Hold on here, we do not mean they wen enuipped as they formerly had to be with snake bile medicine, but they had hook line-s and bait, anil while Kreeklow and Wolpert did not got anything, Itueier and Mockenhapt were very successful as the.y lauued each a buffalo, hut th"y did not have horns. Woodmen Doing Hieely. Th" Woodman lodge of Manley has two candidates for initiation the coming meeting, they having been examined by the physician and are ready now to receive the mysieri.s of the order and to be insured by the same. "DEATH OF LITTLE CHILD From Saturday's Uaily The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ktava, south of Plattsmouth, was sad dened last evening when their little son. Lee Edward, aged fourteen months, was called to his everlasting reward after a very short illness. The little boy was born at the farm home on June 9. 1921, and passed away there on August 14th. at 0:30 p. m. The funeral services of the little one will be held at 2 o'clock Suuday afternoon and the burial will be at the Catholic cemetery west cf this city. In their bereavement the family will have the deep sympathy of the host of friends in the loss of their loved one who tor so brief a space of time was tho joy and happiness of the home. Surviving are the? parents as well a the grandfather. M. G. Stava. ami a number of aunts and unties resid ing here. Manley Buys Poultry Every Thursday at Highest Prices CASH 18c 7c 24c TRADE 20c 9c 26c Hens . . . Roosters Springs and Others in Proportion SAVE A LONG HAUL Cash or Trade R. Bergman Manley - - Nebraska THE Village Blacksmith is always ready to do your work ALL WORK IS GUARANTEED Plow and Wagon Work , a Specialty J. A. LEONARD the Blacksmith MAEXEY -:- KEERASXA