PAGE TWO PLATTSKOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1925. LOCAL NEWS Alvo Department Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Main Bldg., Phone 527. Hotel I rri mm mm, isiii m County Commissioner Fred Gorder was looking after some business for , the county in Alvo and vicinity last Thursday. Arthur Parcell. has been assisting in thf threshing at the home of H. L. Hornemekr and makes an excellent hand in this line. Eddie Crais of Johnson, where he is encased in the barber business was a visitor in Alvo list Sunday and was viiting with his friends and especial ly one. C corse Hardncr-k has been assist ing in the unloading of a car of sand at th Harming lumber yard, and also has been makin? some concrete blocks for the yard. . Mrs. Paul Johnson, who was strik en some four weeks since with paraly sis is still feeling very badly and un able to help herself and is being car ed for by the folks. Will Niekle was a visitor In Plattsmouth hist week where she was called to look after some business, making the trip in his car. and was accompanied by the family. Mrs. O. D. Babbitt, of University Plice. was a visitor in Alvo, for a fw days last week, with her mother, Mrs. J P. House, and also looking after somo business matters as well. Roy Coattnan was making the rough places smooth last Thursday when he was out with the tractor and drag and made traveling the better for we were enjoying his good work. John Woods was a visitor in Omaha lnt Thursday, where he went with a load of cattle which he had pur chased and was marketing at that Iil.ii'. taking them over in his truck. Peter Nickel and the folks were iiiincr with friends and relatives at Arcadia ar.d vicinity, making the trip in their car and beiner guests of rela-I tives while there. They will exject I to be away for about a week. ' W. W st fall has about gotten his f:imni(T plowing done and is ready, j wht-n the time comes, to reseed hisi luncheon which was served by the hostess. Dr. H. C. Leopold, Osteopathic physician and surgeon, phone 203. : j7-tfd Some Horse Shoe Pitching. There la getting to be some experts in the horse ehoe pitching game In Alvo and we were privileged to watch some fancy pitching last week when we were in Alvo, in the pecu liar twirls which Kenneth Cailey and Raymond Bushness were able to give the iron arches. Alvo Cafe Sold. Mrs. R. II. Ackley, who has con ducted the cafe at Alvo. since the selling out of the place by Mrs. Sam Humphrey, disposed of the business last week to Mrs. O. A. Baierg, of Omaha, who will conduct the business beginning Monday, Aug. 3rd. They Win and Lose. The Alvo ball team had two battles last Sunday in which they won one and lost the other. In the first game, which was staged between the Alvo team and the Yellow Cab's of Lincoln. Alvo won by a score of 14 to nothing, and in the second game the score was Lincoln 11 and Alvo 9. Are Seeing the North. A number of the young men, who have completed the harvesting and threshing in this neighborhood, de parted last week for the north where they will harvest in the Dakotas while the harvesting lasts. Among those who went were Herold McKin non. Jacob Rodaway. Lloyd Fifer, Walter Vincent and Elmer Taylor. Will Hold District Picnic. Messrs. Bert Kitzel. Floyd Dicker son and A. B. Stromer, members of the picnic committee of the Alvo lodge of the Knights of Pythias, were in Lincoln last Monday night, where they were members of the district committee having in hand the arrang lov.ueai. n,.e lue crop fQr the di3trict K. of p. picnic, iii luriie iiiis ji'ar ilk is niiiiim lj i , , try it asrain hoping for a better yield The Alvo Bible school were having a picnic at the Henry Vogte grove tast of Alvo last Friday, there being games and stunts of all kinds as well as refreshments and amusement a plenty. The all had a most enjoyable time. Charles Stcut, who has been em ployed in Lincoln during the summer and who h:is been at the home of his father. Thomas Stout for seme few wetks. departed last week for Canad where he went to engage in harvest ing a has been his custom of other years. Andy Urobst and family, who have been in Wisconsin for the most of the year, where he has been employed in the carpenter business, returned home last week, and Andy reports an abundance of work in his line, build ing, while the family say it is the greatest place to fish out of doors. Mr. and Mrs. fid ward Casey, of Linn. were in Alvo last Thursday where Mr. Casey was looking after some matters of business and also was vi-iitinc: with his friends, while Mrs. Casey was attending the meeting .f the Alvo Woman's club, which was in session at the home of Mrs. Charles Codbey. .T-ihn Culman and the family, of Mountain Grove. Mo., but who form erly lived at MeOrew, in the western portion of the state, were visiting in Alvo last Thursday, nnd were com pleting arrangements for the embark ing in the merchantile business in Wabash, in the room where Mr. Jackson formerly had a store. Herbert Smith and family of Lin coln, who have been staying Los Angeles during the fore part of this year, returned to Lincoln last week and were visiting at the home of Mrs. Smith's parents. Chris Eickman, .'".t Sunday. Speaking of Los Angeles Mr. Smith had to say that time are in a way quiet there through there is always much doing in that widea wake city. A. W. Hawkins of Weeping Water, was a visitor in Alvo last Thursday, and was looking after his business in the line of tuning pianos. Mr. Haw kins is a music instructor as well and has the teaching of the band of Mur dock. which has been making such phenominal success in their playing, as is evidenced by the great popular ity of their band concerts which are jjven weekly at that rustling sister town and which draws such immense crowds. which is to be held et Crete, August. 18th. Visiting in Minnesota. H. L. Bornemeler and family are departing the first of the week for Minneapolis, where they will visit for some time at the home of relatives of Mrs. Bornemeler, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Osterlag and family, and from there they will go to Madison, Wis consin, and visit at the home of Reuben Osterlag and family. They will expect to be away for about away week or ten days and are making the trip in the Essev auto, which Herman considers the most re liable gas wagon going. Wil Visit at Woodstock. Albert Benjamin Stromer, the car rier of the ma'l on the rural route out of Alvo, wita his family ,Ms taking a vacation, and has gotten into the universal car and departed for Wood stock, where they will visit with the wife's folks and will expect to be away for about two week3, the period of vacation the government allows their carriers. They will also visit at Chicago as well and see something of the real city life of the most active of America's large cities. While they are away R. M. Coatman will look after the getting of the mail to the patrons of the route. From Thursday's Dally Adam Meisinger uud wife of near Cedar Creek were here today attend ing to some matters of business with the local merchants. Mrs. Charles Tasler departed on the early Burlington train today for Western, Nebraska, where she will spend some time there visiting with relatives and friends. Mrs. Thomas Walling, Jr., who has been attending the American Legion auxiliary convention at Columbus, returned home thi3 morning after a very pleasant time spent at the state meeting. ed this afternoon for a visit or some wo wppIs at thf Yellowstone na- f tional park and other points in the scenicx west and where they will spend their vacation period. Father George D. Pierce and C. L. Pitman, who were attending the American Legion convention at Co lumbus, Nebraska, returned home last evening after a most pleasant time mingling wtih the members of the organization from all parts of the state. Miss Mildred Fleming of this city departed yesterday for Eagle where she joins Mr. and Mrs. Jesse West lake, cousins of Miss Fleming, and with them will go to Denver and Cn1rrain Surin"-! sis well as YelloW- stone park for an outing, making the Hip Vict auiu awn taiiiub v vv. way. i WILL FATTEN CATTLE From Saturday's Daily Robert Troop, Jr., one of the en terprising young farmers and cattle men of this section of Cass county, was in the city bright and early this morning to arrange for handling two car loads of feeders that were ship ped In today and which Mr. Troop will take to his farm near Mynard to fatten for the season. The cattle were recently purchased by Mr. Troop from one of the large stock farms near Grand Island and will make excellent feeders for the coming season. Mr. Troop has been engaged quite extensively in the cat tle feeding game in the past few years and has proven quite successful In this line of farm work, securing some real prices on the market for his stock. TWO HUNDRED NEBEASKANS AERIVE AT IOWA CAMP Meet With Mrs. Godbey. The Woman's reading club of Alvo ni't last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Charles Godbey, where they had a most pleasant gathering and a good ' northern Missouri which will sup lime. Tnere was a very worth while' V'Y the 1,600 men for the camp program given, which was enjoyed by Des Moines, la., July 31. Two hundred Nebraskans will arrive here tomorrow for the opening of the Citizens' Military camp at Fort Des Moines. This is said to be the largest single contingent from any of the three states Nebraska. Iowa, and A Portland, Ore., minister ia preaching sermons on the question. all. and it is safe to say that it wa beneficial to all who heard. Follow- t tl (T (tin -h-ws-an . 4 4 t. 1 ' im the club, wiikh called them together.' Can a girl rH hCT 8tockln an1 tb" social session was most perfectly ,stln be a Christian?" A reader sug enjoyed. as well as the excellent ' Rests she might be a Holy Roller. Hoi Weather Sure! Harvest is here. Our service will be just as efficient as ever. See us for whatever you need. How about a New Perfection Oil Stove, Ice Cream Freezer or an Electric Fan for hot nights. All kinds of Hardware and Farming Implements. Feed grinding. -TRUCKING! Coatman Hardware Co. ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA From Friday's Daily r-, L. R. Snipes, county agent, and Jj Carl Day motored over from Weep- ing today to visit with friends and fej look after some matters of business. Ej Fred Weidman of Plainview came down this morning for a few hours', fif visit, having been at Oman a securing r. a fine new Buick car for his agency in Plainview. j Charles Reichart and Frank Ack eles of Louisville were here today for a few hours attending to some mat ters of business and visiting with ' friends for a few hours. ! Charles HItt, Jr., and cousin. Era mett Hicks of Nehawka, were among those going to Omaha this morning where they will visit for a few hours looking after somo matters of busi- LJ.; ness. i ! Mrs. Dertha Jennings of Chicago, who has been here visiting at the home of her niece. Mrs. Hilt Martin and family, departed this morning for Omaha frow here she will return home. Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart of Cedar P4 Rapids, Iowa, and Miss Blanche Long Ej of Casey, Iowa, are here visiting at tne nome or .air. anu ;urs. i;nt .uar- tin, the ladies being relatives of Mrs.. Martin. Mrs. John Wunderlich, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, Lester Wunder lich and Miss Noell, all of Nehawka. were here yesterday for a few hours visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rosencrans and family. Mrs. J. A. Donelan, who has been !P 3 visiting at Nebraska Citv with her fV sister, Mrs. J. C. Thygeson'and fam ily and also enjoying an auto trip with the other members of the fam ilv. has rcttirnpd hnmc Miss Helen Wescott, who has been spending the past ten days at Grand . tif Island and Gothenburg, returned 'p-i home last evening. While at Grand i Island. Miss Wescott was a sruest of . tM the A. V. Hunter family and also at- : hu tended the Epworth League institute at Gothenburg over which Rev. Hunter served as dean. j r Fi-fim Sn t ii rdn v Tn ilv A. J. Sshafer of Mt. l'leasant pre-j pi vx-. v iua AW Or i v 1 1 w i - attending to some matters of busi ness with the merchants. Mrs. V. C. Jones of Oakland, Cali fornia, who is here visiting with friends, departed this morning for Lincoln to spend a few hours there with friends. W. R. Young of this city and Hen ry Ost of Ashland returned home yes terday from Perkins county, where they have been for several days. They report the wheat near Grant as run ning very heavy. Dan Neben from west of Murdock, accompanied by his sister. Miss Del la, and Miss Pearl Brakage, was here today for a few hours, the young la- ! dies attending the teachers' exami-i nation at the court house. ' Miss Clarissa Townsend of New-; ton. Mass, who has been here visit-il ing at the home of Miss Jessie Rob- : ertson for a Tew days, departed this morning for Denver and Yellowstone park where she will spend some time. Miss Robertson accompanied her guest as far as Lincoln. - ; Mrs. John Sneed and child rrn of Sioux City, were here yesterday for; a few hours visiting with their rela tives and friends for a short time. Mrs. Sneed reports her husband as doing very nicely following his recent severe burning in the explosion of a steam hose of his auto. 4 Kail's Catarrh Medicine Those who nrn in a "run-dovn" ooml! tfon jvlil notifp tfc&i Catarrh bothers tbe-m much more, than when they are in Kood health. This fact proves that whi! cat a rrn in a lnr-'t I ; .1 o i- i , i . -.. Influenced by cor8tlfntion! conditions. Combined Treatment, both Jo. al and in- v-, .;.. nu ms Deen BuccosFful in the c li111 ' c-?tarrh for over forty years. Sold bv nil rimetrists. B J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. duction, the California earthquakes; and other matters for the moment, ain't the Giants and the Pirates hav- j ing one hck of a race for the Na- i tionaJ pennant? ;.vV' u mm mim mmm m & m . wxrin m6i mm mm mm Emi tmm m ism mM p&i zm m- i&z 3 u -r wmm imim mm mm m I ml m m mim - fed mi m m mM . m mm mm mm mm mm mm u m ;-i k--i Ktm mi ui f - - - ---- '.a vmi T t--1 i'4 We are stocked with used cars and they must move. This is our bisr Mid-Summer Houseeleaning. Between 40 and 50 good used cars to be sold under the hammer to the highest bidder. bvery fi H S- irj 'Jafcda 88 da u dyi The cars to be sold include Ford Cars and Trucks, one Oakland, two Chevrolets, two Overlands, one Buick, two Oldsmobiles, two Reos, one Moline and several others. This will be a sale worth attending. Many bought bargains at our last sale and this is another opportunity. gjzsTfk ?-ur rx r: g?ar &xa msgs You Bw w Them at Yur Owj Onususliy Libar&i Qffsri Anyone having a car they wish to sell may sell it at this sale FREE OF CHARGE and have the proceeds applied on the purchase price of a New Fcrd Car or Truck. a auaB ci if To the person who pays the most money for a Car or Truck at this Auction Sale! Terms 0ns-is!f Oash, Oonvenianf Terms an si K & tl H H n ft B to h S U I 1 5 :M te5 fa I) U3 if-'i IJ III s 0 Plattsmouth, Nebraska 4 m w m f& p fTse t-" rv c-v lis 0 i a AT a OR SE-SIEE) REX UP!L MkU&tmnee -Ji n ii III lit 4 14 r a K.1 IK .-I 1