The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 11, 1925, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY. JUNE 11. 1925.
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
1 74 years ago last Saturday. There
(were there a number of friends who
came to assist In the proper observ-
jance of the event of the anniversary
r i m i i - l w. j
Rev. C. L. Elliott who Is the pastor,
Bays he could preach" Just-as well
u'Iidti it wna Hirlt nnrl illil it at that, '
His gestures could not be seen but his !
'of his arrival. Many solemn and voice good and strong, told the truth
other kind of changes have occurred tin a way that no one could mistake.
since that eventful sixth day of June! And they had the services light or
Edward Slocum of near Murray
was a business visitor In Union on
last Monday afternoon.
Business called Joseph Lidget to
the county seat last Monday, he mak
ing the trip via the automobile.
Mrs. " Addle Amos of Alhambra
California, was a visitor here with
relatives and friends for the past
Robert Troop of Plattsmouth was
a visitor in Union last Saturday and
was meeting many of his former
Edward Dowler and George BtlteB
are both kept very busy hauling
stock to the market at Nebraska City
and Omaha.
Talitha Smith was a visitor last
Monday afternoon at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. David Murray, south
east of Union.
Mrs. Frank Hughson and family
j'way back near the .middle of the no light
County Commissioner C. F. Harris last century. The merry crowd who
was a visitor in Platt6mouth last were present enjoyed the reminls
Tuesday where he was meeting wlthjcencea of the other days when this
the board to look after some bus!- country was new and also of the
ness for the couuty. more recent past when all enjoyed
Miss Iva Mougey who is nursing fishing In the Weeping Water and the
in Omaha was, a visitor with her par- ."Big Muddy." Mrs. Lynn who is an
ents in Union for last Sunday but excellent cook, was assisted Mrs. Jo
Hotel ;
Dr. SeliisnHra, Dentist,
had to return to Omaha early on the seph Lidget In the preparing and J.Iain BIdg., Phone 527. j
Dr. H. C. Leopold, Osteopathic .
Office 531'
Why send your business to
some other country?
If you want
come in and let us writs it
for you.
Bank of Union
Union, Nebraska
were V181ting latl ounaay si me Aiuauay iuuruiug n am. Dt-iuiB mo eiceiiein uiuic
i o Ura TTn ty-y, onn I T. T TVf -n crotr TVofl Ma flrt In wn hart i-Mrlron 'nnvprthlne Thfl
UUIUU JL 4X DIOLCI Ul veww, i A-- v. .uuucvJ v v " -. . - ' v - - CT . .
nin noar. a,v- !tho nf pawliprrlpa nn last Saturdav dinner was so pood that it ia eald I PliyslOian ana fiUTfrcon.
. V I. . i , .. - t i - .aw
ni unKv anr i"Voa HnhflcV o n A q!i:a h a a a trnml nlnV- f Ti r nn TITnn- -that Wftlev Wi-inl n rrl WHfl an hllPV I TlTqiti PA-rrr -r. n nn nfnfV Nn. 2lKi '
... . i L At ' . . . A 1 . ' . 1 .1 A V. . A A , 1 1 1,1,. I . . , '
tinn arcentea a nosiiion wiin iuh aay ne ia one 01 mv iuiiuuuib uu .canuK iuai o iofkui m ien uia pivj i moiHorna nnnnp vi;.v. titvk i
ii......i Dnidi Vi nroannt anrl 'n.-Viia i cir A 11 nnt froo7a nTiil fell! Iwhpn thf turn fimn ThnflO TlfPRPnt I
iniCDlUll X Ll L 1 11 1. W 1 L 11 U va.v I T'llL.l 111.' V 1 ...... . . " - " v. . u.i.u. x-
13 worKing aDOUl me siaiion. i t rans, xiauer aim eisier, aumh, . were. iirn. iviary jouubuu hi vc f Montlay's Uaily
E. E. Leach was a visitor In Oma-twere visiting on last Sunday at the lng Water and Mrs. Sarah Campbell William Clarence of east of Union,!
im xtiuiiuuy nuue uc uau ruui iiumc ui iui. uuu luu. xxtuiu mmiLo , 11. . . "... , 1 . " " -3 here today to attend me neaniig
business at the stock yards and also driving over la.their car ror tne aay,Josepn. juiaget. Jonn L.iaget ana wire, ju the county coart in the estate of j
attended the Ak-Sar-uen racea.
Lycurgus McCarthy of Nehawka
was a visitor in Union with his
tie day; Joseph Lidget. John Lidget and wife, , the county cojrt jn tno cs
much. ie6tley oodard Rev. C. L. Elliott, j h Clarence, deceased.
:h waa Dr. W. J. Luxford, Charles E. Graves, . t e ,
o uon.., t aa rw " t trTi n c,i ,. ,f William Brambt of Union w
brother. F. H. McCarthy for a few; guest at the home of his daughter,
days during the first part of the 'Mrs. J. M. Patterson and the chil
week. ;dren where all enjoyed a most pleas-
Among tnose wno are aiienuing ; ant visit
antr" enjoyed the occasion very
Joseph Fetzer of Plattsmouth
a visitor in Union last Sunday and n , Henry Lidget, Daniel Lynn and wife.
summer school at Peru this year are
Misa Eula Frans, Lavaughn Frans,
Sarah McQuinn, Ollle May Ray and
Winona Dysart
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our sincere
thanks to our neighbors and friends
Mrs. Luclnda Comer la very ill at who so wllHnsrlv assisted us during andou eP-tcr f-.-
her home with her son, George W. the illness, death and burial of our Pnn. caay u
Comer, northeast of Union, and "(beloved daughter and sister. Mar-
being given the best of care and jorle: also for the beautiful floral of
as here i
Saturday for a few hours attending to :
some matters of business and visit-1
ing with his many friends. I
District Judge James T. Hegley
Turpm were
ng a. session
of the district court there.
Joe Lidget of near Union, admin
Ore E. Copes, formerly a druggist i medical attention but still remain : fcrings. use of cars and the choir for istrator of the estate of William
in Avoca and who has Just recently very sick.
disposed of his business here, .was a Frank Freeberg and family of
visitor in Union for a few hours last Bern, Kansas, arrived last week and
Mondav afternoon 'are visiting wun relatives in iniou.
Rex Y
bung and wife of Platts- Mr; and Mrs M. Lynde being par-
mouth, Robert Troop of near Mynard "tl;
and Earl Troop of north of Nehawka I"-
were spending last Sunday at
home of E. E. Leach.
the music rendered Mr.
Jesse Crook and Family.
and Mrs. Clarence, was nere touay auenuins
the hearing in the county court.
W. H. Shopp of Milan, Missouri,
arrived here yesterday morning, to
snend Sunday and today with his
Summer Goods Needed!
Many Have June Birthdays
Afanv nvin1f wore horn In June
and we are agreeing that this is a parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Shopp
the . k- iryir: " 1U 2vuii Iborn and anything as to that for here Saturday for a few hours look
. ing a ibit at ue iome 01 guimxiu- j j , th flneet of the year , ft matters of business
'X iThose to celebrate their birthday, llv- and while here called at the Journal
- uwuuua nev. iuiui ouu iui.o6i.uu- . . ,Tnln vlHnltv and two Lffl
on rrVt fnp 1Tii 1rY-rr TTho r Lr n-ora via. ' " I
,""tiV A extra are: Dan L5-nn' orn June Glen - Ruthledrre of the Nehawka
"Diamond Edge a quality pledge" Scythes, Hand
Cycles, Pitchforks, &c. See me forprice3 on Manilla
Rope any size. We bought before the raise and
can sell less than wholesale now. Fine line of Oil
Stoves and Refrigerators in stock..
T x-nn n-hn la on eTnort flanpr. ' . . " I Hinierurise Wiis m in; iuujj
lonn, w no is an expert naner- i . C(-a . t?qi.kt r ct no hnm .Thua . . ,i.
, has found an excellent Place ' :S"Vo-,,v;nV-
h nrnmxhiA nstin, n n ri h n ' I0'. 1 8 63' Kn Nebraska, Mrs Henry ter of business and visiting with
" - Jiihrnnnn nnrn .liinp l. 1S4 i. it. I .1
many good catches on the farm TTnfnn Tr hnrn . nninn. .inP !S. l,u:uu3,
ph Lidgett at Rivervlew where T n imMn sr - Mr, L. A. Tyson of Limwoou, iormer
of Jose
a creek runs through the farm
Elmer McCowen and the family
drove down from Union last Satur-
Biggest Sensation in History of Drug
Trade Created by Sensational Med
The bige3t thing in medicine today i3 Karnak.
Nothing like it ha3 ever been eeen here before. Every
where, crowds throng the Karnak drug stores, eager for the
marvelous medicine that is producing such remarkable results.
When asked to what he ascribes
the tremendous popularity of Kar
nak, L. M. Carroll, Special Karnak
representative, answered:
"Merit alone is responsible for
the tremendous success of Karnak.
"Karnak brinps about real arid
substantial benefits in the way of
health, strength and vior. It is a
truly reconstructive tonic and body
builder. And the prompt r.cticn of
its ingredients is remarkable. You
can tell after the first few doses
that ycu are beinq: benefited ia a
naturarBubstaatiai vcay.
One or two teaspoonsful of Kar
nak before meals corrects disorders
of the c-tomacli, liver and kidneys,
aids digestion, cleanses the system
of impurities, builds up a natural
appetite for wholesome food and
stimulates and revitalizes the en
tire system. As a result you soon
begin to feci -lika yourfelf again,
brimful of new life and energy.
Karnak is sold in IMattsraouth
exclusively by P. G. Fricko & Co..
md by tho leading druggi&t in t-v-?ry
j a w
Hccco Perfect and Quick Etaal!
Did last week remind 70a of that Oil Stove I kave
for you. Why sweat and worry over a cook store
when you can keep cool by using a nice New Nesco
Perfect or Quick Meal Oil Stove.
Bring in your screen frames and
them with new screen.
I will cover them
Hardware F urniture Undertaking
Fred Clark, born June 29. 1S75. in
Nebraska: Lesla A. Derleer. born
Tuna IK 1 CO'? in TTTilrn Hnmo nrw
aay ior a isn oi over ouuuay auulf i,incoin: Glenn A. Rutledsre. of
wneu reiuriiiiiK tu uieir uuiiit; in
jN'ehawka. born June 29. 189 6. in
county clerk, was here today tor a
few hours visiting with the old time
friends and while here dropped in to
the Journal ofSce for a social call.
Sheriff E. P. Stewart was at Vvcep
Lincoln left little Helen, who is vie- Iowa; Wi'u c rtamsey, born June 30, ing Water and Avoca today to spend
itinp hero with her girl friends
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Foster and
their two daughters, Misa Mary E.
Foster and Mrs. Nettle Stanton, wero
visiting In Union last Sunday with
friends here, driving over in their
car and enjoying the visit very much.
Mrs.. It. R. Austin and son and
1S84. In Plattsmouth, now living in
Enjoy Renuion at Syracuse
In honor cf Uncle Gorman Copen-
haver there v.aa held at the home of
one of the family at Syracuse a fam-
daushter who make their home at!11? reunion last Sunday at which a
a few Hours mere aiieuning iu me
serving of a number of distress war
rants for the county treasurer.
Henry Klinger, the old reliable
Sixth street poultry king, who na3
been enjoying a short vacation, ia
back on the Job again and 1 joking
after the purchase of poultry from
For a very limited time we will sell for cash only
Sherwin-Williams Co. Commonwealth Red Paint in
5 Gallon Lots at $1.80 per gallon
10 " " 1.75 " "
We also have some very good Red Bain Paint, but
not Sherwin-Williams for $1.55 in 5 gallon lots.
We want to unload some woven wire. Get our prices.
We Appreciate Your Patronage.
Frans Bros. Lumber Co.
Fergus Im Sale!
I have for sale some choice farms, as follow:
160 acres 2 miles from Union
ICO acres V2 miles from Union"
80 acres IV2 miles from Union
80 acres land miles from Union.
80 acres land miles from Union.
This is all good farm land, some of it with
improvements, and some without. Prices
and terms right. If you are interested, call
or write me at Bank of Union, Union, Neb.
& rv8 rq e nisi
Lob Angeles, arrived here and are
visiting at the home of Mrs. Austin's
mother, Mrs. Nancy McNamee and
Eugene Austin and wife, parents of
Mr. Austin.
Ellis LaRue, who Is the efficient
and clever salesman in the L. O.
Todd store, was very sick last Sat
urday and had to have the services
of a physician but was able on, Sun
day to be about again and is feeling
much better at this time, .
Mr. and Mrs. M. L McCleve and
Mr. ana Mrs. c v. Huntington ana
their little one, all of Omaha, were
visiting and looking after some busi
ness matters in Union last Monday
afternoon. TheyN all driving down
in the car of Mr. and Mrs. McCleve.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis LaRue, who
have been living in the Baptist par
sonage, moved the first of the week
to the house which has Just been va
cated by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Simmons
when they went to Nebraska City.
The residence belongs to the Rev.
and Mrs. W. A. Taylor.
Mrs. D. C. LaRue and Ellis LaRue
and wife were visiting last Sunday
at Omaha where they were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Garrett who have themselves a brand
new home in Omaha in a division
known as "Maplewood." The home
Is very beautiful and well appointed
and they were very glad to have the
folks up from Union.
' Fleming Robb and family, living
south of town, were enjoying a fam
ily reunion of the family of Mrs.
Robb, that of L. A. Tyson and family
at Elmwood last Sunday, they driv
ing over Sunday morning for the oc
casion. There were many there and
all enjoyed the occasion very much.
Two brothers of Mrs. Robb had been
visiting at the Robb home for a por
tion of last week and returned home
with the Robb family.
L. G. Todd and family were at
Lincoln last week where they went
to enjoy the closing exercises of the
state university at which Miss Alice
Todd, their daughter, was one of the
graduates. Miss Alice graduated with
honors and returned home with the
parents, having concluded her school.
Mrs. H. M. Shumaker accompanied
them and was rejoiced to witness the
graduation not alone of Miss Alice,
but also of Master Mathew Shumak
er, her grandson, of Omaha, who is
also one of the class of 1925.
number of the citizens of Union were! bis patrons.
In attendance. Undo Copenhaver
was 86 years of age on June 4 and a
hale and hearty gentleman well ad
vanced in years. . There were from
here S. TV. Copenhaver and family,
County Clerk George R. Fayles was
at Louisville and Weeping Water Sat
urday eveing for a few hours attend
ing to some matters in connection
With tue special gravel bond elections
C. F. Harris and family, Lee Farrlsjln these precincts.
and family and also John Farrls and
family of near Murray.
Boy Scouts, Doing Work
The Boy Scouts of Union who are
a hustling bunch of lads are Just
now receiving their new uniforms
and as an evidence of their being en
titled to the suits, they have Just
cleaned up around the Baptist church
and put the place in excellent condi
tion and which is a credit to these
excellent young men.
Gustave E. Brubacher and bride
who have been spending their honey
moon in Chicago with relatives and
friends, returned home yetterday and
will 6oon take ud theirt new home
here in the Coronado apartments.
Gerald Dixcn. Operated On
Gerald Dixon, eon of Mr. and Mrs
Curtis Dickson of Fontenelle, has
been in the hospital at Omaha where interests, arrived here yesterday and
From Tuesday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. Noel U. Seney and
little eon, of Herman, Nebraska, are
here visiting with relatives and
friends. They are en route for Peru
where Mr. Seney, who is superin
tendent of schools at Herman, will
take summer school.
A. S. Will, who has been spending
some time in Mexico where he has
he has Just undergone an operation
for relief from appendicitis. Gerald
13 a lad of only four years and with
stood the operation finely and is get
ting along nicely. His grandmother.
Mrs. J. C. Roddy and two of his
Is spending some time here visiting
with his daughter. Mrs. Chris Spang
ler, and his son, Robert 13. Will, at
the farm north of this city.
John F. Gorder and sons, Harlan
and Frederick, depart today for
ILv"6?" Colorado, where they wil
iu ecu niiu. nils, uiiuu huu iue inu
other children are at the home of
their grandfather, J. C. Roddy while
the young lad is convalescing.
spend the summer on the large farm
of Mr. Gorder near that place, the
boys assisting in the work on the
farm during their vacation.
Tliey Should Know How to Farm
Dick Davis has farmed all his life
From Wednesday's Pall;
S" 1" ju""" ."Joying a short visit with the rela-
T. ":0 ruu raVt Hives and friends In
His Friends Assist Dan
Dan Lynn never regretted that he
selected the month of June in which
to be born and is rather well pleased
that he was born June 6, 1851, Just
reap and the proper time to plant
both oats and potatoes, but evidently
this city.
Mrs. G. H. Gilmore and son, John,
vhi- nn tho farm ho mnat hnw nulof Murray, were among the visitors
lowed someone else to look after the in tne clty today to pend a few hours
earden for this snrinir he nut out a looicng alter some mauers oi ousi
garden while winter nestled In thelness
lap of spring and it was nipped off I Joseph Kanka departed this morn
three times and be Is now waiting ling for Rochester, Minnesota, where
for It to recover from the last freeze! be goes to undergo an examination
although he has resolved to await land treatment at the Mayo hospital
hereafter until the frost is out of the in that city.
ground before he shall attempt gar-I Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis and Mrs.
dening. Anyway, you may know he Ed S. Tutt of Murrav were here yes
has tho best of advfee in the person I terdav afternoon for a few hours at-
of Mont Robb. who has observed how Itendinsr to some matters of business
other people farm.
Todd's Grocery
Union, Neb.
Carries only the best in Staple
and Fancy Groceries always
fresh at Seasonable Prices !
Fresh Meats
Cured Meats
Choice Fruits
Canoed Goods
An excellent line of Shoes at
less than city stores charge!
L. G. Todd & Co.
Union, Nebraska
and visiting with friend3.
Gus Hyers, former state sheriff,
now real estate dealer or Lincoln,
was here this morning for a few
hours, making the trip through via
auto from his home to look after
some matters of business.
C. H. Taylor, former county attor
ney of Cass county, with Mrs. Tay
lor, who have been visiting with rel-
Cars Collide South of Town Jatives while on a trip east from Long
A large Omaha car and another I Beach, California, were hero toda
lone whose whereabouts was unknown j visiting with friends, motoring up
collided south of Union last Sunday jfrom Union, their old home.
wun me reeun mat nom me cars re- i c. II. Peden, who Is now spending
.ceived very severe damages and the! his vacation at Dawson, was here
occupants were very badly shaken 1 yesterday for a few hours, enroute
. Will Present Pageant
The exercises of Children's day
will be held at the Methodist "church
in Union the coming Sunday evening
and will consist of a pageant which
is being prepared under the direction
of the ladies of the church.
up but not otherwise injured.
Experts to Ene-aee in Bnsiness
A. L. Becker went west during the
present week and will look after the
the harvesting of one hundred and
fifty acres of hay and grain which
home from Omaha where he was in
conference with Fred J. Davie, re
No. 8, and who has Just recently
taken over the w i"rk in this district.
John Gauer
the vicinity
From Wedncsiiny's lially
This morning Mrs. Martha Weton
kamp, one of the well known resi
dents of this city, was able to walk
down town for tho first time in a
period of several months as she has
been confinod to her home since
early la the winter is the result of a
Taber, in Interview, Also Declares .'fractured 3 nklc that gave her a great
a jt-xQ -ryn ' . . -r, , .deal of pain and suffering. Mrs.
Advocate Development Of Bet- Wetenkamp has been down several
ter Marketing Methods. j times in a car but this U tho first
jtime she has been able to walk
'down and is feeling very haopy over
Kearney. Neb., Development of ; the fact that the injured limb is now
better marketing methods and the i in such shape that sho can u.-o it
support of the eighteenth amendment j without' danger and discomfort. The
by farmers was advocated hero to- f -lends over tho county -a ill be
day by L. J. Taber, master of the Na- pleased to learn that sho i now able
tional Grange, in an interview be- to be around 03 of old and to moro
tween trams. Mr. Taber was en j fully enjoy life.
route to fct. iJaui to address the in
ternational convention of Kiwania
clubs, and to San Francisco, where
he will address the National Electric
Light association. j
"Agriculture is slowly coming)
back," said Mr. Taber. "A return-;
ing purchase power for the farmer .
will, in the not far distant future, be !
reflected in the industrial life of the
nation. i
"The farmers' problems will be i
solved largely by the farmers them
selves, working thrqugh their own :
organizations. ;
"The farmers most important'
problem is the developing of better j
marketing methods.
"Agriculture i3 interested in strict '
enforcement of law. Everything that j
the farmer produces is capable of
substitution, adulteration and imita- j
tion. Consequently, agriculture views
with alarm the violation of the eigh- J
teenth amendment."
Regs wanted al the
nal office.
Last evening Commander W. R.
Holly of the local Legion post, with
James F. Doyle and J. B. Parker.
advance man of the Isler Greater
Shows, visited Red Oak, Iowa, where
the shows are this week, being offered 1
there under the auspices of the Amer- .
lean Legion of that place. I
The Isler shows are to be offered !
here for one week commencing on
next Monday, June 15th, and as at
lied Oak will be under the manage- ,
ment of the local American Legion :
arum and ougle corp3.
The Plattsmouth visitors return
with many warm words of praise for
the big high class carnival company
and their fine array of high class at
tractions that make them one of the
best carnival companies on the road.
While at Red Oak the party had
the opportunity of viewing two of
the raro members of the reptile king
dom in "Annie" and "Nero," two of
the Pipen family of snakes, being
natives of the south of India and
where they were secured for shipment
to the United States. These two
snakes weigh some 500 pounds and
are well trained and attractive feat
ures of the many special attractions
of the carnival company.
The carnival company has also
with their animal tent a two year
old monkey, "Arbor Lodge" who de
fies both Darwin and Rryan and was
born in Nebraska, on the occasion of
the visit of tho carnival company to
Nebraska City two years ago.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Moye Produce Co.
PaaSir?, Eggs, Gream
i Sells Chix Feeds and Oyster
From Monday's Dally
This morning, Harry Lewis, of
Chicago, well known writer for the
er. the exnert shooter of Saturday Evening Post, vai in the
of Cedar Creek, and alao'city for a few hours, being en route
"Prompt and Courteous Ser
vice Our Motto!"
Opposite Tidbail Lumber Co.
Piattsmouth, Nebraska
one of the most genial and whole
will take him with the time put injsouled gentlemen in the country, was
threshing and marketing the grain Ihere today for a few hours and while
considerable time. He expects to be here was a caller at the Journal -to
away for some time. Following this renew his subscription to the weekly
he will return and engage in busi- edition of the paper,
ness in Union but Just the kind he Mrs. J. W. Hendricks of near Mur
is not ready to say at this time. How- ray was hera yesterday afternoon for
ever he is having the building paint-la few hours looking aa'ter some mat
ed and put in condition for use on Iters of business and visiting with
his return. Carl Snavely, Jr., is j friends. Her son, Vern Hendricks,
wielding the paint brush and will! who has been Ettendintr the state
'soon have things looking much bet-1 university, ia how remaining there
ter. for the summer school work.
with his family for a tour over the
west in the interests of hi3 paper
and to secure some local color for
the etorles that he offers to the read
ing public eacii week. Mr. Lewis
and family speijt last night at Omaha
and this morning started on their
auto trip to Kansas, making stops at
a number of places to gather up data
for his sketches and stories.
Red Bird Poultry
. Yards
There is every shade of paper and
many beautiful special designs of the
Lennison company to be found at the
Eatss Book and Gift SIjot). Now is
ths time to inspect these lines if you
The Light Went Out
n wild .uit; ngnis at me -ueiaoQisi I . . ... 4t,
church went out last Sunday the ser-f Pure bred Shorthorn bull. Ivan Wish, anything in tut line 01 crepe
vices went on Juat the same and tbe'De Les Dernier, Murray, Xebr. - 'paper or crepe paper napkins.
Eggs and Fancy Poul
try Dressed or Live
1018 N.llth St.
Phone 309-J, Plattsmouth