The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 21, 1925, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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THUKSBAYi MAY 21. 1925.
B. A. McElwain, gave a number that
was greeted with great enthusiasm
and as an encore Mr. Minor respond
ed with a very pleasing bass solo.
To add to the variety and interest
of the evening, Miss Evelyn Robb,
the accomplished daughter of Rev.
and Mrs. W. R. Robb, gave her read
1;J'',U' t,'M W'i in mmm LTV. J immn
(1 Thi
The Store of Big Values
i 1 1 11 1 ' "" 1 '
Lincoln Woman Gives
Amazing: Facts. Re
markable Power Of
New Medicine More Ev
ident Every Day.
Day by day the amazing health
bnilding powers of Karnak, the f en
sational new medicine on sale here,
is more evident.
As an instance of what Kamak
will do, the experience of Mrs. Ma
fcel Christiansen, of 1101 S. 33n
St., Lincoln, Neb., is given just as
she tells it:
"While I was in the drug- store
today eleven people bought Kar
nak, and I don't wonder that it is
so popular with everyone since it
has been so wonderful in ridding
rna of all my troubles," declared
Mrs. Christiansen.
"For the past five years I suf
fered from stomach troubles in its
worst form," continues Mrs. Chris
tiansen. "I couldn't eat a morsel
without suffering agony for hours
afterwards. Gas pressed around
my heart so terribly I often
thought I had heart trouble, and
I would have awful headaches and
weak, dizzy spells. My sleep was
so nervous and restless I just
dreaded to see night com, and it
just seemed like I could find noth
ing that would help me a particle.
"Sut this wonderful Karnak has
just ended my troubles completely.
I have gained in weight and never
felt better than I do now. I found
the Karnak Pills splendid for con
stipation, also. I am just like a
different person in every respect,
and I am so happy to be well and
strong again that I want to tell
everyone about Kamak."
Over TOO.OOO bottles of Kamak
sold in fcur states in ten months."
Karnak is sold in Plattsmouth
?xclmively by F. G. Fricke & Co.,
mil by the leading druggist in ev
iry town.
Well Known Des Moines Divine Tells
of the Need For Home Train
ing in Obeying the Law.
From Wednesday's Daily
Last night a party of some 119
men of the community followed with
the closest attention a most inspir
ing address that was given at the
banquet at the First Christian
church and at which the orator of
ing, "Jimmy Under the Table,"
which was aarded first prize at
the state high school contest at Lin
coln. The Rev. S. R. Bradley of Weep
ing Water, who is leaving his charge
in the next few weeks, was called
upon and gave a few words of praise
for the work of the men of the
church and the lines of his future
work in the educational field of the
The Weeping Water male quartet
composed of Cyrus and Harrison Liv
ingston, Clyde Jenkins and Harold
Harmon, with Mrs. Harmon at the
piano as accompanist, gave a most
enjoyable number and later in the
evening, Mr. Harmon, who has a
very beautiful voice, favored the
company with a solo number. i
The speaker of the evening took
as his subject "The Meaning ofi
.Greatness." stressing man's measure!
of his obedience to authority, divine,
or civil. As an illustration the for-I
; mer army chaplain took the example j
of a hammer that could strike a j
2,000 pound blow on a bar of iron i
3 uesday, Hay 2S?h
Store Open Tuesday Evening!
Extraordinary values in wom
en's and children's hats. Straw
and straw fabric combinations.
They're on the toboggan and
have taken their final drop to
Pretty little hand made dresse3
for the baby, made of fine ba
tiste. These are the kind of
dresses for service as well as
good taste. Sizes 0 to 1 year.
. : i. r-.. T."
. ,c, 'an1 coll,d under the guidance of an
Robb, chaplain of the 16Sth infantry ivnrt ,.,, tlwJ clloM f nT1
of the Rainbow division of the A. E ip The control or reat forces of
P., sheriff of Folk county, Iowa, and- nd f d-nennt
on the obedience to the will of the
Picture Framing
and Furniture
John P. Sattler
rmnnnsa, run
rm i it nam run
"t 1 ; . . ; ;
Funeral Director
Office, 4 00 Res.,
Money to Loan on
Real Estate!
PIal!siTi9iit!i Lean &
Min Association
minister of the Christian church in
the state of Iowa.
The banquet was given under the
auspices of the Men's club of the
First Christian church and was the
largest in the point of attendance
and interest that the men have
The ladies of the church had pre
Large Delegation From This City
Plans to be Present at Big
Meeting Thursday.
From Wednesday's Paily
The first district American Legion
convention will meet at tails City
pared a real feast of chicken pie that jtne speaker related o
served as the opening feature of thenien tQ the lQW'a gtate
of the members of the i
Die justice. The tables were very I
handsomely arranged and furnished
a pleasing part of the evening's en
tertainment. ,
The invication was aeked ty the
Rev. C. L. Edwards nf thf United
.. ti.sto,ti, ;a rr. bo in at. meniDers or me party were seaieu
tendance ac-cording to the present around the festal board.
plans to extend the invitation of tnis' luc vaie,
!citv to the convention to hold their, .""'"s i""
196 meeting here frram of music furnished by the Up
i The following is the program for to Date Tuneweavers, an orchestra
ithe day at the convention: lof this city composed of Mrs Helen
I 12:00 nccn Registration at CitylPP. Pauline Parker, Paul Vander-
m. Parade, beginning at'Ledgeway, which was of a very high
ijpe anu urew mucn appiause irum
the members of the banquet party.
Almighty. j
One of the deplorable features of I
the present day, Rev. Robb pointed j
out, was the fact that in the past ;
year 180,000 of the youth of thei
country were confined in the prisons
and penitentiaries of the nation.
From his own personal experience.
f taking 300
pleasant evening and to which all.from lk ominv nU, T!o rflJnt i
the party did am- the fact thatsaI1 of the state prisons
were overflowing and still crime was
on the increase. This was because
of the fact that the spirit of law
obedience was lacking in the teach-j
ings and life of the people of the
nation. He urged the home training !
234 yards of 81-inch sheeting,
slightly starch filled, but woven
from smooth, firm threads.
Plenty of allowance for shrink
ing. Per sheet
lien's semi-dress socks, colors
cordovan, black. Woven from
very fine cotton yarns, Icng
elastic rib tops, sizes 10 to 11.
SEVEN pairs for
Men's fine dress shirts famous
"Beau Brummel" make. Plain
white and fancy shirting ma
terial. Values to $2.25. A bar
gfiin extraordinary at
Children's play oxfords, solid
leather construction, stitched
down extended sole, in dark
brown. Good selection of sizes.
Per pair
2y2-yard lengths cf mercerized Men's fine knit union suit3, an
table cloth, 58 inches wide in kle length, short sleeve, closed
very pretty patterns. A big
value at
Thursday and a very large delega- Brethren church of Mynard as theof the' child as or.o of the
I 1:00
'City park. Each Legion post will
' march in body with their colors.
2:00 p. m. Dedication ceremo
; nies. Introduction of department
J commander, C. M. Bosley, by Wil
li iam P. Schneider, post commander.
Miss Mathilde Olson also gave a very
pleasing whistling solo aa a part of
the evening's musical offering.
The members of the banquet par
ty led by Manford Drake also gave
. T-olla rstir Tinat Prpspn t n t i nn nf
1 presiding "officer," Earl M. Cline, by several of the old familiar songs that
I Commander Bosley. Remarks by
Spotted Poland China '
By Creator 0I.S71 anl The .
Commodore 0 1, Of". Crestor
Is i-a:d to be the host pro- c
ducing Loar of the breed.
He v.-as lirst priz aped boar
at Nebr. State Fair last fall. -
These boars will weigh in
neighborhood of 375 pounds. .
We are also offering sows
for fall farrow. Call or write
R. H. Injwcrson & Sons
Nehawka, Nebr.
. ..
! Earl M. Clir.e, past department com-
mander. Prayer, Rev. Reed. Pre
i B?nt?.tion of speaker. Address by
j Hon. George A. Williams, lieuten
ant governor of Nebraska. Accept
ance address, Hon. Paul B. Weaver,
chairman county board. Song, quar
tet. Star Spangled Banner, audience,
j 3:20 p. m. Ball game at City
Ipark. Shubert vs. Falls City. (Le
'ginnnair'r, admitted free.)
; 6:00 p. m. Supper at Stanton
.Lake. (Legionnaires free.)
7:00 p. m. District convention.
Convention railed to order, Lloyd
'Peterson, department executive com
'mitteeman. Report of First district
.activities, F:ank B. O'Connell, de
Ipartment adj-Jtant. Address, C. M.
j Bosley, department commander. Ad
(irsss on endowment campaign, Taul
Seidlr-r, field secretary. Resolutions.
(Selection place of next meeting. New
' business.
1 9:00 p. m. Dance. (Free to all
Legionnaires. )
J NOTE liy order or department
.officials, this convention is strictly
i for Leirionnalres in good standing
ifor 1925. so be sure to your
1925 Legion card. Visiting Legion
nr.ires must register, where they
will bo issued tickets good for free
admittance to the bail game and to
the supper.
were very much enjoyed.
The banquet was presided over by
Herman Thomas in his usual pleas
ing manner and in his introductory
remarks for the various speakers he
was very clever.
The Plattsmouth male quartet,
composed of Frank A. Cloldt, Ray
mond C. Cook, Lynn O. Minor and
TV A- - ?
This is the funny kind of
weather, you read about.
Too csid for straw hats;
Too hot for fur caps.
When you and weather are
ready so are we!
Tii3 Gresni cf the Straws
$1.50 to $4
From Wednesday's La.ily
Two more of the precinct assessors
cf the county have completed their
work of listing the property for tax
ation. George V. Pickweli of Mur
dock, assessor of Elm wood nrecinct.
was number three of the assessors to
report yesterday afternoon and this
morning. Lisle L. Hortcn of Elm
wood was the fourth to report, bring
ing in his report on Stove Creek pre
cinct. The work is now being round
ed up in fine shape.
Coming to
in internal medicine -for the
past twenty years.
bilities of the father and mother, to
teacher the child that was forming
character of the sacredness of law
and its necessity for having the obe
dience of the every citizen in the
The Rev. Walter R. Robb wa3 al
so called upon for a few remarks and
expressed the feeling of appreciation
of the class of the assistance that
the Plattsmouth people, not members
of the class, had given in making
the banquet a groat success.
The members of the banquet par
ty gave special recognition to Sidney
Bradley of Bedford, Iowa, father of
Rev. S. R. Bradley, who was in at
tendance and also Dr. C. K. Cotner
of Bridgeport, Conn., the audience
standing and giving them n real sa
lute. The banquet was pleasantly closed
by the benediction by the Rev. Frank
Emory Pfoutz of the First Methodist
There was a very large attendance
of the members of the church at
Weeping Water to enjoy tho event of
the banquet.
1 From Wednesday's Daily
Last night shortly before 12
o'clock the city was visited by tho
first real summer storm of the sea
son and which while not of long
duration wa3 one that did a great
deal of good to vegetation of all
kinds. The rain storm was preceded
by quite a heavy electrical disturb
ance and also some hail but not suf
ficient to cause any serious damage.
The rainfall from the hills sweep
ing down Into the main section of
the city caused a noticeable flow of
water along Main street which
cleaned off the paving in fine shape
and freshened up the general ap
pearance of the business section.
South of this city at Murray, very
little rain was reported while north
and west of Plattsmouth the rainfall
seems to have been heavier than it
was here.
From Wednesday's Dallj'
This morning. Dr. II. C. Leopold
operated upon Miss Amelia Freder
ick of this city for the removal of
her tonsils which have been giving
her some i rouble of late. The op
eration proved a great success in
every way and the patient is now do
ing nicely and In a few days hopes
to be over the effects of the operation.
From Wednesday's Dally
This morning an administrator
was appointed in the estate of Mar
cia Wood, the county Judge naming
John H. Wood of Wabash as the ad
ministrator. The estate is located
in the central part of the county and
the interests of the estate looked af
ter by Allen J. Beeson of thia city
as the attorney.
About 10 traahela St. Charles
white seed corn, picked before the
froet came; will test DS per cent.
Murray, Netnc
ncning, Dieeaing, protruding or
blind piles have yielded to Doan's
Ointment. 60c at all stores.
Will Give Free Consultation on
Monday and Tuesday
MAY 25 and HAY 26
from 10 a. m., to 4 p. m.
People Come Many Miles for an
Opportunity to Consult This
Leading Specialist
Dr. Doran, Chief Specialist of the
Medical Laboratory, 335-336 Boston
Block, Minneapolis, Minn., is a regu-
crotch, ecru color, all sizes to
16, at each
Ruffled curtains of white Mar
quisette, 2V4 yards long, com
plete with tie backs. Very fine
quality. Per pair
Silk crepes, printed and plain,
heavy weight silk and cotton
Beautiful colors
Per yard
White middy blouses, with
navy blue flannel collars. All
eery finely tailored. Values to
?5. Special, each
Black sateen the cloth of a
thousand uses. We are offering
you an excellent quality, three
yards for
White crochet
size 78x84. A
value, each
bed spreads
most unusual
Stamped needlework. Big as
sortment of pretty patterns go
ing at, each
Princess 6lipi, fine muslin in
regular and extra sizes. Deep,
double hem, each
Women's crepe nightgowns in
pink and white or novelty
white crepe. Each
Fine all linen huck towels
deep hemstitched hems. Spec
ial price, each
Assorted lingerie for children
and misses. Values to $1 each.
Very special, TWO for
1 $1 j $1 ! $1 I
it -g
i a
Passes Away at the Family Home on
Wintersteen Hill After an Ill
ness of Some Duration.
.RECEIVE PLEAS Alii. NEWS daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Severin
-Krejci of this city, and is well known
Tho friends here have received the I ?rf4 as wa3 graduated in the
announcement of the arrival of a Plattsmouth schools and was one of
line most taienteu members of her
'class. Mr. Brown is engaged as an
express messenger on the Burling
' ton.
fine little daughter at Kansas City to
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. The
mother of the little one was former
ly Miss Verna Krejci of this city, a
From Wednesday's Dally
This morning Mrs. Fred Rice pass
ed away at the family homo on Win
tersteen hill following an illness
covering several months and in
which she has heen gradually sink
ing despite all that medical skill and
During the most intense part of j loving hands could do to prolong her
the storm the street lights were out
of commission caused by the elec
trical disturbances on the transmis
sion lines and this added to the se
vere aspect of the storm as the skies
veiled in heavy hanging clouds were
revealed only in the flashes of lightning.
From Wednesday's Dally
Mrs. George W. Goodman, matron
of the county farm, west of the city,
was given a most delightful surprise
last evening when a large party of
ladie3 from Weeping Water visited
the farm and tendered her a wholly
unexpected greeting. The ladies had
accompanied their husbands to this
city where the gentlemen were to
attend the Christian church banquet
.7 i. in,i;An .1 4 i n
lar graduate in medicine and surgery. l?"u ,aul" .V1 T
Ifo iridic, .nfooci.lW V. ty, 4 1 L 1 1 1.113. UUUUUWU.
portant towns and cities and offers
to all who call on this trip free con
According to his method of treat
ment he does not operate for chronic
appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of
stomach, goitre, tonsils or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful re
sults in diseases of the stomach, liv
The deceased lady was formerly
Miss Anna Bulin, born and reared in
this city and where she was married
several years ago to Mr. Rice. She
has suffered the bereavement of the
parents and a number of the brothers
end sisters who have preceeded her to
the better world. To survive her
death there are, the husband, two
brothers, James and Joseph Bulin of
this city and one sister,
Funeral arrangements will be an
nounced later.
The time was spent in visiting and
also in participating in a fine picnic
supper that was appreciated to the
utmost by all of the members of the
party. After the supper the ladies
motored to the Christian church to
enjoy the addresses at tho banquet.
Those who were here were: Mes
dames Eert Reed, Earl Towle, Clyde
Jenkins, .S. R. Bradley, Harrison Liv
er, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, t ingston. Cyrus Livingston, all of
kidneys, bladder, bed wetting, ca-t Weeping Water, and Madame Brad-
tarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, scia
tica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments.
If you have been ailing for any
length cf time and do not get better,
do not fail to call, as Improper meas
ures rather than disease are very
often the cause of your long stand
ing trouble.
Remember above date .that con-
ley of Bedford, Iowa, mother of the
Rev. S. R. Bradley.
All persons who have not paid the
assessment for 1925 on their lota in
the Young cemetery, are requested
to do so. Pay to D. O. Young or
sultation on this trip will be tree:leave 11 ln the N"m r
, , ml9:3td-4tw Secretary.
Married women must be accomp-'
anied by their husbands. ) Doan's Regulets are recommended
' Address Dr. Doran, Chief Special- by many who say they operate eas-
ist. Medical Laboratory, 335-33C ily, without griping and without bad
Boston Block, . Minneapolis, Minn. after effects. 30c at all drug stores.
From Wednesday's Daily T
Mrs. S. E. Kerr, one of the old
residents of the city, who has been
spending the past winter at Houston,
Texas, with her son, Merritt Kerr
and family, writes to the Journal
ordering the daily edition of the
paper sent to her that she may keep
in touch with the old time friends.
Mrs. Kerr is not certain as to when
she will return to the north as she
is having a real time in the Houth
and enjoying very much the sights
and hospitality of the southern city.
She states that Houston is a very
fine place and one that has a great
deal of natural beauty and with a
great many places of Interest to
visit. Mrs. Kerr was planning to
visit San Jacinto battlefield, twenty
miles southeast of Houston, as the
roads- in that section are of the very
best and makes opportunity for many
ideal outings.
Seven room house, modern except
heat. 720 Locust street.
For any pain, burn, scald or
bruise, apply Dr. Thoiaas' Eclectic
Oil the household remedy. . Two
sizes, 30c and 60c at all drug stores.
It's No Joke Now
A Straw Hat
is a necessity. Your old straw won't do
this season if you wish to be in style.
The brims are a little wider and crowns
slightly higher. New fancy bands if you
want them. Prices
$2 to $5
C. E. Wescoti's Sons