The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 23, 1925, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    J 1
Union Department
Thursday, Aran, 23, 1925.
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
When you are wanting papering
Elliott. A15-2sw
Mr. James F. W ilson, who has b en
visiting in Lincoln for a sdiort time,
returned home last Sunday.
Sheriff K. P. Stewart was a visitor
In Union last Saturday, looking after
Bome legal business while here.
P. IJ. Everett of Nebraska City was
a visitor in Union last Saturday lock
ing after some business matters for
the day.
Clarence W. Flabiohman of near
Nehawka was a visitor for a short
time looking after some business
Council Bluff were spending last! Mrs. Leslie Everett was hostess at
Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. her home for the Missionary Society
W. J. Luxford. where all enjoyed the of the Methodist church, and made
visit very much. ithe day one of much pleasure for the
Mrs. J. M. Patterson and children ; ladles of the society, and at which
were visiting at Plattsmouth last meeting a most worthwhile program
Saturday, they driving over to thoiwas rendered, as well as the work
county seat in. their car and werej for the church which the society
guests of Airs. Patterson's father, Mr. 1 is doing which called them together.
Joseph Fetzer, while there. I All were loud in their praises of Mrs.
W. II. Marks and wife were visit-Everett as an entertainer,
ing with friends in and near Nehaw-j Mesdames J. C. Hansel and Ralph
ka last Sunday afternoon being ! Pearsley, entertained their friends at
' tt T-r-i n r-r T h i o off ornnnn Thn tc
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Chappcll
where they drove with the car for a
very pleasant ' visit during the after-
Paul Annlecnte was a visitor in t noon.
Plattsmouth last Monday called there j C,orge Wray formerly of Union,
to' look after some business matters ( but who has been with the Missouri
for the day ' Pacific at Ralston for some time, was
Miss Catherine Kills of Wcrpir ! a visitor here last Sunday and a guest
Water, sister of Mis. Ellis LaRue, j at the home of his son. Troy Wray,
was spending the week end with her i and wife. they .all enjoying the visit
sister in Union. very much.
Mr. Curg McCarthy of Xehawka ! Clifton D. Smith and wife and Mrs.
was a visitor for the day mi Mon-jW. H. Panning were visiting in
day and a guest of his brother. Mr. j Plattsmoutii. where they attended the
F. II. McCarthy wJiil hero. j Methodist church services during the
Mesar. V. 15. Ilanning and Vin-j morning and also stayed for the
rr nt S'r.iuli were lookinir after some ! services at the Christian church in
busin'-ss matters in Denver latt Fri
day to Tuesday of this week.
Col. W. It. Young, the auctioneer
of Plattsmouth. and a royal good fel
low as well a. the best of an auction
eer, was looking after some business
in Union last Monday.
the evening.
Sec C. L. Elliott for paper hanging,
he is ready and will do it right.
Mrs. L. G Todd entertained the
members of the Women's Christian
j Temperance Union at her home last
Fred W Smith of Plaltrmoutn was : Tuesday, and where a most wortn
Inokir.g after some matters in Union j while program was given, as well as
last Monady, driving down in his car, the ladles having a fine time during
and looking after some matters fur ; the" social hour and a delightful
the Plattsmouth Motor Co. j luncheon before leaving.
Louis Schumaker was a visitor in Messrs. Ira Clarke and Rruee
T'nim, Inst Mondav both in the morn- Wolfe are at this time constructing a
ing and afternoon hauling corn and 'oat. which they will use for hunting
purchasing Soudan grass seed for j a"i fishing when completed, and frfem
the looks of the craft we would judge
it will be a good one for the purpose
Bowing for a pasture at hm home. ij.iiku nun tt lit. iiiui .ii. emu . , . . - - . . .
i.iii. ,..111.1 ... . . nnp i-.tA an.mrti f rftirnrHinf hnn fa Inn
Mrs. E. W. Keedy were attending I ' ? .V'"
John W. Panning, the lumberman
services at ..eornsKa i-iiy last Min-
day. and also enjoying the ride as
the to,-'i!s weiv in fine condition.
Henry II. Pecker ha.? b en s ieving
lumber at the borne of Cxi 1 PalTour.
and in three days was able to pro
duce Foine 12.0(h) fct of lumber and
has some weeks sawing yet to do.
Elmer McCoven and family wire
down last Friday, and. as Mr. Mc
Cowen was very busy, had to return
the same day while "".lis. McCowcn
and the children remained until Sun
day. Mrs. Mary Luxford nr.d daugMcr,
Mrs. Dewey Christenson, both of
Bruce Wolfe
General Blacksmlthlng
Wagon Work
Uoree Shoeing, Hist azd Plw
Work a Specialty
D. C. LoXUie'i Old Staad
Bruce Wolfe
from Alvo accompanied by Mrs. Pan
ning, was visiting in Union and
neighborhood last Sunday, they be
ing guests at the homes of Mrs.
Henry W. Panning and Henry O'D.-.n-ell
for the day and stopping in Uri-ut
for a short time to visit with others.
Lucian LaRue was a visitor in
Onnha last Friday and Saturday
where he sang at the Empress Thea
tre, on Friday evening, and again at
the broadcasting station, WO AW. on
Saturday evening. Lucian is indeed
an excellent f inger and with practice
getting better every time he ap
pears Miss Alma Johnson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, who is
attending school at one of the princi
pal hospitals in Omaha, is making
good progress with her work, and
while she is desirous of getting down
home for a short visit with the folks
the work is such that it is difficult to
get away.
Roy (Jarrens. while working with
II. H. Pecker, assisting :n sawing
lumber, had the misfortune to get
one of his feet mashed in such a way
that he has boon put out of commii
sion for the time being. The young
man is getting along nicely but it
will be some time before he will have
the unimpaired use of his Injuried
W. L. Taylor of Omaha was a vis
itor a number of times in Union last
Monday, he ho tiling corn from the
MeCathey elevator to his home at
Nehawka where he is using the same
I for feeding. The matter of getting
the corn necessary for feeding pur-
I poses is one which is at this timo
; puzzling many of the feeders noth
" with ing the highness of the cereal.
day, at a very pleasant gathering,
when a shower was given in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McQuinn, Mrs.
McQuinn foremerly being Miss Fan
nie McCarroll. A fine time was had,
and many useful presents given tho
newly wedded couple. The wishes
expressed by all present for a long
happy and useful life were tendered
by meeting.
Enjoys Visit at Murdock,
Messrs. and Mesdames L. fl. Todfl,
Wj H. Banning and C. I). Smith of the
Pank of Union were most heartily
entertained on their visit at Murdock
where the meeting of the Cnss Coun
ty Ranking Association was held on
Arbor day. The Union people were
loud in their vpraise of the people of
Murdock in their entertainment of
visitors to their rustling city.
1Zts. Margaret McKnight, Aged 90
Years, Dies at Kome of- Her
D. C. LaRue.
Hatching Eg?s For Sale
Purs bred Plymouth Kocc efigB for
hatching. $3.00 a hundred. Culled
and accredited flock.
Union, Nob.
Card cf Thanks.
We desire to express our apprecia
tion for the knidly acts of the friends
and neighbors who were so solicitous
to care for us at the time of the
innless and at the death of our belov
ed mother, Mrs. Margaret McKnight,
and for the beautiful flowers and to
those who so kindly sang at the
funeral. D. C. LaRue and family.
The death of one of the oldest
residents of Liberty precinct oc
curred on April lfth at Union, when
Mrs. Margaret McKnight, who haa
made her home with her son, D. C.
T o Pud on1 f i tv, 1 1 v nfisr.nrl to her
last reward after a life of sterling ;R
worth. iuj
Mrs. McKnight was born in the H
state of Illinois on March 13, 183o, t
and was reared in that pioneer state
to womanhood. At the time of her.
birth the development of the nation j ti
had only started and the many won
derful inventions and discoveries
that have since made it the greatest u
nation on eartli were not even H
dreamed of by the 'wildest visionary. I tl
At that time Andrew Jackson was j
just closing his second administra--;
tion and Abraham Lincoln whs en-j
ttring public Jife in Illinois. j
The deceased lady was one of the i
very early settlers in southern Cass j
county and here her first husband, j
Lon Creeley, passed away and was !
buried near Avoca. The son of thi3 :
Summer Lingerie in All Its Freshness!
Making the Old People Happy
Donald Abraham Becl-er, pon of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry II. Pecker,' ar
rived in Union a short time ago. and
is making his home with the Pecker
family, bringing gladness and joy to
the house, home and premiers, and
to be a comfort to this popular couple
In the days that are to come and is
only asking some twenty-one years
until all degal restraints have expir
ed then he will assert the right of
taking a part in the national affairs
of the nation.
For Sale ,
Fine tomato plants, leading,. vari
eties. Puro bred Whlta Rock eggs,
$3 per 100.
lalC-3t Up Union, Nebr.
Don't Fcrgel UiaH staS Says firo Coming!
Come and examine the Oil Stove that gives the
very beat satisfaction -
rJssso Farfes!! Short Burner! Quisk iaal!
(wkh famous. Lorain burner)
Perfection - in different styles.
Onion and Cabbage Plants!
Hariiware Furniture
Will Build Home in Union.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frnns are to add
to the material prosperity of Union
by the erection of one of the modern
homes which are making this city oen
of the most desirable residence cities.
The site of the building will be be
tween the residences of W. P. Pan
ning and Commissioner C F. Harris.
The sturcture is to be a six room
house, on the Pungalow style, and
bath making the home modern. The
excavation at this time, is being done
by Mr. II. L. Printou of Elmwood.
who is a finished workman. The car
penter work will be looked after by
Joe Bauer, who everybody known to
be an excellent workman in his line
and one of the most dependable. The
home will be one which will be :i
credit to this lively little city when
Card cf Thanks.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. A. Taylor take
this mode of thanlurg the members
of the Royal Neighbors for the fine
donation presented them last Monday
evening the 13th
"Getting Even With Pegy."
The Junior class of the Union high
school, are putting en a piay Fri
day evening April 24, at the M. W. A.
entitled "Getting Even With Peggy."
The members of the class and the
teachers having the matter In hand,
are putting in much practice and
they will produce a very fine enter-tuument.
"Sve th- surface and you save all!"
Lengthen the life, add to the beauty and increase
the values of your buildings by giving them a com
plete coat of paint.
No doubt your interior walls and woodwork need
We sell She rwin-Williams Co. Paints and VarnUh
covers more surface and last longer.
Why take a chance?
We appreciate your patronage.
Fraas Bros. Lumber
From Woiinot -day's ''aily
The death of Tbaddeus R. Adams,
on? 'of the old time residents of Cas-s
countv. occurred yesterday at his
' home in Eagle where he has resided
1 f:r a great many years. Mr. Adams
has been In very pr.or .health for sov
'eral yearn and in the last few years
i he has been almost totally blind and
; made neeesnary his bfinj cured for.
i Mr. Adams was 7,r years of ago at
ithe time of his death and one of the
, universally respected residents of his
homo community.
i The deceased w,vj a brother of
Mrs. O. C. Dovey of this city, who is
jnow at Engie to attend the funeral.
uae'l fcuci'ttsiuhy in tnj treatment c
marriage was later adopted by a i
fan.ily named LaRue and reared to
manhood by thnm and hast-ince made ;
his I otii-? in this county where he is
known as David C. LaRue.
Aftrr the death of the first hus
band, the widow was married to
Lon Pervinu3 and the family con
tinued to reside in this county. Two;H
sons, Jesse Pervitins of Los Angeles,
and Harry Pervinus of Mitchell,'
South Dakota, are also living to
. ! . !
mourn i:ip loss oi tno moiner.
ror aiicfa years, .mis. .i;:jiut;ni, j
who h'.'d married, the third time,;
ir.iiie home with her son, Harry
iVrvinus, near Mitchell and four tA
y,,.,r, rp:r.e io Cas; county,?
to reside? with her ?on, I). C. LaRue !g
and family at Union and has since 't
rm I il id i r. rn 1'tninti on 1 T,ttw1 lit. ! c'
'.artrn f Ir.ip nf vr rm whn i N
most sirverely mourn her passing.
The funeral was held Friday from
the honi? and cendu' ted by the Rev. t
W. A. Taylor arid the interment was
made in the cem tery west of Union, j
From TimsiIkv's lai!y
The ladies of the W.
C. T. U. en-
Silk Vest
Dainty are the
new Knitted Silk
Vests cf Pink,
Orchid and Peach
we are showing
to match. Also
dark colors, at
Sateen Bloomers
Striped sateen blcomers, made with
a double elastic knee. Flesh, Coral,
lavender and Mais. Special
Modart front lace
corsets, priced
4 to
Itaydio Girdles in
beautiful p a t -terns
of pink
ChifFon Hose
Sheer and dainty hose of the new
shades to match the dress cr shoes.
Kayser slipper heel and Queen Anne.
m r
Night Dresses of
Crepe de Chine,
trimmed in lace,
ribbons and dain
ty little rccubud'j
:pecisl at
Exquisite silk
Crepe dc Chine
Teddie3 of Nile,
Flesh, Piiik, Mais
and Coral. Trim
med in lace and
colorful little
joyed a. very pleasant meeting yester
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
C C. Veseott and the event was at
tended by a very largo number of the
members and the greatest interest
The meeting was in the nature of a
Fiom MiiiiJiiy'ii IaUy
The funeral services of 'the late J. had known Mr
partriofi-? gathering and the members 1 u Lilacn were jien! yrrterday after- years of resmence in this city. Dur-
pledgcd thir allegiance to the lh'ginoon rt 2 o clock fr:.;n the home of ing the serrice B. A. MtElwain and
the Finst Christian church, who gave
words of comfort and cheer to the
bereaved family and the friends who
Black in his many
and the tnforermont of law as repre
sented by the ISth amendment to the
constitution. Child welfare was also
discussed by the ladies and the pro
gram we.! one in which, nil joined j
very heartily in carrying cut.
Mrs. U". W. Goodman w.ts elected as
the county secretary rf tbe young
peonies branch of the W. C. T. U.
work and gave a fc?v remarks on the i
work in the county that was much
During the afternoon the ladies en
joyed a very pleasant piano duet by
Misses Marjorie and Herreso Arn and
also a vocal number by Miss Pernese j
who was accompanied at the piano j
by Mis.-? Marjorie. j
At the close of the aUernoon very j
dainty ami delicimis refreshments!
were served by the hostess that added
in making the occasion one of the j
rarest pleasure to all of the members,
of the party. I
William N"ev.-Jatid en Lincoln avenue
and were very largely attended by
the friends and neighbors of many
years standing of the deceased.
Tiie '-erri-.'es wore conducted by
thoTcv. Walter 11. Robb, pastor of
Frank A. Cloidt gave two s.mg3 that
had been such favorites of the de
parted, "Jesus Savior Pilot Me" and
'.'Just As I Am." At the close of the
service the body was borne to Oak,
Hill cemetery where it was laid to
the le?t long rest in the family loi.
Any skin itching is a temper test
er. The more you scratch the worse
it itches. Doan's Ointment is for
piles, eczema any skin itching. COc
at all drug stores.
9 KC2E7 fcj fata km. Bsarf
From Tuesday's Daily
The last few davs have been ones
of the greatest quietude at the Cass j
county court house aside from the I
routine work that keeps the clerks j
and officials busy and the occaonal
visitor that darkens the doors of the
county government building Is a de
cided sensation. , The courts havo ;
failed to echo to the ringing notes
of the attorneys for many days and j
the derth of litigation has been very ;
pronounced, from either the general '.
per.cefuincss of the inhabitants or
the re! t lenient of their differences
out of court. Judge Duxbary is an- '
ticipating a rush in the next month. 1
however, in his matrimonial depart- ;
rnent and will be on hand to assist '
any of the young people that are
seeking into the groat matrimonial
handicap. i
FroM TiTCS'lny's Daily
This morning a suit wr.s filed in
the office of the clerk of the district
court entitled Paul Applegate vs. Ida
Applegate. ct al. In this action the
plaintiff, through his attorney. Alien
J. Person a?.l:s that Ike heirship in
the estate of Leroy Applegate. who
deceased in 100!), be determined and
the shares of the heirs at law be de
termined end adjusted.
A six rccrr house all modern, ad
ditional wash and furnace rocn.
KAM.-S catarrh mkdicixr con- tv splendid city lots, garden, fine
. n r' : a - l . . - i ' ,....-.. 1 a , l . r . . l .'1
, "i ni iiiieui. .;iic;i juilkij i m i a , i.-tr i 1 ) urn rino. litiiuuuu iilm-
i lielieves by local explication, and the'p,; nil fer fi i;nii n 1
For particulars and terms see At-;
Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts
trrougn t!:e K.col on the Mucou? tur
faoe3, thus rcauciagr the infi immailoa.
Sold by all drussists.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio.
jtorney C. E. Martin. Office phone 70
or residence phone o39. al3-4sw
Black Mare Strayed.
Strayed from my farm, 4 miles
east of Manley, one black mare,
weight 1,000. Any information of
her will be appreciated verv much.
Weeping Water Neb.
Get your school supplies at the
Bates Bosk and Stationery Store.
One P and O wide tread lister; one
4-whecl lister: one 2 -row machine.
Outstanding Values!
- ;'---'Vjt
n0 m '1 ' f I nk:
mm J 1 -v
Men's and Young Men's
T ERE'S slyle. hh fine
fabric3 come fiom he
as you'll find it;
best looms and
a pk-asure to inspect.
Ali ihi is offered in a special selection of
Two-Tiouj er Suits at a lrjonev-faving price.
These suits cost enough to be good and yet
they aie not high. May we show them to
For dypepsi i, our national ail
ment. use Purdotk Blood Pitters. t
Rn ommvnded for st rer. -I honing di-J
gestion, purifying the blood. At all:
drug stores. $1.25 a bottle.
Ji ff Pi ttx
" mm 1 -r " r 1 n n f f