The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 09, 1925, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, APRIL ft, 1925.
Easter Week Sale!
Snider's Introductory Tomato Soup Sale One can
Snider's Tomato Soup FREE with-the purchase of
any of the following items:
Remember It Costs You Nothing!
1 large bottle Snider's catsup 1 can Snider's tomato soup free. 33c
1 large bottle Snider's chile sauce. . . 1 can Snider's tomato soup free. 35c
1 med bottle Snider's salad dressing. 1 can Snider's tomato soup free. 25c
3 small cans Snider's pork, beans. . . 1 can Snider's tomato soup free. 30c
2 med. cans Snider's pork, beans. . . 1 can Snider's tomato soup free. 30c
2 large cans Snider's pork, beans. . . 1 can Snider's tomato soup free. 50c
2 large cans Snider's kraut 1 can Snider's tomato soup free . 35c
2 medium cans Snider's kidney beans 1 can Snider's tomato soup free . 30c
2 cans Snider's tomato soup 1 can Snider's tomato soup free . 25c
FLOUR Puritan brand 48-lb. sack. . .$2.45 per bag
SUGAR Best granulated 9 lbs. for 65c
COFFEE Peaberry, mild and sweet in the cup 50c per lb.
3 lbs. for $1.45 , j i!
CATSUP Heinz pure tomato 3 large bottles, $1
Canned Fruits and Vegetables!
Net Premiums Received $7,843,273
and Net Losses Paid 4,410,
367 by 163 Companies.
The state Insurance bureau ha3
copltted a compilation of reports of
insurance companiea doing business
in Nebraska in 1924. The ngure3 are
subject to change.
They show that 52 con panies in
suring in Nebraska against hail re
ceived $1,317,389 in premiums and
paid $1,175,314 on losses.
One hundred and sixty-three stock
fire insurance companies wrote risks
totaling $1,314,297,279. The net
rik3 written were f 928,871. S:!6;
net premiums received. $7,842;273;
net losses paid, $4,410,367; insur
ance in force, $1,442,122,016.
llutual fire, tornado and hail in
surance companies. 2 5 in number,
wrote gross risks $114,477,147; net
risks written, $57,986,987; net pre
miums received. $1,249,073; net
losse3 paid, $459,006; insurance in
force. $1C0, 226,460.
Four assessment hail and plate
glas insurance companies, three of
the ra. Nebraska companies, wrote
risks amounting to $49,983,797.
They received $276,048 in premiums,
paid ?1G7,519 on losses and have
$t;.9t2,454 of insurance in force.
Farm and village mutual assess
ment fire and tornado companies re
port: Risks written. $102,729,922;
premiums received. $1,050,315; loss
es paid. 67S.297; insurance in force,
Stock legal reserve life oor.ipnrms
reported; Insurance written, $84,-
of the purchase of the fuel, says the
"gas tax" law, now in effect.
Dealers liable for tax must make
monthly reports, not later than the
loth, showing all material facta of
purchase and sale, and also procure a
license. Licenses are subject to re
vocation for failure to pay tax or for
the making of false statements.
Proceeds of the tax are to be placed
in a special gasoline highway fund
to be used in matching federal aid for
construction and maintenance of the
state highway system. Violations of
the law are punishable by a fine of
not exceeding $500 or jail term not
over six months.
Hy Tone apricots, No. 212, 3 for. .95c
Silver Dale peaches, No. 2 J2, 3 for. 69c
Silver Dale apricots, 3 for 69c
Rose Dell peaches, No. 2A, 4 for. .95c
Kraut. No. 21?, 2 cans for 25c
Yankee Rose peas, 3 for. . .
Monarch Telephone peas, No. 2. . .25c
2 cans for . . 45c
Glidden corn, No. 2, each 15c
3 cans for .40c
Gold Medal corn, No. I, 3 for.
Tomatoes, No. 2, 2 for. ; . . . .
. .25c
Voters Decisively Express Disap
proval of Scheme to Operate
Transportation Lines.
Chicago, April 7. Municipal own-f taxpayers would run over $500,000,-
ership of the city s transportation , vuu.
lines was decisively rejected here to- ;
day in a special election by more
than 100,000 votes out of a total of , tAU Ui.L& UAS
450,000 cast. j OLD AGE PENSION
The proposition, sponsored by i
Mayor William E. Dever and opposed j Sacramento. Cal., April 7. Estab
by a majority of seated aldermen and lisliment of an old age .pension sys-
candiaates wno engaged in a run- tern and appointment of a comni?-
Cost $500,000,000
Upon thi3 latter provision which,
it was charged, would place the lines
under control of private individuals
rather than of the city, the principal
fight of the campaign wHs waged.
The board, it was charged, would
be able to pay for much-needed ex
tensions and improvements In car
service only by issuing more certifi
cates. Before the city would" come Into
actual control of its transportation
svstem. experts figured, the cost to
sion to administer it- was provided
for in a bill which pasacd the state
assembly today. If the assembly and
the governor approve the measure,
under its provisions and subject to
the restrictions of the act, "every
person while residing in the state of
proposeu iil mi uruiauutw . t amorma aun ue fumieu iu x u- , stopd but ,D be d routed around
the city council Just prior sion in old age." The pension could 1 discovered tha Yh attic S
cent aldermanic election mot exceed $1 a cay. th f. .uthprn hnlf of tb1 r-,nitni -.v-
d by a small majority, to' Qualifications for pensions would "V .L .Vf ??lt
off election today as well as three
former mayors cf the city William
Hale Thompson. Carter Harrison and
Edward P. Dunne has marked one
of the most bitter traction fights in
the city's history.
Universal Transfer
It was
passed by
to the recer.
and carrie
purchase the surface and elevated make pension allowances possible
lines of the city and co-ordinate only to those who have attained the
them in one system with a universal 'age of 70 years and have resided in
transfer under nominal city owner-j California at least 15 years preced
ehip. ing date of application.
The prices fixed were fl 63,000.-1 Inmates of prisons. Jail, work
000 for the surface lines and $S7,-! houses, infirmaries, insane asylums,
000.000 for the elevated system, poorhouses and other public institu
They were to be paid for in certifi- 1 tions would not be entitled to an old
cates i isued by the city which had i age pension.
40 years to run. i
Meanwhile the consolidated lines Jost every school demand In the
were to be operated by a board of rf stationery, pencils and ink
control of nine members, three of , L
vhom were to be named by the city, j nay be had at tha Bates Bock and
three by the security holders of the i Gift Shop. Tha very best grad of
two lines under private ownership, rjiorr paper for T5o psr ream.
these six to pick a third trio which
hte mayor would be obligated to y , SBppliea at the
place on the board without right of J , . f' c
eto Eates Book and Stationery Store.
Section Transformed Into Library
That Would Have Gone to Waste
Under Plants of Architest.
One of the big: jobs connected with
the removal of state offices into the
new capitol is thnt of transferring
the 140.000 books in the state library
which is in charge of H. C. Lindsay,
state librarian. As the original plans
were drawn, the only place for the
library was a room lf5 feet long v.'iih
but a twelve foot ctiling. Whatever
books could not be gotten into this
space were to go into the tower.
Mr. Lindsey made a long and de
termined fight against this plan, and
was able tc trr.nsfer his vision to the.
mind or O.pitol Commissioner Hardy,
who helped him get the quarters he
is about to occupy. Mr. Lindsey, be
lieving that bocks are not to be
45;.Gf.r. ; insurance
91T..710; premiums
7 4 5.4.r0: losses
f,42: insurance in force.
Mutual legal reserve lifa insur
ance companies reported: Insurance
wriiff.;, S55.S71.O10; insurance
CC2?? $37,Gr;",,7'l ; . pTi"-.mm3 re
ceive?. $9. ISO. 212; claims paid. $?,,
270,610; insurance in force, $327,
4Cr,09o. Forr &?s-sment life associations,
tv.o c them Nebraska companies, re
ported insurance written. S4.5S9,
C00; "Insurance reaped, -54.037,079;
pr ; m'ur-rS rfccivel, 41?,134; claims
paid, ?lf.7.02S; insurr.nee in force,
$2- .227.414.
One- X.'brnska bnriH i.Fociation
wrote S95.12S of insurance, insur re2'ed, ?95.08S; irt:r.iums re
ceived, PI.?. 028; losses incurred. ?2.
153; insurance in force, $399,601.
Cue ether Nebraska buri'l associa
tion reported $54,200 of insuranca
in force.
Ca.M;".lty, surety and miscelaneous
etock companies reported: Gross pre
miums received, less, r-eturn pre
niiumr.. ?4,15.3Sl; ioe&s paid, ?2,
4C5.29C. Assessment a?r idrnt and health
ar-: ocuitions: rrcniiurs received,
53.r.92..195; losses paid. $871,954.
Mutual casually corupanits: Pre
:n:".T3 received, $15C,707; losses
paid. S31.S10.
Jrntc-rnul bnefif iary asocia tions:
Inz;:rancc written. S10.772.SS0; in
Fr.rr.nco ceased, $21,877,544; pre
ninms receH-erl. $4,274,011: looses
in;r,rred. $2,579,770; iiisurance in
force. ?230,132,252.
TvPcirocal and intrr-'nsuranco ex-chanr.-;:
Gross deposits received,
$275.C2"; dencsits returned, $121,
107; ?r:Fes pnic, $118,922; losses in
curred, $111,655.
Washington Sees Merit in Vice Presi
dent Dawes' Proposal to Put a
Limit on Long Speeches
Washington, April 6. Vice Presi
dent Dawes' spectacular attack on
one-man marathon talking events in
the senate, and the more recent eighth
hour speech of Senator Copcland of
New York against'-the Isle oi Pines
treaty, has led capital attaches to
dig up noted instances of lengthy
senatorial addresses.
The unofficial record is held by
Senator La Follette of Wisconsin.
Speaking on a currency measure, on
May 29. 190S. he held the tlccr for
eighteen hours and t'.veuty minutes.
A fifteen-hour speech is credited to
Senator Falkner cf WestVirginia, cr.
January 16, 1S81. when ti;e force
bill was under discussion, rittistor
Allen of Nebraska on October It 12.
1S93, engaged the attcntn of the
fenate for fourteen hours o:: fh- le
P'.ai of the silver bill; and a sir.i-lar
period was consumed by Senator
Carter of Montana, on iianh 2-'3.
1901, while discussing a rivers ;iad
harbors measure. Sena.' or Ioik.m. re
publican, Washington. r.ude a 1 1 i I r -teen-hour
ad thirty-five Piii,ute
speech on February 8-10, 1915. dur
in:; consideration of the shiv pur
chase bill; Senator Burton of Onit
spoke for twelve house and ten niin
iis ca a rivers and harbors bill on
September 18-19, 1914; and Senator
Smcot of Utah i3 credited with a
specch extending eleven hours and
thiityfive minutes on on July 22.
191'J, when the Underwood tariff
meausr? was under debate.
The chamber at the other end of
the capitol can lay claim to m such
pr:l nged oratorical efforts. House
mlui preclude any lengthy- address
hy tne man, the longest being two
or two and a half hours, v. hen (he
chairman of a committee, in charge
cf u major bill, is explaining its
The elapsed time counted as tbe
measure of a senate epech is not
always occlupiod entirely with speak
ing. Frequently the speaker ir in
terrupted questions or quorum
call, 'tr?lch give- a-breathrng space.
The strict rule is that in order to
keep the floor a senator must speak
from his desk and remain standing,
but various presiding officers have
countenanced a liberal interpretation
of this and permitted senators to
walk about the chamber cr rest on
the arms of their chairs.
Sfnator Copeland, when he fceM
the Haor for e!ght hours, recently
drank in the course of his ?peech
two glasses cf milk, in which eggs
wore be.'iten up, a bowl of soup, and
much water.
The II. M. Scenmciisen Company
The Store of Big Values
Special shoving of Child
ren's Eats, being sold at
$1.95 to
A bcaumul shewing cf
Ladies' Hats priced at
S2.95 to
Silk Creiie de Cher.e
Cheioisc, each
Silk Ves"s
Elastic End Silk Bro
caded Girdles
Hen's pure thread
Silk Iloje, pair
?ilk Bloomers,
Special at
Sateen Prin:ecs
Sl. 48
Pointed Eeel Silk
Kcse. new colors
and many other
All tlie new styles and colors, priced at
$1.45 to $3.S5
S.ihixday is your Lest Choice to Get One cf Those
Fkcios Ftcc EifiA a $5 Purchase or Over
circts recounted to4ay gave Graham,
who was d?ciared defeated , by the
election commission last Xeverahrr,
a margin of 13'J votes more than La
was granted n the f.rt count, and
gave new lease of life to the ouvter
suit he is pressing against Denver's
noted juvenile judge, lindsey waj
deprived of 47 votes by t':v jecount.
"simply on his lurve" With this
point of vulnerability already onp a
to them, the grippe germs found an
easy victim in the big player.
His condition tonight, however,
was not regarded as critical and Hut-
to Xew York tomorrow ahead of the
team" unless physicians advised
against the trip. The Yankees and
I Brooklyn Dodgers, who played l.v r
to 7, leave tomorrow morning for an
other exhibition at Greenville, S. C.
Slugging Yankee Has Collspse and
Kay Not 3e in the Lineup When'
Season Open Next Week.
Boys, it's time for that new
Spring Suit!
We are all ready for you with
sturdy, stylish suits of al! wool
fabrics. Single pants suits for
boys up to S years
$6.50 $7.00
2 pant suits, ages 6 to IC
$10.50: $12.00
These are all new patterns in quality fabrics, tailored
to fit and guaranteed.
Tom Sawyer Shirts and Blouses too!
out a set of plans that promise not
only to take care of all the present
accumulations, but to provide place
for grc;wth for many years.
Five thousand of the volumes most
in use are now in place a the shelves
in a finely decprated room with
modeled wood ceiliug and a gallery,
in the square tower that marks the
south entrance to the building. In
the rooms leading out of thi are lin
ing placed minety-five metal stacks,
each holding 1,050 books. In these
rooms, which will be in use for the
next two or three years, will be
placed easy to get at, the great stores
of books that are in the library. The li
library proper will be built at the A
same time as the senate and house I
chambers and will lead direct from ;
the south to the great central tower. !
All of the rooms are well lighted and .
Farmers who seek exemption from j
the imposition of a 2-cent tax on the!
gasoline they use for strictly farm)
purposes must file a claim, accompan-j
ied by the original invoice of eases j
and receipts, duly sworn to before a j
notary puDiic ana wimm euiriy u;j.-
"Denver. Colo.. April 3. D'srepai:- 1
cies in vote tallying in more taa j
fifteen precincts in last November's
election were revealed today when j
the recount cf votes in the contest j
between Ben I!. Lindsey and Royal
B. Graham far juvenile judgeship!
wa- begun.
The discrepancies in nineteen pre-;
AshviUe. N. C April 7. A "bad
case of grippe," and a nervous attack
are likely to keep Babe Ruth out of
the Yankee lineup when the baseball
season opens next week. The slug
ging star suffered a nervous collapse
whea he arrived t iday with his team
mates from Knoxville. Tenn., and web
takn to a hotel, where he vas un
conscious part o: the afternocn.
Miller Huggins, the Yankee man
ager, predicted tonight that Ruth
would not be in condition to play
again for ten days or mere. He re
called that the batting- ace suffered
an attack of influenza som time ago
and his. present case of grippa ap
pears to be tae not unusual "foiljvv
up" on that illness.
Ruth's nervous condition has rot
been satisfactory for several weeks.
Kuggins said he had not been payi
cally able to participate in the re tent
exhibition gr vines and had done so
We, tl.3 candidate.? of the repub
lican party, d-.sire to express our ap
preciation for the support given ua
at the P'jIIs Tuesday by the voters i f
the city. Th city central eonrnit
tee of the party also wishes to ex
press its thanks fur the loyal sup
port givfii the ticket in ail of the
wardrf e f the eitv.
J()l!N" E. SCHUTZ.
w. i iiuncki:.
To the Voter j ef Fir.-t Ward:
I wish to thank cv y voter for
th.eir puppcrt in ycoter:'..y's election.
I Lcpe that I may prcve worthy of
the honor and trutt. thai has been
placed in inc.
I thar.k vou.
1 1 "i It .n C- d k
b a a a a a . k 3 a n .t
iW ilia s slEfo
i ixUt&'-fCZ ? sL.i,:. .ra.v
I 'iiiiok-OhavrolQ? Ssrlss mi 8s!s Srafloil
! 1 his is an exceptionally good
a new feature will be the setting j t f furniture. Practically as
aside of rooms for special purposes.; . lujuuui. J
J awyers can take their stenogiapar" good as new. One $JuU eight
along with them and use some of Jacobean oak dining
these for dictation purposes, with l-'-'-v'v- J 7 , . v rr c 1
their law books at hand. Others will rocm SUlte, DU-in. bulxet, !)4-
house special collections, such as gen- hlU0 c: Ll,, L,athr tr-at
ealogical books. Here those interested
v v , . -a. .
may gather and pore over the books chairs, this entire SUlte, .piZo;
on tables in the center, free to con-,-) cp11r- Ultrhpn rahi-
verse between themselves without j ne Sellers Mtcnen caDI
. . flOZ villi ! 1 :
disturDingr otners.
The attic rooms would have le
rm nt irn 11 v nrfictrmnnrn f (t . tc-
not Mr. Lindsey discovered their good Used refrigerators, $10
net, $30; one 300-lb. ice ca-
pacity refrigerator, $40; four
possible utility and made use of them. to. $50- tl rPP lavpnnnrt hfri
This attic stretches clear across the'";, tree OavenpOxt eos,
south part of the building, and part $30, $35 and $4i; one $60
way to the north at each end until U;rrJ mar.Jp dresser $35-
it bisects the legislative gaieries. .oiras eye mapie aresaer, j?oo,
: ithree library tables, $7.50 to
THEQBGRE BUHTOK !S15: two writing desks. $7.50
Malleable range, $45; one
Fireless Cooker oil stove, $25 ;
four good ovens, $2 to $3.50;
one walnut bed and dresser,
$20; one 11-3x12 Colonial
TO ARMS MEETING rj H19 n , i n i
Washington. April 7. Represen-512.50; one Kound Oak
tative Theodore e. Burton, of Ohio, .white enamel range, $5o; one
is slated for appointment by Presi
dent Coolidge as a member of the
American delegation to the interna
tional open in Geneva May 4 under
auspices of the leaguo of nations. He
will be assocated with Hugh Gibson,
American minister to Switzerland,
n n H Tn-ccilitir ftnnthor moTuhor oltVir 1
so far as it is known, it has not yet j velvet rug, $25; an $85 cream
been decided whether a third will be LPn.,rafnr eroorl as nw
named to the delegation. separator, good as new,
Eurton's selection for the delega- bee goods at i
tion became known through bis par- popjOT JP- f A f? T T '
ticipation in conferences at the state Jxri.lO OtVAXiIVlO 1
department, at which detailed in- ElimiturC StOIC '
structiens for the delegation are be-
mg worked out with the assistance PhArm G&tZ. Sr AiK
of technical advisers of .tlie. navy. n0nJ , OU1 U
'war and commerce departments. . . y. . "lattsmoutil, Kebr.
Buick Authorized
Sendee comes with
your Buick and
goes with it no mat
ter how many state
boundaries you cross
Buick Authorized Service
is as handy as an extra
tire, as near as a telephone
- ?-
, lit .-fev
urn?. i
1L JBif m
Prompt Service etrd a'l
Yorh Properly Dsn by
Competent Mechanics.
We are dealing in v.Lat
we absolutely think i
the movt car for the ncn
ey in tLe world today.
The Buick and
and v.2 ctlicve v,e can prove
all that we say t) your entire
satisfaction, if give., a trial,
,. If you in the naiket
for a new car this spring,
let us talk to you.
Come in and See U
One IODj Ford Coupe brand
new. L'alloon tire equipped.
Johsi B. Livingston
Directly Opposite the Court House Corner Fourth end lisin Streets