The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 09, 1925, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Union DepBrtmemt
Prepared F'" Tksa JosmeL
Mrs. Joe Lldgett W8S a visitor, last
Monday afternoon, at the home of
her friend, Mrs. Daniel Lynn.
Louis Stougtenburg has accepted a
position with the Lower garage and is
working there in the place of Herbert.
Joe Dare was a visitor in 1'iatis-
I have a complete outfit, all in; mouth last Saturday, called there to
11 j. . . i j. 'look after some business matters for
excellent cunumuii, luwiuumg tne ay,
screen, which I am oxtering at
a very attractive price.
This entire outfit will care for
and one wanting to engage in
the business. Call and see me
for particulars.
Union Phone 83
Union, Nebr.
Bruce W olf e
General Blacksmlthing
Wagon Work
Rerte Shoeing, Disc cad Po
Work a Specialty
TJL a X2a Old Stand
Bruce Wolfe
James A. Simmons was a visitor
in Plattsmouth last Thursday, where
he was looking after some business
Messrs. Steinmeier and Gravesberg
were looking after some business
matters in the county seat one day
last week.
Judge Daniel Lynn was holding
court one day last week, and is
making a good official, being very
careful and concise in his work.
J. D. Lewis of northwest of Mur
ray, was a visitor in Union last Sun
day and was a guest at the home of
his daugther, Mrs. Earl Merritt.
Ray Frans, who cannot be idle, has
been employing his time building a
thicken house for Mrs. Clifton, and
has made a dandy and no mistake.
Senator W. II. Banning and Frank
L. Anderson were looking after some
business matters in Falls City last
Sunday, driving down in- their car.
" Frank Bauer and ei6ter, Anna, were
spending last Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nickles, driving
over in their car. They greatly en
joyed the day and Frank says the
roads are "tolerable" until one got tp
the road which turned into Avoca,
but on the other side the roads were :
day and returned to his work early ; very bad, as there was much more
Monday morning. rain out that way, and the roads had
George Snyder of near Mynard was not been dragged 6lnce. I
a business visitor ia Union last Mon-S Theodore Overman has been at Class Received Into Lodge and the
day morning for a ehort time and , Stella for the past week and during
was looking after some business, matr the time Mr. It abb has been looking
ters for the time. -after the Farmers' Mercantile store.
Messrs. J. L. Barritt and Raymond It is reported that Mr. Overman has
Fahrlander were looking after some . purchased an Interest in a store in
business matters in Plattsmouth last Stella, and is associated with a man
Friday, driving over to the county , by the name of Martin. The people
seat in their car. of Union are glad to extend the wish
A. W. Propst and wife, Mr. and for the success of Mr. Overman, and
Mrs. Ellis LaRue, of Union and ( wish that . he may succeed beyond
Robert Troop and wife of near My-; measure.
nard, were all at Omaha last week
to hear Harry Snadgrass play
Robert Hastings, who ha3 been
spending the winter in Florida, re-
H. W. Crawford of Plattsmoutn, i numDer cf days in Union, a guest of
was a visitor, last Monday, coming to hl3 motner, Mrs. C. W. Clarke, and
visit with his many friends and also also visiting with other friends and
to look after soma business matters. reiatives
Joe Dare and Henry H. Becker i turned home last Thursday, and re
were looking after some business mat- J ports a most pleasant time during
ters In Murray last Tuesday, driving ' the winter. On his return, he came
over to the neighboring town to in- via the east, stopping at his old home
terview some of the citizens there. j town In Ohio, where he visited for
Oliver Miller and wife of near a number of days. Mr. Hastings is
Manley, were at the home of Harve ; building a garage for John LIdgett
Miller most of last week and visited 1 and wife, who were the recipients of
there, recounting olden times and : a very fine car last week from their
enioved the entire week most pleas- i father, Daniel Lynn ,and his wife.
J. W. Woodward, who is always
looking for work, has gone to farm
ing and it is reported that Hans
Christensen, is expecting to do the
same thing.
King Clarke of Omaha, where he
Is an oDerator. has been spending a
xwui ""'".' "J. A. Simmons and wife and Mr.
last week where he been given LaRue H ,
charge of the road worn at that ,.., , n,.
place In conjunction with Mr. Kreck- . nn,i Mr rsen
Attorney C. L. Graves and Mer
chant Prince R. D. Stine. were called
to Plattsmouth last Friday and also
Saturday to look after some legal
The Frans Brothers' Lumber Co.
were unloading a car load of brick
last Monday, which was heing hand
led by Messrs. John Erwin, and Wm.
W. L. Crawford, who Is at this
time making his home in Havelock,
was a visitor In Union for last Sun-
We are Heavy on Mail Order Work.
Higgins of Stella, where all enjoyed
the day greatly.
U. K. Brandt, one of the prominent
farmers living but a few miles from
Union, was a visitor at the Nebraska
metropolis for a few days last week,
being called to Omaha on account cf
some business.
Luther Meade and daughter, Ruby,
were spending a number of days in
Plana Being Carried Out That Will
Make Them Objects of the Great
est Beauty in the City
The board of education are car
rying out under the supervision of
Frank A. Cloidt, one of the members
of the board, a plan of landscape
gardening that will make the school
grounds real objects of beauty in
stead of being the most unsightly
places in the city.
The high school and Central Build-
. ,i
ing grounds nave Deen grauen auu
daced in fine shape that certainly
the neighborhood of Beatrice, where add3 already to the general appear
Mr. Meade has a farm, they wercla rf iho cot t i n fsj- n ll will h& fol
- II UVV. V . fcjwvt.u9-
looking after some business mere j iowed by the planting of shrubs ana
.1 I V. H 1 ' "... ... J
P. O. BOA 15
Nest Door to FW Office, Weeping Water, Neb.
and also visiting with friends as wel.
Will Carraher, who is making his
home In Omaha at the present time.
! where he has been engaged in the
: drug business until . recently, when
I he sold out, was a visitor in Union
( for last Sunday, and was looking
after some business matters.
Mrs. Mollie Garrens, who has not
been feeling the best for some time,
departed a few days ago for Rochest
er, Minn., where she went to have an
openation for relief from appendicitis,
and was accompanied by her daugh
ter, who came from Kansas City to
care for the mother.
James C. Roddy, who bas been
quite ' ill during the.. past, winter,
troubled with appendicitis, is at this
time reported as being somewhat
better, and is hoping that he may
.continue to improve.-as he has been
; troubled with this malady for a num
i ber of years.
Messrs. Paul Applegate, Joe Ban
; ning, Frank Armstrong and Eugene
: Chapman were in Plattsmouth last
j Wednesday, where they were attend
I Ing the county convention of the
Modern Woodmen of America, and
! where they assisted In the work cf
the convention and were well pleased
with the very kind reception tendered
Not in an Awkward Way but in
a Business Way
This is the time of year to start your building pro
gram. After the long cold winter, there are many re
pairs that need to be made. Better make them before
the hot weather comes.
How about a screened-in porch, or a sleeping
porch ?
Beat the flies to it!
We just received a nice shipment of screen doors.. -Put
'em up before the flies get here.
We appreciate your patronage.
Fra&s Bros. Lumber Co.
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
g? for Hatching
Rose' Comb R. L Red eras
' . j m
iiur uuaurou.
Hatching Egg For Sale
Pure bred Plymouth Rock eggs for
! hatching, $3.00 a hundred. Culled
and accredited flock.
Union, Nob.
s inie to Clean
Don't Forget About the Full Line of
Congoleum and
Armstrong Rugs
Call and select one of the latest patterns,
while you have an assortment to select from.
Frost Proof Cabbage
Bermuda Onion Plants
of Union, Nebraska.
Charter No. 1002 In the State of Ne
braska at the Close of Business
March 31, 1925.
Loans and discounts $189,9S0.8S
Overdraft 75.16
Bonds, securities, judgments
and claims (exclusive of
cash reserve) 6,744.32
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 5,000.00
Other real estate 16.93H.57
Bankers' conservation lund. f SyCSti
Iue from National
and State hanks. S 44,0.r.0.SB
ivsn in hank. .
plants that will make the surround
ings real places or artistic Deauiy.
This plan will be carried out at all
of the school buildings of the city and
in the work the residents of the sur
rounding territory of the school ahd
a great deal of pleasure in boosting
the good work" along.
The plans for the beautifying of
the grounds was made by a land
scape engineer of the state university
and which will give the city free of
cost a series of fine up to date plans
for the betterment of the surround
ings of the schools.
For many years the school build
ings and their adjoining grounds
were the most -dilapidated appearing
places in the, city but this will not
be so in the future and the residents
of the city can find pleasure in point
ing out the school grounds to visitors
here as an example of a real progres
sive city and one that has its public
buildings kept up in the proper shape.
From Monday's Daily
The many friends over the county
will regret to: learn that Jesse R.
McVey, one of the old time residents
or this locality, is quite ill at the
Perkins hotel where he makes his
lionie. Mr. McVey has been suffer
ing with a very severe casa of the
grippe, which at his advanced age of
88 years makes hi3 condition seri
ous. A trained nurse- arrived here
today to assist in caring for the
aged man.
Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner?
Bitter taste? Complexion sallow?
Liver perhaps needs waking up.
Doan'a Regulets for bilious attacks.
30c at all stores.
The State of Nebraska, Casa coun.
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate
David J. Pitman, deceased.
To the cre'ditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the county court room In
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
30th day of April. A. D. 1925, and
on the 30th clay of July, A. D. 1925,
at ten o'clock a. m., of each day to
receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 30th day of April,
A. D. 1925, and the time limited for
pavraent of debts is one year from
said 30th day of April, 1925.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said county court, this 7th day or
Newly Elected Officers Are
Last evening Plattsmouth lodge
No. 739, B. P. O. E., held a very fine
meeting at their lodge rooma in the
club house on North Sixth street
which was largely attended by the
members and which witnessed the
initiation of a class of several candi
dates into the order.
The ceremonies were conducted by
W. G. Kleck. exalted ruler, and the
other chair officers, giving the the
lessons of the fraternity to the new
ly received members. Those com
prising the class were Fred Tritsch,
Dr. G. L. Tayior of Murray, E. H.
Brady and Otto Wohlfarth.
Following the initiation the newly
elected officers were installed by Dr.
J. S. Livingston, past exalted ruler,
and duly inducted into the offices
which they are to occupy for the en
suing year. The officers installed
were: L, L. Turpin, exalted ruler;
A. II. Duxbury, leading knight; Dr.
P. T. Heinemann, lecturing knight;
Ilarley F. Cecil, loyal knight; . J.
Ilild, secretary; MikeTritsch, treas
urer; R. W. Clement, trustee; Fred
Sydebotham, tyler.
Following the Installation the
members of the lodge enjoyed a very
fine buffet luncheon that was very
much appreciated by all of the large
number present at the gathering.
Saturday, ApH! 11, 1925
Commencing at 10. 0'Clock
25 head of cattle including several good
Holstein covvs;
20 head of horses and mules.
Several Duroc brood sows to farrow soon
A good line of farm machinery.
Some furniture.
Seven tons baled hay, and
Numerous other articles.
REX YOUNG, Auctioneer.
Br, Hesnesaoa, Bewtast, Hotel
KaSa Bldg., Plwue
From Monday's Daily
D. C. West, the Nehawka banker,
was here today looking after some
matters of business at the court
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was among the visitors in the
city today looking after some mat
ters of importance at the court house.
John II. Spangler, of Moville, Iowa,
arrived here yesterday, called by the
death of Mrs. Henry Spangler, and
will remain over for the funeral ser
vices. Philip Spangler and wife and
Prank Spangler and wife, of near
Weeping Water, came up this morn
ing to attend the funeral Eervices of
tha late Mrs. Henry Spangler.
' John. Stewart, of Pawnee City
came up yesterday from his home to
visit bere with his brother, Wayne
Stewart and enjoy a short outing
from his duties'-with ' the Tawnee
Republican, one of the leading news
papery of that section of Nebraska.
From Tuesday's Dally
Henry Stander of Louisville, one
of the prominent residents of that
city, was here today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness at the court house.
George W. Snyder camo In this
morning from his home west of
Mynard and stopped here for a short
time enroute to Omaha to look after
some matters of business.
Mrs. A. Dove Asch of Murray, who
has Just recently returned from
spending the winter in Florida, was
here yesterday afternoon for a few
hours and visiting with her friends
In the county seat.
George B. Mann, who is one of the
leading antique collectors in this
section of the state, was in Nebraska
City today - where he spent a few
hours attending the sale of the Hoi
land household goods at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hell, Jr., and
daughter, Edna, and son. Glen
motored in from their home south of
Louisvillo yesterday to spend a few
hours here looking after some mat
ters of business and visiting with
Prom Wodnesday's Dly
The reports from the St. Cather
ine's hospital in Omaha, state that
Father M. A. Shine of the St. John's
church of this city, who is there
Viking treatment, as well as recover
ing from the effects of his recent
operation, is still in quite serious
condition and suffers a great deal.
The operation was one of a most
delicate and serious nature and it
is thought by the attending surgeons
that the condition of the patient is
progressing just as well as possible
under the circumstances.
The many friends of the distin
guished rector are trusting that he
may soon be able to start recuperat
ing and be on the highway to com
plete recovery.
before he started north and that the
cotton crop there is coming fine and
gives every prospect of a fine crop
this season. The bean crop in that
locality is one of the big crops of the
season and has given the best of re
sults to the farmers of that locality.
Prom WilaMter'i Dlly
Virgel Perry, who has been spend
ing the winter in south Texas with
his brother, Rusell Perry and family
at their home in the Rio Grande
valley, has returned "home and will
remain here for the Eumm?r at least
with his parents, Mr. and Mre, Glenn
Perry, and assisting them in their
farm work. Mr. Perry left Harr
lington on Wednesday noon and ar
rived here Sunday afternoon, having
a most enjoyable trip to the north.
He states that he and his brother
laid by the corn at the Perry farm
on the Rio Grande Just a few days
From Wednesday's Dally
L. W. Lorenz, the North Sixth
street grocery and meat dealer, was
out yesterday for the first time in
several days, having been confined
to his home as the result of a severe
case of the grippe and cold that has
had him in very serious shape. Mrs.
Lorenz also has not been in the best
of shape as the result of a cold and
her work in caring for the other
members of the family.
The sickness seems to have been
general in the Lorenz family as E. A.
Lorenz and wife are both suffering
from the epidemic of grippe or flu
and are kept at home as the re
sult and suffering quite a good deal
from the effects of the malady.
Farmers, mechanics, railroaders,
laborers, rely on Dr. nomas' Eclectic
Oil. Fine for cuts, burns, bruises.
Should be kept In every home. 30c
and 60c.
White Plymouth Rock eggs for
tcning, 50c per setting. Call phone
in hank 4 .330 xft
IT : i.
reserve 2,100.00 50.5 1 1.6S i Aprl1' 1J"
TOTAL J2C9.67S.4S ( cn n Q-4u-Vc aur Omntv Judee
i ; . '
Capital sto k paid in $ l.r..000.0n
Surplus fund 11,000.00
, Undivided irottt.s (Net) 3,307.62
; Dividends unpaid, dep. re-
j serve , .. 2.2S0.00
iimivinuai a e posit .
HubJect to check. 1146,378.23
Time certificates of
f cK posit . 76.6S1.61
Kavintrs deposits. . 9.323.05
J Cashier's clieckn
outstanding .... 3,062.72 235,415.61
Depositor puarantv fund 1,545.22
Demand C. D. for bonds 1,100.00
TOTAL ...$269,678.15
State of Nebraska
County of Cass
I, W.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss. j
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Frank Hughson, deceased.
' To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the county court room in
City of Plattsmouth in said county,
on the first day of June, 1925, and
the third day of August 1925, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon of each of
Jsaid days to receive and examine all
MHs Malinder Clymer and sons,
Ralph and Perle, of near Greenwood,
were here today attending to some
matters in the county court.
O. A. Davis of Murray was a visitor
in tho city yesterday afternoon, look
ing after some matters at the county
court in which he was interested.
Clarence Busche, the Louisville
auctioneer, was here yesterday after
noon for a few hours looking after
some matters of business and visiting
with his many old time friends.
Ralph Meisingcr of near Cedar
Creek was hero yesterday looking
after some matters with the board o-
of county commissioners, ho being
the road overseer of Eight Mile Grove
W. M. Richards of South Bend, was
in the city Tuesday for a few hours
looking after some matters' of busi
ness and while here was a culler at
the Journal office and entered his
name as a reader of the semi-weekly.
! w ! y
.jfy.S $
S. C. R. I. Red eggs for hatching
from the best reds I ever raised, $4
per hundred.
a9-2tsw Cedar Creek, Neb.
Pure bred White Plymouth Rock
claims against said estate, with a S u'VV ouf,! "
view to their adjustment and allow- Call phone S71S. Plattemouth.
The time limited for the pre-
Hardware Furniture
a . uu iiuii:. i,;isiupr III I 1H I n n nk.
: "n ,,1 sentation of claims against said
correct copy of the report made to the 'estate is three months from the first
Department of Trade and Commerce. rfow nt TVfov - a t- io5 an tho timo
v,. B. banning. u ",f ta nr,a that city on the early morning liur
Mrs. Emuu Pease was i-.tnong the
day of May, -A. D. 1925. and the time visitors in Omaha today, going to
I.. O. TOnn. Director
F. H. M'CAltTHY, Director.
year from said first day of May, ! lingtoa train
c, v,.iV a ... i witness mv hand ana tne seal oi
IIICU Ellli M IV 111 1 1 III !- Iliru lilt . m
this 6th day of Aru. 1925. - said county court, this 7th day of aeno
(Soa!) : - NotarTPuMIc. t "V' A H. DUXBURY,
(Seal) a9-4wks,ew County Judge.
(My commission expires Jan. 13, 1931.)
name Doan's inspires confi--Doan's
Pills for kidney ills.
Doan's Ointment for skin itching.
Doan's Regulets for a mild laxative.
Sold at all drug stores. .
1- x
For Easter and the
other 364 days!
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
are smart and fine enough for the
special occasons; and they're
made so well that they keep sty
lish thru the everyday wear and
There are many new colors
to show you; new style lines
and new values
. 1. Uesraffs 1