The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 12, 1925, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925.
AC3 rotra
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Harry McCarroll shelled and de
livered corn to the McCarthy eleva
tor last Monday.
Paul Winscott and Dick Well were
in Union last Monday looking after
some work for the telephone com
pany. P. D. McCormick and M. R. Strahl
of South Omaha were looking after
some business matters In Union last
John T. Becker was a visitor in
Omaha on Monday of this week, tak
ing a load of calves to the market
In his truck.
Joseph Dare has purchased the
property where Mr. Wm. Schumaker
lives and which has been owned by
Mr. J. B. Wilson.
Business is better with the Mis
souri Pacific as it is adding to its
track force and is putting the road
In good condition.
W. B. Banning was a visitor home
during the interval from Friday last
Bruce Wolfe
General Blacksmithing
Wagon Work
Horse Shoeing, Disc and Plow
Work a Specialty
D. C. LaRue's Old Stand
Bruce Wolfe
letter Bet Them!
Best Early Ohio Seed Pota-I
toes while they last at
Union, Nebraska
when the legislature took a recess,
'until Monday afternoon.
I Li. E. Reynolds of Omaha was a
visitor at the home of bis parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reynolds, eouth-
! west of Union, for over Sunday.
I James Lewin departed last week
for the northern portion of the state
where he will make his home during
the summer and will work on a farm
j there
The children of John Armstrong,
I who have been so seriously ill for
! some time, are reported as being
some better. They are still quite in
as yet.
Will A. Clarence and John N.
Larsh were looking after some busi
ness matters in Plattsmouth last
Monday, they making the trip via
their auto.
R. M. Taylor, who was confined
to his home for some time on account
of illness, is making a nice recovery,
though he w as very sick and was able
to be in town last Saturday.
J. T. Reynolds, who has been sick
for pome time and who returned from
! the hospital several weeks since, is
getting along nicely though not as
strong yet as is his wont.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis LaRue were
visiting last Sunday afternoon and
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Ellis, parents of Mrs. LaRue,
who make their home in Weeping
Mrs. George Saxton is reported as
being very ill at her home near Un
ion. The best of care is being given
to the aged lady and it is hoped that
she will be able to be up again in a
short time.
R. II. Chriswisser has accepted a
position with Will Schumaker and is
assisting in the work with the dray.
Dick knows all about horses and is
not afraid of work and we are sure
he will make a good success.
Last Saturday, Ray Galloway tried
the plowing for the first time, he go
ing into the clover field, while on
Monday Blair Porter also got his
p'ow out and was stirring up the
ground, thus beginning the summer's
John Gilmore and Albert Jenkins
of Murray were visiting at Union
last Saturday afternoon and Satur
day evening, they being guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frans,
Master John Gilmore being a nephew
of Mrs. Frans.
Omar Davidson, living south of
Union in Otoe county, was a busi
ness visitor in Union last Monday
and making purchases of roofing for
a new garage he was constructing
for a -new car which he had pur
chased from A. W. Propst.
W. H. Crawford and son, L. W.
Crawford, were visiting and looking
after some business matters in
Plattsmouth last Saturday and while
there Mr. W. II. Crawford arranged
to move there and make his home.
He will live just south of the city
where he will do some truck farm
ing. S. W. Copenhaver moved to the
Douge place, southwest of Union,
and will farm in that neighborhood
the coming summer. The place
I where he has been living and which
( was purchased by Mr. Hans Chris
tensen will be occupied by that gen
I tleman when he shall have found
! time to move.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for the kindness and help
rendered during our moving, from
Union and especially we thank the
three Garrens boys and the two
Hamilton boys for they are sure a
fine bunch of boys. When It comes
to. work they are there and over.
Mr. and Mrs. E. McCowan. .
Union, Neb., March 6. To Platts
mouth Journal: In your issue of
March 5, the stream of March birth-
J days there is a mistake. This should
be Mrs. Dan Lynn, March 27, 1866
Dan Lynn was born in Ohio, June 6,
1851. Came to Nebraska in 1859
and a resident of Nebraska ever
since. Most of time near where the
village of Union is nov.r located. The
village is located on the land my
father bought in 1859.
Union, Neb.
will be held at his home, 2 mile east of Union, on
Monday, Inarch fiBfii, S92
Beginning at 10:00 &. II
25 Head of Horses and Mules!
10 Elsad of Good Cows!
General line of Farming Machinery of all kinds; sev
eral sets new harness; new collars, lines and hitch
straps; several used sets of harness; one corn elevator,
used some, but in excellent condition; Ford truck,
nearly new and in excellent condition; Fordtcn and
plow and numerous other articles.
!. E. LEACH, Owner
Col. Rex Young, Auctioneer
Union, Neb.
Is what you will have if you build a Brooder House
to start them in.
You will save almost enough extra chicks the first
year to pay for your house. It will also greatly reduce
the work of taking care of them ancj you have less risk
from varments.
If you haven't the ready cash, build now and pay
We appreciate your patronage.
Frans Bros. Lumber Co.
UNION -:- -:- -:-. NEBRASKA
Liberty Union Club Meets
The Liberty Union club met at
the home of Mrs. Dowler, March 4
It was a very interesting meeting,
the lesson being on refinishing wood
work of any kind. Nineteen ladies
were in attendance all of whom
signed up for the year's work. The
next meeting will be at Mrs. Edd
Dowler's on April 8. Plan to attend
Our next lesson will be on "Labor
Hatching Eggs For Sale
Pure bred Plymouth Rock eggs for
hatching, $3.00 a hundred. Culled
and accredited flock.
Union, Neb.
Break In Union Store
The store of Mrs. Mabel Reynolds
was entered and a number of articles
taken last Friday night and the
tracks which were found in the store
were traced in a certain direction
winch gives some idea who might
have been the guilty party. The
owner of the store had reason to sus
pect someone, but as yet no arrests
hare been made. - The amount waa
not large, but still is a draft of the
business which cannot be allowed to
Rev. W. A. Taylor Improving
Word from the hospital at Roches
ter, Minn., where the Rev. W. A.
Taylor is convalescing since his op
eration, is to the effect that that
gentleman is getting along nicely
now and that he may expect to be
able to return home within the next
few weeks. The many friends of
Rev. Taylor in Union and elsewhere
will be pleased that he is getting
Married Last Wednesday
At the beautiful home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Garrison last Wednes
day was celebrated the wedding of
their daughter. Miss Margaret and
Mr. Jack Howard of Hiawatha, Kan
Fas. The home had been decorated
for the event and the already beau
tiful place was greatly enhanced by
the decorations. The bride is the
Union Theatre Saturday Night!
"Westbound Limited"
Lewis, Ella Hall
and Others
two screeching iron monsters
plunging at lightning speed toward
each other.
the fearless horseman plunge to
the bottom of the chasm trying to
save his sweetheart.
. the tnillion-tongued Fire Demon
licking up the forest in an orgy of
blazing havoc.
Don't Miss This Great Picture
Christopher of
Long S Short Hauls
Best Servioe! Careful Work!
Stock a Specialty! s
Garage Work
All Work Guaranteed
at Alex Eaton's Garage
Much misunderstood, the
pig! Folks thought he
could just "waller" around
anywhere and thrive. Now
we know he does best in a
neat, clean house that is
cool in summer and warm
in winter. So money
making farmers are wall
ing and ceiling their hog
houses with Sheetrock
the different wallboard,
that is plaster cast in sheets.
Costs little, goes up easily,
stays put permanently.
01 7
Ask your lumber
dealer for it
Dr. HeuiflPian, Dentist, Hotel
Main Bldg., Phone 527.
From Monday's Daily
Herman Yost, wife and daughter,
Phyllis of Omaha, were here over
Sunday visiting at the home of W. P.
Sitzmann and family, returning home
last evening.
Robert Eagan, who hae been here
with the firm of A. G. Bach for some
time, departed this morning for
Havelock and after a short visit there
will leave by auto for Edgemont,
South Dakota, where he will remain
for the summer.
daughter of these excellent people
and has a host of friends in this
enmmunitv. who are extending their
most ardent wishes that she anl uer-
husband may havej a long life of hap
ninpss and nrnsrifiritv. Mr. Howard
is an excellent young man with also
many friends here. He was with the
Sheldon store of Nehawka for the
past year and has made good there.
They will make their home at Hia
watha where he will engage in farm
From Tuesday' Daily
Thomas Murtey of Weeping Water
was here today for a few hours at
tending to some matters of business.
Elmer Gaines, who has been visit
ing at Wayne, Nebraska, with his
relatives and friends, returned last
evening to this city.
A. B. Fornoff of near Cedar Creek
was in the city for a few hours to- ,
day looking after some matters of j
business and visiting with friends.
Mrs. P. A. Jones of Ruskin, Ne- j
braska, came in last evening from J
her' home to enjoy a visit here at the ,
home of her mother, Mrs. J. T. Baird !
tad family for a short time.
Georee S. Smith came up this l
morning from his farm home at Rock
Bluffs and looked after some trading,
dropped into the Journal office and
advanced the subscription of him
self and his dni.uter, Mrs. Daly of
South Omaha for another year.
A. S. Will, former well known res
ident of this section of Cass county,1
who for tlie past two years has been
a resident of Los Angeles, came in
this morning for a visit with his son.
Robert Will and family and the old
time friends.
Had a Good Sale
Harry M. Frans held his sale on
last Tuesday and had a god crowd in
attendance and with good bidding
his stuff sold well, he having that
prince of auctioneers, Rex Young, as
his salesman.
Boys Have a Good Shoot
Last Sunday a number of the Un
ion Gun club tried their hands at a
few blue rocks and came out with
the following scores: Out of a pos
sible twenty-five, Bruce Wolfe broke
23; Orville Hathaway, 20; Ray
Bramblett, 19; Louis Burbee, Bert
Frans and J. A. Eaton, IS each, and
Frank Bauer, 17.
Receives Severe Injury
W. H. Porter while cutting wood
in the timber had his axe to catch
on a twig which deflected the instru
ment and the result was a very se
vere cut in the great toe of Mr. Por
ter which required some three
stitches of the surgeon to close. -The
wound is doing nicely but it will be
some time before the wound is well
And Notice On Petition For
Settlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Mary B. Harrison, deceased:
On reading the petition of Phillip
F. Harrison, administrator de bonus
non, praying a final settlement and
allowance of his account filed in this
court on the 11th day of March,
1925, and for distribution and as
signment of said estate according to
the terms of the last will and testa
ment of said deceased, and for his
discharge as such administrator and
for a finding of this court, deter
mining who are the heirs entitled to
share in said estate.
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the county
court to be held in and for said
county, on tho 19th day of March,
A. D. 1925, at 9 o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if-any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of tfie
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by
published a copy of this order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
one week prior to said day of hear
ing. In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said court, this 11th day of March,
A. D. 1925.
(Seal) County Judge.
Attorney For Said
From Wednesday's Daily
J. L. Shrader of near Nehawka was
here today for a few hours attending
to some matters of business with the
District Judge James T. Begley
and Court Reporter L. L. Turpin
were in Nebraska City today where
Ihey were called to look after some,'
litigation there in the district court. i
Mrs. M. P. Fleming departed this I
morning for Omaha where she will :
visit with her son, Sterling, at the i
Wise Memorial hospital where he is
recovering from an illness of some'
duration and where he was taken for
Bargain II iinisiey!
Roast Beef, Lb.
Choice duality
One-Half Hams
Price, per Lb.
Carolene milk, per can $ .10
14-oz. jar jelly 25
Palm Olive soap, 4 cakes . . . . 29
Old Dutch Cleanser, per can 10
Quality brand spaghetti, 3 for 25
Nigger toe nuts, per lb 20
Honey, per comb -.25
Fresh horse radies, per bottle, 25c and 30
Cod fish, per pound box 40
Fresh bulk peanut butter, per lb 25
Strip bacon, per lb 30
Bulk mince meat, per lb 25
Bulk cocoanut, per lb 40
Bulk cocoa, per lb 10
Winesap apples, per dozen,, 25c and 50
Ferndell jelly powder, each . . . .10
Chow chow, large bottle. 20
Yellow mustard, large bottle 15
Full Line of Garden Seeds
and Gnion Sets
ea&E Is
The Ferndell Store Phone 4
New York, March 9. Two vessels
whose distress signals reached the
naval communications service here
last night shut oil all radio broad
casting at 9:15 p. m., were reported
out of danger today.
The Dutch freighter Aalsum, after
crashing into the United States ship
ping board freighter Dannedaike in a
dense fog off Nantucket shoals is
slowly steaming toward New York,
with the Dannedaike nearby in case
assistance is needed.
A coast "guard cutter was sent
to the four masted schooner DeWitt
Brown which sent an S. O. S. off
Scotland Light.
"We are leaking badly; please
come on board with your boats,"'
read the first message from the
Aalsum to the Dannedaike. Later
the freighter reported she had taken
off the Aalsum's crew, but subse
quently the crew returned. After two
cutters one from New York and one
from New London, Conn., had set
out, it was reported no further assist
ance was needed.
I have taken a baby chick agency
for the Elkliorn Valley Hatchery,
one of the largest and most up to
date hatcheries in the state. Guar
antee 100 safe arrival of live,
sturdy chicks. Ordars for any quan
tities of any breed promptly filled.
For prices, etc.. phono 13 0-J.
fll-tfd Platte mouth. Neb.
D. C, B. C.
Modern Methods
Best Equipment
Telephone No. 3
Schmidtmann Bldg.
Mr. and Mrs. Harm Klenime de
parted for Iowa City Wednesday to
visit at the home of a brother of
Mrs. Klemme.
is an acute attacK or Nasal Catarrh.
Those suMect to frequent "colds are
renerallv In a "run down" condition.
wSCS CATAimil T.nSDTClE s u
be used locally, and a Tonic, which ;'.f
cous Surfaces, buj'.aim? up Ui Svstni,
and naRinc you less IlaMe t
8oldby" tirupeist fcr ever xeai.
J. Cheney & Co.. l oUno. O.
Regrinding by the wet process pro
duces an accurate bore with mirror
finish, not obtainable by any other
$2.00 to $400
New rings, new pistons, or both,
are a waste of time and money un
less the cylinders are first properly
Completetnotor overhauling; jobs
guaranteed for one year. Estimates
by mail or personal interview only.
Bertschy Engineering
Service Co.
Tliird St. at Pearl Phone 303
1310-16 Jackson Tel. At. 4122
ma m m
mm mm
Li U V4
223 La
Money to Loan on
Real Estate!
Plattsmouth Loan &
Building Association
For a mild, easy action of the bow
els, try Duan'a Regulets, a modern
laxative. 3 0c at all stores.
when you use
Red Bird Poultry
Single Comb Rhode
Island Reds
Custom Hatching
Achievement Record
147.2 Eggs per Hen
1018 North 11th St.
Phone 399-J Plattasumth
MARCH 18, 1925
10-qt. heavy galvanized pail. . . .29c
12-qt. heavy galvanized pail. . . .31c
Isstsr Smfeb
The Winchester Store
Just the Coal for this Mild Weather
or for Summer Use
Screened and Delivered .... $7.75 per ton
Screened At Bin. 6.75 per ton
Tidhali Lumber Company
Good lumber . Hot Coal :