The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 19, 1925, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, FEBRUAEY 19, 1925.
Che piattemoutb loumal
atrd t PoatoCIca, Plttmouth. Nvb.. M ooad-claaa audi MtMT
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Behold, the Lord, the Lord of
hosts, shall lop the bough with ter
ror: and the high ones of stature
shall be hewn down, and the
haughty shall be humbled.
Isaiah 10:33.
The rest of our days depend on the
rest of our nights.
To get at the facts, the senate left
no Stone unturned.
After all, isn't the Irish problem
now a matter of peat and potatoes.
Is the River des Peres, like Tenny
son's Brook, to go on and on for
ever? :o:
Is a red-headed woman's husband
always meek, or does he just get that
Anyhow, the foreigner who pays
onr income tax does not talk with a
French accent.
Just to show how scarce marry
ing men are, in Nyack, Tf. Y., a wom
an married the same man twice.
If you want to make money fol
lowing the horses get a job as a
teamster. That's the only sure way.
:o: -
It begins to look as if the state
legislatures are getting a little tired
of trying to improve the U. S. Con
stitution. eia
Many emigrate to America wi(h
the thought that they can live free.
We natives would like a little of th .t
Old fashioned girl used to be
named Patience and Prudence, what
has become of those old fashioned
girls or do we mean names.
:o: -
From fhe"dean' of a law school to
the attorney generalship, thence to
the supreme court, and all in the
space of a year or so. Who says a
rolling Stone gathers no moss?
A Texas lady millionaire has re
mained single because, she says,
"men are not good investments."
"Maybe not, but lots of women have
got a living out of them.
In the interest of economy Presi
dent Coolidge might appoint some
distinguished citizen to call the at
tention of the bakers to the fact that
the price of wheat Is slipping.
The average length of human life
In the sixteenth century was be
tween eighteen and twenty years. A
short life, and, on the whole, not
particularly a merry one.
The Russian wheat crop has again
failed. But the shining communistic
Utopia will never starve to death so
long as the charity of the hated cap
italistic countries is functioning.
Go to sleep with a smile. Relax
and look pleasant- This will help to
keep away bad dreams, and it may
save you $50 or more to have your
face "lifted."
"beauty" advice.
Jo charge for this
It i3 whispered that the Coolidge
economies are not proving popular
among the residents of Washington.
Washington should pretend to like
them, however, If this rumor gets
around, the president's popularity
elsewhere will be hard to control.
Miss Zoe Akin s, oozing fame at
every pore, returns after a long ab
sence and gives the old home town
an awful roast, and never a word of
protest or reproof is uttered. As the
poet might have written, St. Louis
doesn't give a damn for zippy Zoe
Akins' slam.
Europe is expecting a war be
tween Russia and the little entente
as soon as spring open3, but there
must be some mistake about the date
because in the spring the League of
Nations expects to begin construc
tion of its new palace of peace at
Probably the senate is suffering
Just now from an excess of virtue
Possibly Mr. Warren will be the vic
tim of a senatorial prudish moment.
If so, there is prndence in this prud
ishness. Mr. Warren is an episode
The formal judgment of the senate
pvpn nreeldential nominees
must Qualify would be a precedent
of lasting worth.
It is always of much interest when
a person above suspicion climbs
It's hard to tell the saints from
che sinners when you know them
both pretty well.
We think it would have been more
fun if Dr. Eliot had made a list of
the ten worst educators.
The reason some people don't hear
Opportunity knocking is because
they are at it themselves.
It is said there are only S7 lame
clucks in Washington, but 87 can
quack as loudly as a whole flock.
Every man has some weakness,
but he has to become famous before
anybody pays any attention to it.
Young people are considered fool
ish because they don't know things
it takes 40 or 50 years to learn.
To a man, there i3 more mystery
confined in a fancy salad than in the
best detective story ever written.
One beauty about February is that
it is the shortest month in the year
and one month nearer shirt-sleeve
Anyhow, the presence of so many
women in the barber shops lias toned
down the qualities of stories yet
heard there.
Cross-word puzzles add to our vo
cabulary. We saw a man who
couldn't work one, learn some new
cuss words.
In Oklahoma, a woman shot a
young man for marrying her daugh
ter. We believe such action is a
little drastic.
In Boston, a bandit shot a man
after robbing him, which, we be
lieve, is absolutely contrary to burg
lar union laws.
Australopithecus Africanus la the
name a London scientist gives of
what he. calls the missing link. Re
member it, please.
Plans to merge the railways would
have a better chance if some of the
lines did not object so strenuously
to being submerged.
The fellow who reads every speech
his congressman franks to him
would make a rattling fine exhibit
for the next state fair.
:o: -
By a remarkable coincidence con
gress has found the electoral vote to
be exactly what the popular vote
forecast last November.
"Why don't you try the Golden
Rule on our children?" asks a writer.
Well, in that event, be sure and fol
low David Harum's practice of doing
it first.
The copy reader who wrote for
Sunday's paper the headline, "Out of
a Shoppe to Jaille," has been grant
ed new trial.
A doctor from the Mayo hospital
has discovered the hiccough germ.
Another doctor from Minnesota
named Volstead beat him to the dis
covery by about six years.
.President Coolidge had no re
marks to make on the predicted end
of the world, and probably wouldn't
have uttered more than a column, if
the prediction had proved true.
The bill introduced in tha legisla
ture at Jefferson City, Mo., to tax
cigarettes is simply outrageous.
Can't the devilish republican admin
istration there keep its hands out of
the women's pockets?
The Nomeheroes are to be pre
sented with medals as a reward for
their heroism. Fortunately, the
award didn't take a practical form,
or the heroes might have been pre
sented with electric fans. "
Man in Washington was badly in
jured by a mirror that fell on him
while he was waiting in a barber
shop for a shave. Served him right
for going Into a place which proper
ly belongs to the feminine gender.
Mr. Durant continues to win mil
lions in the market, and the great
hearted public that used to sob over
the cruel way in which Durant was
ousted from General Motors must
now find another martyr to fondle.
Dr. Heineman, Dentist,
Main Bldg., Phone 527.
From Tuesday's Dally
Col. P. L. Hall of Greenwood was
here today for a few hours attending
to some matters at the court house
and visiting with friends.
District Judge James T. Begley and
; Court Reporter L. L. Turpin departed
this morning for Nebraska City
where they will open the spring Jury
term of court In Otoe county.
County Commissioners Fred II.
Gorder of Weeping Water and C. F,
Harris of Union were here today to
spend a few hours looking after some
of the affairs of the county demand
ing their attention.
Earl Williams departed this morn
ing for Omaha, where he will enter
the hospital in that city, suffering
from a badly affected Jaw in which
an abcess has formed following the
removal of a tooth, and which is
causing him a great deal of suffer
ing. From Tuesday's Dall
Albert Fickler of near Stanton,
Nebraska, arrived here this morning
for a visit here with relatives and
friends for a short time.
District Judge James T. Begley
will depart Thursday for Falls City
where he will hold court for Judge
J. B. Raper for the remainder of the
Mrs. Searl S. Davis is at Dayton,
Ohio, where she is enjoying a visit
of two weeks with her mother and
sister in that place, and will return
the first of the week.
Attorney C. S. Aldrich, of Elm-
wood, was here today for a few hours
attending to some matters of busi
ness and visiting with his many
friends in the county seat.
J. M. Wiles and wife came in this!
morning from their country home
train for Omaha where thev will
spend a few hours looking after some
matters of business.
Michael Slatinsky, who has been
employed in the shops here for the
past winter will leave on Thursday
for Sedalia, Missouri, where he ex
pects to enter the employe of the
T, 4. v. i ot., . XJ
goes to attend the funeral services of
Mrs. McCarty, a sister of Dr. P. J.
Flynn of this city, which is to be
held this morning from the St. Cecel
ia cathederal at 40th and Burt
From Wednesday's Daily-
Henry Schwartz of near Nehawka,
was here today for a few hours, driv-
ing up with a load of hogs for the
Omaha "market but being unable to
reach Omaha took the hogs to Ne-
braska City Instead.
Adam Moiaincro, nA wtf an
Rinh fcuiniror nf nf rri rrir
were here today for a few hours at-
tending to some trading with the
merchants and visiting with their
many friends
owim A.ciouu, I
morning for Omaha where he goes
John Iverson,
to taken an examination for admis
sion to Annapolis naval academy, he
UCIU L lit. Ultt 1 HUtl. 111! lilt 1-1 U J VVU-
gressman Morehead for admission to
the great U. S. navy training school.
R. F. Campbell, chief of police of
Grand Island, was here yesterday
afternoon for a few hours visiting
with hi3 aunt, Mrs. Campbell at the
Nebraska Masonic Home. While here
Mr. Campbell also enjoyed a short!
visit with Chief of Police Hinrich-llic
Fred Nolting and Ed Rummell
were among those going to Omaha I
this morning to look after some mat- f
ters of business. Mr. Rummell is
wearing his left eye in a bandage as I
tne result or having Had a wart re-1
movea irom ine iia a iew aays agoierty, to-wlt:
wnicn nas made the eye quite pain-
From Monday's Daily
i-Tienas nere or tne u. A. Youtzey I
i a 11111 nme reueiveu wora oi men
deflth nf thics fnrmPT wall Vnnurn Vo. I
braska clerevman. which occurred I
on last Monday at his home near!
Port Orchard, Washington. The!
message did not give any of the par-I
ticulars of the death of Rev. Yout-
zey Deyona tne ract or his death and 1
hia hnrinl at SoMMo irocl,in.nn I
t?o-l- vmiMv wao'f D.oi vL
nastor nf tho E'irct rhwcMon r.T,rh I
in this ritv lP.ivinp-horo enmo fiftne
years agt for the west and since that
time he has gradually lost touch
with thP niH frionrfa id in i,a I
------ a v. iu iuia i
Team of draft horses, good wagon.
see Claude Hubbard, 918 Gold st.
Ttohino- hi,nc .,...,!.
hif ;T' "r, r "S;.tS"."u '.".l
Ointment. 60c at all stores.
.-..un iivo imic JIC1UCU tU UUall H
Red Bird Poultry
Reserve your hatching space
now in units of 125 eggs at
3 cents per egg.
Will start incubator Feb
ruary 23rd.
Order your baby chicks
early to avoid disappoint
ment. E. F. GRYBSKY
1018 North 11th St.
Phone 399-J Plattsmouth
frK-I.-M:.;..I ! IM I'
Here is a different
wallboard. Made from
rock not wood, pulp
or paper. It will not
W2rp,shrink or buckle.
It is solid, rigid, fire'
proof and permanent.
Use it for walls and
ceilings in new con
struction and repairs.
Aslt your lumber
dealer for it
I Like the old fashioned woman who
said two years ago that she would
never have her hair bobbed, the per-
son WRO 83,8 ne 1U neTer oe bitten
by the word puzzle bug is not a pre-
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Rob
ert B. Windham, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Robert B. Windham, Jr., praying
that administration of said estate
may be granted to Samuel C. Wind
ham, as Administrator;
Ordered, that March 7th, A. D.
1925, at 10 o'clock a. m. is assirned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
,n an for said county, and .show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted and that no-
ttice of the pendency of said petition
a?.d the heaInS thereof be given to
a11 persons interested in said matter
yuuusinog a COpy oi mis oraer in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-
countv for three RiirrpqiTv wpotra
"n iVJCf"!?;Ie Week8,
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated February 11, 1925.
1 11 3
County Judge.
The undersigned will sell at Pub-
Auction on what is known as the
IKable farm, three miles west and one
mile south f Murray, on
Hri,-, J PA- Ofi
uruay, r eor. 0
commencing at 10:00 o'clock, with
lunch served by the Otterbeln Ladies
Aid, the following described prop-
Horses and Mules
I SY l. r - -1 . i i
uay iiurue, o years qhi, weigui
1,500; one roan mare, smooth mouth.
weight 1,400; one bay mare, 7 years
I rilfl tppi rh t 1 JSfl nna ho mnla
smooth mouth. wWht 1.050 one
hiak mnlA. mnnth mniifh ai.hi
Three red cows, just fresh: one red
cow, giving milk; one red bull, corn-
ing three years old; two yearling
heifers; one bull calf
Varm TWonliiTiArv T.t
wi j,
Three sets of harness; one-half
stack clover hay; one Bain wagon;
one Newton wagon; one truck
wagon; one old wagon; one spring
wasn; one dod siea; one nay rata,
one wagon box; one Avery stalk cut-
Iter; one neia alsc; one jonn ieere
, , -
-section narrow: one iving uriii; one
John Deere stag gang; one walking
plow, 16-inch: one riding cultivator;
one Jenny Lind cultivator; one New
Departure 2-row: one new P. & O.
lister; one John Deere corn planter
and 100 rods of wire; one Deerlng
iDinaer; one xwcvjormicit iuuw, who
vise; one drill; one hog crate; one
i i . . . i J
DOS. "W"' r?ra mo
utti ia , uuc vumu wuieu mio duci.-
cher: one worm erear woven wire
stretcher; 50-gallon gas barrel;
cycle gTlnder, new; cross cut saw;
De Laval cream separator, J'o. 15
size; Jewel wood heater, extra good;
washing machine and wringer; gas
lamp: white porcelain sink; birds
eye maple child's bed; sausage stuf
fer; three African geese and numer
ous other articles.
Terms of Sale
AH sums of'JiO and under, cash
in hand. On-sums over. $ 10 a credit
of six months will be giren, purchas
er giving note with approved secur
ity bearing interest at eight per5 cent
from date. All property to be settlfed
for before being removed from - the
Mike Cisney,
t :
. . uwner.
.:Col. L. E. Lanham. Auctioneer.-
Nehawka Bank. Clerk.
If it isn't one thing it's another.
Tha nrnmon hart hardlv tmtten rid of
. , . (k -iMP
corsets before they took up cigar-
In the matter of the estate of Mary
B. Harrison, deceased.
v-.i.. . L i. , v,
finance of the provisions contained in
the last will and testament of Mary
tt . ,t h - .lor -
I . TT.L...h1. A II niirhnriT
L j .v. 1 j r,.,.l
ijr, uiduc m mo 1.-11.11. uoj
LtCotn haLinofls A aa r-rtKatl fViorAlJOHN M. LETDA,
I rotate iiiiiitxii.1 iiy-u, .
1,111 Vrt of nnhlix vanrlo tr, thpl
highest bidder for cash at the south
TT 111 J KA. a. V aMaaa. f vuu
door of the Court House in the City
of Plattsmouth, in said county, on
the 7th day of March, 1925, at 11
o'clock a. m., the following described
real estate:
The south half of Lots 7 and
8, in Block 11, Townsend's Ad
dition to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Dated this 14th day of February,
A. D. 1925.
Administrator De Bonis Non, of
the Estate of Mary B. Har-
rison, Deceased.
Attorney for Estate.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, 88.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Caroline Johnson, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
vn., hh nnfipH iht I will
sit at the County Court room in name unknown; Bruce Johnson Nuc
Plattsmouth in said county, on March kolls; Mrs. Bruce Johnson Nuckolls,
ifi 1125. And June 17. 1925. at 9
o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjust-
ment and allowance. The time lim-
Hort fnr the nrospntatinn of rlftims
against said estate is three months
frnm the ifith dav of March. A. D.
19 25. and the time limited for nav-
ment of debts is one year from said
1fith dav of March. 1925.
WitnoftR mv hand and the Heal of
said County Court, this 7th day ofmutb, Cass county, Nebraska, real
February, 1925.
rseall fl2-4w County Judee.
In County Court Cass county Ne
In the matter of the estate of
Sarah A. York, deceased.
- To all Dersons interested in above
estate: '
Now on this 11th day of February
1925. there was filed in this court,
petition of J. C. York, praying there
in that administration of said estate
be dispensed with and for a decree J
determining who are the heirs of I
said Sarah A. York, Deceased. It is
ordered that a hearing be had on
said petition in the County Court
Room, in Plattsmouth, in said county
on the 9th day of March 1925, at 9
o'clock a. m. of said day.
That notice thereof and of the
tlme and place fixed for said hearing
be given to all persons interested in
said estate by publication of this
order for three weeks in the Platts-
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news-
paper printed and published in said
Witness my hand and the seal ofl
the County court of said county tnis I
11th day of February 1925
(Seal.) County Judge
fl2-3w Attorney
ht, ,rr, a T,,iorl
.-?"ir.7U"r r iTrnnaT t Vii
n,-- ; Td
I- r,Hi Totv. t rtfriov. I
Sudge of the District Court of
,J:.; woovo nn h. -oth nav
ity as administrator of the estate of
!!.(. t. Unnfur rfapoptmrl Willi
"11 ,.fi I
1,aa o,. fa n nav tPTt
per cent on the day of sale and the
balance when said sale snail De con-
firmed by the court, at the south
, r .rt hm,Co in the
f r.iQfamn,,th rvu rmmtr .
Nebraska, at the hour of ten o'clock
in the forenoon, on the 7th day of
March. A. D. 1925, the following de-
scribed real estate, to-wit:
Outlot sixty-four (64),. in
Section eighteen (18), Town
ship twelve (12), Range four
teen (14). of Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska.
Said sale shall be and remain open
one hour.
Dated thia 2nd day Of February, I
A. D. 1925. I
Administrator of the Estate of I
Harriet L. Hunter, Deceased.
J. A. CAPWELL, Attorney.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
S3. -
By virtue of an Order of Sale issu
ed by Clarence L. Beal, Clerk of the
District Conrt within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will on the 7th day of March, A.
D. 1925. at ten o'clock a. m. of said
day at the south front door of the
court house in the City of Platts
mouth. in said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
.Lot numbered five (5), in
Block thirty-three f. ( 33) in the
City of Plattsmouth, in Cass
county. Nebraska, according to
the published and recorded plat
' thereof
The same beins: levied Upon and
taken, as the property of John W.
Falter. Catherine D. Falter. Hardy J
E. Nott. Hardin E. Nott. Otto Stro-I
hereer . May . Strobera-er. Elmer H.
Meisineer.' Beetor 4fc Swatek, a co -
1 partnership; It. A. Reed, real name
I unknown: Mrs. R. A. Reed, real name
I un Known ; A. it. lUlie, rrai uame uu
known. A R Rine real nam(
unknown, and all persons having or
claiming any interest in or to Lot
five (5). in Block thirty-three (33).
In the City of Plattsmouth, Cas3
county. Nebraska, real names un
known, Defenants, to satisfy a Decree
I ana.J ii ii, iV-W
led bv The Plattsmouth Loan and
Building r Association, Plaintiff again-
!" "eii;"uau"' . . T.B11'
l Plattsmouth. Nebraska, January
I3l8t. A. D. 1925
Sheriff Cass County,
tv., -7,
1 u - n. 1
OOlMJIMJr lor xioiunu..
in the District Court mt Cass coun-
I ty, Nebraska.
Henry Ofe, Plaintiff, vs. ram
Nuckolls et al, Defendants.
To the Defendants, Paul Nuckolls;
Mrs. Paul Nuckolls, real name un
known: Rupert Nuckolls; Mrs. Ru-
pert Nuckolls, real name unknown;
I Hruco Johnson Nur kolls; Mrs. uruce
Ijohn Nuckolls, real name unknown;
Iwilllam Ezra Nuckolls; Mrs. William
I ,jzril Nuckolls. ral name unknown;
rnH. T. (Jrlfflth: Mrs. Joseph T.
Griffith, ral name unknown; Joseph
II. Brown; Mm. Joseph II. Brown,
real naino unknown; Adam Cook; Mrs.
Adum V.ook( real name unknown;
'Philip Rohlenstricker; Mrs. Philip
HeirteriHtrlcker, rrul name unknown;
th heirs, devlsi'i'B, legatees, person
al reprHontatlves and all other per
sons iiitcrfsted in the estates of Paul
Nuckolls; Mrs. Paul Nuckolls, real
name unknown; Rupert Nuckolls;
miperi inuckous. reai name uu-
Known; tvimam r.zru .
Mrs. William Ezra Nuckolls, real
real name unKnown; josepn i. urn-
fithT Mrs. Joseph T. Griffith, real
name unknown; Adam Cook; Mrs.
Adam Cook, real name unknown;
Stephen F. Nuckolls; Philip Seiden-
Strieker, and Mrs. Philip Seiden-
Strieker, real name unknown, each
deceased, real names unknown, and
all persons having or claiming any
interest in the south half (S) of
ixhs one nj ana iwo in diock
thirteen (13), in the City of Platts
i names unicnown:
I xou ana eaca oi you are nereoy
nounea mat me piainun uenry uie,
uieu his peiiiiuu iu iiiu uisii iei iuuri
of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 6th
day of October, 1924, against you
and each of you, the object and pray
er of which is to obtain a Decree of
Court quieting the title In him, in
and to the following deecribed real
estate, to-wit:
I ine souin nan tat2j or lois
one-ur and two (2), in Block
thirteen (13), in theCity of
Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Ne
braska against you and each of you, and for
such other and further relief as may
be just and equitable,
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an-
swer said petition on or before Mon-
day, the 16th day of March, 1925,
lor the allegations of plaintiff's peti-
tion will be taken as true and a de-
cree will be rendered in favor of
plaintiff and against you and each of
you according to the Draver of said
Dated this 29th day of January,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court
u me inaner 01 me estaia 01 r un
1L . - m a a a - m
nie C. Strelght. deceased
To the creditors of said estate
You are hereby notified, that
at he Cou" crt rotmn
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
n the
eac.h to r?cel an fxam? a11
l-'a'u, aamDi. oa.u id LULt, nitu a,
view to their adjustment and allow-
ance. The time limited for the pre
Mentation of claims against said es-
- ,',T .
'y"' Xi7. ', " , ,
time limited for payment of debts
one year from said 2nd day of March,
,w"ness ba?dandAh !fal
ail County Court, this 26th day of
January, 1925.
(Seal) J29-4w.
County Judge,
A. S. Will, Barbara E.,Will, Fred
S. Will and Nellie Will, Defendants,
will take notice that on the 24th day
of January, 1925, D. O. Dwyer, Plain-
tiff herein, filed his petition In the
District Court of Cass county, Nebras
Ika against said defendants and oth-
ers, the object and prayer of which
are to set aside a certain deed of con
veyance on
The southeast quarter (SE)
of Section one (1) and the
northeast quarter of Section
twelve (12), in Township eleven
11), Range twelve 12), and
also the west half of the south
west quarter (W SWJ,4) of
Section six (6), and the west
half of the northwest quarter
(W NW&) of Section seven
(7), in Township eleven- (11),
Range thirteen (13), all in Cass
county, Nebraska
made by A. S. Will and Barbara E.
Will to Fred S. .Will on January 10,
1922, and satisfy by sale of said prop
erty, the lien of execution, for the
payment of a certain judgment for
13,444.00 with Interest and costs
owing by said A. S. Will to plaintiff.
You are required to answer said
(petition on or before the 16th day of
Alarcn, 19Z5
Dated January 24th, 1925
.J29 - 4w. Plaintiff.
State of Nebraska, County of Caw,
By virtue of an order of Bale issued
by Clarence L. Beal, clerk of the dis
trict court, within and for Ciiaa coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I
will, on the 14th day of March, A..
D. 1925, at 10 o'clock a. a of said
day at the eouth front door of tbe
court house in Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, in said county sell at pnbllo
auction to the highest biddsr for
cash the following real estato, to-wU:
The North 70 feet of LoU 1,
2 and 3 in Block 4 in Whits'
Addition to the City of PlatU
niouth, Cass county, Nebraaka
The same being levied upon,n4
taken as the property of Jacob P.
Falter, Mary Falter, hia wife Mer
chants National Bank of Omaha
Isabel Wiles, Teresa TempelU Roalna
TImmas and Philip Fornoff, defend
ants, to satisfy a Judgment of Mid
court recovered by The Livingston
Loan & Building Association, plain
tiff against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, January
28th, 1925.
Sheriff of Cass Connty,
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, SB. .
In the county court.
In the matter of the tats ot
Henry Hilbert, deceased. i
To the creditors of said aetata: '
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the county court room in
Plattsmouth in 6aid county, cm
March 9th, 1925, and June-lOth,
1925, at 9 o'clock a. m. of tach dit,
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 9th day of March
A. D. 1925, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one yaar from
said 9th day of March. 1925.
Witness my hand and the seal of
paid County Court, this 2nd day Of
February, 1925.
(Seal) County Judge.
Atty. for Estate.
State of Nebraska, Connty of Com.
By virtue of an Order of fla!a tiMf
ed by Clarence L. Beal, Clerk of the
District Court, within and for Cm
county, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 7th day of March.
A. D. 1925, at ten o'clock a. m.. Of
said day, at the south front doot of
the court house in the City of Platts
mouth, in said county, sell at publiQ
auction to the highest bidder fof CAH
the following described ree.I estate.
to-wit: '
Lots five (5) and six (6). lit -Block
nine (9), in Young 4i
Hays Addition to the City of;
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, uccord'
ing to the published and record
ed plat thereof
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Jacob P.
Falter, Mary Falter, Philip Fornoff,
Merchants National Bank of Omaha,
Nebraska, a corporation, Isabel
Wiles. Teresa Hempel, Roslna Tim-
mis et al, Defendants, to eatiafy a
Decree and Judgment of said Court
recovered by The Plattsmouth Loan
and Building Association, Plaintiff
against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, January
31st, A. D. 1925.
Sheriff Cass County,
Solicitor for Plaintiff.
In the district court of Caes coun
ty, Nebraska.
August Wendt, plaintiff, vs. Her
man C. F. Kupke, Oeorge J. E. KuD
lie. Christian W. A. Kapke, Louis
E. M. Kupke, Emilia' A. K. Kupke
a minor over the age of fourteen
years; August J. H. Kupke, a minor
over the age of fourteen years; Wal
ter L. C. Kupke, a minor over the
age of fourteen years, defendants. -
To Herman C. F. Kupke, adminis
trator of the estate of Fred A. Kupki
and the heirs-at-law in said estate
namely Herman C. F. Kupke, Georga
J. E. Kupke, Christian W. A. Kupke,
Louise E. M. Kupke, Emilia A. K.
Kupke, a minor over the age of four
teen years; August J. H. Kupke a
minor over the age of fourteen
years; waiter l,. i;. KupKe, a minor
over the age of fourteen years:
You are hereby notified that, on
the 2nd day of February, 192S,
August Wendt filed his petition in
the district court of Cass county, Ne
braska, tne onject and prayer of
which is to obtain a decree authoris
ing and directing Herman C. B.
Kupke, administrator of said estate.
to execute and deliver to him a deed
containing full covenants of war-
ranty, to the followed described real
estate, to-wit:
The west one-half (WH) of '
the southwest quarter (8W?4)
of Section thirteen (13) tn '
Township eleven (11), Range ,
ten (10), east of the sixth prin- .
cipal meridian, Cass county,
in exchange for other land and tt
money consideration In nursusnea to
the terms of a certain written con
tract between the said Fred Kno-.
ke and August Wendt.
The said petition will be heard it
chambers at the court house in the
city of Plattsmouth in said countv
on the 9th day of March at the Iimi
of 10 o'clock a. fav;-
It is further ordered that notleA ef
pendency of this petition of the time
and . place fixed for the heart
thereon, be given by publication tor
three successive weeks in the Pla'tte-
moutn semi-weekly Journal, tt news
paper published in this state, dated
this 3rd day of February, 1925.
District Jude.